Register in mail. How to create email for free - instructions for registering a mailbox (email). Disadvantages and benefits of using email

We will help you register by email to ( Registration in this system is free. A few simple steps - and you have your own mail, your own postal address.

What do you need to register with

  1. You need to come up with a password, remember it and keep it secret. Password length is from 6 to 40 characters. What are the symbols? These can be Latin letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols (brackets, asterisk, dollar, percentage, and others). The password shouldn't be just numbers, and it shouldn't be too simple. Large and small letters, Russian and English are different symbols. The password must always be remembered, this is not just one time! But don't tell anyone.
  2. It is advisable to have your mobile phone at hand to indicate it during registration. This will help restore access to your mail if you forget your password. But you can do without a telephone; then you will need to ask a secret question (more on this later) or another email address (if you have one).

We start to register!

Open registration in (click, and registration will open in a new tab or window). Then come back here for this tutorial.

Registration can also be accessed through the main page of

Where is the registration on the main page of

We open the main page of Click on the link and it will open in a new tab or window: the main page of Then come back here and read on.

The main page of will look something like this:

Attention: if, after opening, you get into another person's mail or another mail that is not needed now, click "Exit" in the upper right corner. Only then will it be possible to register.

Or "Registration" in the upper right corner:

So, you should see the "Register a new mailbox" page:

Enter your data

You need to fill in your details: name, surname, date of birth, city (optional) and indicate gender. Enter data in the corresponding blank fields.

The name and surname that you specify will be seen by the recipients of your letters. Then it can be changed.

To specify the date of birth, click on each field (day, month, year) and select the one you need; for example, by clicking on "Year", find your year of birth in the list and click on it to select.

It is not necessary to indicate the city, but the gender is necessary; just click on the word "Male" or "Female".

What mailing address do you want?

Further - a very important thing: the name of your mailbox, that is, your address. You need to come up with an address or choose from the proposed options. The address consists of two parts: the name itself (for example, ivanova.nina) and the final part (the sign of the dog with the name of the postal service, for example, @ Together they make up your email address, which you can use everywhere - for example, [email protected]

For the name, you can use a combination of letters and numbers, an underscore, a period. Someone prefers to come up with a short address, someone - a longer one, where the full name and surname would be spelled out. This is a matter of your personal convenience. It is only important that the name is not already taken - if someone has already taken it, you will see a warning. In this case, you need to come up with another option.

Advice: if the mailbox name @ that you want is already taken, it can be free in another version - for example, not, but or Try to choose another option by clicking on the down arrow next to "@":

Password and phone

It remains to enter the password you invented (twice, and both times the same) and indicate the mobile phone to which the confirmation code will be sent. Here's a sample of what you should get:

Can I register without a phone, without SMS?

If you don't have a mobile phone (or you don't want to indicate it), click on the link "I don't have a mobile phone". In this case, you will have to indicate a secret question and enter the answer to it (for example, some word):

This may be required to restore access in the future. The answer to the secret question should be such that only you (and, possibly, the closest people) know it:

Now press the big button "Register". Perhaps you will also be asked to enter the code from the picture to make sure that you are a living person:

If you forgot to indicate something, will ask you to return to this place. Enter the missing data (or correct) and click "Register" again.

If all goes well, your newly created mailbox will open!

Completion of registration

The system will offer to perform a few more actions (you can refuse them):

So, registration is over, I can congratulate you! You are in your mailbox. Most likely, there are already several welcome emails from

On the left there is a button "Write a letter" and a menu for selecting the desired folder with letters ("Inbox", "Sent Items" and others), and on the right - the contents of the selected folder, in this case - "Inbox", i.e. letters that came to you. To read an email, just click on its title.

Always remember your email address (for example, [email protected] ) - you can indicate it on sites for registration, tell other people. Also, always remember your password - no one should know it except you.

Mail on your start page

Now you can connect your mail to the start page - you will always see if you have new letters, and you will not need to go to your mail once again to check it. There you can also connect VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and see the latest information from these sites without going to them. It is very convenient, we advise you to try it.

