Multimedia tests. Multimedia tests in computer science. In a raster graphics editor from statements

1. The following number of revolutions have occurred in the development of information technology:
□ 2
□ 3
□ 4
□ 5

2. Infection with computer viruses can occur in the process of:
□ working with files
□ formatting a floppy disk
□ turn off the computer
□ printing on a printer

3. To check your hard drive for a virus, you must have:
□ protected program
□ boot program
□ file with antivirus program
□ write-protected floppy disk with anti-virus program

4. A program that is not an antivirus:
□ Norton Antivirus
□ Dr Web

5. Class of programs not related to antivirus:
□ phage programs
□ scanning programs
□ audit programs
□ program detectors

6. How a virus appears on a computer:
□ moving from a floppy disk
□ when solving a mathematical problem
□ when connecting a modem to a computer
□ spontaneously

7. The following may be infected with computer viruses:
□ graphic files
□ programs and documents
□ sound files
□ video files

8. Basic principles of operation of new information technology:
□ interactive mode of working with the user
□ integration with other programs
□ relationship between the user and the computer
□ flexibility in the processes of changing data and setting tasks
□ use of expert support
9. Classification of information technologies (IT) according to the method of application of data processing tools and methods includes:
□ basic IT
□ general IT
□ specific IT
□ special IT
□ global IT

10. Classification of information technologies (IT) according to the problem being solved includes:
□ IT office automation
□ IT data processing
□ IT expert systems
□ IT support for entrepreneurs
□ IT decision support

11. Information technology tools include:
□ computer
□ computer desk
□ software product
□ several interrelated software products
□ books

12. Examples of information technology tools:
□ text editor
□ table editor
□ graphic editor
□ video editing system
□ database management system

13. The word processor is included in:
□ system software
□ programming systems
□ operating system
□ application software

14. A word processor is a program designed to:
□ working with images
□ PC resource management when creating documents
□ entering, editing and formatting text data
□ automatic translation from symbolic languages ​​into machine codes

15. The basic structure of a text document is determined by:
□ footer
□ note
□ template
□ hyperlink

16. To create a form template with complex formatting, you need to insert into the document:
□ drawing
□ frame
□ headers and footers
□ table

17. Areas located in the top and bottom margins of each page of a document that typically contain repetitive information:
□ footnote
□ footer
□ epigraph
□ fragment

18. A set of formatting options that can be applied to text, tables, and lists to quickly change their appearance by applying an entire group of formatting attributes in one action:
□ style
□ format
□ template
□ service

19. The Format menu commands in the MS Word word processor allow you to:
□ saving the document
□ table insertion
□ insertion of a picture
□ selection of paragraph and font parameters

20. The Edit menu commands in the MS Word word processor allow you to:
□ pasting objects from the clipboard
□ saving the document
□ table insertion
□ selection of paragraph and font parameters

21. The distance between the baselines of adjacent rows of the table is called:
□ leading
□ headset
□ point
□ kerning

22. An object that allows you to create formulas in a MS Word document is called:
□ Microsoft Excel
□Microsoft Equation
□ Microsoft Graph
□ Microsoft Access

23. When closing the “Configuration” window, the 1C program issued the request “Save metadata?” It means:
□ changes were made to the configuration in the current work session; if the answer to the request is affirmative, these changes will be saved
□ this request is always issued; if the answer is yes, a backup copy of the database is created
□ this request is always issued; if the answer to the request is affirmative, a backup copy of the database and current configuration is created
24. Let the currency directory for some currency X set the current rate equal to 2 and the multiple equal to 100. Then the ruble coverage of 250 units of currency X will be equal to:
□ 5 rub.
□ 500 rub.
□ 50,000 rub.
□ 125 rub.

