Access - what is it? Creating a database in Microsoft Access. Main tasks for an Access desktop database How to download an access to a computer

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    Have you ever created a database from scratch? Those who do not have a basic base, in the form of knowledge of the programming language for writing it, will say that without the above knowledge this task is simply impossible. However, in practice this is not the case. Application under named Microsoft Access makes it easy customize the layout for the data and adjust it to your needs.

    You should download Microsoft Access if you need an application that independently implements the database structure with all visual representations. In the future, you can use it for both personal and commercial use. And besides, the file in which they were embedded basic commands and means for navigation between sections of the same book, possible to publish on a web resource, thereby helping users and optimizing your own website.

    Access features

    The offer to download Access from this or the official website is absolutely free. Using the functionality of the application, you can implement the following set of tasks:

    • Group contacts by keywords, popularity and other parameters, create your own automatic phone book;
    • Store and sort monetary data, such as accounts, wallets, recent cash spending;
    • Prepare tasks, price lists and projects.

Microsoft Access 2003 is one of the first versions of the popular database management system. Using this program you can collect information from spreadsheets, process text documents, as well as the most common database formats. The application is capable of analyzing data and creating web pages and various applications. Naturally, you will need some skills to work with Access 2003, but compared to managing professional programs, they will be minimal. And the product, unlike its other analogues, is distributed free of charge.

Access 2003 can be downloaded for use both for home and corporate purposes, but in the latter case the software will be more useful. You can use it as a DBMS for autonomous management or file servers. You can interact with other sources using “linked tables” and “queries to the server.”

Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Access 2007 is a program for working with databases that allows you to make changes to them, organize reporting and provide sharing to documents. Even those users who do not have special knowledge will be able to develop applications using ready-made free templates.

Access 2007 allows you to tailor developed projects to suit your business needs.

Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 is an application that allows you to combine information from different sources in one database. This version was released under the motto “Simplicity in everything” - you don’t need to be a specialist to work with it. The added web databases significantly improved interaction with information, simplified the processes of data tracking, reporting and sharing.

Ribbon management, fully implemented in Access 2010, provides only the most necessary tools, preventing the user from getting confused in a variety of commands and settings.

Microsoft Access 2013

Microsoft Access 2013 is one of the new versions of the database management system (DBMS). In the application you will find the necessary functions and tools that will help you organize data management, improve reporting and provide shared access to information for a large number of users.

You can also download the program to create a web application. In Access 2013, all you need to do is select the type of data you're tracking (projects, tasks, contacts), and the app automatically creates a structure in which you can add information. Basic commands and navigation tools will be built into the project, so once created, you can immediately begin using it.

Microsoft Access 2016

Microsoft Access 2016 is much more than simple program for database development. This is an entire system designed to track information, create reports and share information. It helps to make informed and balanced conclusions and choose the optimal solutions for certain problems. Downloading and using Access 2016 may not be particularly experienced users, because even without much knowledge in this area, you can quickly develop the necessary application, converting free ready-made templates to suit your needs.

This version of the program offers a new type of database: a web application is created in MS Access 2016 and used through a browser as a SharePoint service. To create it, you need to decide on the type of data that will need to be tracked, after which the program will independently generate the necessary structure. It will have basic commands and navigation built into it, so you can get started right away.

Access 2010 is a database creation and management program. To understand Access, you must first understand databases.

In this article, you will learn about databases and how they are used. You will learn the differences between managing data in Access and Microsoft Excel.

What is a database?

A database is a collection of data that is stored in computer system. Databases allow their users to quickly and easily enter, access and analyze their data. They are like that useful tool that you see them all the time. Have you ever waited while a doctor's receptionist entered your personal information into a computer or watched a store employee use a computer to see if an item was in stock? Then you saw the database in action.

The easiest way to understand what a database is is to think of it as a collection of lists. Think about one of the databases mentioned above: a patient database in a doctor's office. What lists are contained in such a database? Well, for starters, there's a list of patient names. Then there is a list of past appointments, a list with medical history for each patient, a list contact information etc.

This applies to all databases - from the simplest to the most complex. For example, if you want to bake cookies, you can keep a database containing recipes you know how to make and friends you give those recipes to. This is one of the simplest databases. It contains two lists: a list of your friends and a list of cookie baking recipes.

However, if you were a professional baker, you would have many more lists to keep track of: a list of clients, a list of products sold, a list of prices, a list of orders... the list goes on. The more lists you add, the more complex the database will be.

Lists in Access are a little more complex than those you write on paper. Access stores its lists of data in tables, allowing you to store even more detailed information. In the table below, the list of people in the amateur baker database has been expanded to include other relevant information about friends.

If you are familiar with other programs in the package Microsoft Office, it may remind you of Excel, which allows you to organize data in a similar way. In fact, you can create a similar table in Excel.

Why use a database?

If a database is essentially a collection of lists stored in tables, and you can create tables in Excel, why do you need a real database? While Excel is great at storing and organizing numbers, Access is much more efficient at handling non-numeric data such as names and descriptions. Non-numeric data plays a significant role in almost any database, and it is important to be able to sort and analyze it.

