PRO \u003d safe deal. Guarantor of transactions Guarantor.PRO \u003d secure transaction Earnings on domain names

How to make money on domains, how to avoid problems with the law when buying or selling a domain, how much money you need to start earning, we will answer these questions, consider the main methods, and analyze the pros and cons of each.

There are two fundamental and fundamentally different methods of making money on domains, which in turn are divided into specific methods.

  1. Purchase and further monetization or sale of a domain.
  2. Organization of a domain sale business by becoming a partner of one of the registrars.

None of the methods gives an opportunity to earn money on domains without investments, but the minimum amount for a start can be only 100 rubles. That is how much it costs to register an unoccupied domain name. Let's look at each method and answer the question of how to find, buy and make money on domains.

First, we will look at the main ways to make money on domains, then we will tell you about reseller domain names, at the end of the article, we will consider the methods of purchase themselves.

Buying domains for the purpose of subsequent sale (speculation) is the most affordable and widespread way of making money on domain resale. This is not surprising, the same principle is valid in normal market relations - to buy at a lower price and sell at a higher price. The complexities of the domain reselling scheme are the same as in speculative offline sales:

  • Find a domain that will be of interest to a potential buyer.
  • Where to buy cheaper.
  • To whom to sell at a higher price.

How to choose a domain and where to buy is described below, under the article. There are several ways to sell an existing domain:

  1. List in a store or auction (exchange).
  2. Place information on the sale of a domain on the website, with contact information.
  3. Contact a potential buyer (for example, search for interested in the forums).

You determine the starting cost yourself, based on logic. I recommend to arrange resale transactions through the guarantors of the transaction, for example These are additional expenses, but thereby you will protect yourself from possible problems with non-payment or hijacking of the domain.

Stores, exchanges and domain auctions:

Earnings on domain parking

Domain parking, in simple language, domain registration and placement of sata stubs, redirects to the main site or advertising on it.
From the point of view of earnings, domain parking is the purchase of domains that are consonant with well-known site names, or the purchase of domains that continue to receive traffic (drop domains) and the placement of advertisements on them.

Until a buyer is found, the resource works at a loss, annual domain renewal, and possibly hosting payment. During downtime, the most correct solution is domain parking. It is much cheaper and generates a steady income. It is enough to find a provider with such an offer.

If we consider this method as the main one, then for these purposes domain names with typos of known site addresses or dropped domains are chosen. These domains host ads. And the domain owner will receive a certain percentage of profits, clicks or impressions.

People who have decided to earn extra money by selling beautiful Internet addresses rarely use this technique. Earning money on domain parking is needed as a temporary solution to reduce costs.

  • - domain parking service
  • - free domain parking

Domain lease

In this case, the monetization scheme will differ from the previous ones. Renting out a domain brings a good and constant income. In this case, the tenant places his site or a stub on your resource.

Domain rent is used in a couple of cases:

  1. Your domain is exclusive and its purchase is very high.
  2. The tenant does not want to disclose his details.

There are no ready-made sites for domain rent, as a rule, everything is decided individually.

Sometimes domain lease is understood as domain registration, because in fact you lease it for a year and if you do not renew it, it can go into the wrong hands.

Domain reseller

Basically, this is buying domains at a wholesale price and selling them at retail. A domain reseller enters into an agreement for cooperation with the registrar of address elements and can enjoy favorable prices for the acquisition of names, as well as act as a representative of an accredited person. The profit from the difference in the price list will largely depend on the activity of the person who chose this option for earning.

Want to become a domain reseller here is one of the programs "Affiliate Program
reselling domains and services ”.

Domaining - selection and purchase of a domain to earn money

Before you can sell, rent or start making money in domain parking, you need to buy this very domain. This whole procedure is called domaining.

Registering a new domain

This method involves using your existing experience and ability to identify trends and select consonant names.

