How to spend bitcoins. What can you spend bitcoins on in Russia. You can even buy a yacht for virtual "coins"

In principle, we figured out how to earn or just get cryptocurrency. But where to spend it? In principle, everything would seem simple here - withdraw it in cash and spend wherever you want. But then what is the point of all this, other than investment? And if there is no point, then this cannot last long. And this question began to bother me so much that I decided to do a little research on what can be bought on the Internet for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

It would seem that if bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were created in order to facilitate payments on the Internet, then the direct purpose of such currencies is precisely to pay for goods and services on the network.

Starting today, I will monitor the Internet for such sites where it would be possible to spend bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies on goods and services that are useful for an ordinary man in the street.

In these articles, I will consider only those resources that sell real consumer goods and provide personal services. I will not consider investment services, exchanges, mining and everything connected with this here. This is a separate topic and is aimed primarily at making money. Immediately, I will consider the question solely of how to spend the surplus bitcoins.

I will try not to consider sites where you can make a purchase by using a third-party service where bitcoins are converted either into regular currency, or the site is somehow trying to distance itself from mentioning that they accept bitcoins as payment. I am only interested in direct bitcoin transfer.

Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to check the work of all sites and therefore I have to rely only on the information provided on the site and / or reviews on the Internet.

I would like to start with the banal. This is payment for Internet services, mobile phones and other ubiquitous payments. Since, firstly, these are necessary benefits that require monthly cash infusions, and secondly, it is convenient. No need to go somewhere, stand in lines, waste time.

The number of services on the site is huge. It makes no sense to list even some of them, but I note that it includes payments for television, Internet, mobile communications and even housing and communal services:

In the payment methods, we can find payment in bitcoins:

The first mention of this site on the net I found in 2013. But I could not find any reviews that would characterize the work of the service. But I can say with confidence that I did not find negative reviews.

Well, the last site for today for T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and similar small things from our neighbors from Ukraine.

Registration is required to place an order, so I could not check if they really accept bitcoins, but they are in the payment terms:

Considering that in Ukraine bitcoin is easily converted through Privat-Bank, I think that there will be no problems with payment.

So, I considered just a few main areas where, at least for me, it would be convenient to spend in bitcoins, and not in cash, since the transfer from bitcoins to ordinary currency sometimes eats up to 5-10 percent.

Next time I will try to consider the service and leisure sector.

On the Internet, you can already find a large amount of information about mining, exchanging or selling bitcoins, ethereums and other cryptocurrencies online. the site will look at this topic from the opposite point of view - how you can spend crypto money in the real world. It will surprise many how many opportunities the market offers.

Olga Rusakova from the MicroMoney blockchain project finds points of contact between the crypto world and real life

Over the past couple of years, enthusiasts have carried out a lot of experiments, trying to live for a certain period of time without any money, paying for goods and services only with bitcoins. For example, CNBC journalist Sema Modi led this lifestyle for a week, paying with bitcoins in shops and cafes in New York. Kashmir Hill, a Forbes correspondent, did the same. She even managed to arrange a trip, dine in fancy restaurants and tip a girl from a strip club in Satoshi. They all came to the conclusion that it was a little difficult, but feasible.

Bitcoin ATMs

The first thing that immediately comes to mind is bitcoin ATMs. According to Coin ATM Radar, there are such devices in 58 countries, while around the world there are about one and a half thousand bitcoin ATMs (perhaps more, because not all ATMs are registered on this portal). At the top of the list in terms of the number of ATMs are the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, and at the bottom of the list are twenty countries with one ATM in each country - for example, Thailand, Brazil and Kazakhstan.

The ATMs look pretty modern, smart and attractive, but the same cannot be said for the locations where they are located. They are typically found in small grocery stores or eateries, although most are in busy areas near urban centers — places that are easy to find. ATM machines are often lost right between alcohol bottles and magazines.

Bitcoin ATMs in London

Unfortunately, these ATMs currently only accept Bitcoin, despite the fact that the number of cryptocurrencies has already exceeded 1,000 long ago, according to CoinMarketCap. Information about it appeared in the blogs, but where it is is still unknown.

ATMs can be divided into two types: those that require ID verification and those that don't. The type of verification depends on the ATM vendor and local legislation. You can go through verification by scanning ID documents, by checking SMS (you must enter a mobile phone number and receive a code) or using biometrics (scanning palms). There are ATM vendors that combine all of these methods.

