Creation of promotion promotion. How to promote a group in VK from scratch and without investment. Compilation of the semantic core

Paid methods of search engine promotion are mainly distinguished by their effectiveness. By sending a certain budget to the promotion, you can significantly reduce the time spent and quickly get the desired result.

Under this heading, let's look at how to promote your site in search engines using:

  • link exchanges - you will get acquainted with the types of links, promotion strategies, the best link exchanges;
  • article exchanges - find out why article promotion gives a great return and which exchanges are better to work with;
  • automated tools - consider how to automate the process of website promotion in order to simplify this task.

# 7. Website promotion with purchased links: rental and eternal, anchor and non-anchor, strategies, exchanges

Buying links is almost the main method of website promotion in search engines. Despite Yandex's statements about the cancellation of the link, we can say that this is not entirely true - with the right approach, purchased links work and give a good effect. This is evidenced by the many reviews of SEOs on the forums dedicated to SEO promotion.

But the purchase of "backs" from explicit so-called link-sweepers - web resources that are created specifically for selling links, that is, they do not contain any useful information for visitors, can harm the promoted site in the form of a drop in search positions.

As a rule, in order to promote a site yourself in search engines with paid linking, you need to purchase high-quality and thematic links on specialized exchanges. In general, everything depends on the literacy of the approach to business, and then you will not be afraid of search engine algorithms (Minusinsk from Yandex, Penguin from Google), designed to deal with purchased links.

For a better understanding of the seriousness of the venture, let's first talk about the types of links: what are they, which ones to buy and in what quantities?

So, the following types of links are used for promotion: rental and eternal, anchor and non-anchor, image links. Let's consider them.

# 7.1 Rental and perpetual links: pros and cons, what to choose?

Types of purchased links (by time of placement): rental (temporary) and eternal (permanent, forever).

  • pluses - favorable in price, a large selection of donor sites, they are easier to manage, a wider range of opportunities;
  • cons - monthly or daily payment, link blinking is possible, for example, if there is no money on the balance sheet (forgot to top up) - the link will be removed, and this is not good for SEO promotion.
  • pluses - less risk (no blinking), quality of link placement, one-time payment;
  • cons - high cost, possibly reducing link weight, for example, when they are added in the form of news.

What to choose? To promote your sites with a long-term perspective, it is advisable to buy perpetual links, for client ones - rental ones. Also, a combination of the two types of links can produce good results.

# 7.2 Anchor and non-anchor links, image links: which ones to use?

Non-anchor links: the link text contains the URL of the site or page, as well as words like - here, here, link, in more detail, read on, example, https: // site / kak-raskrutit-sajt / (the page URL is registered).

Which ones to use? Without anchor search engine promotion will look like natural, you don't need to worry about possible penalties. Therefore, sites that are less than a year old should be promoted without anchor "backs".

When it comes to anchor promotion, be very careful here. First, it is better to order such links in separate articles (see further article promotion). Secondly, to make it natural, use modified key phrases every time (changing the number, case, adding words) with the compilation of an anchor list, where you will enter all the keywords used.

# 7.3 How many links to buy for promotion?

How many links to buy? Everything here is purely individual. Nobody will tell you the exact number of links required to promote the site: neither the pros, nor the guru, not even the employees of Yandex or Google.

To roughly understand "how much" you need, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • the age of your site;
  • its attendance;
  • initial number of links.

Example. If your site is, say, six months old and has a small traffic (50-100 unique per day), but not a single web resource refers to it, then the appearance of 2-3 purchased links per week will definitely not arouse suspicion among search engines. And after a couple of months, this amount can be gradually increased.

Also, it's important to understand that you shouldn't buy links to only one, two or three pages. It is necessary to buy links even to those pages that you do not promote. This will not lead to an overweight and will look natural.

# 7.4 Buy link promotion strategies

Strategy # 1:

  • publish an SEO article on your site, that is, sharpened for a specific search query or several (2-5), for example, "how to promote a site in search engines yourself", "how to promote a site in search engines for free";
  • buy links to a published article on exchanges;
  • check site positions in one to two months.

Strategy # 2:

  • fill the site with optimized articles, but don't buy links;
  • after 3-4 months, analyze the traffic (you must have a LiveInternet counter installed on your site) for transitions from the search by the necessary "keys" - for this, log in to and go to the section "by search phrases" (in the left column );
  • with the help of the KeyCollector program (paid software), you remove from LiveInternet all the statistics of your site by keywords and check what positions in search engines they are in - we will be interested in phrases no further than the TOP-20 - so you have data on keywords / phrases and the corresponding pages of your site;
  • now we are buying reference on specialized exchanges.

# 7.5 Link exchanges: where to buy links, what you need to know and how to choose reliable donor sites? - the largest Russian exchange, here you can:

  • purchase (manually or automatically) rental and perpetual links (there is an interest-free installment plan);
  • make an order for writing texts;
  • promote your site with articles;
  • order an automatic website promotion;
  • audit the resource;
  • also, there are tools for working with contextual advertising. - a service of quality links forever, in which donor sites are carefully selected by moderators. Here you can not only buy a perpetual link in the post, but also order its placement in a separate article. Exchange guarantees - for non-removal of links, indexing of donor pages, for non-dropping of pages from the index. For more information on guarantees and other advantages of the exchange, see the official website.

What do you need to know when working with link exchanges? An important step in working with link exchanges is to view the database of sites and screen out unsuitable sites for placing links. It is advisable to do this work manually in order to select reliable donor sites. It's hard work, but with a guarantee!

Main criteria for evaluating donor sites (tools for determining most of the parameters at the end of the article):

  • presence in PS indices - the primary requirement for the donor site, because if a web resource is not indexed by search engines (Yandex and Google), then there is zero sense from it - it is important that not only the main, but also internal pages are in the index, and if the number of indexed pages is approximately coincides with the number published on the site, it is almost perfect;
  • subject - place links in subject articles or surrounded by subject text;
  • hosting - do not buy links on sites with free hosting - sites / blogs with a third-level domain (Yukoz, Blogspot and others);
  • site age * - at least 1 year (the older the better);
  • puzomerki - high rates of TIC (from 100) and PR (from 3) speak to some extent about the reliability of the donor, and the higher they are, the more expensive the link from him;
  • attendance - this means transitions from search engines - 100 or more uniques per day is already good - if visually there are no counters and it is not possible to check statistics, then do not consider the resource as a potential donor site;
  • yandex-Direct advertising (desirable, but not required) - if the donor has advertising from Yandex (not from Google), then this is very good, then the site was checked by moderators;
  • Yandex-Catalog and DMOZ - the presence of reference donors in at least one of the given catalogs will be an advantage;
  • spamming - if the donor site openly sells links or has a large number of outgoing links (much more than incoming ones), then avoid such resources;
  • design - the appearance of the site can also tell about the seriousness of the resource.

