Windows 10 write automatic recovery preparation. To open Startup or Automatic Repair from Windows Disk

While Windows 10 is constantly being improved and polished, it still contains more bugs than previous versions. For example, the user may encounter a problem when loading the operating system: “Preparing Automatic Repair” appears on the boot screen, but no recovery occurs, and Windows 10 does not start. What to do in this case, read within this article.

About error

Preparing Automatic Repair occurs when Windows 10 is damaged for some reason. Basically, the "prepare" function is supposed to restore corrupted files from saved restore points or Windows installation files on a connected external media. But in the absence of such, the window simply freezes and after a while, a reboot occurs. And the cycle repeats again, turning into a closed loop. Break the loop by temporarily disconnecting the power and read the instructions for correction.

How to fix?

There are some practical tips for fixing this problem.

Enabling XD-bit in BIOS

As long as XD-bit (also known as No-Execute Memory Protect) is disabled in BIOS settings (UEFI), the user is faced with the Preparing Automatic Repair loop.

Interesting to know! The No-Execute Memory Protect function provides additional protection against hacker attacks, viruses and similar threats at the hardware level (hardware support for prohibiting the execution of program code from the data area). For the first time such a function was acquired in processors: AMD Athlon 64, Sempron based on them, Intel Pentium 4 of the latest modification and Celeron based on them.

Increasing the space of the "System Reserved" section

The error can occur due to the "System Reserved" section, which has less space than it should be (you need at least 250 MB). To increase partition space, use the MiniTool Partition Wizard boot utility. You may need a different computer, or try going into Safe Mode:

  1. Download the utility (ISO file).
  2. Mount it on a virtual disk (RMB on the file → open with → Explorer).
  3. Connect a formatted FAT32 flash drive, open the virtual disk and drag the files to the flash drive to write.
  4. Also, to write the utility to a USB flash drive from an image, you can use any convenient program, such as UltraISO.
  5. Restart your computer and boot from the USB flash drive (the article "How to change the BIOS boot priority?" Will help with this).
  6. An open program will allow you to work with hard drives.
    Right-click on the system drive "C:" and click "Shrink". Note the 250 MB area. 250 MB of unallocated area will be created.
  7. Move the System Reserved partition next to the unallocated space. Then click on the RMB on System Reserved and execute the Extend function (Aligning the inseparable area with the System Reserved volume).
  8. Restart your computer and test Windows.

System Restore

You can restore Windows 10 using a bootable disk or flash drive with a Windows distribution:

Reinstall Windows

If none of the tips above did not help start Windows, reinstall it using

BIOS - a set of utilities that are installed on the motherboard, which make it possible to turn on the device to install the OS. With its help, Windows 10 is loaded, the data carrier is selected, the range of thermal sensors is indicated, various parameters are configured. If the system stops booting, errors crash and the standard recovery fails, you can use the BIOS.

How to restore Windows 10 through BIOS.

But this method can be used only if you have an installation disk or a flash drive with a distribution of a licensed operating system with the version and bit depth that you have installed, this option is not possible without an external drive.

First of all, you need to start by configuring the BIOS to read the disk immediately upon startup.

If the preparation of automatic recovery does not make it possible to restart the computer normally, you need to do it forcibly by holding down the shutdown buttons for 10-15 seconds, as soon as the system starts to boot, you must press one of the keys: F1, F4, F3, Delete, F8 (say exactly which exactly you need to press it is impossible, since it depends on the model of the motherboard on your device).

In the instructions for the computer or on the manufacturer's website, you can look for which key you need to enter. Most PCs use the Delete button, laptops can use the ctrl + alt + esc key combination.
After the BIOS starts, go to the Boot section.

You need to find the parameter "1st boot device", which can be located in the section "Boot Device Configuration", "Advanced Features", "Boot", "Boot Sequence. There you need to set a parameter for a CDROM or PXE UND I disk to boot from a USB flash drive:

Press "F10" to save the result, insert the disc into the drive or connect the USB flash drive that contains the distribution kit, then reboot the device.