The trend can be gaining popularity:

  • products;
  • serials;
  • developments;
  • people, etc.

In addition to trends, you can search for free domains focusing on the following points:

  • Short (4-5 letter) domains.
  • Geographic (country, city, place in city) domains.
  • Industry (,, domains.

Buying a domain for a trend

A new device has entered the market, an event is planned, or a series is being prepared. Example:

  • Hoverboards
  • Spiners
  • Olympics 2026
  • Game of Thrones season 8
  • Yuri Gagarin

As a result, the domains could look like this:

  • (at the time of this writing, the domain is free)
  • (at the time of this writing, the domain is free)
  • (at the time of this writing, the domain is free)

When choosing a domain, assume to whom they may be potentially interesting, look through similar already registered domains. Find out what sites they were registered under (online stores, information sites). And is the demand for them possible?

Council. How to buy trending domains?

  • You should buy multiple domains at once using all possible spellings.
  • When choosing a domain, be guided by those who could buy it.
  • Domain selection and purchase can be done.
  • Check domain history.
  • The domain must not violate copyright, otherwise it may be taken from you, and you will be fined. Read more about this in the chapter on Cybersquatting.

Drop domain registration

Drop domains are domains free for registration with history. Previously, there was a site on such a domain, but the site owner did not dare to renew it (forgot, scored or for other reasons).

Dropped domains are of interest primarily to SEO specialists. A properly selected free domain can receive traffic and have links to itself. Both, as a rule, give a quick result when creating a new site on a drop domain or restoring an old site from (a service that stores information about what was previously on the domain).

There are services that allow you to track the released domains and domains that have already been released.

  • - purchase of expiring domains.
  • - purchase of released domains.
  • - domain monitoring
  • - domains with history.
  • - list of released domains.
  • is a site status check service.
  • - a list of dropped domains and domain hijacking services.

Council. How do I buy drop domains?

  • Please check the domain history before purchasing (,,
  • It is not only the characteristics of the domain that are important, but also the subject matter, or rather the demand for the subject matter.
  • Buying dropped domains is, first of all, the ability to find dropped domains and keep track of those that are being released. And then an estimate of the possible cost for which the domain can be sold.

Buying domains at auctions

Making money on domain auctions is also possible if you know that you can sell for more than you buy. Buying domains at auctions requires sufficient funds, and this can be hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Most of the interesting variations have already been put up for auction. Domain exchanges and stores offer a variety of domain names, it is possible to buy a name and not for little money. Making money on the auction is associated with the risk of spending more on a domain than it might be worth. But the right name can sometimes be seen as a money saving tool.

There are many domain auctions on the Internet, but you should choose only verified ones with a large number of reviews. Little-known auctions can turn out to be scams.

Here is an example of verified auctions:

  • - domain name auction.
  • - released domains in auction format.

Caution! Scams - auction of antique domains

Many are trying to find easy money on "antique domains". Most often, such sites have many tempting offers without complex legal overtones. If you have heard about good earnings on antique domains, then the whole truth about them can be found on the forums.

Most of the money earning on antique domains is a scam. Scammers primarily rely on the inexperience of newcomers who have decided to try their luck in a new job. The amount of losses is usually 250-1000 rubles, for which a person is unlikely to run to investigate in court. But, thanks to such mistakes, charlatans make good money.


Cyberscotting is a way to make money by registering domains containing brand names and then selling them to the copyright holder or other interested parties.

The cybersquatter finds a company in advance, for which the registrar borrows possible profitable combinations, in order to then offer them to the owner. On the one hand, real income is expected, and on the other, legal troubles may arise. Russian law contains an article for illegal use of a registered trademark. So cybersquatting is a responsibility.

Any business has its pluses and minuses. Cybersquatting can bring huge profits if the buyer is interested in the domain name so that he is ready to shell out any money. Also, cybersquatting has disadvantages when the costs of maintaining registered items exceed the revenues.