So, a little later we will talk about how to create mail on mail ru, but first, let's see how to enter it. Here everything is very, very simple... In the address bar of your browser, enter mail ru. On the page that opens, in the upper left corner there will be an authorization form.

If you need to re-create e-mail mail ru, then under the form there will be "Registration in mail". However, we already have our own account, so we need to write his name in the top field... Fill in everything up to the @ symbol. Below we write our password. We press the button "enter". E-mail mail login completed.
Mail.Ru - this is a browser, and a search engine, and games, and of course, mail... The history of the company began back in 1998. The American company DataArt, which was founded by Russian émigrés, created software for the mail server. It was planned that in the future this software will be sold to Western companies.

Since the developers were St. Petersburg programmers, they decided to test in Russia. The developers were surprised by the fact that the service began to rapidly gain users... So it was decided to create a mail service mail ru, in which anyone can register for free by creating their own mail with the desired login.

A mailbox created once in the mail ru system will be valid at any time. The box has no expiration or downtime... To this day, the project does not stand still, every day the development team is actively working on new ideas and regularly releases updates. But let's focus on the first and most ambitious project - mail.

Free registration of mail to mail ru

From the moment of foundation to the present day, anyone can create a mail on mail ru absolutely free of charge. In order to start a mailbox, you will need come up with a unique mailbox name and password.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the mail service has existed for a long time and it is very popular, which means that in order to create mail for yourself have to show imagination... The mailbox name must not match any of the existing ones. Agree, it would not be right for someone to receive your letters, and you receive someone else's. If the desired name is already taken, the system will offer you similar options from those available at the moment. You can agree with the proposed option, or come up with another and check if it is free.

An interesting point: if your name is taken in the @mail ru variant, this does not mean at all that it was taken in other domain variants of the mail service. It may well be free in @inbox ru, @bk ru or @list ru.

Email registration also provides for entering a password that would satisfy generally accepted password security requirements... The password must be at least 6 characters long and must not contain only numbers.

Registration mail mail can be fasterif you leave your mobile number. In this case, you will not need to indicate the secret question and the answer to it. In addition, this will significantly increase the level of mailbox security. Without access to your phone, it will be impossible to recover your password.

Registration also provides filling in the Surname and First name fields... Please note that it is this data that the recipients of your letters will see in the Inbox folder before opening the letter.

Enter your phone number or choose a secret question that only you will know, and click the "Register" button... This is the largest button on the registration form. Further, at the discretion of the server, protection against bots may appear: captcha.

The introduction of such a check is a necessary measure. At some point, a massive creation of mailboxes began, from which spam was sent. That is why the decision was made to check for a person. Please enter these characters correctly. From this moment mail ru registration is considered complete.

However, since mail ru is a multiservice company, upon completion of registration, it will offer you to use the company's services, which you can refuse. But among the services offered there are very useful ones.

  • For instance, forwarding to your new mailbox of letters that go to the old address you specified.
  • Possibility to specify a signature, which will be automatically added at the end of each sent letter.
  • Upload a photo, for the social network My World, which you will see in the menu "my page".
  • You can create mail mail and stylize it to suit your preferences by choosing a topic.
  • Alternatively, you can install mobile application.

After all additional suggestions you will see a web-interface window mailbox. By default, the contents of the Inbox will be displayed.

How to set up mail to mail ru?

Let's start reviewing the settings with visual design... If you did not choose a theme for yourself during registration, or you have a desire to change it, you can install a new theme.

For this you need go to the "Themes" sectionwhich is in the settings. The range of themes offered will satisfy almost any user. They are provided to users absolutely free.

You can also set up sorting of letters - the server will distribute mail according to the rules you specified in various folders. This will unload your inbox. The server has excellent protection against spam and all kinds of unwanted mail. If the system did not take into account some letter, you can add it to the spam list. Thus, to do a useful thing for all users. The server is able to analyze such marks.

