Closing external links from indexing. noindex and nofollow. Noindex and nofollow what is it and how else to close the link from indexing? Close nofollow

Correct use of tag and attribute noindex, nofollow - the very first step in competent SEO optimization. After all noindex and nofollowplay a huge role in transferring weight from one site to another.

Noindex tag (noindex)

As you might guess, the noindex tag is used to prohibit indexing of some part of the html-code ( pictures and links cannot be closed from indexing this tag, but only text). If you still close the anchor with a link with this tag, then only the anchor will not be indexed, and the link will still get into the index. However, the tag is not valid, so some html editors refuse to accept it (in particular, the visual editor in wordpress removes the noindex). But the tag can be given validity:

in this form, the tag is absolutely valid - so it can be written in the wordpress editor without fear that the tag will disappear. But the index is perceived exclusively by the search engine Yandex, and Google does not react to it in any way.

Not to be confused with a regular tag with a meta noindex tag at the beginning of the page, their tasks are different. A simple tag prohibits indexing only that part of the page code that is between the opening < noindex\u003e and closing tags. Example:

As for the meta tag, it prohibits indexing the entire page (the prohibition is written in the file) - Yandex does not index such a page at all.

By the way, he is mistaken when he advises to close all links with nofollow noindex tags, but more on that below.

The tag works flawlessly: all text information inside it does not end up in the Yandex index. However, some optimizers claim that sometimes the text inside the noindex is indexed - alas, this really happens. The fact is that Yandex initially indexes the entire html code, even the one inside the tag, but then filters it. Therefore, at first, the text inside the index can actually be indexed, but soon the tag is triggered and "all unnecessary" flies out of the index.

By the way, it is completely optional to observe the nesting of noindex tags - the tag will work even if the nesting is incorrect (this is written in the Yandex help):

Attention!!!Using the opening tag ( ) , do not forget to put a closing - ( ) otherwise all text following will not be indexed.

When to use noindex and when not

This tag should be used in cases where we want to hide the unnecessary part of the html-code of the page from Yandex, so that "dirt" does not climb into the index of the robot of this search engine. Based on this, we can say that noindex worth use to:

  • hide codes for various counters (liveinternet, rambler100, TCI and PR counters, etc.);
  • hide a bad word or obscene speech, although it is better not to use "such" at all;
  • hide duplicate or non-unique content (quote, copy-paste, etc.);
  • close from indexing too often or constantly changing content - indexing such information is pointless;
  • prevent Yandex from seeing forms of mailings, mail and Rss subscriptions, etc .;
  • do not index unnecessary information in sidebars (banner, extra textual information).

But the noindex tag is not needed in some cases.

  • There is no need to block ads from Yandex.Direct, Google Adsense, Begun from indexing.
  • You should not put external or internal links inside the tag - the tag does not work for them anyway. Look at the links from my site, none of them are included in the noindex tag - this is pointless!
  • No need to put links in the noindex tag in blog comments - again, it doesn't work!

Nofollow tag

The nofollow attribute is designed to block links from indexing for both Google and Yandex. It is used in order not to transfer the weight from the referring site to the referring one. What Yandex doesn't know about nofollow is a myth, see for yourself - link ... By the way, the nofollow tag does not save weight on the page - if some link is "nofollow", then the weight does not flow along it, but burns out, or, if there are other links not closed by this tag on the page, it is redistributed between them. By the way, it follows from this that if you have at least one active external hyperlink on the page, then the weight from the page goes away - therefore do not close all external links with the nofollow tag... You will not save weight anyway (it will burn if all external links are closed by nofollow).

The fundamental difference between noindex nofollow: noindex is a tag that closes text from indexing, nofollow is a tag attribute that prohibits passing weight by link. An example of using nofollow:

< a href= "" rel= "nofollow" > anchor

Using nofollow

The nofollow attribute should be used if there is no need to transfer weight from the referring site to the web resource to which the link leads. Therefore, we use the tag to:

  • do not transfer weight on links leading to a "bad" site from the point of view of search engines or just any "left" site that does not mean anything to you;
  • close a link to a non-thematic site from transferring weight - such a link is undesirable;
  • redistribute weight between links on the page (useful if you either sell links from the site through exchanges);
  • reduce the number of links outgoing from the page - this is done if there are too many external or internal links on the page;
  • do not give weight to a link leading to a megapopular resource (Yandex, Google, subscrube and all sites with very large titers);
  • close links in comments - you do not need to transfer weight to them (but only if your blog is not).

