Installing openserver on windows 7. Installing and configuring OpenServer. How to install and work with Open Server correctly. MySQL Log Settings in OpenServer

Openserver php setting is configured in modules and is a priority setting when using different cms systems, scripts and applications. It will not be possible to install a system that supports php 5.6 if the server itself is configured for more powerful parameters, for example joomla, for which you need to install a php version of at least 7.

For the same reason, ready-made sites located on the local openserver server may be unavailable when changing the module settings. It is difficult to lose data if there are many such sites. For one cms-system, you can configure it once and not pay attention to everything else.

But let's consider the option when on the local openserver server, several variants of sites are installed, with different system requirements. For example, I took osticket, with support for php 5.6 and a popular engine that requires php at least 7.0.

It is impossible to place both of these sites on openserver if you do not create special profiles, which will indicate the necessary parameters for each site separately.

Openserver php setup with profiles

When entering the settings, a window will appear with many different tabs (13) in the form of a menu.

For our particular case, the main ones will be "Main" and "Modules". In the main parameters, profiles are configured, and in the modules - server configuration for each profile separately.

Being in the "General" menu, in the "Profile name" field, you must enter the desired name and click the "Create profile" button so that the invented profile appears in the list of all other profiles, of which, by the way, there can be a lot.

Then simply select a new profile with the cursor and go to the "Modules" menu, where you can configure the necessary parameters for the new profile and save. After that, to save the new settings, the server will be restarted.

Having thus created the required number of profiles, with the necessary parameters http, php and MySQL, you can quickly select the desired set of settings in the form of profiles and easily switch between them.

In practice, everything looks very simple. Having selected the required profile, you must click on the "Load profile" button. The selected settings will be available after server restart.

It's that simple, using openserver profiles, you can quickly select the desired php settings for any version.

Openserver php setup practical use.

Installing and configuring open server. Detailed instructions on how to install and start creating your first website using open server.

Probably, many have already heard about such a wonderful thing as Open Server
What is Open Server? This is a software package consisting of Apache, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin (I called the main ones), which is installed in one fell swoop (one program - in which there are many programs, roughly speaking)
If you yourself tried to install Apache, then MySQL, then phpmyadmin, you would have spent a lot of time and effort (thanks to the author of this product!)
And then there's a bunch of necessary add-ons in the form of Nginx, PostgreSQL, Memcached, IonCube and a bunch of necessary things for people who create websites
Let's, before installation, talk about how Open Server is convenient. Firstly, it is compact, does not take up much space, has a convenient menu and nothing superfluous (almost \u003d D)... This is what Open Server looks like after launch

As we can see open Server starts in the tray without taking up space on the taskbar

let's get a look main advantages of Open Server before Denwer and other Windows products. First, the documentation. Openserver has documentation for almost all components.

And although it was made in the form of links to other sites, it is still there. And if necessary, we can go to the site and read the information we need
Let's go further
The second plus of this program. The necessary programs that are often needed to create a website are already in the Open Server package itself... You need Notepad - please, PDF viewer - is also there, taking screenshots, editing icons, even analyzing disks and a port monitor here (but why \u003d D)
FileZilla FTP client, Google Chrome portable, Firefox portable, even Skype and TeamViewer. It can be seen that the creator of the project really did his best. He definitely deserves thanks for such a killer-convenient kit called Open Server

Excellent! Let's install it. Download link below
So, install the Open server
Launch as administrator of Open server... You will be prompted in which folder to install it

For this tutorial, I put Open server on a test computer, so I unzip it to the C: drive (because there is no other)

After unpacking, the Openserver folder appeared on the disk specified during installation (in my case, drive C :) - we will need it in the future. Let's open it. We see 2 files. Open Server x86 and Open server x64. You need to run the file, depending on what bit of the system you have (I don't know my bit?)
I have 7 64-bit, so I run Open Server x64.exe (preferably from administrator)