* - you should distinguish between "domain age" (calculated from the date of registration) and "site age" (taken into account from the moment the site is indexed)

Conclusion: the selection of suitable donors can take a significant amount of time, but indirectly, the suitability can be judged by the price per link and the higher it is, the more likely that the donor site is an SDL resource. But not a fact! Only careful and manual selection guarantees the high quality of donor sites.

#8. Article website promotion: pros and cons, requirements for articles and donors, strategy, best exchanges

Ideally, it is better to purchase links in new articles, that is, previously unpublished ones, so you will achieve a significant SEO effect and maximum naturalness in website promotion, and you can also get targeted traffic in addition. True, in this case, much more resources are spent, both temporary and monetary.

So, article promotion is a way of promotion, in which a unique article is published on a donor site with "embedded" links. Unlike the free article directories discussed above, posting for money allows you to publish texts on trust resources, the choice of which is limited by your budget.

Pros and cons of website promotion with articles:

  • pluses - SEO-efficiency, safe for the promoted site (with a competent approach), it is possible to place up to 2-3 links in the text, the absence of other people's links in the text, one-time payment.
  • cons - the high cost of work (writing an article + its placement), it can be difficult to find high-quality and suitable donor sites, the SEO effect does not come immediately, but only after a few months.

What else do you need to know and how to successfully promote your site to the TOP of search engines using article promotion?

Requirements for donor sites: the above requirements for donor sites for buying links will be true in this case.

Requirements for articles:

  • uniqueness - you cannot distribute the same article, otherwise search engines will perceive it as spam - a new article is needed for each link;
  • articles for people - texts should be literate (spelling, punctuation) and interesting - as if you were writing (ordering) for yourself (your site), as well as structured - headings, lists, paragraph breakdowns and supplemented with pictures;
  • article volume and number of links - the number of characters in the range from 2000 to 3000 will be quite enough, for such a volume you can place up to two external links (as agreed with the webmaster) to different pages your site, and their location should be logical and natural .;
  • optimization and topics of articles - The texts should be optimized for certain search phrases and correspond to the subject of the acceptor site, which will have a positive effect on SEO and raise the TIC for your resource.

Article promotion strategy:

  • firstly, "don't drive your horses" - posting one or two articles per week for a young site will be considered normal;
  • secondly, - article marketing requires systematic work - do not take long breaks and sudden jumps;
  • thirdly, - do not focus only on article promotion - use other promotion methods (paid, free);
  • fourthly, the purchase of several eternal links (1-2 pieces) for each article will help to increase the effectiveness of article promotion (see the diagram below).

Now let's go directly to the article exchanges.

# 8.1 Best Article Exchanges

In fact, there are not so many article exchanges that differ in quality and functionality. Here are the best ones. - the best system of article promotion with high-quality donor sites on board. For optimizers, the World Exchange is:

  • natural website promotion;
  • trust sites;
  • article store;
  • insurance articles;
  • service "Carefree";
  • replenishment of the balance in a convenient way (electronic wallets, cashless payments, bank cards).

An approximate algorithm of work for posting articles on the Internet through Miralinks:

  1. Registration in the system →;
  2. Preparation of article (s) with embedded (inserted) links and pictures in them for publication through the exchange (see the requirements above) - here either write yourself, or order on content exchanges, or buy on Miralinks;
  3. Adding article (s) to the World and waiting for moderation;
  4. Search for suitable donor sites and post the article (s).

A little about the option " Carefree ordering“or“ others will do everything for you. ”Dealing with the exchange is not difficult, there would be time and desire, but if they are absent, you can use the services of Mira and transfer the“ hardships ”of creating and running an advertising campaign to her experienced employees (commission - 10%).

What is included in the "Carefree" service:

  • writing articles;
  • selection of donors for your site;
  • placement of articles on donor sites.

You just need to activate the service and set some parameters. For more details about the service, see the exchange. - an exchange for article marketing, which can be considered not as an alternative to the World, but as an addition. The functionality of the system allows you to promote sites:

  • on social networks (a feature of this exchange);
  • articles with different types of links - anchor and non-anchor, nofollow, picture links;
  • SERM articles and press releases.

In general, Webartex is a convenient and understandable system that will be quite easy to understand even for a beginner.

Conclusion: website promotion of articles requires a lot of money and in order not to waste money, you need to do everything wisely.

#nine. Website promotion using automated systems

If you think that independently promoting a site to the TOP "s of search engines such as Yandex or Google is an overwhelming task for you (lack of time and desire to learn the intricacies of SEO), then use a professional and reliable service to promote" automatically ", who will do the lion's share of the hard work for you and bring the site to the TOP for the necessary queries. And this is all with your minimum participation in site promotion. In the section "automatic website promotion" this process is discussed in more detail.

The main factors affecting the price of promotion in aggregators:

  • internal state of the site - content quality (uniqueness and usefulness of information, presentation of information, absence of spamming with keys in text, tags and meta tags), logical structure of the site, correct linking, code validity, etc. );
  • external reference - the quality of the external link mass (lack of links from the HS and non-thematic sites);
  • competitiveness of the subject - the higher the competition, the more money will have to be invested in promotion.

By the way, the "Hands" service allows you to determine the approximate cost of promotion.

What is required of you? If the web resource is ready for promotion, then you just have to go through a simple registration, add the address of the site being promoted to the system, set up and launch an advertising campaign. This concludes your "hard" work. It remains only to observe how the positions of the site are growing and do not forget to replenish the budget in time.

Useful SEO tools: personal assistants in website promotion

Let me remind you that by adopting SEO tools, you will greatly simplify your SEO life, especially if you decide to independently promote your site to the TOP of search engines. To help optimizers, many services and programs have been developed that can collect various data about web resources and present them in the form of reports.

To order unique articles, reviews, descriptions

On any of the exchanges, you can select and buy articles, or order new ones from copywriters.

  • - a unique content exchange with a convenient catalog search;
  • - exchange of quality articles at fair prices;
  • - texts for every taste (thematic, selling, author's posts).