However, what databases really do, over and above any other way of storing data, is connectivity. We call a database like the ones you'll work with in Access a relational database. A relational database can understand how lists and the objects within them are related to each other. To explore this idea, let's go back to a simple database with two lists: your friends' names and cookie recipes you know how to make. You decide to create a third list to keep track of the batches of cookies you make and who they are for. Since you only make them, you know the recipe and you will only pass them on to your friends, this new list will get all your information from the lists you made earlier.

See how the third list uses words that appeared in the first two lists? The database is able to understand that Ivan Ivanovich and Sour Cream Cookies in the list are the same things as Ivan Ivanovich and Sour Cream Cookies in the first two lists. This relationship seems obvious, and the person will immediately understand it. However, an Excel workbook cannot.

Difference between Access and Excel

Excel would treat all of these things as separate and unrelated pieces of information. In Excel you will need to enter every single information about the person or type of cookie every time you mention it because this database will not be relative like a database Access data. Simply put, relational databases can recognize what a person can do: if the same words appear in multiple lists, they refer to the same thing.

The fact that relational databases can process information in this way allows you to enter, search, and analyze data in more than one table at a time. All of these things would be difficult to do in Excel, but in Access, even complex tasks can be simplified and made quite user-friendly.

Microsoft Access is a relational database management system used to create full-fledged deployed client-server applications using the “DB-client” connection. A simple and logical graphical shell allows you to generate primary and secondary keys, indexes, relationships between database objects, as well as normalize the relationships between discrete tables that make up the database structure to the required normal form. Access app provides technological tools for exchanging data between other OLEDB and ODBC sources, including Excel tables; text files stored in CSV format; XML objects, as well as SharePoint stores, PDF or XPS containers, and Outlook folders.

Extended functionality of the Access DBMS

Along with other deployed solutions for interacting with database objects, Access provides the developer with the following set technical capabilities and options:

  • an abundance of formats for presenting and storing data in tables. Among the main categories available are text, numeric, monetary, boolean types, hyperlinks, date and time, logical structure, as well as a number of other supporting specifications
  • quick switching between table mode and designer mode, allowing you to create the structure of the table and specify the formats of its individual cells
  • creating data macros to automate the most common operations and sequences of actions applicable when creating database content. All macros can be generated either based on mouse clicks in the built-in macro editor, or contain elements using the Visual Basic language. As in other Microsoft Office applications, Access macros can be called by pressing a hotkey combination specified in the settings
  • compression of the database and subsequent restoration of its contents from backup copy. The database archive can be stored on a secure remote server, in the cloud or on a local disk drive
  • integrated report designer for displaying data from the database on paper printed forms and forms. All reports can be configured and drilled down to provide an accurate selection of information from the database. Also in the Access interface, it is possible to create a report structure divided into sections and blocks, either manually or using a special wizard. Moreover, sorting and filtering of the displayed information is presented both at the stage of generating the report and later, when the final type of the report has already been thought out and finalized
  • a nested information assistant that provides detailed information about a searched option, main menu category, module, or Access icon. The info assistant is closely integrated into the application shell, and in the latest revisions the DBMS uses developments in the field artificial intelligence And voice assistant Cortana.

On our resource you can download the complete Russified edition of Access for any generation Windows systems. Each version of the utility available for download is accompanied by system requirements, corresponding to the computer model you are using. If your device is old, it is worth going with an earlier release of the product.

Microsoft Access, released in 2013 year is a program included in Microsoft package Office and allows you to manage, change, and create separate databases. Thanks to its versatility and simple, intuitive interface, even an inexperienced user can master the program in a short time.

Also, in case you have questions or technical problems, it comes with a complete reference book and a built-in animated character who acts as a quick assistant. Microsoft Access 2013 includes free templates for creating a simple information repository. Due to maximum automation, the user does not need to know the VBA language to work with this program.

Access 2013 in Russian free download:

Version Microsoft Access sample 2013 year is different from theirs previous versions improved appearance, as well as the ability to edit the ribbon menu. Also, written add-ons can be added to the Office Store, and distribution of the product can be either free or for money. In addition, the speed of import from more earlier versions MS Access.

How to install Access 2013

Click start installation

Click Settings.

Select component Access And facilities, click install.

If there is a problem with downloading:

Features and Specifications of Microsoft Access 2013

The program is designed to store, change and maintain the integrity of data stored in the database, as well as carry out various operations on individual groups of records. The main components are:

  • builders of tables, screen forms, and printed reports;
  • query builder

This environment is capable of generating scripts in VBA, which allows you to literally re-write your own database, as well as additional software, if necessary.

When creating a new, empty database, you must choose one of four interaction options and the structure according to which information will be stored:

  1. Tables are the main way to store data. They are almost identical to Excel, which makes importing from such programs easier.
  2. Forms allow you to enter the necessary data directly into the database; unlike tables, forms provide a more visual way to enter the necessary information.
  3. Reports are mainly used for subsequent printing; they are able to calculate all the data in the database and show a generalized result, how much profit was received, for example.
  4. Using queries, you can enter, sort, and change information stored in tables. They are also used to search for specific records.

Conditions for using the program

Access rights in this database are divided into three levels: guest (can only view tables), author (can make changes to form data), developer (can change tables). The updated SQL server can significantly increase performance. And the use of programs such as SharePoint makes it possible to create a stable database on a selected website.