Such traffic and how. What is internet traffic? Let's demonstrate using the example of the Networx service

The amount of data, in kilobytes, passing through the server in a given period of time. Distinguish between: incoming traffic of data received by the server; and outbound data traffic sent by the server. In English: Traffic Synonyms: Information traffic, ... ... Financial vocabulary

traffic - trafic m. 1. Trade in processed foods in large and small sizes. Vavilov 1856.2. Revive the ice-bound polar desert and open the transarctic traffic through it between Europe and cultural centers on the northern shores of the Pacific ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

- (English traffic movement, message), in network technologies information flow in a communication system; the amount of information that an Internet user (see INTERNET) receives from the network to his computer and sends to the network. Distinguish incoming ... encyclopedic Dictionary

The amount of data, in kilobytes, passing through the server in a given period of time. Distinguish between: incoming traffic of data received by the server; and outbound data traffic sent by the server. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Business glossary

Movement, traffic, congestion, traffic jam Dictionary of Russian synonyms. traffic n., number of synonyms: 4 traffic (93) congestion ... Synonym dictionary

traffic - The amount of information transmitted per unit of time, expressed, for example, in bit / s. [GOST R 52872 2007] traffic Data flow in the transmission medium. Topics information technology in general EN traffic ... Technical translator's guide

TRAFFIC - information flow in the data transmission and reception network ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

traffic - From the English. traffic - flow, movement. The amount of information transmitted per unit of time. The intensity of the download of the data transmission channel. There are "mobile" traffic, Internet traffic, road traffic (traffic volume), mail traffic ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

traffic - 3.34 traffic: The load created by the flow of calls, messages and signals arriving at the railway telecommunication facilities. 3.35 Source: GOST R 54958 2012: Railway telecommunications. Security requirements control methods ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Traffic - 29) traffic load created by the flow of calls, messages and signals arriving at communication facilities; ... Source: Federal Law of 07.07.2003 N 126 FZ (as amended on 28.07.2012) On communication ... Official terminology


  • Traffic in Russian
  • Traffic in Russian, Maxim Shakhov. The greedy octopus of the drug mafia spread its tentacles wide. The whole organism was poisoned internationally. Sucks, infection, blood and kicks. Finally they decided to give the internal organs of Russia and America to the parasite ...

Let's talk about what traffic on the Internet is in simple words - everyone knows this meaning, but not everyone can decipher and understand it. We will provide clear definitions and detailed instructions!

What is it: characteristic

Network traffic is information that is transmitted and received by a device (computer, tablet, smartphone) from the Internet.

There are several types of traffic that need to be split. Let's explain in simple terms what network traffic is, how to separate incoming and outgoing data:

  • You write a message to a friend on the Instagram social network - this is outgoing data;
  • You receive a reply message on the social network - this is already incoming data.

There are two other types:

  • Internal - information is transmitted over the local network;
  • External - data is received or transmitted to the sphere from the outside. *

* This division became obsolete a few years ago, now only the above concepts are used.

What is spent on

Information on what it is spent on will help to get a complete picture of what traffic is on the Internet:

  • Web browsing;
  • Listening to music and watching movies;
  • Using social media or apps.

In fact, absolutely all actions related to the Internet. It's time to talk about how the amount of information you use is measured.

  • Byte is used as the main unit;
  • Derived bytes are used - for example, 1 KB, 1 MB, and 1 GB.

Why know if 1 MB of Internet traffic is how many in bytes or kilobytes? Why count? This information will help you control your expenses - including financial ones. We will describe below how to study network access.

Checking on a computer and smartphone

You already know what Internet traffic is, what it is spent on - you figured it out. It's time to talk about how to check metrics on a PC and a smartphone.

You can view traffic on the Internet on your phone or computer using third-party applications, but in this review we are talking about the standard methods provided by the operating system.

On the computer

Let's start with a computer - everything is quite simple, you need to learn a few steps according to the instructions:

  • Click on the connection icon on the taskbar in the lower right corner;
  • Go to line "Network and Internet Settings";
  • Open the Wi-Fi or Ethernet block (depending on the wired or wireless network you are using);
  • Click on the icon "Network and Sharing Center";

  • In the block "View active networks" find the option you need and click with the left mouse button;

  • The "Status" window will open;
  • Here you will see the speed data;

  • The activity block shows the number of received and transmitted bytes.

On the phone

It's simple, isn't it? It's time to talk about how to find incoming and outgoing mobile Internet traffic on a smartphone that runs on Android OS:

  • Open the device settings - "Connections";
  • Choose a section "Mobile networks";

  • Go to line "Data transfer";
  • Here you will see the incoming and outgoing data for a certain period of time displayed at the top of the screen;
  • Below the graph is a list of the main applications that consume the network.