To determine the site trust and other parameters

  • - the online service will help to check the donor site for many parameters (site indexing, TIC, PR, search traffic, spamming, external backlinks, keywords, etc.);
  • - free online harvester for SEO-checking sites (trust, content analysis, rating, site puzomerki and much more);
  • - checking the quality of link donors, although there is a limitation - 500 checks are allowed for free.

To analyze backlinks (external links)

  • Yandex-Webmaster - allows you to check external links to your site for free if it is added to the panel for Webmasters. Not the best method for analyzing external "backs", but you won't pay money;
  • Google Search Console - a panel for webmasters from the Google search engine, also allows you to track external links, but again, only to your site;
  • - partially free service for analyzing any site for external linking. It also provides website promotion services.

Specialized services (paid):,

To monitor positions

  • - a free online tool for monitoring positions (and not only) of a site in the search engines Yandex and Google;
  • - free of charge 100 checks.
  • take your time to promote - if your resource is not even a month old, then do not rush, you will still have time to promote your website on the Internet - it is better to throw all your efforts and resources into filling with useful SEO content in the first six months of your project's life - so search engines will see that the web the site is "live", and this will only play into your hands - though this is not a call to action, but only a recommendation;
  • promote the site comprehensively - do not limit yourself to one or two ways - use varieties of SEO and SMM promotion - each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is advisable to combine them to achieve a faster result;
  • stock up on links carefully - check donor sites, start an anchor list and do not forget that building backlinks is a gradual process, not a one-time process - do not allow a "link explosion" - do not run the site through various directories, bookmarks, forums, profiles, etc., especially this applies to young resources with low traffic and a small initial number of links - remember that it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality of "backs";
  • make your link profile natural - the link profile should look as natural as possible in the "eyes" of search engines - links from different sources (directories, articles, site ratings, social networks, video hosting, etc.) should lead to your site;
  • define a budget for promotion - draw up an action plan and determine the budget that you can allocate for promotion;
  • work on your website - improve it, regularly publish new and interesting materials and then the web resource will be visited and you can make money on the site - and this is a sure way to please your potential audience, followed by Yandex and Google search engines.

P.S. Like any beginner and even masters of their craft, you have to learn and improve a lot, since search engine algorithms "do not rust" (they are constantly updated) and in order to keep leading positions you need to be aware of SEO events, and for this visit seo forums ( serch), blogs of authoritative people in the seo industry (devaka) and, of course, follow the news from official sources for webmasters.

And if you have no time to do all this on your own, this does not mean that "boss, everything is gone", because thanks to exchanges such as ETXT, your site will have fresh articles, and services such as Rookee will keep it in the TOP.

I wish you success, patience and good luck!

With respect,

It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million people, and television 13 years later. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have social media accounts and use them (at least) for two hours a day. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of the popularity of social networks.

A growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get acquainted with four effective ways to promote.

Content is the main factor of promotion

Any SMM specialist will confirm: without quality content, promotion tools are useless. If your brand's page is boring, you should not count on audience growth and loyalty.

Three ingredients of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between the company's blog and its page on the social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, two or three updates will be enough for people from the business environment, but for the beauty community this is clearly not enough. You must adhere to the chosen content strategy regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Posts should be lively, evoking an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overtly promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia - "social sphere is not for everyone." It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of the "complex interface", and their interests are gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its forms. They willingly like and rummage materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set you up for the positive. Most of the active Facebook audience uses a mobile application - it is recommended to illustrate posts with 800x600 pictures.

"In contact with" - the largest social network on the Runet (over 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; the focus of users' interests is mainly entertainment (communication, games, music, films, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is desirable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

The most popular among photo hosting sites in Russia Instagram... At the same time, while maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single style in design (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), as well as arrange objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture visually attractive).


The possibility of placing targeted advertising is available in almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising on social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographic (geo-targeting) - showing ads to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki near Moscow. Your targeted ad will be shown to the residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - advertising display depending on gender, age, marital status and other social criteria. Thus, advertisements for children's goods and household goods are recommended to be placed on the pages of married women over 25, and advertisements for an art store - on the pages of designers, architects, and decorators.
  • Contextual - showing ads in accordance with the interests of the user. Membership in groups such as "Fashion", Fashion, "Shopping", etc. clearly demonstrates the interests of the user. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - showing ads depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent searches, etc.). Let's say a person is fond of Latin American dances, goes to a salsa club, looks for relevant videos - it is highly likely that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a hot tour to Cuba.

Despite its seeming simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the target audience of the brand. Second, compose your ad.

Community Advertising

Advertising in communities (in the professional language of SMMs - seeding) is the purchase of posting or reposting in popular communities. In the first case (buying a post), the advertiser's goal is to increase traffic on the company's website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to a company group on a social network. At the same time, the more subscribers the community from which you buy a post, the more expensive the advertising campaign will be.

You can negotiate with community owners directly or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, it was opened by the social network VKontakte (an office for an advertiser). Advertising is posted by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for a day.

Professional promotion on social media

This means services that provide paid promotion services in social networks. As a rule, they create high-quality content on their own, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These include Plibber. Why conditionally? Because the capabilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize a shocking advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites with CA and start sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your assignment will be available, and you can begin to attract fans of your brand.

How can you get organic loyal traffic? With this question of interest to all advertisers, we turned to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

CEO and mastermind of Knows everything and more about social media.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes (quizzes), infographics, illustrations, viral videos, advertising games, and more;
  • place the link within the visible zone of the post announcement (first-second lines);
  • embed a call to action in the content;
  • add a provocative poll;
  • work with associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique contests.

If you've found the content your audience craves, you can count on over 600 conversions per post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers, now a good result is being detected in the community