25. When setting up system parameters, the “Year of the beginning of the working century” field is set to “1998”. In this case, the date “02.12.97” entered in the format of a two-digit year representation will be perceived by the program as:
□December 2, 1997
□December 2, 1998
□ December 2, 2097
□ February 12, 1997
□ February 12, 1997

26. Each account in the chart of accounts window has an icon at the beginning of the line. The pictogram is marked with a red “tick”, this means that:
□ the account is marked for deletion
□ the account can only be edited in configuration mode
□ account cannot be edited
□ “kryzha” indicating that the account is included in the working chart of accounts
□ the “Switch off postings” command was executed in relation to transactions using this account

27. When entering a transaction in the “Debit Account” column, an account number is entered that is not in the chart of accounts. In this case:
□ when recording a transaction, an error message will be displayed
□ when recording the operation an error message will be displayed
□ the chart of accounts will open to select an account
□ an auxiliary (fictitious) invoice with code “00” will be automatically entered

28. Creating tables in the MS Word word processor is possible in the following mode:
□ usual
□ markings
□ structures
□ Web document
□ document diagrams

29. Creating requisite design elements for printed pages in the MS Word word processor is possible in the following mode:
□ usual
□ markings
□ structures
□ Web document
□ document diagrams

30. Basic techniques for working with texts in the MS Word word processor include:
□ creating, saving and printing a document
□ sending a document by email
□ text input and editing
□ text review
□ text formatting

31. Special text input tools in the MS Word word processor include:
□ means of canceling and returning actions
□ extended clipboard
□ autotext
□ auto summation
□ auto-correct

32. Special text editing tools in the MS Word word processor include:
□ symbol insertion mode
□ character replacement mode
□ review
□ thesaurus
□ automation of spell checking

33. You can insert into a MS Word document:
□ formulas
□ programs
□ tables
□ diagrams
□ drawings

34. A new macro can be created in the following ways:
□ automatically record the sequence of actions
□ manually write the corresponding program in VBA
□ import an existing macro from another file
□ import an existing macro from another file and change it
□ change to an already created macro and save under a different name

36. For calculations in MS Word tables, formulas containing:
□ mathematical functions
□ constants
□ built-in functions
□ signs of mathematical operations
□ links to blocks of text

37. When merging, the following documents are used:
□ final document
□ main document
□ data recipient
□ data source
□ original document

38. The data source for a merger can be:
□ MS Word document
□ MS Excel document
□ MS WordPad document
□ MS Access document
□ MS Graph document

40. A MS Excel table cell can contain:
□ drawing
□ text
□ number
□ formula
□ date and time

41. Operating modes of the MS Excel spreadsheet processor:
□ readiness
□ data entry
□ command
□ regular
□ editing

42. Restricting access to spreadsheets can be done at the level:
□ workbooks
□ groups of documents
□ formulas
□ worksheets
□ individual cells

43. The MS Excel spreadsheet data menu item allows you to:
□ carry out data protection
□ create macros
□ sort data
□ filter data
□ check spelling

44. To run a macro you can use:
□ keyboard key combination
□ combination of keyboard keys and on-screen buttons
□ created screen buttons
□ created toolbar buttons
□ text command

45. When formatting a chart in the MS Excel spreadsheet processor, you can change:
□ chart type
□ initial data
□ legend format
□ diagram location
□ format of the construction area

46. ​​In the chart of accounts for a certain account, analytical accounting is established in the context of two types of sub-accounts - “Materials” and “Warehouses”. Then in the 1C program the accounting results for this account can be obtained:
□ separately for materials
□ separately for warehouses
□ by warehouses by materials and warehouses
□ by materials by warehouse
□ by warehouse by material

47. In the standard operation template, for some posting attribute, the name of the same attribute is set in the “Copying” parameter. This mode in the 1C program provides the user with the opportunity to:
□ force copying of the values ​​of the specified details from the same transaction
□ force copying of the values ​​of the specified details from subsequent transactions
□ force copying of the values ​​of the specified details of previous transactions
□ forcefully copy the values ​​of the specified attribute from the operation log
□ force copying of the values ​​of the specified transaction journal attribute

48. This method of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for access to information resources:
□ permanent connection via fiber optic channel
□ remote access via dial-up telephone channel
□ permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel
□ terminal connection via dial-up telephone channel

