Creating a new document with printed forms. Updating the directory identifiers of metadata objects is not exclusive Download the archive of tools

Subsystem "Developer Tools" (Starykh Sergey, 1C 8.2, 8.3)


Developer tools written by a super professional programmer Sergei Starykh(contact him) and are published with his permission.


Developer tools are a wonderful collection of miracle treatments, combined into one subsystem:

  • Deleting objects with reference control;
  • Search for broken links;
  • Search for links to an object;
  • Selection and processing of objects;
  • Finding duplicates and replacing links;
  • User editor;
  • Code Console;
  • Request Console;
  • Database storage structure;
  • Analysis of a technological journal;
  • Session parameters editor;
  • Settings storage editor;
  • Analysis of the registration log;
  • And many other tools.

All these treatments were written and maintained for many years by a true professional in his field. Sergey Starykh.

How to get started with tools

Developer tools are supported by Sergey in two versions: basic And portable.

Main option:

  • Required to be built into the database configuration.
  • Gives more opportunities.

Portable option:

  • Does not require configuration changes and opens as external processing.
  • Gives fewer options.

I suggest starting with a portable one, and if you want more, go to the main version.

Download the archive of tools

If possible, download directly from Sergei’s website, here is the link.

If his site does not work, here is a mirror of the tools on my site:

Unpacking the archive

Unpack the downloaded archive, for example, into the "Developer Tools" folder on the desktop:

You need to open the “irPortable.epf” processing from your database. This is the tools menu and through it we will open all other processing:

Launching the tools

Move your mouse to the icons and try, master the tools you need. When used skillfully, they can work wonders!

Possible problems

Portable tools only work on regular molds. This means that you will not be able to run them on the client in managed application mode.

To use tools in such a database, run it with the key /RunModeOrdinaryApplication, which runs the thick client as normal, regardless of configuration and user settings.

If you use as a starter, then you can achieve this effect:

  • Selecting the base and pressing Ctrl + F3
  • In the menu that opens, click the Thick client (TF) button

How to update tools

To update portable tools, click on the help icon on their panel:

In the window that opens, use the "Update to the latest version" button:

Where can I watch training videos?

Sergey has his own channel on YouTube with training videos on developer tools: link


Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher

Package for revaluation of fixed assets for the programs "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 2.0 and ed. 3.0 and "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" ed. 1.3

Installation instructions for "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 2.0

Installation instructions additions for revaluation of fixed assets for the program "1C:UPP" ed. 1.3 can be found in the article.

Installation instructions additions for revaluation of fixed assets for the program "1C: Enterprise Accounting" ed. 3.0 can be found in the article.


Program users "1C:Accounting 8" can install the purchased package to update the standard configuration. For this purpose, the mode of merging configurations is used. First of all, you need to allow changes to be made to the configuration (see Figure 1).

Rice. 1 Enabling configuration changes

cf new objects

Rice. 2 Selecting a file to merge configurations

Be careful when merging and check the boxes exactly as in Fig. 3. Some of the objects that exist in the file intended for merging are included only to set the correct type of document details. These objects themselves (in Fig. 3.1 they unchecked basic configurations (in Fig. 3.2 they marked with check marks).

Rice. 3 Setting up configuration merging

Rice. 3.1 Example of an object which no need to take from file(the checkbox must be unchecked)

Rice. 3.2 Example of an object which need to be taken from file

When merging, a window titled "Unresolved Links" will appear. Don't be afraid of this, just click the "Continue" button (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Presence of "Unresolved Links" during the merge process

The merger will go well. After merging, new objects will appear in the configuration structure (see Fig. 5), you need to accept these changes because they haven't been saved yet. To do this, click the "Update database configuration (F7)" button, and then in the "Reorganize information" window that appears, click the "Accept" button. This completes the merging of configurations. After merging, you can open the document journal “Revaluation of OS” through the menu: “Operations - Documents - Revaluation of OS”.

Rice. 5 Accepting change

The "OS-6" report is installed as an additional external printed form to the "Fixed Assets" directory. To do this, you need to open the window for the list of external printed forms (see Fig. 5.2): Menu - Tools - Additional reports and processing - Additional external printed forms. Click on the "Add" button and point to the OS6.epf file.

Fig.5.2 Installation of an external printed form for the "Fixed Assets" directory.

Instructions for installing the add-on for revaluation of fixed assets for the program "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" ed. 1.3

Attention! Before merging, be sure to archive the information base.

Program users "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management" can install the purchased package to update the standard configuration. For this purpose, the mode of merging configurations is used. First of all, you need to allow changes to be made to the configuration (see Figure 6).

