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Each mail client has its own interface for customization.

Some client programs require all settings to be entered manually, while others receive settings automatically from the provider base.

Let's take a look at the basic steps that are followed when setting up any email client. This information can be used to settings for most mail programs.

To use mail services, you need to register a mailbox on the website of the mail provider, enter your username and password to access the mail, remember or write down the password. Your email address will look like - your-login @ site-provider.

In this article, you will find information on settings for several popular mail providers.

To receive or send mail, authorization is required, for this you must specify your username and password in the appropriate fields when setting up the client. You may have to do this when setting up an incoming mail server and a server for sending messages, but most mail clients remember the data you entered and subsequently use it automatically.

    Let's define the terminology used in this article:
  • SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, literally a simple mail transfer protocol. Allows you to transfer messages from the user's computer to the server and further along the chain of servers.
  • POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3, literally - post office protocol. Contains commands for connecting to the server and downloading messages to the client computer.
  • IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol, a protocol for accessing e-mail. Provides the ability to access emails stored on the server without downloading the contents of the emails and attachments to the local computer.
  • Postal Service Provider (ISP) - the email address of a website that provides a postal service, for example As a rule, the servers of incoming and outgoing mail are running on its subdomains.
  • Incoming mail server - the email address of the server to which the mail client must connect to receive mail, for example or
  • Outgoing mail server - the email address of the server to which the mail client should connect to send mail, for example

Configuring incoming mail:

To receive mail, two protocols are used - POP3 and IMAP, select the protocol you need, preferably IMAP if your mail provider supports it.
If the client software supports traffic encryption, set the SSL / TLS method for more security.
Enter the address of the incoming mail server and the port number, the data required for this can be found in the table below:

ISP POP3 Incoming Mail Server POP3 port no. IMAP incoming mail server IMAP Port No.
Regular SSL Regular SSL 110 995 143 993 110 995 143 993 110 995 143 993 110 995 143 993 110 995 --- --- --- 110 995 --- 993

Outgoing mail settings:

The SMTP protocol is used to send mail, you just have to choose whether to encrypt traffic or not. SSL / TLS is preferred if the email client supports encryption.
To fill in the fields corresponding to the outgoing mail server address and port number, use the information in the table below:

ISP Outgoing SMTP mail server SMTP Port No.
Regular SSL 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587, 2525 465

Save your settings and test your email client.

Purpose of the product

All of us every day, while using e-mail, receive a large amount of unsolicited, advertising correspondence. When communicating on the network, we leave our e-mail address on certain resources, which is found by robots who check the servers for mail addresses. The address lists collected by the robots are then used by spammers to send out garbage in the form of advertisements that the user has not subscribed to and which he does not need at all. Despite the fact that the fight against spammers is getting tougher from year to year, attempts are being made to introduce legislative bans on sending spam, the flow of unwanted mail is only increasing.

To solve this problem, many mail services use specialized software that works in conjunction with mail servers, analyzes passing mail and filters out some unwanted mail. However, not all mail servers have spam protection, and in such cases, the user is forced to manually sort the incoming mail. AGAVA offers all users the program Spamprotexx, which filters all incoming mail, evaluates each message and, if spam is detected, moves it to a special folder in the mail client.

In this review, we will look at the capabilities of Spamprotexx, test its operation and evaluate the quality of spam filtering.

To get acquainted with the capabilities of the program, you can download a fully functional version that will work for 30 days. At the end of this period, the program needs buy... Its price is $ 10. Distribution size is 1.2 megabytes.


Installation of Spamprotexx is performed by a wizard who asks a few standard questions during the installation. To finish installing the program, you must restart your computer.


The main window of the program is shown in the figure below.

The purpose of the settings is clear from their names. You can change the two default email addresses for filter training. Either "broken" spam or normal letters should be sent to these addresses in the process of work. The filter will evaluate and adjust its further work based on the evaluation results. The label is also set here. which will be added by the filter to the subject of spam emails.

In the tab Friendsshown in the figure above, you can fill in the list of addresses from which mail will not be checked by the filter. On the same tab, you can tell the filter to learn from letters from friends, as in the examples of non-spam letters. All recipients of letters that the user writes to are automatically added to the friends list.