49. A modem transmitting information at a speed of 28,800 bps can transmit two pages of text (3,600 bytes) within...
□ 1 minute
□ 1 hour
□ 1 second
□ 1 day

50. Electronic mail (e-mail) allows you to send…
□ messages only
□ files only
□ messages and attached files
□ video images

51. The basic protocol stack on the Internet is:

52. A computer connected to the Internet must have:
□ IP address
□ Web server
□ home web page
□ domain name

53. Hyperlinks on a web page can provide a transition:
□ only within this web page
□ only on the web pages of this server
□ to any web page of a given region
□ to any web page of any Internet server

54. An Internet email address has been set: [email protected]. "Name" of the owner of the email address:
□ user_name
□ en

55. Browsers are:
□ Internet servers
□ antivirus programs
□ programming language translators
□ web browser

56. Web pages have the extension:
□ *.txt
□ *.htm
□ *.doc
□ *.exe

57. A modem is a device designed for:
□ printing information
□ information storage
□ processing information at a given time
□ transfer of information via communication channels

58. You can use the following as hypertext links:
□ just a word
□ picture only
□ any word or any picture
□ a word, group of words or picture

59. A web page is...
□ a special format document published on the Internet
□ a document in which all information on the network is stored
□ document in which user information is stored
□ software menu summary

60. The speed of information transmission over a fiber optic backbone line is usually no less than...
□ 28.8 bps
□ 56.6 Kbps
□ 100 Kbps
□ 1 Mbit/s

61. A domain is...
□ unit of information
□ part of the address that determines the address of the user’s computer on the network
□ name of the program for communication between computers
□ name of the device that communicates between computers

62. Internet email address has been set: [email protected]. “Name” of the computer on which the mail is stored:
□ en
□ mtu-net
□ user_name

63. A modem transmitting information at a speed of 28800 bps can transmit in 1 s:
□ two pages of text (3600 bytes)
□ drawing (36 KB)
□ audio file (360 KB)
□ video file (3.6 MB)

64. Hypertext is...
□ very large text
□ text typed on a computer
□ text that uses a large font size
□ structured text in which navigation can be made using selected tags

65. HTML is:
□ Web browser
□ programming language translator
□ Internet server
□ a tool for creating Web pages

66. Internet servers containing file archives allow you to:
□ conduct video conferences
□ create archives
□ participate in teleconferences
□ “download” the necessary files

67. The maximum speed of information transfer over a high-quality dial-up telephone line can reach:
□ 56.6 Kbps
□ 100 Kbps
□ 1 KB/s
□ 1 Mbit/s
68. To transmit web pages over the network, the following protocol is used:
□ www
□ http
□ ftp
□ dns

69. Classification of computer networks by area occupied includes:
□ corporate
□ local
□ regional
□ global

70. The characteristics of a computer network include the following statements:
□ several computers used for similar operations
□ a group of computers connected using special equipment +
□ mandatory presence of a server
□ data exchange between any computers is possible
□ computers must connect directly to each other

71. Local network topologies include:
□ "star"
□ “ring”
□ "tire"
□ "circle"
□ mixed

72. The advantages of the ring topology include:
□ the shortest total length of the physical medium
□ ease of organization and implementation

□ workstations can be inexpensive

73. The advantages of the bus topology include:
□ the shortest total length of the physical medium
□ ease of organization and implementation
□ highest throughput

□ failure of one computer does not affect the operation of the network

74. The advantages of the ring topology include:
□ short overall length of the physical medium
□ ease of organizing confirmation of receipt of a message
□ highest throughput
□ workstations can be inexpensive
□ failure of one computer does not affect the operation of the network

75. The following services exist on the Internet:
□ teleconferencing service
□ electronic magazine
□ email

76. The following addressing systems are accepted on the Internet:
□ system of Russian names
□ domain name system
□ IP addressing
□ UP addressing
□ Greek name system