  1. Learn and practice all the rules of internal optimization. An important role in website promotion, as we have already said in previous articles, is played by the internal optimization of the site, since it is from it that site promotion begins. Bad optimization will slow down the promotion, good - on the contrary, speed it up. In the article "Site Optimization for Search Engines" we described in detail the basics of internal site optimization, so be sure to read it and remember all the tips, since each of them has been tested on personal experience. In short, you need to take care of the correct linking of articles, categories and the main page. Distribute the weight in such a way that the bulk is concentrated on the pages that "expect" traffic, that is, are optimized. Optimization of articles includes the selection of keywords and their distribution in the text. Internal optimization is good because it does not require money from you, everything can be done "with your own hands", the main thing is not to be lazy to read various manuals, as well as to experiment on your web projects. In general, good work on the site can already give a tangible result even without buying links. But in this case, a prerequisite is the presence of high-quality content on the site.
  2. Write interesting and useful articles. The main assistant in website promotion will be the articles, since the success of the site is always based on them. They should not only be optimized, but most importantly interesting and useful for users. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, to design the article beautifully so that the information is easier to perceive for the reader: use markers, highlight important phrases with a quote or bold type, break long articles into subheadings, supplement the material with pictures and videos. In this case, the article will not seem boring or drawn out to the visitor. The usefulness of an article is determined by the importance and uniqueness of the information. Do not be unfounded in the article, use only verified information, and also refer to your sources (only without an active hyperlink). Share your personal experiences. If you manage to convey the information to the user, he will certainly thank you for this: he will tell your friends, share the link on the social network, add the page to bookmarks, write a positive comment, share the link to your article on the forum where he often communicates, again will visit your site, etc. But the most important thing is that search engines are already able to partially determine the usefulness of an article. Believe that in less than a year they will learn to recognize such articles in no time, therefore, your site will have more chances to break into the TOP than a competitor's site, which contains delusional information, but gets out in the lead only by buying links ...
  3. Share links. You can get backlinks not only with money, but also through exchange. According to many reputable webmasters and bloggers, exchange links have an effect even more than links from the same sites, but purchased. It is believed that Yandex and Google perceives such a link as natural, and not as a selling one, therefore, it is more trusting. However, you need to be careful when exchanging links. You cannot link your sites, even if their topics are similar, give them the opportunity to develop independently and not depend on each other. You only need to choose sites for exchange that have the same subject matter. It is better to send an offer to exchange links in bulk, since many webmasters may simply not respond to your letter or not see it (if they rarely visit this email account). It is better not to write an offer for an exchange in the comments, as it can be counted as spam and can simply be deleted. Look for contacts on the site, and write to them. It is best to exchange with those sites that are knocked out with you for the same promoted requests. "Strong" sites rarely agree to an exchange, but projects on a level with yours - quite go to the deal. Try to exchange with promising sites that are relatively young, but clearly have a great future. If you are trying to promote a site on uCoz, then we advise you to exchange links with sites on the same platform, since they will certainly agree to exchange, which cannot be said about sites on paid hosting. The thing is that among webmasters, sites based on uCoz technology do not enjoy special respect (although a lot of webmasters have sites all on the same platform).
  4. Leave links in the comments. Despite the fact that such a promotion method is considered spam, it still produces a certain effect. If you mindlessly post comments to all blogs and leave comments like: “A very useful article! Thank you! "," I'll keep in mind "," I'll read it later. Thanks to the author! " - there will certainly be no sense. And if the comment turns out to be expanded, complete, useful for the author or for other readers of the article, then naturally such a comment will not be deleted, even though the name will contain a link to your site. In addition, you should leave comments only on thematic sites, for three reasons: 1) no one will remove the thematic link from the name; 2) If the comment turns out to be useful and expanded, then people will want to look at the author's site, and this is additional traffic; 3) Sometimes you can even insert a link into the comment itself if you are respected on this site or the link complements the read article very well and does not look like a spam message. It is advisable for you to make a list of thematic sites and blogs that allow you to post a link under your name (i.e. have a corresponding field for a link). Such links have a good effect, first of all, on promotion in the Google search engine. Yandex needs links that are not closed with the NoIndex tag and the NoFollow attribute, there are certainly fewer such sites, but they are also available.
  5. Insert links in profiles and signatures. Another not the most honest, but very effective, and most importantly free way of website promotion. There are thousands of sites on the network that make it possible to register on the site and enter the address of your site in a special field, which will become a link in the registered profile. About 2-3 years ago, such links gave an incredible effect, now the results are not so comforting, since everyone began to use this method for promotion. However, the results are still quite good: the rise of the thematic Citation Index, the rise of positions in the search engine results, the acceleration of indexing, etc. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to find "non-spam" sites where you can leave an indexed link. As a rule, more often you come across projects that are already full of external links. However, the one who seeks will always find. You can, of course, not engage in such a routine and order the so-called "Run on trust sites", which is carried out by a special program (XRumer). She puts links on such sites with great speed. In total, in just a few hours (without your participation) you will receive from 20 to 500 links from similar sites. The only advantage of such a run is that you don't have to do anything - you don't need to spend whole days searching for sites and putting in links. There are more disadvantages: low quality links, a small link explosion and the inability to fill out a profile in such a way that it is not considered spam and subsequently deleted.
  6. Promotion using a video. Free website promotion requires you to be smart and cunning in everything, and website promotion through a video is a vivid example of this. Online video is another of the freest niches on the Internet. And I'm not talking about films or TV shows now, it's just the opposite. I am talking about video instructions, that is, articles only not in printed form, but in video format. For example, instructions for installing a water heating tank are easier to watch in video format than to read about all the nuances, since it is easier to remember by ear and visually than when reading. So you can prepare such video responses for each of your articles (in addition to the text) and upload them to the YouTube.Ru service where you put a link to your article, and place the video itself on your website. Thus, your advice can be read not only on your website, but also on Youtube. And the link will push you to go to the site to watch additional videos. In addition, it is advisable to add the address of your site in the corner when editing a video, because your video can be copied and placed on another web project, blog or forum, and the address in the video will help to retain authorship. Good videos go online quickly, which means that thousands of people will be able to learn about your site, and if you release more than one such video, then you can generally glorify both yourself and your site. And do it for free!
  7. PR in social networks. A very effective method, however, if we speak correctly, then the promotion of a site in social networks is usually called SMO (promotion in social networks). There are also paid and free promotion methods here. Both are effective, the only difference is that in the first case you spend money, in the second - time. Time will take, of course, a lot, but over time it will pay off. Website promotion in social networks is as follows: creating groups of your website (in Vkontakte, FaceBook, MoiMir, Odnoklassniki, etc.) and inviting people to it, as well as creating a twitter feed. You will add news from your site to the groups and feed, report on new interesting articles, contests, innovations, rules, congratulations, etc. People who have joined the group or subscribed to the twitter feed will be able to visit your site, thereby increasing your daily traffic. These people can also be called regular readers of your site who follow the development of the project. You can offer to join a group or subscribe to the feed both in the services and social networks themselves, and on the site itself, thus turning the visitor into a regular reader. In addition, social media links are gaining more and more influence on search engines today. If earlier only SEO methods influenced the position of the site in the search results, now SMO (social promotion), too, but the main point is that SMO is only gaining momentum, which means that you still have the opportunity to get into the TOP positions without any problems. until this "theme" became known to everyone!
  8. Follow the promotions onSEO forums. You can promote the site yourself for free using another clever method. Most webmasters and bloggers are in the habit of chatting on SEO forums. However, only a few realize that such communication can be turned into a very useful tool for promotion. The secret lies in the following: many "runners", opening their thread on the forum, begin their work with the fact that the first work is done either for free (for a review) or at a very low price. Accordingly, the more you pay attention to the new topics created on the forum, the faster you react to such offers, the cheaper (or maybe even free of charge) it will cost you to promote your site. What can be found on the forums for feedback: the rise of the TCI, runs on trust sites, runs on directories or comments, complex runs, services for internal site optimization, layout or design rendering, etc. Naturally, in order to be entrusted with writing a review, you must be a respected person on the forum, therefore you should communicate more often on this project and gain a positive reputation. Anyway, reading the forums and entering into various discussions on website promotion, you learn a lot of useful and new things.
  9. Take part in contests. You can also promote a blog or website by participating in various competitions or marathons, which are very often held in the blogosphere. As a rule, the essence of participation comes down to the banal writing of an article, which is subsequently posted on your website with a link to the organizer. If you win the competition, you will receive a prize, usually in cash. And once again you can spend it on website promotion (buy links, order a design, buy new optimized articles, etc.). In addition, you can be the organizer of the competition yourself, and the participants will also have to write articles and put a link to your site. Only here is the problem with the prize - although it can be solved if you find an adequate sponsor (for example, a young affiliate program to earn money on the Internet).
  10. Use press releases, guest posts, and article directories. You can also get a free link in this way: there are special sites that allow you to host press releases, guest posts or just articles. Their benefit lies in the fact that users fill the site themselves, and your benefit lies in the ability to put an open link with the desired anchor, which will be surrounded by thematic text. It is easy to find such sites, but they need to be well filtered in order to remove those that are no longer indexed by search engines (often not indexed by Yandex, for spam), as well as to choose the right theme of the site. One of the most effective options in this way is - guest posts, usually blogs, which provide an opportunity to send an article to the author, who will subsequently publish your post with a link, but keep in mind that your post should be really useful for the readers of this blog. There is no need to hope that a cheap rewrite will work in this case.
  11. Create mini sites on free platforms. The method is labor intensive, long, but very effective. We all know that there are a lot of hosting and services that allow you to create your blog or even a website for free (ucoz, narod, blogspot, liveinternet, etc.). So you can create from 10 to 200 such sites, fill them with information (a little) and send them to the index of search engines. After they are all indexed: place your article with a link on each site (the article must have a unique text and a different link anchor on each site). In total, we will get from 10 to 200 free links of quite decent quality!

