How to change or remove a SIM card from an iPhone by yourself. How to insert or remove a SIM card from Apple devices: step-by-step instructions and tips for owners Removing a SIM card without a key

Those who have used iPhone phones know that in these devices the SIM card is located differently from the rest of the mobile phones - under the back cover and battery, but in a special slider that is hidden in the side panel of the phone. At first this may be unusual, but on the other hand, this design is due to the fact that the entire body of the iPhone is monolithic, you cannot disassemble it yourself. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to get and insert the SIM card correctly.

How to get a SIM card from an iPhone 4?

So, the mechanism by which you can get the SIM card out of the smartphone is designed in such a way that you need to first insert the special key that comes with the kit. You need to push it through the hole, which can be found on the side panel of the iPhone 4. As a result, you will see that the slider in which the card is located will protrude a few millimeters above the surface. Then you just need to hook it with your nails or some thin object and pull it out. Inside you will see a SIM card. You can easily remove it using the cut in the bottom of the card tray. You just need to pry on the SIM card, and it will fall out on its own.

What to do if the key is lost?

The key used to get the card is made in the form of a needle with a handle, for which it must be held. Due to the fact that it is miniature, it is very easy to lose it. As a result, you may be interested in the question of how to get a SIM card from an iPhone 4 without a key.

We note right away that you should not get lost, since this can be done with any other thin object, including a toothpick or a needle. However, using the latter, you should be extremely careful - the tip can damage the mechanism from the inside, after which it will be difficult to get the card. It is not necessary to forcefully press on the needle, plunging it into the hole - a little effort is enough, and everything will work out.

Even better, if you want to know how to get a SIM card out of an iPhone with a 4 needle, we advise you to ask a friend who has experience with this to do it for you. Then you can simply repeat all his actions and remove the SIM card from the smartphone without the risk of damaging your iPhone. However, procedures such as taking out a card should not be carried out very often, so the need for them is rather a one-off. You should know how to do this anyway.

What should be the SIM card?

Do not forget that before you get a SIM card from the iPhone 4, you also need to clarify its dimensions. As you know, there are three formats in which SIM cards are offered: classic, microSIM and nanoSIM. If you have an “iPhone” 4, then you need the “micro” format, and if your device belongs to the 5th generation, then only “nano” will do. Thus, when you buy a starter pack, ask the seller to immediately cut your card to the desired size, if they have not already done so. Cutting a SIM card yourself at home is quite difficult: there is a risk of damaging the card.

What cannot be done?

So, now about what categorically it is impossible to do if you do not know how to get a SIM card from the iPhone 4. First you need to carefully handle the object with which you will try to replace the key. Because the tip can be sharp, you shouldn't push too hard to avoid damage. Also, do not use excessive force so as not to break the key itself (or whatever replaces it). If something remains in the hole, it will be difficult to clean it later and remove the card from the phone.

In addition, you need to be careful with the slider itself when placing the card there. So, first you need to place the SIM card itself in the correct position. After that, making sure everything is in order, you can close it by placing the card inside the case. A reboot is required for the phone to see the card.

Apple developers thought out everything in advance with the issue of removing the SIM card: it would seem, press the key, and you don't have to suffer. But this special needle just strives to touch somewhere, and if it was necessary to change the card quickly and in an unexpected situation, then it will not work to remove the tray either from the iPhone or from the iPad without improvised means. Fortunately, there are some proven working ways to finally get this ill-fated sim card out.

Ordinary situation

Suppose that you can remove the SIM card without complications, and turn to the method based on the replacement principle. Pulling out the tray with a key, you do nothing but a small mechanical effect: the needle simply activates the mechanism and is not the only item suitable for this. It is quite possible to pull out the tray by replacing the needle with an ordinary paper clip, which must first be straightened a little. The tip of a paper clip is as good as a special needle to activate the tray pull-out mechanism, and in most cases your problem will no longer require any other tricks or tools.

Oh yes, if you have never taken out a SIM card from an iPhone yourself, be it 3, 4, 4s, 5s or 6, then first you have to find the right slot. Different models have it in different places, but always has an oblong shape, similar to an oval.

  • The slot is on the right side of the iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s and iPhone 4 GSM, iPad Pro, iPad mini 4, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, iPad mini 2, iPad mini.
  • The tray is located on top, next to the power button, in older models: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G GSM. At the same time, when trying to get the SIM card out of the iPads, you need to insert a paper clip into the key slot not perpendicularly, but at an angle of 45˚.
  • The slot on the bottom left can only be found on iPad Wi-Fi + 3G.

