Windows xp does not shutdown via start. What to do if the computer does not turn off through Start. Disconnecting Power from a USB Hub

When installing a new version of the Windows operating system and a number of basic programs, the user may notice that his computer does not turn off after the shutdown and selection of the appropriate item in the Start menu. This problem is relevant for both desktop computers and laptops. Most often, it manifests itself immediately after installing Windows, and it is difficult for the user to solve it due to the lack of opportunity.

There are two main reasons why your computer might not turn off after shutting down. In most cases, crashes occur at the software level due to conflicts between installed applications and the operating system.

Such problems can appear due to drivers, if they are installed from a common package, for example, such as Sam Driver. This is due to the fact that the computer user does not always download the current version of the collection of drivers. For example, the computer may not turn off after shutdown if unoptimized drivers are installed on Windows 10 from previous versions of the operating system.

Also, the problem with shutting down the computer can manifest itself when installing new hardware that conflicts with the operating system. Along with connecting peripherals, drivers are automatically installed on the computer, which may not be supported by the current version of the operating system.

In no case should this problem be ignored by turning off the computer with the power button held down. If you turn off the power in an emergency, the risk of damage to the hard drive will soon occur, leading to the loss of data on the computer.

What to do if your computer does not turn off when you shut down Windows

A similar problem can be solved independently, without contacting specialists. Some of the users believe that the computer will shutdown stably at shutdown if the operating system is reinstalled. This does not always help if exactly the same version of the operating system is installed on the computer, and then drivers and programs are installed, in which a conflict situation arose.

Check the system stability log

In cases where a conflict occurs between one of the installed programs and the operating system, the correct solution is to check the stability log to find out the specific cause of the problem. The Windows operating system provides a special application "System Stability Monitor" that allows you to look at conflicting programs and Windows services. To run this application, write the command perfmon / rel in the search on Windows 10 (Windows 8) or running as an administrator.

After the command is written, press Enter, which will launch the System Stability Monitor application. It allows you to conveniently see what application failures, Windows errors and other malfunctions are on your computer.

If you determine the reason why the computer does not turn off when you shut down Windows using the System Stability Monitor, you can fix it. Most often, to resolve the conflict, you need to uninstall one of the applications or disable the Windows service.

Perform power settings for USB ports

The method described below often helps if the laptop does not turn off after shutting down. It allows you to configure the computer's power management mode. To fix the problem with the laptop reluctance to turn off after shutdown, go to "Device Manager". To do this, press the Windows + R key combination on the keyboard. Next, write the command in the line that opens devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

The "Device Manager" tab will open, in which you need to expand the "USB Controllers" menu. Now you need to do the following for each of the items that have the name "Root USB Hub" or "Generic USB Hub":

Then close Device Manager and try turning off your computer or laptop again.

What to do if the computer turns off for a long time

If the computer turns off for a long time after shutdown, you need to change the registry settings that are responsible for the time-out period when closing programs. The most convenient way to do this is to create an executable file. To do this, write in the search for notepad, then right-click on the result found and select "Run as administrator".

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 “AutoEndTasks” \u003d ”1 ″“ WaitToKillServiceTimeout ”\u003d” 5000 ″ “HungAppTimeout” \u003d ”5000 ″“ WaitToKillAppTimeout ”\u003d” 5000 ″

When the code is copied, save the notepad file to any convenient place in the .reg resolution (or you can after saving). When the file is saved in the required extension, double-click on it with the left mouse button and confirm your intention to make changes to the registry.

Last week I ran into a problem: the computer does not turn off after the completion of Windows 7. At first I decided that the fault was the old age of my desktop. But searches on videos on Youtube, domestic and foreign forums helped to understand the problem using software tools. Do you have a long computer shutdown or coolers work even after Windows shutdown? In this article I will tell you about all the methods that I managed to find and test. I'm sure they can solve your problem.

