Replacement of touch glasses, screens on cell phones. How to install a protective glass on your phone yourself Is it possible to change the glass on a mobile phone

Is a fragile and very important thing. You can say in the style of "Captain Obvious" that if it is damaged the phone becomes impossible to use, but people are more interested in something else: is it possible to replace the screen on the phone by yourself? Considering that the service center usually charges at least 1000 hryvnia for this procedure (even for a budget device) - the issue of savings becomes acute. We will try to find out about the intricacies of replacement below.

Any material should start with theory. If you came here from a search engine by entering the query "how to replace the screen on a phone with your own hands" - new knowledge will definitely not hurt. If the purpose of reading the material is to obtain some new information, in addition to those learned earlier, this subheading need not be studied.

The touchscreen display of a modern smartphone is a complex device consisting of several functional elements. The main ones are the matrix and the touchscreen; frames, keys, backlighting elements and, of course, loops, in the amount of 1 to 3-4 pieces, can also be present.

Matrix - a liquid crystal or light-emitting diode panel, which houses an array of pixels that form an image. On the front side it is covered with a very thin layer of glass, on the back it has a stainless steel case. It is also equipped with a ribbon cable for connection to the board, it may have other small elements on it.

Touchscreen (sensor) - a transparent glass touch panel that covers the entire front of the smartphone. It is a thin sheet of glass (less often - plastic), on which a transparent layer of conductive material is applied from the inside, from the outside - oleophobic spraying (optional).

In some cases (more and more recently), the touchscreen and the matrix of the smartphone represent one whole. They are delivered as a single module and change together. This design is called OGS.

OGS screen (from the English one glass solution - a solution with one glass) - a type of smartphone screen, in which the sensor and the matrix are connected together in the form of a "sandwich". A distinctive feature of OGS-matrices is a very thin layer of coating that protects pixels, since the main element of their protection is the sensor.

Whether it is possible to replace the phone screen on your own depends on the reader's ability to work with tools and the type of matrix. Some smartphones lend themselves very well to home repair, while with others, not even every SC master can handle it. We will discuss below which screens can be replaced even without experience, and which ones should be entrusted to a specialist.

How to replace the glass on the phone screen yourself

The touchscreen of a smartphone is the first to take a hit when dropped, so it suffers more often than a matrix. Therefore, the number of calls to SC caused by glass damage is greater than the number of cases of a broken matrix. However, this is not always encouraging, since replacing one touchscreen sometimes costs more than a complete module. This situation is caused precisely by the use of OGS screens.

To divide the OGS display into a touchscreen and a matrix, to replace a damaged sensor, you will not be able to do with simple tools (suction cup, screwdrivers, knife, pick). The replacement of the sensor on the OGS screen in the SC conditions occurs in approximately the following order:

  1. Disassembly of the phone.
  2. Removing the module from the smartphone case.
  3. Fixing and warming up the screen on a special stand.
  4. Separation of the matrix and touchscreen with a special thin nylon thread.
  5. Cleaning the matrix from glue.
  6. Placement of the matrix in a special stencil, application of photopolymer transparent glue.
  7. Installing a touch screen into a stencil, removing excess glue between it and the matrix.
  8. Irradiation of the gluing with a UV lamp to polymerize the glue.
  9. Installing the module into the case.
  10. Assembling a smartphone.

As you can see, without special equipment (a heating stand, stencils, a transparent photopolymer and a UV lamp), it will not be possible to replace glass on an OGS screen on your own. Unfortunately, now such screens are installed in most smartphones Samsung, LG, Sony, Xiaomi, Meizu and, in general, almost all devices, more expensive than 3000 UAH. Apple has been using OGS displays since the iPhone 4S. Therefore, independent attempts to change the sensor (without a matrix) on these devices are justified only if there is a lot of time, a desire to learn and if the phone is not a pity.

The video shows how a person with experience changes the sensor on the OGS display using a minimum of tools:

For the desperate: how to replace the glass on the OGS screen yourself

If the budget is limited and you don’t want to overpay for the damaged matrix, this section should be read only for general information. It is better to immediately purchase the complete OGS screen module, and not risk it. The editors are not responsible for broken screens, torn cables and other consequences of unsuccessful experiments.

Owners of some flagship smartphones (HTC One M series, Samsung Galaxy, released after 2015, and not only) are contraindicated on their own. Disassemble them without experience, without damaging the body parts, impossible.