In addition, there is answering machine function... It will be very useful if you are on vacation and do not want to be disturbed. Particular attention should be paid to the unique mail ru mail service, the entrance to which is all in the same settings - this is sMS notification service... Very convenient, especially if you don't want to keep track of your mailbox.

Well, a phenomenon familiar to business people - the calendar... It is able to replace paper organizers and organize your affairs and appointments. You can find all this in the settings after you enter your email. mail.

How to send email from mail ru?

1. In order to send a letter, you must go to your mail... Open mail ru in your browser and log in.

2. Go to the "Mail" service.

3. At the top of the screen in the middle there will be button "Write a letter"... This is exactly what we need.

4. In the form that appears, fill in the recipient, the subject of the letter, and the actual text of the letter and click "Send".

If you are interested view content your sent letter, you can easily find it in the Sent Items folder.

For more quick and easy communication you can install the Mail ru agent service. This will simplify correspondence and communication with colleagues and acquaintances. But it's worth writing a separate article about this service.

How to send a picture or document from mail to ru?

1. To send a file, for example, a picture or a document - you need to create a regular letter.

2. Only attach the file itself before sending... This is done by clicking on the "Attach file" button.

Besides, the speed of message delivery to the recipient will depend on the file size. So don't send large files. For these purposes in Mail ru there is a cloud service... After placing the file there, send the final recipient a link to it. It will be more convenient not only for you, but also for the recipient. Indeed, in the modern world, a letter can be read not only on a stationary PC, but also on a phone or tablet, where the speed of the Internet connection can be much lower.

Video tutorials: registering and setting up mail ru mail

Nowadays, it is useful to have your own e-mail, as with its help you can register on many sites, receive emails and perform a large number of other important and useful things. Mail from in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet is one of the most popular, it is very convenient and functional, so people prefer it. If you want to learn how to create your mail and enter it, then this article may be useful to you.

Registration of mail

In order to create a mail on mail ru, you must perform the following steps:

Logging into mail ru is not much different from logging into mail through the authorization form. You also need to click on the button "Input", then enter your data (login and password) and select a mail domain in a special form.

Correct mailbox setup

Many people using mail mail ru are interested in the correct setting of the mailbox. This is done quite simply, you need to follow these steps:


We hope this article was useful to you, so now you can create, as well as open mail ru at any time you need.

The “Anonymizer” function has been added to the settings of the mail service of the Mail.Ru portal.

With its help, you can create a temporary email address and use it

  • for on various forums and sites that are not credible,
  • in coupon services,
  • either in questionable, unreliable online stores,
  • as well as when submitting advertisements for the sale of something (for communication with potential buyers), etc.

Then, when the temporary e-mail is no longer needed, you can easily delete it. anonymizer is a service for creating temporary mailboxes inside your main, permanent mailbox on

It is a generator of temporary email addresses inside the main mail.

How to create a temporary

You can create a disposable mailbox (in other words, a temporary mail ru) after 6 steps:

1) you need to go to your mailbox mail ru official website:

2) enter your username, password,

3) in the upper right corner, click on your login. A menu will open in which you need to click "Mail settings" (2 in Fig. 1):

Figure: 1. Where are Mail settings in box

4) At the end of the "Mail settings" menu, select the "Anonymizer" item (1 in Fig. 2):

Figure: 2. Anonymizer: Add a temporary address to

5) In the “Anonymizer” form that opens, click on the “Add temporary address” button (2 in Fig. 2).

6) The "Create temporary address" window will appear (Fig. 3):

Figure: 3. Creating a temporary address for your mail Mile ru

To create a temporary mail inside your mail Mail ru, it remains:

  • 1 in fig. 3 - agree with the proposed name for temporary mail, or enter your address (of course, provided that such a name has not been previously used by other users).
  • 2 in Fig. 3 - agree with the mail domain (that is,, or click on the small triangle and select another domain from the proposed list:, or
  • 3 in Fig. 3 - it is advisable, but not necessary, to write a comment for yourself, so as not to forget why some kind of e-mail was once created.
  • 4 in fig. 3 - select the folder in which the incoming correspondence will be collected. By default, a folder of the same name is created (with the same name as the temporary mail), but you can select a folder from others that already exist in the Mail.Ru mailbox
  • 5 in Fig. 3 - enter the code from the picture. If the code is indistinct, poorly visible, you should click on the "I do not see the code" link.
  • 6 in Fig. 3 - click on the "Create" button.

