Ssm manager what he does. Who is an SMM manager: signs of professionalism, sources of knowledge. Ways to Promote Free on Instagram

Today there are few people (from among those who are friends with the Internet) who would not have heard of such a specialist as an SMM manager. However, only a few can answer the question "who is he and what he does". And even among employers who post vacancies about the search for this "fashionable" professional, there is no clearly defined understanding of the tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist. However, this does not prevent them from interviewing and hiring people responsible for promotion in social networks, and applicants call themselves experts in this field and put forward requests that sometimes shock even generous "salary givers". So who is he, this unpredictable and so needed SMM manager in our time?

SMM and SMO - what's the difference?

Before talking about the profession itself and its representatives, let's first figure it out with this: what is SMM? how is it different from SMO? what role do these components play in promoting a website / product / company on the Internet?

If we compare it with SEO, then SMO is working directly "on" and "with" the site (internal optimization), and SMM is activity outside of it (external optimization) or marketing in in social networks.

The essence of smm activities

It is aimed at promoting goods and services posted on the site, in social networks, on forums and blogs in order to make them recognizable and thereby attract target visitors - consumers, clients, etc.

SMM activity is often confused with SMO. However, these are two completely different areas of work, designed to achieve the same goal - brand promotion. Unlike SMO, social media marketing does not imply any work directly with the company's website, its content, transformation and optimization. All work is carried out on an external platform and consists in communicating with a potential audience, attracting new subscribers and future customers to the site, as well as in smoothing out conflicts that arise around the company / brand / product through competent responses to negative reviews / comments.

Thus, we can say that SMM is an effective tool for creating a positive image of a company or product, which allows you to quickly convey information about it through active work in social networks.

SMM specialist and boundaries of his responsibility

Now, having some understanding of the essence of smm-activity, you can proceed to discussing the specialists who carry it out. What should be the ideal candidate for this position, what knowledge and skills to own and, finally, what are the main ones in the company?

Let's start with the fact that the profession is relatively new and not yet fully understood by both employers and job seekers in this field. That is why today there is a huge number of so different and often contradictory opinions and ideas regarding the boundaries of the responsibility of an SMM manager. So, for example, he should not be engaged in one-time advertising and PR-campaigns (this is the responsibility of PR and online advertising specialists) or drawing up proposals, maintaining a client (this is the direct task of the account manager).

An SMM manager is a specialist who is responsible for maintaining and in social networks. His duty is to achieve specific tasks assigned to the commercial platform (groups, pages, blogs) by communicating with the target audience in the virtual space. At the same time, the tasks can be different: sales, increasing brand awareness and remembering the product, improving the company's image, etc.

Thus, there are two main areas of work for a social media manager:

  • attracting and increasing audience (subscribers);
  • working with an involved audience (communication, answering questions / comments / working with negative reviews).

What is an SMM manager doing during the day?

Given the above, it is interesting to know how the working day of an SMM specialist goes? In order for his work to be effective, it is important to correctly organize it. So, throughout the day, an SMM person needs:

What is he, an SMM specialist? Qualities required by a professional

Agree, the above tasks cannot be called easy and, of course, not everyone who calls himself "SMM-manager" will be able to do them. What professional and personal qualities should an applicant for this "proud title" have?

In addition, a good specialist must also be technically savvy, possessing social media tools. So, it will not be superfluous to understand analytics and SEO, programming, understand (at least at a basic level) the API of social networks.

Why is it worth "wanting" to become an SMM professional?

Today, it is not so often to meet such a comprehensively developed SMM manager in his field. In the meantime, vacancies appear more and more often on popular job search sites. If you are someone who dreams of a career in the field of social Internet marketing, then reread the article and rate the quality of your knowledge, skills and abilities. Weak points can always be developed, pumped up and built up, the main thing is to have the desire and not be lazy. However, the salary of an SMM manager is one of the incentives to become a real pro and get into good company as this specialist. In some areas, the salary of SMMs reaches the level of 100 thousand rubles or more. Therefore, if you feel the strength in yourself - go for it!

The profession of an SMM manager was finally formed only by 2010, when social networks took a strong position as a platform for business promotion. SMM specialists are responsible for the promotion of brands, goods and services on social networks, and their range of responsibilities strongly depends on the concept of the project. For example, for one project you can do youTube channel designand for another setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte.

Everything that an SMM manager does is aimed at making a profit from social networks. The specialist attracts traffic, works with the audience, forms their opinion about the brand.