Using the nofollow noindex tag and attribute together

Both tags, and butindexand nofollow feel great when they are placed next to each other. An example of using them together:

< noindex>< a href= "" rel= "nofollow" > anchor

But as mentioned above, it is not at all necessary to close links with the noindex tag, it is pointless. This way you can prevent the anchor from indexing, but not the link itself. The link itself is missing the nofollow tag. But despite this, many SEOs (mostly beginners), taking insurance, close the link with both tags - nofollow noindex... They just do extra work - no sense from it, the tasks of these tags are different. Look at any of my articles (for example, this one), not a single link there is closed with a noindex tag. If you don't trust me, take a look at the blog of an experienced SEO. And the Start Up school, which teaches its students to close all links with an index, is wrong.

For dessert: seomania and seomarasm of modern optimizers

Exclusively for those who have read to these strict, I share exclusive information, which, however, is known to experienced optimizers, they do not hide it, but do not advertise it too much.

Newbie optimizers are engaged in real insanity: they hide all external links from the site inside the tag and attribute noindex, nofollow... Or worse: in general, there is not a single external link on the page, fearing to lose the "precious" TCI. The question is, why do this, why be so afraid of losing a little weight from the page? What, from this action, the TCI of the site or the PR of the page will greatly fall? Or will it be impossible to bring the page to the top for MF or LF queries? Nonsense. No need to be greedy: 1-2 external links from a page will only improve the credibility of the search engines, and now I will prove it to you.

Any text written by anyone must contain references to the sources that were used in its writing, otherwise there will be doubts about the reliability of the material presented. Judge for yourself, would you trust a book with 1-2 sources in the list of references? Just think, even a small brochure has 10-20 materials in its sources.

How do you know if you can trust the information in an article? If the thoughts in the text are supported by an authoritative opinion, then you can trust. Think about Wikipedia, any article in it contains a sea of \u200b\u200blinks, and if they are not enough, then the moderators delete the material. The same applies to any article on your site: if you do not have enough links to third-party AUTHORITY resources, then the price of such material is zero! First of all, you have to take care of your readers, so there are two rules to follow:

  • links are the basis of the Internet, therefore by recommending (using links) a good site / article / information to your visitors, you thereby make your site more useful, because it was from you that the reader learned about another good site. Takeaway: Don't be afraid to add links that will actually prove useful to your readers.
  • by itself, a link on the site cannot appear, therefore, the link is placed by the site owner, and if he refers to a "bad", unauthorized resource banned by Yandex, then for the ps in the future the site of such a would-be webmaster will become unauthorized. Takeaway: link to AUTHORIZED, helpful resources.

Search engines will always help you get into the top site that is made for people, so refer to good resources, do not be afraid - 1-2 useful links will not only not interfere, but also strengthen the site's position. And do not forget, do not close all external links with nofollow, do not be afraid to share the weight, it will still leave the page. The opinion “not to me, so not to others” is fundamentally wrong, share now an open link, and then someone will put a link to you for free.

And one more thing: actively redistribute the weight between links, closing some nofollow (but not noindex - again, this is pointless). Leave the necessary external links open, and close the unnecessary so that only the first gets the weight.

Seo optimization in the case of noindex nofollowmust be correct. I hope it became clear from my article how to use correctly and incorrectly noindex and nofollow.

Despite the fact that we mention the tag and the rel \u003d "nofollow" attribute within the same article, they are completely different elements of the code of the site pages and, accordingly, are used for different purposes. For which ones, read further in the text.

Tag ... Meaning and conditions of use

Tag - a tag placed in the HTML-code of the page that prohibits the Yandex search engine bot from indexing a part of the text (enclosed inside it). Yandex introduced the noindex tag on its own initiative, which until today is shared only by Rambler.

Therefore, when using the noindex tag, Google will ignore it.

