Recovering the bootloader with easybcd. The same version of Windows is installed on two partitions of the same hard disk - how to restore boot using EasyBCD. Setting up backing up folders to another computer

PLoP Boot Manager is a small program for loading various operating systems. You can boot operating systems from hard disk, floppy disk, CD / DVD, or USB. You can start Boot Manager from Floppy, CD, Network, and there are many more ways to start Boot Manager. You can install a boot manager on your hard drive

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  • rEFInd

    rEFInd is a fork of the rEFIt boot manager for Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) and Unified EFI (UEFI) -based computers. Like rEFIt, rEFInd is a boot manager, which means that it presents a menu of options to the user when the computer first starts up, as shown below. rEFInd is not a bootloader, which is a program that loads the OS kernel and disables control

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  • VMLite VBoot

    VBoot allows you to boot a physical computer from a single virtual disk file in VHD / VMDK / VDI / Raw format. Each file contains one operating system. It supports Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, and Linux 2.6, 32 and 64 bit. VBoot makes multiple boots extremely simple. You just copy one file to a physical computer and you can boot into the OS contained within this file

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  • Visual BCD Editor

    Visual BCD Editor is an extended version of the bcdedit utility for the graphical user interface. Creating an Automatic Boot Loader - Windows 7 | Vista | XP | VHD. Fix Boot Manager and Dual Boot Issues.

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  • Extended Operating System Loader

    Written in C ++ and licensed under the GNU GPL, XOSL (eXtended Operating System Loader) is a user-friendly, window-based graphical download manager that handles large disks and over 30 different operating systems.

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  • Main functions

    • creating a bootable USB-drive;
    • system boot loader recovery;
    • fast switching between different Windows operating systems;
    • backup / restore boot configuration data;
    • rename / change any entry in the system loader;
    • redirecting records to another disk with their preliminary modification;
    • reset / restore settings;
    • setting data for the current system;
    • identifying / replacing missing or damaged fileSimilar download programs;
    • setting a specific boot sequence, etc.

    Advantages and disadvantages


    • free;
    • the presence of a Russian-language interface;
    • easy process of adding, deleting, editing entries in the bootloader menu;
    • customization and configuration of options for starting the system with adaptation to individual user requirements;
    • creation of bootable flash drives without formatting while preserving the data that is stored on them.


    • not found.

    nLite. A free application that helps you create OS assemblies with all the necessary components. Allows you to configure and remove services, edit accounts, create an ISO image of a bootable disk, automate installation, change the necessary folders, etc.

    Universal USB Installer. A free utility that creates bootable distributions for all operating systems on Linux / Windows platforms. Supports various image formats. Formats a USB device, provides links to download the necessary components from official resources.

    Instructions for creating a bootable USB flash drive

    First, you need to check which file system your device supports. The program allows you to create a disk without formatting the flash drive only for the FAT32 file system. This information can be checked by connecting the USB drive to the computer and clicking the "Properties" menu.

    Installing BCD

    Then, in the drop-down menu, select the drive that will be bootable, and click "Install BCD":

    Drive selection

    After a few seconds, a message will appear in the window notifying you that the boot partition has been created:

    Boot partition created

    From now on, you will be able to use your device for system installation and other tasks.

    You can learn how to change the Windows bootloader from the video:

    EasyBCD is an advanced graphical shell that allows you to configure and change the Windows boot loader settings, making it much easier for the user to log on to the system.

    Hello admin! The question is. How to restore boot Windows 7 after installing Windows XP without using EasyBCD 2.3? The whole background is like that. I installed Windows 7 on my computer and did not know grief until I bought a used BENQ 7400UT scanner with a slide module for photographic films, but it turned out that the scanner only works with Windows XP, and there are no drivers for Windows 7. I had to install Windows XP with the second system on the computer and of course, after the installation, one XP began to load. On the Internet, it was advised to install a download manager - a programEasyBCD 2.3 , but warned that this program does not always work properly.Question. How can I restore boot Windows 7 after installing Windows XP without using a program?

    How to boot Windows 7 after installing Windows XP without using EasyBCD 2.3

    Hello friends! I want to say that this problem with the beard is already on our website, where Vladimir explained the reasons for its occurrence. The fact is that Windows XP, after its installation, it writes toactive partition PBR (Partition Boot Record)code pointing to your NTLDR bootloader. After that, only Windows XP boots on the computer. Nevertheless, it is very easy to restore the boot of Windows 7, all the details are further in the article.

