Virtual machine for windows x32. Why is there no x64 choice in VirtualBox? Real disk in VirtualBox

Download VirtualBox - virtual machine Oracle Virtual Box

Oracle VM VirtualBox (Oracle VM VirtualBox) - a software product that allows you to create virtual machines and install various software on them.

The basic version of the Virtual Box program is distributed under the GNU GPL license and, accordingly, there are no restrictions on use, i.e. users can use it both at home and in the enterprise.

Of the main features of the program, it is worth noting its cross-platform and support for 64-bit guest systems, even on 32-bit host systems on which the Virtual Box package is installed.

Oracle VM VirtualBox - How to Use

An example of installing the WindowsXP operating system on an Oracle VM VirtualBox virtual machine

Launch VirtualBox

Add a virtual machine by pressing the Ctrl + N keys at the same time, or by clicking on the "Machine" menu item, and in the "Create ..." drop-down menu

Specify the name of the virtual machine, select the type of operating system and its version from the list.

VirtualBox - select the type of guest operating system

Next, specify the amount of RAM available for use by the guest operating system. VirtualBox independently sets the recommended value, but if you decide to change this value, it is better if it will be no more than a third of the amount of RAM installed in your PC. Set the slider within the green sector, otherwise computer performance problems may occur.

The next step is to create a virtual hard disk for the virtual machine. Here you need to decide how much the installed guest operating system and applications will take, and select the required value.

This completes the creation of the virtual machine and you can start it by clicking on the corresponding "Run" icon in the program menu.

Next, you need to specify a bootable CD image, you can do this in two ways. Either a virtual machine that is not already running by clicking on the "Devices" menu, the "Optical Drives" item and then "Choose a virtual otical drive file ...", or before starting it, by clicking on the "Optical Drive" in the "Media" tab and then " Choose a virtual otical drive file ... "

In the dialog box that appears, select the path to the file with the CD image of the required operating system and click "Open"

Upon completion of the installation, you will have a completely normal operating system installed on a virtual machine created using Oracle VM VirtualBox.

VMware Workstation is an intuitive, high-performance virtual machine. If you want to experiment with operating systems and software, then you definitely need a virtual machine. It allows you to perform actions that are impossible for a computer, as well as protect against errors and various viruses. This program allows you to run several operating systems on a personal computer simultaneously. This application emulates a standalone PC, which will allow you to work with a conventional system, install utilities and operating systems. VMware Workstation ...

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VirtualBox is a powerful virtualization tool for x86-based platforms. What does this mean? If you need to run Windows on a Mac operating system, or Solaris under Linux, you will need to download VirtualBox for Windows 7/8.

This cross-platform program will allow you to create and run a virtual machine that simultaneously uses different operating systems on the same computer.

In other words, it is a system for creating a device with the parameters of a real computer, on which it is possible to run various operating systems. It is convenient to use it for testing without the need to install them directly.

Virtual Boxing Program

Let's talk about the possibilities that the program provides:

  • Cross-platform. Supports 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
  • Transparent architecture. Modular project with separation of server and client code and internal programming interfaces.
  • Guest add-on package.
  • Hardware support.
  • Working with OVF / OVA formats.
  • Multilingual interface - available in Russian as well.
  • SMP on the guest side.
  • Host and guest OS desktop in integration.
  • Support for VMDK and VHD hard disk images, including snapshots.
  • Various types of network interaction (a network can be built in three ways: NAT, Host Interface Networking, Internal Networking).
  • Simple file exchange between real and guest systems.
  • Virtualization of audio devices.
  • Hardware 3D acceleration capability.

VirtualBox is convenient

The program emulates hardware components such as a hard drive, network and video adapter, audio controller, and USB controllers.

The Russian version is absolutely free. You can download it from any torrent or from our Internet portal. It takes up little space and has a high performance.

The Virtual Box program is supported by the Open Source community. The product developer is Innotek, which was later acquired by Oracle VM Corporation.

Each product update makes it even easier to use at home and adds useful new customizations. We suggest you get this program right now - it won't take long to download.

VirtualBox is a complete OS virtualization program. The program can be used to test various operating systems or applications that can be installed on them. After downloading VirtualBox, you will no longer be tempted by doubts "will this application run on my operating system?" Just mount the desired operating system and test the application.

VirtualBox is suitable for Windows 7, XP, 8, Vista.


  • support for Windows, OpenBSD, Linux, DOS and Solaris;
  • several operating systems on one machine;
  • high performance characteristics;
  • support for massive workloads (up to 32 processors);
  • oVF format support.

Principle of operation:

click "Create" and select a boot disk. If you need more RAM or disk space, use the Settings icon. When all the settings are complete, click "Start" and your virtual machine will be launched. You can adjust the amount of allocated RAM, the size of the hard disk, and also enable multiple VMs at the same time. While using the VM, you can always switch to the main system and back.


  • wide range of supported guest operating systems;
  • high functionality and customizability of the OS;
  • free distribution;
  • up to 32 virtual machines.


  • requires a large amount of system resources;
  • perhaps a slight limitation in the functionality of the guest system.

VirtualBox is updated frequently and has an ever-growing list of features. It is distributed free of charge and has a small installation file size. Allows you to configure the maximum parameters of the guest OS. But it needs a lot of system resources to function successfully, and the application is one of the most popular for creating VMs.