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager include:

  1. Strategy Development the company's presence in social networks. A specialist usually forms a clear promotion task: increasing the flow of customers, increasing brand loyalty, detaching from competitors, and so on.
  2. Creation and design thematic communities, groups, pages, publics.
  3. Drawing up media plans and content plans.
  4. Content generation - both with the involvement of "contractors" (designers and copywriters), and without it.
  5. Promotion groups, pages, publics and so on. This includes creating and setting up advertisements, running contests and driving traffic by any other means available.
  6. Analysis conversion rates and adjustment of advertising campaigns depending on the result.
  7. Communication - creating responses to negative and positive messages from users.
  8. Making report and analytical work.

These are the main responsibilities of an SMM manager. Depending on the project, its functions can expand or, vice versa, narrow. For example, groups are often promoted by a team in which one is responsible for the content, the other for advertising, the third for the design, and so on. Many professionals provide additional training to their assistants.

Each project usually has a clear job description for specialists.

Key skills of an SMM manager

Important skills of an SMM manager, without which his services will not have the desired effect, are:

  • sociability: a specialist must be able to communicate with a different audience in its language;
  • equilibrium: it helps to get out of unpleasant situations with dignity;
  • a responsibility: the specialist is obliged to finish what he started and not abandon the project halfway;
  • stress resistance - it is impossible to solve force majeure situations without it;
  • resistance to criticism - without it, it is difficult to see and correct the mistakes made.

These requirements are often found in vacancies. Some companies are ready to conduct training for newcomers, while issuing a minimum wage if they have good personal qualities.

How to find a job for an SMM manager?

An SMM manager must be able to independently search for orders. Many professionals work on freelance and are looking for new clients with the help of:

  • social networks - you can start working page and publish there cases, advice, your thoughts and other interesting content for potential clients;
  • mailings CVs for vacancies on various sites such as HeadHunter, Avito,, and so on;
  • mailing KP - commercial offers - for different companies in which there are no open vacancies, but their presence in social networks is minimal;
  • publication of resume on special portals like Avito and other well-known resources;
  • freelance exchanges type Kwork,, etc.

Over time, many specialists come on the recommendation, and then the SMM-manager does not look for a job - she herself "floats" into his hands. True, this applies only to those who really know their business well and increase the profit of companies through their development in social networks.

How much does a specialist earn? The exact amount depends on the scope of responsibilities, the region of promotion, the company's budget and other factors. For example, the average salary of an experienced specialist in Moscow in May 2016, according to HeadHunter, amounted to 60,000 rubles... Statistics were collected based on 220 vacancies.

Hello, friends! Rimma Belyakina is in touch with you. We continue to get acquainted with the possibilities of transferring our “military work” from offline to online space. Today we will analyze in detail who an SMM manager is, talk about the features of this Internet profession, find out how to become one and start making money remotely.

About that, I wrote in my last article. Let's now take a closer look at the main protagonist of this process - the SMM manager: the master of social networks, the manager of a social media market.

Even babies are now friends with the Internet. The concept “ remote work”Covers an increasing range of offline professions moving to the Internet. And about the not newfangled, but from this no less popular, profession, the SMM manager has heard, if not all, then almost all.

But who is this and what does he do or how he differs from, for example, an internet marketer or content manager, and whether it is different, or is it the same, not everyone can answer right away.

I will reveal to you a "terrible" secret: many have heard about this profession, but no one in the general population really knows what kind of specialty it is and what an SMM manager does. Ask this question to 100 different people, you will get 100 different answers. Even not every employer can cope with the task of defining the scope of duties of a given specialist.

Some, however, have an idea of \u200b\u200bhim as a specialist in creating groups, attracting subscribers and winding up likes. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out together.

Who is an SMM manager

We spend more and more time not in real life, as before, but on social networks: there we communicate, watch films, study, shop. And it's no secret to anyone that you can also earn money there. After all, as you know, demand creates supply. Social networks give us unlimited possibilities.

Have you ever wondered how these opportunities appear, who is behind all this? And behind all this is an SMM manager, a specialist in promotion in social networks. In other interpretations, it is an emissary, a content manager, a digital specialist, and even an internet marketer, although this is not entirely correct. And all this is a person whose priority tasks are to promote the company's sites, goods or services through social platforms.

An SMM manager is a specialist in promoting goods and services, building a brand of companies on the Internet through a set of events in social networks, blogs, forums and other media.

