IOTA cryptocurrency: overview, prospects, forecast, where to buy. What was included in the course material

(27 estimates, average: 4,85 out of 5)

Cryptocurrency IOTA review and forecast for 2018

The massive emergence of new cryptocurrencies has become one of the key trends over the past few years. Unfortunately, the vast majority of projects are nothing more than a semblance of financial pyramids, the purpose of which is to attract poorly informed investors. Nevertheless, among the hundreds of new projects, there are those that really deserve attention. One of them is the IOTA project, which will be discussed below.

Now I will try to tell you in detail about this cryptocurrency, its prospects for the future, describe the basic principles of the technology, how to mine, where to buy and store, give current rates for today, analyze reviews on the Internet and draw conclusions - is it worth buying these coins.

History, description and IOTA technology

The IOTA project (official website https and their coin MIOTA was launched in 2015 and quickly gained widespread publicity in the cryptocurrency community. The tasks that the developers of this dynamically developing cryptographic asset set themselves were as follows:

  • Lack of currency control by miners;
  • Use of micropayments among all system participants;
  • Complete absence of transaction fees;
  • Ensuring the maximum speed of operations and network performance.

To be fair, I must say that all 4 points have indeed been successfully implemented in IOTA. An important feature of IOTA was the confirmation of transactions by only 3 participants in the system, which significantly accelerated transactions.

Initially, IOTA was intended to carry out transactions in a large promising niche, which is commonly called the "Internet of Things". This is a special concept of a computing system for physical objects that does not need to involve a person to interact physical things with each other or with the external environment. However, later on, IOTA expanded its scope, demonstrating its effectiveness in implementing various votes.

What is the fundamental difference between this cryptoasset and many others? The main "feature" is that the system operates on a unique DAG protocol. It is a directed acyclic mathematical graph that simplifies micropayments. The essence of the protocol is that any transaction is confirmed by 2 previous ones. In other words, all transactions made in the system are approved by each other, and in case of any problems, the system log interacts with other transactions. If the path between the sections consists of several blocks, then one section indirectly confirms the second. But if there are conflicting nodes, then they are not confirmed.

The cost of IOTA to the dollar for today

IOTA cost to ruble for today

Cryptocurrency Outlook for 2018

In a sense, IOTA is a unique breakthrough in the world of cryptocurrency, since this technology has not been seen before. Although the platform is focused on online sales, the scope of cryptocurrency is much wider.

The developers are confident that the system will actively develop regardless of how many IOTA users there are, and the creators, in turn, will constantly update the system, offering the cryptocurrency community a truly revolutionary product.

Not so long ago, IOTA became available on the popular platform. This led to a serious fall in the exchange rate by a third, which in turn led to a decrease in capitalization by USD 500 million. It is too early to draw conclusions and experts refrain from commenting. Nevertheless, no one refuses to predict the growth of interest in IOTA, since cryptocurrency is an original and exclusive product on the cryptocurrency market. At the same time, today IOTA remains insufficiently popularized among a wide range of potential users, which suggests an inevitable further increase in its value.

But already today, part of the target audience positively perceived the new cryptocurrency, since it has plenty of advantages. Many are confident that in the near future, the IOTA network will include millions of devices actively interacting with each other. IOTA technologies will be useful in any business without exception. But you need to understand that, despite the attractiveness of IOTA's high-tech prospects, their real implementation can only be expected in the long term.

Official wallet IOTA

The developers are great in this regard, they have long ago released the official wallet for the IOTA cryptocurrency. The wallet is open source, which is undoubtedly a plus, it is constantly updated and improved. You can always download the latest version of the wallet at Github, at the time of this writing, the latest version is numerically v.2.5.7.

Where to buy cryptocurrency

IOTA is freely traded on most major exchanges, so it will not be difficult to acquire it, it is available on the following exchanges:, OKEx,, Exrates. You can store it both on the exchanges themselves if you have bought a small amount of coins, or withdraw it to an official wallet and store it on it.