And now we give a small instruction for users of "apple" products - iPhones:

  • Open your smartphone settings;
  • Go to section "Cellular";
  • In the block "Cellular data" you will see the information you need;
  • In line "Current period" the total volume is displayed;
  • Below you will see the data for each application.

We told in detail even for dummies what traffic on the Internet is. No questions left? Now you can figure out for yourself what you are paying for and how the Internet is spent on your device.

Almost every user of the World Wide Web knows such a thing as Internet traffic. If speak about mobile operators, then they have, the greater the volume of available traffic, the higher the cost. Most operators have tariffs that do not have traffic restrictions, but their cost is significantly higher than that of their counterparts with restrictions.

Internet for personal computersprovided by providers is most often rated based on internet speed.

There are billions of computers on the World Wide Web. Some are called servers - they store some information, others connect to these servers to get this information. From this we conclude that computers exchange information with each other.

Data received from other computers is incoming trafficand the data sent by your PC is outgoing... This category includes VK posts, audio recordings, videos you uploaded and much more. The unit of measurement is gigabyte, megabyte, or kilobyte.

Many providers have a so-called "Grid" - this is a place on the network or the Internet, organized by the service provider, from which users can download movies, music and exchange other information, but at the same time payment for consumable traffic is not charged. Only users of this particular provider have access to the "Grid".

It often happens that one computer starts sending data to another without the knowledge of the PC owner. This happens when the computer is infected virus... In this case, outgoing traffic is significantly increases... To avoid such unpleasant situations, you need to use antivirus programs that track any malicious software and neutralize it, preventing information leakage.

How to find out the used traffic

There are several ways to find out the amount of used traffic. Let's start with the easiest way.

We use standard functionality

It makes it possible for us to find out how much information was received and consumed during the current internet sessions.

On the taskbar, find an icon that displays an active Internet connection.

Clicking on it, you will see list possible connections, you need to choose yours.

Click on it right click.

A window will appear, which will display information about the duration of the connection, Internet speed, sent and received packets (this is traffic).

When you turn off the computer and the connection is lost, the data will be reset.

If several accounts are used on your computer, then you can find out the same data on them. You will need to do the same manipulations.

Third party software

You can use special software to determine outgoing and incoming traffic. Here the choice is huge. We settled on the Networx program.

A very simple, informative, intuitive program.

After installation, it will always be on your taskbar. You can contact her at any time and get all the necessary data.

When you hover the mouse over the icon, the program will show you current internet speed.

If you click on it right clickthen a window will pop up.

By pressing the button statistics, you will receive data on traffic, both current and for the day, week, month, year, you can view the hourly report.

Traffic on mobile devices

On mobile devices, traffic is consumed much more economical... This is ensured by mobile versions of sites that are optimized specifically for the convenience of users entering the Internet from gadgets.

The simplest solution is to install the application. Each provider has developed software for smartphones that reflects the full traffic statistics.

You can also find out the short number (it differs from operators). By sending an SMS to it, you will receive traffic information in response.

Issues covered in the material:

  • What is internet traffic
  • Sources of traffic to the site
  • How to find out website traffic

We continue to conduct our "Internet Marketing Alphabet", in which we reveal the basic concepts in simple words, without abstruse terms and complex examples. Read on, join us - everything is simple and clear with us! In this article, we will explain what site traffic is, what types of it are, and how to find out site traffic.

What is internet traffic?

To best represent this, let's move from the virtual world to the offline world and analyze the concept of traffic using a specific example.

Each of us has a shop near the house, where we run to buy bread, milk or something for dinner. There is a saleswoman, Aunt Masha, whom you know very well. Besides you, people who live or work nearby come into the shop every day. Let's imagine that a shop is a website, Aunt Masha is its owner, and the people who visit it are website visitors. So all the people who have entered the store today are traffic. The same is happening in the online world.

Traffic is the number of people who visit the site per unit of time - day, month, etc.

For example, if 150 people came in per day, it means that the daily traffic of the site is 150 people (or, as they say, 150 visits or 150 unique visitors).

It is clear that the more traffic to the site, the better, because those people who visit the site are your potential customers, your consumers. They visit the site for a reason - they are interested in your offer, products, services.

Of course, not all site visitors will make a targeted action - a purchase or an order. The ratio of the number of people who made a purchase to the total number of people who came to the site is called a conversion.

So, Internet traffic is the number of people who visit the site per unit of time - day, month or year.