You can be verified using biometric parameters and presenting your ID at the same time

Document verification is usually required in countries where cryptocurrencies are subject to taxation (e.g. USA, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc.). But even there you can easily find an ATM without such requirements.

The process is as follows. Usually an ATM allows you to perform three or four types of operations: buy bitcoins, sell bitcoins and replenish an account, and transfer bitcoins to someone. For all these operations, a person needs an electronic wallet in an application on a mobile phone. Therefore, the user must select any available option, enable the e-wallet QR code on the phone screen and scan it so that the ATM receives the recipient's address.

If the user does not have a crypto wallet, it can be downloaded directly from the ATM screen (just scan the QR code to start downloading).

Alternatively, the system will offer to register a temporary paper wallet in the form of a receipt or ticket using a private key and a QR code (it seems that the crypto market is the only area where QR codes have been successfully used so far).

Paper e-wallets

When bitcoins are sold, a person can get a ticket and withdraw money (finally fiat). Do not forget about the time it takes to confirm the transaction (this is about 7-10 minutes on average).

The problem lies not only in the waiting period, but also in the commissions that the ATM owner and the exchange receive. Also, don't forget about taxes in some countries. The user sells or buys coins inside the exchange, which means that the client sells bitcoins in accordance with the price offered right now, and sometimes it is not always optimal, and sometimes it is even below the market price. In addition, some ATM owners set a transaction limit of $ 800 to $ 1000. The average transaction amount is USD 200-300, so the more funds purchased, the more identification requirements. Thus, it is not always profitable to cash out large amounts.

Online shopping

The most obvious way to spend virtual money in the real world is to visit online stores that accept bitcoins. In fact, there are hundreds of them, from giants like Aliexpress or Overstock to tiny specialty stores with apparel, food, jewelry and other products. For example, mustache cosmetics, leather accessories, or some meat snacks.

If the store accepts bitcoins, the site will display an orange and white Bitcoin logo, usually at the bottom of the home page alongside other payment methods. There may be other options, for example, the phrase "bitcoin is accepted here." Experts recommend that you always be aware of this option: some services announced this, but removed the reminder due to technical issues, local laws, or low popularity.

The payment process is quite simple: after the purchase, the system generates a bitcoin address to send a payment or a QR code to scan using an electronic wallet on a mobile device. This is the most vulnerable part of the process: if a user makes a copy-and-paste mistake before pressing the "Submit" button, he will have neither goods nor money: transactions with bitcoins are irreversible.

Some sites use a payment processor (like Bitpay or Coinbase) for incoming payments, so the client is redirected to another page to get the total bitcoin amount and destination address.

Confirmation that the service accepts bitcoins as payment

Payment by bitcoins


With Bitcoin, you can rent a car, pay for domains and hosting, book tickets or a hotel, eat in cafes and restaurants, make donations, buy gift cards, play online, and much more. Here is a list of websites for finding such services in a specific region:

  • Flight search engine
  • BitcoinWiki

Even global corporations use or have ever tried to use payments in bitcoins: Expedia, Dell, Microsoft, Overstock, etc. There are also such services that allow you to use bitcoins where they have never been accepted. Just buy a bitcoin gift card using eGifter and Gyft and pay with it to Uber or Starbucks, for example.

For example, Richard Branson's private space company Virgin Galactic offered its customers to pay for space flights with bitcoins. The University of Nicosia in Cyprus and the University of Cumbria in the United Kingdom have done the same for tuition fees.

Payment for education with bitcoins

There are districts and even entire cities that have all the conditions for using bitcoins as a payment. For example, in the Swiss city of Zug, bitcoins can be used to pay for utilities and other government services.

Pros and cons

Cryptocurrency is popular and even legal in many countries, which is why the number of places where you can spend your digital money is growing every year. What's more, you don't need to exchange your currency for local currency. Another advantage of cryptocurrency is the ease with which you can start your e-wallet and open an account in a few clicks, even if you are still an undocumented teenager. However, there are also some weaknesses.

First, bitcoin coverage is still low, even in large cities, and you need to get to a place that accepts bitcoins (and find one, if there is one). Sometimes you may be the first person who decided to pay in such an unusual way, so you need to explain in detail your intentions and the whole process to the cashier.

