Homemade radar detector circuit. We are assembling a personal short-range radar. Data and Observations

How to make a large radar in cs go to see the entire map?

If you play with the default radar settings, you won't be able to see the entire map. Experienced players keep their radar on the radar at all times (not literally, of course, but you get the idea). This is necessary in order to understand where both the player’s team members and opponents are located (or at least where the opponents were recently located).

Opponents are indicated by red dots on the radar. Within a few seconds after the opponent disappears from view, a red question mark is displayed on the radar.

Here's how to enable radar in cs go - drawradar
Here's how to disable the radar in cs go - hideradar
cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.6 - size of icons on the radar (range: 0 to 1)
cl_radar_scale 0.4 - map scale (range: 0.2 - 1)
cl_radar_always_centered 0 - offset of the radar center towards the map visibility, 1 - you are the center of the radar
cl_radar_rotate 1 - enable map rotation, 0 - disable
cl_hud_radar_scale 1 - radar size (Range: 0.8 to 1.3)
hud_scaling 0.95 - interface size (0.95 to 0.5)

drawradar - turns on the radar

If you want to turn off the radar in cs go again, then write this command in the console:

hideradar - turns off the radar

How to configure the radar in CS GO using console commands?

I often took advantage of the radar map view.

For example, if I'm at point A and my team members are rushing to point B, and I don't have time to figure it out in chat, then it will clearly show up on the radar. In addition, if someone on your team spots a terrorist with a bomb, it will appear on the radar.

This screenshot shows what we want to achieve:

  • A radar where the player is always in the center.
  • Radar on which the entire map is visible.
  • Enlarged radar (zoomed in).
  • Larger icons. This will make it easier for you to spot your team members/enemies (optional).
  • Minimap (in general).

Now let's move on to the settings. You will need to put these in your file called config (also called autoexec). We'll look at each setting option in turn. This way you will know what it does and can customize the radar to suit your preferences.

If you just want settings, you can scroll down the page. They are given at the very end of the article.

First of all, we don't want the radar to always be centered, since that would waste a lot of screen space when it's near the edge of the map.

To do this, you need to change the parameter in the corresponding line to “0”:

cl_radar_always_centered “0”

Do you see? Almost half of the space is occupied by the black area. If the radar is not always centered, we will be able to see large areas of the map.

The next thing we need to do is zoom out on the map. This way we can see even more.

Set the following parameter value:

cl_radar_scale “0.3”

Before this we could not see the entire map. After changing the settings, all map areas are permanently displayed on the radar. This is very convenient during respawns, when you don’t know where your team members are - you can always see them.

Script to increase the size of the radar (Zoom script)

We have come up with a small script that allows you to increase/decrease the size of the radar; this can be done by simply pressing “+” or “-”.

In your config or autoexec file, specify the following:

// Radar scaling
bind “KP_plus” “incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05”;
bind “KP_minus” “incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05”;

When reducing the size of the radar, some details may be overlooked. To compensate for this inconvenience, we can increase the scale of the radar.

To do this you need to use the command:

cl_hud_radar_scale “1.15”

As you can see, the scale has increased. I calculated that 1.15 is the optimal ratio, which allows you to easily distinguish details, but at the same time the radar image does not take up much space on the screen. You can experiment with other values.

This step is optional, but I used it. It increases the size of the icons displayed on the radar, which can also be useful.

cl_radar_icon_scale_min “1”

Final radar settings in CS GO

Now we can evaluate the changed settings of the radar, on which the entire map is constantly visible. Compare them with standard parameters:

It turned out very cool.

The only drawback of the new settings is the low detail of the map, but as the radar size increases, the details become easier to discern. However, if you know the map well, this will not complicate your life much.

Optimized radar settings (initial settings)

cl_radar_always_centered “0” (“1”)
cl_radar_scale “0.3” (“0.7”)
cl_hud_radar_scale “1.15” (“1”)
cl_radar_icon_scale_min “1” (“0.6”)

Two parameters remained unchanged:

cl_radar_rotate “1”
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard “1”

Practice shows that quite often everything home-made, if done well, works better than the mass-produced one. This is due to the fact that manual assembly, unlike mass assembly, is performed most carefully. In addition, you can assemble with your own hands something that is not commercially available at all. One such problem is how to make a radar. There are anti-radars and radar detectors on sale, but it is almost impossible to buy a radar itself, such as the one used by the traffic police. This special equipment does not go on sale and is therefore virtually unavailable, regardless of its price. Although if it were on sale, then it would be the price of modern electronic systems designed to control the speed of cars by the traffic police that would become the main obstacle to its acquisition.

