Terminology - What is the difference between an information system and software? What is the difference between a program and a plan? What is a program?

A computer user most often works with various data, as well as programs. What are their features?

What is computer data?

Under computer data strictly speaking, is understood as any sequence of combinations of machine code elements - zeros and ones, which can form a file, folder, array, low-level or high-level algorithm or script.

But modern IT specialists most often understand data as useful information that carries an informative load. Which, as a rule, are presented in the form of files - text, graphics, video or audio recordings, web pages. Sometimes useful data looks like an audio or video broadcast - for example, when watching TV programs or listening to radio programs online, when people communicate via Skype. But such a broadcast can also be recorded in a file.

Thus, computer data in the modern sense is a sequence of combinations of machine code elements - zeros and ones, which has practical usefulness and carries a certain information load.

What is the program?

Program- this is also a sequence of combinations of zeros and ones within machine code, but it has a special structure and allows you to create, process, receive and transmit other sequences. For example, those that are presented with useful data.

The program, therefore, is a tool for creating, processing, receiving and transmitting files, broadcasts and other data. As well as other programs, which in this case will themselves be collections of data.


The main difference between data and a program is that the former are carriers of information load - files. The program is a means of creating and also reproducing this information load (in the form in which the user needs it).

The program, of course, also consists of files - executable ones, as well as those that complement it (libraries, scripts, etc.). But each of them separately usually does not carry an information load in terms of practical significance for the user.

One of the unique properties of programs is the ability to self-reproduce. A completed, debugged application, equipped with the necessary files and scripts, can always load itself. In turn, a person in most cases does not have the opportunity to use existing computer data without programs in a practically useful way. In order to open a file or listen to a broadcast, he will need to use a special application adapted to work with the relevant types of data.

Thus, data and programs are resources dependent on each other in many respects. The main difference between them comes down to their internal structure, as well as to the modes of their practical application.

Having determined what the difference is between the data and the program, let’s record the main conclusions in the table.

Data Program
What do they have in common?
A program is a type of computer data
Most types of data cannot be created and practically used by humans without the use of programs
What is the difference between them?
They are collections of zeros and ones of machine code that have an informative load in the form of files, translationsRepresents a collection of zeros and ones of machine code adapted for creating, processing, sending and receiving data or other similar collections
They cannot reproduce themselves (run on a computer) - they need programs for thisIn its finished form it can reproduce itself

Training program(training plan, training system) is not always some kind of complex scheme that changes every day according to all sorts of mysterious principles known only to fitness experts. Sometimes a program may consist of one training complex(training, workout). And even from one exercise. What's the difference then?

Everything is not as complicated as it seems. And there is only one fundamental difference. The training program always implies some kind of progression. A training complex is simply a list of exercises with instructions on how and in what quantity to perform them.

Progression is, in other words, what we improve(increase or decrease) during program execution. This can be the number of approaches and repetitions, the time it takes to complete the exercises, the weight of the equipment, the amount of rest between approaches, the level of difficulty of the exercises, etc. Various combinations of all of the above are also possible.

As an example, let's develop several training programs based on one training complex, consisting of one exercise.

Training complex:

  • Burpee()

Training program 1 ( number of repetitions ):

  • Day 1: Burpees - 5 reps
  • Day 2: Burpees - 7 reps
  • Day 3: Burpees - 9 reps

Training program 2 ( number of approaches + number of repetitions ):

  • Day 1: Burpees - 1x5 reps
  • Day 2: Burpees - 2x5 reps
  • Day 3: Burpees - 3x5 reps
  • Day 4: Burpees - 1 x 7 reps
  • Day 5: Burpees - 2x7 reps
  • Day 6: Burpees - 3x7 reps

I think the idea is clear. And there can be a great variety of progression options even with one exercise. Why do we need progressions at all?

Any progression means an increase in the load on the body and a more difficult workout. Our body constantly adapts to external influences. If you do 10 push-ups every day, you will look like a person who does 10 push-ups every day. The body adapts and there will be no positive changes. This is unlikely to suit you. To improve, you need to increase the difficulty. For example, do push-ups faster or more.

If you come across a “super-duper championship program” somewhere where someone has become big and strong, and this program looks something like this:

  1. Bench press 3x8
  2. Bent-over row 3x10
  3. Seated press 3x10
  4. Squats 4x6

At the same time absolutely nothing is said about what the progression should be- weight of the barbell, speed of execution, rest between approaches, etc., then this is NOT a program, but separate training(set of exercises).

It is important to be able to separate one from the other if you want to achieve any results. The presence of progression does not mean that the training program is effective. But this is at least a program! We will learn to distinguish a good program from a bad one later.

As examples and to consolidate knowledge, consider the progressions of several programs posted on the site:

  • We always perform the same number of repetitions. The number of approaches does not matter. The amount of rest too. The goal is to reduce the time of the entire workout. This can be done by speeding up the exercises and by reducing rest between sets and exercises. But there is a clear criterion - time.

In the modern world, only those who are best prepared for the upcoming actions win. The program and plan are two important parts of project management, the implementation of ideas of which can lead to success of any enterprise. Understanding the difference between them is very important for future leaders who want not just to be a cog in the system, but to competently manage resources and determine their future.