Mining cryptocurrency MIOTA

As I wrote above, there are no transfer fees in the system, which means that the Iota blockchain does not need miners and mining.

Pros of IOTA

Despite its modest "age", IOTA enjoys active trust and demand. And all thanks to its merits, including:

  • Decentralization. The system operates according to a rigidly prescribed algorithm, which excludes the possibility of concentrating the levers of network control in one hand.
  • No inflation. The system is designed in such a way as to exclude currency depreciation, since the number of coins is constant.
  • No commissions. All transactions are carried out in the system for free, which allows users to save on payments.
  • Real-time confirmation of transactions. This makes it possible to make transactions as quickly as possible.
  • High level of security. Recently, system security has been an important criterion for choosing a cryptographic asset, and in this sense, IOTA has never failed.
  • Technological advantage. IOTA is truly a revolutionary development, the scope of which is conditionally unlimited.
  • The ability to conduct microtransactions. With IOTA, you can easily transfer money for any everyday item, the price of which is measured in cents.
  • Ease of use. In this sense, IOTA is convenient and understandable to any user who is at least somehow familiar with cryptocurrency as such.

Conclusions and feedback

IOTA is a progressive crypto asset designed to revolutionize the Internet of Things. But despite the advantages, this coin also has its drawbacks - today it is in a permanent state of improvement. And although the system is already working fully, its full potential will be revealed only in the foreseeable future.

So far, the reviews about the system are positive both among experts and among ordinary members of the crypto community. The price remains at a fairly low level, but given the huge number of coins issued, this is already a serious increase and a serious claim to win. Experts recommend taking a closer look at this asset. The hour is not far off when a wide audience of users realizes the advantages of IOTA, after which the price of cryptocurrency will inevitably and rapidly creep up.

I constantly look at this asset, but at the moment I still don't have IOTA coins. Perhaps in the near future I will also purchase a certain amount of coins. In any case, at the time of this writing, the market has seriously sagged and if you are looking for a good asset, then IOTA can undoubtedly be one.

The Nano XRB cryptocurrency was previously called Rai Blocks.

Then its founder was LeMaye Coin, who back in 2014 began to develop a fundamentally new direction in the field of digital money. This ultimately made it possible to create a digital currency that uses its own blockchain of a unique type, which allows guaranteed transactions to be made quickly and reliably.

Information about the change in the name of the currency was announced by the developers on January 31, 2014. Thus, the process of rebranding the coin was carried out.

In this case, it is very important that this process is cheap. This fundamentally distinguishes this cryptocurrency from a number of analogues.

Specialists who are promoting this coin are positioning it as a tool that can soon become a replacement for Bitcoin. Also, according to them, the currency will become an integral component of the world-class finance system, which will reduce the cost of transactions.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency protocol

The structure of the blockchain itself is built on an innovative principle and offers unlimited scalability, as well as the complete absence of commission fees for transactions carried out.

You can buy cryptocurrency on the following exchanges.

The system was created as a simple type of protocol, the main purpose of which is a high performance cryptocurrency.

This protocol is also capable of operating on low power equipment.

Check out a chart of price changes on the Binance exchange.

Experts note the following advantages as the main qualities of the Nano XRB cryptocurrency:

  1. The currency is practical in terms of its use in financial transactions.
  2. It is completely decentralized and suitable for use in everyday life in solving ordinary household issues.

The main purpose of the cryptocurrency, for which it was developed, is to work as a unit of account in financial transactions of various directions. There is not even the slightest hint of all kinds of smart contacts and development with the subsequent implementation of applications.

Compared to Bitcoin, this cryptocurrency has many similarities. Therefore, it will surely become the leading coin in the world, as it is as close as possible to ordinary consumers.

After the company changed its currency name, it changed its logo as well. As a result, the system received a second portal

The company has provided a lattice structure in its blockchain. Therefore, any of the accounts has its own blockchain, showing the history of transactions and the state of its balance.

