Montage of photos in Photoshop. Photoshop lesson: do a photomontage using online photoshop. How to combine photos in Photoshop

The program, created by the specialists of "PHOTO STREET", allows you to carry out photomontage of the face online for free. You just need to select one of the templates, special effects or tools available in the program's set and apply it to edit your photo. You can also apply all sorts of frames and other effects to any photo that can significantly improve the quality of the picture.

It should be noted that online face photomontage is absolutely free and without the need to study some popular graphic products... Absolutely any action performed through such an online editing program on the network makes the process of photomontage free and available to many users. The quality of the resulting photo, it should be mentioned, is also at the highest level.

Advantages of the online photo editor

Free photomontage carried out online through our website is not only of high quality, but also very fast. All you need to do to start editing is just three simple steps:

  • Select the necessary special effects from the online editing service;
  • Upload a photo required for editing from a computer or other source;
  • Choose the most optimal effect online and save the photo;

After the edited photo is ready, the online editing program allows you to do almost anything with it - send it to your own gallery, save it on your computer, and also add it to friends. Due to the huge variety of modern functionality, as well as ease of use, the free online photo editor from "PHOTO STREET" is very easy to use and allows you to quickly and efficiently change photos.

The variety of effects available on the portal allows you to create almost anything with a photo. The main thing is to know what exactly you want to get in the end. After that, the photos obtained through the use of the service can be admired for no reason and with great pleasure. This is a very quick and practical way of obtaining photographs, which does not require various kinds of programs and special skills.

"Based on this simplest editing, I will try to show how I make fabulous images.

For editing we need: source photo (fabulous photo), original photo (real real photo), all sorts of bells and whistles - hair brushes, eyelashes, flickering cliparts. I will try to find gadgets and upload them for download.

In order to create a montage, you need to choose the right photos (head tilt is very important, as well as a suitable this person style, nature of the source). In Photoshop, open two photos, which we will combine and select a single size for them: menu Image - Image size. The resolution (for example, 200 pixels per inch) and the size in centimeters of the print (approximately here) must match.

The next step is to transfer one image to another. Take the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the area that we will transfer. Then press Ctrl + C (or menu Image - Copy). Go to the source of the image and press Ctrl + V (or the Image menu - Paste).

Take the Move tool and drag the face onto the face of the fairytale character. Use the Erase Tool to slightly cleanse the face from unnecessary fragments.

Next, we need the faces to match in size and location. To do this, go to the Edit - Free Transform menu. A selected area appears, hold down Shift and grab the corner of the transformed area and begin to move downward (until the size coincides), if the mouse is slightly moved away from the corner, it will take the shape of a double arrow - you can rotate the image in a circle. Adjust the size and position of the face, press Enter.

This is how it should come out as a result. Next, select the Eraser tool. At the top, under the menu bar, are the tool options. Choose a soft brush, opacity and pressure - 100% each. Carefully adjusting the size of the tool, we finally erase all unnecessary things, so that only the face remains (without hair, neck, ear, etc.).
As you can see in the photo, on the right side there are additional functions - windows (I have layers, operation and history). If something did not work out in a step, you can always undo it in the History window. It is advisable to carry out all manipulations on different layers (the Layers window), duplicating them (right-click on the layer - create a duplicate layer) or creating new ones (at the bottom of the window on the panel, the Create new layer button). This workpiece with intermediate layers can be saved (for editing) in PSD format.

In addition to the Erase tool, you can use such a function as Layer mask to edit the image (i.e., repair with the possibility of recovery). This function is available in the lower panel of the Layers window (the second from the left is an envelope with a circle). Just press this button while on the layer that you will be editing. When we press this button, a window appears next to our layer - a thumbnail image of the layer mask. For editing, click on this window to make it active (if we want to work with the image, and not with the layer mask, then click on the image). Then we take a brush, and remember that the Black brush will, as it were, erase (in fact, just hide), and the White brush will return (the action is the opposite).