77. To search for information on the WWW, the following types of search engines are used:
□ search directories
□ search indexes
□ individual search engines
□ ranking search engines
□ general search engines

78. Every search engine contains:
□ search server
□ information server
□ administrator
□ database
□ workstation

79. A graphic editor is a program designed for:
□ creating a graphic image of text
□ editing the type and style of the font
□ work with graphic images
□ diagramming

80. The minimum object used in a raster graphics editor is:
□ screen point (pixel)
□ object (rectangle, circle, etc.)
□ color palette
□ familiar place (symbol)

81. Image deformation when changing the size of the picture is one of the disadvantages:
□ vector graphics
□ raster graphics
□ three-dimensional graphics

82. Using the Paint graphic editor you can:
□ create and edit graphic images
□ edit the type and style of the font
□ customize the animation of graphic objects
□ build graphs

83. Primitives in a graphic editor are called:
□ line, circle, rectangle
□ pencil, brush, eraser

□ sets of colors (palette)

84. The tools in the graphic editor are:
□ line, circle, rectangle
□ pencil, brush, eraser
□ selection, copy, paste
□ sets of colors (palette)

85. The minimum object used in a vector graphics editor is:
□ screen point (pixel)
□ object (line, circle, etc.)
□ color palette
□ familiar place (symbol)

86. The main operations possible in the graphic editor include:
□ line, circle, rectangle
□ pencil, brush, eraser
□ selection, copy, paste
□ sets of colors (palette)

87. Palettes in the graphic editor are:
□ line, circle, rectangle
□ pencil, brush, eraser
□ selection, copy, paste
□ color sets

88. A vector graphic editor is:
□ ACDSee
□Adobe Photoshop
□ Corel Draw

89. The 3D studio program is intended for:
□ creating presentations
□ creating hand-drawn films
□ printouts of text documents
□ promotion of sites on the network

90. PhotoShop is intended for:
□ creating presentations
□ creating hand-drawn films
□ photo processing
□ promotion of sites on the network

91. Modern multimedia information is most often distributed:
□ on floppy disks
□ on CD
□ on DVD
□ via network

92. A multimedia program usually requires:
□ having a weak computer
□ having a powerful computer
□ availability of a network of computers
□ availability of additional equipment

93. About the MS Power Point program we can say that it:
□ designed for creating graphic files
□ designed for creating presentations
□ is a multimedia application
□ included with Windows
□ included in MS Office

94. In MS Power Point, there are the following document display modes:
□ regular
□ structures
□ slides
□ slide sorter
□ pages of notes

95. In MS Power Point, there are the following modes for demonstrating a presentation:
□ automatic display by time
□ change slides by mouse click
□ cyclic display until pressing the Esc key
□ cyclic display with changing slides at the click of a mouse
□ production and display of real 35 mm slides

96. You can insert into each slide:
□ text
□ sound
□ program
□ diagram
□ table

97. The “Slide Master” element in MS Power Point is used for:
□ creating a slide master
□ creating a sample presentation
□ font changes
□ background changes
□ insert and display dates

98. In the MS Power Point program, animation is used:
□ when changing slides
□ for text construction
□ at the entrance of the facility
□ at the output of the object
□ before the start of the presentation

99. The following types of blocks exist in an organizational chart:
□ manager
□ subordinate
□ colleague
□ assistant
□ co-worker

100. Well-structured problems are solved by information technology:
□ office automation
□ data processing
□ expert systems
□ new

The test can be used in computer science lessons to conduct lesson control of students' knowledge, as well as thematic control. The test consists of 10 questions. 10 minutes are allotted to complete. The test was created in the easyQuizzy program.

This development is intended for lesson monitoring of students' knowledge. The test contains 11 questions. Completion of tasks is limited by time. You are given 10 minutes to complete the test. The test was created in the easyQuizzy program.

Target audience: for 11th grade

I bring to your attention a template for creating tests, or rather one of its implementations using the example of the computer science test “Information Coding”.