Here, perhaps, are all our tips for free promotion of your site on the Internet. How do you promote your sites on the Internet for free?

Hello dear readers! Today I am publishing the article that you all asked for a long time. An article on how to promote a site and how to promote a site. I wrote it for a long time and after reading you will understand why. After all, website promotion (or as everyone is used to calling it SEO) is a very many constituent process, which is difficult to fit in one article, and in articles in general. But I tried to collect everything from my experience and from the experience of those people who helped me and continue to help. As a result, we got a kind of step-by-step instructions or an algorithm of actions that will help you in promoting your site. So, let's begin!

I'm not an SEO Guru, but ...

I'm not an SEO specialist, but 90% of the sites I have have successfully ranked in the top positions in search engines. I did not take courses, did not participate in cool conferences, but I just tried many ways to promote sites and chose for myself what really works and what has never let me down. I didn’t work with hundreds of client sites, I just worked on my sites for my beloved, but most likely this is even for the best. I learned everything myself and only once even bought a consultation from an experienced person in this matter to clarify some points. Therefore, catch the instructions from the self-taught;)

It is important to know

Be sure to read this paragraph! It's not in vain that I paint everything in long introductions. You will understand this when you read the entire article. Previously, in order to promote a site in the TOP 3 search results, it was enough just to buy links, stuff the site with keywords and enjoy life. But now IT'S NOT SO! Everything has changed dramatically. Search engines change algorithms, sites change, competition grows and links have become not the main one, but one of dozens and hundreds of factors that affect the position of the site. Their weight is, but not the same as before. This must be understood.

Now, in order to promote a site, you need to take into account much more factors, and we will talk about this below. And the last thing you should know: website promotion is a long process that lasts for months. So get ready for a long, painstaking but interesting job!

We define the goals of the site

90% of companies do not understand at all why they need a website. They heard that everyone needs a website now and ran to the studio for development. As a result, look at any 100 business card or informational sites and more than half of them will be useless, either with a disgusting design, or with clumsy code, etc. So such sites are generally not prone to promotion. If you have already taken up the site, then you must understand that this is a great responsibility. It won't just work because it exists!

Before starting a website, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why do you need it?
  2. What tasks will he perform for you?
  3. What benefit will it bring to people?

If a site is useless for people, then it is useless for search engines as well. You will understand what I am talking about by reading the article to the end. I can only say that this is the fault of behavioral factors (PF). The details are below.

Once you have identified the purpose of the site for you: it should sell something, present or just give people information. And usefulness for people: useful information from experts of your company, useful information from you personally, answers to user questions or just a place to have a pleasant pastime (an entertainment site), etc. After that, go to the site itself!

Site quality

If you thought that promotion was just manipulation with search engines, then you are mistaken, it was so before. Now, before showing the site to search engines at all, you need to prepare it. After all, one of the criteria for ranking sites in the SERP is to assess the quality of the site itself. So what needs to be done!

Clean and light code

Have you ever visited several different sites, but one of them loads quickly, and the other slowly? So how Yandex or Google perceives you also depends on this. Site speed depends not only on the code, but also on the hosting in particular. With hosting, everything is simple, use it and you will be happy. I am completely satisfied, but I do not impose, you can choose your own.

But with the code, things are more complicated.

  1. When developing a site, I would advise you to talk to the developers so that they do not burden the site with various plugins, scripts, etc. Let them not be lazy and implement the simplest functions in the code, and not when connecting additions. All plugins access the database and load the site.
  2. Try not to stuff your site with all sorts of third-party widgets. For example, I only have a Vkontakte widget in the sidebar on the side, although if you check the speed of the site in this service, then you can see that it also loads the site a little.
  3. Ask for any changes on the site to remove the old code. It happens that lazy developers after changes do not clean the code from old records. If you change your site often, it is better to have your own layout designer permanently.
  4. Use caching. If the page is static and does not change, then be sure to use site caching. The page is saved in the cache and when you visit it again, there is no access to the database, but a copy is quickly loaded.
  5. Lighten the images. Large images load the site, but if you resize and compress it without losing quality, it will reduce loading time. There are many compression services!

