TOP10 countries where radar detectors cannot be used. Experts "behind the wheel" Is it possible to put a radar in a car

Russians, traveling to different countries by car, are not at all opposed to violating the basic traffic rules on the roads. On the roads of Europe, the most common violations are: not wearing a seat belt, driving while drunk, driving at a traffic light that prohibits color, and the most numerous violation is driving at an exceeded speed.

Some European countries may charge a large amount for speeding. These countries include: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, Finland, etc. In these countries, speeding even by 20 km / h threatens the driver with a fine of about 2000 euros. Here are our tourists and stock up on radar detectors (, which allow tracking police radar devices.

European countries where radar detectors are allowed

Germany is the friendliest country after Russia, and is calm about the use of radar detectors. The state does not prevent the use of radar detectors. Thus, it is possible to travel on the roads of Germany with a radar detector. For example, you can install a radar detector that was released specifically for European countries. These include: Escort Passport 8500 X50 red euro or Cobra RU 860.

Countries that are calm about anti-radars include: Bulgaria, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Albania and others. European and Baltic radars in most cases operate in the Ku and Ka bands, which is why, when crossing the Russian borders, this band will need to be turned on, and the Russian K and X bands must be turned off.

European countries where it is forbidden to install radar detectors

The penalty for using a radar detector is introduced in the following European countries: Finland, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Latvia, Denmark, Lithuania, Spain, Poland, Hungary and Luxembourg. According to the laws of some of these countries, the police can take away not only the anti-radar device from the driver, but also the car, and can also put him in jail.

The laws of Switzerland and France are such that it is prohibited to use devices that indicate police radars on the road. As such a device can be a navigator containing a POI function. When crossing the borders of these two states, it is better to disable this function.

Some navigators have a VG-2 function that prevents radar detection in the car. But is it worth the risk? Isn't it better to just follow the road rules?

How can a dashing driver save his money without running into a speeding ticket? The most obvious option - to change your habits and strictly follow the rules - not everyone likes. Many people prefer to rely on modern technology: install a radar detector or a radar detector. In order to calmly ride on their native roads and ... still run into a fine, once abroad.

Yes, the attitude towards the use of these devices in different countries differs significantly. Somewhere you can safely use not only detectors, but also interfering anti-radars, and somewhere any such device is illegal. Let's take a quick overview by walking around the world map.

In our country, only devices that interfere with devices that determine speed are officially prohibited. It is very difficult to buy a radar detector in Minsk (it is a radar detector, not a detector) and, taking into account our laws, it is pointless. But in Russia and Ukraine there is no ban on radar detectors or anti-radars.

However, if you go abroad in a different direction, the situation changes dramatically. Almost throughout the entire European Union, such devices are prohibited, not only installing, but even transporting them in a packed form. This also applies to our closest "European neighbors". In Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the radar detector is outlawed. But, for example, in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, the situation is similar to ours: detectors can be used, radar detectors cannot.

The situation in Germany should be noted separately. On the Russian Internet, you can find information that the German authorities encourage the use of detectors and even distribute them to drivers for free. Once it was so, but now in Germany, as well as almost throughout the continent, any devices that can perceive radar frequencies are prohibited. Of the large European countries, such devices are still allowed to be used only in the UK.

But the American police are actually encouraging the use of radar detectors. Each state has its own laws, but in the vast majority of territories, these devices are completely legal. The legality of using this type of device in Canada also depends on the laws of the particular province.

In Asia, everything is simpler: most states (with the exception of Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and some others) do not prohibit the use of such equipment. Moreover, this does not in any way depend on the “civilization” of the drivers. As you know, in China and especially in India, chaos is happening on the roads, but in Japan and Korea there is much more order. However, radar detectors are legal in all of these states.

The use of devices that allow you to "fight" with the radar is an ambiguous occupation: hence the different attitude towards such equipment. In any case, being on the territory of the country, you must strictly observe its laws - this will be beneficial both for your health and for your wallet!

Any thematic and technical community has its own "proprietary" troubles. Weapon lovers will bite a neophyte who inadvertently calls the trigger a trigger, and experts in radar detectors always troll those who, in the old fashioned way, call these devices "antiradars." Say, a radar detector is a device that only warns of an ambush by traffic police, and a radar detector is an active suppressor that directs a targeted interference on the airwaves to the "traffic police" equipment, preventing it from working. In essence, this is exactly the way it is, although the nitpicking in this case is purely out of harm's way, because 99.9% of all devices used by ordinary car owners are precisely warning devices. And even though you can call them scientifically radar detectors, or call them vulgar antiradars, the essence does not change, and everything is clear to everyone.