After the computer boots up, the initial system installation menu appears, where you will need to click on the "System Restore" button.

The menu "Select actions" will open, you need to select the item "Diagnostics".

Then go to the item "Additional parameters".

Then click on the "System Restore" item.

After clicking, a window will open with a choice of a restore point.

Startup Repair scans your computer for errors and fixes them as they are found. You can try to run the utility, but in most cases, after searching, it usually displays a message that the computer could not be restored.

If you had a rollback and your Windows was successfully restored after the above steps, then this field will need to go into the BIOS and return the hard disk boot priority back to the first place.

- How to restore Windows 10 via the command line.
If you did not create a checkpoint, you can try to restore the Windows 10 system through the command line. To do this, you also need a bootable disk or USB flash drive with the Windows operating system, which is installed on the computer.

In the "Advanced options" section, select "Command line"

In the window that opens, type "fixboot".

Then the action must be confirmed by pressing the "Y" key.
After restoring the Windows 10 bootloader, the system needs to be checked for corrupted system files.

Solutions for problems with damaged system files

  1. The boot sector of the operating system is damaged.
    In the command line, you need to enter "fixboot", press "Enter", then enter "fixmbr", press "Enter". The windows boot sector will then be restored. The computer can be restarted normally.
  2. The boot file boot.ini is missing.
    In the line you need to type "bootcfg / rebuild", then press "Enter". Confirm all possible questions of the system by pressing the "Y" and "Enter" key.
  3. Corrupted config in system32 folder.
    Insert the disk with your OS version into the drive, enter “cd repair copy SYSTEM C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ config” in the command line, and then press “Enter”.
  4. There are no files "ntldr" or "", the system displays the message: "NTLDR is missing at Windows startup".
  5. Enter in the command line "copy X: \\ i386 \\ ntldr C: \\", press "Enter" (Where X is the letter of your drive, and C is the letter of your system drive on which your OS is installed).

System recovery via the command line with the computer turned on.

If you do not want to restart your computer, you can restore the system through the command line from Windows. To do this, you will need to insert the disc into the DVD-ROM with the PC booted up. Then start the command line by pressing the hotkey combination "Win + R" and enter "sfc / scannow" in the search row of the "Run" window and press "OK". After that, the broken system distributions will be copied from the boot disk automatically. System restore, rollback is pretty quick and problem-free.

First of all, if the error "The computer does not start correctly" occurs after you turn off the computer or after interrupting the Windows 10 update, but it is successfully corrected by clicking the "Restart" button, and then appears again, or in cases where the computer does not turn on the first time , after which an automatic recovery occurs (and again everything is fixed by rebooting), then all the actions described below with the command line are not for your situation, in your case the reasons may be as follows. Additional instructions with options for system startup problems and their solutions:.

If, after turning on the computer or laptop, you see a message that the computer is being diagnosed, and then a blue screen with a message that "The computer has not started correctly" with a proposal to restart or go to additional parameters (the second version of the same message - on on the "Recovery" screen, a message stating that Windows did not boot correctly), this usually indicates damage to any Windows 10 system files: registry files and more.

The problem can manifest itself after a sudden shutdown when installing updates, installing antivirus or cleaning the computer from viruses, cleaning the registry using cleaners, installing questionable programs.

And now about the ways to solve the problem "The computer is not started correctly". If it so happened that you had automatic creation of restore points enabled in Windows 10, then first of all it is worth trying this option. This can be done as follows:

After pressing the cancel button, you will be taken to the blue screen again. Click on it "Troubleshoot".

Now, if you are not ready to take all of the following startup recovery steps, which will only use the command line, click on "Reset this computer" to reset Windows 10 (reinstall), which can be done while saving your files (but not programs ). If you are ready and want to try to return everything as it was - click "Advanced options", and then - "Command line".

