Forms of presentation of information models. Material models and information models - Document. Lecture: Models of objects and their purpose Models are used to represent a material object

Forms of presentation of information models.

Material models and information models.

There are a lot of modeling objects. And in order to navigate in their diversity, it is necessary to classify all this, that is, to order, systematize in some way.

When classifying objects according to "related" groups, it is necessary to select a single characteristic (parameter, and then combine those objects in which it coincides).

All models can be divided into two large classes: models beforemetric (material)and models informational.Subject models reproduce geometric, physical and other properties of objects in material form (globe, anatomical dummies, models of crystal lattices, models of buildings and structures, etc.).

Information models represent objects and processes in figurativeor iconicform.

About different models (drawings, photographs, etc.) are visual images objects recorded on any information medium (paper, photographic and film, etc.). Figurative information models are widely used in education (remember educational posters on various subjects) and sciences, where objects need to be classified according to their external characteristics (botany, biology, paleontology, etc.).

Signed information models are built using different languages \u200b\u200b(sign systems). A sign information model can be represented in the form of text (for example, a program in a programming language), a formula (for example, Newton's second law F \u003d t a),tables (for example, DI Mendeleev's periodic table of elements), etc.

Sometimes, when constructing sign information models, several different languages \u200b\u200bare used simultaneously. Examples of such models are drawings, electrical and logic, geographical maps, block diagrams of algorithms, graphs and diagrams, etc. In all these models, both the language of graphic elements and the symbolic language are used simultaneously.

Throughout its history, humanity has used various methods and tools to create information models. These methods were constantly improved, for example, the first information models were created in the form of rock paintings. Currently, information models are usually built and researched using modern computer technology.

Classification of information models.

By the form of presentation, the following types of information models can be distinguished:

1. Verbal models - oral and written descriptions using illustrations.

2. Mathematical models - mathematical formulas that reflect the relationship between various parameters of an object or process.

3. Geometric models - graphic shapes and volumetric structures.

4. Structural models - diagrams, graphs, tables, etc.

5. Logical models - models that present various options for choosing actions based on inferences and analysis of conditions.

6. Special models - notes, chemical formulas, etc.

Natural and formal languages \u200b\u200bare used to represent information models in one form or another.

Natural languages \u200b\u200bare used to build verbal, descriptive models. For example, various literary works are directly related to the concept of a model, since it focuses the reader's attention on certain aspects of human life. Especially one can single out such a literary genre as a fable or parable.

There are also numerous textual information models in the history of science. For example, Copernicus' heliocentric model of the world, which he formulated as follows:

The sun does not move around the earth, but the earth rotates around its axis and the sun;

The orbits of all celestial bodies pass around the sun.

The textbook on geography describes the natural processes occurring on Earth, as well as the main geographic objects.

Verbal models can describe situations, events occurring in life, with the aim of understanding them and using experience.

The construction of any model begins with a verbal description, since it more or less accurately reflects the original. When creating a verbal model, it is important to be able to clearly and understandably construct phrases, highlight key points, use terminology correctly, and refer to well-known historical facts.

The tools for creating verbal models in ancient times were papyrus and feathers. Then - printing presses and typewriters. Today, a computer is used to describe verbal models, namely its keyboard and a special program called text editor or processor.

Formal languages \u200b\u200bare used to construct formalinformation models(mathematical, logical, etc.). One of the most widely used formal languages is math. Models built using mathematical concepts and formulas are called mathematical models.The language of mathematics is a set of formal languages, with some of them (algebra, geometry, trigonometry) you get to know at school, with others (set theory, probability theory, etc.), you can get acquainted in the process of further education.

The language of algebra allows one to formalize functional relationships between quantities. Thus, Newton formalized the heliocentric system of the world by discovering the laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation and writing them down in the form of algebraic functional dependencies. In the school physics course, many different functional dependencies are considered, expressed in the language of algebra, which are mathematical models of the studied phenomena or processes.

The language of algebra of logic (algebra, propositions) allows you to build formal logical models.With the help of propositional algebra, it is possible to formalize (write in the form of logical expressions) simple and complex propositions expressed in natural language. Building logical models allows you to solve logical problems, build logical models of computer devices (adder, trigger), etc.