The cryptocurrency blockchain has the following structure:

  1. An account that is part of a public key.
  2. Block containing one completed transaction.
  3. A ledger is a collection of accounts globally.
  4. Node, as an integral part of the software running on the machine and corresponding to the system protocol.

System technical parameters

October 2017 was marked by the developers' announcement of the completion of the coin distribution process.

There are 133248289 coins in circulation, which is 100% of all units existing in the system.

The cryptocurrency rate against the dollar reaches 11.58 per coin.

The duration of one transaction in the system takes no more than 1.5 seconds.

The Nano XRB cryptocurrency is promising, as it allows a lot of payments to users with high security, using its own blockchain, built on the original principle, which ensures the complete independence of the system.

After the successful launch of the Bitcoin system, new cryptocurrencies began to grow like mushrooms after rain. Now there are about a hundred of them, but our website lists cryptocurrency rates that are actively developing and have the highest indicators in terms of capitalization (the cost of all monetary units in circulation), in terms of currency value, in terms of anonymity and other characteristics.

  • (Bitcoin) is a pioneering cryptocurrency that is leading in all of the above indicators. The Bitcoin exchange rate against the dollar in 2017 rose to a record high of $ 20,000.
  • (Ethereum) - a system that offers additional functions, in addition to making a payment transaction (monetary unit - Ethereum). A side option is the registration of transactions with any assets (based on blockchain-type contracts).
  • - a system based on the developments of Bitcoin, but with some improvements - a higher degree of anonymity and speed of transactions.
  • is another cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin. The developers of the payment system have ensured that confirmation of transactions does not come in 10 minutes, but instantly.
  • is a cryptocurrency that promises users a high degree of privacy protection.
  • - one of the youngest systems (operating since 2016), which has received the most popularity and support in Japan.
  • (Ripple) is one of the few cryptocurrencies that works thanks to its unique developments, and not on copying the Bitcoin infrastructure.
  • - appeared as an offshoot of Ripple, but now works independently. Combines a payment system and a currency exchange exchange.
  • ByteCoin is a cryptocurrency with one of the lowest rates against the dollar and the ruble of all presented.

Online cryptocurrency rates are adjusted (in real time), based on the data of the latest transactions on world virtual exchanges and exchange services (BTC-e, Kraken, etc.). Changes in the price for one currency unit for different periods are reflected in the graph.

Expand Collapse

It may seem to someone that the development of new cryptocurrency projects occurs solely because someone wants to make money in this way, or toils from boredom, or suddenly decides to prove to himself his coolness and solvency as an expert in such a confusing and hardly understandable sphere.

Probably, these motives are also present somewhere (after all, we are all human and we all have weaknesses). But, in general, such projects provide an opportunity for extraordinary personalities to present their original ideas to society, aimed in many respects at making the life of this society easier and more comfortable.

The Golem cryptocurrency (Golem, GNT), which is the subject of our conversation today, is also not just another digital money. It is based on a unique concept, all the details of which we will consider in the following sections.

So let's take a closer look at this interesting crypto project. You cannot call GNT a cryptocurrency in the usual sense of the word. Why so, we will tell you a little later. For now, some general information.

The project was launched by the Polish citizen Julian Zawistovski, who later became the head of the company. Poland is also the homeland of the rest of the development team, so it is logical that their base is located in Warsaw. Everyone on the team is far from newbies and has sufficient experience in developing various applications. Many have worked together before, before the Golem project.

This currency is still quite "baby". It appeared on the market in late autumn (November) last 2016. The money for the development of the project was collected through an ICO. If someone is not in the know, then this is a way to attract investment to promote your own idea, which involves the sale of a digital coin that does not yet exist for real and quite liquid cryptocurrencies. That is, the Bitcoins or Ethereums you listed will make you the owner of new, presumably promising coins, and time will show how profitable such a “pig in a poke” purchase will be.