In this example, only the anchor "SEO Courses" will be closed from indexing, but the link itself will still be taken into account and the weight will be transferred along it.

By the way, rel \u003d "noindex" construction, which is quite common on the web, is erroneous, since it is not an attribute but a tag.

Another thing to be prepared for is closing a part of the text from the robot, leads to the fact that the site validation will contain many errors in the code. The reason is the same: among those who understand the noindex tag are Yandex and none other important search engines. Also, this tag is not standardized.

But there is still a way out. In order to eliminate errors associated with the use of this tag, there is a variant of its writing that suits absolutely everyone:

In this case, the tag will be recognized by Yandex, other search engines will not pay attention to it, and code verification will not perceive it as an error.

Despite the clear benefits of being able to use the noindex tag, Google has never adopted it or created anything similar.

Speaking of benefits, here are a few specific situations in which this tag is irreplaceable (don't forget, this is only relevant for Yandex):

  1. When to hide non-unique text content.
  2. Close the codes of various counters from the eyes of search robots.
  3. Remove from indexing text that changes too often and adding it to the index is pointless.

rel \u003d "nofollow". An attribute that works with all search engines

In order to give the search engine robot an indication that it is not necessary to navigate and transfer weight by reference, there is a tag attribute rel \u003d "nofollow". It is a standardized element of HTML-code and is accepted by absolutely all search engines.

Usage example:

Using rel \u003d "nofollow" allows you to:

  1. Eliminate weight transfer on a "bad" (from the point of view of search engines) or non-thematic site, so as not to "spoil" your reputation.
  2. Influence weight redistribution between links present on the page.
  3. Manage the number of outbound links counted on the page.
  4. Close links in comments, which are not supposed to transfer weight.

It is important not to overdo it with rel \u003d "nofollow" attribute: if you constantly hide links with it, it can significantly affect the level of trust of search engines to your site.

Where else are noindex and nofollow used?

Also, noindex and its constant companion nofollow can be used in a completely different way - as the values \u200b\u200bof the content attribute in the meta robots tag. The latter, in turn, is used in the HTML-code of the page to indicate to search bots recommendations for indexing pages and clicking on links placed on them.

The example shown in the screenshot is interpreted as a wish not to index the content of the page and not to analyze the links placed on it. The presence of such a construction in the body of the page code may be a possible reason why the site is not indexed.

Main conclusions

The use of one of the aforementioned elements (or both at once) depends on the conditions being pursued (hiding part of the text, link or entire page when used with the meta robots tag).

If you need to hide a separate text from the Yandex robot, noindex will do it, but when the link is closed, noindex will not help. In this case, you should select the rel \u003d "nofollow" attribute, which does not hide the link anchor.

The secrets of website optimization lie not only in promoting them for key queries, taking care of usability and increasing traffic, but also in the correct use of the html code. Applying tags and their attributes correctly can often help you avoid days of work. There are popular and effective techniques. Probably, in SEO optimization, you cannot separate the rel nofollow attributes and the noindex tag from each other. Therefore, this article will talk about both, as well as about why they are needed, whether they should be placed next to them and in what cases to use them, and when it is not worth doing.

Hide links from search robots

Of course, any site is created with the aim of making any profit from it. And the weight of each page is appreciated by the webmaster. But it is impossible not to post it in your publications. There are reasons for this, and here are a few of them:

Buying and selling links is profitable;

The attendance of the Internet project is increasing.

There is an opinion that the attribute of the a - rel nofollow tag will help hide anchors from search robots, while maintaining the page weight. But this statement is possible only if the code is written correctly. The exact spelling of this attribute looks like this:

\u003e anchor.

Correct linking only gives the site weight and increases its ranking. Needless to say, there is no need to use a href rel nofollow for internal links.

Usage example

Explaining in general terms does not always reveal the full picture of the importance of using certain tags and their attributes. Hide the link, do not give the page weight of your site to another. What is it? Is it just greed? No, this is far from the case. For example, many sites have social media buttons. Agree that their trust is already great. Codes of social buttons while maintaining the weight of their own pages are written using the target blank, rel nofollow attributes. The first of them, after clicking, will lead the visitor to third-party Internet resources by opening another browser tab. The second one will not reduce the page weight. For example, for a Twitter social media button, it would look like this:

a rel \u003d ”nofollow” target \u003d ”_ blank” href \u003d ”URL / home /.