Real anti-radars, active suppressors or "jammers", as they are also called, are quite rare and in many ways semi-mythical. Few have seen them live, and even fewer have ever used them. Let's open the veil of "secrets": the founder will tell everything about active antiradar jammers to "Wheels" forum about radar detectors Vladimir "MONO".

K: How did it all start? Well, in Russia anyway?

AT: The history of the emergence and distribution of radar jammers has always been narrow-minded. In the 90s, active anti-radar jammers of American production "Scorpion XP" were encountered on the Russian market. They were indeed effective against our old-generation Sokol and Iskra radars, since they emitted, albeit powerful, but simple, weakly modulated signals that were easy to suppress, transmitting interference to the radar with a level stronger than its reflected signal from the vehicle. But even in the late 90s, when the character of Iskra's signals was renewed, the Scorpion stopped coping with it. These radar detectors did not receive much distribution because of the high price. And later they completely disappeared - apparently, production stopped.

K: How does the situation look today?

AT: The range of anti-radar jammers is limited, and what exists is either not effective at all, such as devices with passive re-radiation, in which there is no interference transmitter, but there are two antennas - one receives the radar signal, and the second "sends it back" , or only partially effective. For example, in recent years we have tested the Polish Blue Rider radar jammer. It has proven its worth, but not with all radars. The device is mainly designed for low-power European radars, such as "Mesta", "Robot Multaradar" and the like, which it quite successfully jammed from a distance of 200-300 meters. But, for example, against the tripods "Chris" it helped badly, did not help at all against the "Strelka" with its complexly modulated signal, and so on. As a result, there is no absolutely effective device with which you can "drive without thinking about fines" even for big money on the market now.

K: Why? It would seem that those who want to buy such a gadget will always ...

AT: There are two reasons. The first is the large new generation of radars. Many of them have very complex signals that cannot be interrupted by simple interference: you need to send the same signal to them as they emit. Accordingly, the manufacturer of the radar must load the database of signature samples into it, regularly monitor changes: tomorrow the manufacturer of the radar will upgrade it, send out a firmware update - and the radars will work differently, and the jammer will no longer cope. A manufacturer can keep jammers up-to-date, but for this they must have a broad promising market, like warning radar detectors. And the market for jammers is extremely narrow, you won't make much money there, and there is nothing motivating foreign manufacturers to keep their finger on the pulse of numerous Russian radar equipment.

The second reason is the actively developing segment of radars, which generally do not use the classical radar Doppler principle with the emission of a signal and the reception of the reflected from the car. They work on measuring the average speed, on analyzing video filming, which means that it is impossible to drown them in principle ...

K: On many car Internet forums, they regularly raise the topic of creating handicraft radar jammers, discuss schemes. Do home-builders produce any effective devices piece by piece?

AT: In the 90s, self-made jammers, crushing Sokol-type radars, met. But today the schemes of yesteryear and their modifications are useless. You can make a simple transmitter for radar frequencies, solder a horn antenna from a tin can, and it will even work, but it will not work to drown out a modern radar operating in a wide frequency band with a complex modulated signal ... And about someone today on my knee I was making a radar detector with complex processor control, with a base of signal signatures in memory, recognizing the type of radar and radiating correspondingly modulated radio waves towards it, I have not heard ...

K: That is, in fact, the market for radar jammers is at an impasse, and it is not worth considering such devices seriously?

AT: Alas, this is so. There is no reason to expect that some kind of device will appear that will effectively make your car “invisible”. Some perspectives are seen only with laser jammers. The fact is that even the best modern warning radar detectors perform very poorly on laser radars. Therefore, there is some life in this area, there are manufacturers of laser jammers: Croatian Laser Interceptor, Taiwanese Antilaser, German Blinder, and a number of others. There are models of radar detectors with laser jammers at Escort. Some of them cope with our LISD and Amata lidars. But, again, the effectiveness of these devices largely depends on the manufacturer's ability to track changes in the radar algorithm, which also do not stand still, and to release software updates on time. Plus, for truly effective work, a car must have a whole range of equipment: an advanced radar detector, a laser jammer, a GPS informer with an up-to-date database. These are 2-3 gadgets that need to be carried with you, updated in time, protected from theft ... Many eventually come to the conclusion that it is easier to drive, observing the speed limit.

K: What is the relationship between radar jammers and the law?