Today, every self-respecting company has its own social media account. Banks, educational institutions, television channels, museums, all trade organizations have their own official pages on the Internet. And they all need a promotion specialist. So the ever-growing popularity of this profession can be envied.

What is he responsible for

Who is an SMM manager, I think we figured it out. Let's now define what he will have to face in the course of his professional activity, and what he will be responsible for.

If we look at the meaning of the English word "manager", we find out that this is a specialist responsible for managing the workflow in the area entrusted to him. In this case, the site is understood as a social media platform, and the workflow is aimed at increasing the number of audience interested in the client's product or service.

Whatever tasks the client sets before the smrler: branding the company, shaping the company's image, sales, etc., the work is mainly carried out in two directions:

  1. Driving traffic (increasing the number of subscribers).
  2. Working with the audience (creating content to maintain interest, communication).

In addition to solving problems, the smrler will have to perform a number of duties.

Responsibilities of the smr.

For example, this is how the SuperJob Research Center describes job responsibilities.

Employers' requirements for SMM specialists may differ depending on the company. Here is one of the advertisements for the SMM manager vacancy.

Not a weak list like that, isn't it? So, if you decide to become a pro in this field, then get ready for the fact that you will have to combine the skills:

  • content manager,
  • copywriter,
  • web designer,
  • PR specialist,
  • marketer,
  • advertiser.

Yes, “this is not an easy job ...” It will take a lot of effort to get the job done, to make it effective and efficient. We need a competent approach and organization. Let's now take a look at how an SMM manager's working day goes.

His working day

Each person, due to their activity and personal qualities, builds the daily routine in their own way. The working day of an SMM specialist is quite intense, I must say. Judge for yourself. During the day, the smrler needs:

  1. Monitor customer accounts (work with comments, messages, eliminate spam, check user publications, reposts to customer pages).
  2. Study statistics on reposts, likes, publications, increasing subscribers, working with hashtags.
  3. Set up targeted advertising to attract target audience.
  4. Work with colleagues: copywriters, designers, technical staff, if any on the staff, as separate units; in the absence of those, all the work on the selection and placement of content will have to be done by yourself.
  5. Conduct meetings / negotiations on Skype or other programs.
  6. Run reports for the past period (working with data from analytics services).
  7. Draw up a content plan for the next period.

Life hack from “experienced”: all the work that needs to be done today needs to be done “yesterday”. Learn to use delayed posting services like SmmBox and you will greatly simplify your life.

Important qualities without which you cannot become an SMM pro

From all of the above, it is clear that you cannot become an SMM manager from a bunch of bugs. You need knowledge, special skills and certain personal qualities. What exactly can a social media market manager do without? What should it be? What skills and skills will be required from him?

  1. Sociability first of all. He must be able to communicate with the target audience, involve and enthrall, in order to come to the final goal - selling a product or service.
  2. Understanding the concept of working with social networks, the ability to select the target audience, social platforms for the sale of goods.
  3. Ability to think systematically: engage in strategic planning.
  4. Ability to set up targeted advertising.
  5. Knowledge of graphic editors and the ability to work with them.
  6. Ability to work with the main tool - content. Here you will need the basics of copywriting and a good knowledge of the Russian language. And knowledge of a foreign language is also a big fat plus in the piggy bank of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  7. Personal qualities such as organization, creativity, an analytical mindset, a healthy sense of humor, an active life position.
  8. The desire to improve and achieve the set goals.

Ideally, of course, to have and combine all these features. But the ideal is an ephemeral concept. However, the desire to strive for it has not been canceled.

Why do you need this profession

And, really, why? Is it right for you? Is it possible, in general, to learn all this and how to calculate your capabilities? What advantages and disadvantages does this job promise you? Where to start and where to look for work? And how much do they pay for it? Surely, all these questions arose in the head of every person who wants to try their hand at SMM promotion. Let's take a look at these questions.

Pros and cons

So, what are the pros and cons you can face in SMM promotion?