    I suggest using a very unique and simple utility -Bootice, which is not a boot manager, this utility is a very intuitive tool for managing the MBR and PBR of your hard drive, it can also edit the BCD boot configuration data store file, and much more. But most importantly, Bootice can visually show the average user what exactly happened to his computer after installing Windows XP on the second system and why Windows 7 stopped loading.

    So, we have a computer with Windows 7 installed.

    Let's create a second partition on the hard drive (E :) and install Windows XP on it, the installation process itself is described in this one and we will not dwell on it in detail.

    After installing Windows XP, only one XP will boot on the computer.

    Go to Windows XP Disk Management. Windows 7 is on partition (D :) and Windows XP is on partition (E :).You may also notice that the hidden partition (size 100 MB) (System Reserved) with the boot store configuration files (BCD) and the boot manager file bootmgr has become visible - the letter (C :) is assigned to it. Windows XP copied its boot loader (files boot.ini, ntldr and to this active partition.

    For further work, enable the display of hidden files and folders in the system.

    Service->Folder properties.

    Uncheck the boxes:

    Hide extensions for registered file types.

    We mark the point:

    Show hidden files and folders.

    Apply and OK.

    Download and run the utilityBootice.

    In the main window of the program, select your hard disk (if you have several), then click"PBR processing",

    Note : As I already noted at the beginning of the article, Windows XP, after its installation, writes to the active partition of the hard disk PBR (Partition Boot Record) a code pointing to its NTLDR bootloader. After that, only Windows XP boots on the computer. We need to change the boot record to codeBOOTMGR, which is used by the Windows 7 operating system.

    Check the "Boot record BOOTMGR" item and click on the "Install / Configure" button, after that one Windows 7 will be loaded on our computer.


    At this stage, we need to enter the information about Windows XP, located on the (E :) section, into the Windows 7 Boot Storage Configuration (BCD).

    Click on the BCD button and mark the item "Other BCD file", then click on the explorer button.

    In the explorer that opens, go to the drive (C :) hidden partition (size 500 MB) System Reserved

    and find on it, in the Boot folder, the boot storage configuration file (BCD), select it with the left mouse and click Open.

    "Simple Mode"

    Click on the "Add" button and select the entry "Windows XP / 2003"

    We select our hard drive.

    Select the section (E :) with Windows XP installed and click on the "Save settings" button


    By doing this, we have added the information about Windows XP, located on the (E :) partition, to the Windows 7 Boot Storage Configuration (BCD).


    and we see a menu with a choice to boot any of the installed operating systems: Win 7 and Win XP.

    Note: If you choose to boot Windows XP, then in a rare exception you may get an error:

    Windows failed to start ...

    File: \\ NTLDR

    Status: 0x000000f

    Status: Unable to load the selected entry because the application is missing or corrupted.

    In this case, enter the System Reserved section (size 100 MB) and copy the NTLDR file on it,

    paste it on the partition with Windows XP installed.

    The operating system should boot.

    It happens that when it is necessary to install Windows 10, a flash drive of the required size is not found at hand, and the drive has outlived its usefulness and has not been used for a long time, which makes installing a "dozen" from the disk unrealistic. In this case, the method of installing the operating system from the hard disk will come to the rescue. Yes, one of the hard disk partitions will serve as a boot device with Windows 10 distributions.

    What is needed

    To install Windows 10 from another HDD or partition to be successful, you need the following tools:

    • a program for controlling the Windows bootloader (we will use EasyBCD with a graphical interface);
    • utility for unpacking an image;
    • a free partition on the hard drive with a volume of at least 4-5 GB (for recording installation files);
    • An ISO image of a satisfying edition or build of Windows 10.

    Preparing for installation

    In principle, the installation of "tens" from the hard disk is carried out in the same way as the installation of the previous OS from Microsoft. Let's see how this is done, using the example of using the EasyBCD utility and Daemon Tools.

    We will use Deamon Tools only for copying the contents of the image to disk, which any archiver or file manager can handle perfectly, so if you do not use this program, there is no point in installing it. Its functionality in our case will completely replace 7Z or Total Commander.

    Many users recommend creating a new partition (or biting off about 8-10 GB of free space from the existing one) to write installation files to it, in order to protect themselves from losing important information stored on the boot partition. Let's do so, assuming that you do not have a small free partition created for the installation of "tens" from your hard drive.

    • We go to "Management" using the context menu of the "My Computer" folder.
    • Go to the "Disk Management" section.
    • Select the partition from which you want to cut a little unallocated space to create a new one, call its context menu and click "Shrink Volume".

    • Enter the size by which we will shrink the space, and click "Shrink".