By the way, you can immediately throw the desired shortcut (32 or 64) to the desktop

When launching, we indicate the language in which it will be convenient for us to read the translation of the Open Server program. I will choose Russian

It's up to you to decide whether to install Visual C ++. But it's better to install so that everything works

After installation, restart your computer

After reboot again start Open Server... Since I dropped the shortcut to my desktop, I will launch it from there

After launch, you need to go to tray (as the Open server starts in the "Off" mode) and confirm the start

When the checkbox Open Server goes green, then our Open Server is running, and we can start working with it

So, let me show you the basic nuances. Open Serverthat you will be interested in

How to get to phpmyadmin in Open server

In order to get into phpmyadmin, you need to enter in (Open server must be running) browser line

Or go to the Open Server setting and click on phpmyadmin

User: root No password

How to create a new site on Open Server

Let's create a new site on Openserver (see how I'm trying for you)
Downloading the latest Joomla from. site

I create a test folder in the localhost folder

Unzip all files from the Joomla archive to our test folder

Now, we can start installing Joomla. To do this, in the browser line, enter (test - due to the fact that we created the test folder in localhost. If we created the nos folder, it would run localhost / nos)
localhost / test

That's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

I would like to present you a new professional tool for web development for Windows.

The Open Server is a portable local WAMP / WNMP server with a rich management program and a wide range of plug-in components. The presented software package is not just another amateur assembly assembled "on the knee", it is the first full-fledged professional tool created specifically for web developers, taking into account their recommendations and wishes.

If you are still using Denwer, Xampp, Vertrigo, etc. or if you prefer to install all server components separately - welcome under cat.

Components and tools

For debugging scripts in different environments, Open Server offers a choice of two types of HTTP servers at once, different versions of PHP and DBMS modules, as well as the ability to quickly switch between them.

HTTP modules: Apache 2.2.21 and Nginx 1.0.11;

DBMS modules: MySQL 5.1.61, MySQL 5.5.20 and PostgreSQL 9.1.1;

PHP modules: PHP 5.2.17 (IMagick 2.2.1, Zend Optimizer 3.3.3, IonCube Loader 4.0.7, Memcache 2.2.4) and PHP 5.3.9 (IMagick 2.3.0, Xdebug 2.1.3, IonCube Loader 4.0.10, Memcache 2.2.6);

Great toolbox: HeidiSQL, Adminer, PHPMyAdmin, PHPPgAdmin, PgAdmin.
The package also includes such goodies as: Perl, FTP server, Sendmail, Memcached server!

Open Server is the only project I know that includes Nginx! Moreover, here a convenient connection of rewrite rules is implemented through the .nxaccess files in the root of the domain, and PHP works in True FastCGI (non-killable) mode.

All components are taken from the official repositories and are always updated to the latest versions with each package update.


First of all, I'd like to point out that Open Server is a completely portable server. No system services, heaps of garbage in the registry and system32. You can carry it everywhere with you on a flash drive (preferably on a high-speed one), run it on a work / home machine without fear that something will not work for you.
In the absence of the necessary system components on the computer, Open Server will install them itself, just select the [Tools - First Start] menu if the server is started on the computer for the first time.

I do not want to describe the main features of the program, because for the most part they are standard for this kind of software. It goes without saying that using Open Server you can start / stop the server or open the desired domain. It will be much more interesting for you to learn about the specific "features" that make Open Server special, really special:

Detailed view of the logs of all components in real time;
- choice of HTTP, DBMS and PHP modules in any combination;
- Support for SSL and Cyrillic domains out of the box;
- support for aliases or other domain pointers, as well as a convenient form of setting them up (hello fans of multisiting in Drupal!);
- creating a local subdomain without losing the visibility of the main domain on the Internet;
- access to domains (one click) and quick access to module configuration templates;
- multilingual interface (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English);

The program is constantly being improved, all adequate requests from the Open Server users are studied in detail and most of them are being implemented!