This tab contains a list of ports that the filter listens to and the port number to which mail client connections are redirected for filtering. All port numbers can be changed, as well as added or removed.

The slider on this tab adjusts the filter sensitivity. After the filter evaluates the letter according to the Bayesian algorithm, it will compare the estimate received by the letter with the response threshold specified on this tab. The higher the response threshold, the higher the rating the email should receive in order for the filter to mark it as spam. Thus, increasing the response threshold leads to the fact that the filter allows more emails that may be spam through.

On the last tab Statistics summary information about the filter's operation, statistics on filter actions, and the state of the filter training process are displayed.

Right-clicking on the icon in the tray opens a menu with which you can configure automatic check for program updates, view the filter log and temporarily disable it.

Working with the filter, training it

The filter is based on the Bayesian algorithm, which evaluates every incoming email. The Spamprotexx developers have attempted to solve several known problems with filters that use the same algorithm. In detail they described on the developer's site, so we'll cover them briefly.

  • Spamprotexx has a mechanism for correcting training errors, when a letter may be mistakenly sent by the user to the filter base as spam. To fix this error, it is enough to send the same letter to the filter database again, but this time as not spam. Spamprotexx will delete the first, erroneous entry.
  • Some filters can be unnecessarily trained, receiving a lot of typical, identical letters as examples of spam. Such filters will gradually assign more and more ratings to similar emails. Spamprotexx, on the other hand, pre-evaluates the letter, and if he can evaluate it, then the letter will not participate in the training.
  • The filter parses html in emails, paying attention to, for example, text highlighting with color and font size. Due to the fact that html is "parsed", the filter does not add html tags to the lists of spam words, it draws attention to the characteristic signs of spam. For example, it is unlikely that someone in regular correspondence will highlight a few words in bold, red font size 24.
  • Due to the fact that the filter pays attention to the email headers, even very short emails will be correctly evaluated by it.
  • Spamprotexx has a list of short, frequently used words and ignores them when evaluating a letter. For example, prepositions can be used both in spam emails and in normal correspondence. Therefore, the filter does not evaluate the letter for such words.

The work with the filter is simplified as much as possible for the user. After installing the filter, two baskets appear on the toolbar of the email client.

Learning the filter comes down to a trivial drag-and-drop of spam and non-spam emails into the appropriate trash can. The second way of learning is to forward the letter as an attachment to one of the two virtual addresses that are configured on the tab General... Such letters are not sent anywhere, but are analyzed by a filter and used later to evaluate new incoming letters.

Immediately after installing the filter and receiving mail for the first time, the filter added a tag to the subject of two spam emails. The user is given the opportunity to configure a rule for such messages; they can be moved to a special folder or deleted immediately. Thus, the filter starts working immediately after installation and does not require prior training. It is likely that some well-written spam emails will not be flagged as spam by the filter. For such cases, the trash can on the toolbar of the mail client is intended, where you should move the spam messages skipped by the filter. Unfortunately, this method only works for Outlook and Outlook Express. For other email clients, there is a second way to train the filter: forwarding a spam message to a special, virtual address. In the same way, the filter can "explain" that the message it has flagged is not spam. The filter will analyze such a letter and take into account its characteristic features in the future to evaluate new incoming letters. For TheBAT! AGAVA offers plugin, the installation of which will eliminate the need to forward letters to virtual addresses and it will be enough to select one of the items from the context menu Flag as spam or Flag as not spam.


Spamprotexx is an easy-to-use and effective anti-spam tool. The filter is very easy to learn, works with any mail clients and can analyze mail traffic passing through any ports, not just standard ones. Unfortunately, the simple method of dragging and dropping spam messages unrecognized by the filter to the trash can only work in Microsoft mail clients. In all other clients, the letter must be manually forwarded as an attachment to one of the virtual mail addresses, with the exception of TheBAT !, for which there is a special plugin... The filter starts working immediately after installation, its further training only improves the quality of work, but is not mandatory. The developers took into account the shortcomings of other anti-spam tools and created procedures in the filter to solve some well-known problems in the operation of this class of software. The price of the product is only $ 10. This is another powerful argument in favor of purchasing it and using it as an excellent addition to firewall and antivirus software to create the most comfortable and safe environment when working on the Internet.