When considering how to include a radar among your DIY electronic devices, you must first of all understand where to get the components to assemble this rather complex device. The components include a good digital video camera and a device for laser measurement of the speed of moving objects, which can be purchased in specialized stores for aircraft modeling enthusiasts. In addition, connecting cords will be needed that will allow the laser speedometer readings and the image from the video camera to be transferred to the computer, and then record these readings along with the image of the moving car. You will also need a body problem solver, how to install a radar consisting of two separate named electronic devices, so that both the camera and the laser speed meter “look” at the same object.

A laser speed meter works on the principle of recording the time after which a laser beam, pulsed by the device, reflected from the surface of a moving object, returns to the device. Such fixation when measuring speed is carried out up to 10 times, after which the device displays on its display the result of measuring the speed of the object at which it was pointed. In fact, this is a radar, and the camera is needed only to reliably record the results. The only question that remains is how to connect the radar to the computer. For this you need USB cable, since this device has standard settings to transfer information to a computer. In the same way, through another USB port The video camera is connected to the computer using the second cable.

The camera and device are placed together in a housing that rigidly fixes them and allows both devices to “look” at the same moving object. All devices turn on simultaneously, then the image received from the camera in online mode remains in the lower open window, and is superimposed on top of it in another window smaller size image obtained from a laser speed meter. The Camtasia Studio program is installed on the computer, which allows you to record everything that happens on the monitor; this program is configured according to the instructions included with it and runs in recording mode. As a result, it becomes clear how to use the radar: having turned everything on, you should point the body with the camera and meter at a moving object, and then record combined images of the moving object and speed readings from the computer monitor.

Having the skills to work with microcontrollers, you can make a radar yourself using microcircuits, a set of wires, an infrared sensor and other devices. It is also necessary to have a diagram for further assembly.

You will need

  • - skills in working with radio equipment and microcontrollers.


  • You can purchase all these devices at special points of sale of radio equipment. You also need skills in working with microcontrollers. If you don't have one, you simply won't be able to read the diagram.
  • Create a radar chip using the drawing from the link above. After this, assemble the device. Select a suitable housing and drill 36 holes for indicators in it. Once the radar circuit is complete, feed each of its wires through a hole in the wall of the enclosure. Connect the infrared sensor and power supply to this device, configure the antenna and go to the software part.
  • Perform servo control in the form of interrupts and timers. Generate a signal of 50 hertz, then go to the LED display device. These indicators are regulated using triggers. Configure the system to update this data and then display it using an infrared sensor.
  • Also use a voltage converter. A more detailed diagram of the operation of such devices is covered in specialized literature. Test your device; if malfunctions occur, try replacing the board components.

    Probably every driver has at least once thought about gettingradar detector, especially after another traffic police racket on the road. Let's get to work! But let's be clear right away:radar detector is a suppressive devicepolice radar, and assembling it is a very difficult task. Here we will look at a simpler radar detector circuit - the so-calledradar - a detector that signals an inspector scanning your car.

    To measure the speed of a car, the traffic police radar receives radiation reflected from the car, and the radar detector receives direct radiation, so the radar detector is always able to detect the radar earlier in time than it measures the speed of the car! So, if a traffic cop scans from his radar 500 m from the car, this is the range of the Visir device, then before the car approaches a visible distance of 100 m, you have the opportunity to slow down.

    This radar detector circuit is quite common on the Internet, and although I personally did not assemble it, I had to repair such a homemade device. There the microwave diode - detector stood in a small funnel made of tin and the entire structure fit into a housing soldered from foil PCB, the size of a pack of cigarettes. During microwave irradiation it blinked and beeped. Here is another version of the radar detector circuit from the magazine Radio:

    All radars used by the traffic police operate with frequencies of 10525 MHz, 24150 MHz and 34700 MHz. These radar detectors are capable of detecting them all.

    Settings radar detector circuitscan be performed while standing close to the person with the radar;

    Or, so as not to light up, near a stationary radar camera:

    Sometimes they are placed a couple of kilometers in front of the traffic police post:

    Recently, the authorities have adopted: The VIZIR radar video recording speed meter, consists of two independent units - a speed meter and a digital photo and video camera. The camera turns on both automatically when a driving car exceeds a pre-set speed limit, and manually - by a traffic inspector. Outdoor surveillance cameras with built-in radar. The device operates constantly, and if the speed is exceeded, a sensor is activated that activates the camera.