A bit of history

Initially, I was developing a control program in the DevelStudio environment. I think there will be those who read mine about this development environment. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, I realized that the work on this project is being extremely sluggish, there were no prospects in terms of developing the Open Server functionality. I rewrote the program from scratch and from version 4.0 onwards, development is carried out in the Delphi language.


For many years I used Denwer in my daily work, after a while I switched to Vertrigo. I tried almost all the other available options: XAMPP, AppServ, WAMPserver, TopServer, etc., but none of the above assemblies satisfied me. The limited functionality, the difficulty of customization, and sometimes a simple external ugliness discouraged me from using these "creations".

Dear Habravchane, I will be glad to see you at the Open Server forum, I will listen with interest to your suggestions for the development of the project, wishes for connecting new components and other interesting ideas.

Program description

Open Server is a portable software suite designed to help webmasters develop, debug and test sites directly on a computer (even if there is no Internet on it) running Windows. You can read in more detail about what Open Server is, what is the difference in its assemblies (maximum, extended and basic) and what components are included in them, you can read at the office. project site:

Personally, I use the extended edition (premium)

Where to download the open server?

  1. On the developer's site - without donation, the speed of the jump is very small (3 hours to download)
  2. From my Yandex drive, here: - I usually put all updates there

Installing Open Server

Before installing, I recommend disabling the antivirus program. In my case, this is Kaspersky antivirus, it is disabled as follows: we find the antivirus icon in the tray, click on it with the mouse (right-click) and select: pause protection, then select for how long to pause and confirm the action in the window that opens.

Run the downloaded Open Server distribution kit (preferably on behalf of the administrator).

We indicate the path to install the distribution kit.

We are waiting for unpacking, after which we follow the path that you indicated during unpacking and see the OpenServer folder there, inside which the installed Open Server is located

This completes the installation!

Open Server - first launch

To do this, go to the folder with the installed Open Server distribution kit (in my case, it is located on the local drive D). Right-click on the Open Server icon (x64 or x86, depending on the bitness of your OS) and in the window that opens, select "Run as administrator".

In the window that opens, select the server interface language (in my case it is Russian):

They will be installed for a rather long time, you will freely have time to drink coffee at that time. or do something else)

After installing all the necessary libraries in the tray (lower right corner, where the clock is), the Open Server icon will appear in the form of a red flag, click on it and select start.

If the window appears: Windows Security Alert, put both checkboxes on the Private and Public Networks items and click on the "Allow access" button.

After that, the server should start successfully and the red flag in the tray should turn green, click on it and select "My sites" - "localhost".

A page will open in the browser in which a greeting will be written.

Congratulations on the successful launch of Open Server.

Open Server setup

To do this, launch it, then in the bottom tray, right-click on its icon and select the settings tab.

The settings window will open in front of you, we are primarily interested in the Modules tab, here I recommend setting the modules you need (relying on the hosting software, in my case the hosting will run, it supports the latest versions of Apach, Ngins, PHP, etc.) Accordingly, I choose the latest versions).

In Doctor, the web is turned off in the parental control settings, if I'm not mistaken.

You can also try to open the command line as administrator and run the command:

attrib.exe -s -r -h -a C: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts

2 common error: Failed to start Apache

Or some other component or just writes the port (port number) is busy. This usually indicates that this port is occupied by some other program.


If you are running Skype, make sure that it does not occupy ports 80 and 443, for this, in Skype, go to the Tools -\u003e Settings -\u003e Connection tab and uncheck the Use ports 80 and 443 box.
If it does not help or the ports are blocked by something else. Then download, install and run the Port Explorer program (or something similar to it), then go to the ALL tab, sort the list of processes in the Local Port tab, find the processes that occupy the port indicated in the logs and terminate them. PS This action will most likely have to be repeated after each system reboot.

After that, restart Open Server and work!