Disassembly requires the following tools and equipment:

  • Curly screwdriver set (cross and star), for disassembling a smartphone.
  • Plastic card or guitar pick, spatula.
  • Hair dryer, capable of warming up the screen to a temperature of 70-90 degrees (normal for hair is suitable).
  • Thin nylon thread or string to split the module.
  • Gloves (workers and medical).
  • Rubber suction cup with ring.
  • Metal flat surface with holes(perforated sheet).
  • 6-8 bolts with nuts (the diameter depends on the diameter of the holes in the sheet, the length is 2-3 cm).
  • Photopolymer gluehardened by UV radiation.
  • Transparent adhesive that cures in the atmosphere (for example, B-7000).
  • Ultraviolet lamp (you can use a regular carrier with an E27 ultraviolet lamp, or you can take a UV manicure camera for nail extension).
  • Glass cleaner, alcohol, wipes.

Screwdrivers, picks, paddles, and a suction cup are often supplied with the new touchscreen as a bonus. You can use them to replace them.

To replace the glass on a phone with an OGS screen yourself, the procedure is as follows.

Articles and Life Hacks

Broken glass is one of the most common problems for mobile device owners. Our article will help you figure out how to replace the glass on your phone, and also tell you what we need for this.

Replacing glass: when to do it

Glass is the most fragile part of our device, and therefore, when dropped, it breaks first.

But if earlier it was inexpensive to replace it, today it can become a real problem. With the ubiquity of touchscreen phones, everything has changed, and the procedure has become much more complicated.

In addition, it is not cheap (do not forget about the cost of work).

Modern mobile devices can have a touch panel connected to glass. In this case, a separate glass replacement is not possible, and this increases the cost of replacement.

However, it's still not as expensive to do as changing the glass on expensive flagships. The most advanced mobile devices (like the Xperia Z from Sony or the Galaxy S4 from Samsung) have a rather complicated screen design.

It consists of a liquid crystal display that transmits images, a sensor (also known as a touch-screen) that reacts to finger touches, and glass.

The latter performs not only decorative, but also protective functions. Note that the screen module of such smartphones is an integral element, all components of which are glued to each other.

The manufacturer's manual requires a complete replacement.
Of course, in the absence of sufficient skills, it is better to contact a service center.

If we decide to do it ourselves, it is recommended to look on YouTube for a video instruction on replacing glass on our device model. Here are some tips.

Replacement procedure

  • The replacement starts something like this: we heat up the display module with a special hair dryer, after which the glue becomes softer and we get rid of it using a plastic tool.
  • Residues are removed with solvent and napkins. The new glass is attached to 2-sided tape or UV glue.
  • At first glance, everything seems simple enough, but in practice, difficulties often arise.
  • Firstly, it is very difficult to achieve uniform heating of the display module surface.
  • There is always a risk that we will overheat both the display and the touch-screen. We can cause irreparable damage to a mobile device.
  • It is easiest to remove the glass yourself if there are large cracks on the glass surface.
  • If the cracks are small, the procedure is rather risky, as the glass can crumble, and small fragments will damage the sensor. In other words, we still have to completely change the module.
  • In conclusion, we note that for gluing new glass, you need to have certain skills, and therefore it is best to use 2-sided tape instead of glue.

There are two camps: some argue that you shouldn't change the glass separately from the display, others, you guessed it, hold the opposite opinion. In this article, we'll go over all the sides.
When you search for "display replacement", you will probably be offered options for replacing glass, the cost of this procedure is always lower than replacing the entire module, and even with that, your original matrix remains. I think those who set themselves cheap copies of displays know that color rendering, viewing angles suffer, but what can I say, there may be problems in the operation of the touchscreen.

It's that simple! I'll go watch a YouTube video and change the glass myself

I hasten to upset you, it is impossible to do this without special equipment. Let's start with the fact that there are two technologies for "gluing" new glass:
The first is with ultraviolet glue.

