Ways to flash or repair iphone yourself. How to flash an iPhone using a PC and iTunes Flash iPhone 4 via itunes

Most people who use apple technology in their life do not know how to reflash iPhone 4s. Indeed, for the majority, the iPhone is an indicator of a fashionable, stylish and wealthy person. Special Apple service centers can help with the issue of flashing, they perform this operation quickly, correctly and in some situations for free. If you have a desire to embed any unofficial applications or versions of applications into your smartphone, then you can turn to the help of professionals. Of course, if there is a desire to learn how to flash an iPhone on your own, then this is quite real and not very difficult, at least when it comes to official releases.

How to reflash iPhone 4s and what do you need to have?

For flashing you need: iPhone 4s, computer, USB cable for connecting to computer, iTunes program. To begin with, consider the simplest option - work in " Recovery Mode". It should suit even the most inexperienced users, because there is little chance of "spoiling" your iPhone and rendering it unusable. Unfortunately, there are times when the firmware fails.

So, first of all, you need to hold down two buttons at the same time: "Power" and "Home". You need to hold them for about 25 seconds. During this time, the phone will turn off, show white stripes on the screen, then turn on again, but in the " Recovery". In order to understand that it is in the required state, you should see a picture of the cable and the iTunes icon on the screen. Then, in this state, the phone must be connected with a cable to the computer and launch the iTunes program. This application will ask you to check for the latest update. We must agree and click the item " Check Now". Then iTunes will display your phone in the " Recovery”, And then you can start updating. After that, you need to press the Shift key and hold it. At the same time, you must click on the item " Restore"And select the new firmware that was downloaded by Apple iTunes or that you yourself downloaded from the official site. After completing all the actions, the update process will begin. Wait until the end and use the "new" phone.

The software of any device becomes obsolete over time. This is a normal process, since any company continues to work on its software, constantly improving it.

The iPhone 4 firmware is no exception. The device itself cannot be called too backward in its technical configuration - you can look stylish with it even today. Plus the technical parameters of the model (camera, processor and other indicators) are high enough for the phone to function normally.

Nevertheless, the operating system on which the device runs is morally outdated - Apple has already released its 9th version, while the 4th generation model came with iOS 5. Of course, the OS for these updates has become more productive, convenient and attractive in appearance. Therefore, some users do their best to bring their phone to the same state. Simply put, they will learn how to flash an iPhone 4 phone. However, flashing may be needed not only for this.

In this article we will try to reveal as much as possible what this procedure is and why it is needed.

Each smartphone runs a specific version of the operating system. The firmware procedure means changing it, which can include either a transition to a newer generation, or simply updating an existing one to the state in which the phone was released from the factory.

Perhaps someone will think that flashing an iPhone 4 is a complicated process that can only be done by hackers or qualified service workers, but this is not so. In fact, this is a fairly simple action. And Apple made sure that everyone can easily handle it, almost at home.

Why is it needed?

As already noted, one of the options for the need to update the software of your device may be the desire to simply upgrade to a newer version of its OS. This is fine as, as we mentioned, it may be due to advanced functionality.

So, in addition to this, the user can search for information about his "iPhone 4" (how to flash it yourself) in order to reduce the model to factory settings. This may be needed in case of finding someone else's phone or, say, when the smartphone was given to you by a person who previously used it. Thus, you simply want to erase all information from the device that belongs to other users, and get your hands on a completely clean model.

Methods for carrying out the iPhone 4 firmware

Well, whatever dictated your desire to know how to flash an iPhone 4 (this also applies to s-modifications), we will describe the methods of this procedure in this article. There are two of them - this is "Update" and "Recovery". Both are conducted through a computer with preinstalled iTunes and a cable connecting the smartphone to the PC; or directly on the device itself using a local WiFi connection.

Each of the two methods of how to reflash an iPhone 4s (or just 4) implies some individual characteristics. Read about the differences between them further in the text, in the sections devoted to these methods.


Let's talk about recovery first. You can refer to it only if you work according to the "Computer + iTunes + phone" scheme. The "Recovery" tab can be found after your smartphone is recognized by the PC, after which a menu will appear on the monitor to manage it.

The recovery procedure itself is more complex than updating, since it involves deleting personal data from the phone. It aims, as mentioned above, to get a "clean" mobile phone. It is carried out, for example, in the case of transfer or sale of "iPhone", as well as when the user is looking for how to flash the found "iPhone 4".

Save information

In describing this procedure, one cannot fail to mention that you need to be careful and save all your files in advance. It will be impossible to restore them after this step, all information from your iPhone will be lost forever. Therefore, it is not recommended to restore the device unnecessarily, as an experiment, and also when you did not bother to create a backup copy of all your files (especially photos) on other media. Because, as user reviews show, it is a fairly common problem and mistake where a person confuses the process with a simple update and loses all content.