The risk is great, but in the history of cybersquatting companies there are very few cases where owners have sued for using their patented mark. In reality, it is easier for corporate executives to buy a domain name from a cybberscotter than to get involved in legal proceedings. The fight against cybersquatting continues, and therefore legislation is being finalized to protect the newly created firms.

If you decide to start cybersquatting and think about where to start? First, identify the cybersquatting target. But don't forget about responsibility before the law.


Typesquatting - registration of domain names, similar in spelling with the addresses of popular sites, counting on the error of some users.

This type is used not only for domain reselling, but also for advertising promotion. By registering domain names that are similar to well-known sites, but with a typo. Users go to a fictitious site where they see posts promoting a particular product. Currently, commercials are generating good income.

Even more interesting

04/07/2018 at 16:18

1057 0

I have long wanted to write an article on this topic and tell you how you can make money on domain sales. I will not say that this way of making money is easy, for successful implementation you need to be smart and be able to think logically.

What is a domain

If you are a beginner in the field of making money on the Internet and have not come across such a concept as a domain, I will now tell you in detail.

Domain - in short, this is the name of an Internet resource (site). You can observe it in the address bar of the browser, for example, I have a website domain:

Before people create a site, they must register a domain (name of the future site). As a rule, the domain should reflect the theme of the site, be beautiful and memorable.

How to make money on domains

People who understand the importance of Internet projects are ready to spend a lot of money for the domains they need.

Example: You want to create a site on the subject of "business" and you want your site to be called, but another person has taken this domain.

At this moment, you start to come up with another domain, but this sunk into your soul and sounds solid and looks beautiful.

What to do?

There is a way out, you can contact the person who owns this domain and try to redeem it. The price of a domain will depend on the quality and the company or person who wants to buy it.

Let's pretend you own the domain and a representative of a Coca-Cola company contacts you and asks if you can sell the domain to them. The price of the domain itself is in the region of 300 rubles per year, but a company representative offered you 3 million rubles, would you refuse? I think no!

Thus, domains are resold.

Ways to make money on domains

Registration of new domains

This is the easiest and at the same time the most profitable way to make money on domains. Its essence lies in the registration of new domains, which will be expensive in the future.

Example: you have heard that some new product is coming soon, some new brand is coming to the market. Let's imagine that these are new cigarettes, you need to find out the name of these cigarettes and register domains with this name in all possible zones.

There can be a bunch of such examples, you can register domains for anything films, brands, products and much more.

When this brand gains momentum, this company will need an official website, they will check the availability of domains and, accordingly, if the company is serious, it will contact you and try to buy a domain from you.

And now not a lot of statistics, below I will give you information about the most successful deals for this method of earning:

The most expensive purchased domains on the Russian Internet

✔ - was bought by the company for $ 550,000

✔ - the purchase price was $ 90,000

✔ - $ 80 600

✔ - $ 50,000

You can also register short domains consisting of 2-3 characters, such domains are difficult to find, but still possible. In the future, you can also sell for good money, short and sonorous domains are well appreciated.

Sale of old domains

For this way of making money, you need to know what TIC and PR are.

ТИЦ - thematic citation index. It is assigned by Yandex to each domain and the larger it is, the better for the site. The more other domains link to your domain, the larger your TIC will be.

PR - a similar situation, only for the Google search engine.

The more these indicators are, the more expensive the domain will be. You can buy such domains on a special exchange and resell there, you sort of perform the role of outbid, only not with machines, but with domains.

Exchange of sites and domains -

Buying valid domains

For example, you liked a domain and you would like to buy it, but there is no big money for this. You can copy the domain and go to the wonderful resource using this service, you can make an automatic analysis of the site and find out how long the domain has been extended:

As you can see, the lease of my domain will end in 5 months and if I forget to renew it or just don’t want to, then the domain will go on sale and you can buy it at the standard price.