This template allows you to create tests of the "Choose one of many" type. The number of questions in the test can be arbitrary, the number of answers to one question can also be any, incl. and different for each question

Features of this version of the test.

  1. Protection against brute-force solutions. With each new test, the order of the questions and the order in which the answer options are displayed changes.
  2. Protection against source code exploration. The right mouse click and the ability to select text are blocked.
  3. Possibility of additional verification of test results

Target audience: for 9th grade

The resource was created in the program Microsoft PowerPoint using the environment Visual Basic for Applications.

Goal: to create conditions for students to develop the ability to correctly place in a certain order the query codes that the search server found for each query.

ESM is used to monitor the development of the skill of determining the amount of information using alphabetical and content approaches. The problem book was developed for 10th grade students studying according to N.D. Ugrinovich’s program for 10-11th grades. The topic of the problem book corresponds to the introductory topic of the 10th grade course "Information and information processes"

The interactive problem book is an executable file that does not require installation. By double-clicking the program, the student enters his name and begins solving problems. During one test, the student is asked to solve 5 problems (they are randomly selected by the program from a set of ten problems)

The tasks have two levels of difficulty. Simple - require an answer in free form (you need to enter a number in the text field - the answer to the problem). For more complex problems, a choice of one answer from several is offered. After solving all 5 problems, the student receives a mark (on a five-point scale) and the opportunity, if necessary, to view a report indicating incorrect answers.

Target audience: for 10th grade

The test is an executable file (exe format) and does not require installation or use of additional software.

The subject of the test corresponds to the content of the section “Computer as a universal device for processing information” of the author’s program N.D. Ugrinovich for grades 8-9.

The test contains 10 questions of various types and can be used for a short test on the topic "Computer Design".

Target audience: for 8th grade

The test is used to control the assimilation of material in the thematic section “Information and Information Processes” of the author’s program by N.D. Ugrinovich for grades 8-9. The content of the questions corresponds to the material in the 8th grade textbook from the educational complex of the author of the program.
The test contains 10 questions from different topics of the section and can be used either independently or as an admission to the written or practical parts of the test for the section.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The test is used to control the assimilation of the studied topic (checking homework - 10 minutes at the beginning of the lesson). The subject of the test corresponds to the content of the section “Computer as a universal device for processing information” of N.D. Ugrinovich’s author’s program for grades 8-9. The content of the questions corresponds to the material in the 8th grade textbook from the educational complex of the author of the program.

Test on the topic “Computer presentations”

1.PowerPoint is...

  1. animation designed for preparing presentations and slide films
  2. a program designed for preparing presentations and slide films
  3. text editor
  4. a program designed for editing texts and pictures.

2.PowerPoint Interface Elements

  1. header, menu, status bar, task area, etc.
  2. word, paragraph, line
  3. Monitor screen
  4. System unit

3.To remove text or a picture from a slide, you must...

  1. Select it and press ESC key
  2. Click on an object
  3. Select it and press DELETE
  4. Erase

4.Start slide show

  1. Show presentation
  2. Add an effect

5.Can the background color be changed for each slide?

  1. Sometimes

6.How to exit presentation viewing mode?

  1. ENTER

7. Computer presentations are:

  1. linear
  2. interactive
  3. indicative
  4. circular

8. What extension does the presentation file have?

  1. *.txt
  2. *.ppt, *.pptx, *.odp
  3. *.doc, *.docx, *.odt
  4. *.bmp

9. For what purpose can the File – Save As command be used?

  1. To save a document in a different text format
  2. To save a document with a table in Excel workbook format
  3. To save a document under a different name
  4. To obtain information about the preservation of documents

10. What must be done to save changes to the file?

  1. Execute the command "File - Open..."
  2. Execute the command "File - Properties..."
  3. Execute the command "File - Save"
  4. Click the "Copy" button on the toolbar

11. In your presentation you can use:

  1. digitized photographs;
  2. soundtrack;
  3. documents prepared in other programs;
  4. all of the above