Sources of traffic to the site

Now let's take a look at how visitors get to the site.

We are again transported to the offline world and stand at the door of the store. All these people who enter it - how did they know about the existence of this store, why did they come here? One, for example, saw an advertisement in the elevator: "Wow, there is milk for 39 rubles - you have to go in!" The second was given a leaflet on the street. The third heard an advertisement on the radio, the fourth was told by a neighbor. These are the channels through which visitors come.

The online world also has its own traffic sources:

  1. Search results... You are looking for information in a search engine - it gives sites for your request. You follow the links, become a visitor and increase website traffic. We will tell you more about search results in the next issues of our "Internet Marketing ABC".
  2. contextual advertising... Again, you enter your query into a search engine, and the topmost ads are contextual advertising. Companies buy these places and pay for the clicks.
  3. Advertising in social networks... Have you seen ad units on the side on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki? By clicking on them, you again go to the site.
  4. Direct calls... People learn about the site not only from the Internet - someone is advised by friends, someone hears advertisements on radio or TV.

So, there are several types of traffic, thanks to which a person gets to the site. If you are the owner of a resource, it is in your best interest to use all of these sources. The bigger, the better!

How to find out the traffic of the site?

In the good old real world, making website traffic analysis is easy.

You can put a stern guard with a notepad at the entrance to the store so that he manually counts the number of visitors. You can install counters at the entrance that automatically respond to each visitor and send a report to the store director.

On the Internet, in order to view site traffic, special analytics systems have been created - these are codes that are installed on the site and count traffic. The most common ones are Yandex Metric and Google Analytics.

So, traffic is measured using analytics systems. Read more about these systems, integration and other basic concepts in the next issues of "The ABC of Internet Marketing". Did you like the article? Then repost quickly!

This is a characteristic of the amount of information transmitted to the Internet and downloaded from it from the user's computer. Distinguish between incoming and outgoing traffic, which together can be used to limit the amount of data in the provider's tariff plans. As a rule, specialized software on the provider's side is used to calculate traffic. The user can also set a counter for the amount of downloaded and received information to control and schedule work.

Hosting traffic

Hosting providers, when providing tariff plans, can also use the concept of received and transmitted traffic from the client's web resource to limit it within the terms of the tariff plan.

Website traffic. Types and differences

The concept of the word "traffic" in relation to a site can have two meanings.

  • Traffic to the site as the amount of information received and downloaded from the resource. As a rule, it is used quite rarely and does not carry an important information load.
  • Traffic to the site as a characteristic of resource traffic over a certain period of time. Plays an important role in analyzing the work of the resource and improving its commercial characteristics.

Visitor traffic to a web resource is also usually divided into targeted and non-targeted traffic.

  • Target - the number of visitors who purposefully entered the resource from search engines or another source, because they are interested in the topic of this site.
  • Inappropriate - traffic of visitors who came to the resource by accident or because of errors in the promotion strategy using non-thematic queries or poor-quality site optimization.

Obviously, in order to solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of the financial performance of a web project, it is important to get the most targeted traffic and not spend the budget on attracting random visitors who, most likely, will never become clients of the company that owns the site. That is why it is important to be able not only to accurately measure traffic, but also to analyze its quality indicators.

Website traffic analysis systems

Today there are many specialized services and built-in tools for content management systems to calculate and analyze the incoming traffic of site visitors. As a rule, for high-quality accounting and full analysis of the number and composition of visitors, as well as their actions on the site, it is web services for collecting statistics that are used. Such services work as follows: a small piece of code is inserted into the site, which is responsible for collecting and transmitting data to the analytics system about each call to the site. You must first register in such a system and get the program code for your resource. This creates a user account with access to the collected statistics and tools for traffic analysis.

The most popular among such systems among resource owners and optimizers are the services Yandex.Metrica and GoogleAnalytics. Both of these services, with some differences in appearance and set of tools, allow not only to accurately calculate the number of visitors, but also to provide information about:

  • the visitor's actions on the site,
  • repeat visits,
  • bounce rate,
  • time spent on the site,
  • number of internal transitions,
  • the qualitative composition of visitors according to several analysis criteria,
  • sources of referral to the site,
  • the actions performed.

This data is extremely important for improving the financial performance of the resource and optimizing the advertising budget for different channels of attracting targeted visitors. In modern conditions of high competition of commercial resources, without the competent use of tools for analyzing traffic to the site, it is almost impossible to talk about a successful and optimal in terms of cost and time resource promotion. The data is also used to study various traffic channels to optimize the advertising budget and improve the internal structure of the resource to increase its conversion.