When the computer turns off for a long time

How does this happen

The tragedy hasn't happened yet: the computer shuts down and you don't have to use a cold shutdown. But the process takes more than 3 minutes, and "Shutdown" hangs on the screen all the time. What to do in such a situation?

What is the problem and how do I turn off my computer?

Usually, the problem lies in a large number of applications, services and processes that Windows cannot complete at the specified time. Let's move on to the solution.

Removing applications from startup

You have accumulated a huge number of startup programs. Symptoms of this: slow computer startup and shutdown, high CPU usage with a minimum of applications used. Does it all fit together?

Using the Win + R keyboard shortcut, launch the command line and enter msconfig in it. In the "System Configuration" window, switch to the "Startup" tab and uncheck the boxes opposite the programs and applications that we do not use at every session. Click "Ok" and restart your computer.

We clean your computer from viruses, malware and useless software

If you often download free software and, especially if you find unfamiliar applications in startup, you need to restore the cleanliness of the system for a normal shutdown. We start by checking with a regular antivirus and removing unnecessary programs through the control panel, and end with instructions on how to get rid of malicious and useless software.

When the computer does not turn off via "Start" - "Shutdown"

Solving the issue with Windows updates

Often, the computer does not turn off through "Start" - "shutdown" due to system updates.

First of all, we are looking for icons with an exclamation mark in the tray. This means that Windows requires updates. If there is no tray icon, remember: when did you install the latest updates? Perhaps this is where the problem lies. Follow the instructions in the article to check the list of updates and, if necessary, roll back the failed ones.

Find a service or program that Windows cannot terminate. We make changes to the registry

Often Windows cannot complete a service or program normally, an error occurs and, as a result, the PC does not turn off.

Another possible problem is incorrect settings for turning off the computer's power.

Reinstalling the drivers

If you recently installed fresh drivers, chances are high that they are the source of the problems. Apparently, you will have to reinstall them. An important point: we look for drivers on the component manufacturer's website, and do not download them from torrents or free software repositories.

We do system recovery

Over the past week, you have installed several drivers and made updates. That is, it is extremely difficult to identify why the PC does not turn off. The best way out is to do a system restore. We launch "System Restore" through the "Start" menu and select a restore point in which there were no problems with shutting down.

Disable USB

The problem with USB connections is more common among laptops. But even if you have a desktop, I advise you not to skip this point. First, we disconnect all devices from the computer, except for the mouse and keyboard, and try to turn off the computer through "Start". Did the process go well? So the problem lay in the external hard drive or drive.

In the "Device Manager" open "USB controllers". We call the context menu of each controller and on the "Properties" tab and uncheck the "Allow this device to be turned off to save energy" checkbox.

If none of the described methods came up, the problem should be looked for at the hardware level. In this case, even after Windows is completely shut down, the power is not turned off and the coolers continue to work. I advise you to start by checking the power supply and, possibly, replacing it. But if you are not good at hardware, the best solution is to take the system unit to a service center.


Most computer users at least once in their lives have faced such a problem as an infinitely long shutdown of the computer. It seems that he did everything right: Start - Shutdown - Shut Down, only after that nothing happens, the very work does not end, the computer does not turn off.

Desperate users can of course turn off pc and from the button, but this is far from the right decision. Below we will explain why computer or laptop does not turn off through "Start"and how to fix this problem.

To begin with, there are at least two scenarios for what can be called “ NOT switching off».

  1. The picture from the desktop disappears, the monitor goes out, but it does not turn off (the power button is on), and all the hardware that can be heard in the system unit continues to work.
  2. Alert about " Completion of work"Does not disappear, but the same" Completions" not happening.

The reasons why the computer does not turn off through "Start"?

There are many reasons why this can happen, the most common of which are:

  • Driver crash;
  • Prolonged shutdown due to an attempt to close all running programs that the user should have turned off;
  • Hanging of a specific program (application);
  • Failure to download (install) a recently downloaded application or game;
  • Terminal service ends;
  • Windows OS is trying to delete data in virtual memory;
  • A long shutdown of the computer, as well as the impossibility of it at all, may well be a consequence of the actions of viruses and other malicious software.