01.06.2009, 18:50

Recently, a number of my stores have started to give fewer orders. And customers on the phone complain that they do not receive answers to their orders.

The casket opens simply.

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----<*******>
(reason: 550- "We aren" t accept direct connection not from dedicated SMTP servers.)

I warn the owners of shops and other services who are interested in receiving mail.

01.06.2009, 19:27

We aren "t accept

If my French teacher was right, then "We don" t accept "is correct :)

02.06.2009, 05:27

Good afternoon,

But it's not clear what is meant by the words "dedicated SMTP server"? FQDN? or what?

02.06.2009, 05:56

MoMM,: smoke:

02.06.2009, 06:05

and someone else uses this "hosting"?
And four years ago I was one of the best.

02.06.2009, 06:38

And four years ago I was one of the best.
Even Majordomo easily keeps the sites from which Agave's GVA fell in an hour ...

02.06.2009, 07:15

from agave and ran away that the mail either did not work or spam fell in hundreds

02.06.2009, 12:36

MoMM, and someone else uses this "hosting"?
Would you recommend Hosting?

02.06.2009, 12:44

and someone else uses this "hosting"?

I use - this is one of the sites. unfortunately everything is so tied up there that it is very gemorno to leave them ... while I am warm ...

02.06.2009, 12:45

Would you recommend Hosting?

Create a topic and offers the best hosting in 1 hour. will be on 2 pages)

02.06.2009, 14:54

We've written something! :)

I spoke with our technical experts. Here's what they say:

Those. specifically, this check consists in the fact that we have a set of regular expressions, in accordance with which the content of the transmitted "HELO" value is checked by the sender's server during the establishment of an smtp session. Given the huge number of connections in our mail cluster, it is quite possible that errors can occur. I cannot say the exact percentage of errors, but I think it is categorically low. As you know, no spam filtering system works without errors when a valid email is mistaken for spam.

If people contact us, encountering problems, we raise the logs of the mail cluster, analyze the reason and take action if the reason was in our system. There are no mass requests for the problem of erroneous filtering.

Simply put, MoMM, you are just very lucky that you found one. If you see this again, write to our admins.

02.06.2009, 16:18

Simply put, MoMM, you are just very lucky to have found one.

Yes, he cuts the rest of the mail in silence ...

Back from vacation I will transfer all mail from you to Gmail

02.06.2009, 16:47

back from vacation I will transfer all mail from you to Gmail

Write down the results later. Something tells me that the problem is not on our side. : smoke:

02.06.2009, 17:18

Write down the results later. Something tells me that the problem is not on our side.

You have this "prompts" to all technical support ...
want another "hint"?

This time, the process was controlled by me from both sides: the server that did not respond to Hello is also mine - this is a regular hosting with a dedicated IP, and the mail on it is served by Gmail ...

Do you get it?

02.06.2009, 19:11

MoMM. I agree. All mail on hosting is bad, you never know whether the server is lying or not. It is better to have a separate mailbox at,,, and there will be no hassle.

He wrote to one user, he was on Agave, right now where I did not follow him, in general, the letters say disappeared, he is lying, I don’t know.

02.06.2009, 19:51
It breaks easily ....

02.06.2009, 20:14

And most importantly, it does not accept mail from normal servers.

02.06.2009, 20:19

I spoke with our technical experts. Here's what they say:

The sender's server did not pass the "HELO" check.
Those. specifically, this check consists in the fact that we have a set of regular expressions, in accordance with which the content of the transmitted "HELO" value is checked by the sender's server during the establishment of an smtp session.

Please tell your specialists that it is not good to cut hosts with HELO type

03.06.2009, 00:12

Please tell your specialists that it is not good to cut hosts with HELO type,

That is, it is not at all similar to some, from which spam usually goes, let them correct the regexp to be more correct than it is now, I have already encountered a similar problem, since when sending mail to you ...

