Enabling java support in the browser. Why is Java not working and how do I enable it in the browser? What is Java and why your browser doesn't like it

Many Internet users are often faced with the fact that the drop-down menu does not work on sites, videos do not play, nothing happens when buttons are pressed, etc. Or, for example, pictures are not shown, but instead the following message appears: “This plugin contains security vulnerabilities. Click here to enable the Java (TM) Platform SE 7 U Plugin ”. All this is due to the work of the Java plugin, which is present in browsers.

In some browsers Java is preinstalled, in some it has to be downloaded separately. But even if this plugin is installed in your browser, it is not a guarantee that it will work, because sometimes the Java plugin needs to be enabled.

If you encounter any problems displaying web pages, check do you have Java plugin enabled... To make it easier for you, I wrote a small script that checks the browser and displays the appropriate inscription. Here is the analysis result for your browser:

Javascript is DISABLED in your web browser If it says above that JavaScript is enabled, then everything is fine, otherwise it must be enabled. The procedure is slightly different for each browser, so let's focus on each of them.

1) Go to the "Settings" section
2) Go down to the bottom of the page and click the link "Show advanced settings"
3) Press the button "Content settings"
4) In the "JavaScript" section, activate the item "Allow all sites to use JavaScript"
5) Click "Finish"

Attention! Since April 2015, the Java plugin is disabled by default in new versions of the Chrome browser! How to fix it, !

1) Press the key combination "Alt + X"
2) In the menu that opens, select the item "Browser options"
3) In the "Security" tab, click the "Other" button
4) Find the item "Execute Java application scripts" in the list and activate the item "Enable"
5) Click "OK"


1) Press the key combination "Ctrl + F12"
2) In the "Content" section, activate the item "Enable JavaScript"
3) Click "OK"

1) Press the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + A"
2) Go to the "Plugins" section
3) Opposite the Java (TM) Platform module, put the switch in the "Always enable" position
4) Close the "Add-ons Management" tab

Apple Safari

1) Press the key combination "Ctrl +,"
2) Go to the "Security" tab
3) In the section "Web content" activate the options "Enable Java" and "Enable JavaScript"
4) Close the window

Now you know not only how to check if JavaScript is working in your browser (just open this article and read the result), but also how to enable Java in Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera and Safari!

Many users have experienced difficulties with the lack of Java in newer versions of the Mozilla Firefox browser. This is due to the fact that the developers have stopped supporting almost all plugins. Fortunately, you can always manually download and run the Java plugin. In this tutorial, we'll go over this process in detail.

Please note that the Java plugin cannot be installed and run on the 64-bit version of Mozilla Firefox.

Remember that JavaScript and Java are two different technologies.

Step 1. Downloading the Java Plugin

Launch Mozilla Firefox, go to the official Java website and click on the button Download Java for free:

Save the file and run it:

Step 2. Installing the Java Plugin

We choose Install:

We are waiting for the installation process to complete. If you already have an old version of the plugin installed, a window will appear in which you can remove it by clicking on the button Uninstall:

The old plugin has been removed, click on Next:

That's it, the new version of the Java plugin is installed, click on Close:

Step 3. Enabling Java

We restart the browser. Open the tab ToolsSupplements:

In the tab Plugins are looking for Java (TM) Platform SE and set the value Always enable:

Step 4. Adding sites to the list of exclusions

Since Java 8, developers have implemented a standard that blocks many unsafe Java games and applications. If you want to run them anyway, you will have to use the exclusion list. To call it, open the menu StartControl Panel → indicate in the search bar Java → choose Java Control Panel:

Switch to the tab Security and select the option Edit Site List:

Press the button Add:

We indicate the address of a web service or game that you want to run bypassing Java security standards:

Click on Continue:

Click on OK at Java Control Panel... Now, when you run this Java applet, you will be asked for permission. Click on the button Runto launch a game or web service.

While most vendors plan to drop support for Java, Flash and other plugins, such as Silverlight or Quicktime, and some developers have already suspended support for these technologies, viewing many Internet resources is available only when these plugins are installed in the browser.

If you take Google Chrome as an example, you will notice that the browser supports Flash technology due to the integration of the technology, but does not support other plugins. This means that Chrome users cannot access the content of sites that are built on Silverlight, Java, or other plugins.

Microsoft created Edge on Windows 10 without support for these plugins. The browser also only supports Flash thanks to its native integration.

On the other hand, Mozilla Firefox supports plugins, but Mozilla plans to drop support eventually (probably in 2017).

Users are probably wondering why browsers refuse to support these plugins, because some services and sites use them to display content. The report is simple - this measure improves the security and stability of the browser.

If you check the statistics for Firefox 45.0.2 crashes collected by Mozilla over a weekly period, you will notice that 4 out of 10 browser crashes are related to plugins.

What can be done

Computer users face at least two problems:

  1. Stability and security issues when plugins are installed or used.
  2. Checking the availability of content that requires plugins to view.

While you can simply use a browser that supports all technologies, we recommend using a second additional browser for this purpose.

This is the only option if your main web browser has stopped supporting plugins.

Additionally, separating content that requires plugins from the rest of the content circumvents the first mentioned problem.

Since you are using an additional browser to browse sites that require installed plugins, such as video streaming services and online banking, the main browser will not suffer from stability issues and will not face the risk of attacks directed against these plugins.

Which browser should you choose?

Some browsers are not suitable for this purpose due to the lack of plugin support, namely Google Chrome and other Chromium-based web browsers such as Vivaldi, Opera, and Microsoft Edge.

Contenders remain Mozilla Firefox (or another Firefox-based browser) or Internet Explorer. While both products will work fine, we recommend sticking with Firefox, because you can easily install a second copy of the browser or use a separate profile exclusively to view content that requires plugins.