Using the brush, you can change the parameters at your discretion (opacity, pressure, diameter, type of brush). Everything we do is reflected in a miniature window - painted over in black and white ...
the good thing about this feature is that it allows unlimited editing at any stage of the work ...
thus you can use both tools: Erase or layer mask. Eraser erases irrevocably (but you still need to be able to use it), and the Layer Mask allows you to edit and return to its previous state ... try different options, the more workouts, the better the result ...

Then we will adjust the color, saturation of the face to the original image. To do this (while we are doing all the manipulations with the Face layer), go to the Image menu - Correction. There are many submenus for various image adjustments, there is automatic settings, they are needed for minor auto-correction of an already finished photograph, for montages you have to do it manually

So, we start correcting the face, we need to bring it as close to the source as possible in color.
In Adjustments, select Hue / Saturation. A window with three sliders appears. Here, I recommend, do not touch the upper scale, it is very sensitive, and we will edit the color tone elsewhere.
The Saturation scale, here I moved the slider to the left, removing the color saturation of the face. Scale Brightness - look here along the way, I shifted a little to the right. When given view correction is finished, click OK.

Next, select Color Balance in Adjustments. The window settings should be as in my photo. There are also three scales, divided by color: cyan - red, magenta - green, yellow - blue. Moving the sliders, we select the necessary color solutions for our face. Also, you can slightly adjust the source with the Color Balance (if desired).

Now, about no less important thing - "implanting" the face into the source. We have already picked up the color, saturation, size, rotation, but the face is still like a mask. Take the Brush tool (settings like mine - soft round brush, opacity and pressure about 22 -25, normal blending mode). Now how to work with a brush: bring the brush to the area that you want to paint and in the neighborhood, holding down the Alt button (an eyedropper appears for a set of color swatches), left-click. Here, our brush automatically has the color we need, and with it we begin to gently paint and smear along the border of the layers. do not forget that we can undo any action in the History window. Then, on the face, you need to add shadows (on the area near the neck, under the hair, etc.), here we take a black brush and with the same settings as we used to draw the shadow, preferably on a new layer, so that in which case they can be removed later ...

Upon closer examination, it should not be seen that the face is not native. It is necessary to treat this part of the work very carefully, otherwise it will look unnatural.

Next, I decided to add (draw) some hair in order to better hide the traces of editing))).
To do this, you need to load hair brushes into Photoshop (there are no standard sets of them, they are downloaded separately), as well as, at the same time, eyelash brushes.
After you download them, you need to load them into Photoshop: menu Edit - Manage Libraries - Brush Library, Load, find the path to the brushes, select the one you want, load, click Finish. The brush appears in the brush set.
Then we look for the desired one (either through the settings panel or through the brush window - at the top in the right corner).
Create a new layer and paint the hair with a brush. We select the size (by the way, the size of the brushes and all tools can be adjusted with the X (smaller) and b (larger) buttons). Now we need to choose the color of the strand, you can use the way I described above, or by clicking on the two colored squares on the toolbar, a window with the Color Picker will drop out and there you can pick a color with an eyedropper.

We chose the color, size, now we put it in the right place and press the left mouse button, as if stamping. In this case, the opacity and pressure of the brush should be 100%. And so several times, changing color, size. Further, if the slope of the hair does not correspond to the slope of the head, adjust it using Free Transform (see above).

For clarity, if you leave only this layer with hair, it should look something like this.

Now we will draw the eyelashes. Choose an eyelash brush (there is a separate brush for each eye, as well as separate lower and upper eyelashes). Take the color black, opacity and 100% pressure. We draw each eyelash on a separate layer so that later we can fit it to the eye.

Here it is shown more closely where to put the brush.

We adjust each eyelash to the size of the eye, change (if necessary) the slope. We do all this with the Free Transform tool.

This is what should be the result.
You can also add shadows on a separate layer with a soft brush with an opacity and pressure from 25 to 30%. And you need to place this layer under the layers with eyelashes (in the layers window, just drag the layer with shadows under the layers with eyelashes).