  • Demand. Even a crisis and widespread layoffs will not prevent a good smrler from finding a job. The demand for a competent specialist in the field of SMM is steadily growing. Go to any vacancy resource and you will see for yourself.
  • The activity of social networks is developing with enviable constancy. The population, from small to large, has 3 - 4 accounts on the network, and therefore finding your target audience will not be difficult even for a specialist without work experience.
  • It is easier and more profitable to work with advertising on social networks. The promotions are relatively inexpensive.
  • The viral marketing effect (likes and reposts) is working with a bang, attracting more and more subscribers, and therefore potential customers.
  • Useful content, communication with social media users and feedback help to form a positive opinion about the company and build up a client base.
  • You can work both in the office and remotely. With the second option it is also a flexible schedule, and “my own boss - when I want to eat, when I want to sleep”.
  • A large amount of work with the compulsory preparation of analyzes, reports, monitoring.
  • Often irregular working day in front of a computer monitor with health consequences (problems with vision, spine may appear). Skillful use of SMM tools, however, compensates for this.
  • Until now, many employers do not have a complete understanding of the competencies of SMM management and the activities of a specialist in this area, which can lead to disagreements over wages.

Perhaps these are all disadvantages. And if we put them on the scales, it is obvious that the advantages will show a significant advantage. So, you can answer right now why you should engage in SMM promotion.

In addition, it is a rather exciting and dynamic process. You will definitely love it if you are an extrovert. There are such people in my environment. At first, like me, they learned copywriting, then they very quickly went to SMM, because they attracted a more active, “live” format of activity.


How much does a manager earn? Pretty decent. The average salary in the country is 33,000 rubles. But, of course, plus / minus depends on the region, the specifics of the company, agency, the competence of the specialist, the volume of tasks and requirements assigned to him.

Here is detailed information on major cities in Russia. Statistics provided by the research center of the SuperJob portal.

Salary is another good incentive to think about the prospects for the SMM profession. By showing initiative and building up experience in SMM promotion, you can reach the level of 100,000 rubles.


The career prospects are also tempting in terms of career growth. Purposeful and pragmatic, in particular, young people can “rise to the rank of general” in SMM promotion: take a leading position in some Internet project, a leading position in a company, establish their own Internet agency, provide consulting services (which is very expensive) or conduct training courses.

How and where to learn SMM

Training can be obtained both in higher educational institutions at the social and economic faculties of marketing, advertising and PR, as well as at specialized offline, online courses and trainings.

I will highlight the best:

  • Course ”from the ConvertMonster project.
  • Three-month course "CMM-manager" from the online university Netology.
  • The "SMM-manager" course from the Geekbrains portal and the company.

I plan to cover the topic of SMM training in detail in a future article.

You can learn on your own by trial and error. Many people come to this profession from the starting position of the moderator of one group of some social network. But that's pretty long haul, where you will have to attend numerous trainings, webinars, conferences, read a lot of literature. The choice is yours.

Where to find a job

Those wishing to find a job with official employment should first search on job sites, such as:

  •, etc.

Freelancers should also look at, look for offers on thematic publics, forums and social media platforms. Often there you can find good proposals for maintaining groups, publics, blogs.

Better to start small. Working as an assistant to an SMM specialist will allow you to develop the necessary skills, gain sufficient experience, create a cool portfolio of projects and become a professional that employers will chase after.


Now you know who an SMM manager is, what he does and what you need to do to become one. If you seriously decide to devote yourself to SMM promotion, you should work on creating a full-fledged resume, where you need to include all your knowledge, skills and abilities useful for this profession. A real portfolio created with projects that you have curated is your carte blanche into your dream profession.

The joys of knowing you and bright projects!

Surely, you already have a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bwhat SMMs are doing.

Remote SMM Manager is my first specialization in digital (since the end of 2011). After 7 years in this niche, I can quite compose for you a detailed and honest guideline about who an SMM is, what he is responsible for, how to start working, and what employers really need from you.

If you are from areas:

  • internet Marketing;
  • journalism;
  • copywriting;
  • sales.

Migration will be especially easy for you.

SMMers these guys are about texts, sales, analytics and tools.
And a little about courage. Breakthrough solutions and new ideas are appreciated here.

Can you make money?
Yes, on average in the market ~ 35-70 thousand rubles. per month when hired.
Recruitment ceiling: 100-120k.


Smmschik today - who is this in the simplest words

Watch your fingers. Five is enough.

  1. SMM stands for Social Media Marketing, literally for social media marketing.
  2. Marketing we have about 4 main meanings: strategy, product positioning, customer acquisition, sales -and all this in our beloved Vkontakte, Facebook, OK, Instagram (for Runet).
  3. For most businesses, social media is a delicious place where their customers live and spend time. The era of communication in forums and chats is long gone, stagnating by inertia in narrow niches.
  4. Accordingly, social networks have long gone to a promising level in finding clients.
  5. The market has a need for professionals who say in one language with the audience, having a direct or indirect impact on profits.