It is worth making a reservation about the validity of the code - compliance with all technical requirements of the html markup. The rel external nofollow tag not only replaces the target_blank attribute as well, but is also better perceived by search engine robots.

A rel href nofollow, or When you still need it

Hiding from search engines links to “bad” or non-thematic sites;

In order to hide a large number of addresses for third-party resources;

Hiding links if the publisher sells them;

Non-transfer of weight to megapopular portals such as Yandex or Google;

Hide links in comments.

Nofollow saves sites, especially blogs, from spam. Unverified links covered by this attribute will appear less and less frequently in comments.

Noindex, and why it's worth talking about

The prohibition of indexing can be set not only on external and internal links, but also on individual text elements, as well as entire pages. For this, webmasters use the noindex tag. He only hides texts. Not applicable to pictures and photographs. Links that rel nofollow successfully hides, noindex cannot hide from search engines. The robot will not see the anchors, but will index the addresses. Noindex is usually used to hide a piece of content:

With obscene expressions;

With non-unique text;

The tag should definitely be used. But it doesn't work on every engine. The point is that noindex is not valid, that is, it does not comply with the standards. This is why one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress, is stripping the tag out of its code. The secret to validity lies in the use of multiple characters.... By writing the code in this form, you can be sure that Yandex will not index blog pages on WordPress.


Should I write both the tag and the attribute in the page code? Nothing prevents you from using noindex and a rel nofollow in pairs. The tag does not interfere with the attribute, and vice versa. They are put next to each other because search engines see the site code differently. For example, when using both the tag and the attribute, the publisher can be sure that the Yandex robot will not recognize the anchor, nor will it see the link itself. Google will see the text, but the weight will not be transferred to third-party pages of other sites.

Especially for beginners

Website optimization is a new and interesting job on the labor market. The lack of systematically planned information resources for beginners significantly complicates their activities. And naturally, young webmasters make mistakes. Someone fills the content with an insane number of links, someone leaves the pages without one at all. The same is the case with the placement of the noindex tag and the rel nofollow attribute.

The desire to bring the site to the TOP of search engines is the reason for making a critical mistake. The fact is that beginners often close external links with both a tag and an attribute. This really saves the weight of every page on the site to some extent. But the truth is that those same inbound links increase the credibility of search engines. You can compensate for weight loss by moving along low and medium frequency requests.

Any optimizer should remember that any information will be perceived by readers with great confidence if it is possible to follow the link to its source. Surely the webmasters themselves are unlikely to adopt a book or brochure that lacks a list of used literature.

More and more Internet users are turning to authoritative sources. And if a young site does not refer to their opinion, then it will be much more difficult for it to retain readers, attract subscribers. Of course, this will negatively affect the optimization of the resource. So is it worth blindly using rel nofollow attributes?

A good webmaster takes care of his reader. Remembers that one of the foundations of the Internet is links to authoritative resources that provide reliable information. Sites made for people, search engines "love". And page weight is not the only parameter by which pages with content get to the TOP. Yandex evaluates Internet projects by 800 parameters.

And in the end, page weight only matters for posts that get it from links from third-party sites. Experience shows that donors, leaving this ranking parameter to themselves, do not rise higher in it in the "eyes" of search engines.

Greetings to all 🙂 Today we'll talk about the ways in which you can close external links from indexing search engines Yandex and Google. This question is very relevant now, since there are many pitfalls in using rel nofollow and noindex. Some search engines take into account one thing, others another, so today I will try to explain all the aspects and nuances that arise in working with each search engine. I propose to divide it into 2 sections, which will be related to the work on the 1st link and work with the entire page:

  1. How to prevent an external link or piece of text from being indexed
  2. Closing the entire page or all links on the page from search robots

Work on closing the 1st external link from indexing by Yandex and Google

As you yourself understand, you can prohibit indexing robots not only 1 backlink, but any number. So I made up the title of the section to show the locality of the approach, which will be described below.