User friendliness

Your site should be easy to use. Any information must be available. If you have large directories or a large number of articles, a site search will help. The user who visits the site should easily navigate through it in search of the necessary information. To do this, simply test on humans. On social media, ask users to go to and browse the site. You will be surprised what kind of feedback there will be and how many shortcomings they will find. If the user is comfortable on your site, then the search robot is more likely to be comfortable too.

Nice and unique design

Website design should be unique, pleasing to the eye and themed. When I get to black sites with red text that is rippling, I immediately close them. It is impossible to search for something on such a site. This item can also be attributed to convenience for users, so we will not dwell on this for a long time.

Mobile version of the site

Now more and more users visit sites from mobile devices and your site should be ready for this. Just recently, even Google warned everyone that sites that are not adapted for viewing from mobile devices will lower in search results. This is just the beginning, it will be even stricter further. Therefore, strain your developers to make you a mobile version or switch to responsive design. Personally, on my sites, about 30-40% of visits are made from mobile devices.

Internal optimization and content

The previous points could also be partially added to the internal optimization of the site, but there will be other recommendations here. Here we will just prepare the site for further promotion, or rather, this is where the promotion begins.

Compilation of the semantic core

In order to start promoting, you need to know what key phrases you will be promoting. Therefore, the first thing. You should collect the most key, hot and close to your activity queries and group them into sections. If you operate in a separate city, then add to each key phrase "... in Moscow" for example. You must choose key phrases for every page, every section or article of the site.

Writing texts

This is one of the MOST important stages, but many people miss it. People come to the site for information and this is the main factor for search engines. If your information is useful to people, well-written, well-written texts, everything is relevant, then you are more likely to rise to the TOP. Approach the texts thoroughly!

I find it funny when some clients provide text for sites taken from a competitor. This immediately suggests that the client does not need a fuck site and it will never grow in the search results.

Content should be:

  • 100% unique;
  • Structured (divided into sections, lists, headings);
  • Interesting and easy to read;
  • Fully revealing the topic, which is in the title.

In general, I advise everyone to write texts for the site together with the CEO or founder of the company. The business owner knows his business the best, loves the most and understands the subject the most. Maybe he won't be able to compose a good text, but based on his words, the copywriter will do his job better than he will write "from the bulldozer."

We make linking

After all the services and goods are described, the texts for the pages are drawn up, we proceed to linking. Each of your pages should have a link to another page or several pages of the site. You only need to refer to thematic pages, which can also be useful to the reader. Thus, the reader and the search robot, having entered the site, will move through it longer, following the links. But, as I said, the link should be "in the topic", because otherwise the person will not want to follow it.

Remove external links

When publishing materials, try to close external links from indexing, i.e. links to other sites. If you do not use links to third-party sites, then this is good, and if you do, then hide them. There should be more links TO your site than from your site. But more on that below. You can hide links from indexing using the tag and the rel \u003d "nofollow" attribute.

site `s map

Be sure to create a sitemap for search engines and for users. It will reflect the structure of your entire site, all sections, articles and pages of the site.

Introduction to search engines + statistics

Once your site is filled with cool content, combed and ready to float, you can show it to search engines. To do this, add the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster. How to do this, I wrote in. After that, your site will start indexing by search engines. It can of course start indexing without it, but it will speed up the process.

Also, to track site statistics, you need to install counters. I advise you to use Yandex.Metrica, and for a link in the ratings you can put a counter from mail and liveinternet.

Website promotion tools

And finally we got to the sweet spot;) After all the pages of your site are indexed, you can start promoting or promoting your site. Let me clarify that ONLY after the above is done, you can start promoting the site! But here I want to push you to one RIGHT thought and answer several questions with you, relying on logic.

- Why do you need to promote your site?

- Most likely in order to move up in search results!

- Why do you need to rise in the search results?

- Most likely for the site to have traffic!

Is it logical? Right?

Then answer me 1 simple question: Why is it that almost everyone, after creating a website, immediately rushes to buy links if you need traffic? What does the link have to do with it? You don't go for milk if you wanted to buy cucumbers! The logic is the same here. Accordingly, if you need attendance, then buy or get attendance!

I'll tell you from my own experience, but if you don't want to, don't believe it! More site visits grow only from site visits! But not from links. We will need links, but not now and not in the form in which everyone is used to receiving them.

Search engines also rate a site based on site users. If there is no attendance, how will they rate it?

A very important factor is site traffic, which can be used to track behavioral factors. Namely, how people use your site, how they move, how they get in and how they leave, how long they are there, what actions they perform and much more. This is the most important factor, because logically any site should be FOR PEOPLE first of all!

Therefore, below I will cite the working methods I have tested to promote and promote the site.

Social networks

Now social activity is of great importance for search engines. If your site is shared on social networks, then people like your site content. Is it all logical? I pressed "Like", so I liked it. Therefore, social signals have a positive effect on your site in search results.

To do this, I buy posts in active groups on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (in accounts). As a result, I put these pluses over this method of promotion.

  1. This does not contradict the rules of search engines because it is not manipulation of search results like buying links;
  2. This gives traffic (sometimes a lot of traffic);
  3. It improves behavioral factors;
  4. This is also a link (search engines take into account links from social networks);
  5. This is the best feedback from your potential and real customers and readers;
  6. This is a direct source of leads that can be generated in sales.

I have my own publics and groups, but I also buy posts in other groups. Their number depends on your wallet. You can redeem at least for every day.

Articles on other sites

This method is more expensive than social media, but it is very important. Traffic should come not only from one place, you need to show search engines that you are "loved" everywhere;) Not only in VK, but also on other sites. But you probably will now go to the exchanges for the sale of articles from sites and will buy there. But this will have little effect, because these sites have turned into garbage dumps of articles and links.

I buy or post on some other terms articles on sites that are higher than me in the search results for my own key queries. It is more expensive, but many times more effective. The main thing is that this site is visited and with an active audience, because I need not only a link or an article, but TRAFFIC. Let us turn again to Mother Logic. If you are being linked to by a site above you in the SERPs, then you are probably the coolest! From article exchanges, you can also collect several normal sites, but all of them will soon become trash heaps, because this is their earnings. From the stock exchanges I chose for myself Webartex.

Also I post articles on blogs! For example, I sell an SMM (social media marketing) service and post on the blog of a person who writes about SMM. Probably through this article potential clients and other specialists from this field will pay attention to me. If the blog author recommended me in the article, then I'm worth something.