And here is our SMM man the one who is the connecting link in the chain: business - social media - customer - sales

SMM is still a sales channel that is a piece of the overall Internet marketing pie.

By the way, check out my personal selection from

A full-time SMM specialist is a position that, in theory, combines the following tasks:

- strategy for the development of social accounts of the project
- creating the right content (content management)
- communication with participants (community management)
- sales to clients in private messages (sometimes)
- conducting activities (contests)
- interaction with contractors
- efficiency analytics

Let's simplify all the work to 3 elements.

1. Plan actions to attract clients from social networks on the client's sites (strategy, content plan, targeted advertising)
2. Prepare the ground for sales (perhaps sell by yourself in the absence of a sales manager dedicated to these tasks)
3. And, in fact, to see if it has sold out and how to do more (reporting and planning)

Do you remember that this is only in theory? In fact, requirements and responsibilities can be specific.

Working branches

So where do SMM specialists earn?
Become aware of the features.

Marketing department in the company

Salary: 30,000 - 50,000 thousand rubles / month

Initial skill is often expected from the position TOTAL... Good news. What is it ALL few people understand.
Hiring a specialist (or agency) is more expensive than one workhorse like you.

On the screen, the customer cannot decide on specific tasks and areas of responsibility.

I call it Whipping Boy or Catch Shit.

For example, it is often necessary that you write sales texts, work at a good level in Photoshop, and be at the same time a specialist in targeted advertising.
Add daily reports and you can hang yourself.

One person is rarely capable of universal labor feats.
These are not logical combinations of driver + loader, but of the level of astronomer + hunter, in reality there are (probably), but animals are rare.

Another typical hazy vacancy that implies anything and complete independence.

But, like a real man, you can go to the factory.

And here's the catch.

Anyone who has competencies and knows his own worth does not go to like hiring or going for a very good salary.
Those who know little are not considered by the firm as illiquid without experience.

Vicious circle? But no, I repeat, competent leaders are rare there, so diving in on your own charisma and beautiful promises is not difficult.
And, if you still know how to imitate hectic activity and write reports, there will be incredible freedom.

It is worth remembering that 80% of such vacancies, where it is necessary to combine ALL SMM skills, is professional degradation and sitting out of pants.
The vacancy is made by an even less versed HR.

Let's not consider top companies with their own SMM departments, ordinary little ones hire exactly one person to ask EVERYTHING from him, and there are most of them. In St. Petersburg and Moscow there are much more competent employers.

Knowing the target and what to do with it is imperative, but keeping the site, cough, cough.

If you master well the targeted advertising of at least one social network at the level of "doing well, not just seeing", you will become more attractive to 80% of all interviewees (it requires intelligence).

By the way, it also happened that you applied for a vacancy, came to the owner and left with a freelance order.
What do you think it comes from?

Why do you need subscribers, demonic? Bet there is zero activity right now? And the set of social networks is so rich. Do you need to conduct targeted advertising or customize it?

When there is a normal department and a smart leader in the company, a typical vacancy will look like this.

It can be seen that he wrote "our". The requirements are clear. They are looking for a normal, narrow specialist with good skills and immediately expect to be remote.
The income ceiling is unlimited. I think the average here is 60-150k / month.

Targetologist - the essence is an in-depth piece of advertising.

In an SMM agency

Income: 30,000 - 150,000 thousand rubles / month

These are your bros.

Firstly, the position of SMM manager for normal agencies is an atavism because it implies unnecessary versatility.

Project managers -communicate with clients and mediate between specialists. By the way, sometimes they take away key clients and open their own agencies (ha-ha).

Well done tasks, hopefully they are as good as their ad writer

Content managers -they are engaged in filling communities, write texts, arrange posts (create memes), work out negativity.

They are looking for a content manager for a specific client restaurant project. The tasks are clear, the leader is adequate. At the entrance, stop in the form of a mini-essay from fools.

Targetologists, they are also leadgens -specialists in targeted advertising, analysts. Using advertising tools, they bring clients from social networks directly into the clutches of the client.

A general set of requirements without unnecessary wisdom

You will catch the same experience in federal projects on large budgets and the flow of new knowledge from different niches.
You will be at the forefront of new tools and with the correct setting of tasks from the leader.
However, streaming and high load contribute to burnout.