    This volume will be used to form a new partition, to which we will later copy the installation distribution of Windows 10. Therefore, the size should at least 15% exceed the size of the image.

    • Create a Simple Volume in place of the unallocated area by calling its context menu.

    • We indicate the volume label, its file system (preferably NTFS), the standard cluster size and click "Finish".
    • Now let's copy the contents of the ISO image to the newly created partition. This can be done by unpacking the ISO using an archiver or, for example, through Daemon Tools.
    • Launch DT and add the ISO with the Windows 10 distribution to its window by dragging and dropping its icon or using the "Add" button.

    • Select the added document and click "Mount".

    • Copy the entire contents of the disk mounted to the virtual drive to the new partition of the newly created hard disk.

    It remains to create a new boot record to start the computer using the unpacked image as bootable media.

    • Launch EasyBCD and click on the "Add Record" button on the left side of the interface.

    • In the "Removable / External Storage" section, go to the "WinPE" tab and set a name similar to the name of the created section.
    • Click on the icon with three dots, located to the right of the "Path" form, and specify the "boot.wim" file located in the "sources" directory.

    • Click "Add".

    This action will add a new item to the list of loaded operating systems, the name of which was specified in the "Name" form.

    To be sure, click on "Current Settings" and check if a new boot record has been added to the Windows bootloader.

    Installation of "tens"

    • We restart the computer.
    • We choose the second option to start the PC from the hard drive, and press "Enter".

    A familiar window will appear from which the installation of Windows 10 will begin.

    And we will not repeat what has been said hundreds of times. On this, today's goal has been achieved.

    (Visited 13,216 times, 1 visits today)

    EasyBCD is a special program that is used as a bootloader for Windows OS, it is conveniently configurable and allows you to run any operating system installed on your PC. For the first time, the program was presented by the developer, Neo Smart Technologies, to a wide range of users back in 2004, and nevertheless, the relevance in such software has not been lost to this day. The EasyBCD loader is characterized by a high level of functionality, while remaining simple, convenient and intuitive to use.

    Subject to non-commercial use, you can download EasyBCD for free even from the official website in Russian, since the license in this case assumes free distribution of software. Using this utility, the user can freely add new or delete outdated, unnecessary, boot records, while not worrying about all sorts of failures or problems in the system.

    Note: if you are looking for the ability to restore the Windows bootloader (7, 10, XP), then EasyBCD will help in this situation.

    The utility itself supports all versions of operating systems created on the Windows platform. Using the bootloader, the user can change the settings of the operating OS without any problems, as well as add various functions both from other versions of Windows, and from OS running on other platforms ( Unix, Linux, Mac OS).

    The software has a relatively small size, with its help you can prepare a bootable USB flash drive with Windows or another USB drive with Linux OS. In addition to this feature, the program does an excellent job of troubleshooting errors and problems when booting or starting any version of Windows. A pleasant nuance of the bootloader is the ability to use a USB disk (if there are no USB connectors on the device or if the device does not support installation from a USB media), as well as the function of adding a virtual drive from a WIM image to the menu.

    The latest version also supports the latest release from Microsoft- Windows 10, ensuring a smooth and high-quality boot process.

    The latest release also implements a convenient mechanism that allows you to easily and easily enable / disable the metro-loader, thereby simplifying the process of switching from the boot menu of the familiar "Sevens" and the new Metro style operating system selection menu as much as possible.

    Key features

    Working with the EasyBCD application, the user gets a powerful and easy-to-use tool for managing the bootloader of his PC's operating system. The utility has a number of useful features that significantly increase the efficiency of the utility.

    Among such opportunities it is worth highlighting:
    • Windows 10 (7, XP) boot loader repair function and backup of basic records.
    • Possibility to change the bootloader drive.
    • The Russian version of the software is available.
    • Ability to set default download targets.
    • The utility can be launched from a USB drive, WinPE, VHD and other media.
    • Allows you to edit the names of the boot entries.
    • The function of changing the timeout (time of selecting the operating system for start).
    • The ability to hide the application menu.
    • The software allows you to create full bootable USBs (a great way to avoid connecting a CD / DVD drive).
    • Customization of the start of operating systems (in the case of several operating systems on one hard disk of the computer).

    conclusions: you can download EasyBCD in Russian for free, and not only in English, as it was in older versions of the utility. The program is simple and easy to use, has an intuitive interface and, in addition to its main task - adding new versions of operating systems to the boot menu, it also allows you to install various system utilities into the OS, designed to increase the efficiency of your PC and antivirus solutions that protect your computer from all sorts of malicious programs.