And, nevertheless, the ICO practice lives on and thrives, which was once again proved by the case with Golem. More than $ 8 million (820,000 ETH) has been raised. Investors received a thousand tokens for each Ether put out. The total number of tokens is one billion (about a fifth of them, the team left for themselves), this number will not increase in the future, and if so, then there is no talk of any mining of this crypt.

Actually, this is how the authors position their development. They present this project as a peer-to-peer (peer-to-peer) P2P network, naturally, decentralized, the purpose of which is to perform a variety of computing operations. It is a kind of world-class supercomputer. Or, if you prefer, the global market for power that can be used for any kind of computing. Any person can become a member of the network, whether he has a regular computer or owns a data center.

The essence of the idea is based on the assumption that most people use their processor to a minimum. And it's hard to disagree with that. And if we consider that many "machines" remain switched on even at night (take, for example, office networks), then even from the point of view of electricity consumption, this is sheer waste. In the meantime, spare capacity can be profitable. This is precisely the idea of \u200b\u200bthe developers. They offer users to earn money by renting unused PC resources. Why not? People rent out empty housing. The principle is the same.

Any user can make money in this way, if he wants. You just need to decide how much of the resources (cores, RAM or disk space) you can, without sacrificing your own comfort, give to the needs of the community. And if necessary, you will be able to use third-party resources. That is, one and the same person can act as both supplier and customer. The incentive to use the services of the Golem market, of course, will be material interest. But not only. Equally (if not more) important is the ability to access a variety of software running on the project's network.

This range is really wide, but if you strain yourself and try to squeeze it into short specific points, you will get something like the following: scientific research, analysis of large databases, CGI rendering. You yourself understand that the "filling" of these points can be very diverse, that is, there are many options for using this network, up to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

We must not forget that Golem is in the process of development, and how many pressing issues it will be possible to solve using the network after some time is hard to imagine. Process and store colossal amounts of information? You are welcome. Take a poll or vote for something or someone? No problem. Throw in crypt mining, machine learning, and more. Impressive, right?

Naturally, these problems are being solved now, but at what cost? People employed in these areas, and these are researchers, scientists, designers and others, are forced either to waste a lot of time waiting while the computer calculates the task, or to rent additional capacities from special cloud services, which makes the process very costly, because such services do not cost cheap. The Golem system is able to break the monopoly in this area and make pricing more democratic and acceptable.

To promote any product, it is necessary that as many people as possible become interested in it. With the current wide choice, such a product should have serious advantages over similar products (services), otherwise a consumer spoiled by an abundance of offers will not even look in his direction.

This rule also applies in the cryptocurrency field. There are so many cryptographic projects that users, before becoming participants in one of them, meticulously and scrupulously analyze its prospects and attractiveness from different points of view.

The golem in this sense has something to surprise and delight the electoral user:

  1. Let's start with the fact that the project is universal. The types of tasks that can be handled using this platform can be very diverse.
  2. Decentralization ensures the smooth operation of the network, there is no threat of failures that can freeze the entire system.
  3. Scalability, and unlimited, is another significant advantage. Any number of computers can be connected to the network at any time.
  4. The system is quite safe, one might even say very safe. This is ensured by the implementation of all calculations on the "virtual computer" (thus, the operations are not associated with the main system). And if you are fond of developing your own computing applications, then you can easily integrate them into Golem.
  5. The platform is aimed at providing services in 2 "guises" - as an infrastructure and as a platform (IaaS and PaaS). The system tokens, when they begin to fully function, will be used to pay the authors of the software and those who provide computing power. In addition, over time, they will be used to provide collateral (by the same providers and application developers).

Stages of a long journey

The road is really long, because the Golem project was conceived ambitiously and on a grand scale. According to the developers' plan, the development of the idea will take place in 4 stages, the name of which was "presented" by the famous game "Dungeons and Dragons"

So, the Golem has to go through the Copper, Clay, Stone and Iron periods of development. The first stage is scheduled for six months, the second will last 15 months, the third - 2 years and the last, fourth, for 4 years.