Hello everyone. Let's talk today about the not-so-pleasant jamb that you may have if you decide to use the VirtualBox virtual machine. The jamb is that you cannot install 64-bit Windows. That is, when creating a virtual machine, you do not have a choice of 64-bit Windows, only 32-bit.

I also had such a jamb, but it was a long time ago, about four years ago, then I still had the ancient Pentium 4. I loved my Penka and didn't get off of it for a long time ..

Let me remind you that we are talking about the fact that in this VurtualBox menu there is no item for installing Windows 64-bit:

So why is there no x64 option in VirtualBox? The first option is the most commonplace, it is that your processor does not support virtualization technology. Almost all modern processors have it, that Intel and AMD. There are even older processors, but not all, for example, the Pentium 4 family does not have it (available only in the 662/672 models). But for Pentium D and higher, there is already virtualization in almost all of them. I can't say anything about AMD, but I think the picture is about the same.

In any case, there is virtualization in the new ones. If you don't, then you either have an old processor or some rare or special beast.

But how do you know if your processor supports virtualization or not? Of course, it's best to just look at it, and then search the Internet for information about the process. You can also download the CPU-Z utility and it will show you some info, for example, I have a Pentium G3220 processor, here's what the CPU-Z program shows about it:

You see, there is something like Instructions, there is a list of instructions that the processor supports. True, there is one moment, each processor company has a virtualization technology called differently. Intel has it VT-x (if there is VT-d, then it's even cooler), but AMD calls the technology AMD-V. Here is, for example, infa about the AMD FX-8350 processor, and here it is also indicated that the percent supports AMD-V technology:

By the way, I really like this AMD FX-8350 processor, it costs not so much, it seems to be somewhere in two times less than the Core i7. But in terms of power, it is clear that it loses to the i7, although the FX-8350 has 8 cores, and the i7 has only 4. But as for me, the advantage of the AMD FX-8350 is that it has 8 cores, that is, where it is needed multithreading, the FX-8350 may or may not be more efficient, I don't know for sure ..

Well, it seems to be sorted out. That is, in order to check the processor, whether it has virtualization or not, the fastest way for you will be to download the CPU-Z utility (it is very simple and does not load the computer) and quickly look in it. And then if you need infa about the process, then you run CPU-Z and there all the main infa is there!

By the way, not everyone knows, but VirtualBox works without virtualization. I'm not sure, but I know for sure that VirtualBox used to have built-in software virtualization, if it is now, I don't know. However, I personally did not notice the effect of it: without virtualization technology, the virtual machine works with brakes and this is completely uncomfortable.

There is also such a joke that VirtualBox does not seem to see that the processor supports virtualization. To fix this problem, you can do the following. I'll say right away, I'm not sure if this will help you, but it did help some users. It is necessary to disable one component that relates to virtualization, but a little to the other, so to speak. Here's how to do it, right-click on Start and select Programs and Features (topmost) from the menu:

Now look, you will have a list of components, some are included and some are not. Here's what to do? Here you just need to uncheck a component such as Hyper-V, here it is:

After that, reboot and see if it is possible to install 64-bit Windows. If everything worked out, then you will have a list like this, well, that is, you can install a 64-bit too:

By the way, there is an opinion on the Internet that VirtualBox is better than VMware, but is it really so? Well, in general, there are not many disputes on this topic, but enough, but many, as I understand it, do not argue at all, because they are confident that they are right. Well, there is such a thing, I also do not argue, because I am sure that I am right .. But I am sure, because I have conducted tests more than once, and in all cases I have VMware (to be more precise, the free version of VMware Player ) was always faster than VirtualBox. In terms of convenience, I like VirtualBox more. But if you often need to work with a virtual machine, then here I choose only VMware. Well this is so, just a note to you, my opinion so to speak ..

But I haven't written something else, I forgot, this is my joint, sorry. It may be that your processor supports virtualization (if it is modern, then it supports 95%), but there is still no choice of 64-bit Windows. What's the matter? And the thing is that virtualization technology is an option that can be enabled or disabled in BIOS. And not all motherboards have this option enabled by default! In general, you need to go to the BIOS (turn on the computer\u003e press the F1, F2, Del buttons for ten seconds, wait for the BIOS, the method works on a lot of hardware) and enable this virtualization there. There something will be written like Virtualization Technology and will be Enabled (enabled) or Desabled (disabled). Something in this style, here is an example, but you may have a different design:

I forgot to say something else, in Windows 10 in the manager you can also see whether virtualization is enabled or not. On the Performance tab there is such a fad Virtualization, everything is indicated there:

I will also say in a nutshell what virtualization is. This is when the virtual machine can send commands to the processor directly. Well, something like this. Intel has basic virtualization, VT-x, and advanced virtualization, VT-d. VT-x allows you to simply send commands to the processor directly, while VT-d allows you to transfer entire devices on the PCI bus, for example, a video card, to a virtual machine. But as a rule, VT-d comes in more expensive processors. AMD I'm not sure, but most likely there is something similar

Well, all the guys, that's all. I hope you can still figure out the reason why there is no x64 option in VirtualBox. I think that you will solve this problem, because most likely you have a modern processor that supports this virtualization in hardware. Good luck in life, good mood