Working with the rel \u003d "nofollow" attribute

Using this attribute, you can prevent search robots from transmitting static weight by reference. In other words, the link will be indexed, but it will not transfer its weight. It looks like this:

Everything is as clear and understandable, but there are some features:

Working with the noindex tag

This tag is intended to hide service pieces of code, links or any other information that you do not want to show to search robots from robots.

You can prohibit a piece of text like this:

Any text at your discretion

Features of work with him:

  • Google doesn't take this tag into account at all. This also applies to links and pieces of text.
  • Yandex used to take it into account for links. But now it does not work on links, it works only with parts of the text. They may not yet be shown to the robot in this way.

Working with closing the entire page (meta robots noindex and nofollow)

If you do not want to show the robot a specific page or only links on it, you can use meta robots. Of course, there is another way to prevent the page from being viewed through use.

So working with meta looks like this:

If you use the all attribute, then further instructions will be ignored. For instance:

< meta name=»robots» content=»all» />

< meta name=»robots» content=»index, nofollow» /> - in this case, both links and the page will be indexed

There is an exception, all has a lower priority than noarchive.

< meta name=»robots» content=»all» />

< meta name=»robots» content=»noarchive» /> - the saved copy of the site will not be in the search results in this case

Both search engines work with this case without problems. But personally, I like to close pages in robots.txt more. Apparently the habit is doing its job 🙂

True, when you don't want to show 1-2 pages, then this method is better, and if there is a large number, then the robot will be more convenient here.

I hope I have outlined all the possible nuances and showed the features of working with these things. If suddenly I missed something write in the comments, we will correct 🙂

Good afternoon! Today we will talk about how to close external links from indexing. Today's lesson will be written on this topic, since in my mail, and in the comments, questions about Noindex and Nofollow.

Why do you need to close external links from indexing

Many webmasters (including experienced SEOs (people who promote sites)) close unnecessary links (in particular external ones) from indexing. All this is done in order not to transmit page weight to other sites. Let me remind you that each page has a certain weight, which is distributed ("given") to other pages when linking.

That is, if your post contains one single link and it leads to the main page, then the weight will be equal, for example, 1. It turns out that you yourself are promoting your main page and increasing its weight. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you have a literate blog.

Look: if you have, for example, 2 links in the same article, one of which leads to, and the other to, then in this case the weight will be transferred to them by 0.5 (this is a rough value, I gave you an example, for you to understand.In fact, the weight of a link depends on many factors:, usage, link is located closer to the beginning of the document or at the end, etc.).

That is why, you should close external links, that is, so that the weight of your page does not "flow away" anywhere, but remains on your own blog, which will greatly help you in promotion. Also, if you are interested in (or rather, earnings on it), then customers require that the number of external links does not exceed the number n (they usually want no more than 4-7 external links on the page). For example, if there are a lot of outgoing external links on the page, then the weight of each link will be scanty, that is, those sites that received links from this page will receive a very small (and maybe even negative) effect.

Noindex and Nofollow


Let's say the site (see above) is a site to which we do not want the weight of our page to be transmitted. To do this, you just need to add rel \u003d ”nofollow”... And the final link will look like this:

Link text


Noidex tag was invented by Yandex. Yandex previously “did not understand” rel \u003d ”nofollow”, and all webmasters used noindex to close the link from indexing for Yandex. But after Yandex began to take into account nofollow (we are all grateful to him for this 🙂), the popularity of noindex fell sharply. Now it is very rarely used. I usually put noindex in places where ads are displayed through scripts, etc.

Using Noindex.

The Noindex tag needs to be used a little differently. It closes from indexing (remember, it closes only (!) For Yandex) not a specific link, but a specific site. Let me give you the same example.

But with noindex from Yandex:

Here is an example of where I am using noindex (using the example code for output):

Please note that the noindex tag must be set correctly. If he stands, for example, BEFORE

(the beginning of a style), from it should stand after the end of this "style", that is, after


To find out if all unnecessary links are closed in nofollow, you can use. I also recommend checking your blog using It shows the number of outbound external links, and those links that are taken in nofollow are marked with a red exclamation mark. This way you can find links that are not closed with rel \u003d ”nofollow”. Also, this service will show errors when using noindex.

I think that's all for today. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. See you soon, friends!

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