Figure: 4. How to copy and how to delete temporary mail Mail ru.

As seen in Fig. 4, a temporary email has been created - [email protected]

How to use the temporary box

Temporary address when registering on sites

  • Open the site where you want to register.
  • Click on the link (button) “Registration” on this site.
  • Then a field for entering an email should appear, in which you can enter a temporary address. You can copy it so you don't have to enter it manually.

To do this, opposite the temporary email, click on the "Copy" button (1 in Fig. 4). After that, the temporary email will be copied to, that is, placed in the temporary computer memory. I draw your attention to the fact that the "Copy" button (and the "Delete" button) appears ("pops up") only after you move the mouse cursor over the name of the temporary mail.

Now we go to where you need to specify this temporary mail - this can be a field for entering an email address, for example, when registering on a website. We put the cursor in this field and press Ctrl + V (this is in order to paste what was copied to the clipboard). After that, the temporary email will be placed where it is needed for registration or any other action.

Useful moments

Many of these temporary boxes can be created. The main thing is that later the user himself does not get confused in them. It must be remembered that

all temporary mailboxes are available only through the main mailbox.

In other words, you can only access temporary mailboxes if you log into your main mailbox. Temporary mailboxes are available only by login and password of the main mail. This is about how we get into our house: first we go into the corridor and only then we can get into other rooms.

After the temporary mail is created, you can go to your main mail There you should find a new folder (Fig. 5), which will have the same name as the temporary mail. Compare the folder name in fig. 5 with the name of the temporary e-mail that was created earlier, in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the names are the same.

You can open a letter with additional information that came in a new folder. It will have this title: “You have created a temporary address. recommends that you read this letter. "

Figure: 5. The folder with the new temporary mail inside the main mailbox

Why are temporary boxes good? Of course, the fact that they can be removed. At the same time, the main mailbox will remain intact.

How to delete temporary mail

After deleting temporary mail, letters will stop arriving, but old letters will remain in the folder.

To delete temporary mail, you need to follow the steps described above, I will repeat them here:

  • you need to enter your main mailbox by entering the login and password from the main mail,
  • click on your login, that is, on the name of your email (Fig. 1),
  • go to "Mail settings",
  • click on "Anonymizer" (Fig. 2),
  • move the mouse cursor to the temporary mail that you want to delete. Only then will the "Copy" and "Delete" links appear,
  • click on the "Delete" link (2 in Fig. 4) opposite the temporary e-mail that is no longer needed.

Other ways for temporary e-mail

Often, after registering on some resource, intrusive mailings begin to come. Spam filters in Mail.Ru mail do not always cope with their function. Anonymizer will help compensate for this shortcoming. Although, in principle, this function is nothing new.

There have long been resources for creating temporary e-mails, for example:

  • (details),

The only difference is that Mail.Ru has combined a temporary e-mail with the main mail service. The main mailbox can now only be used for correspondence with real people.

How to delete the main mail

The temporary box can be deleted without much hesitation, for that it is temporary. But you need to think carefully about the main mailbox and remember everything that may be associated with it: apart from the bad, there later (alas, often only after deletion) both good and valuable can be found.

The fact is that after deleting the main mail, it will be possible to restore the login (name) of this mail. But all the information that was previously stored in this mail and that was associated with this account, alas, can no longer be restored. Therefore, before deleting the main address, you need those that are tied to this account, because after deleting all information from these projects will disappear without the possibility of its recovery.