+ hides micro-scratches on the polarizer

The appearance of yellow spots
-the need to change the backlight
+ color distortion
- not compatible with 3D Touch

It is difficult to evenly distribute this glue over the entire surface of the matrix (this is, of course, imperceptible to the eye), but after a while a yellow spot forms in the place of excess (increase in pressure) of the glue, and this is already unpleasant. Since this is glue, it gets under the backlight (with the exception of amoles), as a result of which stains are visible, some remove the backlight before the procedure or put a new one, in the case of iPhones this is not a problem, since it can be bought everywhere, but if we are talking about Lg, Sony, Meizu, it is quite difficult. And even if you have changed the backlight, there are almost always places where UV rays did not hit the glue and it did not freeze. There is a great chance that with active (and not so) movements of the phone, the backlight will again be flooded with glue.

The second, more modern technology, the use of wasp-film

+ the ability to use on any phone model
+ no impact on the backlight
+ does not turn yellow
+ even lie down over the entire area

- expensive equipment

The general disadvantages include the risk of damage to the matrix during removal, if the master is experienced, the risk is minimized, but still not zero. In our service center, 95% success in this procedure is a very high indicator.

Is the glass original?

The original is the one that you have installed initially, then there are copies, and they are already of good quality (as they say "original") and poor quality (stores like to call them copy A, the more "A" is "cooler"). If you are told that this is the original, ask for certificates from the manufacturer's factory, if they are not (and will not be), then these are just empty words. Yes, I understand that the glasses that we change in the service center are as close as possible in quality to the original, but it would not be fair to call them that word in relation to the client. What other service centers happily use, calling everything that they have in the warehouse, the original, and, of course, people go, because there is the "original".

Why so expensive? I know how much glass costs!

Yes, indeed, and the price of the glass itself (touchscreen) is not key in the final cost. In terms of time, replacing the display takes on average 20-40 minutes, depending on the specific model and the skills of the master. Glass replacement increases the repair time by two to three times. It is also necessary to have an experienced specialist, since a small number of masters own this technology ideally.
To replace glass, specialized equipment is needed, the total cost of which is close to megapc.

Why complicate things so much if you can change the module right away?

You always have time to change the module. Take the iPhone 6s display for $ 140, while the glass replacement is $ 60. Let's walk through the Chinese, Meizu Pro 6 - $ 155 worth replacing the display module, and $ 55 will cost you glass replacement, and there are many such examples on Xiaomi, Samsung, OnePlus, etc. We are engaged in glass replacement on many models. We have not yet touched upon the quality of Chinese display modules, color rendering, viewing angles and other characteristics.

And if it doesn't work out?

When removing the display from the frame, cutting on the separator, gluing under the press and in the pressure chamber, the matrix has a large load. We warn the client about all possible risks associated with glass replacement, we give the opportunity to save with a probability of 95%. In 5% of cases, it is necessary to replace the entire display module.

The next article I plan to devote to the technological stages of glass replacement in my service center step by step. Write in the comments if this topic is interesting, would you like to read articles about phone repair? Would you like to follow development, new equipment, ways to attract customers?

After the fall of your mobile phone, a gorgeous crack flaunts on its screen? Or have you personally convinced yourself of the dangers of alcohol by accidentally pouring champagne on your phone? Or maybe the touchscreen stopped responding to touches for no apparent reason?

Don't panic, even if your gadget costs a lot of money. Replacing a touchscreen or a regular LCD screen is one of the most common mobile repair services today, which does not take much time.

The most common reasons why the phone screen does not work

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a mobile phone. He accompanies his master everywhere, wearing out and exposed to all kinds of dangers. The display breaks down especially often - a rather fragile part used to display graphic information. It consists of glass with a layer of cells filled with liquid crystal, the body of the display itself and backlight diodes.

The most common reason that the screen does not work is precisely mechanical damage. What is not done with phones! They sit on them, step on them, put heavy bags, drop them from a height, throw them against the wall in a fit of anger ... The list goes on. And if the owner of the phone likes to tuck it into the back pocket of his jeans, it increases the likelihood of the screen being crushed. In all these cases, replacing the display is the only way to bring your mobile friend back to life.

Another common problem: the phone has fallen into water or has been flooded with another liquid. If this happens, the phone should be shown to specialists as soon as possible, since the liquid starts the oxidation process, and it can finally "ditch" your mobile. Only after it has dried, cleaned and diagnosed will a verdict be established: is it necessary to replace the screen, or it can be repaired.