The process of building information modelsfrom using formal languages \u200b\u200bis calledthe formlization.

In the process of cognizing the surrounding world, humanity constantly uses modeling and formalization. When studying a new object, its descriptive information model in natural language is usually built first, then it is formalized, i.e. expressed using formal languages \u200b\u200b(mathematics, logic, etc.).

Control questions

    What models are there? Give examples of material and information models.

    Give examples of descriptive text models.

    What formal languages \u200b\u200bdo you know?

    What is formalization?

    Give examples of mathematical and logical models.

Practical work

Building a word model in a text editor environment

Simulation object: classmate

Purpose of modeling: building a verbal model of a person.

Simulation parameters.

    Surname, name, patronymic of the object.

    Facial features, physique (height, weight).

    Favorite subject of the object.

    Hobby object.

Modeling tool: WordPad text editor.

Working process.

    Open your text editor WordPad.

    Select the object of modeling (any classmate).

    Make up his mental image in accordance with the simulation parameters.

    Decorate the mental image using a text editor.

    Show the result to the teacher.

Man seeks to know the objects of the surrounding world, he interacts with existing objects and creates new objects.

One of the methods of cognition of objects of the surrounding world is modeling, consisting in the creation and research of "substitutes" for real objects. It is customary to call the "substitute object" a model, and the original object is called prototype or original.

For example, in conversation we replace real objects with their names, window designers use a mannequin - a model of a human figure, designers build models of airplanes and cars, and architects use models of buildings, bridges and parks. A model is any visual aid used in the classroom at school: a globe, a dummy, a map, a diagram, a table, etc.

The model is important not in itself, but as a tool that facilitates cognition or visual representation of an object.

Modeling is used when the object under study is too large (model of the solar system) or too small (model of the atom), when the process proceeds very quickly (model of an internal combustion engine) or very slowly (geological model), when the study of the object may be dangerous for others (model of an atomic explosion), lead to its destruction (model of an airplane) or the creation of a real object is very expensive (architectural model of a city), etc.

What do all models have in common? What properties do they have?

First, the model is not an exact copy of the original object: it reflects only part of its properties, relationships, and behavioral features. For example, you can put on a suit on a dummy, but you cannot talk to it. A car model can be without a motor, and a house model can be without electrical wiring and running water.

Secondly, since any model always reflects only a part of the original features, it is possible to create and use different models of the same object. For example: a ball can reproduce only one property of the Earth - its shape; an ordinary globe also reflects the location of the continents; and the globe, which is part of the current model of the solar system, is also the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun.

The more features of an object the model reflects, the more complete it is. However, it is impossible to reflect in the model all the properties of the original object, and most often it is not necessary. Indeed, when creating a model, a person, as a rule, pursues a very specific goal and seeks to most fully reflect only those features of objects that seem important to him, essential for the realization of this goal. If, for example, an airplane model is created for a collection, then it reproduces appearance aircraft, not its flight characteristics.

The requirements for the model depend on the purpose of modeling: what features of the original object it should reflect.

The features of the original can be reflected in the model in one of two ways.

First, signs can be copied and reproduced. This model is called full-scale (material).Examples of full-scale models are dummies and models - reduced or enlarged copies that reproduce the appearance of the modeling object (globe), its structure (solar system model) or behavior (radio-controlled car model).

Secondly, the features of the original can be described in one of the information coding languages \u200b\u200b- give a verbal description, give a formula, diagram or drawing. This model is called informational.

Models are used by humans to:

· Presentation of material objects (layout of the development of a residential area in the studio of an architect);

· Explanations of known facts (model of a human skeleton in a biology office);

· Testing hypotheses and gaining new knowledge about the objects under study (model of the flight of a new aircraft in a wind tunnel);

· Forecasting (photographs of the movement of air masses taken from space);

Management (train schedule), etc.

i Briefly about the main

A model is an object that is used as a "proxy", a representative of another object (original) for a specific purpose. The model is not an exact copy of the original object: it reflects only part of its properties, relationships, and behavioral features. You can create and use different models of the same object. The process of creating and using a model is called modeling.

