Uninstall windows 7 service via command line. Correctly deleting a service on Windows

Our personal computer is a dear friend, helper, sometimes breadwinner and even a source of inspiration. The performance of our "metal-plastic friend" is an indicator of the health of his operating system. Therefore, the question of how to remove a service in Windows and do it correctly is far from idle.

Once you installed on your PC the service required at that time (Service). Maybe it didn't even work right away. Then you decided to add something else. Everything seemed to be in place and, one might say, dancing with a tambourine ended in victory. But over time, you got tired of it or began to interfere with your new idea.

Another situation is possible. One day you find that someone or something has installed a new "Service Windows" on your PC. This may well happen from the "communication" with your friend, some of your relatives, especially children. And the speed of the PC after this, in a strange way, drops extremely.

How are services managed?

The creation, deletion, starting and stopping of services in the operating system is managed by the Service Control Manager (SCM).

Starting when the operating system boots, the Service Control Manager, for its part, starts all of them, for which the startup mode is set to "automatic".
Along with the launch of those of the "automatic" type, all dependent services are also launched, even if the "manual" mode is specified for them.
After the system has finished loading, the network administrator is able to manually start (disable) any of the services using the control console.

For services in Windows, the following startup modes (types) are provided:

  • Forbidden;
  • Manually;
  • Automatic at system boot;
  • Deferred (for some operating systems);
  • Required (starts automatically and cannot be stopped by the user).


Before deleting, you need to understand that:

  • This process is irreversible;
  • Removal will render dependent programs inoperative;
  • The operating system will fail when removing a service associated with one of its components;
  • In some cases, reinstallation will be necessary, and this is not always easy to do. More often than not, this is very difficult.

What can be disabled

It is clear that the user, for example, does not need a Print Manager if he does not have a printer. But does it make sense to remove such a service? After all, tomorrow he may have a printing device. And the service can simply be turned off!

Such, often not always necessary services also include:

  • Windows Search (Windows Sich). Performs content indexing;
  • Offline files. Controlling the offline files cache, monitors user logins and logoffs.
  • Secondary login. Starts processes named after other users.
  • Server. Supports access to files, devices, channels to a computer through network connections.
  • Windows Time Service. Manages date and time matching on clients and servers on the network.

This list can be continued for a very, very long time.

Correct name and disconnection

Before you delete (disable) one of the services, you need to know its original name.

To do this, you can follow the path -<Пуск> / <Панель управления> / set the mode "small icons" /<Администрирование>... In the window that appears, you need to run the "Services" shortcut. A window with a list will open in front of you, in which you can familiarize yourself with their description, state (whether it works or not), type (mode) of launch, and on whose behalf login is required.

From the specified location, you can both start and stop (disable) them.

The "Name" field contains a name that is copied to the clipboard.

Before deleting a service in Windows, it must be disabled!

Removal and command line

To get rid of the service directly, we follow the path -<Пуск> / <Все программы> / <Стандартные>... Right-click on the "Command line" item and select "Run as administrator".

13.04.2010 22:22

In this article, you will learn how to remove a service using the Windows operating system.


  • The service removal process is irreversible.
  • Removing a service will make programs that depend on this service inoperable. Do not delete a service unless you know exactly what it is responsible for.
  • Under no circumstances should you delete services associated with operating system components. Removing one of these services will crash the entire Windows operating system.

Services are removed using the sc.exe command line utility. You will need administrator rights to perform this operation.

1. Open Control Panel (Large Icons View)\u003e Administrative Tools\u003e Services.

2. In the list of services, find the service you want to remove and double-click its name.

3. In the window that opens, on the tab General press the button Stop... The button is available if the service is currently running.

If the service is stopped, go to the next step.

4. On the same tab, select and copy service name.

5. Open the menu Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Accessories, right click on the icon Command line and select from the context menu that appears.

6. Enter the command:

sc delete service name

Press Enter.

If the service name consists of multiple words, separated by spaces, use quotation marks to enter it. Example:

sc delete "service name"

If the service name and command are entered correctly, you will receive a notification that the service was successfully deleted.

7. Restart your computer.

On any system, with a large amount of software installed, you can notice that any application activates its own service, not to mention the fact that there are just a lot of them running in the same background on the system. Let's see how to remove unneeded services in Windows 7 using the simplest methods. At the same time, we will give an explanation on how to clean the system in order to make it work a little faster.

How to remove a service in Windows 7: general principles of approach to the task

It is no secret that both the system itself and the installed applications activate their own processes, which may simply not be visible to the user. The saddest thing is that all this passes, so to speak, past his eyes.

He pays attention to these components only when the system begins to openly slow down or freeze, or even reboot. This is where the understanding of how to remove a service in Windows 7 comes in, which uses the maximum consumption of system resources or frankly loads the system unnecessarily.

The very first and easiest step is to clear the startup menu. Of course, the service will not be removed, but you can disable any of the self-loading components. To do this, use the generic msconfig command, entered in the Run menu bar (Win + R for quick access). Here, on the autoload tab, you can disable almost anything you want, except to leave the antivirus module (however, it itself will not give the user the right to disable it if this is a serious package, and not some cheap or free scanner).

How to remove a Windows 7 service from the command line

If anyone does not know, the command line absolutely always saves. Does the system not work or boot? No question - three commands and everything works again. The same applies to some components installed in the system, which can, to put it mildly, simply interfere or take up too many resources (for example, program updaters or the same flash player, installers of modules and Windows updates, etc.).

In principle, you can fight all these manifestations. Run the services.msc command from the standard Run menu and stop the required component.

After that, go directly to the command line where we write sc delete "service name" (without quotes) and press Enter. By the way, in order not to do unnecessary things, you can simply copy the process name from the above editor.

Deleting registry keys

Now let's see how to remove a Windows 7 service using keys and registry entries. Let's make a reservation right away: the method for uninitiated users is quite unsafe, since incorrect actions can affect the system's performance and lead to its complete crash.

However ... Call the regedit command from the same Run menu and go to the HKLM branch. Next, we use the SYSTEM directory and the CurrentControlSet subfolder, where we find the Services directory. Having opened the latter, you can see everything that is installed in working order. Accordingly, you can remove unnecessary ones by previewing the file location parameters by the ImagePath and DisplayName parameters.

Stopping the system update service

As for the installed updates, removing the Windows 7 update service, no matter how much you want it, simply will not work, since it is, as they say, "sewn" into the system. The only thing that can be done is just to turn it off, but no more.

To do this, you will need to go to Windows Update, and already there set the desired parameter (either a complete shutdown, or a notification before downloading and installing, etc.). BUT! Quite often then problems begin with some accompanying programs for which such updates are critically important in their work (the same antiviruses). So it is not recommended to disable this service, otherwise the same "seven" will give a blue screen if it is impossible to update, due to a conflict with some software product. You don't have to go far. The same outdated Office 2003 creates exactly such problems.

Disable or remove unnecessary components

Finally, if you really understand the question of how to remove a service in Windows 7, you cannot ignore some system components that the user almost never starts, and they, so to speak, hang like a dead weight.

We are talking about the system components, which can be found in the corresponding section of the "Control Panel" related to the installation and removal of programs. The field of activity here is very wide. You can, for example, disable the print service if there is no printer in the system, do not use the Hyper-V module, do not use a remote Telnet connection, in general, you can disable a lot of things. But it is not recommended to do this without special knowledge.

Fast completion

That is, in fact, all about how to remove a service in Windows 7. But if we talk about the quick termination of a process or service (running or frozen), of course, in the same "Task Manager" you can force shutdown. However, this does not mean that the process or service will be removed.

Yes, and remember that deleting files and folders like PerfLogs or HOSTS will not work - they will still be restored when the system is rebooted, and the related services will remain intact. However, you can install some kind of optimizer like Advanced System Care, which will simply unload unnecessary processes from memory in real time. But that's another question.

Today we will look at two easy ways to remove a service in the Windows family of operating systems using the system itself. But before proceeding with the removal, you should know very important points:

- After deleting a service, it is very difficult to restore it, often simply impossible, so you need to be very careful and do not delete services that can harm the system's performance;
- Some services are responsible for the performance of programs, therefore, when removing services, you must be sure that this will not harm the software installed on your computer;
- And again, do not remove system services, as this will most likely render your operating system unusable and you will have to completely reinstall the system.

This instruction may be needed if any of the programs after uninstallation left their service untouched, and this service constantly generates errors due to the absence of executable files. Also, some viruses or create their own services that antiviruses usually do not pay attention to, so you have to delete the service manually. But remember: all these actions you do at your own peril and risk.

So, in order to start removing the service, you need to find out its name. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", open the "System and Security" section, select "Administrative Tools" and open "Services". In this window, select the service we need, in my case it is "2GIS UpdateService":

Double-click to open the properties of the service. At the top of the window there is a field "Service name", copy it to the clipboard, in my case it is "2GISUpdateService". As in this case, the service name and display name are very often different, but sometimes they are the same. But remember that you need the "Service Name" to remove a service. Click the "Stop" button to stop the service:

Method 1. Removing the service from the Windows command line

1. Run the command line as administrator. To do this, follow the path:

C: \\ Windows \\ System32

Find the file cmd.exe , click on it with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator.