How do I turn off my computer using the Task Manager?

If a program that cannot be turned off prevents the computer from shutting down, this can be done manually by calling “ Task Manager". To do this, you need to hold down three saving keys: " Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete».

Find in the list that appears that program that prevents the computer from shutting down, and end it by clicking on " Remove task" or " End the process”, Depending on the OS version installed on your PC.

It is also worth noting that on Windows XP / 7 / Vista there are separate tabs - "Applications" and "Processes" (On Windows 8-10 everything looks a little different). It is possible that you will have to delve into each of them to find the very ballast that prevents the computer from shutting down.

How do I get rid of malware that is preventing my computer from shutting down through Start?

The main factor that slows down the performance of the Windows operating system is malware that can be picked up from the Internet with your head, especially if you are an inexperienced user.

To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, get a licensed version of a good antivirus, for example, AVG or Avast.

Install antivirus and scan your system. If the program detects viruses, remove them. For greater efficiency, we recommend using the instructions for.

To protect your computer from malware, be careful when visiting various sites, downloading and installing programs, games. Usually, they all warn about what exactly will be installed on your PC. Often, along with the main program, a heap of useless garbage is pulled up, for example, all kinds of bars from Yandex and, which are of little use, but a hassle with their heads. To avoid this, just read the installer's instructions carefully.

Universal ways to solve the problem with shutdown on all versionsWindows

It is quite possible that due to problems in the operation of the power supply, which we have to solve.

Open " Control Panel". In order not to search for a long time, just hold down the key combination Win+ X and find her there.

Go to the section " Power supply».

If you find the tab “ APM"(Advanced Power Manager) means your PC is functioning correctly with these motherboard related mechanisms.

Go to the " APM", Where it is necessary to put a" tick "in front of" Enable automatic power management". If you do not find this tab on your device, you need to check the BIOS configuration.

Now you need to check the power registry settings by calling the utility RegEdit.

Hold down key combination Win + R.

Enter the command in it RegEdit and press Enter.

The Registry Editor will open.

Click on the tab HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Follow the path Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer.

Double click on CleanShutdown and change its value from " 0 " on " 1 ».

By clicking " OK", Go to the next branch: HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ WinLogon.

Do the same with PowerDownAfterShutdownby changing the value from " 0 " on " 1 ».

Click " OK". Now close the editor and restart your computer.

Computer shutdown script

Pinch Win+ R and in the window that appears, enter the command gpedit. msc, click Enter... The following window will appear:

Follow the path: Computer Configuration - ConfigurationWindows - Scenarios (start / finish).

Double click on " Completion of work».

You will see a list of shutdown properties.

Delete everything that is listed there, click " OK”And close the editor.

Actually, that's all, now you know the reasons why the computer does not turn off through "Start", and how to correctly solve this problem.

A few simple steps to improve your computer's performance Windows

  • Install only licensed software on your PC, downloaded(bought) on official sites developers. This is especially true for antiviruses. Often the computer does not turn off through "Start" precisely because of low quality antivirus software;
  • Timely update the software installed on the computer, as outdated versions of the programs can not only slow down the operation of the device, but also interfere with its normal completion;
  • Using " Task Manager», You can find out which programs and applications crash, preventing the correct shutdown of the PC;
  • Sometimes the computer does not turn offdue to problems with the power supply. In this case, you need to buy a new power supply.


If you are experiencing an issue where the computer cannot turn off after pressing the "To finish work" - this means that Windows is having a problem. The screen shows an inscription about the completion of work, but the PC is not even going to perform the operation after a long time. Let's look at what reasons can lead to this problem.

Attention! Do not pull the power cord out of the socket right away. This can negatively affect the performance of the computer.