In the command line, we will check the integrity of the system files and Windows 10 components in order, try to fix them, and also restore the registry from a backup. All of this together helps in most cases. Use the following commands in order:

There is a good chance that after that Windows 10 will start. If not, you can undo all the changes made in the command line (which can be run in the same way as before or from the recovery disk) by returning the files from the backup we created:

  1. cd e: \\ configbackup \\
  2. copy * e: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ config \\ (confirm overwriting files by pressing A and Enter).
Published on 11/17/2017 04:36 AM

System restore in automatic mode, as a rule, begins after a failure or exposure to viruses in which critical errors occur. However, you can often observe a situation when the display shows the message "Preparing automatic recovery" in Windows 10, and after a reboot, instead of starting the system, only a black screen is displayed or the recovery is simply attached (the same window is displayed every time you reboot).

The sad thing is that no matter how you try to complete this process, it is impossible. However, if the system itself, let alone the backup, has not been damaged to the most extreme extent, except in cases where reinstalling does not help anything, there are several methods to deal with this situation to ensure you can still. Preparing Windows 10 automatic recovery black screen and obsessive reasons for the process.

Be that as it may, despite all the developers' statements that the new system is a little more stable, alas, it contains many bugs that are constantly being corrected. And system failures are not always resolved by the normal sequence.

If we talk about the possible reasons for this behavior of Windows 10, it is rather difficult to say for sure that this is associated with such an error. Nevertheless, with a certain degree of probability, the following can be distinguished: backup corruption; lack of system files; lack of space to save checkpoints from photos; incorrect settings of the main BIOS / UEFI system; problems with the hard drive and memory Preparing for automatic recovery of Windows 10: what to do first?

First, let's look at a standard scheme of actions. If after the appearance of notifications that the automatic recovery of Windows 10 is being prepared, nothing happens after the restart, you can try using safe mode to start.

If the user has activated the date to bring up the "start" menu, the F8 key, in the standard version you need to select Safe Mode with support for network drivers. If the use of this button is not provided, which often happens, it is quite possible that at the boot stage a window appears with a choice or system boot, or diagnostic tools (for updates Anniversary and Creation.

If the system was somehow booted, you can try to rollback manually: You do not need to use the standard "Recovery Center" for this, it is better to use a shell in which the line rstrui.exe is entered. In the rollback window, you must select the moment that preceded the appearance of such situations. Please note that it will not be possible to stop this process because you will undo the changes made during the restore process.

Sometimes, if the network drivers are downloaded and there is an Internet connection, you can try to issue an online repair using the dism utility. It is very possible that such a solution will be much more effective.

If safe mode does not work, and again a message pops up on the screen stating that the preparation of automatic recovery (Windows 10 does not boot), and this process continues, to start, you must use the installation disk or USB media, having previously set it as the first boot device in the BIOS.

On the main screen, with the installation proposal, you must select the hyperlink to "system restore" in the lower left corner. Go to the diagnostics section, and then apply the rollback.

But you should not use Startup Repair, because in most cases, a message appears stating that the computer could not be returned to its original state.

After selecting normal restore, the standard rollback procedure starts. It is possible that this method will work. Expanding space is reserved.

Another moment, when he brought up the "Prepare Automatic Recovery" window in Windows 10, but then the system does not show any signs of life, this is due to the fact that it is necessary to increase the volume of the disk dedicated to storing backups. Once again, this only applies to situations in which Windows you can download in Safe Mode.

In this case, the best option would be to use the small and fairly simple Partition Wizard from MiniTool or a similar development using the built-in charger, which is much preferable for cases when the system does not start at all. In it, simply increase the space, you need to at least 250 MB (it is better to set a slightly higher value), and then try to start the system in normal mode. BIOS / UEFI Settings

Finally, the fixing of the "Preparing automatic recovery" process in Windows 10 may be related to the parameters of the main system, in which the system of protection against hacker attacks at the hardware level is disabled (prohibition of launching executable files and codes). The cycle also appears for this reason.