Here are the advantages of this method:

  1. You get a link from a thematic site that is higher than you in the search results;
  2. You get traffic to the site;
  3. If the site is very thematic, then clients are possible;
  4. You increase awareness.

Expert article writing

This item is for those who promote the company's website, and not an informational website, like me. On the website of your company, you definitely need a section "Blog" or "Articles", or something else to call it. To post expert articles useful to users. For example, if you sell building materials, you can write articles on how to use them correctly, how to build something, etc.

In addition to products, your potential customers will also receive useful recommendations, which will bring them closer to buying from you.

The pros of all this:

  1. You drive more traffic to your site. Because you are writing articles correctly, as I recommended. This means that you use the key phrases for which you are moving. Therefore, you have another page that can get into the TOP and bring traffic.
  2. You get closer to your real and potential clients;
  3. New content helps to increase interest in your site from search engines;
  4. You can also post announcements of new articles on social networks and in subscription services to increase traffic. I wrote about this in an article about.

Websites with reviews and ratings

You can register your site on sites with reviews (for example, "Otzovik" and others), make a description of your site and leave the first review. As a result, you get a link to your site and an additional page in the search results about your site, which can go to the top for the query “ your website reviews ". Plus, you can get feedback. Maybe people want to leave a review about you. I mentioned this in the article about.

Link promotion

I am skeptical about it, but I definitely use it. Links are not the main factor, but one IS. If others link to your site, that's good. In fact, we have already placed a number of links: in articles on other sites, in reviews, in social networks and subscription services. But now we will focus on link promotion.

I use it mainly not to grow positions, but to increase the status of a site in the eyes of search engines. No more. I did not notice a large increase in positions from links. There is growth, but not significant compared to what all of the above can give.

But even in links, I do not advise you to go to link exchanges. Now, not purchased, but natural links are held in high esteem! For this, it is better to use forums using the service Forumok and negotiate a link with the sites yourself. On the exchanges, as a rule, spammed sites, and you are bored to search for thematic sites in the search results and agree to place a link in already written articles, or offer to put a link on a page of your site for a fee in new TOPIC articles.

Remember that the link must have transitions. If the site is not active and there are no conversions, then such a link will be useless. Try to link to your site wherever possible, but not through spam. Fewer links are better, but they will be of high quality.

Pros of such links:

  1. Natural link mass, which means there is no suspicion on the part of search engines;
  2. Traffic to the site because the sites are active and thematic.

As you can see, the link promotion of the site is personally in my last place, but it should be.

Full time job!

The growth of your site, like the growth of a person, requires constant replenishment, constant work to improve it. Nothing is perfect. You have to constantly improve the site, constantly generate traffic, post articles, links, posts on social networks, etc. This is an ongoing process. Only then will your site always grow in the eyes of people and search engines. Therefore, everything that I described in this article, you must do constantly!

You may have noticed that I always put people first, not search engines. And this is logical. After all, you make a website for them. And search engines will do their job based on the reaction of your users. So, what kind of work needs to be done all the time, besides what I described above.

Working with users

Every day you should try to attract your visitors more and more and create convenience for them in the form of high-quality content, some kind of services, polls, contests, etc. If people are attached to you, then this affects the promotion, do not forget. Make contact with your visitors constantly.

Work on the usability of the site

Behavioral factors are better not only from the content, but also from the convenience of using it. Keep track of the site statistics, look in Yandex.Metrica for a click map, a scrolling map, a web visor, etc. in order to change the site for the better. Maybe your site has elements that interfere with users that they don't click on. They can be safely removed or moved to another place. You need to keep people on the site as long as possible so that they visit as many pages as possible, and for this there must be all the conditions.

Now I will show you a DIY SEO method that I used to promote my site to 5,000 unique visitors per day in just 9 months. Moreover, I promoted my site from scratch, exclusively independently and for free.

I called this method "Striking site promotion". It differs in many ways from what is usually offered as a "recipe for SEO promotion". But the main thing is that it works, and you can repeat it.

Within the framework of this article, we will talk about website promotion using articles. That is, we will not buy any links. Exceptionally white safe methods - wrote an article, optimized it, brought it to the TOP, repeated this scheme 50 - 100 times. That's all the promotion \u003d)

And the very first step is finding the right keyword for your article.

Step # 1 - Selecting Key Bids

I hope you already know that you cannot write articles on the site “just like that”. It is imperative to select in advance a specific keyword query for which you will optimize your article. For example, this article is optimized for the query "do-it-yourself seo promotion". So I put these phrases in the title.

Without this, search robots simply won't understand what your article is about. Although they are very smart, they are still robots.

And our task with you is to select key queries that:

  1. Have a lot of monthly requests (otherwise you have to write 1000 articles to see at least some traffic);
  2. Have low competition (otherwise it will be almost impossible for you to break into the TOP);
  3. They have a good perspective of "career growth" (more on that below).

Collecting a pool of such keywords is called semantic core compilation. And if it seems to you that it is difficult and time-consuming, it seems to you correctly. But it's better to spend a couple of weeks picking 30 queries now than to spend a couple of years writing articles and not getting anywhere.

The ultimate keyword research tool

Let's say we want to write an article that blogging is very cool and cool. The title for the article comes to our mind - "Why do I need to keep my blog." It would seem that the topic will certainly be of interest to a wide range of readers.

But to check, we first go to Yandex.Wordstat... This is a free tool that will immediately show you the exact popularity of a particular query. Enter the selected key into the line and click "Pick".

As you can see in the screenshot above, this request has 0 views per month. It means that no one is looking for him, and no one needs him. Please note that I put the request in quotation marks. This is how Yandex.WordStat shows the exact frequency. If you leave the query without quotes, then it will show completely incorrect numbers.

We conclude that the key request needs to be changed. But how best to formulate it? We begin to enter our main word "blog" into the Wordstat line and add question words - "how", "what", "why".

And here we are already getting a very wide field for activity. We take each keyword we like and put it in quotes to check the exact frequency. As a result, we get:

Now that's another matter. If our article will be in the TOP by request for 1500 impressions per month, then we will definitely get good traffic. But this is not the end of the story. Are we sure we will be able to break into the first places for this request? Let's now turn to another tool.

SEO Competition Checker Tool

To check the level of competition among requests, we will use a service called " Mutagen". It is paid, but every day you can do 10 free checks. And paid checks are very inexpensive - a few kopecks apiece.

