Improving behavioral factors are ways. How to improve pf by natural methods. Speed \u200b\u200bup page loading

Hey. Search engines are constantly changing the algorithms for ranking sites, trying to make their results as useful as possible for a person. Therefore, today in the article I will touch on seo, namely, I will talk about how to improve the behavioral factors on the site, which Yandex, Google and other search engines like to analyze so much.

It is difficult to assess the quality of a site based only on the number of inbound links and content, as a result of which search engines had to turn their attention to another extremely important factor related to user behavior, which is collected on the basis of statistical data.

Behavioral factors (PF) - this is a record of the data of the visitor's behavior on the site, that is, how long he viewed the page, how many pages he opened, whether he returned to the site, by what request he came to the site, and others.

And here's how Google classifies this concept:

Of course, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, which parameter has a big impact when taking into account page ranking.

Many webmasters and seo-companies are constantly conducting various kinds of analyzes and experiments in order to understand what to look for when promoting their own projects, as well as client sites.

Based on their data, a small list of the most significant factors was obtained:

If your project is interesting and in demand, then the visitor will stay on it for a long time, which indicates its usefulness.

The higher this indicator, the better.

A refusal is a single view of a visitor's page less than 15 seconds. One of the most significant parameters that is difficult to improve.

For example, if a user spends no more than 15 seconds on your site and returns to search results, this is 1 rejection.

Today the blog had about 12% of such refusals. As you can see, it is almost impossible to get rid of them completely, but you cannot forget about it.

It is necessary to strive to keep such refusals as few as possible, because this is a signal for search engines that such a page contains content that does not satisfy the visitor's requests, and the page may be underestimated in the search results.

My blog statistics show that on average I had 1.4 pages viewed today. It turns out that almost every second click on some other links.

Visitors can come to the site not only from search engines, but also from other sources (transitions from social networks, bookmarks and other sites).

If the site is useful, then there is a high probability that the visitor will add it to their bookmarks or share the link with other network users.

All of this is evidence of an increase in direct visits and an improvement in behavioral page ranking factors.

How often visitors return to site pages without the help of search engines. This parameter is very important and has a good effect on the position in the search results.

Judge for yourself, if a person using Yandex or Google with the help of the necessary request has found important information for themselves on the pages of your site and after a while it returns again, but from a browser bookmark or address bar, then your material is really high-quality, deserving high positions.

First click... It is very important which web resource in the TOP results the user prefers, namely, makes the first click.

So you want to buy a garage, naturally enter a query in Yandex search "Buy a garage" and you see a lot of relevant page titles.

Which site do you prefer? Of course, the one whose title will contain information on the search request, as well as the one who has a better detailed description, namely the "snippet".

I told in great detail about its formation in the article "".

If in the SERP, a person clicks on the site, which is located on the 3rd place, then this is another signal for the search engine that this site better meets the requests of visitors and, perhaps, after a while it will be promoted in the search results.

Therefore, try to compose the description of the pages as qualitatively as possible, and if the opportunity allows, then configure the display of the extended snippet, which I will talk about next time, do not miss.

You can easily track all of the above parameters using Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics and a visit counter.

How to increase the time a visitor spends on the site

Everything goes to the fact that over time, search engines will attach much more importance to behavioral factors than now and therefore it is worth constantly improving.

Check out this little chart to improve behavioral ranking factors.

Content... No wonder they say: "Content rules!" After all, it is he who is the main one on any information platform. Your task is to write interesting, useful and unique articles that will be relevant to the requests of visitors and fully reveal the given topic.

You can also add videos, polls, quizzes or mini games on the content pages.

Internal linking... Your task is to make the visitor stay on the site, so it will only be a plus if he looks at other pages.

This can be done by placing thematic links to other articles, as well as by using similar posts at the end of the post or popular in the sidebar.

Yandex and Google have become much more sophisticated in their methods of evaluating which results to display in response to user requests. This is vitally important for them, because if people do not consider the search results to be of high quality, they will simply stop using it.

To assess the usefulness of a page (site), in addition to technical and textual criteria, so-called behavioral factors are also used. They are understood as a set of user actions during his stay on the site.

This makes it possible to distinguish a truly useful resource from one that is simply well "sharpened" for search algorithms.

Everything here is similar to SEO as a whole - there is no clear list of behavioral factors that are taken into account when ranking, as there is no information on how strong the influence of each of them is. PSs track them in a variety of ways - using toolbars, browsers, etc.

Most experts agree that the main behavioral factors include the following:

  • Time on page / site - how long the visitor was on the page or site before leaving it;
  • Number of views - the average number of pages viewed by visitors;
  • Bounce rate - the percentage of users who viewed no more than one page and then left it;
  • Click-through rate (CTR) in search - how often users click on your site in the search results;
  • Return to search results - the transition of the visitor from the page back to the search.

It is difficult to influence them, but it is possible. By focusing on delivering the best user experience, there are a number of "bonuses" you can get, such as better rankings and higher conversion rates. And this is important for both content and commercial projects.

How to improve behavioral factors without cheating

In addition to natural ways of influencing the behavior of site visitors, there is an easier way - just imitate the necessary indicators, "wind up" them. Such experiments are quite risky and threaten to fall under the filters, but, apparently, this does not stop many. Cheat services continue to exist, which means that there is a demand for gray methods.

We don't need that. We are only interested in natural methods that provide a long-term effect and do not threaten with any sanctions. And it is very good that such methods exist.

Correct technical errors

If any functionality of the site does not work as expected, people will always be unhappy with their interactions with it. Common technical mistakes include:

  • outdated scripts that slow down website loading;
  • poor-quality layout, which leads to display problems in a number of browsers;
  • module conflicts with CMS, which provokes malfunctions;
  • the presence of broken links that generate a 404 error;
  • use of irrelevant, specific technologies, etc.

It is unlikely that any of the visitors will be happy if, after going from the SERP to the page of your site, he sees something like this:

A "good" bounce rate is then guaranteed. So a technical audit of your resource should be carried out, and not even once, but regularly.

Optimize your site for mobile

The share of mobile traffic, even in the regions, continues to grow rapidly. But with the optimization of commercial sites for mobile, the situation was sad and remains.

It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased if he is forced to tap the small buttons with his finger and examine the letters with constant zooming:

Yes, in some cases this can be difficult. For example, when you need to adapt the site of a large portal or some service for display on small screens. But, in many cases, it all comes down to a few hours of work by the programmer / layout designer. And if the site is based on some popular engine, then it's enough to buy a ready-made theme with a responsive design.

The search engines decided to actively speed up the widespread mobilization, and promote mobile-friendly to the masses, having developed special technologies for this. The first was Google, announcing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) in October 2015, and in early May it became known that a similar technology called "turbo pages" was being tested by Yandex. The essence is the same - to speed up the download speed on mobile devices.

Boost your download speed

How long are users willing to wait for the page they went to load? The answer is simple: not at all. Well, or a very, very small percentage. Even if your page takes 4 seconds to load, you could lose 25% of your audience. This is not acceptable for any project.

It doesn't matter what device they use to browse the site - phone, tablet or desktop - people will close tabs with pages that load slowly. Even if a person opens several pages from the SERP in different tabs at once, the one that loads faster will be read first.

You can increase your download speed in the following ways:

  • optimize images by reducing their volume;
  • optimize code and database queries;
  • install a caching plugin for the used CMS;
  • do not use add-ons / modules unless there is a clear need;
  • use AMP technology and "turbo pages".

Make sure your site is as fast as possible, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much better this will affect behavioral and other metrics.

Attention to design and usability

There are sites that you immediately like and are really nice to be on. And there are those that resemble the result of a schoolchild's creativity after school, moreover, devoid of artistic taste.

Moreover, an attractive design does not mean complicated and expensive. Simplicity is often more sophisticated than an abundance of artistic elements, which can only overload the page.

True, everyone has different tastes, so it's better to look at the appearance of popular sites in your niche or related niches. Or just search for the design you like on the same

Navigation plays a very important role, which should be simple and understandable, making it possible to get to any place on the site with a minimum number of clicks. Take the time to check the visitor's transaction path yourself to make sure everything works well.

One of the easy ways to improve both usability and the quality of internal optimization is to do regular internal linking. Only manually, and not by script, so that the links are not only relevant, but also useful.

Create quality content

It is not enough to attract a visitor to the page, you also need to keep him on it, which can turn out to be a much bigger problem. A proven way to do this is to offer him really high-quality information, which provided the necessary completeness of the answer to the request to which he passed. And, believe me, solving this problem is much more difficult than all the others listed in this article.

Content that contains valuable information for the visitor and fully answers his questions has a positive effect on behavioral metrics. And for the text to be of high quality, when writing it, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • ensure completeness of information - the user should get an answer to the question that brought him here;
  • minimum of water - do not increase the volume of the text if it is not necessary, as you only irritate the reader;
  • improve the readability of articles - structuredness (lists, subheadings, other formatting elements), breakdown into short paragraphs and the use of high-quality illustrations help in this;
  • include facts and statistics in the material, if necessary;
  • involve people who are really good at the topic in writing articles.

It was possible to write a lot more, but, in general, everything can be reduced to one simple truth - create such a text that you yourself will enjoy reading.

Make snippets attractive

A good snippet can do a great job of increasing the click-through rate of a link in the SERP, which will give you the opportunity to squeeze the most out of the impressions received. With a bad snippet, there will be little sense even from good positions.

An example of how different CTR can be:

And here's what you need to do to get more clicks:

  • Form an attractive Title. Which would not only contain the keys, but also attract attention, prompting to go to the site;
  • Write an interesting Description. Since there is no guarantee that this piece of text will be included in the description, it is better to place it in the first paragraph, including the entry of the main request;
  • Experiment with extended snippets, icons (emoji) in your title and other technologies that will help you stand out in the search results;
  • Make an attractive URL. Keeping it short and straightforward will give you an edge over those who have it long and messy.

For sites such as online stores, where meta tags are set mainly by templates, this is especially important. A good template will allow you to immediately get a significant increase due to many pages.

Study the interests of the target audience

It will not be easy to make a site that users will like if you have absolutely no idea what they need. And even worse - if it seems to you that you understand, but everything is exactly the opposite.

Analysis of the target audience is one of the most important tasks that should underlie the entire strategy of working on a website. It all starts with analyzing keywords, determining the intentions, needs and problems of users. Then a strategy for creating landing pages and content is already being worked out that will answer these questions.

After creating landing pages, it will be necessary to analyze user behavior on them, and think about how to influence it.

But, everything is not limited to your site. An equally important stage is the study of competitors, from whom you can spy on interesting solutions, which you can then apply on your own website.

Engage in interaction

Depending on the type of project, users can interact with the site in a variety of ways - read, watch a video, click on buttons, fill out forms, leave comments, etc. The action (or lack thereof) is also related to the user experience, and it is quite possible , its role will grow in the future.

User activity on a site can influence a variety of behavioral factors. For example, time on page or number of views per session, not to mention the bounce rate. Of course, for this, the site must have the appropriate functionality - a subscription form, a comment form, the display of recommended articles, and the like.

And, of course, don't forget about calls to action. Well-formed and placed in the right places CTA-elements can have a very positive effect on the activity of the audience.

Let's sum up

User experience and SEO are getting closer than ever before. Both site owners and search engines have the same goal - to make users happy. Therefore, make sure that you understand correctly what people need, and work on the site based on that understanding.

Search engines, like real people, are beginning to pay attention to things like site loading speed, text quality on it, ease of navigation, and other details, which together are very important. And if you pay due attention to this right now, you will get a tangible advantage over your competitors, both now and in the long term.

What methods of improving behavior do you use on your projects? Share your experience in the comments!

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High ranking for key queries is the goal that every site goes to. The logic is simple: the higher a page is in the search results, the more people visit it, and the number of potential leads and customers increases.

The ranking is determined by search engine algorithms. Previously, they were based on mathematical formulas for "authority", but SEOs have come up with many tricks to outwit the algorithm. Therefore, search engines use several methods of checking a resource at once, the result of which will be high or low ranking.

What determines the ranking and how to improve the position of your site - let's analyze it in the material, it is suitable for beginners and will help you better navigate the important factors.

There are many indicators, and special attention should be paid analysis of behavioral factors... The algorithm is based on the behavior of the users themselves, such an assessment is objective and reflects the preferences of people. In order not to fail on this indicator, the site must really meet the requirements of users, and not try to deceive the search engines.

What are the behavioral factors?

To make the algorithm harder to cheat, search engines pay attention to a variety of coefficients and sequences. The main factors that determine the place of the site in the search results:

Influence of behavioral factors on ranking

Different pages have different purposes, how do search engines get statistics on user behavior and how do they analyze it?

The first stage is collecting information.

Search engines receive information from various sources, these include:

  • Statistics systems(Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica)
    They give the amount of information about site visitors, most of the behavioral factors are displayed in this way. The resource owner may not connect himself to the systems, but then he will not receive a lot of useful data either.
  • Browsers
    Branded browsers automatically send data about human behavior on the web to search engines. This is done by Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and even Internet Explorer.
  • Add-ons
    The most famous example is Yandex.Bar. In essence, it turns any browser into a branded one and sends all the necessary information to the search engine.

The second stage is analysis.

The difficulty is that for some sites certain factors are not important. For one-page pages, the viewing depth does not matter, but it will always be at a low level - this is logical, there is only one page. This is where data segmentation, interpretation, and machine learning come into play. Thanks to sophisticated algorithms, the system will be able to identify really important factors and rank the site by them.

How to improve behavioral factors without cheating

In this block, we'll look at the most basic and effective techniques for improving the relationship between the site and users in order to improve rankings. How to influence behavioral factors to get your site higher.

Optimize snippet in SERP

Improving the snippet is necessary to increase the click-through rate. This can be done in several ways. For example, make a good title and description. They should not only have an entry for the keyword, but also explain exactly what the person will find and learn about on the page. In this case, it is worth being guided by the rule "brevity is the sister of talent." A good description is 150-180 characters in volume.

It has become more and more difficult to break through to the TOP line of search engines. This is because you don't know how to improve your site's behavioral ranking factors.

I still didn’t know about their significant impact on extradition.
Cheating metrics of behavior of visitors to your resource - lead to sanctions for behavioral factors and a ban for several months.
Or a serious breakthrough in HF and pulling up the tail positions of the MF and LF search queries.

Your site is considered cool if numerous Internet resources, blogs, forums, Wikipedia refer to it.
Links should be placed only from trust sites that have not received a ban and are not under the filter. Such sources will provide the highest quality exhaust.
You need to place external links based on the budget (approximately 1500-5000) per month.

7. We use social signals

Optimizing behavioral factors is a topic such as social ranking factors.
For the initial stage, pumping in twitter accounts is suitable. Of course, they must be indexed, with subscribers, in general pumped. Retweets of site pages - good indexing, trust of Yandex and Google.

From here the conclusion: bad indexing - upload the farm to Twitter and create links to your resource there.
To check the number of social signals on a website or a separate document, you can use the Russian service
It is very important to distribute signals evenly throughout the site, especially for online stores and commercial sites.


The trend of 2016 is to make maximum effort on design and interesting content!

Track Google analytics and adjust the actions taken on the site in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the metrics.
Do not forget that excessive games with link mass and social signals will attract immediate sanctions for behavioral factors, getting rid of them is unpleasant and takes a long time.

I ask you to leave your feedback on the article in the comments, since the cat and I worked on the behavioral ones, put our efforts into writing it and want criticism.