Incompatible programs with windows 7. How do I automatically configure the compatibility of a program with the operating system? How to run a program in compatibility mode from the shortcut menu of a shortcut or application property

The two previous issues of the magazine (TechNet February 2010 and March 2010) discussed how you can easily use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) or Hyper-V hosted virtual desktops to build your infrastructure remote applications... In such an environment, users connect to individual applications or entire desktops hosted on a corporate server. Because applications are remote, as long as users have access to the network (or even the Internet), it doesn't matter where they are physically. Connected users only need a few mouse clicks to access the tools they need.

The methods described in the previous two installments of this column are very important in understanding today's release. To a large extent, the alternative software delivery mechanisms described in them almost completely change the idea of \u200b\u200bhow users connect to the applications they need.

Let's say you have three legacy applications in your small environment that have only slight differences in needs and performance. Consider how you would provide users with access to these programs (assuming they need to upgrade to Windows 7) under the following conditions:

  • Appendix A works seamlessly on Windows XP or Windows 7, but administering its many configurations and standard updates is a nightmare. However, Application A works great in the environment Windows Server 2008.
  • Appendix B runs on Windows XP, but not on Windows 7. This is a fairly lightweight program and is used by a small number of users.
  • Application C also has compatibility issues with Windows 7, but unlike Application B, it requires significant resources, while Application C only needs one or two users.

Each of these applications requires a different approach to deliver to users. App A should be easy. Because it runs on Windows Server 2008, it is an immediate candidate for RDS hosting. And numerous configurations and frequent updates allow you to install all configurations on the RDS server at once, which will allow each user to get the desired application, and the burden on administrators will decrease.

Appendices B and C will be a little more difficult to understand. They are not compatible with Windows 7, so they will not work on Windows Server 2008. As mentioned, Application B is needed by a small number of users and is relatively resource intensive. This allows it to be placed in a pool of virtual desktops served by Hyper-V and RDS.

Application C has a high resource requirement, which limits the number of concurrent virtual desktops that can be hosted on a single Hyper-V server. Since only one or two users need this application, it makes a good candidate for hosting in compatibility mode with Windows XP.


Of course, the best option is to limit the number of applications that need Windows XP compatibility mode. This is due to the lack of tools for automation and centralized management of services and virtual machines this mode. Windows XP compatibility mode is intended to address limited use issues only in small to medium sized environments.

Deploying files virtual machine on the client disk requires manual operations or scripted solutions. No centralized management tools for compatibility mode settings or policies. You will need to manually install applications and patches on each instance of the Windows XP Compatibility Mode virtual machines or use specialized tools such as Windows Server Update Services or System Center Essentials.

You will also need to install and manage client protections, such as firewall and antivirus software, on each Windows XP compatibility mode virtual machine, as well as on the client machines themselves, doubling the administrative burden. Also be aware that Windows XP compatibility mode does not support 3D applications. And, if your environment requires a lot of automation or contains widespread applications, you should consider using Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V), which is only available to enterprises as part of microsoft package Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP).

Windows XP compatibility mode also has serious hardware requirements: the computer must support hardware virtualization (which can be checked microsoft tools HAV Detection Tool), CPU resources and random access memory should be sufficient to simultaneously support the primary machine and its secondary virtual imageand while a 64-bit operating system is not formally required, it is often not possible to bypass the RAM limitations inherent in Microsoft 32-bit operating systems without it.

Difficulties can also arise - it all depends on the planning of creating virtual machines in compatibility mode with Windows XP. Each time you install Windows XP Compatibility Mode, the Windows XP virtual machine is deployed as a VHD file. The Windows 7 host license grants the user unlimited access to this virtual machine, but only to it. You can create your own custom virtual machine for compatibility mode with Windows XP, but then you have to spend on an additional license.

When setting compatibility mode with Windows XP, you will have to install Windows Virtual PC. All this can be found on the page windows boot Virtual PC. There are also separate links for these two components, and it is suggested to install Windows XP compatibility mode first.