This method is very painstaking, I advise you to monitor several hundred domains at once, then your chances will increase. And of course, you will have to remember about the expiration date of the domain lease, you can write this information into a text document so as not to forget.

Renting out domains

There are times when a person does not have enough money to buy a specific domain. You can offer it an alternative and rent out the domain with a monthly payment. Thus, you can establish passive income.

How much you can earn from selling domains

This, of course, is a question that worries everyone who starts doing this. But it is difficult to assume here, it all depends on your ingenuity. You can sell one single domain and provide this money for your whole life.

But you can also spend several thousand for nothing, and not selling more than one domain.

I have already given examples of the sale of domains on the Russian Internet, now I will tell you about the transactions that took place on the foreign Internet. Prices for domains abroad are very different from ours:

Domains sold overseas

✔ - domain was sold for $ 9,999,950

✔ - sale price $ 7,500,000

So the question of how much you can earn is very difficult to answer.

Also, here's food for thought, you can study the foreign market, as the price of domains there is much higher.

Anna Sudak

# Online business

The most expensive domain name is In 2010, it was acquired by QuinStreet for $ 35.6 million.

Navigating the article

  • Earning money on domain names
  • The essence of the work of exchanges
  • Buying abandoned domains
  • Earnings on domain reselling
  • Earnings without investment
  • Earnings on domain parking

One of the most profitable and easy ways to make money on the Internet is by selling domain names. In this article, we will consider all its aspects and prospects for making a profit, both with and without investments.

Earning money on domain names

With the desire, ingenuity, imagination and speed, you can make good money on the sale of domain names. We have prepared for you a simple step-by-step instruction on how to start a trading business without risks to your wallet.

The first step is registration and verification on domain exchanges. Next, you need to study their functionality and be sure to read the rules.

So, we register on the exchanges:

  • - a platform for secure transactions for the purchase and sale of sites and domains. There is an auction where you can buy a domain for cheap and sell it for much more.
  • Reg is a platform for buying domains. Registration requires proof of identity for the security of you and your future domains.

Registration on Telderi:

  • We go to the site. In the upper right corner, click "Register".
  • We come up with a username and password, enter the current email, captcha.
  • Go to the mailbox and find the letter.
  • Open the letter and follow the link.
  • We get to your personal account.
  • Find the "Financial Information" block and click on the "Inactive" status, as in the picture.
  • Choose a payment system, click on the banner (a picture with the name of the payment system) and go to the payment for activation. We confirm the payment. Only one kopeck will be removed from your account.

Registration for Reg:

  • By analogy with the previous site, click on the "Register" button.
  • Enter your email address and click "Register".
  • We read the notification and go to open the email box.
  • We find the letter and open it.
  • We see the data for entering your personal account. They need to be preserved. Scroll the mouse wheel and continue reading the letter.
  • Find the button "Confirm registration" and press it.
  • After confirming the address, go to your personal account.
  • Coming up with a code word. Write it down so you don't forget. Click "Save".
  • Enter your phone number, click on "Link".
  • Enter the code received in the SMS.
  • Fill out the basic questionnaire, send the requested package of documents. Do not put it off until later, do it right away so you can start practicing as soon as possible.

The essence of the work of exchanges

Now let's take a closer look at the Reg website. So, the service has a service called "Registration of Released Domains". It is paid. Its cost is only 225 rubles. By depositing this money into your account, you can register an expiring domain of any cost, even the maximum one (199 thousand rubles).

The essence of the Reg service: you come to the exchange, participate in the auction, select and register a domain for yourself. Pay 225 rubles and within 14 days pay the rest of the cost of the selected domain name. If you do not, registration will be canceled, money will not be returned. To make money from a purchase, you need to sell a domain at a cost above your costs. You determine the margin yourself. Not sold, remained in the red.