Rice. 6 Enabling configuration changes

When choosing the configuration merging mode, you need to specify the 1Cv8. cf , intended to be combined. Attention! All modifications are installed as new objects, so further configuration updates are performed automatically. But!

Rice. 7 Selecting a file to merge configurations

Be careful when merging and check the boxes exactly as in Fig. 8. Some of the objects that exist in the file intended for merging are included only to set the correct type of document details. These objects themselves (in Fig. 8.1 they unchecked) must not participate in the association under any circumstances. The general rule is that checkboxes should be checked only for those objects that are not in basic configurations (in Fig. 8.2 they marked with check marks).

Rice. 8 Setting up configuration merging

Rice. 8.1 Example of an object that no need to take from file(the checkbox must be unchecked)

Rice. 8.2 Example of an object that need to be taken from file(the checkbox must be checked)

When merging, a window titled "Unresolved Links" will appear. Don't be afraid of this, just click the "Continue" button (see Fig. 9).

Rice. 9 Presence of "Unresolved Links" during the merge process

The merger will go well. After merging, new objects will appear in the configuration structure (see Fig. 10), you need to accept these changes because they haven't been saved yet. To do this, click the "Update database configuration (F7)" button, and then in the "Reorganize information" window that appears, click the "Accept" button. This completes the merging of configurations. After merging, you can open the document journal “Revaluation of OS” through the menu: “Operations - Documents - Revaluation of OS”.

Rice. 10 Accepting change

Instructions for installing the add-on for revaluation of fixed assets for the program "1C: Enterprise Accounting" ed. 3.0

Attention! Before merging, be sure to archive the information base.

Program users "1C: Enterprise Accounting" can install the purchased package to update the standard configuration. For this purpose, the mode of merging configurations is used. First of all, you need to allow changes to be made to the configuration (see Figure 6).

When choosing the configuration merging mode, you need to specify the 1Cv8. cf , intended to be combined. Attention! All modifications are installed as new objects, so further configuration updates are performed automatically. But!

Be careful when merging and check the boxes exactly as in Fig. 11. Some of the objects that exist in the file intended for merging are included only to set the correct type of document details. These objects themselves (in Fig. 11 they unchecked) must not participate in the association under any circumstances. The general rule is that checkboxes should be checked only for those objects that are not in basic configurations (in Fig. 11 they marked with check marks).

Important! After merging the configurations, you must update the supporting data. To do this, you need to specify the launch parameter " LaunchInformationBaseUpdate" in the configurator (see Fig. 13) and run the program in user mode. The same can be done through the 1C:Enterprise command line parameter "/C".

For programmers: To update auxiliary data, external processing is intended: Developer tools: Update auxiliary data, which is included in the distribution kit and in the demo configuration of the BSP. Clarification: for configurations based on BSP 2.1.3, use processing from the BSP demo database " Developer ToolsUpdating Supporting Data", for configurations based on BSP 2.1.2, use processing from the BSP demo database " Developer ToolsAccess Management" - Refresh button on the first page.

Let's look at how to install an additional (external) report " Statement of revaluation of fixed assets" (the same report can be installed in the configuration by merging, as described above).

A directory is used to store additional reports and processing in the information base. Additional reports and processing. It is in the section Administration. By command Create the system will prompt you to select an external report file, you need to point to the file Statement of Revaluations OS.erf and configure its parameters (see Fig. 14).

Fig.14 Installing an additional (external) report

Important: On the page Teams in the column Quick access You must specify which users this report is intended for, otherwise it will not appear in the list of additional reports. The same can be done via Setting up my reports and processing, but only for the current user. Here you need to determine the placement of the additional report in the required sections.

Fig. 15 Setting up a list of users and placing an additional report

In addition, you may need to configure the action bar (see Fig. 16). This must be done if in the required section, in our case this is the section Fixed assets and intangible assets no list call Additional reports. Then you need to transfer the command Additional reports from available commands to selected commands.

Fig.16 Setting up the action bar

Report options in the program 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0 at the time of writing this instruction in the section Fixed assets and intangible assets are not supported, so we will not describe the placement of report options in sections. However, it is important to understand that using report variations is possible. To do this, refer to the corresponding commands in the report menu All actions.

A detailed description of the objects of the supplement for the revaluation of fixed assets is located.