The alpha version is the Copper Golem. Its final version (release) was released at the end of summer 2017, and network testing began a year earlier and aroused the interest of a large number of enthusiasts who did not hesitate to get involved in the process.

The main focus of the Copper stage is focused on CGI rendering (LuxRender and Blender programs). This direction is very important for designers, architects, animators, etc. This business today is highly profitable, even without taking into account the large players, a lot of money is spinning in rendering, more than two hundred million dollars a year.

When it comes to the Clay Golem, it’s time for an astounding expansion of the network’s potential. Users will be pleasantly surprised by the convenience of the interface, a full-fledged Application Registry, and an effective mechanism for distributing subtasks will be introduced.

Functional prospects will noticeably appear with the arrival of the Stone Golem, it will be possible to work much more stable and without worrying about safety. In addition, an updated version of the API tasks will be presented, a certification mechanism will appear in the Application Registry, which means creating a network for applications on a trust basis, and this network will be managed by the community itself. It is planned that this phase will mark the beginning of the use of Golem in the model "application as a service" (SaaS).

And finally, the final one, the Iron Golem. By this time, complete stability reigns in the system, it scales and successfully resists attacks from outside. The toolkit offered to the participants will please with convenience and variety and will greatly facilitate the work on new applications. The full version of network statistics will be displayed on a special site and the Golem Library will be implemented, with the help of which the setting of tasks will be automated.

Before talking about the mechanism of the Golem network functioning, it is necessary to clearly identify its participants. They can be conditionally divided into 3 groups: customers, capacity suppliers and software developers. We say “conditionally” because the same user can play different roles, depending on his current needs and capabilities. For example, a customer has finished his job and, in order to avoid downtime of the computer, offers free capacity to other users, thus turning into a supplier and earning some money from this.

Customers are the source of the tasks that are posed to the network (this is done through the Golems Task Definition Framework). Once the task has been set, suppliers come into play. They offer options for the cost of performing this work and be sure to indicate the capacity they have. As a result, the task is divided into a large number of subtasks, which are sent to the computational nodes. In terms of their complexity, the tasks, of course, will be different, therefore, they will be divided into parts in different ways - those that are simpler can be divided into only a few parts, and more complex ones - into several hundreds or thousands.

The platform provides a mechanism to ensure safe operation for both customers and suppliers, which consists in implementing a reputation system for nodes. There is a "white" list, where members with a good reputation are entered, and a "black" list, where unscrupulous users are displayed. Depending on the level of completion of tasks, the reputation of participants can grow or, conversely, fall. If the participant has a persistent negative reputation, the Golem will reject his proposals. The tasks performed by the participants are not associated with the main system, as they are processed on virtual computers, and the data is carefully encrypted.

The work is paid upon receipt of the completed subtasks by the customer node. The amount of payment, again, depends on the complexity of the task, in some cases it can be several dollars, and in others - several thousand of the same "American rubles". With payments, everything is simple, thanks to Ethereum, they are direct between all participants in the system, a commission fee is 5% of the amount.

Developers are free to post their software in the Application Registry. Everyone can create a mechanism for paying for their own services, relying on the structure of monetary transactions.

What Golem is like all other digital currencies is in its volatility. In early spring of this year, the GNT token was added to a number of exchanges, and this affected the growth of its rate. It began to rise and at some point reached 70 cents (42 rubles) per unit. However, the decline began in the summer, and by September the figure had dropped to 25 cents (17 rubles).

You can purchase a token on several specialized exchanges, including Bittrex, Poloniex, Liqui and some others. The presented trading pairs are GNT / BTC and GNT / ETH.

As for the storage of GNT, any wallet provided by the crypto exchange is suitable here (if it trades this money), you can also use the Ethereum Wallet "wallet" or the Exodus multicurrency storage, which has also supported the Golem token since April.

Well, what can I say in conclusion? Of course, I would like to summarize with some specific conclusions and data, but this is always difficult in the cryptocurrency sphere, if at all possible. The market is too unstable, too much rests on the interest of the "public", and this interest can disappear at any moment, etc., etc.

But nothing prevents us from telling about the impressions that the Golem project produces. And the impressions are not bad. Everything that we have described above looks quite promising and promising. If the developers' plans come true (and they have repeatedly stressed that a lot will depend on future funding), then consider that we are on the verge of great opportunities in the field of computer computing and not only.

Let our words about financing not alarming you very much, it is likely that there will be no problems with this. The capitalization of the Golem now looks not the worst way - $ 200,000,000. Let's hope that everything will continue to be all right.

In short, the idea is painfully interesting, it is a shame if it remains not fully implemented. But let's be optimists. Good luck!

During the correction period, only a few altcoins managed to move up in the overall rating. Cryptocurrency Nano over the past day has grown by 9.73%. Yesterday its cost was just under $ 7, then it soared to $ 10, and now it has frozen at $ 8.84.

Previously, Nano was known as RaiBlocks, after the rebranding at the end of January, the price of the cryptocurrency jumped 41% per day. In March last year, XRB was worth only $ 0.008; on January 2, 2018, its peak value was $ 37.62. The correction has put everything in its place, but investors believe in the future of cryptocurrency with zero transaction fees.

Benefits of cryptocurrency

If BTC stabilizes, it will contribute to the formation of uptrends on the altcoin charts. With zero fees, Nano could be the ideal cryptocurrency for micropayments. The price jump was fueled by news of testing a beta version of the Nano Wallet for Android on Google Play. An iOS version is also planned. Cryptocurrency advantages:

  1. speed;
  2. unlimited scalability;
  3. minimal resources to maintain the network.

Creators goals

After the rebranding, the cryptocurrency received a new logo, website, wallets and addresses. The development team explained the decision by the fact that many people found it difficult to pronounce the name and considered it too boring.

Nano is positioned as the cryptocurrency of the future and compares favorably with the well-known digital currencies with high transaction costs. The developers have proposed a new design - a "grid of blocks", each account owner verifies only their transactions. Project goals:

  1. a creation that is not influenced by politics;
  2. becoming a cross-currency exchange standard;
  3. providing financial services (control and storage of assets) to people who do not have a bank account.

Cryptocurrency Nano: Heist in Italian

90% of trading operations with Nano take place on Binance, over the past 24 hours, trading volumes on this platform amounted to over $ 82 million. Also, the cryptocurrency is included in the lists of small ones - KuCoin, BitFlip and OKEx. The easiest way is to buy Ethereum and Bitcoin and then exchange them on the exchange.

Long-term investors are advised to keep currency in wallets. This advice became especially relevant after February 10, when a small Italian exchanger BitGrail announced a hack, during which a $ 170 million Nano was stolen. The reputation of the exchanger itself leaves much to be desired, so it remains unclear who was the organizer of the attack. The statement stated:

Francesco Firano said that the exchanger will sue the developers of Nano, who showed irresponsibility, not going to meet him. They also claim that Firano demanded that they modify the wallet, making it vulnerable. The amount stolen by hackers is also not credible. Given Nano's trading volumes and focus on Binance, it seems too high.

One Reddit user supported the developers by stating:

I lost $ 1.4 million during the attack. Before Nano appeared on Kucoin lists, I was trading on BitGrail. After the price jump in December, I tried to withdraw money for a month, but the platform organizers first set the withdrawal threshold at 1 BTC, and then stopped responding to letters to the support service.

After information about the attack, the price of Nano fell sharply, but then the cryptocurrency quickly regained its positions. Independent testing may contribute to its future success. So far, the cryptocurrency, although it is characterized by high volatility, seems to be a rather promising project.