Print puzzles for adults. Exciting tasks, puzzles and rebuses for adults and children (11 photos). Logic problems for adults

In order to find the answer to the problems presented, you do not need three-level formulas, an engineering calculator, and long calculations. Logic, imagination and the ability to look at things from a different angle will allow you, like Archimedes, to exclaim "Eureka" 10 times during the reading of this post.

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Ferry, ferry

This is a very ancient mystery known to many peoples. The puzzle about a wolf, a goat and a cabbage has many variations, one of them tells about two jealous married couples, and in the animated series "The Simpsons" in the episode of season 20, Homer had to transport baby Maggie, a dog and a can of rat poison across the river.
Conditions for the option with animals and cabbage: the peasant must be transported in a boat across the river with a wolf, a goat and a cabbage. The boat can only accommodate two passengers (cabbage is also considered a passenger). It is clear that a wolf with a goat, and a goat with a cabbage cannot be left alone. How can a peasant transport his acquired back-breaking labor to the other side?

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The first thing to do is to transport the goat, leaving the wolf to be sad in the company of cabbage. Return for a predator or a vegetable, transport it to the other side and take the goat with you. Leave the artiodactyl at the starting point, take what is left, swim to the other side and return for the goat. How a wolf, a goat and a cabbage will peacefully exist on the other side is a completely different story.


They say that such a problem is given to Chinese first-graders, or rather to children entering the first grade, and given 20 seconds to solve it. What is the number of the parking space that covers the red.

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If you have this problem in front of you on a piece of paper, and not on a computer screen, then the solution can come faster, because the puzzle just needs to be turned over. Press ctrl + alt + down on your keyboard and see which digit it closes (to return the monitor to the initial state, press ctrl + alt + up). Did you meet 20 seconds?

Jewish question

This question was once upon a time in the game “What? Where? When?". It sounded something like this: an American journalist in an article about relations between the United States and Israel argued that the United States is literally located in the very center of Jerusalem and proved this with the help of a headline. How, in the opinion of an American journalist, the United States is in the center of Jerusalem?

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In order to understand the logic of the journalist, you need to write the name of the holy city in English. JerUSAlem heading the article is American. 3: 0 in favor of experts.


Thirty seconds are given for this task. It is necessary to prove why this equality is true. Time has gone.

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Here ctrl + alt + down will come to the rescue again. It turns out that eight \u003d 8, that is, eight \u003d 8.

Lamp problem

Imagine two rooms separated by a wall with an opaque door. You are in a room with three switches, and in the next room there are three lamps hanging from the ceiling, each of which corresponds to one of the switches. You need to find out which lamp corresponds to which switch, while you can enter a room with lamps only once. The light from under the door does not break through, you cannot look through the crack, there are no windows or holes in the wall.

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It is necessary to do this: press on. on two switches. You are waiting.
Turn off one of them. You go to the room with light bulbs. One is on, the other two are not, but one of the non-working should be still hot. Carefully touch the light bulbs and solve the riddle.

Already unbearable to marry

Riddle-tale about marriage. The king has three daughters. A handsome prince arrives in the kingdom and asks urgently to marry him one of the girls, no matter which one. The tsar, instead of asking his daughters which of them wants to get married, arranges something like a competition. Which of the daughters has a pot of water boiling faster, she will live with the prince and make good money. The conditions are equal: the pots are of the same volume, the water is poured equally, the heating temperature is also the same for everyone. And another important condition: the youngest daughter is not going to get married yet and does not really want to win in the tournament, the middle one wants to screw up from the regal dad as soon as possible, and the eldest simply dreams of this very prince and does not like him. Which of the daughters ended up boiling faster?

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Longing for a prince, the eldest daughter and dreaming of leaving the parental home, the middle one, kept opening the lids of their pots, thereby lowering the temperature of the water. But the youngest was quietly sitting on a chair, painting her toenails, whistling a funny melody, not touching the saucepan, and eventually got married.

You need to know the classics

Since we have already remembered three sisters, then here's a question for you. What kind of mysterious "Renix" adorned the notebook of a student of one seminary, what does that mean?

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In Chekhov's Three Sisters, Masha's husband says: “In some seminary, a teacher wrote“ nonsense ”on an essay, and a student read“ Renix ”- I thought it was written in Latin.” So “Renix” is nonsense, but not in Latin, but in Russian capital letters.

Mysterious death

In the biography of Homer by an unknown author, who is usually called Pseudo-Plutarch, it is said about how an elderly poet asked the gods about his place of birth. The gods told the poet that he was born on the island of Ios and advised him to beware of the mysterious words of the boys. So the storyteller came to Ios. Once he was sitting on the stones on the seashore and saw (with this fake Plutarch he is not blind) young fishermen passing by. Homer inquired about the catch. The guys who did not catch anything answered him: "Everything that we caught, we left behind, everything that we did not catch, we carry with us." According to Pseudo-Plutarch's version, the legendary storyteller died of despondency, never finding a decoding of the mysterious words of the fishermen. What did the little inhabitants of the island of Ios mean?