The second unpleasant thing is hidden fees for transactions, payment processing, use of ATMs and other operations. All experimenters who tried to use bitcoin in everyday life (we mentioned them above) complained that they had 40% more additional costs compared to cash. And yes, taxes sometimes go as VAT for cryptocurrencies in some countries.

Thirdly, as a Bitcoin user, you are especially vulnerable to fraudsters, because Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, and if you are cheated, it will probably be impossible to get your money back. In fact, the process is similar to sending cash to someone by mail: you can send money anonymously, but you cannot reverse the transaction.

Fourth, places that accept payments in other cryptocurrencies are hard to find. Probably only on sites where people change something, including ether and other cryptocurrencies.

Last but not least, you need to know that every cryptocurrency transaction must be approved and it takes time, so you may find yourself in a situation where you find yourself waiting an hour just to pay for lunch.

If you are not afraid of this - welcome to the new decentralized crypto world.

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Bitcoin is an incredible cryptocurrency. The benefits and opportunities it opens up seem endless. However, all the positive qualities do not matter if we just store or sell our coins, without being able to spend them on some things. Bitcoin will become a successful global currency only when people use it as their usual fiat currencies, for which they can buy anything. Fortunately, recently there have been many places where you can pay with bitcoins. Some of them were specially created for such calculations. In this article, you will learn where to spend your bitcoins (online and offline) without having to search the entire Internet in search of the information you need.

Part 1 - Online shopping



Coinmap stands for “coin” for coin and “map” for map. This is exactly what you imagine when you read this word. The tool is a world map that displays the locations of stores that accept bitcoin. The map is easy to use: just zoom out to find points in your city.


SpendBitcoins also allows you to find merchants who accept Bitcoin on the map. Although this map is less popular than the previous one, you can find other merchants on it that are not on Coinmap.

Although, due to the lack of a legal framework, the practical use of cryptocurrencies for non-investment purposes in Russia is difficult, it is possible to convert them into real money, goods and services. RBC figured out how

Since the beginning of 2017, the value of the most expensive cryptocurrency in the world, bitcoin, has grown by 250%, and its market capitalization reached $ 58 billion on August 11 at 17:00 Moscow time, according to CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations. In many countries of the world, bitcoin is not only an investment asset, but also a means of payment: real estate, air tickets, equipment, etc. are sold for it.

World practice: where to spend

To understand where in the world you can spend cryptocurrency, you can, in particular, open the Coinmap service - this is a map on which everyone who works with cryptocurrency or accepts it for payment can leave information about their services. Due to the peculiarities of the formation of the card, it is not exhaustive, but it gives an idea in which parts of the world the cryptocurrency is most popular. As of August 2017, more than 9,500 objects are marked on the map. According to their geographical distribution, it can be seen that most transactions with crypto money are offered to users in Western Europe, the USA and Japan.

This concentration is in direct proportion to the degree of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin achieved the greatest success in Japan, says Roman Tkachuk, senior analyst at Alpari. In this country, bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies have been assigned the status of a means of payment on a par with yen since April 1, 2017. In the United States, issues have been discussed on how to tax transactions with bitcoins and how to prevent possible financing of terrorism through their intermediation, explains Artem Tolkachev, director of tax and legal consulting at Deloitte. In Europe, he said, the market practice for bitcoin payments is well developed in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. And in Germany there is even a bank that allows you to open accounts tied to cryptocurrencies - Fidor Bank. In 2013, the German Ministry of Finance recognized bitcoin as a means of payment, calling it "private money", from which tax should be collected.

In Russia, there is still no legal framework for cryptocurrencies, says Denis Smirnov, blockchain consultant, representative of the Lisk project in Russia. “This does not mean that transactions with them are illegal, but it makes the cryptocurrency less liquid asset than in countries where the authorities are concerned about its regulation,” he explains. In practice, this makes it difficult to sell coins mined or bought from miners, which is clearly visible on Coinmap: in comparison with Europe, Russia looks literally pale. Nevertheless, even here you can pay with cryptocurrency directly or transfer it into rubles. RBC figured out how and where to do this.

From "numbers" to money

There are several ways to transfer cryptocurrency into money, electronic money or other cryptocurrency, say experts interviewed by RBC.