With both components installed, open Start and launch Windows XP Mode from windows folders Virtual PC. When you start compatibility mode with Windows XP for the first time, you are prompted to specify the installation folder, as well as the username and password of the XPMUser account (see figure). It is a local account on the primary OS and is a member of the Local Administrators group. It will be used to launch applications in Windows XP mode from the main OS.

Upon completion of the installation wizard, the guest OS will be launched by default and logged in. The window of the newly launched guest OS is shown in the figure. The machine is named in the format \\\\\\\\ VirtualXP-xxxxx, where xxxxx is a random set of numbers. She is a member of a workgroup, but can be joined to a domain if a domain account context is required.

We are now ready for the final step - installing the application on the guest OS. This can be done either manually or using an application deployment solution. A guest application installed to run in Windows XP compatibility mode can be launched automatically from the Start menu of the host machine ( fig. 3).

To use Startup Integration, you must log off and close the guest virtual machine before starting the guest virtual machine from the Start menu of the host computer. Alternatively, users can run the full desktop of the guest virtual machine by clicking the link marked Windows XP Mode. If the guest VM is not in use, it hibernates, which reduces the time it takes to restart it when needed again.

As you can see, Windows XP compatibility mode does provide virtualization on the desktop as well as an OS inside another OS. It also provides a mechanism to completely eliminate the complexities of compatibility by providing a supported operating system. Although the Windows XP compatibility mode administration tools are limited and the hardware requirements are high, this solution still removes the barriers to OS upgrades. Just don't forget that this is just one of the options for solving your problems.

Favorite games and familiar programs cannot be replaced with new ones. When Microsoft releases a new OS, program compatibility from previous ones is the first feature that developers think about. But sometimes an attempt to start the old one leads to an error. Are Microsoft employees so inattentive about their work?

No, the fact is that for outdated software it is recommended to enable compatibility mode, which by default does not work 100%

How to run old software on a new OS

Despite numerous changes in Windows 8.1 and 10, they support programs for XP and 7 with few exceptions. Windows 8 compatibility issues do occur, but this is 1 in 100 cases. The same happens with applications for XP and OS previously released. The encountered problem is the impossibility of starting an old game.

What is Compatibility Mode? If the software or 3D-toy was made for win2000, then it probably won't work on Vista. The point is in the different OS structures. Software is created to work in a specific environment. Getting into an unfamiliar one, it does not start or functions with errors. Windows compatibility is a way to "slip" an application with the data of the old OS that is present in the new one. But sometimes the need to launch such functionality is unreasonable.

The developed software regularly receives new installers. It makes no sense to run the old antivirus on the eight or ten when it has already been updated 10 times. So first check if there is a new "build". The only exceptions are programs in the past releases of which useful functions, for some reason not implemented in the updates. For the old application in the new OS to work correctly and without failures, it is recommended to set the compatibility mode. This is not a special program for running old games or software: everything is implemented standard means Windows.

Outdated programs and games in the "eight" (or 8.1)

How to make the game compatible with Windows 8? You have a retro game lying around or old program, which has no worthy analogues, but it does not start or is "buggy" on the G8? Running old games on Windows 7 or 8 can be made stable. To do this, click on the shortcut right click and call the context menu. Pay attention to the item "Properties". Launch and select the Compatibility tab.

This window presents the necessary parameters to help put compatibility on Windows 8 for legacy applications

It will be easier to run old programs on Windows 7, if you know for sure what OS your game is released for, then select this operating system for the "Run program in compatibility mode for ..." option. According to statistics, 90% of applications conflicting with Windows 8 and 8.1 work without problems in compatibility with XP Service Pack 2 or 3. Select the desired option, click “Apply” and “OK”. If the first time "does not start", try other options, remembering to click on the "Apply" button.

If you're wondering how to turn off Compatibility Mode in Windows 7, just follow the steps above in reverse order. But that's only basic setup... The Compatibility tab in the properties of the application shortcut also offers advanced customization:

  1. reduced color mode;
  2. lowering the display resolution;
  3. disable image scaling for modern screens.