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The anglers meant lice. In the absence of a bite, they caught lice on themselves and threw them into the sea. Those who could not be caught were left to live in their tunics.

Who is heavier?

These three cubes are made of the same material, the holes in them are of the same diameter, are through and perpendicular to the edges. Your task is to determine the heaviest and lightest cube.

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The heaviest is the second, the lightest is the first. The more holes intersect inside the cube, the heavier it is.

Black and white rebus

In the finale there is a sly rebus. What word is encrypted here?

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This "wheel" is formed by forty letters "A". Answer: Soroka

Puzzles for adults are interesting riddles in pictures. Rebus is a game in which words are encrypted using pictures, and sometimes whole phrases or sayings. Along with drawings, the picture may contain letters, numbers, signs, symbols. Rebus, of course, are also divided by the level of difficulty, and first you need to solve only the simplest puzzles in order to understand their principle, and only then you can start decoding whole sentences. In any case, it doesn't matter at what age you decide to learn how to solve puzzles, this is a very useful activity in order to usefully spend your leisure time.

Let's first take a look at those puzzles, which you can even draw yourself on paper and invite your family members to solve them. These are puzzles with spatial prepositions, that is, when decoding, you can add to the word "at", "above", "on", "under", "for", "by", "from", "before", "y" , "from". For example, you see that the picture in the foreground shows two letters "KA", they are drawn voluminous and bright, and the letter "Z" is depicted in the background, you should immediately understand that "Z" stands for "KA", and based on this, substitute the correct spatial preposition and decipher the word, that is, in this case the word "ZA-KA-Z" was encrypted.

The next rebus is perfect for those who have already graduated from high school, because it will mention such a mathematical symbol as "pi", which looks like an uppercase "P". The picture shows a large letter "O", inside the oval of which is the letter "Pi". Surely, if a child comes up to his father and asks what word is encrypted here, he will be able to guess that it is "Pi-V-O".

More complex puzzles with answers contain not only letters, but also images and signs, for example, the rebus consists of a large letter "O", in the center of which roses are depicted, and after the letter "O" there are two commas and three more letters "BEY" are written. Of course, a spatial preposition is used here, because the letter "O" contains roses. After the first part of the rebus, which can be deciphered as "B-O-ROSE", there are two commas, which indicate that the last two letters must be removed from this word, that is, we get the word "B-O-RO" and we also add "BEY", and it becomes clear that the word "Sparrow" was encrypted, which is not a puzzle for you with answers in the Russian language.

Of course, the most interesting puzzle-puzzles for adults will contain only letters and, depending on their location relative to each other, the word will be determined. This is how the word "Sole" can be encrypted: in the figure, the letter "O" is written in the upper part, a line is drawn under it, and below it is the letter "A" inside which is written "Ш".

You can also compose others, for example, the words "Mail", this is when the capital letter "H" is drawn "that". And the word “head” can also be encrypted very simply, it is enough to write “holo” in the capital letter “A”.

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Do you know how they checked the logic of the scouts? And what riddle was used to determine the degree of development of logical thinking among schoolchildren in Soviet times? No? Then we advise you to visit this site. On it, you will not only find answers to these questions, but you can also test yourself for attentiveness, and also determine if you have the makings of an analyst and a talent as a strategist. In any case, you will not regret visiting this site, because you will have an interesting and useful time.

If you want to develop your intelligence, to be known as an interesting and erudite interlocutor with whom you are not bored either at a party or on the road, then you should visit the puzzle site. Having looked here once, you will surely become a regular visitor, because here are collected logic tasks for every taste. For supporters of the exact sciences - assignments in mathematics and physics, for lovers of fine literature - charades, anagrams and pseudoscientific nonsense, and for those who just like to have fun - frivolous problems.

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Do you like puzzling over logical problems and finding non-standard solutions? Do you consider yourself an erudite and think that there is no question to which you would not know the answer? Do you love trick puzzles? Then you have come to the right place. The site offered to your attention contains logic tasks for every taste. By their vote, users have identified three interesting puzzles. Want to know which ones? Click on the website address, go to home page and go for it.

Do you think you can handle any brain-breaking task? Are you considered a polymath and crack the hardest logic puzzles like nuts? Then welcome to the world of logic and non-standard solutions! The site that we recommend to visit contains more than one puzzle that intellectual analysts broke their teeth about, who more than once proved that they had logical thinking and the ability to calculate possible options. Face off against the best and may the strongest win in the end!

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The presence of logic, the ability to act in extreme situations and make quick decisions are often decisive in building a successful career. The author of this site proposes to check how flexible your thinking is and whether you are able to see a way out where it seems to be not. The puzzles collected here will allow you to evaluate your own capabilities and decide what kind of activity you should do better. Simple tasks that not every adult can find answers to.