So, as you may have guessed, this procedure does not include deleting the user by the device, since it is aimed only at switching to a more recent version of the operating system.

The instructions on how to carry out this operation depend on which update method the user chooses - through a computer and iTunes or via WiFi, working with the phone itself. Those who are wondering how to flash an iPhone 4 s need not worry. Neither the first nor the second methods are particularly difficult. It just all depends on the conditions in which the flashing will be carried out. This is access to the Internet, the presence of an operating system and, of course, a cord for connecting a smartphone (you should take care of the availability).

Step-by-step instruction

If we paint everything step by step, then we have the following picture. If we need to restore the device, we just connect our iPhone 4 to the computer using a cable (we will describe how to flash it without access to a PC).

Next, open the iTunes program, where in the upper right part of the screen you will see your phone's menu. You must click on it. The phone status panel will open in front of you, on which the keys "Restore" and "Refresh" will be located, by the names of which it becomes obvious what they are intended for.

If you are unhappy with the work of your iPhone 4, how to flash it is a natural question. When performing this operation using a PC, remember that you can point the program to the previously downloaded version of iOS and that the software can independently search for a more recent assembly. If such is really available, iTunes will offer to install it. And remember that the answer to the question whether it is possible to flash the iPhone 4 is negative, if you wanted to return to the previous OS. The developers of the device have taken care that you cannot choose again an older version of the operating system. This is inconvenient for users who have switched to iOS 8 generation, who note that it does not work correctly, freezes and periodically slows down. This was not the case on older OS versions.

After all this, you just need to wait. The process of downloading and installing a new system will be displayed on the phone screen, so the user at this time can just go to drink coffee, for example. Actually, nothing is required from him during this process - the phone carries out all the actions on its own.

Via WiFi or computer?

Comparing these two procedures, we only note that the device will take longer to download the distribution kit on its own. Downloading to PC is faster. It depends on the WiFi module installed on the iPhone 4 (we have already described how to flash the latter in the instructions). Its transmission speed is lower than that of a full-fledged computer. However, in some situations, when there is simply no access to the PC and it is necessary to carry out the firmware, it helps. So choose a method based on what you have at hand.


This is how the iPhone 4 works. You already understood how to flash it. Now let's talk about some caveats. The first is addressed to owners of non-original devices. If you are looking for how to flash a Chinese iPhone 4, then you have the wrong address. Most often, counterfeit smartphones (in particular, copies of the iPhone 4) work on (and in some cases - even without it). Accordingly, the entire procedure described in this article does not apply to them. Most likely, the developers who released the copy did not care about how to make the updates, so the owners of such phones were out of luck.

One more note should be made to those who are looking for how to reflash an iPhone 4s that has been "jailbroken" (or "jailbroken"). If your phone was unlocked from under any operator (for example, AT&T, Verizon or Sprint), then by updating its operating system, you will most likely lose this "jailbreak". To reset all phone settings to factory defaults, you can use special programs such as SemiRestore. However, you should not use the procedures described here.

There are many different instructions and guides on this matter. They describe that working with such programs, as a rule, is quite simple - you need to connect the device to a computer, run such software on it and wait until all information is deleted. Upon completion, you will also receive a clean iPhone 4, however, the "jailbreak" on it should remain - and this is the main thing.

Why pay more?

As you can see, the procedure for flashing iPhone 4 is quite simple even for an inexperienced user. Any person with minimal PC skills can easily cope with it, since all actions are reduced to elementary.

This makes it pointless to visit a service center to completely delete data from your phone. Each of us knows how to reflash "iPhone 4s", update our iOS to the most recent version, reset all settings and at the same time not be too distracted from our affairs. So the question is, why pay more?

This refers to the procedure in which software is installed on the gadget. Flash your iPhone doesn't always mean updating it to the latest iOS version. Among the owners of "apple" gadgets are full of conservatives who wish to continue using the 5th or 6th version of the operating system, considering them the most successful. These users have the opportunity to download the software that suits them to the iPhone.

The owner of the gadget must know how to reflash the iPhone on his own - otherwise, after the release of each new version of iOS, he will have to turn to the consultants of the salons, who set exorbitant prices for services related to the iPhone. This article will show you how to properly change the firmware.

Flashing can be of one of two types - recovery and renewal.

  • After recovery you will get a "clean" iPhone, without content and with the same version of the "operating system" that was originally (or with the one that you choose yourself).
  • After updates the latest version of the operating system will be installed on your gadget, and all data will remain in place.

Apple does not allow downgrading of the operating system. If you have installed, say, iOS 7, then you will not be able to return to iOS 5 by standard means.

Also, you cannot go back from the beta version of the firmware to the latest official one.