In a private team

As in an agency, only you distribute tasks like brothers among colleagues and you do not have a project manager.
By convention, you are a targeting expert and there is a familiar content creator you are confident in. Congratulations, you are a team and you can take joint projects.

Colleagues will surely grow with increasing experience. Therefore, such shabbos are only a matter of time.

I often coexist in this form of work. She is very convenient and productive when there are reliable companions.
There are no downsides. But without experience and reputation, the option is difficult.

Remote SMM manager (freelancer): targetologist, content manager, leadgen

Earnings: 0 - 200,000 thousand rubles / month

It so happened that I am from this thread. It is for free people.
I don't really like the limitations of offices and bosses over me.

Work where you want and how you want. Feet feed the wolf and everything.

The format of work, cost, reporting and results - all in negotiations with the direct customer.

And here we need not managers, but applied specialists: targetologists and content managers.

Self-organization, responsibility and the ability to identify the REAL needs of the customer are extremely important.

Also, it is important to make yourself a reputation and face.Develop and publish cases through professional communities.
Then more interesting clients will happen. See example below.

A tip for monetizing cases to new customers

Features of SMM niche

Two big problems.

  1. Low competence in most of the regional SMM market and their employers.
  2. Many business owners still do not know what exactly they need from this shot, just trying SMM on the tooth

Is it social media promotion? Is it leading?
Or strategic management of contractors?
Should we handle clients? How do you set tasks?
How to analyze your effectiveness?
Why did it come, elk?

It is quite possible that when taking on real work you will be expected to fully organize your workflow and tasks.

This implies a key problem - the blurring of responsibilities

If a mechanic in a car service knows in advance what he will do when he changes a car service, then an SMM manager does not.

Both the requirements and the set of responsibilities will be different, like the working tools and the form of the report.

Therefore, as a person who does not like unnecessary fuss - my choice is freelance.

And here's the basis for everything:

  • investment in education
  • inquisitive mind
  • courage in decisions

Knowledge becomes obsolete quickly, a fact.

Without your dedication, nothing will come of it.
The market is already oversaturated with goofs who do not understand anything and are not needed by anyone.

Niche entry threshold

Extremely low at first glance.

  • There are also schoolchildren who just heard that this is a dream job.
  • And the girls who learned how to process photos in their insta.
  • And the mothers on maternity leave, which the info businessmen told that this is a modern high-paying profession
  • And listeners to free courses.

Once you created a group for Aunt Vali and posted a funny picture there?
It's time to go to CMM managers.

No no no.

Without normal systemic knowledge, only shines 10-20 thousand rubles per month with vigorous shit projects full of madness.

How to become an SMM manager: where to start

First of all, you can trust free trainings, but you cannot learn to work competently there from scratch... They themselves are the first link in the sales chain for the main product, the great value of free is never implied.
The literal goal is to rock you with unreal benefits and transformation into a brighter future so that you BUY the training.

Collect information bit by bit yourself?
It's real, but without a base, you won't digest what you need and throw away the trash.

There is a simple recipe for starting the right career, being adequate, getting a vector, not spending thousands of hours studying scattered guides all over the Internet.

  1. Pay money.
  2. Get a systemic niche education.
  3. Feel a burning sensation in your wallet and ass.
  4. Try and become a competent specialist.

Normal education is when you are taught the ALL logic of work in practice, including finding clients, and they also give an internship.

(in my opinion, naturally).

The duties of an SMM manager include:

Development of a strategy for the company's presence in social networks;
- creation, maintenance and development of communities and groups in social networks;
- drawing up media plans;
- conducting advertising campaigns, preparing and placing advertising materials on social networks;
- search, creation and placement of content (texts, photos, video, audio) in groups and communities;
- organizing and conducting contests, polls, actions in groups and communities;
- attracting the target audience, increasing the number of visitors, subscribers, group members;
- monitoring feedback about the company, answering questions;
- analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, SMM-promotion;
- analysis of SMM activity of competitors;
- preparation of analytical reports.

Wages and employers' requirements

The salary of an SMM manager depends not only on the region, but also on the specifics of the company: in agencies it is slightly higher than in companies. In Moscow, the average salary of an SMM manager is 55,000 rubles. in agencies and 50,000 rubles. in companies in St. Petersburg - 45,000 and 40,000 rubles. respectively.

The initial requirements for applicants for the position of an SMM manager are relatively small: you need to know the basic concepts of online advertising, be familiar with the principles of promotion in social networks. It is desirable to have at least an incomplete higher education. In any case, you will need experience in blogging, communities or groups in social networks, at least your own. Salary offers on a full-time basis in Moscow start at RUB 30,000, in St. Petersburg - from RUB 25,000.

Candidates with copywriting skills, experience in advertising campaigns on social networks and working in the field of marketing, advertising or online promotion for at least a year have access to the following salary range. In Moscow it is 35,000-40,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 30,000-33,000 rubles.

The third salary range assumes more serious requirements for candidates: completed higher education (preferably in the field of journalism, marketing, PR, advertising), knowledge of the basics of SEO optimization, proficiency in web analytics tools, media planning skills, as well as experience in running SMM projects. less than 2 years.

In the third range, the difference between salary offers in companies and agencies begins to appear. In the second case, already now you can earn a little more due to the number of projects that the SMM manager does at the same time. In Moscow, agency offers in this salary range reach 60,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 50,000 rubles.

The maximum salary offers are received by candidates with experience in using various SMM tools and experience in conducting SMM projects for at least 3 years. The advantage can be knowledge of English at a spoken or fluent level and experience in commercializing projects on social networks. The maximum offers in Moscow reach 90,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 70,000 rubles. The specified ceiling is conditional: in special cases, the real salary can be higher both on the agency and on the client side.

Region Segment Range I Range II Band III Range IV Median
(Without work experience as an SMM manager) (With over 1 year experience) (With more than 2 years of experience) (With over 3 years of experience) (Average salary)
Moscow Agency 30 000 – 35 000 35 000 – 40 000 40 000 – 60 000 60 000 – 90 000 55 000
Companies 30 000 – 35 000 35 000 – 40 000 40 000 – 55 000 55 000 – 90 000 50 000
St. Petersburg Agency 25 000 – 30 000 30 000 – 33 000 33 000 – 50 000 50 000 – 70 000 45 000
Companies 25 000 – 30 000 30 000 – 33 000 33 000 – 45 000 45 000 – 70 000 40 000
Volgograd Agency 16 000 – 19 000 19 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 32 000 32 000 – 45 000 30 000
Companies 16 000 – 18 000 18 000 – 20 000 20 000 – 30 000 30 000 – 45 000 27 000
Ekaterinburg Agency 20 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 27 000 27 000 – 42 000 42 000 – 55 000 37 000
Companies 20 000 – 23 000 23 000 – 27 000 27 000 – 37 000 37 000 – 55 000 34 000
Kazan Agency 17 000 – 19 000 19 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 33 000 33 000 – 45 000 30 000
Companies 17 000 – 19 000 19 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 30 000 30 000 – 45 000 28 000
Nizhny Novgorod Agency 18 000 – 21 000 21 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 35 000 35 000 – 45 000 32 000
Companies 18 000 – 20 000 20 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 32 000 32 000 – 45 000 30 000
Novosibirsk Agency 20 000 – 23 000 23 000 – 26 000 26 000 – 40 000 40 000 – 50 000 36 000
Companies 20 000 – 23 000 23 000 – 26 000 26 000 – 36 000 36 000 – 50 000 33 000
Omsk Agency 16 000 – 18 000 18 000 – 20 000 20 000 – 32 000 32 000 – 40 000 30 000
Companies 16 000 – 17 000 17 000 – 20 000 20 000 – 30 000 30 000 – 40 000 27 000
Rostov-on-Don Agency 19 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 25 000 25 000 – 37 000 37 000 – 50 000 34 000
Companies 19 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 25 000 25 000 – 34 000 34 000 – 50 000 30 000
Samara Agency 18 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 36 000 36 000 – 50 000 33 000
Companies 18 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 33 000 33 000 – 50 000 30 000
Ufa Agency 17 000 – 20 000 20 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 33 000 33 000 – 45 000 30 000
Companies 17 000 – 20 000 20 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 30 000 30 000 – 45 000 28 000
Chelyabinsk Agency 18 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 35 000 35 000 – 45 000 32 000
Companies 18 000 – 22 000 22 000 – 24 000 24 000 – 32 000 32 000 – 45 000 30 000

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53% of candidates for the position of SMM-manager are women. 75% of applicants are young professionals under the age of 30. 31% of SMM managers are fluent or conversational in English.

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SMM manager

In March 2015, the research center of the Superjob portal studied the proposals of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of "SMM manager" in 12 cities of Russia.