We solve the problem

There can be many reasons for this problem. Consider several options for which it occurs:

Reason 1: The system cannot complete the process or service

If Windows cannot close any service or process, the computer cannot shutdown. In order to figure out if this reason applies to your system, you need to study System Stability Monitor.

To do this, follow the instructions below:

See below how to do this:

If these instructions do not help, then turn off all non-Microsoft services. You can do it like this:

Important! There should be no other checkmarks.

Reason 2: Influence of virus programs

Viruses on the system can also cause this problem. If you haven't checked your system for viruses for a long time, then scan with any anti-virus utility.

Reason 3: System hardware errors

They occur when hardware, drivers or BIOS fail to work properly.

You can check the correct operation of the devices as follows:

After that the device will start to be recognized by the system and work properly.

That's all. We hope this information was useful to you.


First you need to decide where the malfunction lies - in the hardware or software of the computer. In the first case, in order to identify the malfunction of the components in the computer, you need to boot from under another OS. For this, a LiveCD or an operating system installed in another disk partition is quite suitable. If the problem persists, then the problem lies in the computer hardware. Verification of components is possible only by replacing them with known good ones.


If no malfunctions are found in the hardware of the computer, you can proceed to checking the software, although in most cases the check must start with it. Delaying the shutdown process can occur if the drivers are malfunctioning. In this case, reinstalling them can help.

USB hub

Oftentimes, shutdown hangs are caused by improper Windows installation. This malfunction is especially common in laptops, the cause of which lies in the IEEE 1394 bus controller. To eliminate it, just check the box in the hub settings.

It can also freeze on shutdown when a computer is infected with malware. To check, you need to download the latest anti-virus databases and scan your computer. It is advisable to check at least two anti-virus utilities. Dr.WebCureIt or AVZ 4 will perfectly cope with this task.

If, after completing all the above steps, the shutdown process remains invariably long, then the problem should be looked for in recently installed applications or system services. Most likely, one of them is causing a conflict in the system. The conflicting application or service can be viewed in the event log. Typically, disabling a service or uninstalling an application (unless specifically required) will fix the problem. Also, the number of startup programs affects the shutdown time of Windows.

Shutdown hangs can also occur when BIOS settings fail. If the message "Now the computer's power can be turned off" appears, in the BIOS, in the power management section, you must enable ACPI. Also, in some cases, a factory reset can help.

Helpful advice

If all the above steps failed to fix the problem, then only a complete reinstallation of the operating system will help. If possible, it is advisable to use a different installation disc or distribution of Windows 7.

Shutting down Windows correctly, like all its applications, reduces the chances of file system corruption and accumulation of errors. Processes running in the background contain many files that are inevitably damaged when the system is shut down incorrectly (simply by turning off the power to the system unit). Not to mention running apps. Let us remind you how to complete work without threatening the computer.


So, for the correct completion of work, first you need to: close all running programs and applications, remove from (if you are still using them), all connected devices (printer, fax, etc.). Then clicking the "Start" icon, select "Shutdown", "Shutdown", "OK". After that the computer after a few seconds (depending on the system settings). The monitor can be left on.

If for some reason does not function, shutdown is performed with, in the following order: press the "checkbox" (identical to the "Start" icon), in the main menu that appears, position the cursor on the line "Shutdown" using the arrows; press Enter; select Shutdown and press Enter again.

Second option: press Alt (left) + F4, "Shutdown", "Shutdown".

If you first need to close active windows, press Alt + Tab, then Alt (left) + F4 (identical to closing windows by pressing the cross).

Some that interfere with the correct completion work Systems: An application or power setting has failed, system component updates are not required, drivers or antivirus software are not working properly.

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  • how to terminate the application

The shutdown cancellation operation can be performed using standard tools of the Microsoft Windows operating system and does not require the use of additional third-party software.