The use of a paper clip is most popular because of its affordability and versatility, but if a paper clip is not available in your situation, it can be replaced with other similar items. The end of a large needle or wire is fine for this purpose.

When SIM got stuck ...

Did you use the paperclip trick and the tray slid out, but you still couldn't pull it out completely? Most likely, the matter is in the SIM card, which unsuccessfully got into the tray, interfering with the removal of the tray from the slot. The main thing at this stage is not to get nervous: trying to pull out the SIM card using physical force, you risk breaking the mechanism. In this case, even if the tray goes back into the slot, it will not hold in it, and you will have to fix it in the case with tape or electrical tape.

Better to take a needle or blade and try to put the SIM card in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement while you remove the tray. Yes, the work is painstaking and can take a long time, but this problem is quite solvable if you have a little patience and show a little skill. Just do not push the needle too deep into the body: there are other parts and elements that can be damaged by a careless movement.

You can also simply knock the gadget on a table or other surface: if the card is held freely in the tray, this can help it return to the desired position, and you can pull the tray out completely.

Many owners of iPhones and iPads slightly process the edges of even new purchased SIM cards with fine sandpaper as a prevention of this problem. This will make it easier for the card to position itself in the tray, even if it is in the spacer, as rough edges and plastic burrs will no longer get in your way.

If the tray does not come out at all

You do not need to fanatically press the button with a paper clip if, with a light or moderate pressure, the tray does not come out of the iPhone or iPad. Most likely, in your case, you will have to contact the service center for help, unless, of course, you have the useful skill of disassembling and assembling such equipment. And it is certainly a bad idea to try to pull out the tray mechanically: picking with a knife and other sharp objects will not only ruin the appearance of the equipment, but can also lead to more serious damage if a piece of the tool breaks off and remains inside. You don't want your beloved 5s or 4s to get hurt more, do you?

Often, a complete blocking of the slot occurs when the used SIM card was cut from the old one, which did not fit in the parameters. Believe me, card reissue will be much faster and will require much less money than a similar breakdown of an iPhone or iPad. Do not be lazy to replace the card, so that later you do not have to contact the service center for help because of your own indiscretion.

Some problems with an iPhone or iPad, such as removing a SIM card without using a key, can be solved on your own, but the main thing is to remember that service centers do not exist in vain and are also ready to provide assistance in a difficult case. Dare, but assess the situation adequately and do not panic!

Sometimes users have questions about how to get the SIM card out of the iPhone. We will cover the standard method, as well as methods for when a staple from the kit is lost and when the tray is jammed.

1. Standard way

The iPhone comes with a needle, also called a key. If it is not there, in the same way you can use other means, to which we will return.

To complete the key task at hand, do this:

  • Using a paper clip, press the mechanical button on one side of the connector cover.
  • You will hear a click and the cover will come off.
  • Use your fingers to remove the connector.

Depending on the iPhone model, this connector may be on the side or top. But the iPhone 4, 5, 6 is always on the side.

2.What if there is no paperclip

It happens that the standard key is lost. But you can get a SIM card without a key.

You can use a needle, dental probe, paper clip, or any other sharp, thin, oblong object. They also need to press the mechanical button on the connector cover and it will slide away.

This process is clearly shown in the video below.

3. When the card is stuck

Pulling out the SIM card if it gets stuck is quite problematic, but possible.

To do this, take an extra knife or something thin, for example, a small plastic plate that can be cut from a regular bottle. Insert it between the tray and the chassis, then gently pull the connector out with your fingers.

How to do this is shown in the video below. If all else fails, contact Apple Service Center for assistance.

Each of the users of Apple products at least once faced with how to get a SIM card out of an iPhone? In this article, we will figure out how to get the SIM card out of the iPhone correctly without damaging the smartphone and the SIM card, what cases occur when removing the SIM card from the iPhone and what to do in such cases.

The procedure for removing a SIM card in all iPhone models is significantly different from the procedure for removing cards from other mobile devices. In an iPhone, you can get a SIM card without opening the back cover of the case, without taking out the smartphone's battery, that is, you can change the SIM card without stopping the device. Agree, this is quite convenient in many cases. For example, you are downloading a program or working with an application and you need to change your SIM card at that moment. You simply remove the card slot, change the SIM card and close the slot without interrupting the running work, except for the termination of the 3G Internet function.