AT: In many countries, even warning-type radar detectors are prohibited, let alone active anti-radars ... In our country, jammers also refer to unlicensed radio transmitting means and fall under the administrative article "Unauthorized design, construction, manufacture, purchase, installation or operation of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices ". This is punishable against citizens by a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles with confiscation of radio electronic means. However, this works mainly against systematically working stationary radio stations, and even then if someone complains about interference. We do not know of any precedents for the detection of jammers in a car and subsequent proof of their illegal use, because it is extremely difficult to detect and prove the use, and they are so rare that the punishing authorities do not actually know about them. With laser jammers it is even easier, since they are not radio transmitting devices and do not fall under any law at all. However, foreign manufacturers, sending a parcel with an order, always refer to the device as a "parking sensor" - just for every fireman ...

Most often, when talking about anti-radars, motorists mean a radar detector. These are two completely different devices. It is anti-radars that are prohibited by law, both in our country and in a number of others, due to the fact that emitting electromagnetic pulses, not only do they prevent the traffic police from measuring speed, but can also disable them. That is why radar detectors are prohibited by law in Russia and their use can threaten both criminal liability and deprivation of a driver's license.

Penalty for radar detector and radar detector, article, are they legal?

For the presence of the so-called active anti-radar, which suppresses the signals of police radars, punishment is provided under article 13.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which threatens with a fine for drivers who do not have the appropriate permission to use this device. The size of the fine for the anti-radar detector varies from 500 to 1000 rubles.

But as for the radar detector - a passive signal receiver, in our country this device is legal, as it is absolutely harmless to traffic police radars. Passive anti-radar does not affect police radars, its task is only to inform the driver about a nearby operating radar, thereby warning the driver of a decrease in speed, thus avoiding a fine for exceeding it. It should be noted that the driver will have enough time to reduce the speed, since high-quality radar detectors have a range of about 3 thousand meters, but the traffic cops' radar, which determines the speed, has a range of up to 700 meters.

Passive anti-radars, which are legal, are currently quite in demand and are produced by many companies, which, in turn, generates competition, and, therefore, the cost of these devices is constantly decreasing, and the quality is improving.

The radar detector is a compact device that is usually mounted on the torpedo, which is the most exposed part of the windshield. This device is connected to the cigarette lighter and is easily mounted and dismantled.

Punishment for anti-radar in other countries

It should be noted that if you plan to cross the border by car, it would be better to leave the radar detector at home, since in many countries it may be punished for its use and even its presence. It depends on the articles of the laws of the given country. And if, nevertheless, you are caught with him in a foreign country, then pay the fine right away, otherwise the violation may become the reason for the refusal of a future visa.

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Fines for "radar detectors" and video recorders are issued by traffic police officers on the basis of an order from the regional leadership. They are superimposed on motorists using radar detectors.

Such a decision was made in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation immediately after the head of the traffic police M. Chernikov raised at the meeting the issue discussed in paragraph 7.3 of the List of faults and conditions under which drivers are prohibited from using a car. This paragraph does not allow the installation of additional items that block the view from the driver's seat.

If such a violation is admitted, the car owner faces a fine of 500 rubles or a warning on the basis of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Penalties can be imposed on motorists with installed gadgets outside the windshield.

What is the meaning of radar detectors?

Antiradars have long annoyed the traffic police inspectors. Therefore, they constantly try to bypass these devices in the same way as drivers try to find places with video and photo fixing violations in advance.

One of the most popular methods, often used by traffic police officers, is to turn off the radar, especially a mobile one, as well as turn it on at the wrong time for drivers who violate traffic rules. This method allows traffic police inspectors to quickly identify offenders.

Despite the fact that the leadership of the traffic police often attempts to establish a ban on the use of radar detectors, they are still allowed by law. So, for example, quite recently, R. Minnikhanov, the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Tatarstan, proposed to completely ban their operation. He explained his position by the fact that motorists, when the anti-radar is triggered, sharply reduce the speed limit. And this, as you know, often increases the risk of road accidents.

However, today many car owners most often use not radar detectors, but specially installed smartphone applications that allow tracking the location of speed control systems. That is why at the next stage of the traffic police it is necessary to prohibit the use of smartphones while not only driving, but in general in a vehicle.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to write out a fine for such a violation, since a motorist at the moment the vehicle stops by a traffic police officer can hide the gadget and report that it was not on the windshield. Therefore, traffic police inspectors do not seek to carry out the order of the management.

What actions should drivers take to avoid a radar penalty?

Let's now figure out what to do to drivers who were still fined by the traffic police inspector for operating a radar detector on the windshield?

  1. If the gadget is located not on the glass itself, but on the front panel of the car, then it cannot obstruct the view from the driver's seat. So in this case, the car owner should cite this very moment as a counterargument.
  2. The driver should videotape or photograph the location of the device, and then challenge the issued fine in court. In this case, the chances of a positive outcome of the case will be high, since the presence of a photo or video material will play in the driver's favor.