Firefox ESR is a great choice, a special browser release with long term support. The main reason for this recommendation is related to the regular release of security patches for ESR, but only every 8th cycle does the browser receive major functional updates.

Using the Long Term Support version will extend plugin support over regular Firefox versions. In addition, you do not have to deal with changes in browser functionality that only affect regular versions.

In addition, you can download a portable version of Firefox to independently launch a browser session in isolation from other installed copies of the browser.

Setting up

Download and install Firefox ESR from our website. Make sure you download and install the 32-bit version, because many plugins are not available for the 64-bit version.

If your primary browser is not Mozilla Firefox, skip the next step.

You cannot launch Firefox ESR if another copy of Firefox is already installed on the system. To solve this problem, you need to do the following:

  1. Close all Firefox versions
  2. Start Firefox ESR with the -p -no-remote options. If an icon appears on the desktop during installation, you can right-click on it, select "Properties" and add parameters to the end of the "Object" line
  3. The profile selection screen should appear
  4. Select “Create Profile” and follow the instructions. It is better to choose an informative name for the profile, for example, “Firefox Plugins Enabled”
  5. After that, edit the shortcut launch parameters to -p "Firefox Plugins Enabled" -no-remote. This measure allows you to launch the browser using the new profile directly without having to use the profile manager every time.

Now that Firefox has been installed and configured, it's time to install the plugins.

Plugin download links

Below is a list of popular plugins to download:

  1. Adobe Flash (remember to disable third-party software installation on the download page)
  2. Microsoft Silverlight (remember to disable Bing as your default search engine and MSN as your home page during installation).

Installation and configuration

Install the required plugins on the system. After installation, you may need to block these plugins in other browsers so that they are active only when you are working with Firefox ESR.

If you are using the regular version of Firefox, open the page about: addons in your browser, go to the plugins section, select all plugins and check the "Never enable" option.

In Internet Explorer, press Alt, select Tools\u003e Configure Add-ons. Select installed plugins and disable them on the config page.


All that remains is to make sure that you are using a plugin-enabled browser every time you visit resources whose content requires plugins and use the main browser in all other cases.

This article is no longer maintained, so its content might be out of date.

Firefox has stopped the Java plugin from running automatically because of security issues. However, you can still activate Java on trusted sites. We "ll show you how.

  • If websites report that the Java plugin is not installed, can "t be detected, or is disabled in the browser, you won" t be able to activate Java. See Use the Java plugin to view interactive content on websites for help installing, updating, and enabling Java in Firefox.

Table of Contents

Warning: You should only activate Java on sites you trust.

Activate Java once

When you see the "Activate Java" message, simply click it to load the Java content normally.

If there is no visible area to activate Java content in the webpage or if clicking on the "Activate Java" message doesn "t work, look for the plugin icon in the address bar. Click on it and, in the message panel that opens, choose Allow Now to enable Java content temporarily.

Note: The next time you visit the site or any other that uses Java you will see this message again.

Always activate Java for a site

If you have a trusted site that uses Java and you need to use that site often, you can make Java work normally on just that website.

  1. Click the plugin icon in the address bar and a message panel will open.
  2. In the message panel, click Allow and Remember.

Now, whenever you visit this site, the plugin will automatically run and you won "t get the" Click to activate "message.

Java security prompts

After activating Java for a site you may see a security prompt, asking you to confirm that you want to run Java, or a message such as "Application Blocked by Security Settings", with no option to run Java. These security prompts and messages come from Java itself, not from Firefox, and depend on the website and your security settings in the Java Control Panel.

If the browser plays videos without problems, the sites are full of online applications and delight with various convenient functions, then the Java plugin is enabled and working properly. Java is used by most sites, so if they do not work correctly, it becomes necessary to figure out how to enable support for this technology.

For Google Chrome: enter the command "about: plugins" in the address bar of your browser. Find Java in the plugins list and check its status. If "Enable" is displayed, click on it. When the plug-in is enabled, the message “Disable” appears on the screen. In order not to have to confirm the inclusion of Java in the future, check the box next to the item "Always allowed". You may run into a situation where Java is not installed at all. Then you can follow the link and check it by clicking on the corresponding line. If the service detects the absence of a Java plugin, you will be prompted to download and install it. After successful installation, a browser window will ask you to enable Java, or you will need to connect it in the way described above. For Mozilla FireFox: open the browser menu (top right of the screen) and go to the "Add-ons" section. In the window that opens, go to the Plugins tab and find Java (TM) Platform in the list of previously installed programs. Set the Java Runtime Option to Always On. In the event that Java is not in the list of plugins, you must first install it from the link. For Opera: since this browser already has built-in Java components, it will be enabled at the same time along with all plugins. To do this, in the "Settings" menu, find the "Websites" tab, then activate the "Run automatically" item in the "Plugins" section. For Internet Explorer: in the browser menu item, which can be opened by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen or by pressing Alt + X, select "Browser options". Then find the "Security" tab and click on the "Other" button. An impressive list of options will appear, among which you need to find the "Execute Java application script" item and enable it. For Yandex Browser: Java is enabled in a similar manner to this process in Chrome. Write "browser: // plugins" in the address bar and press "Enter". A window will open with a list of installed plugins. If the Java plugin is disabled, the "Enable" command will be active and the lettering font will be light. After enabling, check the box next to "Always allow" and close the settings window.

Now you know more than just how to enable Java support in your browser. In case of problems with other plugins, the procedure will be the same. Note that Java and JavaScript are not the same thing, and support for the latter is enabled in a completely different way.