But the phone does not always suffer from the hands of a careless owner. Here are a few more common problems with mobile phone screens:

  • The phone is working, but only a white screen is visible. In this case, the following problems are possible: the controller on the phone board is faulty, the program has crashed, the loop is damaged, or the phone display needs to be repaired or replaced;
  • The screen glows in dark blue: problems with the controller or the display itself;
  • Ripples on the screen: you need to change the screen or troubleshoot the controller;
  • The picture disappears and appears again, or the picture is distorted. This is a common problem of clamshell phones, the reason for it is a malfunction of the loop (a flexible part connecting the two halves of a mobile phone);
  • The screen works, but the picture is difficult to see. In this case, the backlight of the screen is out of order. Most likely, the backlight circuit is faulty.

If you notice incorrect operation of the phone screen, you should not delay going to the service center. After all, the sooner a mobile phone is in the hands of specialists, the more likely it is that it will be possible to restore its work.

Replacing the touch screen

The touch screen phone is a very convenient and functional device. But the more complex the gadget, the more likely it is to be damaged. The touchscreen (touch screen) is the "Achilles heel" of modern mobile phones, because this part is constantly undergoing mechanical stress. Fragile glass can be easily crushed, broken, poured. Fortunately, replacing the touchscreen is a simple and not time-consuming procedure for MobileMaster service masters.

Remember, touchscreens that don't work or are broken cannot be repaired! Replacement of the sensor or touch glass is required if:

  • it has one or more cracks;
  • the touchscreen stopped responding to touches or reacts to them as it pleases;
  • mobile phone freezes during touchscreen calibration.

The sensor has several active layers, and if at least one of them is broken, the touchscreen stops working. Often times, if the touchscreen does not respond to touch, the glass needs to be replaced rather than the screen itself. Such "little blood" can be dispensed with when the image remains clear, the screen does not show darkening and stains - it is just that the touchscreen does not respond to touch (this is possible on Nokia phones, iPhone, where in most cases everything changes separately, which means much cheaper than change the screen module assembly).

If the image becomes blurry, indistinct, incompletely displayed, blackouts are visible or there is no picture at all, the screen will need to be replaced. The price of this service, accordingly, will be more expensive (how much it costs to replace the screen depends on the phone model).

If the touchscreen does not work, do not try to fix the phone yourself, so that you do not have to buy a new mobile phone later. Replacing the glass or phone screen should take place in a workshop, using original parts, since Chinese fakes quickly fail, after which it is impossible to repair them. After replacing the sensor in the service center, you should be issued a warranty for the work performed and for the installed part.

When phone screen replacement is required

You will have to change the glass or screen of your mobile if:

  • As a result of careless handling of the phone, the screen is broken. This results in cracks, a "spider web" on the screen or liquid crystal leakage (this substance is usually black, but in some models it is red). It doesn't matter how many cracks appear on the display, one or more. Screen replacements are inevitable;
  • The display is "decorated" with stripes or the so-called "sun";
  • There are stains on the screen - this usually happens after moisture gets into the phone.

Remember: a mechanically damaged screen cannot be repaired! If not everything is so "lethal", then in some cases repairs can be done, for example, in the event of a malfunction of the loop, backlight circuit, problems with the image controller.

Other malfunctions may occur that do not require display replacement. For example, the screen does not show anything, but it itself is not damaged. In this case, the picture disappeared due to the fact that the display connector moved away from the board. Another "misfortune" is software crashes. This may result in the disappearance of the image, and this problem is corrected by the firmware.

Can you replace the cell phone screen yourself?

If in labor lessons you have always received only A's and have no doubt that your hands are growing from the right place, you can try to change the phone screen yourself. In addition to the new display, you will need a set of special screwdrivers. Special screwdrivers are needed so as not to damage the slots on the screws. A soldering iron, most likely, will not be needed - modern mobile phone displays are not soldered, but are attached to a ribbon cable.

Before replacing the display, turn off the mobile phone, remove the SIM card and battery from it. Choose from the set of screwdrivers the one that matches the slots on the screws on your phone. When working, it is best to follow the step-by-step guide on how to replace the screen - tips can be found on the net.

Use the recommendations specific to your mobile phone model, since there are significant differences in the methods of fastening parts of different phones and other nuances. For example, a Nokia screen replacement will be significantly different from a Samsung screen replacement.

When replacing the phone screen, be extremely careful, put the screws and other parts where they cannot be accidentally brushed off with a careless movement, write down which holes in the phone correspond to screws of one length or another.