12. You want the slides to change automatically. You will choose from the menu:

  1. Demonstration→ slide change
  2. Demo→animation setup
  3. Service→setting

Insert missing words

  1. A way of representing objects and images in computer graphics, based on the use of geometric primitives such as points, lines, splines and polygons, is called
  2. A computer program designed to process text files such as creating and making changes is called .
  3. The ordered sequence of commands needed by a computer to solve a given problem is called .
  4. A Windows object designed to group files and other folders into groups is .
  5. The information process that results in the creation of an information product .
  6. The area of ​​memory that is used fordata storage,for exchange is called .
  7. The artificial representation of motion in film, television, or computer graphics by displaying a sequence of drawings or frames at a frequency that provides a holistic visual perception of the images is called .
  8. What applies to multimedia:
  1. sound, text, graphics, images
  2. sound, speakers, graphics.
  3. animation, test, video, multimedia programs
  4. video, animation, text, sound, graphics.

Test on the topic “Computer Presentations” Key

Insert words

  1. Vector graphics
  2. Text editor
  3. Program
  4. Folder
  5. Information Technology
  6. Temporary, intended, clipboard.
  7. Animation

Test task on the topic “Multimedia technologies”

1.How the word is translated from Englishmedia?

a) environment;

b) a lot;

c) little;

d) movement.

a) if there are speakers;

b) if there is a projector;

c) if availableDVDdrive;

d) if all of the above is present.

3.How it is decipheredROM?

a) read-only memory;

b) memory for recording only;

c) memory for reading and writing;

d) read-only memory.

4.Set your TV standard.





5.Why is an analog-to-digital converter needed?

a) determines the level of the sound signal and converts it into a digital code;

b) analog video - turns the image into digital;

c) digital video – the image is converted to analog;

d) simultaneously converts sound and video from an analog signal to digital/

6.What isMIDI?

a) digital interface of musical instruments;

b) digital signal processor;

c) extended signal processor;

d) digital signal interface for musical instruments.

7.Over what are dynamic processes carried out?

a) video;

b) animation;

c) text;

d) graphics.

8.What is the advantageGIF-animation?

a) allows you to store several different images in one file;

b) allows you to store images and music in one file;

c) in the use of indexed colors;

d) takes up a small amount of memory.



11.What is a phoneme?

a) is a sound formed by one or more letters in combination with other letters;

b) this is the ability of the system to recognize words;

c) this is an acoustic signal;

d) is a sound formed by a combination of words.

12.Finish the explanation:

Small dictionaries are ... (dozens of words).

13.Specify the program for working with video.

A) Adobe Premiere Pro;

b) Fine Reader;

V) Fox Pro;

G) Sound Forge/

14.What is an image map?

a) built-in graphic image onWeb-page;

b) work plan withWeb-page;

c) an image posted onWeb-page;

d) fills in the empty spaces onWeb-page.


a) video data compression and recovery system;

b) video data compression;

c) compresses and restores video data with a certain color depth;

d) lossy compression system.

17. MIDI- communication is...

a) real-time data flow;

b) messages, or events, each of which is a command for a musical instrument;

c) data that is transferred from one musical instrument to another via a PC;

d) communication protocol between instruments and computer systems.

18.Match the name of the tag and its purpose:

19. Match:

20.What is the protocol used for?FTP?

a) to transfer files from one computer to another;

b) to view information inWorldWideWeb;

c) to transmit email from one node to another;

d) for data transfer between Internet nodes.

From the editor 06/07/2015:

The publication of the results of this test caused a wide resonance among industry professionals; test participants continued to vigorously discuss its results, drawing conclusions based on the opinions of invited independent experts. We are pleased to provide our readers with additional information on this event:

We would like to emphasize once again that AV Club, being an independent platform for holding open events for industry specialists, does not pretend to select one winner in such tests. The main tasks when creating a scenario are to identify the advantages and features of installing systems for using data in the work of design engineers, installers and other interested industry specialists. Conclusions about the championship are made directly by invited experts and are deeply subjective.