Color reduction

Games and applications for legacy OS were created to run on computers with monitors that had an image resolution of 640X480 or 800X600 pixels. Modern video cards and monitors offer resolutions up to 2000-3000 pixels. You need to configure Compatibility View settings. It is recommended to run such software in color. By activating the mode, you will run the program with the permission for which it is intended. In the "Compatibility" tab, check the box next to the corresponding item and select the appropriate color option - 8 or 16 bits.

Using a different screen resolution

Older games were made for 640X480 screens. This resolution is supported in modern monitor models, but not used. Sometimes the Windows 7 compatibility issue lies in the stretched image.

To run old games in a new OS, use the "Use 640X480 screen resolution" option

Disable picture scaling

If a computer program or a video game was intended to be launched on monitors 10-20 years ago, on new displays they are distorted - the image is stretched and smeared. To prevent this from happening, check the box next to "Disable image scaling ...". Now the picture looks correct.

Is there ever a completely incompatible windows application 7 Not often. It is not recommended to enable compatibility mode for such applications:

  1. antivirus software;
  2. garbage cleaners;
  3. hard disk utilities;
  4. tweakers.

This is the risk of breaking the stability of the OS.

Automatic application of parameters

Windows has special software that determines the correct launch mode for outdated applications and games. This is a good test for compatibility with Windows 7, 8 or 10. To start, use the context menu of the installer file. At the top, click on the line "Fix compatibility problems".

A new window will open, offering two options: using the recommended parameters and diagnostics

The first point comes up. Select: a new window will open, which displays the proposed parameters for a correct launch for the program. The item "Check program" will help to test the proposed parameters in practice. By clicking on the button, you run the application with these parameters. If OK, save the result. The application will now automatically launch as needed, with the required options.

The diagnostic item helps to select options for a correct launch, based on problems with the application.

By editing the registry

You can enable Windows 7, 8, or 10 compatibility using the registry. This method is used in rare cases, as there are enough other methods. For curious users to run a game in compatibility mode or an outdated application:

  • Click on "Start".
  • In the "Run" field, type cmd and press Enter.
  • In the opened window command line type regedit and Enter.
The registry editor will start, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ AppCompatFlags \\ Layers branch
  • In the empty space of the right half of the window, right-click and select "New".
  • Here choose to create a "String Parameter".
  • The parameter name is the full path to the executable file of the program for which you are configuring compatibility with Windows 7, for example.
  • Now right click on the parameter name and open Edit.
  • In the line "Value" write down one of the following options:
  1. WIN7RTM - to set compatibility with the "seven";
  2. VISTARTM - for whist;
  3. VISTASP1 - "whists" with service pack 1;
  4. VISTASP2 - "whists" with service pack 2;
  5. WINXPSP2 - for ex-pi with service pack 2;
  6. WINXPSP3 - EXP with Service Pack 3;
  7. WIN2000 - for Windows 2000;
  8. NT4SP5 - for Windows NT 4th version;
  9. WIN98 - for Windows 98;
  10. WIN95 - Windows 95.
  • Do you intend to open the program in compatibility mode with admin rights? After the choice above, add the word RUNASADMIN (separate with a space).
  • Now find the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ AppCompatFlags \\ Layers.
  • Repeat steps 5 - 10 for this branch.
  • Save and restart your computer.

Now you know how to enable compatibility mode on Windows7, 8 10.


If the computer is used by two or three or another number of users under separate accounts, it is recommended to apply the program compatibility settings for the accounts. Otherwise, having booted under a different login, you will have to configure from scratch. To do this, go to the OS under the administrator account... Applying compatibility mode as the first method (in the shortcut menu), apply the item "Change settings for all users". Now the program runs with the same characteristics on all accounts.

Users are faced with cases when outdated software does not start after the performed manipulations and no program for game compatibility on Widows 7 helps. But this does not mean that there are no chances to use the "prehistoric" program or play a retro game. What to do? The answer is! It is a program that creates an environment for running the OS inside the OS. On Windows 10, you will be able to run Windows 2000 or XP and install the application or toy of interest in the virtual machine in the native environment. An example of a virtual machine is the Virtualbox program. This method is reliable and guarantees full compatibility. For a virtual machine to run smoothly, you need an advanced PC.

You bought yourself new computer with established operating system Windows 8, or installed it instead of the proven Windows XP or 7. You start customizing the Windows 8 Start screen, looking for ways to get your gadgets back on your desktop. But with the installation of programs familiar to work, not everything is so smooth.

After starting some of them, an information window may appear "This program has compatibility issues."... The point is that not all developers are remaking utilities for new operating systems.

Of course, there is a solution to this issue. It is necessary to configure the compatibility mode of the program with Windows 8. Thus, it will think that it is launched in an earlier version of the OS.

Please note that this mode should not be applied to antivirus programs, archivers or system utilities... As a result, this can lead to their incorrect operation.

So, the first thing to do is go to the utility developer's website and see if it is available for download a new version... This must be done in the case when all the archives of the utilities are stored on your computer, and after each reinstallation of the OS, you install programs with their help.

If you downloaded the installation file from the developer's site, and it is still not compatible with Window 8, then you need to do the following.

Automatic diagnostics

Windows has a built-in helper that can identify and resolve a compatibility issue.

To do this, right-click on the program shortcut on the desktop, or on its installation file, and select the item context menu "Fixes compatibility issues".

Then it is proposed to select one of the diagnostic modes. When choosing Use Recommended Options - the system will launch the utility in test mode and will itself determine the appropriate parameters. Select the "Diagnostics ..." mode if you yourself can indicate the compatibility problems that have arisen.

We click on the first item. In the next window, click "Check the program ...", the process will be similar to the installation process. Then click Next.

If everything worked out, click "Yes, save these parameters for the program"... If the problem persists, select the second option. Then you can independently mark the compatibility problem and select the OS version in which the utility worked.

Manual troubleshooting

Click on the program shortcut on the desktop with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

Now go to the tab "Compatibility"... Button Run Compatibility Troubleshooter will allow you to complete all the steps from the previous point. Check the box "Run the program in compatibility mode for" and select your operating system. If you have old utilitythat uses limited colors, select Reduced Color Mode.

If its operation requires administrator rights, check the box "Run this program as administrator" (if you are logged into the system under an account without administrator rights, this field will be inactive).

To apply the configured settings to all users, click "Change settings for all users".

To save the compatibility settings, click "OK".

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If you decide to find out how to enable or disable compatibility mode in the Windows operating system, then you have definitely come to the right place. But first, let's answer this question: what is compatibility mode? What is it for?

So the compatibility mode in Windows 7 or 10 is special functionthat allows you to run an application designed for previous versions of the operating system. Perhaps this description turned out to be quite complicated for you, so let's take a closer look at this with a specific example.

So, a certain developer (let's call him Valery) created the VolterSide program (the name of the program is taken arbitrarily) and released this product for the operating room windows systems XP. For users of this software everything was fine until it was time to upgrade your computer or laptop to a more advanced version of the OS called Windows 7 (or 10). As it turned out, VolterSide does not open on the installed system. Users involuntarily begin to think: why does the application not work on the new modern system, when the old one opens everything perfectly?

The fact is that Valery did not release an update for his product that would introduce support for new operating systems. His program has remained in the past. But what about those people who need modernity in terms of the operating system? They will not use Windows XP, for example, because VolterSide works only in this version. windows systems... This is where the compatibility mode in Windows 7 or 10 can come to the rescue.

But it is also worth paying attention to the fact that this function will help not only the applications, but also the drivers. That is, if you have speakers (keyboard, monitor - whatever), and for some reason they stopped working after updating the OS, then you can try to run and install their drivers in compatibility mode.

How do I enable Compatibility Mode in Windows 7 or 10?


Well, here we come to the main issue of today's discussion. We will not pull the rubber for a long time and go straight to your actions:

  1. We find a shortcut (or original file) for starting a program or driver that you could not start.
  2. Click on it with the right mouse button and go to "Troubleshoot Compatibility".
  3. Now you need to read carefully what the help windows offer. First, we select the operating mode of our assistant: program diagnostics. Click "Next".
  4. A window will ask you what problems you noticed at startup. In our case, the first option about the operation of the application in previous versions of Windows is suitable.
  5. Next, we select the very version of the operating system in which you had everything great. For example, it was Windows Vista... So we click on it, and then click "Next". If you are not sure which version was suitable for the software (for example, when you first download the application to your computer), then you will have to try each one.
  6. Now the troubleshooting window will show a small report on what we have chosen. If everything is correct, then click on the "Run the program" button.
  7. After successfully launching the application, be sure to save these parameters for the program. If not, try other solutions or send a report to Microsoft. Unfortunately, the chances of getting an answer are very small. But if there are enough such letters to them, then they can fix the problem in future updates.