Press the "Start" button to bring up the main menu of the system and go to the "All programs" item to perform the shutdown cancel operation computer.

Select "Standard" and then select "Command Prompt".

Enter shutdown /? and press the softkey labeled Enter to confirm the command.

Familiarize yourself with the parameters of the shutdown utility, the main ones are: - s - shutdown computer;
- t - time after which the computer will be turned off in seconds;
- a - cancel shutdown.

Use shutdown -a command to cancel shutdown computer or use the shutdown -s -t7200 command to shutdown in two hours.

Return to the main Start menu to perform an alternate shutdown undo computer and go to Run to use the command line tool.

Enter shutdown -a in the Open field and click OK to confirm the selected command.

Please note that the last commands entered are saved in memory computer, i.e. with further use of the selected command, it is enough to enter the first letters of the command, and then simply indicate it in the application service menu.

Use the -l command value to end the session of the current user, with the -m parameter in the command prioritizing it and allowing the session to be logged off the remote computer.

Use the -f command to force quit running applications, and use the -r parameter to reboot computer.

Use the value of the -c parameter to generate the message displayed in the shutdown application window.


Remember that the -a option can only be used during the shutdown time frame to cancel the command.


  • Computer shutdown shortcut

Pressing this or that button on the computer leads to some specific action. Sometimes some system keys are convenient, and sometimes not quite, as they can be touched during operation. In response, this or that function will start. End buttons work not an exception.


If you have Windows XP operating system installed on your computer, open the context menu in a place free of shortcuts and select properties. In the small window that appears with several tabs, go to the one that is responsible for the screen saver.

Click on the computer power settings button. Set the parameters that are convenient for you, it is best to deactivate disks disconnection. Go to another tab called "Advanced". At the bottom you will have a list of possible actions - closing the lid, pressing the power button of the computer, pressing the button to put the system into sleep mode.

Select the required scenario for each of the possible actions, while canceling completion work... They can also reset any functionality when pressed, just select the "No action required" item. Apply and save your changes.

If your computer is running Windows Vista or Seven, launch Control Panel from the Start Menu. Open the power settings at the very end of the list. Similarly, undo completion work computer and, if necessary, go to sleep and actions when you close the lid. Apply and save your changes.

In order to cancel the automatic shutdown of the computer, check in running programs if the checkbox is checked work operating system at the end of the process. These can be various players, disc burning programs, archivers, and so on, mainly programs that can work in the background.

However, remember that no program sets an end timer. work yourself. Also, the system can forcibly shutdown the computer when installing updates, in order not to lose data, turn off the automatic mode of downloading and installing them.

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Be careful when changing button assignments.


  • "Shutdown" is gone

Shutdown in the Windows operating system occurs when you press the shutdown button through the Start menu. However, the shutdown type can also be configured in the Power Options.


While on the desktop of your operating system, right-click on the area free of shortcuts and select "Properties" from the context menu that appears.

In the desktop settings window that opens, go to the third tab of the screen saver settings. Find the button for configuring advanced power settings. After that, you should have a new configuration window. Go to the "Advanced" tab in it.

Below you will see a list of possible actions for which you can configure shutdown of the computer in the drop-down menu, select one or several that suit you and configure the shutdown as you see fit. If you have a laptop, you can also choose to shut down the computer when you close the lid, in addition to having the option to shut down when you press the start and sleep button. If you have a regular computer, then only when you press the power button on the system unit or the sleep button on the keyboard.

Apply and save your changes. Please note that you will still have a small window for choosing actions, just like shutting down using the Start menu, but this method is much more convenient than the old one.

Configure the scheduled shutdown of your computer. To do this, download and install a program that has this function. It can be various alarms, organizers, etc., for example, the AIMP player. Install it on your computer, launch and carefully study the interface, find the computer shutdown button in it. You will see a settings window, where you can choose to shut down after a certain time interval, at the end of the playlist, and so on; you can also specify the exact time to shutdown the computer.