This rule has an exception: within 2 weeks after the release of a new iOS, a "window" is open - users have the right to "roll back" to the previous version of the software if they do not like the new one. In addition, they can use unofficial software tools like RedSnOw or Tiny Umbrellahowever, these programs only work on "older" iPhone modifications.

Preparatory actions

Before you start flashing your iPhone, you need to do the following:

Download the firmware to your computer... Finding a source site from which you can download the firmware is as easy as shelling pears: upon request, the search engine will return dozens of such sites. But you need to choose the firmware carefully - pay attention to the following criteria:

  • IPhone modification (4, 4S, 5S and so on).
  • Communication standard. While searching for firmware, you will notice that on specialized sites, the firmware files are divided into two blocks: GSM and CDMA. 99% you need GSM firmware!CDMA iPhones have a clear distinguishing feature: no SIM tray. CDMA iPhones are programmed to work with only one operator - therefore, their cost is much lower. Another thing is that you will not find an iPhone CDMA on the Russian market - these can only be ordered from the USA or China.
  • IPhone model. The model is a set of letters and numbers - it is indicated on the back of the device and on the packaging.

Image: 4apple.org

Knowing all this data, you will definitely not "miss" with the choice of firmware.

Download and install the latest versionAityuns ... It is recommended to use the official Apple website - follow this link. At the time of this writing, the newest version is iTunes 12.5.1 .

Disable Find My iPhone on your smartphone.Follow the path " Settings» — « iCloud"And deactivate the toggle switch opposite" Find iPhone". If this function remains enabled, Aityuns it will simply not be able to reflash and will give an error.

Copy personal data from iPhone to another storage medium... During the flashing process, data may be lost.

How to flash an iPhone through iTunes yourself?

Reflash your iPhone like this:

Step 1... Connect the gadget to the PC with a cable and open iTunes.

Step 2... Go to the gadget management page - for this you need to click on the button with the smartphone image.

Step 3... Press the button " Shift" and press " Restore iPhone ... "(on Mac computers, instead of " Shift"Clamped" Alt»).

A window will appear through which you need to find and select the firmware loaded into the computer's memory. The firmware file has the format IPSW.

If you have downloaded an unsuitable firmware for a particular gadget, the program will issue such an unfriendly notification:

Step 4... Confirm that you want to reflash your iPhone - click " Refresh"In this window:

No further action needed - Aityuns will remove content and install firmware. The gadget will go into mode Recovery Mode, and its settings will be reset to the original.

You can avoid searching for a suitable firmware yourself by entrusting it to iTunes. However, the program will 100% install the latest available "OS" on the gadget, and not the one that is currently on the iPhone.

If you are satisfied with this, then in the 3rd step you can simply press “ Restore iPhone ... ", without holding the buttons on the keyboard.

How to recover a jailbroken iPhone?

If your iPhone is jailbroken, it is recommended to reflash the gadget via " DFU MODE"(Mode DFU). Also, this method should be addressed if restoring the iPhone according to the previous scenario (through Recovery Mode) didn't work for some reason.

Step 1... Enter smartphone into mode DFU: Simultaneously press and hold the " Home"And" Power", Then release" Power».

Step 2... Connect the device to the computer with a cable. Thereafter iTunes should display a message like this:

At the end of the procedure, take your smartphone out of DFU mode: press " Home» + « Power"And wait for the cherished bitten apple to appear on the screen.

How do I update my iPhone?

There are two ways to update your iPhone: via iTunes and "By air" (that is, via Wi-Fi).

Updating iPhone via iTunes

Update procedure via iTunes is similar to the iPhone recovery procedure - you need to proceed as follows:

Step 1... Connect the gadget to the PC, in iTunes go to the device control menu.

Step 2... Click on not " Restore iPhone ... ", and " Refresh» - the button next to it.

If you see such a window, it means that the latest software version is already installed on the smartphone, or the last of those that this particular model is capable of "pulling".

For example, we used the device iPhone 4: iOS 7.1.2 - the maximum that is installed on this modification.

Once you have the firmware file, you don't have to wait for iTunes to download it. Through the combination " Shift» + « Refresh»Locate the file in the PC memory.

Step 3.Wait for the procedure to complete and enjoy the new software from Apple. Settings and data will remain in place.

Updating iPhone over Wi-Fi

Over-the-air upgradeability first appeared on iOS 5 devices.

Updating over 2G and 3G connections is not possible because the bandwidth of mobile connections is too low.

To update iOS over Wi-Fi, proceed as follows:

Step 1... Activate Wi-Fi on the device - swipe up and down to bring up the Control Center panel ( Control Center) and on this panel click on the Wi-Fi icon.

Step 2... Go to « Settings", Go to the Wi-Fi section and connect to an available network in the" Select a network ... ".

Step 3... Return to " Settings"And go to" The main».