If this does not help, then turn off the firewall (firewall) and antivirus!

Well, if all of the above does not help, then go to the office. forum look for your problem, or write to the developers through the same forum what specific problem you have and they will help you solve it. Well, or you can write about it in the comments, I will try to help you!

Did you know that you don't have to buy a domain and hosting for it right away to create a website? You can do without installing a special set of programs for Windows - a local server.

One of the best options I think is Open Server, or rather its OSPanel Premium version.
This free version includes only the required set of programs for working with a local server.

Download, install, by default the program is installed on the C: \\ OSPanel drive, go there and create a shortcut for the exe file corresponding to your Windows version, you can see it in the computer properties. If Windows 64bit, make a shortcut for it (Open Server x64.exe). Further, in the properties of the shortcut, you must specify the launch as administrator, this is important. Launch, a red checkbox appeared in the system tray, click on it and then on the green one - Run. We are waiting a little, if the checkbox turns green - you are very lucky, if not - most likely the reason is in the antivirus program, which does not allow changing the system hosts file. There is no universal recipe for all antiviruses, but what we can do is add our server to trusted antivirus applications, or turn off tracking of the hosts file. Here either Google will help you, or we demolish your antivirus and install, for example, the free Kaspersky Free Antivirus, add our Open Server x64.exe to the trusted ones, everything should work.

When the checkbox is green, the server is running. Go to the settings on the modules tab and select Apache-2.4-x64, PHP-5.6-x64, MySQL-5.6-x64, if Windows is 32 bit, then install the same versions without x64. The rest of all the boxes are unchecked. These settings are optimal today for most popular CMS (Worldpress, Joomla, Prestshop, OpenCart ...). Restart, everything is ready to go, if the flag is green. If not - write in the comments, I will help.

Installing any CMS on Open Server

Many popular CMS engines like Worldpress, Joomla, Prestshop, OpenCart ... are installed in about the same way.

Want to see everyone? Yes, easily, here's a universal instruction for you:

Downloading CMS. We go to ospanel \\ domains through the menu - Sites folder or through explorer, create a folder there with a local domain name, for example:, unpack our CMS there, right to the root, after unpacking we have a bunch of files in this folder and not another folder.

Through the OpenServer menu (when the flag is green), click - Advanced - PhpMyAdmin, User: root, Password: (leave blank). In the menu on the left, click - Create DB

Name: (database name in Latin, for example :) namedb, Comparison: utf8_general_ci, click - Create.

During installation, you will be asked to specify:

  • Database name: (previously created) namedb
  • Database password: empty, I hope you can fill in the rest of the fields yourself, well, unless the host can still request: localhost
  • After installation, some CMS ask you to delete the install folder, it is located at the root of our site, you need to delete it through Windows Explorer.

It is important to remember three things at the end of the installation:

  1. Path (address) to the admin panel,
  2. Login (maybe an email to login),
  3. Password.

The path to the admin panel can be unique, so we add it to your bookmarks. It is advisable to remember the login and password using LastPass.

All, I congratulate you, you have just created a site, or maybe several at once. The plus from the SEO point of view of this approach is that search engines do not like raw and unfinished sites, and on a local domain, you can bring the site to working order and only then upload it to the Internet, to hosting. And you can practice and choose the CMS you like. And in the next articles we will consider their configuration in more detail.

P.S. Configuring Open Server + Dr.Web

After starting Open Server, a couple of Dr.Web windows will pop up, in which we allow OpenServer and Apache access, but then dr.web still prevents Open Server from starting. To open additional settings, you need to click on the closed lock icon, then the gear, then allow changes to the host file for OpenServer, as in the photo below, after which the server still started.

P.S. Setting up Open Server + Avira

Another good antivirus, including a good free version, you can easily make friends with OpenServer. We launch the antivirus, click the gear in the lower left corner, and uncheck the box in the settings, as in the picture.