Internet in bookmarks. Programs for working with bookmarks. Basics of bookmarklet, automatic filling of htm forms Quiet bookmark htm

10.5.4 Object Bookmark

Word.Bookmark object, applying bookmarks in a template, getting Selection and Range objects from Bookmark objects

The Bookmark object is just a bookmark. In practice, this is the most convenient way Navigating documents created using templates (for example, reports). Its fundamental difference from the Selection and Range objects is that all selections and ranges are lost when the document is closed (Range objects generally exist only during the operation of the procedure that created them, and bookmarks are saved with the document. If the document is created based on a template, then all the bookmarks that have been defined in the template will also be defined in the document created on the basis of this template.

Create bookmark (menu Insert -> Bookmark) is much easier than counting the number of characters for a Range object from the beginning of a document / paragraph / sentence, or performing Move () (MoveDown (), MoveRight (), MoveNext ()) operations on a Selection object. In addition, if you change the pattern (which you do very often in practice), you probably won't have to edit the code to define the Selection and Range objects.

The functionality of the Bookmark object is not great. This object has much fewer properties and methods than the Selection and Range objects. However, usually no one tries to use the Bookmark object to work with text directly. It is very easy to get a Selection object from the Bookmark object (using the Select () method) or a Range object (using the Range () property) - and then you can use the properties and methods of these objects, for example:

ThisDocument.Bookmarks ("Bookmark1"). Select

MsgBox Selection.Text

It is not necessary to create Bookmark objects programmatically, but if necessary, you can use the Add () method of the Bookmark collection:

ThisDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name: \u003d "temp", Range: \u003d Selection.Range

This method has only two parameters, both of which are used in the example.

Some important properties of the Bookmark object:

  • Empty - if this property returns True, it means that the bookmark points to the insertion point, not the text;
  • Name - bookmark name. It is very convenient that you can find the desired bookmark in the bookmark collection not only using the index (number) of the bookmark, but also by its name.
  • Range - returns a Range object in place of this bookmark.
  • Start, End, StoryType - similar to the same properties for the Selection object.

The Bookmark object has only three methods - Copy (), Delete () and Select (). Copy () - creates a bookmark based on an existing one, Delete () - deletes it, and Select () - selects what the bookmark refers to.

The Bookmark object is just a bookmark. In practice, this is the most convenient way to navigate documents created using templates (for example, reports). Its fundamental difference from the Selection and Range objects is that all selections and ranges are lost when the document is closed (Range objects generally exist only during the operation of the procedure that created them, and bookmarks are saved with the document. If the document is created based on a template, then all the bookmarks that were defined in the template will be defined in the document created on the basis of this template.

Create bookmark (menu Insert-Bookmark) is much easier than counting the number of characters for a Range object from the beginning of a document / paragraph / sentence, or performing Move () (MoveDown (), MoveRight (), MoveNext ()) operations on a Selection object.

The functionality of the Bookmark object is not great. This object has much fewer properties and methods than the Selection and Range objects. However, usually no one tries to use the Bookmark object to manipulate text directly. It is very easy to get a Selection object from the Bookmark object (using the Select () method) or a Range object (using the Range () property) - and then you can use the properties and methods of these objects, for example:

ThisDocument.Bookmarks ("Bookmark1"). Select

MsgBox Selection.Text

It is not necessary to create Bookmark objects programmatically, but if necessary, you can use the Add () method of the Bookmark collection:

ThisDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name: \u003d "temp", Range: \u003d Selection.Range

This method has only two parameters, both of which are used in the example.

Some Important Properties of the Bookmark Object

Empty - if this property returns True, it means that the bookmark points to the insertion point, not the text;

Name - the name of the bookmark. It is very convenient that you can find the desired bookmark in the bookmark collection not only using the index (number) of the bookmark, but also by its name.

Range - Returns a Range object in place of this bookmark.

Start, End, StoryType - similar to the same properties for the Selection object.

The Bookmark object has only three methods - Copy (), Delete () and Select (). Copy () - creates a bookmark based on an existing one, Delete () - deletes it, and Select () - selects what the bookmark refers to.

Word.Range object, programmatically working with a range in a document, properties and methods of the Range object, advantages over the Selection object

As mentioned above, most often developers use the Selection object to determine where to enter text and navigate the document. The Range object can be used for the same purpose. The main difference between the Range and Selection objects is that the Selection object can also be defined by the user (by selecting the text with the mouse), but the Range object can only be defined programmatically and does not depend on the current position of the pointer or user actions.

The formal definition of a Range object is that it is a programmatic object that represents a contiguous section of text in a document. This object is independent of the Selection object — you can work with the Range object without changing the current selection. It may not include any character (to represent the text input cursor).

There can be as many Range objects at a time as you want, but Selection objects - only one.



HARD, dry, withered, hard, hardened, gnarled. Stale bread, stale, not soft, stale. Stale skin, sole. The land is stale from drought. I ate it gently, but the staleness came to my stomach.

| * Rough and insensitive, hard-hearted. A callous person is a heart. Callousness, property · by · adj. Bread is celebrated, on the toothless, stale, stale-stale-bitch (-start). Common misfortune hardens hearts, makes people indifferent. Stale, dry, become stale. Blackening, gradual · comp. according to ch. The bread has become stale, it has become extremely subsidiary. People hardened (hardened). Sacrifice, cartilage (sand), isn't it stale? Cherstvin, wives. which has become stale. Not a stale, not a crust.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary... IN AND. Dahl. 1863-1866.