Despite the fact that there are a large number of sites on the Internet that have posted step-by-step videos, photos and recommendations to help replace the phone display, you will not have a guarantee that after such an amateur activity your mobile friend will not break down completely.

Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent confident in your abilities, it is best to contact specialists. Replacing the touch glass or screen will require some investment, but you can be sure that everything will be in order with your gadget! This is especially true for replacing the sensor in NTS smartphones - this should be done by a qualified professional.

How long does it take to replace the phone screen

Replacing the glass or mobile screen is a common service that is performed promptly in the workshop, often in the presence of the owners themselves. 30-50 minutes, and your phone will serve you like new again. Replacing the sensor with smartphones takes about 1-1.30 minutes.

Such efficiency serves as another argument in favor of the fact that specially trained people should repair the phone. Even if you can replace the display yourself, most likely it will take a lot of time, because you will have to study the recommendations and materials, select spare parts, etc. And time, as they say, is money.

When repairing, use original spare parts, and after that - be more careful with your mobile friend, and then he will serve you for many years!

The current standard for smartphone display protection includes screen protectors and screen protectors. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is often difficult for users to decide what to choose. This article describes how to stick protective glass, in which cases it is better than film.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of protective glass include the following factors:

  • High strength. The material perfectly protects the device from minor scratches. Slightly more serious damage to the glass can be with constant wearing with keys and other sharp points, but even then it will not be covered with a cobweb of cracks and scratches.
  • Shockproof. Compared to film, glass is more effective at protecting the display from minor impacts. In defense of the glass: I have a film on my smartphone, and once when it fell from a height of about 120 cm to the iron corner of the horizontal part of the table leg, the film was damaged, but the screen remained intact. Therefore, with glass, you can be sure that nothing happens to the display.
  • Life time. Glass lasts much longer than film. And over the years it will not darken and lose transparency.
  • High custom characteristics. Even cheap safety glasses offer impressive performance. There are no traces of glue, color rendition and sensor response remain correct, and there is also a grease-repellent layer.

There are also a number of disadvantages here, including:

  • High cost. Due to a noticeable advantage over the film, glass costs significantly more, often at times. And if the glass is installed by a specialist, you will also have to pay a little extra.
  • Thickening of the device. It would seem that a few millimeters do not play a special role, but no - the overall thickness of the smartphone will increase, it will be noticeable.
  • Possible lack of glass. Not all stores have protective glasses for all models of all mobile devices. Moreover, some of them did not even consider such an opportunity.

Note! Even glass does not guarantee one hundred percent protection, since there is never too much carelessness. In this case, it is better to buy some kind of "armored" Ulefone or AGM.

How to choose

Since the pricing policy is not unitary, it can be assumed that the glasses differ in some intrinsic properties and type, and not just in size according to the smartphone.

There is no single and suitable advice for all cases, which protective glass to choose, since it is more a matter of taste and preference. But there are several positions that you can focus on when choosing.

  1. There are two types of protective glasses: glossy and matte. The former are inexpensive, withstand shock well, but are less able to cope with scratches. The latter are distinguished by confident durability, do not give glare in the sun, but are purchased at a significantly higher price.
  2. You should always examine the characteristics of the selected glass. Better protection depends on greater thickness, especially in case of falls. It's also worth checking it to make sure it doesn't flex too much. Good glass must have the same oleophobic layer, otherwise the screen will be constantly stained and fingerprints. Also, the set with expensive glass should include special napkins for gluing and spare glasses.
  3. If there are rounded edges on the display, it is worth choosing protective glasses with a 3D effect. They are less common, but they protect the smartphone on the sides qualitatively.

How to stick a protective glass on your phone

So, there is a smartphone, glass is purchased. It is not difficult to stick it on, but the process itself should be approached responsibly, otherwise you will have to replace it with a new one.

Important! Before step by step, read the entire instructions and then start the process.

How to remove the protective glass from your phone

If the glass is already glued and needs to be removed due to improper gluing or severe damage, carefully tear off the glass with a plastic card. Then, if necessary, remove the dust with the help of scotch tape, sticking it on the dust and pulling it sharply (but, again, neatly). Then lower and glue the glass back.

Important! You only need to use stationery transparent tape. Not color, paper or otherwise, as they leave prints on the display.