If you are faced with the problem of removing the SIM card, then if it does not harm your work, it is better to turn off the power of the smartphone by pressing the button located at the top of the iPhone body or on the side, depending on the model. When the message “Slide to power off” appears on the screen of the device, you need to slide your hand over it to turn off your smartphone.

Now you can start the process of extracting the SIM card from the smartphone itself. First, you will have to look for the slot on the outer right panel of the case where your sim card is hidden. On iPhone versions 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6 and 6 Plus, the card slot is on the side of the case. In earlier versions of the iPhone, it is located at the top of the case, near the power button.

As a rule, when selling an iPhone, it is already equipped with a special sharp key for removing the card. The key must be inserted with a point into the narrow hole of the sim port and the sim card must be removed. Then you should remove the tray from the phone with your fingers and take the card located in it.

It seems that there is nothing easier than pulling a SIM card out of an iPhone by pressing the key on a special hole and the SIM port with the card will pop out. Yes, only this key-needle, as always, is lost at the right time, and as a rule at that moment when you are in a hurry or are late. This process becomes disastrously inconvenient.

It happens that the manufacturer initially did not complete the iPhone with such a key. How do you remove the card in this case? In fact, everything is simple. It is enough to use an ordinary paper clip or a sharp toothpick. With a light push, pushing into the hole, the simslot can be easily pulled out along with the telephone card. By the way, you need to press the hole with the key to remove the card at an angle of 45˚. A paper clip is often used because it is always at hand, but thin wire can also be used. It is advisable to always have a key fob on the road, among which there will be a special key needed to open the slot and remove the microcard. With this little foresight, you will save yourself unnecessary worries along the way.

How to get a SIM card if it is stuck

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that a sim card gets stuck in a slot, and the slot itself opens up a small part. How to open an iPhone? If it is not very convenient for you to contact the service center to fix such a problem, you can try to remove the card yourself.

To do this, find a thin but tough film (for example, a piece of a plastic folder), insert a piece of a long plate into the gap between the SIM card and the iPhone case, and, pressing it against the screen, start pulling the plastic out. As a rule, in this case, pulling out ends by pulling the card out of the slot at a sufficient distance to pull out the rest of it with your fingers.

After removing the card, the SIM port must be closed or covered if you are going to reinsert the SIM card. When inserting the SIM card back into the grooves, make sure that the card sits into the tray, like a puzzle, in the right position. Now easily insert and push the SIM tray back into the slot hole with your finger. Press lightly with your finger on the back of the slot to click into place.

There is a tip for the future: for prevention, treat the edges of the SIM card with fine-grained sandpaper before inserting it into this slot, so that later removing the SIM card is not a big problem, and it does not get stuck in the slot cell.

Articles and Life Hacks

If you suddenly want to change the iPhone to another phone, but keep the information on your SIM card, then you can get the SIM card out of the iPhone at home with accuracy and a simple paper clip or a special key that comes with the iPhone.

Standard extraction method

  1. Turn off your gadget. To do this, press the power button located at the top for a few seconds. “Slide to power off” or “Power off” will appear on the screen.
  2. Swipe over this label from left to right. Your device is now off.
  3. Find the sim port at the top or side (it depends on the model). In models 4, 4S, 5, 6 and 6 Plus, it is located on the side of the case. In earlier cases, it is located at the top of the iPhone, next to the power button.
  4. Usually, the kit comes with a key that opens access to the SIM card. Just insert it into the small hole on the sim port and remove the sim card.
  5. After removing the SIM, do not forget to replace the slot.

Removing the SIM card without a key

  • If such a special key was not included in the kit, then an ordinary paper clip will help you. Straighten it and, acting like a key, insert it into the hole next to the sim port.
  • In no case should you use a needle: there is a risk of spoiling the system of fixing the SIM card slot in the iPhone. Some people use a dental probe or a thin awl for the same purposes.
  • Be extremely careful when using such popular methods of extracting a SIM card from an iPhone: the slot can get stuck.
  • If the SIM card is still stuck, then do not rush to the iPhone service: you can even fix this error at home using a film from folders or a model knife.
  • Gently insert them into the hole between the iPhone case and the SIM port on the side of the phone screen and pull the plate slightly pressing the SIM card slot against the screen.