But not everything is as bad as it seems, because you additionally registered on Telderi. It is on this service that the sale of the domain taken from Reg takes place. You exhibit your "product", wait for the buyer to deposit money. After the client pays for the purchase on Telderi, consider the transaction completed, since the buyer will no longer be able to return his money. As soon as the amount is credited to your account, you pay for the domain from Reg and close the deal on Telderi. You leave the difference to yourself. This is your earnings.

Backordered domains can be expensive, with a minimum deposit of RUB 225. 98% of transactions on Telderi are successful, and the cost of domains is always higher than on The biggest danger in this type of earnings is the loss of your investment in the amount of 225 rubles.

Releasing domains should be examined on the first. You choose the right ones, identify their pros and cons. But you can reserve your favorites only on the second day of each month from eight in the morning Moscow time.

The main feature of the Reg service is the constant presence of old domains with high cost. Moreover, they are released every month and are in high demand. In order not to guard them, we recommend that you set up search filters immediately after registration and go to the site on the first day of each month to “skim the cream off”. After all, you will only need to study the offers that the service has selected for you according to your preferences.

Buying abandoned domains

When the second day arrives, go to Reg in the auctions section. Enter the domains you like in the appropriate field. If the system displays a message that there is no domain for the declared parameters, update the statistics until it appears. After the domain has been reserved, you will receive the following message:

Do not forget to check the "Pay in part" box.

Earnings on domain reselling

Once the domain is assigned to you, you need to wait two to four weeks, as the owner can renew the rights to it. If this does not happen, the domain is assigned to you for 14 days. Sell \u200b\u200ba domain, wait for payment, pay and close the deal.

Earnings without investment

You can't make money on domains without investments. We need start-up capital. But you can start with a small amount. On average, domain registration costs $ 2. Agree, you can try.

What are the types of earnings?

  • Domaining - domain registration with subsequent resale. Cybersquatting - domain registration for a specific brand with subsequent resale. Read more about these two ways -.
  • Reseller is an intermediary between a seller and a client. In this case, you can start without investment and earn on the difference by becoming a partner for a domain registrar. A great option for those who have their own client base.
  • Interception of domain names with puzomerkami - search, interception, purchase of domains with high rates: TIC, PR, etc.
  • Renting out - providing a domain to a client on a lease basis.
  • Domain parking is the redirection of visitors who come from a domain to another site or page. Let's consider it in more detail.

Earnings on domain parking

Domain parking - using a domain without a website hosted on it.

How to make money on domain parking? The essence of such earnings is advertising. For example, you bought a domain and it is idle for you. In order not to lose money, use it for advertising. Find a parking space, place it, and the service will automatically start loading ads that match the domain's topic and pay you a percentage for each click on it. The income from this way of earning is distributed between you, the "valet" and the advertising partner.

For domain parking, it is better to use the services of professional providers, such as.

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Franchise and supplier offerings

Business plan of the enterprise for roasting coffee "KrasKof"

The total investment costs amount to 4.3 million rubles. The planned indicators are expected to be reached by the 9th month of the project.

An entrepreneur who has decided to organize his own boat station must have at least one million rubles at his disposal. If from the very beginning there is a great demand, then all investments can be recouped ...

The total cost of opening a specialized furniture store is 3.5 million rubles. The revenue of a furniture store in a small town with a population of up to 500 thousand people is ...

The production of the first batch of skateboards will require at least 5 million rubles. The cost of making one skateboard is from 500 rubles. Payback period of skateboard manufacturing business with ...

Applying fire protection can be both a good separate business and a development of an existing one based on fire safety. There will always be a demand for such services, therefore such an undertaking has ...

A jewelry store is a lucrative business. The high mark-up on the product provides a good income, which is about 300 thousand rubles per month.

A simple show-room, not elite, can be opened for up to one million rubles. Show-room, which offers trade in branded items, in which presentations are held, shows and offers ...

You can effectively sell through letters in almost any business. Let's consider a case of one round. medium sized agencies to understand how you can effectively sell with emails.