What is a program and plan

Program– a sequential algorithm of actions, the implementation of which will allow the performer to achieve a certain goal. The program can be computer, election, or work. They all have one thing in common: a set of interrelated activities aimed at achieving the assigned tasks.
Plan– a series of actions united by a single goal and intended to be completed before a certain date. The plan allows you to create a work schedule that disciplines both an individual and a group of people, helping them navigate time and space.

Difference between program and plan

Thus, a program is a broad concept that denotes a strategy for achieving results. Not a single large company or organization whose leader really wants to succeed can do without it. The program is flexible; in order to achieve goals, individual points can be changed and adapted to real conditions. Moreover, it can have several plans executed in parallel.
A plan is an outdated way of implementing project management tasks. It is detailed, and each event has a time frame, but it is far from a fact that completing all tasks will lead to achieving goals.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between the program and the plan is as follows:

Breadth of the concept. Program is a broader category that can include multiple plans.
Progressiveness. The program is more flexible than the plan, and it can be adjusted and directed during the implementation process.
Flexibility. Individual program items can be executed independently of each other, with multiple outcomes possible. The plan is always linear, and therefore must be implemented consistently.
Detailing. The program contains only general provisions and goals, and the plan contains a detailed elaboration of each step, time frames, and resources.
Evaluation of the result. To understand the effectiveness of the plan, it is necessary to compare the planned activities with those actually completed. The effectiveness of the program can only be assessed when the goal is achieved.

In the modern world, only those who are best prepared for the upcoming actions win. The program and plan are two important parts of project management, the implementation of ideas of which can lead to success of any enterprise. Understanding the difference between them is very important for future leaders who want not just to be a cog in the system, but to competently manage resources and determine their future.

What is a program and plan

Program– a sequential algorithm of actions, the implementation of which will allow the performer to achieve a certain goal. The program can be computer, election, or work. They all have one thing in common: a set of interrelated activities aimed at achieving the assigned tasks.
Plan– a series of actions united by a single goal and intended to be completed before a certain date. The plan allows you to create a work schedule that disciplines both an individual and a group of people, helping them navigate time and space.

Difference between program and plan

Thus, a program is a broad concept that denotes a strategy for achieving results. Not a single large company or organization whose leader really wants to succeed can do without it. The program is flexible; in order to achieve goals, individual points can be changed and adapted to real conditions. Moreover, it can have several plans executed in parallel.
A plan is an outdated way of implementing project management tasks. It is detailed, and each event has a time frame, but it is far from a fact that completing all tasks will lead to achieving goals.

the site determined that the difference between the program and the plan is as follows:

Breadth of the concept. Program is a broader category that can include multiple plans.
Progressiveness. The program is more flexible than the plan, and it can be adjusted and directed during the implementation process.
Flexibility. Individual program items can be executed independently of each other, with multiple outcomes possible. The plan is always linear, and therefore must be implemented consistently.
Detailing. The program contains only general provisions and goals, and the plan contains a detailed elaboration of each step, time frames, and resources.
Evaluation of the result. To understand the effectiveness of the plan, it is necessary to compare the planned activities with those actually completed. The effectiveness of the program can only be assessed when the goal is achieved.

Software - software - is a group of programs that provide the solution to a certain task (counting candy wrappers), conducting a certain process (viewing photos of cats), the work of a certain department (accounting), etc. This very group of programs is nameless; software cannot have its own name. You can’t say “Wrappers” software, “Kotiki” software or “Accounting” software - it simply doesn’t sound Russian. Instead they say candy wrapper accounting software, photo viewing software, accounting software.

Since the software doesn't have a name, you can always call it something else. Photo viewing software may well turn into cat viewing software - or become part of the break room software. If there is the same Windows image viewer there, then it will be the same software, no matter what you call it.

An information system, on the contrary, is always named. There may well be IS "Wrappers", IS "Kotiki" and IS "Accounting". However, the photo viewing IS also has the right to exist (here the name of the system is the “photo viewing IS”). Also, an IS does not require that its components have any unifying feature - the existence of the IS “Wrappers and Accounting” is quite acceptable, if, of course, such an IS is needed by anyone.

On the other hand, the name for the IP is only created by those who distribute it. You cannot buy the "Wrappers" IP, and then write in the documents that you bought the "Candy Eater" IP - these are completely different IPs, even if they are made up of the same components (although one IP can still be part of another - but usually Such IS are still called subsystems rather than systems).

Another difference between an IS and software is that an IS may contain components that are not programs or data for them. For example, an information system that provides train schedules to passengers at a station may well include information kiosks. Software, as the name suggests, can only contain programs, otherwise it will be called APO (hardware and software).


The point is that IP is a broader concept than software. At a minimum, in addition to software, IP includes operating instructions and other administrative regulations, as well as a certain composition of technical means. –avp

Yes, that's a fair point. I would generalize it somewhat. An IP, as a named entity, exists as long as there is a package of documents defining it. This package includes, among other things, all kinds of instructions and other administrative regulations.

At the same time, the software does not require documents for its existence.