If you have a firm decision to delete the main mailbox on, and you also have access to the mailbox (that is, you know your email login and password), then enter the link in the address bar of your browser:

To delete, you will need to enter the mail name, password, indicate the reason for deletion. After that, the box will be deleted along with all the information and with all the projects that were associated with this email.

P.S. Other materials on computer gravity are great for this article:

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Without their own e-mail boxes on the Internet, the user will be very limited in convenience and possibilities. Not only will it not be possible to send and receive emails, on most sites and services on the Internet, as well as on social networks, registration of a participant is almost always done via email confirmation. Therefore, if you do not already have your email address, get this problem resolved as soon as possible.

Moreover, it is free and very simple. Free for home use. But if we are talking about an enterprise solution for business, you need a paid system. Why is that? Why can't I use to communicate with business partners via regular free Google or Yandex mail?

It's all about the level of privacy. Free services use rather weak encryption and protection schemes for data transmitted over the Internet. Free email can be accessed by hackers and can steal important and costly trade secrets. In addition, on the servers of free mailers, letters are stored unencrypted. And once attackers break into a server, millions of emails will end up in third hands.

How to create a Yandex email address

First of all, we open the page

If you need mail to communicate with subscribers within the Runet, Yandex.Mail will do. To get a new account, follow these steps.

  • Go to the Yandex website. In the upper right corner is the mail form.
  • Find the Registration link.
  • Enter the registration interface and fill in the fields provided.
  • Confirm your consent and click OK.

That's all there is to it. Now wait, in a few seconds you will receive your first email congratulating you on creating a new address. Minutes go by, but the letter has not arrived? And it won't come because you forgot to set up your email client.

In order for the service to receive letters from some address, you need to add a new account. Enter the settings, enter your email and password, create a new mailbox. Now check the correspondence and read your first letter.

How to create Gmail mail

An email from Google will come in handy if you actively communicate with foreigners. In addition, the Gmail address is your username and password for all free Google services. You can't even go to YouTube without a Google email address.

If you have a desktop computer, the most convenient way to create Gmail mail is in the Google Chrome browser. If you do not have one yet, it is recommended to download and install. In addition to all Google services, you will get the fastest and most economical internet browser today. That's right, Chrome has overtaken the long-term leader Mozilla Firefox in speed.

You don't even have to look for an interface to create a Gmail inbox. Just try to log into any of the Google services. A panel will appear asking you to log in or create a new account. Select create a new one, fill in all the form fields, get a new Google account. This is your address. Do not forget to create an additional account in the mail client, use the wonderful Gmail to your health absolutely free.

Registration in

In most mail services, registration is the same and it makes no sense to describe it in detail. has a similar registration form.

And we register:

Procedure for registering a new postal address

The algorithm for creating a new email address differs slightly depending on the provider and the email client you are using - the application for receiving and sending emails. If there is no such program on your computer yet, you need to start your new life by downloading the product.

For free email on a desktop computer, Mozilla Thunderbird is the best choice. If Opera is your default browser, this browser has a built-in client. You don't have to run a separate program to receive, send emails.

These two services are also good because the user will not be required to enter any addresses of incoming and outgoing servers and other incomprehensible things. All that is needed is the mailbox address and password. Everything else happens automatically.

How to create email on a tablet or smartphone

If you have an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet, the process of creating an e-mail box is greatly simplified. Mobile devices are specially designed for user comfort.

Check the preinstalled apps. There will definitely be an email client. And if you have an Android device, there will be a Gmail app without question. In this case, you can create new mailboxes directly from within the service.

  1. Open your Gmail email app.
  2. Find Settings and enter them.
  3. Find the Add account item and click on it.

You will now be asked to choose which mail you wish to register. If the mail is from Google, then you can create a new mailbox here. Select and press OK. Here you can only add addresses of other providers to the list of accounts. And to create new addresses, you will have to visit the sites of these providers.

National characteristics of email

Some providers are poorly adapted to work in our country. When registering an AOL mailbox (popular in the UK), you will need to indicate your home address, ZIP code. And all this in a format that we don't use. There may be problems with authorization.