See what "HELL" is in other dictionaries:

    See cruel ... Synonym dictionary

    stale - HARD, stale, dry ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

    - (footnote) opp. soft; dry, unfeeling, hard-hearted (oh man, heart). To be callous to be so ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Devilishness, callousness, callousness, dial. wicked, ukr. callous callous, strong, fresh, other Russian. chrstv is solid; dry, stale; irreproachable; clear; significant, bulg. chevrst, chvrst tough, strong, dexterous, vigorous, Serbohorv. chvȓst, ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    stale - Society. Most likely suf. derivative (Suf. tv, compare dead) from the same stem (* čьrt kьrt) as other Rus. chrtu "draw", lit. kertù "I cut, I hit". Callous literally "one that you can beat", then "hard, strong, tough" (this ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

    - (opposed soft) inosk .: dry, unfeeling; hard-hearted (about a person, heart) To become callous to become so ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Devilish adj. 1. Hardened, dried out; stale (about bread, flour products). 2. transfer. Deprived of emotional sensitivity, cordiality, spiritual warmth; unresponsive, unresponsive. 3. transfer. Evidence of lack of sensitivity, responsiveness. Sensible ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    stale - Old Russian - chrstvoy (hard, strong, important, dry). Common Slavic - cьrstvъ. Indo-European - (s) ker (to turn, twist, weave). The Old Russian word "chrstvy" has been known since the 11th – 12th centuries. in the meaning of "solid, strong, important"; from the XIII century. - ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov

    stale - Syn: see cruel ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    HARRY oh, oh; callous, but, callous, callous and callous. 1. Lost softness, freshness (about bread, flour products); stale. Ch. Bread, pie. Chaya bun. 2. Deprived of spiritual softness, sensitivity; unresponsive, soulless. Ch. Bureaucrat, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Heroes of 1812. From Bagration and Barclay to Raevsky and Miloradovich, Alexey Shishov. "All the peaks were small for you / And the most stale bread is soft, / Oh, young generals / Their destinies!" - wrote about them Marina Tsvetaeva. Unheard of young by today's standards, incredibly talented, ... electronic book
  • A Christmas Carol. The Signalman / Anthem to Christmas. Signaler (MP3 audiobook), Charles Dickens. The ghostly ghost story "A Christmas Carol" is one of the few English pieces about Christmas, a prose hymn filled with a bright sense of celebration. ...

Opera and Chrome.

Now let's talk about how you can back up the bookmarks and settings of all these browsers. This need can be useful in cases, for example, when you need to do reinstalling Windows or when you need to transfer all bookmarks and browser settings to another computer.

There are different ways to copy bookmarks, but we will discuss, in my opinion, one of the most simple ways for novice users. Let's talk about a program that is specially designed so that you can quickly and conveniently copy bookmarks, as well as, if necessary, quickly restore bookmarks.

Let's start….

Download Bookmarks Backup (0.1 mb.)

Bookmarks Backup does not require installation! It is enough to download and run it.

To copy bookmarks and all other settings of our browsers, launch Bookmarks Backup and in the upper part of the program in the Backup section, first put a checkmark (1) on those browsers from which we want to copy bookmarks.

Next, click on the button Browse... (2), select on the computer the place (3) where this saved data will be stored, create a folder (4), for example (5). After entering the name of this new folder, press on the keyboard Enterand click OK(6):

A reminder will be given to close all browsers. We press OK:

This will start copying bookmarks and other settings for all selected browsers:

After which it will be said that the backup of the bookmarks was successful.

We close this window, - OK:

That's all! Copying bookmarks finished.

Now, you can save the folder we created Backing up bookmarks somewhere on removable media, for example on a USB flash drive, and if you have to reinstall Windows or transfer bookmarks to the browser of another computer, then this folder will be useful to us to restore bookmarks.

Restore bookmarks in Bookmarks Backup

If need be this function, also close all running browsers. To restore bookmarks, run the program again and now go to the section Restore.

As with copying bookmarks, first choose browsers (1) whose bookmarks we want to restore. Further, through the button Locate... (2), we find the folder on the computer Backing up bookmarks and in it we select the folder in which all browser settings were saved.

It remains to press the button Restore(3):

A warning will be given that our current bookmarks will be changed. They will be replaced by those that we have saved in the folder Backing up bookmarks... If you agree with this, click Yes:

As you can see, everything is quite simple!

Try and you can backup your bookmarks via. You never know what can be with operating system! AND backup copy bookmarks and settings of your browsers will not hurt!

In process html pages, we often make links to various resources on the network or to the pages of our site.

Actually, the network is one of the most important advantages of the Internet, which contribute to its development.

where the href parameter specifies the address of the document (url) to which the transition will be made.

The transition is carried out by clicking on the "Link name".

The document address can be set absolute ( or relative (page.html). It is preferable to use absolute addressing in links, since such a link will work everywhere. Relative links work relative to the current site.

We know that links play an important role both in the promotion of sites on the web, and in terms of the convenience of using them by visitors to resources on the Internet. Therefore, webmasters often use links in order to provide additional useful information to visitors to their sites.

Have html tag , there is another useful feature that is used much less often than link building is the ability to create html bookmarks. Bookmarks on a page are also called an anchor.

How it works?

With the help of (or anchors), we create labels. And then, having created a link to this label, we can follow it to the bookmark (anchor), within this html document.

In other words, if you have opened a page of the site with a lot of information, then to view this page, you will have to constantly scroll (scroll) it.

To make it easier to find information on such a page, you can add bookmarks. As a result, the reader of the page has the opportunity to quickly jump to the information that interested him.

Here is the syntax for bookmark entries and links to them:

1. Creating an html bookmark on the page with the name (label) "identifier1":


Do not forget that the names of bookmark identifiers must be written in Latin, here is an example:

A bookmark has been created at this location.

Go to the bookmark with the identifier zakladka1

As you can see, in order to go to the created bookmark, you need to create a link to it, as the link address, the name of the bookmark identifier with a pound symbol #

Link to a bookmark named zakladla of a document from another site