Resale domain names far from new, but not quite ancient way of making money on the Internet. Cybersquatting, as it is also called domain reselling, is considered a fairly profitable business. Having parked the demanded domain, you can sell it several times more expensive after a while, which will recoup all costs.

With the growing popularity of the World Wide Web, today both large and small businesses have their own website on the Internet. All webinars, conferences and trainings say the same thing: "if your business is not on the Internet, it has no future." Hence the demand for new domain zones, creative names, and redemption of names.

The essence of domain reselling

The bottom line is simple: track and acquire domains that have become vacant for some reason, or borrow (buy) those that are consonant with the names of large companies, and sooner or later they will need them.

Domain reselling work is suitable even for a beginner. It is based on a fairly easy principle of action, the main thing is:

  • Ability to competently negotiate a sale.
  • Have a small amount of finance to purchase the first batch of addresses.
  • Have basic skills in buying, parking, or renting domains.

Secondary knowledge includes the concepts of "Tit", "PR", "DMOZ", "Yandex.Catalogue", "hosting", what are NS and DNS domains. The designation and brief description of these concepts are easy to find and study on the net, information is in the public domain.

Why keep track of already taken domain names?

For the most ridiculous reasons, even large companies sometimes do not renew their leases, although the company itself is not yet going to close. It happens that the one who was entrusted with monitoring the renewal did not have time, forgot, elementary negligence worked or the habit of doing everything at the last moment. And now you have a chance to have time to register it for yourself and then resell the domain of the same company, but for different money.

The fact is that the address of the site where the resource is found on the Internet is acquired by the project owner for only one year, after which it must be renewed. It should be noted that domains in the "ru" zone cost about 190 rubles on average. At the end of the year, one month is given for registration of subsequent use. If during this period the ownership is not paid, any user has the right to purchase and register the domain name.

Experienced cybersquatters can make good money by registering a domain for themselves in time. To some, such actions may seem illegal, but in fact everything is within the law and does not entail any violations.

Another reason is when the site is closed altogether. If it had a good, short and competent name from the SEO point of view, it is also worth registering for yourself, because, as they say, “a holy place is never empty”.

Features of earnings on domain resale

It is worth remembering that not every domain has value, and not every domain can be resold profitably. Some domains will not be in demand. For example, such a site address as does not have much weight. But the domain, which consists of a high-frequency request, will already have a six-figure amount.

Here is a real-life example of how someone made good money on this kind of resale. Until 2009, the social network Vkontakte had the domain, and in September of the same year, following foreign trends, it acquired the domain name The most interesting thing is that this domain has already been occupied since 1997 and various internet junk was placed on it. The amount of the transaction was naturally not disclosed, but I dare to assume that the amount was substantial.

So, we see that keywords, as well as Internet trends, are of great importance in determining value.
To make money on domain reselling as efficient and profitable as possible, you should adhere to certain rules.

1. You should not tell the domain seller for what purpose you are interested and want to purchase it. If he finds out the true goal (that in the future this resource will be resold), then he will promptly raise the price on it, which will further affect profits.

2. When acting as an intermediary, it is not necessary to disclose who the buyer is. This may affect the value of the domain, or the seller decides to refuse cooperation altogether.

If you managed to buy a domain with the parameters described above for one hundred rubles, it can be sold for a thousand. Significantly the cost can increase the site attachment of several pages. Later, the domain can be sold together with the resource, and besides this, you can earn a good amount on the site itself, in the process of selling the domain. After all, the acquired domain can be resold within a year, starting from the first month.

There are also domains on which a one-page site hangs with information about the sale and a form for sending your offer.

Summarize. Making money on domain resale is a profitable business. Low cost, although it depends more on the scope of the activity; Relatively little knowledge and time to acquire them; Patience, because you don't always know when you will be able to resell a domain.

For my part, I wish you successful earnings.