Step 4... From the section " The main"Go to subsection" Software Update».

Step 5... Wait for the update check to finish. If the iPhone finds a newer version of the operating system than the one installed on your device now, you will see the following picture:

Click " Download and install"- this is how you start the update" over the air ". If the iPhone is already running the maximum version of iOS, you will see a similar message:

Don't update your iPhone with a jailbreak - it can lead to sad consequences!

The gadget will end up in the so-called "eternal apple" mode or fall into a "loop" in recovery mode. The problem lies in the fact that the Jailbreak for the new version of the "operating system" iOS appears with a significant delay - it turns out that the iPhone is updated "nowhere". To reflash jailbroken Apple gadgets, use only the " Restore iPhone… ”.


Owners of non-jailbroken iPhones with flashing shouldn't have any problems at all - the user's task is to connect the smartphone to the PC and press just one button, and then iTunes he will do everything himself. But owners of gadgets with a jailbreak are advised to be more careful: in order not to lose the jailbreak, it is better not to use to reset the settings and update the firmware iTunes, and special software like a program Semi restore.

How to flash an iPhone 4?

Any phone needs upgrading over time. When choosing a new firmware, you should pay attention exclusively to official releases that are safe for an expensive device.

In our article, we will look at how to flash an iPhone 4 in order to have more options without harming the device itself.

Before replacing software, you should prepare:

  • The device itself with a charged battery;
  • Connection cable;
  • Working PC;
  • ITunes program.

The manufacturing company has simplified the firmware process as much as possible, thanks to which an ordinary user can handle it.

Flashing your smartphone

The option of flashing iPhone 4 using Recovery Mode is extremely simple and straightforward. When starting the firmware, you should hold down two buttons: "Home" and "Power". By keeping them pressed for a few seconds, you will see white stripes on the screen. After that, the smartphone will turn on again, but now in Recovery mode. Confirmation of the correct actions will be the image of the cable and the iTunes icon on the screen.

In this state, the phone connects to the PC running iTunes. The program will check for the latest updates and help you install the latest firmware. Then it will display the flashable device in Recovery mode. After that, the user can start the update process.

While pressing the Shift key and continuing to hold it, you need to click on the Restore item and select a new previously downloaded firmware. The file update starts, after which you can use the device.

In order to start flashing your iPhone, you first need to download the firmware. You need to know that each model the phone has a firmware with its expansion... It is very easy to find out what kind of firmware you need for your model. On reverse side device under the iPhone logo is written model phone, which is displayed as an alphanumeric character set.

The difficulty lies only in the choice of GSM and CDMA models. Their difference is in working with different cellular networks. After determining the iPhone model, you need to find a site where you can download the necessary software. You can download both old and new versions, the main thing is that the downloaded version has a company subscription.

Before you start, you need to be on your phone disable function " Find iPhone". When enabled, the option will refuse to flash and give an error. Must be the last iTunes version. These three steps will lead to the beginning of the firmware itself.

We flash the iPhone

Flashing can be done in two ways: through RecoveryMode and DFUmode... In its turn RecoveryMode - this is emergency a mode that allows you to restore the functioning of devices on iOS if it refuses to work normally. DFUmode differs from the previous method in that the operation is performed bypassing the OS iPhone, the phone is stitched directly through firmware.

Recovery Mod Firmware

You need to turn off the phone and connect it to the PC, while pressing the button Home.

To produce launching iTunes... If the program suggests Restore iPhone, press OK, if it does not react, then on the icon “ smartphone"You need to click" IPhone Recovery"While holding down the key shift... In the file manager that appears, you need to choose the firmware that was previously downloaded.

Further, the program itself performs all the necessary operations. After the flashing is over, you need disconnect from computer phone and turn it on. Turns on the device with a quick button press Power... The iPhone is ready to use.

Using DFU Mode

Before starting the operation, you need to transfer the iPhone to dFU Mode... To do this, the device is connected to the PC and the iPhone is turned off. You need to simultaneously hold down two buttons: Home and Power during ten seconds... After 10 seconds letting go button Paver, we continue the second hold - the phone should find the iPhone in DFU mode.

This method is suitable for those who have their phone on Jailbreak And you can't reflash it in the first way.

IPhone recovery via itunes

To restore, you must also make sure that the latest version of iTunes is installed. If you pre-load the firmware file, it will save time.

Connect phone to computer using a cable, run the program iTunesif it didn't start automatically.

You need to go to the settings functions, for this click on the button with name type of phone.

Next by clicking Shift, select the function “ Reestablish». For Mac instead of Shift you need to press Alt... A window will appear to select the firmware file.

we open her. The system will ask the confirmation recovery request. The program will start deleting content on its own and uploading new firmware to the phone's memory.

After that, the device will be restored using Recovery Mode to factory settings.