When the main work on implanting the face into the base is finished, then you can add some decorations or the corresponding clipart. I had shiny things. In general, here fantasy can roam, you can make some additions with brushes, additional pictures, etc.

Now let's do a little magic to make the picture look like on a canvas and "glowing from within" and more magical ...
First, create a new layer on top of the others and use the Fill tool (similar to a jug) to fill the layer with a beige color (100% opacity, normal mode). Next, let's use the Filter menu. It is full of all sorts of interesting filters to create various effects on the photo.
Choose the submenu Texture - Texturizer.

A window with a Texturizer appears. On the left we see our picture and what is happening to it, in the middle there are filter options in the Texture submenu (so as not to go far and go from one function to another without leaving the filter window), on the right are the parameters.
I chose a texture - canvas, scale 107%, relief 4, lights up and left. Here you can experiment as you like, to your taste. All are selected and installed, click OK.

Then go to the Layers window and at the top change the Blending Mode from Normal to Soft.
This is how we should get it.

Now you need to create a new layer (do not forget to periodically save the working file in PSD format) and make the following manipulation called Print visible (layers): press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E (English) simultaneously. In this layer, all previous layers are merged into one, while maintaining the floor with this layer.
Next, let's use Curves. Curves are needed to balance color / light.

In the window that appears, set 2 sliders diagonally as in the picture, then moving one by one, adjust the desired color / lightness ... this step can not be done if you are completely satisfied with the previously obtained result

A car crossing the vastness of the Galaxy, or a child trapped inside a cartoon - with modern programs there is nothing impossible for photo processing! If earlier magic transformations were available only to professionals, now anyone can learn how to make a photomontage and turn an ordinary picture into an exceptional one. All it takes is imagination and PhotoMASTER.

The program allows you to quickly and efficiently replace the background in the picture, getting an amazing result without special skills. Read the article and you will find out how to achieve such frames in a matter of minutes.

Step # 1. Upload snapshot

The first thing to do is on a PC or laptop. It will take no more than two minutes to unpack and install "PhotoMASTER", and then you can safely start transformations.

In the start window of the program, click on the command "Open photo" and add the original snapshot.

If the loaded file is in RAW format, the software will automatically offer a choice of several preprocessing presets for "developing" the raw image. If the photo is in JPEG format and needs a basic improvement, use the tone controls in the General tab.

Correct the photo before editing

Step # 2. Separate the subject from the background

To make a photo montage on your computer, open the menu "Tools" and find the item "Background replacement".

Your task at this stage is to separate the subject or person in the picture from everything else. To do this, the program offers fairly simple tools - multi-colored brushes to distinguish between the object and the background, as well as an eraser with an adjustable size for precise correction of shortcomings.

Use a green brush to paint over the subject in the frame. You don't need to paint over the entire surface - just outline the general shape.

Draw a subject in the photo

Use a red brush to mark the background around the shape. Reduce the thickness of the painting if you want to outline small areas of the background. If you accidentally drove over the edges - not scary! Use your eraser to fix the error.

Mark the background in the photo

To evaluate the result, reduce the transparency of the background to a minimum.

This is how the photo will look after removing the background

Don't be afraid to experiment - you can use this function for other purposes as well. For example, if you want to replace a face in a photo, be in the place of a movie character or next to your favorite actor. To do this, select with a brush "An object" the face in the original image, and everything else as the background.

Step # 3. Adjust the borders

Click "Further" and "PhotoMASTER" will offer to clarify the boundaries of the object. To do this, you need to use brushes again. "An object" and "Background"... The first restores accidentally deleted areas of the image, and the second erases unnecessary ones. You can change the size and feathering of the brushes for more convenience.

Adjust the size of the brush and refine the boundaries of the subject in the photo

Zoom to 100% to see more "raw" parts. So you can make a photomontage from your photos of higher quality and more impressive.

Step # 4. Choose a new background

Now you have to decide on a new background for the picture. Show your imagination - let the result be unexpected! Take a look at the collection of pictures offered by "PhotoMASTER". There you will find more than a dozen options - from European landscapes to outer space. Just click "Select an image for the background" and pick a picture you like.