There are several features in adding new configuration objects for standard configurations for 8.3 (UT, BP, etc.):

1. Added the directory "Identifiers of metadata objects", intended for storing a list of metadata objects.

2. A convenient procedure has been removed (for BP 2.0) that allows you to display a printed form in a universal print window

Universal Mechanisms. PrintDocument(TabDocument, Number of Instances, ToPrinter, Header, DirectPrint, Link, LayoutName)

Let's consider solving these features using the example of the "Order Work Order" document for standard enterprise accounting 3.0.

1. Let's allow editing of configuration objects - menu "Configuration" - "Support" - "Support Settings". In the window that appears, select “Enable editing ability.” In the next window, set the switches to "Edit while maintaining support"

2. Add a new document “Order Order” with the required list of details and tabular parts.

3. Add list and document forms and format accordingly.

4. Let's start debugging and try to open a new document in "1C: Enterprise" mode

The following warning will be issued:

Error when executing the General Purpose.MetadataObjectIdentifier() function...

All possible solutions to this error are given in the text of the message. Let's look at each:

- use external processing "Developer tools: Update auxiliary data"

this processing can be downloaded on ITS or you can use the processing offered on infostart

Both treatments are intuitive:

Rice. Processing "Developer Tools: Update Support Data"

Rice. Processing "Updating the directory of metadata object identifiers"

The only remark is that processing from the ITS disk does not always work!

- run the program with the command line parameter 1C: Enterprise 8
"/C LaunchInformationBaseUpdate"

To do this, in the configuration launch window, click the “Change” button and go to the last editing window:

In the additional launch parameters, enter the line /C LaunchInformationBaseUpdate. Click ready.

Please note that the letter "C" is in the English layout!

- increase the configuration version number so that the next time you start, the procedures for updating infobase data will be performed

The configuration number is increased in the configuration properties.

After changing the configuration version, we start debugging.

In enterprise mode, we confirm the legality of receiving the update.

Attention! This method does not work for UT 11

5. After performing one of the above procedures, the new document will appear in the metadata directory and it will be possible to launch it in “1C: Enterprise” mode.

6. To output printed forms, in document form and in list form, the following procedures must be prescribed.

&OnServerProcedureWhenCreatingOnServer(Failure, StandardProcessing) Print Management. WhenCreatingOnServer(ThisForm, Elements. GroupImportantCommands) ; EndProcedure & OnClient Procedure Connected_ExecutePrintCommand(Command) ManagePrintClient. ExecutePrintConnectedCommand(Command, ThisForm, Object) ; End of Procedure

Since I propose to display the print button in the Important Commands Group, you need to add it to the form

In the document manager module, you need to register procedures for calling printing and generating a printed form

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRINTING PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS // Fills the list of print commands.// // Parameters: // Print Commands - Value Table - see the composition of the fields in the Print Management function. Create a Collection of Print Commands// Procedure AddPrintCommands(PrintCommands) Export // InvoicePrintCommand = PrintCommands. Add() ; Print Command. Identifier = "Order Order"; Print Command. View = NStr(" ru = "Order - order"" ); PrintCommand.FormList = "ListForm , DocumentForm" ; EndProcedure // Generate printed forms of objects// // INBOX: //Layout Names - String - Layout names, separated by commas // Array of Objects - Array - Array of links to objects that need to be printed //Print Parameters - Structure - Structure of additional print parameters// // OUTBOX: // Collection of Printed Forms - Table of Values ​​- Generated tabular documents // Output Parameters - Structure - Parameters of generated spreadsheet documents// Procedure Print(Array of Objects, Print Parameters, Collection of Print Forms, Print Objects, Output Parameters) Export Output Parameters. AvailablePrintByComplete = True ; If ControlPrint. NeedPrintLayout(CollectionPrintForms, "OrderJob") Then IncludeServices = False; Print Management. Output TabularDocumentIntoCollection(CollectionofPrintForms, "OrderOrder", "Order - outfit" , Print Document (Array of Objects, Print Objects) , , " Order Order " ) ; EndIf ; General Purpose BP. Fill in Additional Print Parameters (Array of Objects, Collection of Print Forms, Print Objects, Output Parameters) ; End of Procedure // The function generates a spreadsheet document with a printed form of the invoice, // // Return value: // Tabular document - printed form of the invoice// Function PrintDocument(ArrayofObjects, PrintObjects) Export . . . ; return TabularDocument; EndFunction

7. Let's start debugging and check the appearance of the print button in the "1C: Enterprise" mode

8. To add the ability to print additional external forms, you must add the ability to call the “Additional printed forms of an object” command.

To do this, in general commands, we adjust the type of command parameters by adding a link to our document.

In the list and document forms, the “Command Interface” tab will display the use of this command

9. When adding an external printable, the print menu will look like this