Therefore, to remedy the situation, you need to: When you turn on your computer or laptop, enter the above parameters. Find a line like No-Execute Memory Protect or XD-bit and set the value to Enabled. After that you need to save the changes (F10) and restart the computer device .Hard Drive and RAM

If the problem in your computer is "zero", it may very well be that in order to start it, to check the disk, start from removable media, using the command line, in which you wrote the command chkdsk / x / f / r, and in at the same time use and check the main components of the system (sfc / scannow).

If you can make a safe start to check the ideal Victoria tool (hard drive) and Memtest + (for RAM). In some cases, if the hard drive has started, as they say, "make", as they say, the HDD Regenerator inversion program can provide invaluable help. It's hard to say how effective the application is, but judging by the reviews, some hard drives can sometimes be restored in such a way that it is possible to recover.

As you can already see, it is sometimes possible to remove the constant loop of the message that the product is preparing for automatic recovery of Windows 10. True, the system of tools, in some cases, is not particularly worth counting. But if none of this helps, you will have to reinstall the system (and in some cases even change the hardware).

But in general, if we proceed from purely practical reasons, the first thing is that it is better to try to make a safe use of the beginning and perform additional actions, then the system works. But use with network drivers is required.

If this option turns out to be completely functional, it will start from removable media and try to recover in this way.

The final click will start the Windows 10 rollback procedure. After successful completion, the system will start in normal mode.

Several important points regarding recovery in this way:

  • It is impossible to stop a process launched through the console in safe mode;
  • You cannot undo changes that have taken effect;
  • After the end of the rollback, a text document will appear on the desktop, which will describe all the affected (deleted) files. The names are presented in the form of links, by clicking on which you can quickly recover the lost data.

If a black screen or eternal preparation for automatic system recovery does not allow you to enter the safe mode of the computer, then proceed to rollback the system using the BIOS tool.

Windows 10 BIOS recovery

It should be noted right away that this method can be implemented only if the user has a disk or flash drive with a licensed operating system distribution kit, otherwise the option can be skipped.

The first step is to configure the BIOS to read the disk when the computer starts. For this:

BIOS is configured. Now it is enough to insert the external device on which the distribution is stored.

Helpful hints when working with the environment:

  • You can find the correct key to enter the BIOS in the instructions for the computer or on the manufacturer's website. Most modern PC models use the Delete button;
  • On laptops, the key combination ctrl + alt + esc can be used to enter the BIOS;
  • In addition to the standard Boot, the 1st Boot Device section can be located in “Boot Device” or “Boot Device configuration”.

Now directly restore Windows 10. After the external device has been inserted, and the computer is running, a window will appear in which, instead of "Install", click in the lower left of the "System Restore" screen:

An action selection window will appear, in which you need to select the diagnostics section:

It is worth noting such a tool as Startup Repair. This function initiates a scan of the computer for errors and corrects them during detection. You can try to run the utility, but you should not rely on it. In most cases, after a short search, a message will appear stating that the computer could not be restored.

If BIOS fails to start

Situations when it is impossible to enter BIOS when the preparation process for automatic update hangs are quite common. Many users do not understand what to do in such a situation, but there is a solution - reset (zeroing) the BIOS environment.

There are three relatively simple and safe zeroing methods:

After using any of the methods, the user will be able to enter the BIOS and configure it to recover Windows 10.

Hard drive problems

The error where Windows 10 does not load correctly can be related to crashes or critical errors on the hard drive. It is impossible to solve this without buying or repairing "hard", but it is still possible to calculate the presence of problems without fully launching Windows 10.

In the right corner you can see values \u200b\u200blike 5ms, 20ms, etc. They represent the period of access to each sector of the hard drive. The ideal value is 5ms and the more such sectors, the better.