Text: Pavel Kudelin

As expected, testing was damn interesting and informative. Almost four hours of assignments, auditions, and comparisons provided such an amount of information that is akin to a full-fledged training with practice. The testing scenario was fully implemented, and at the end the experts noted that “they wanted more tasks.” This, of course, speaks of a dense and eventful event.

When the script was created, we set out to analyze the multimedia capabilities of the systems and functionality for working with documents. The testing does not include tasks for voting and simultaneous translation, but in fairness, we note that this is for another four hours. And we will be happy to take these tasks into the next test.


Let us explain a little what the technical side of testing looked like.

Three conference systems (Bosch, Taiden, Televic) were presented in sets of a chairman and two delegate consoles. The systems were connected with a balanced signal to the Symetrix audio platform, from which, without processing, audio was output via the aes/ebu digital interface to the Fohhn amplifier and acoustics.

Each manufacturer has its own technology television cameras. Bosch and Taiden have “native” cameras; Televic does not offer cameras, so during testing a circuit from an integrator was implemented.

Special thanks to Bryullov Consulting for technical assistance in organizing testing and providing additional equipment.


In the first stage, we invited experts to evaluate the industrial design of the remote controls. This includes the quality of the screen, the ergonomics of the menu, the quality of the buttons, and the ergonomics of the remote control. Considering that the manufacturers mentioned the ability to perform at the console while standing, I was also interested in how convenient it was.

Bosch: the external design was noted by all experts. The remotes are really beautiful. In this case, the screen is located at an angle that provokes glare. The reflection of ceiling lights is also noticeable when working with the remote control while standing.

Taiden: Many experts noted that the size of the remote controls is too large for many tasks. We can agree with this, given that due to this, users have a truly large screen for working with documents. The interface is ambiguous, but for many customers, it may, oddly enough, be closer and clearer.

Televic: Many were confused by the exclusively mortise format of the remote controls. Otherwise, the screen is of good quality, the internal menu structure seemed incomprehensible to one group and very pleasant to another. The remote control itself is wide. This means that during installation it is necessary to design a significant area for the delegate’s workplace.

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,79 4,07 4,14

Each system has its own concept of working with documents. Despite the fact that all remote controls have Android installed as a system, the functionality is extremely different.

Let's try to formulate first the differences between the concepts of working with documents.

  • The possibility or impossibility of installing third-party applications on the remote control operating system. For example, for integration with external systems;
  • Possibility or impossibility of downloading documents from the delegate’s workplace;
  • Work with many different file formats or are significantly limited by them.

And now for each of the manufacturers:

The WEB server is deployed on a separate server. It creates pages for downloading and storing files. The pages, of course, are created in the desired design, and the web server itself can be either flat HTML files or an internal site on a CMS system or document management system with access via HTTP. The desired page is displayed in the remote control. The page downloads the file and then opens it with the default application in Android on this remote control.

In theory, this means you can change default applications, develop applications for your own file types, and implement other features.

You can forcefully distribute the file to all remote controls.

Important: It was not possible to get a clear answer whether this method is the main one from the manufacturer or whether it is an implementation of working with files from the Hi Tech Media company, which acted on behalf of the manufacturer.

Pros Cons
  • The ability to create any interface, displaying pages from a web server.
  • The ability to work with any type of files if you have the appropriate application for viewing them on the remote control.
  • Additional task of organizing IT infrastructure (web server), page design.
  • Access control to files is implemented not at the conference system level, but using web server tools.
Uploading files is possible both through the operator and by the user, provided that you have upload rights to the web server and the appropriate interface. Whether this is a plus or a minus is up to you to decide.

The system has a server on which documents are stored. Documents are uploaded to a single file archive. This is a folder with a flat structure that can be accessed over the network. Access to the folder can be given to users, or it can be left only to the operator. Plus, the remotes have a built-in USB port through which you can connect flash drives, downloading files directly to the same shared storage. The rights to download files via USB can be configured for a specific remote control.