In addition, in "PhotoMASTER" you can make a photomontage using your image. To do this, click "Download" and add the file. If necessary, stretch the original photo or change the position of the subject in the frame. When you are happy with the result, save it by clicking the "Apply" button.

Choose a new background for a photo from the program catalog or upload your own picture

There are final touches left! Take advantage of the regulators "Feathering" and "Borders"to perfect the result. The first setting is useful in order to soften the edges, the second - to reduce or, conversely, increase the boundaries of the object. Additionally "twist" the indicator on the scale "Adapting colors to the background", this will help to achieve the most naturalistic effect.

Feather the edges of the subject to make it look more natural against the new background

Using the command "Save image with transparent background» you will get a picture with a cropped object in PNG format, this will allow you to further superimpose the same photo on other pictures without repeating the cropping procedure. Yet more possibilities for a convenient photomontage!

Step # 5. Save the result

If you want, you can continue, crop the image, tone it, or apply an effect. "PhotoMASTER" provides an extensive collection of ready-made processing styles. You will find them by referring to the menu "Effects"... By applying filters, the composition will look holistic and organic.

Use the effects from the collection of the program to give the picture "zest"

When you're done perfecting the photo, press the button "Save", enter the file name - and you're done!

By replacing the background, you can embody the most unusual ideas, making the photomontage of your photos on a computer even brighter and more original. Swap faces in photos, place new objects or people in the frame, travel through space and time! "PhotoMASTER" will help you in all this.

The editor will help you out in any situation related to the need to quickly and efficiently process the image. Correction of exposure and color balance, elimination of imperfections in portraits, decoration, restoration of old photographs and even - "PhotoMASTER" functionality will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding user. Download the program and see how effective it is!

Our blog website always open for cooperation with new authors of articles on photography and photo editing.

Recently wrote to us Pavel Nikolaev(retouching studio Re-touch) and offered an article on photomontage. The article turned out to be very interesting and certainly deserves publication.

I want to talk about how to independently make a photo montage and replace the background in a photo, as well as make the picture more realistic using shadows. Worked in photoshop... The sequence of photo processing can be different, the main thing is to follow the movements of the layers.

So let's get started.

Photo montage of kitchen photos

Original photo:

Photo clipping and background removal

First, I create a duplicate layer in Photoshop by dragging the main layer onto the New Layer icon.

Disable or delete the main layer and start clipping. I am using the tool pen or pen tool... To make the photomontage as accurate as possible, I put dots on the greatly enlarged image.

When the kitchen is highlighted, I go to Paths and while holding down the Ctrl key, I press the left mouse button on the image.

Now I go back to Layers and create a mask on the selected image. This way I will hide the unnecessary area, which will not be visible due to the mask, and can adjust it as needed. If the kitchen disappeared and not the background, click Shift + Ctrl + I (inverse selection in photoshop).

Before I continue to work on replacing the background, I need to do some retouching. appearance kitchen.

In this case, it is the extension of the kitchen panel for the hood and the extension of the hood pipe.

This is very easy to do.

I use just one tool and a couple of keys. First, I'm going to install a photo of the kitchen panel. I select the required area with a frame in the area free of shadows and click Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

I have a new layer. It's a little small for the part I need to close. I multiply it by pressing a couple of times Ctrl + J, apply strips to each other and combine them into one layer (select all three layers, and then click Ctrl + E).

Renaming to Panel and continue to work. In the same way, I select a piece of pipe and substitute it, but do not attach it to the kitchen. The brown panel will lie under the kitchen clipping layer, and the pipe layer over kitchen (remember to rename the layers, this will streamline your work).

Definitely a layer Panel is still far from the ideal image.

With help Curves and Hue / Saturation I adjust the color to the closest match to the original. To Curves and Hue / Saturation did not affect the picture as a whole, but only the layer Panel, when creating adjustment layers, I press Alt and put a checkmark in front of the caption Use previous layer to create clipping mask in the window that appears.