This can be done through a cryptocurrency exchanger (among Russian examples of such sites, market participants call HotExchange, Payforia, etc.) or cryptocurrency exchanges (among Russian, EXMO is called the largest as an example). You can exchange funds for rubles, dollars, Ukrainian hryvnia and other currencies with their transfer to bank cards (not any banks, in each case the set is different) and electronic wallets (for example, Yandex.Money or QIWI).

When exchanging cryptocurrency for real money, several nuances must be taken into account, experts say. There is no fixed rate for cryptocurrency, so the cost will differ depending on the chosen site. When withdrawing bitcoins into rubles on Russian exchanges, the activities of which are not yet legally defined, the payment goes to the bank account or e-wallet specified by the buyer, explains Vladimir Smerkis, co-founder and partner of The Token Fund. On large foreign exchanges, payment goes to a bank account, but exchange into rubles is not possible on these exchanges.

“We strongly advise against using the services of Russian stock exchanges,” warns Vladimir Smerkis. Due to the lack of special legislation, he recommends only storing cryptocurrency in Russia and performing operations to exchange it for other cryptocurrencies. “We strongly discourage carrying out operations with fiat funds,” the expert emphasizes.

You also need to keep in mind that exchangers and exchanges charge a commission for the exchange. Depending on the service, it can range from 1.6 to 6-7%, said Valery Smal, editor of the Happy Coin Club industry portal. “If you choose an exchange or exchanger with a price tag close to the weighted average exchange rate, and moderate commissions (up to 3%), significant exchange losses can be avoided,” he explains.

When choosing an exchange service, you should be careful, warn in the press service of monitoring exchange offices An exchange rate below the market average is one of the signs that the service is unreliable. In addition to Coinmarketcap, you can check the rate on the websites of large cryptocurrency exchanges (Poloniex, Bitfinex, Coinbase) or aggregators (CoinGesco, Coinspot), says a representative of the press service of “Even if you constantly use the same exchange office, double-check the URL in the address bar of your browser — scammers could have created a clone of a reliable exchange site. When using an unfamiliar service, check reviews on several sites, the presence or absence of a site in the black lists of exchangers. Such lists are available on large forums, for example MMGP and Bits Media, advise the press service of the service. - You should also pay attention to the correspondence of the domain age and the dates of reviews on the site. “We often come across resources whose domains are several weeks old, despite the fact that reviews have been left on it since 2010-2014. This is clearly fraudulent. "

Another way to transfer cryptocurrency into rubles is to sell it yourself. There are special platforms to search for potential buyers on the Internet, for example, the website (it has a section on Russia) and the Bitcoin Russia group in Telegram. True, in such a situation, a person has no guarantee that the buyer or seller will not deceive him. “When selling from hand to hand, the danger is that someone has to take the first step - transfer bitcoins or pay with real money - and thus take the risk that the counterparty will not fulfill its obligations,” warns Roman Tkachuk.

To somehow protect yourself, you can send a request to sell bitcoin to a special chat bot in the Telegram messenger, for example, the BTC Banker bot. “I publish my offer to sell in the system, and the bot selects a buyer for me in Russia or abroad,” says Vadim Valeev, CEO of, about the principle of operation of such bots. “Bitcoins are frozen at this moment by the bot system. The buyer then transfers the money to me on the bank card, and we both confirm that the money has been transferred. After that, the bitcoins from the system go to the buyer. Thus, the bot insures both sides from deception. " The seller and the buyer discuss and approve the exchange rate independently. Nevertheless, the use of chat bots also has certain risks, notes Valeriy Smal: "The program is not so difficult to create for fraudsters, which is what they use."

Bitcoin purchases

“At various times, such giants as WordPress, Microsoft, Reddit, Expedia and Wikipedia announced the ability to pay for goods and services. Western companies also announced that they would accept bitcoins as a means of payment - electronics manufacturer Dell, payment system PayPal, online stores eBay, Amazon, AirBaltic carrier and Time publishing house, ”Roman Tkachuk lists.

However, according to a Morgan Stanley report released in July 2017, out of the world's 500 largest online sellers, only three companies actually accept cryptocurrency. Which companies from the list accept payment with virtual money is not indicated in the report. According to the bank's analysts, bitcoins cannot act as a reliable means of payment due to their high volatility and therefore scare sellers away. Now only three of the above companies (Microsoft, Wikipedia and AirBaltic) are ready to accept payment in bitcoins, RBC checked on the official websites of the companies.