This site deserves your attention because you won't find such a diverse collection of puzzles anywhere else. Questions for erudition will force you to revive the knowledge gained in school years in memory, paradoxes will teach you to look for non-standard solutions, card problems will improve attention and memory, and sophisms will prove that even illogical statements contain logic. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive new puzzles by mail. You can also upload your own puzzles on the site.

It would seem, what could be simpler and more primitive than an ordinary match? But with these mini-sticks, you can come up with fascinating puzzles that will make you sweat and break your head. The authors of this site have posted on its pages a selection of logical puzzles with matches. From them it is required to assemble figures, solve tricks and remake examples so that you get the right answer. An interesting activity that will give food to the brain and help to switch to positive.

On this site you will find riddles, flash games, puzzles and photo fun. However, most of this resource is devoted to puzzles. Convenient grouping by topics will allow you to choose puzzles about winter, animals, physics, computer science, geography and birds at will. For those who are just taking their first steps on the path of solving riddles, the authors of the site have posted a hint article, which tells about methods for solving these fascinating puzzles. We wish you an interesting and useful time!


Various types of puzzles for adults will help you develop memory and intelligence - logic problems, difficult, funny or tricky questions, a variety of intellectual math games.

Logic games and puzzles for adults

No need to solve a variety of logic puzzles high level education, starting to solve them is a useful activity for absolutely everyone.A variety of riddles with a trick for adults train non-standard thinking, which will help in everyday life find rational solutions faster in difficult everyday situations.

Riddles for adults

This type of task will allow you to immediately check the correctness of the solution you have found. Why are these short riddles? You can thematically, according to the answers, make a selection for a certain holiday or feast in order to entertain guests. Trick riddles, tasks that will make your friends laugh, or math tasks work well, depending on who you invite.

With a trick

In tasks with a trick, the question itself often looks illogical at first glance, for example: what language is spoken in silence? When the answer is announced, the first reaction of a person manifests itself as disagreement with him. At first glance, the question and the chosen answer are connected in an unusual way and with double overtones. But after thinking a little, you cannot help but agree that such a daring decision is correct and very logical (answer: in sign language).


It is a pleasure to play solving funny riddles. While your guests will express their answers to tricky questions, the whole company is guaranteed to be shaken by explosions of laughter.


In such riddles, you need to guess the given figure, or calculate the result, relying not so much on arithmetic as on ingenuity. An answer that looks obvious and seems to lie on the surface is often wrong.

Mind games

Logic problems for adults are multi-step combinations for training thinking. To solve them correctly, you need to think through the actions several steps ahead. Such tasks are relatively difficult, they often come in the form of original pictures, where you need to rearrange or add some elements.

Logic problems for adults

Logical problems often involve the use of materials at hand: matches, paper, pencils, etc. The solution of such tasks is multi-step, it requires building a strategy - for example, calculating how to put matches or connect dots in a certain way.

The main thing when solving puzzles is to figure out exactly how to name the image in the picture (for example, a hedgehog and a hedgehog, one and a unit - the meaning is the same, but when you replace one word with another, the puzzle "will not give in").

You can guess a whole sentence, or maybe you only come across one word - all the same, the rebus does not contain any spaces or any semantic punctuation marks, and this is very important to take into account when trying to "read" the pictures: one image may turn out to be not only the end some word, but also the beginning of the next.

If under the picture there is a number and a letter with an equal sign between them, you need to count the letter in the decoded word, the ordinal number of which in the word indicates the number, and replace it with the letter from the equality.

If images, letters or numbers of appreciably different sizes (some smaller) are located nearby, then they need to be read by adding the prepositions "U" or "at" before the words or between them.

It happens that under the picture there is a list of numbers, then it is in this order that the name of the depicted object should be "read" letter by letter.

If there is a directional arrow next to the numbers, letters or pictures, as if showing the direction of their movement, then between them you need to "see the" preposition "from" or "to".

Puzzles for children

However, if adults also join in solving them, they will only benefit: they will once again practice how to do it, and make sure that they have the skills.

Puzzles for adults (also for smart adults)

Since any work must have a logical conclusion, then all the puzzles presented here with answers.

Answers to puzzles for adults and children

Answers to puzzles for adults and children who are interesting and incredibly useful for any opportunity to exercise your mind, as well as solving any other logical problems. I name them in the same order as the puzzles with pictures that you recently had on the page were placed in, I want to believe, with pleasure, to solve.

The very first rebus in the article, intended for children, is at the very beginning of the article. I hope you solved it as successfully as all the others, broken down into categories.

So, the first answer to the puzzle is that the word "schoolboy" is encrypted in the picture.

Answers to other puzzles for children:

1. Mobile phone.
2. Hare.

Answers to puzzles for adults:

1. Stimulation.
2. We solve problems.
3. Brain development.
4. Exercise your brain.
5. Intellectual level.