Replacing the background

Now I'm going to start the next part of the photomontage work and create a beautiful background for the photo.

First of all, on a new layer, which will always lie on top, create the geometry of the space. There are various options to hold multiple parallel and perpendicular stripes. I am using my favorite pen.

This is what happens in the end.

The next stage in the background replacement work is the walls.

I had a ready-made piece of wall for a photomontage of the size I needed. I dragged it onto the photo I'm working with and continue to refine the picture.

After renaming the layer, turn on the transformation of the layer (by pressing Ctrl + T - activate the function free transform in Photoshop) and right-click on the frame, select distort and pulling my wall around the corners, attaching it to the corners of the room, the borders with the ceiling and floor. I insert the second wall in the same way.

Create a separate folder for each wall.

Since there will be more adjustment layers to work with each element of the collage, I am in no hurry to insert the floor and ceiling - first, I will deal with the walls.

I work with each one separately. I attach an adjustment layer to the wall layer Curves... Raise the overall curve a little and select the gradient in the helpers. To prevent the wall from looking monochromatic and boring, I add a few more spots and gradients in the curves.

The second wall is done in the same way.

I also have a template for mounting a photo of the floor. It is not difficult to assemble it from one square of parquet or laminate with simple steps - Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to the desired size.

Then I insert the finished floor into the photo using Free transform and distort.

Here I also use curves and gradients. I don't use any special tools. Everything is easy and simple.

Ceiling photomontage is the easiest to do. My way is in Photoshop, on a new layer I draw the borders with the walls with a feather and fill it with a light gray color. Then I do in Curves gradient (fill the corner with dark) and the ceiling is almost done.

Photo Editing - Skirting & Shadows

Now I'm moving on to the fun part of photomontage in Photoshop - creating shadows and bringing the photo to life.

Before starting to work with shadows, I will imagine where the light is coming from into the kitchen and start painting. I made different shadows in different ways, which allows processing photos in Photoshop. But always with the help Curves and masks. They help to quickly change the intensity and shape of the shadow.

The first shadow I will have over the kitchen in the corner. Having roughly imagined how it should look, I draw a couple of triangles on a new layer, fill it with black, make Gaussian blur... I set a blur of a suitable size, choose the optimal layer intensity in Opacity. If necessary, I go over the shadow with a brush with soft edges and remove the excess.

I make new layers in curves for almost every shadow, as the intensity can vary. Thus, I apply shadows wherever they are needed. Do not forget about the pipe from the hood and multilayer shadows for this difficult area.

The reflections on the floor follow. By their saturation, you can judge how glossy the floor you "put" in the photo when replacing the background. Sometimes I do with reflections the same way as with shadows - on a new layer I draw a strip of the desired size and color, and then in Blur I turn it into a soft, barely noticeable cloud.

And sometimes I just copy the main image into Free transformturn it over, give it the desired shape, change the intensity, and the realistic reflection is done.

But that's not all. The finishing touch to photomontage is skirting boards.

You can draw the baseboard yourself, or you can find a ready-made strip and stretch it to the desired size.

In my case, this is a finished skirting board. I only gave him direction in Free transform, made a mask in Curves and applied a gradient, since every detail of the picture should be as realistic as possible and similar to what we see around us every day.

Usually we are surrounded by voluminous objects with many shadows and reflections. To make the baseboard realistic, I repeat the sketch of the baseboard with a simple eraser with a hard edge and a couple of movements in the photo clipping mask. Now it has a shape and looks like a real one.

I think that photomontage in Photoshop can be considered successfully completed at the level of a professional retouching studio.


For readers who have recently decided to study the lessons of online photoshop, let me remind you: The site publishes articles and highlights issues on working only with the online version of the Photoshop program.

If you have any questions about working in the offline version of the PHOTOSHOP program - you can get answers to them on the forum On this forum, there are a lot of questions about offline photoshop and other rafic editors, many questions regarding software in general are considered.