Distinguish between full-scale and information models. Full-scale models - real objects, in a reduced or enlarged form, reproduce the appearance, structure or behavior of the object of modeling. Information models are descriptions of the original object in information coding languages. Models are used by humans for: representing material objects, explaining known facts, gaining new knowledge about the objects under study, forecasting and control, etc.

Questions and tasks

1. What is a model?

2. What are the main properties of the models.

3. What is simulation?

4. What can you call the relationship between the original object and its model?

5. What models are called full-scale? Give 2-3 examples of full-scale models.

6. What models are called informational? Give 2-3 examples of information models.

7. For each of the listed models, name the actions that a person can perform with both her and the original object:

· Radio-controlled aircraft model;

· Verbal description of the jacket;

· Apartment plan;

Life-size plasticine teapot;

· A mental picture of a future trip.

What actions can only be performed on the original?

8. In what situation can artificial flowers and dummies of fruits be used as models - "substitutes" for real flowers and fruits? What properties and relationships of objects reflect these models, and which do not?

9. Give examples of using models for:

a) representations of material objects;

b) explanations of known facts;

c) testing hypotheses and gaining new knowledge about the objects under study;

d) forecasting;

e) management.

§ 2.2. Information models

The original object can be replaced with a set of its properties: names (quantities) and values. The set of properties containing all the necessary information about the objects and processes under investigation is called the information model.

Table 2.1 is an example of an information model of a country house - a card from the catalog, according to which the customer construction company can choose a suitable project. Each card in the catalog contains the names (values) of the properties of the house (on the left) and the values \u200b\u200bof these properties (on the right).

Table 2.1

All property names in information models are always sign elements, because a name can only be expressed by signs. But the values \u200b\u200bof quantities can carry both symbolic and figurative information. For example, in table. 2.1 the value of the quantity "appearance" is expressed by a figurative element (figure), and the values \u200b\u200bof the remaining quantities are expressed using signs (numbers, words, commas).

A figurative element of an information model can be not only a drawing or photograph, but also a three-dimensional layout or video. However, it must be possible to link this element with the characteristics of a particular object. For example, in the line "Appearance" in the catalog of houses, the layout cipher may be specified. And in order for the layouts themselves to be elements of the information model, and not decoration, they need to be provided with labels with ciphers.

Information models represent objects and processes in a figurative or symbolic form. According to the presentation method, the following types of information models are distinguished - Fig. 2.1.

"Modeling and Formalization" Grade 11 "- Make models. Testing. The race for knowledge. Envelopes with tasks. Code of conduct for students. Biological models. Material model numbers. Structure. Material models. Weather forecast. Chess. Relay of terms. The groups are swapped. Local map. Decipher known terms.

“Stages of model development” - stage 3. The main stages of development and research of models on a computer. Practical task. Stage 2. Solar system model. Stage 5. Stage 1. Descriptive information models are usually built using natural languages \u200b\u200band pictures. Building a descriptive information model. Stage 4.

"Systems approach in modeling" - Systems approach in organizations. The main definitions of a systematic approach are: A systematic approach to cost restructuring. Function - the operation of an element in the system. A systematic approach as the basis for introducing specialized training. Peter Ferdinand Drucker. System - a set of interconnected elements that form integrity or unity.

"Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge" - Let's build a table. The method of cognition of the surrounding world. Hierarchical model. A type. Two classes of objects. Yura lives in Novgorod. Five guys. Stages of modeling. Math modeling. Lilac. A table of the "object-properties" type. Real items. The semantic web of the structure of authorities. Development of a computer model.

"Modeling" - Examples of modeling. Models of aircraft and ships. Computer model. Words to insert. Drawings. Modeling. Examples of modeling in various fields of activity. Computer experiment. System. Objects and processes. Visualization of formal models. The main stages of development. Give examples.

"Modeling, formalization, visualization" - System. Carrying out a computer experiment. Main steps. Network structure. Computer device prices. Models. Computer classification. Subject models. The models are split into two classes. Network information models. Visualization of models. Types of information models. Two ways to build a computer model.

There are 18 presentations in total

Man seeks to know the objects of the surrounding world, he interacts with existing objects and creates new objects.