To view a file, you need to use the remote control to go to the menu section for working with files. There you need to download the file to the remote control (locally) and then open it.

External applications cannot be installed on the remote control. You can forcefully distribute the file to all remote controls.

Only PDF format is supported. This is done for security reasons. The operator uploads the PDF file prepared in advance into the system. The file can be associated with a specific event, part of an event, or be publicly available. After downloading through the operator software, the file, if the user has rights, can be displayed.

External applications cannot be installed on the remote control. You can forcefully distribute the file to all remote controls. There are extensive settings for working with the file. For example, you can allow users to move around the presentation while it is being presented, or prevent users from leaving the current slide.

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,14 4,36 4


Despite all the multimedia capabilities of conference systems, it would be strange to bypass the sound quality test. We didn't get around this characteristic by conducting blind testing of the microphones. Bosch and Taiden microphone consoles come with two microphone options: a classic gooseneck microphone and an array microphone. Testing was carried out on one remote control from each manufacturer. But what type of remote control it would be, with what type of microphone, was chosen by the manufacturer himself.

Two people (a man and a woman) read the same text. Half of the text was read while sitting at a close distance from the microphone, the second half while standing.

Expert assessments:

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,07 3,57


When the documents were loaded, we offered to work with them, testing the convenience of the interface, the ease of using the screen to work with materials.

I agree with a number of experts who said that the interface is very different from the usual way of working with documents on mobile devices. And perhaps it would be easier for participants if the model was recognizable.

And here are the results:

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,14 4,43 4,36

Read the experts' comments. They clearly show how clear the interface is for some, and how completely confusing it is for others.


We use our own HD cameras, which output an IP stream to the camera and a digital SDI signal to the switching system. With your cameras, basic settings are very quick and easy. Control by presets that are stored in the camera. In case of complex tasks (the need to register a camera track, for example), it is necessary to use external control systems, since the basic functionality does not have such an option. But the speed of connection and setup is really pleasing.

Likewise – your own cameras, working with presets. Presets for each workplace + general plan. For basic capabilities it is quite enough.

The manufacturer does not offer its own cameras, so a combination is required: camera + central unit + control system. During testing, the Bryullov Consulting company showed its own solution based on Cue System control systems controlled from a tablet. I would like to note that the solution itself is very functional, but it presupposes that the customer or integrator has the necessary competencies in the field of system integration.

One way or another, all three systems have an open interface for interaction with external systems and, if you have a full-time programmer, creating a connection with technological television will not create problems.

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,79 4,07 4,5


The systems have the ability to broadcast an external signal. At this stage, we decided to test how well the video stream broadcast over IP would be displayed on the remote control. To do this, we connected a laptop with a video (1080p) via HDMI to all systems and displayed a control signal on the display.

The following points caught my eye:

Bosch– the signal disintegrated, strong braking and signal sticking were visible. The quality is unacceptable for the work process. Severe color distortions too. The likely reason is that the central unit does not have a built-in encoder in the IP and the encoding was carried out by third party applications (not Bosch) that simply could not provide the required quality.

Taiden– you can adjust the signal encoding quality depending on the required bandwidth. We looked at the encoding quality at 768 Kbps – pixelation is visible, especially considering the large screen in the remote control. Then we set the stream to 2000 Kbps - everything was fine. Some encoding delay is visible. The picture on the remote control lags behind the reference picture on the display.

Televic- perfect! The delay is not visible at all, the quality is excellent. A manufacturer's representative present in the hall said that this is the company's know-how in terms of optimizing encoding on the H.264 codec.


My personal impressions from testing coincide with the experts’ assessments. I would like to add this:

  • The user interface can and should be made more intuitive. But this is the first sign in the field of multimedia conference systems, so there is no doubt that this will happen.
  • The functionality/security dilemma is handled differently by each manufacturer. Bosch has the ability to install its own applications (integration with video conferencing from TrueConf was demonstrated). Taiden allows you to connect flash drives locally. But Televic insists that it is unsafe.

Time will tell who is right and where the golden mean is.