In Russia, in the past few years, few were ready to accept bitcoins - from large companies, Subway, Microsoft and Selectel announced this. According to information on the Microsoft website in Russia, a client can purchase games, films and applications in the Windows and Xbox stores for bitcoins. The company's press service did not disclose more detailed information about the demand for such a payment method.

Olga Bludovskaya, President of Subway Russia Service Company, told RBC that Subway in Russia no longer accepts payments in bitcoins. “Several years ago, one of our franchisees at two of its points launched a similar practice, but it was not popular and was quickly canceled for reasons of the security of virtual money transactions," Bludovskaya clarified. Selectel also refused to accept cryptocurrency. “In 2014, we conducted an experiment with Bitcoin and Litecoin through an intermediary - the OKPay payment system, but then it was closed for a number of reasons. So now we do not accept cryptocurrencies for payment, ”a company representative said.

Recently, small Russian companies began to introduce the service of payment in cryptocurrency. Thus, it is currently possible to pay with bitcoins offline in some bars and restaurants in Moscow - in the Pivoteka 465 pub, Valenok restaurant, LavkaLavka farm cooperative. You can order lunch for bitcoins on the website of the online restaurant VkusLab, and from Development M9 you can buy a brick house on Novorizhskoye highway for 55 BTC, their website says. However, the company refused to talk about this with a representative of RBC.

In May 2017, Yulmart announced the launch of a cryptocurrency payment system. “We plan to launch the first wave of payments in bitcoins in such categories of goods as used cars and apartments. This will happen after the full-scale launch of the sale of these goods is carried out, "Brian Keane, director of international communications at the Internet company Yulmart, told RBC.

Other examples of what can be bought for cryptocurrency not only in Moscow, but also in other Russian cities, can be found on Coinmap.

Technically, payment with cryptocurrency is carried out as follows. When paying online, the client transfers the required amount from his cryptocurrency wallet to the company's wallet. The offline merchant generates a special QR code containing the invoice amount. The client scans it from the phone using the application, and the funds are transferred to the company's wallet, market representatives told RBC. The amount of the check can be quite small since Bitcoin can be split. For example, as Boris Akimov, the creator of the LavkaLakvka farming cooperative, said, one of the clients managed to buy ordinary ice cream from them.

Is there a future?

Market participants do not undertake to predict how much the list of goods and services that can be purchased for cryptocurrency can expand. The reasons are the lack of legislation and the conflicting positions of various departments, in particular the Central Bank and the Federal Tax Service (FNS).

In 2014, the press service of the Central Bank published a letter in which transactions with virtual currencies were recognized as speculative and carrying a “high risk of loss of value”. In 2016, the Federal Tax Service issued a letter "On Measures to Control the Circulation of Cryptocurrencies", which emphasized that the legislation of the Russian Federation still does not contain a ban on Russian citizens and organizations of operations using cryptocurrency. The letter also indicated that, according to the Federal Tax Service, transactions related to the acquisition or sale of cryptocurrencies should be classified as foreign exchange transactions. At the moment, there are no other documents describing the position of cryptocurrency in Russia.

“Despite the letter from the Federal Tax Service, many supervisory organizations consider the cryptocurrency illegitimate after the publication of the letter from the Central Bank,” says Valery Smal. He recalls that it also follows from the letter that “the provision by Russian legal entities of services for the exchange of“ virtual currencies ”for rubles and foreign currency” can be considered as money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

For this reason, the supervisory authorities have questions for entrepreneurs who are trying to accept payments in cryptocurrency. In early July, the Novosibirsk pub Bootleggers Pub & Shop announced the start of an experiment with digital currencies. About a month later, the pub management received it, and the entrepreneurs had to abandon this idea. In early August, a representative of the LavkaLavka farming cooperative, which accepts bitcoins for payment and even issued its own cryptocurrency, Biocoin, was also summoned to the prosecutor's office for a conversation.

“The legal risks of bitcoin as a means of payment in Russia are associated precisely with legal uncertainty. Until the seller understands how to accept this currency, how to pay taxes from it, even if everything is done as correctly as possible, there is a risk that his actions will be interpreted incorrectly by the supervisory authorities, ”says Artem Tolkachev.