The HELO values \u200b\u200byou provided successfully pass all checks at the stage
establishing an smtp session.
In order not to be unfounded, I present the session emulation below.

Trying ...

The escape character is "^]". ESMTP We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and / or bulk e-mail.
ehlo Hello
250-SIZE 20971520
250 HELP
mail from:
250 OK
rcpt to:<****>
250 Accepted
$ telnet 25
Trying ...
Connected to
The escape character is "^]". ESMTP We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and / or bulk e-mail.
ehlo Hello
250-SIZE 20971520
250 HELP
mail from:
250 OK
rcpt to:<****>
250 Accepted

03.06.2009, 02:05

It breaks easily ....

So everyone would be hacked. Do you think fools work there? Brute force will determine and banned ip I think. Bring your evidence that it is so easy to hack, I, in turn, will inform them to eliminate these holes. If you have anything to write on the case, write. If they are really so tight, perhaps I will change my email :) one.

03.06.2009, 02:38

i use - this is one of the sites. unfortunately everything is so tied up there that it is very gemorno to leave them ... while I am warm ...

I'm sitting there, everything is fine: idea: so far, no quality problems

03.06.2009, 03:02

Agave is not for me at all ...

I'm telling a story, sad ...
I just bought a host. I immediately found out that for some reason I cannot make backups using the hoster's tools ...
The support answered unintelligibly. The mail did not come. I couldn't take it anymore. Moreover, they do not return money. Another 2 months they spammed me on the box with suggestions, although I unsubscribed from the mailing list.

03.06.2009, 03:35

Regarding orders in my own and developed by me online stores, I personally do this:
1. All orders are assigned a unique number that the client can call when communicating by phone / in ICQ and find out the status of his order.
2. All orders are added to the database without fail.
3. After adding to the database, a letter is generated with the order data, which is sent to the "komunada" boxes
4. An rss stream is formed from the order base, which the "komunada" adds to its reader / offline / reader / start page.

Thus, I have at least a two-level protection against loss of orders, which, by the way, saved stores from losing several regular customers.

03.06.2009, 10:27

Another 2 months they spammed me on the box with suggestions, although I unsubscribed from the mailing list.
I am still spammed :)

03.06.2009, 16:17

In my opinion, for three years now, no one perceives e-mail as a guaranteed way of delivering correspondence ...

Feedback form and that's it
the letter is saved in the database, plus it is guaranteed not to be caught by the spam filter.

Plus in the letter the phrase "If we do not receive confirmation from you within 2 working days, we will consider that the letter did not reach you and it will be sent again"

03.06.2009, 16:29

I am still spammed :)

And I have the anniversary of this spam opera soon. Since September they have been buzzing. I just then left, and it began. I first wrote, then called, and then scored. I put them in the filter and that's it.

Fighting spam at the user level is the last line of defense. A lot of tools are being developed for this milestone. Agava recently released a spam filter for the private user Agava Spamprotexx. This program is not a trial version created by a group of enthusiasts. This software product was developed by professionals working directly at Agava. Agava has over 6 years of experience in software development and employs over 100 experienced employees. The company's projects on the Russian Internet are among the top five in terms of attendance.

Agava Spamprotexx works on the basis of statistical methods

Some programs of a similar class, for example SpamFilter from DeSofto, delete messages on the server of those messages that the program qualifies as spam with a certain level of probability. Agava Spamprotexx does not do this: mail is downloaded completely. Messages classified as spam are stored in a specific folder, from where the user himself deletes them. This measure helps to ensure that it is possible to avoid the loss of relevant information as a result of false-positive results (normal e-mail classified as spam) of the program. The program does not care what protocol the user receives mail: POP or IMAP, while the program does not even need to specify a specific type of mail protocol.

Agava Spamprotexx works with all email clients and does not require their configuration, while most of the common filters work as proxy servers: they take mail to themselves and then give it to the client. That is, the client applies for mail to the proxy, which requires changing the settings. In itself, changing the settings does not present much difficulty in similar programs, but for an unskilled user it can present certain difficulties. The Agava Spamprotexx user is spared these hassles.