Changing parameters manually. Turn on or off the mode yourself

The previous method, of course, has not been canceled, but it takes some time. If you do not need the system to analyze and test the program itself, then you can manually configure the parameters yourself. The method is practically no different from the previous one in terms of how to set compatibility mode in Windows 7 or 10. You can also not only enable, but also safely disable it. So, let's begin:

  1. As in the previous instruction, right-click on the shortcut or the original of the program. But now you will need to select the last item "Properties".
  2. In the window that appears, open the "Compatibility" tab and click the checkmark next to the item about starting the program in compatibility mode.
  3. In the field located just below, you must select the version of the operating system.
  4. If necessary, you can set some parameters (Use of 256 colors, special screen resolution and others). This can also play a role when running in compatibility mode.
  5. Click "Apply" and then "OK". Now you can try to run the program or driver.
  6. To disable this feature, you just need to uncheck the box that you put in the second step.

Does not help? No problem!

In fact, this mode helps in isolated cases. Because practically all of their programs are prepared by well-known manufacturers and developers to work with new operating systems. Otherwise, it may be when the problems are not at all related to the fact that the software is intended for other OS versions. Then you can try to diagnose (first instruction, second point). Only this time we choose not the first option, but put a tick opposite the others. So, by elimination, you can identify the real problem.


Summing up today's discussion on how to enable or disable Compatibility Mode in Windows 10 or 7, we can say this: the function is really useful and necessary. It can help when other means are either unavailable or powerless. Therefore, do not underestimate the built-in capabilities of the operating room. microsoft systems and put an end to them. We share in the comments: were you able to run the program or driver in compatibility mode? If not, what method helped you?

Most programs written for Windows XP, Vista work with the version of Windows 7, but some older programs may not work correctly or not work at all. If a program written for an earlier windows versionsis not working correctly, you can change the program compatibility settings manually or by using the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter.

If changing the settings does not solve the problem, visit the software manufacturer's website for an update.

Compatibility of programs

Compatibility of programs - this is windows modewhich allows you to execute programs written for more early versions Windows


  • Do not use the Legacy Compatibility Troubleshooter antivirus software, disk utilities or others system programssince using outdated programs this type can lead to data loss or create a security risk.
  • Some compatibility issues can be caused by drivers. If the old driver is causing problems, you must manually update it.
  • You can also open the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter by right-clicking the program icon and choosing

Follow the directions in the troubleshooter. If you cannot install the program, paste it installation disk and use this tool to find the program installation file, usually Setup.exe, Install.exe, etc. Troubleshooter does not support work with programs that have a filename extension MSI

Manually change compatibility settings

To manually change the compatibility settings for a program, right-click the program icon, select Properties and then a tab Compatibility

Parameter Selection Help

Running programs with parameters previous version Windows. Enable this option if you know that the program is designed for (or worked in) a particular previous version of Windows.

Run in 256 color mode - Limiting the set of colors in the program. Some older programs use a limited set of colors.

Use 640 screen resolution? 480 - Launching the program in a smaller window. Enable this option if the graphical user interface has a jagged outline or does not reproduce correctly

Disable visual skins - Disable themes in the program. Enable this option if you have problems with menus or buttons in the program title bar.

Disable desktop creation - Disable transparency and others additional opportunities screen. Enable this option if windows move erratically or have other image problems

Disable image scaling when high definition screen - Disable automatic resizing of programs when using large print. Enable this setting if large fonts break appearance programs.

Rights level - Run the program as administrator. Some programs require administrator rights to work properly. This option is available only when logged in with an administrator account.

Change settings for all users - Selection of parameters that will be applied to all users of this computer.