Do you want to make a surprise for your friend, friend, beloved? Do you want to surprise her (him) with your creativity, make a birthday present ?, just present your work? Photo montage is just what you need. Moreover, we have on our site !all! what is needed for this.

On our site there are (archives) templates for photomontage, image editor - (online photoshop). You just have to find a suitable photo of your friend, friend or beloved in order to implement it in the editing. Next, we will trace the entire process of creating a photomontage step by step and in detail.

In order to figure out how to make a photomontage online, using templates for photoshop that are on our website, and online photoshop, we have everything you need. To create a photomontage, we will take a template called " Cosmonaut ".

We must first unzip this template to any place convenient for you. Then this template will be needed in our "Photoshop" type editor.

The procedure for loading a template into the editor is simple ... She has already been considered in the use of Russian free online photoshop. Therefore, it makes no sense to dwell on it in detail, especially this procedure described in our articles - earlier.

Next, we need to select a photo from which we will cut the head. and insert it into the picture with the astronaut. In your case, this is a photo of your friend, girlfriend. In order to understand how to correctly make a photomontage, you can use the photo that we have prepared. Here's what we have selected for this purpose.

First, let's upload this photo to online photoshop. As you can see in the picture on the left in the photo, a person's hair is disheveled. This will complicate the process of cutting the head a little. You also need to first take into account the tilt, turn of the head in the photo, so that as a result of insertion, the photomontage is of high quality.

Now let's look at the process of cutting out the head and neck. In order to make it more convenient for us to work, we will first increase the image to a size convenient for us so that we can see the head and neck as a whole.

On the toolbar
- select the Lasso tool, and then at the top under horizontal menu, select the Polygonal lasso tool. Also, we need to remember to set "Feather" \u003d 10 to soften the edges. Now we start selection.

With the help of the selected tool and clicking periodically along the edge, we outline the head and neck in our picture. We will try to clearly convey the edges of the image.

After we selected the head and neck - our selection is now limited to a flashing dotted line. Press Ctrl + C in order to copy the selection to the clipboard.

The selected anti-aliasing "Feather" - will give you smooth edges around the cut area.

Now let's make the template with the astronaut active and press Ctrl + V in order to paste the cut-out part into the picture with the astronaut. As a result of insertion, we got an additional layer. Which we can rename as we need. What we got - you see in the picture on the left.

Next, with the "head and neck" layer active, which we just inserted, we need to press the combination ctrl keys + T, in order to highlight the "head and neck". We do this in order to reduce its size in relation to the body.

Then we need to hold down the Shift key and drag the selection corner in order to keep the proportions to reduce the size of the head and neck to the size we need, commensurate with the body.

Note that the cosmonaut's torso is "real" even smaller because he is wearing a spacesuit. And so that as a result of reduction, you do not get a cartoon, as happens with a very large head, in relation to the body.

After we have reached the size we need when decreasing- press the Enter key in order to commit the changes made. Now move the head layer a little in order to choose the most correct position.

Then grab the Eraser tool and set the Blur to 15 and Opasity to 30, and tweak the neck and hair to give it the most realistic look. Here's what we got. (On right). Click to enlarge the picture.

Now you need to connect all the layers.
To do this, move the mouse over the layers panel and click right button mouse. AT context menu select "Merge visible". After that, you need to save your work on your computer, not forgetting to set the maximum quality. Here's what we ended up with after saving.

A small note. As we said above, before making a photomontage, you should always study the layout and the part (usually the head) that you will "introduce" into the layout when creating a photo montage. The turn of the head is important here, and other characteristics, depending on the layout, that must be taken into account earlier.

* Attention!Here, as in our other articles, recommendations are givenwhich will allow you to do all the necessary operations to work in online photoshop and create a photomontage online. In this article, as in others, we describe an example of how to create a photomontage. As well as the method described above, there are other options for selecting, and performing trimming operations as well as other operations. In any case, you must decide how to perform this or that operation in a given situation.

Author: Rishar
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