In Windows Vista and 7, you can open the Start menu, start writing in the search bar cmd.exeand when Windows finds it, right-click on it and run as administrator.

2. To remove the service, use the system command sc Is a command line utility built specifically for working with services. We need to remove services, so the command syntax will be like this:

Sc delete ServiceName

If there are spaces in the service name, you need to enclose it in quotes like this:

Sc delete "Service Name"

In my case, it will look like this:

Sc delete 2GISUpdateService

If the service is successfully deleted, the sc utility will inform us about this on the command line with the entry "DeleteService: success":

If we refresh the services window by pressing the F5 button, we will see that the service has disappeared:

Method 2. Removing the service through the Windows registry editor

An alternative to the previous method is to delete it using a registry editor. To do this, proceed according to the following instructions:

1) Open the registry editor, for this press Win + R and in the window that opens enter regedit:

2) In the Registry Editor window that opens, go to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services

This branch contains a list of all services installed on the system:

3) Find the branch name in the registry that matches the name of the service to remove:

Make sure the DisplayName and InfoPath parameters contain information appropriate for the service to be removed.

4) Delete the registry branch with the service name. To do this, right-click on the branch and select "Delete":

The service has been removed.

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In this article, we will show you an easy way to remove any service in Windows 7 by means of the operating system itself without the use of third-party programs.

Before you start, there are a few things to be clear about:

  • When deleting a service, it forever and ever disappears from the system, and it is not easy to restore it, and in some cases it is simply impossible
  • Removing certain services may cause certain programs to become inoperable. Therefore, you should not delete a service if you are not 100% sure what it is responsible for.
  • Do not uninstall Windows 7 system services, as this can lead to inoperability of the entire system

We will also try to understand in what cases it becomes necessary to remove a Windows service.

  • Often, when removed from the system, programs leave their services intact, and each time the computer boots, the system tries to start such a service, but due to the lack of executable or library files, it cannot do this, generating an error.
  • Some viruses and Trojans can create a new service on the system to mask their destructive actions. And even if your antivirus removes the body of the virus, the service may remain, and it will have to be removed manually.
  • It is also possible that the system performance decreases due to the presence of a large number of processes running as services, and you decide to remove (and not just stop) a number of unnecessary services in Windows 7.

To remove a service in Windows 7, you need to know its name. To do this, open the service management window Start -\u003e Settings -\u003e Control Panel-\u003e Systems and Maintenance-\u003e Administrative Tools-\u003e Services.
In the services window that appears, find the service that you plan to remove (in my example, this is “ Adobe Lm Service”)

Double-click on the selected service and its name will be displayed in the "Service name" field in the properties window that appears (my service name is Adobe LM Service, that is, it is the same as the name in the list of services, but usually it is not), copy it to the clipboard.

Then stop the service by clicking the "Stop" button

Remove a service on Windows from the command line

Open a command prompt window (cmd.exe) with administrator rights ("Run as administrator"). To remove a service in Windows 7, you can use the system command sc... The sc.exe command is a command line utility that is used in Windows 7 / Vista / XP to create, edit and remove services. According to TechNet documentation, sc.exe:

sc. exe (Service Controller) interacts with the installed services, getting and setting their parameters. UtilitySC. exe can be used to test and debug programs running as a service. Service properties are stored in the registry, command parametersSC. exe allow you to modify the values \u200b\u200bof these properties, as well as control the starting and stopping of services. CapabilitiesSC. exe are very similar tommc consoleServiceslocated in the "Control Panel".

The syntax for the delete service command looks like this:

Sc delete ServiceName

If the service name contains spaces (as in our case), it must be enclosed in quotes:

Sc delete “Adobe LM Service”

If the sc delete command is successful, you should see the message on the command line DeleteService SUCCESS

Now, if you press F5 in the service control console, you will see that the service is deleted and does not appear in the list.

Removing the service using the registry editor

An alternative method for uninstalling services in Windows 7 involves using the Registry Editor.

Open the registry editor (regedit.exe), and go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services... It contains a list of all services installed on the system.

Find the name of the registry key that matches the name of the service to be removed.

Make sure the values DisplayName and ImagePathcontains, respectively, the name and path to the executable file of the service that you plan to remove.

Right-click on the name of the found registry branch with the name of the service and select "Delete". Then the service will be removed from the system.