One of the methods of cognition of objects of the surrounding world is modeling, consisting in the creation and research of "substitutes" for real objects. "Substitute Object" is usually called modeland the original object is prototype or original.

For example, in a conversation we replace real objects with their names, window designers use a mannequin - a model of a human figure, designers build models of airplanes and cars, and architects use models of buildings, bridges and parks. A model is any visual aid used in the classroom at school: a globe, a dummy, a map, a diagram, a table, etc.

The model is important not in itself, but as a tool that facilitates cognition or visual representation of an object.

Modeling is used when the object under study is too large (model of the solar system) or too small (model of an atom), when the process proceeds very quickly (model of an internal combustion engine) or very slowly (geological model), when the study of an object may be dangerous to others (model of an atomic explosion), lead to its destruction (model of an airplane) or the creation of a real object is very expensive (architectural model of a city), etc.

What do all models have in common? What properties do they have?

First, the model is not an exact copy of the original object: it reflects only part of its properties, relationships, and behavioral features. For example, you can put on a suit on a dummy, but you cannot talk to it. A car model can be without a motor, and a house model can be without electrical wiring and running water.

Secondly, since any model always reflects only a part of the original features, it is possible to create and use different models of the same object. For example: a ball can reproduce only one property of the Earth - its shape; an ordinary globe also reflects the location of the continents; and the globe, which is part of the current model of the solar system, is also the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun.

The more features of an object the model reflects, the more complete it is. However, it is impossible to reflect in the model all the properties of the original object, and most often it is not necessary. Indeed, when creating a model, a person, as a rule, pursues a very specific goal and seeks to most fully reflect only those features of objects that seem important to him, essential for the realization of this goal. If, for example, a model of an aircraft is created for a collection, then the appearance of the aircraft is reproduced in it, and not its flight characteristics.

The requirements for the model depend on the purpose of modeling: what features of the original object it should reflect.

The features of the original can be reflected in the model in one of two ways.

Firstly, the signs can be copied, reproduced. This model is called full-scale (material)... Examples of full-scale models are dummies and models - reduced or enlarged copies that reproduce the appearance of the modeling object (globe), its structure (model of the solar system) or behavior (radio-controlled model of a car).

Secondly, the features of the original can be described in one of the information coding languages \u200b\u200b- give a verbal description, give a formula, diagram or drawing. This model is called information.

Models are used by humans to:

  • presentation of material objects (layout of the development of a residential area in the architect's workshop);
  • explanations of known facts (model of a human skeleton in a biology office);
  • testing hypotheses and gaining new knowledge about the objects under study (model of the flight of an aircraft of a new design in a wind tunnel);
  • forecasting (photographs of the movement of air masses taken from space);
  • management (train schedule), etc.

Briefly about the main thing:

  • A model is an object that is used as a "substitute", representatives of another object (original) for a specific purpose. The model is not an exact copy of the original object: it reflects only part of its properties, relationships, and behavioral features. You can create and use different models of the same object. The process of creating and using a model is called modeling.
  • Distinguish between full-scale and information models. Full-scale models - real objects, in a reduced or enlarged form, reproduce the appearance, structure or behavior of the object of modeling. Information models are descriptions of the original object in information coding languages. Models are used by humans for: representing material objects, explaining known facts, gaining new knowledge about the objects under study, forecasting and control, etc.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What is a model?
  2. What are the main properties of the models?
  3. What is Simulation?
  4. What can you call the relationship between the original object and its model?
  5. What models are called full-scale? Give 2-3 examples of full-scale models.
  6. What models are called informational? Give 2-3 examples of information models.
  7. For each of the listed models, name the actions that a person can perform with both it and the original object:
    • radio-controlled aircraft model;
    • verbal description of the jacket;
    • apartment plan;
    • life-size plasticine teapot;
    • a mental picture of a future trip.
  8. What actions can only be performed on the original?
  9. In what situation can artificial flowers and dummies of fruits be used as models of "substitutes" for real flowers and fruits? What properties and relationships of objects reflect these models, and which do not?
  10. Give examples of using models for:
    • presentation of material objects;
    • explanations of known facts;
    • testing hypotheses and gaining new knowledge about the objects under study;
    • forecasting;
    • management.