The essence of this service is that it compares many different indicators of sites that are in the first places in the search results for a particular query, and concludes how easy or difficult it will be to move these sites.

For example, we take the same query that we found with you - "what is a blog", enter it into the Mutagen check line and press Enter.

This query shows competition "over 25". This is the maximum level of competition that Mutagen shows. That is, it will be extremely difficult to break into the TOP for this key. It doesn't suit us.

If your resource is not yet highly promoted, then it is better to choose keywords with a competition level of 5-7 or even lower. So what do we do with this theme? Give up and write an article about something else?

Not necessarily. Now we need to try to reformulate the query so that the level of competition is significantly reduced, and the number of queries does not drop very much. And the first thing you should try to do is lengthen the keyword with additional words.

Now that's better. Suppose this query variant has only 28 page views per month. It is better to take it for the article, because it has a competition level of only 7. If you come out on top for this key, then it is likely that Yandex will put you in the TOP on a broader basis.

Many people believe that the more words in a keyword, the less views it will have (because people are too lazy to enter long keys with their hands). But as you can see, this is not always the case. We lengthened our key even more, and got a competition level of only 4, and almost 200 net views.

This is the perfect key to writing an article. We dwell on it and move on to the next stage - writing an article that deserves first place in the TOP.

Step # 2 - writing armor-piercing articles

The amount of money in your pocket directly depends on the amount of traffic on your website. And the amount of traffic depends on the number of articles you have posted. The more articles, the more traffic. Everyone knows this, but for some reason the articles are still “not written”.

And here I will give you a couple of life hacks that will help you write less and get more traffic.

Write yourself or hire a copywriter?

I recommend all content site owners to write articles on their own resource. So you will immediately bypass numerous competitors who are hiring copywriters for this business. Here's my opinion - a copywriter will never write an article well enough.

Firstly, he is not an expert in the topic for which you made your site. This will be immediately noticeable by the amount of "water" and banal advice in the articles.

Secondly, the copywriter is not the owner of the site, and he will not be much killed in order for the article to turn out really high-quality and sufficiently voluminous.

And thirdly, what is called "copywriting" today is actually rewriting in 95% of cases. That is, a freelancer takes several articles on a given topic, crosses them together, adds some water, and that's it. Even if different services for checking the uniqueness of the text show "95-100% uniqueness" of such texts, Yandex and Google have their own verification algorithms.

Non-unique content is something that search engines are now actively fighting against. And if you start doing the way no one else does (that is, writing unique author's articles with really valuable content on your own), you will be immediately noticed and put in the TOP.

Write long or short articles?

One of the questions that I am asked most often sounds like this: “Dmitry, why are you writing such long articles on the site? Nobody reads them. " In fact, they do. And the longer the article, the more an average person spends on the site (within reasonable limits, of course).

I can name at least 5 reasons why you also need to write long articles:

  1. Search bots think logically. And if they see that you have a 1500 word article, and all other articles on this topic are 700 words, he concludes that your article has 2 times more information on the topic. It is logical. Accordingly, it will at least give people the opportunity to "try" it.
  2. The longer your article, the more words and phrases on the topic you use in it. And this gives what is called "tail traffic". That is, 80% of traffic will not be brought to you by the main key query, but by a lot of small queries that users search for 1-2 times a month.
  3. Even just leafing through a long article to the end takes time. Accordingly, this greatly reduces the bounce rate - when a visitor has spent less than 10-15 seconds on your site. And this is a very important indicator of the quality of the site.
  4. By publishing long articles on the site, you immediately show search engines that this is copyright content, and not just another copywriting (more on this below).
  5. An article with 1,5-2,000 words is very difficult to over-optimize. Even if you use the main key a dozen times in the article, it will be very easy optimization against the background of the total volume of text. And the search engines will have no reason to think that you are trying to deceive them.

About the fourth item on this list. My articles are usually 2000 words or more. This is an average of 14-15 thousand characters. Today, a more or less normal copywriter on the exchange takes 70 - 80 rubles for 1000 rewriting signs. In total, to get an article with 15,000 characters, you will have to pay 1200 rubles.

This is too much for a content site. Given the quality of copywriting, you need 300 to 600 articles to start getting meaningful traffic. These are too high expenses. Therefore, all webmasters who write articles as "copywriters" order texts for 3-4 thousand characters, no more. And so search engines immediately distinguish them from those who write on their own.

And that's why we won't need 300-600 articles. My site came out to 5000 visitors per day with only 30 great author's articles. That is, you do not need to worry that you will have to spend several hours all your life, every day, to write huge articles.

It will be enough for you to write only a dozen articles, as I indicated above, and you will already have more traffic than others get from hundreds of articles. But for this we need a little more help with our article after you wrote it.

Step # 3 - Quick access to the TOP

Turnkey article optimization

After you have written an article, you need to do some light optimization (without fanaticism). To do this, take the main keyword request for which the article is written and place it in the following places:

  1. In the heading H1;
  2. In an SEO title called "title";
  3. At the very beginning of the article (preferably in the first sentence);
  4. In the alt tag and in image captions;
  5. In the URL of your article;
  6. Subheading H2;
  7. In the middle and at the end of the article.

This will be quite enough for Yandex and Google to understand what your article is about, and on what key request it wants to compete. Now it remains only to wait for the verdict of the search engines.

Accelerating the entry of the article to the TOP

It usually takes 2-3 months for the article to “infuse” enough and take its place in the TOP of search engines. But this process can also be accelerated. Then your articles can be in the first places in just 5-10 minutes after you click the "Publish" button.

For example, here is my article in the TOP-5 in 7 minutes after publication:

To achieve the same result, here's what you need to do:

  • Write and publish articles every day at a specific time. If Yandex notices that new material appears on your site every day at 12 noon, it will soon start sending its special robot to your site by 12 noon. This is the so-called "fast robot", whose task is to quickly index new and relevant materials.
  • After the article is published, go to Yandex.Webmaster and send your article for revision. This is the so-called "adurilka" Yandex:

  • Post links to your new material on all social networks wherever you can: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google + and others.
  • Make a newsletter in your subscriber base with a notification about a new article (if you don't have one yet, it's time to start collecting)

Actually, this is where the main work on website promotion ends. Now you need to repeat this algorithm several dozen times, and your site will grow first to "thousand", and then to "ten-thousand". There would be a desire)

I hope that this article was useful to you, and now you better understand how to properly do SEO promotion with your own hands. Add it to your bookmarks so as not to lose. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience for 10 years \u003d)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov