Turn on the flashlight on an Android device. Where to turn on the flash notification function in the Samsung Galaxy settings How to turn on the flash on the Samsung A3

I have already been asked why the flash does not work on Honor 10, Honor 9 Light, Honor 7a, Samsung A5, Meizu M5, Huawei P20, Xiaomi, Xiaomi, Redmi 4, and in many cases it turned out that it was simply not turned on.

Therefore, first I will describe why the flash does not work in the camera when taking a photo on the phone, and then how to turn it on when photographing.

A flash is the same flashlight - if the flashlight is working, then, as a rule, the flash should work.

If it does not work, then this is either a firmware failure or a component failure - the first reason is usually solved quickly and on its own.

Flash does not work on android phone when photo is taken through software glitch

The fact that an external flash can be connected to an android phone is not known to everyone, and it is unlikely that many will want to steam with it.

But those who really often use a flash when photographing will not regret it.

Why? Because the external one is many times more effective than the standard one - there the photos are much better, and the shooting range is much longer.

However, I got carried away a little, let's get back to the point and to test the flash's performance, let's launch safe mode.

How to start it If the android phone is in safe mode, the flash works, then the malfunction may be caused by extraneous applications.

Another way to bring the flash to life is to restore the default settings in the camera itself.

The simplest solution if the flash does not work in the android phone when taking pictures

Such an inoperative programmed state of the flash is treated with a photo, you can say instantly. Open "Settings" and look for the reset function.

Where is she? It depends little on the phone model - more on the android version. Right now I have a Samsung phone in my hands with android 7.0.

You do not need to search in it for a long time: "Settings", "General settings" and you get to the reset section (at the very bottom).

Just don't be naughty. First, save the data that is important to you - it will be deleted. A full backup will not work here - then the old firmware will be restored and the flash will not work again

If you have synchronization enabled, then all data should be restored. If you choose this option, then before resetting, I recommend that you make sure that Google really synchronized everything.

To do this, you need to visit the Google website (or the phone developer - many also offer their own synchronization) and see if everything is in place.

There are also computer programs that can quickly transfer your files to your computer or laptop.

How to turn on the flash on an android phone

Turning on the flash in an android phone is quite simple and there is almost no difference which phone and which android.

The camera is turned on directly in the program - most often at the very top, but it can also be from the bottom.

There are three positions of the icon at the top of the screen. Yellow lightning, crossed out icon and just white - choose the latter.

However, that all for two or three seconds is accompanied by text notifications, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

A few years ago, a phone camera equipped with a flash was the object of desire of every mobile photography enthusiast.

Now almost all phones have it, only there is no particular effect from it. This is a diode that supports autofocus.

Only manufacturers are trying to improve the lighting conditions of the frame, and LEDs cannot be compared with traditional flash.

The disadvantage is the need to use a large capacitor, which simply does not have a place in thin smartphones.

Thanks to the latest invention, Professor Li Pui-Zee, now it can become many times more effective.

She succeeded in creating a flat polymer capacitor that stores the charge needed to illuminate a gas just 1 mm thick.

Manufacturers now have the final challenge to implement a new solution for mass production.

According to Jack Tuen, CEO of Xenon Technologies, such subtle elements could appear on smartphones as early as next year.

It is very likely that the new development will attract the interest of leading manufacturers, and in the future this kind of solution will appear in new models. Good luck.

Flash or flashlight does not work on Android phone or tablet. What to do and how to cure.

Flash or flashlight does not work on my Android phone or tablet. What to do and how to treat.

Many users face a problem when an Android phone or tablet starts to pick and choose. It seems that nothing of that kind happened, which could cause a malfunction, but it does not work because it should.

For example, the device has difficulties with the system has stopped supplying power to the flash LEDs... This could be due to:

1st: Software glitch - i.e. the problem is a software failure

2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (that is, it requires replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems flash on / off Android smartphone or tablet is to blame software glitch, which you can easily fix on your own.

We fix the software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "Settings"find there "Backup and reset"where you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, the use of this method is often effective, but it entails the deletion of all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone or tablet. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

How to turn on the flashlight on your phone or tablet


How to turn on the flashlight on Android

how turn on the flashlight on Lenovo P70 Cryptocurrency Exchange: Store.

Method 2.

It is based on solving problems with communication and reception of a network of phones and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all controls system functions, corrects and fixes all possible settings and synchronization errors small and easy to use, free utility for Android devices Multi Cleaner You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. HERE... After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing else is required. The application will completely take over control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% \u200b\u200bfaster, and its performance will also significantly increase, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system works on 50% faster.)

Method 3.

Change of device software, or, as it is also called "Flashing". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. To independently carry out this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website for your device, download the utilities and the firmware itself necessary for the firmware, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center to repair your tablet or smartphone.

How to programmatically enable camera flash in Android?

I want to enable only camera flash (not with camera preview) programmatically in Android. I googled for this, but the help I found linked me to this page

11 answers

To do this, you need:

Check if flash is available or not?

If yes, then turn off / on.

If not, then you can do whatever is according to your application. needs

For Flash check in the device:

You can use the following

which will return true if flash is available, false if not.

To turn on / off the flashlight:

I googled and got this about android.permission.FLASHLIGHT. The Android manifest resolution looks promising:

Then use Camera and set Camera.Parameters. The main parameter used here is FLASH_MODE_TORCH.

A snippet of code to turn on the camera flash.

A snippet of code to turn off the camera backlight.

I just found a project that uses this permission. Check the quick setup src code. here http://code.google.com/p/quick-settings/ (Note: this link doesn't work right now)

Update6 You can also try to add SurfaceView as described in this answer, Galaxy Nexus LED Flashlight driven by which API? This looks like a solution that works on many phones.

I found an alternative link (for the above broken links): http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/Android/Tools/quick-settings/com.bwx.bequick.flashlight.htm You can now use this link. [Update: 14/9/2012 This link is broken now]

An example showing how to turn on the LED on a Motorola Droid: http://code.google.com/p/droidled/

Other open source code:

Update 3 (Widget to turn on / off the camera)

If you want to develop a widget that turns on / off your camera, then you should refer to my answer Widget for turning on / off the camera light in android ..

If you want to set the intensity of the light coming out of the camera LED, you can refer. Can I change the intensity of the LEDs on my Android device? full post .. Please note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature.

There are also problems when turning on / off the flashlight. eg. for devices without FLASH_MODE_TORCH, or even if they are, then the flashlight will not turn on, etc.

Typically, Samsung poses a lot of problems.

You can refer to the problems in the list below:

In my experience, if your application is designed to work in both portrait and landscape, you need to declare the cam variable to be static. Otherwise, onDestroy (), which is called when the orientation is switched, destroys it, but does not free the camera, so reopening is not possible.

i had to show this line

the lines suggested above didn't work for me.

I got AutoFlash highlighting with simple three steps.

  • I just added camera resolution and Flash manifest.xml file

In the camera code, follow this method.

Build + Run -\u003e Now go to Dim & Snapshot area, you should get auto flash if your device supports.

Android Lollipop introduced Camera2 API and deprecated previous camera API. However, using the legacy API to enable Flash still works and is much easier than using the new API.

It seems that the new API is intended to be used in dedicated, full-featured camera applications and that its architects are not really considering simpler use cases like turning on a flashlight. To do this now, you need to get the CameraManager, create a CaptureSession with the Surface dummy, and finally create and run the CaptureRequest. Exception handling, resource cleanup and long callbacks are included!

To see how to turn on the flashlight on Lollipop and newer, take a look at FlashlightController in the AOSP project (try to find the newest as old usage APIs that have changed). Don't forget to set the required permissions.

Android Marshmallow finally introduced an easy way to enable flash with setTorchMode.

API 23 or higher (Android M, 6.0)

People still support my answer, so I decided to post some additional code. This was my solution to the problem the same day:

Full Code for Android Flash Drive

There are different ways to access Camera Flash in different versions of Android. Few APIs stopped working on Lollipop and then changed again in Marshmallow. To overcome this, I created a simple library that I have used in a few of my projects, and it gives good results. It is still incomplete, but you can try checking the code for missing pieces. Here is the link - NoobCameraFlash.

If you just want to integrate into your code, you can use gradle for that. Here are the instructions (taken directly from the Readme) -

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it to your root build.gradle at the end of the repositories:

Step 2. Add the dependency


Initialize the Singleton NoobCameraManager.

You can optionally install Log Log for debug logging. The journal uses the LumberJack library. By default LogLevel is LogLevel.None

After that, you just need to call the singleton to turn the camera flash on or off.

Before initializing the NoobCameraManager, you must take care of the runtime permissions to access the Camera yourself. In version 0.1.2 or earlier, we used the permissions support directly from the library, but due to the dependency on the Activity, we have to remove it.

Easy to switch Flash too

The flash allows you to take high-quality photos, especially at night. Almost all modern gadgets are equipped with a camera with flash. Novice tablet users may face the problem of enabling this feature.

In this article we will cover two points:

  • How to turn on the flash on the camera for a photo or video.
  • How to put a flash on a call.

Helpful advice! Determining if there is a flash on a device's camera is quite simple. Turn the tablet towards you. If there is a light square next to the lens, then there is a flash.

Turn on the flash on Android, iOS, Windows tablets

First of all, you need to go to the camera - this can be a standard application with the same name or a program downloaded from the official store. Regardless of the operating system, the icons on the camera remain the same. The flash here is designated as lightning, in the screenshot it is circled:

The location of the flash icon depends on the operating system version. Either way, it's on the main camera screen. Click on it, a small menu will appear in front of you. Here you can turn on the flash, turn it off and set the automatic mode. If you put the machine on, the phone itself will decide when to turn on the flash, and when not. This is convenient as it works in the absence of normal lighting.

Installing flash on call

The flash can be used not only for photos but also for alerts. When there is an incoming call or message, the flash will flash. In standard programs, this operation will not work, so you need to download a simple and free Flash Blink application. We download it from the official store of your operating system.

This app allows you to use your flash for different purposes. For example, you can turn your phone into a full-fledged flashlight. But we are interested in calls. We go to the tab " Call"- we activate the function. Do the same with the " SMS". You can also set the flash to signal the alarm - continuous blinking will help you wake up faster.

In settings " Flash Control»You can change the blinking speed, brightness and other flash settings. By default, the application has 75 pulses. The program allows you to set intervals in milliseconds after each flash. You can turn off the flash for a call in the same way.

Flashlight is a free program for Android OS that will turn your smartphone into a bright flashlight. Now, neither the dark time of the day, nor the lack of light, nor insufficient lighting in the room will become a problem!


Can't get your keys into the keyhole, because there is no light on the landing, as usual? Dropped something on the floor and can't find it? Need to light your way at night?

You don't have to carry a flashlight to accomplish all of these tasks. This is inconvenient, impractical and irrational, because you always have a multifunctional smartphone with you, which can also be used as a flashlight.

To do this, you just need to download and install the Flashlight application on your Android OS.


The Flashlight app allows you to use your camera's LED flash for lighting. It is enough to open the application and click on the "Power" button. Pressing this key again will turn off the flashlight when you no longer need it.

A feature of the program is its versatility. If your smartphone does not have an LED flash, the screen itself will be used as a flashlight, which will turn white and as bright as possible.

Also, the program can "blink", including SOS. For ease of use, a widget can be placed on the desktop, with which you can activate the flashlight in just one click and directly from the desktop.

You can download the Flashlight application in Russian for free on the Android platform on our website.