“In order not to violate the law, companies that declare“ purchases for bitcoins ”are in fact carrying out a more complex operation. Bitcoins are being exchanged for rubles at the current rate with subsequent payment, ”explains Roman Tkachuk. Representatives of VkusLab and Pivoteka 465 told RBC that they have no problems with paying taxes because of the new service, since they are collected from companies in a simplified form.

LavkaLavka solved the problem in the following way: the company takes the amount equivalent to the money received in the cryptocurrency from "its own pocket", pays for the purchase for the buyer, punches the check and enters the expenses into marketing expenses. In this case, the client pays only the amount in the check at the exchange rate without any commissions. The seller takes the exchange rate based on the average selling price of bitcoin on that day according to the platform. During the check, the prosecutor's office did not have any complaints about such an accounting system, the founder of the farmer's cooperative Boris Akimov told RBC.

Fashion trend?

Representatives of companies that have introduced payments in cryptocurrency and experts interviewed by RBC admit that this is more of a marketing ploy than a response to customer demand. There are not so many miners in Russia who would have “washed” the cyber currency on their own. According to our estimates, there are from 25 thousand to 35 thousand, ”says Leonid Delitsyn, an analyst at Finam Group. The payment process, he said, turns into a performance or leisurely entertainment for the few owners of virtual money.

Video: RBC

“The emergence of a bitcoin exchanger on Novy Arbat and cafes and bars where you can dine for bitcoins is not fun for everyone,” Roman Tkachuk agrees. “Of course, there are people who pay for services with cryptocurrency. I myself have about forty different cryptocurrencies. But still, many sellers of goods and services now turn to it precisely for advertising reasons, ”confirms Vadim Valeev.

Artem Laptev, director of VkusLab, says that the experiment with payment in bitcoins at his online restaurant is dictated by the desire to be in trend. Since the launch of this option in early August, according to Laptev, about ten clients have used the service.

Denis Smirnov adheres to the opposite point of view. The cryptocurrency has obvious advantages over other means of payment, but nevertheless, the format of the means of payment is not the most reasonable decision at the moment, the expert believes. Due to the volatility of the exchange rate, it may turn out that the dinner paid for yesterday the next morning will cost twice as much, he summarizes.

Until 2013, bitcoins could be used to pay for a trip to some bars in St. Petersburg, order a taxi in Moscow, or buy branded watches. The situation changed dramatically after government officials began to speak unflatteringly about bitcoins and prepare the introduction of criminal liability for their use in Russia.

On July 16, 2016, the Ministry of Finance announced its readiness to equate bitcoin with foreign currency, and on August 16, the first bitcoin exchanger opened in the center of Moscow.

Using the service, you can find companies that work with cryptocurrency on the map. There are few such points in Russia and basically they all relate to money exchange services. Judging by the map, bitcoin acceptance is most developed in Europe and the United States.

Bitcoin distribution map found 6 places where Russians can still spend bitcoins:

1. Buy air tickets

Russian tourists can use the services of a Latvian carrier that flies throughout Europe. The company will charge a fee of 5.99 euros for paying for the reservation in bitcoins.

2. Book hotel, car, cruise and sightseeing tours

You can do this on the website. When paying, bitcoins will be converted to US dollars. The price in cryptocurrency is fixed for 10 minutes, and then it can be updated depending on the exchange rate. If necessary, the reservation can be canceled, then bitcoins will be returned to the buyer.

3. Pay for utilities, cellular communications or transport cards

The service allows you to make payments in bitcoins for utilities in Moscow and a number of regions, replenish your mobile phone account, and deposit money on Troika, Podorozhnik and other cards. The service fee is 2%.

4. Buy luxury goods

On the site, you can buy vintage cars, watches, and real estate. For example, a small restaurant in Panama with an area of \u200b\u200b125 sq. m for 304.4 bitcoins (175 thousand dollars). The service will charge a commission of 5% for its service.

Cryptocurrency fans can order a branded T-shirt with bitcoin or other themed prints for 0.03-0.08 bitcoin ($ 19.99-49.99). For delivery to Russia, you need to pay another 0.15 bitcoin ($ 9).

6. Buy coffee, tea or croissants

The Headquarters mobile coffee shop at the Sberbank headquarters (Moscow, Vavilova str., 19) also accepts bitcoins. The payment process is as follows: the visitor transfers the order amount to the account of the virtual wallet of the owner of the coffee shop, and he converts the amount into rubles.