If necessary, you can disable the spam filter from work in one click and work with mail without it. The need for such a shutdown during the program testing period arose once: when sending mail failed. When contacting the developers, it turned out that the error had already been fixed and an update was needed. Agava Spamprotexx has an automatic update function, but no manual, on demand. In such cases, you have to download the updated version manually, using some download manager, and then install the new version on top.

Program settings

The basic principle of settings is a minimum of hassle for the user

The program settings are very simple and are divided into groups of parameters.

General - basic parameters of program settings. In this window, you need to enter the mail addresses for letters intended for training the program, a label for indexing spam messages, define a folder for placing filtered messages (if the user is not satisfied with the folder created by the program by default). In the same window, you can enable / disable the integration of Agava Spamprotexx into Microsoft mail clients: Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook.

In these mail clients, to train Agava Spamprotexx on incoming spam, it is enough to drag and drop the message to the corresponding baskets built into the command panel of the mail client. In the mail clients of other developers, you have to perform a few simple steps to learn. It's less convenient than Outlook, but still not difficult.

Friends - "white" list of verified correspondents. Letters from correspondents from the "white" list are not scanned by the program at all. The "white" list consists of postal addresses and their corresponding text names. It often happens that spam comes from well-known addresses - this is called e-mail forgery. At the same time, spammers rarely forge the corresponding text name along with the address. Therefore, the whitelisting in Agava Spamprotexx is more reliable than in other programs.

The "white" list is supported automatically. If you send an email to someone, their address and text name are added to the "white" list. If you submit a non-spam message for training, its address and text name will also be added to the whitelist. If you provide the filter with a spam message for training, its address will be removed from the "white" list. In order for an address from the "white" list to be protected from deletion, you must manually check the box for confirmation of deletion opposite a specific address. The whitelist can also be maintained manually.

Ports - the ability to configure certain ports to work under certain protocols, if they differ from those used by default.

Algorithm - the ability to manage the coefficient, which serves as a threshold for classifying a message as spam. The default filtering value of 60% is the company recommended threshold. But the user can either lower the value of this threshold, or raise it. If you want to get as few false positives as possible, place the spam cutoff in this Spamprotexx tab by 80 or even 90%. In this case, the user will have to send more sample spam messages for training, but the number of non-spam messages mistakenly marked as spam will decrease.

Statistics - analysis of the program. None of the existing spam filters can guarantee 100% spam protection. First of all, because the technologies of spam mailings are constantly changing and improving. But the user must follow the effectiveness of the program, otherwise how can he evaluate the effectiveness of the program and, ultimately, the effectiveness of his invested funds.

Program operation

Agava Spamprotexx does not slow down the reception and sending of mail at all. By integrating into the process of receiving mail at a low level, the spam filter checks incoming and outgoing mail. With the help of the training function, the user sets up filters for his individual characteristics of correspondence. All emails marked with the "Spam" tag go to a specific folder that the user can view as needed. The developers claim that Agava Spamprotexx can save up to 20 minutes of user time for every hundred spam messages. This is not counting the nerves.

To learn the program, you need to send a message to a specific address

Learning, as already mentioned, is performed by sending messages that have passed through the filter to certain addresses (the algorithm for this operation is described in detail in the User's Guide) or by transferring these messages to the appropriate baskets. In the process of learning, the transfer or transfer operation has to be performed less and less often.

In general, we can say with confidence that Agava Spamprotexx classifies letters quite confidently. It can make life and work much easier for those users whose e-mail addresses are freely available on websites, forums, and so on.

The exclusive rights to publish and distribute the program on the territory of Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States belong to CJSC "New Disc". You can get acquainted with the spam filter by downloading the distribution kit from the Agava website. You can buy Agava Spamprotexx in DVD-box at Softkey or through the online store of the New Disc company.

System requirements:

  • operating system Microsoft Windows 98SE / ME / NT / 2000 / XP;
  • pentium 100 MHz processor;
  • 32 MB of RAM;
  • Internet Explorer 4.0;
  • screen resolution 800x600 with 16-bit color depth.