Internal linking of pages examples. Checking the relevance of landing pages. Manual: working diagrams and methods

Internal linking is a subject of constant controversy. Some experts argue that the construction correct structure site and weight distribution internal links - an extremely important mission, others are sure that this is a waste of time. I am an adherent of the first option, and you will understand why after reading this article.

So, internal linking is the process of redistributing static link weight with the formation of the necessary concentration on landing pages. Link weight consists of two parts: anchor (semantic, semantic) and static (trust) weight.

If you have taken care of filling the pages with relevant content, purchased high-quality links, and the site's positions are not growing as you would like, you should pay attention to the correctness of the internal linking. The first thing to do is to find a suitable scheme for requests of all types of frequency. There are an incredible number of such schemes, but we will consider the most common and available ones.

    More fast indexing site by search robots.

    Free movement of visitors through relevant pages (slightly, but helps to improve PF).

    Correct redistribution of the static weight of the resource and the ability to point to more relevant pages.

Easy site navigation, time saving, quick search the information you need are important factors for the modern user. Otherwise, it will simply go to another site.

It is important for the robot to obtain information about the structure of the resource. Competent correct interlinking of site pages is compliance with several requirements:

    convenient navigation with a minimum level of page nesting;

    static weight distribution - the most important pages should have more weight;

    distribution of link weight - the anchor should correspond to the topic of the page it links to.

Navigational - links to make it easier to read large text. Relevant for long pages with a large amount of content. An example of such a linking can be seen in any Wikipedia article - the menu at the beginning of the article allows you to quickly go to any section, and not search for information on your own throughout the "sheet".

Through - repeated reference blocks. For example, this is a site menu that is present on all pages of a resource. These internal links are the most important for the search engine crawler - and their weight is higher.

Auxiliary or helpful - links that are placed at the bottom of the page. For a blog, these can be links to articles that are relevant to the topic, for an online store - to related products, etc. The purpose of these links is to improve user factors.

Basic steps when doing internal linking

    On a site with a history, you need to study the linking system in detail and destroy all inappropriate links.

    Identify the pages that need to be increased and compile a keyword list for them.

    Optimize site pages (text, photos, meta tags) by keywords.

    Proceed to linking.

    use different anchors;

    you need to use all of the listed types of linking for the naturalness of the pages;

    link anchors should be short and natural, inserted in place and mentioned only once;

    be sure to use "breadcrumbs" - convenient navigation chains, so that the user understands where he is and what chain he came in;

    when placing contextual links, the best solution would be to search for the most relevant pieces of text for the target query - they are contained by snippets that are displayed in search results for pages when searching the site;

    it takes 1-2 months to distribute the link weight within the site.

Before starting, you need to distribute all the pages of the resource into thematic groups: product categories, news, reviews, etc. After that, you need to choose a suitable linking scheme between pages in each group.

Advantages: fast and even distribution of static weight between pages belonging to the same thematic group.

disadvantages: the ring will break (in the picture on the right) if at least one of the pages fails indexing. If this happens, the weight distribution will be incorrect. The weight of pages without incoming links will be reduced.

What to do? The only way out is to create several rings of different sizes for different groups of pages using several linking methods.

In this diagram, all pages within a group refer to each other. The number of outgoing links is equal to the number of incoming links.

Advantages:a large number of incoming links on each page, less risk of weight loss when a page falls out of the index: more precisely, the weight will decrease, but not significantly.

Disadvantages: difficult to organize a layout for a large group of pages.

What to do? When organizing the linking of an online store, a good solution is to make the most popular product recommended on the page with another product. This type of linking will not always correspond to the "Star" scheme, but it allows working with large groups.

The scheme is represented by rings that intersect crosswise.

Advantages: organization of stable links - dropping out of the index even 3 pages will not affect the weight of other pages.

Disadvantages:manually organizing the linking is almost impossible - you need to use automatic plugins and internal linking services.

What to do? For such a linking, it is better to draw up a preliminary diagram so as not to get confused.

To make the linking optimal, you need to use more complex schemes.

The linking scheme in the figure demonstrates high-frequency request (topmost) on the home page. From him, links go to 2 sections (as many as possible). Sections have subsections that are referenced by both the home page and the sections. On home page there are backlinks from both sections and subsections. What does it do? Links from subsections return the weight to the main page, increasing it several times.

On the right is a diagram similar to the previous one. Moreover, the subsections in this case are additionally "looped". This has reduced almost 2 times the weight on the main page, but this weight loss is offset by the emphasis on subsections.

General advice. Correct organization internal linking is possible if you clearly understand what queries you are promoting: high-frequency, medium-frequency or low-frequency.

After clustering queries, many are wondering how to build a site structure. One of the most important factors when working on the structure of the resource - the correct level of nesting of pages. Ideal - if even the most "distant" pages are available in 3 clicks. Here's an example diagram:

    1 click - the first nesting level - the main page;

    2 click - second level - heading / section;

    3 click - third level - section materials (articles, goods, etc.).

For small sites with 100 or more pages, these requirements are easy to follow. Difficulties can arise with a large portal - a media outlet or an online store. Here the rule will not work, but the situation will be saved by an intuitive structure, the presence of a sitemap, setting up "bread crumbs" and, of course, competent internal linking.

CNC: what is it and why?

After distributing the pages by nesting level, you need to work on human-readable URLs. In a nutshell, these are links that allow the user to understand where he is on the site. That is, instead of the standard set of meaningless characters, the user, when looking at the link, will see the same bread crumbs - the path he made to the page, written in Latin or Russian letters. On popular cms, the creation of cnc URLs is already provided for by the functionality. But on some, you need to install the appropriate plugin for this.

You need to get rid of duplicate content or identical pages without wasting time. Without this, there will be a great risk of being sanctioned. Duplicates are a characteristic element of large sites at the stage of a change of ownership or a certain neglected period in development. If there are duplicates, you must first close them from indexing in Robots.txt, and then get rid of the generation of unnecessary pages.

This is the name given to the breadcrumbs needed for sites with a large number of pages and a nesting level of more than three. In most cases, a chain is a path to a specific page, starting from the main page. All the constituent elements of the chain are usually separated by hashtags or spaces. Ideally, they should be clickable - so that you can go to any stage of the path in one click. To install breadcrumbs, they usually write a unique code or use ready-made solutions (plugins).

We touched upon the basic elements of organizing the correct structure of the site and the correct internal linking. It will be difficult to achieve the perfect result on your own - therefore it is better to entrust this mission to a specialist.

The most important thing in linking is to be clicked on. Links that are not followed will not work. If you don't agree, get out of here.

What is linking

Relinking is the placement of links within a site from one page to another. But if you give a simple definition, in a broader sense it is the creation of the structure of the link links of the site in such a way as to maximize the ease of navigation on the site. The word itself comes from the English. "Link", which means "connection, link, link".

Linking goals

The ultimate goal of linking is to increase website traffic (although sometimes it is used to improve indexing). That is, if you made a link and your attendance did not grow, you let a few hours (or days, depending on what scheme you work) of your life into the pipe. And what are the means to achieve this goal?

  • Convenient navigation. First of all, end-to-end blocks should be the most convenient.
  • A block of similar entities. Usually these are "Related Articles" or "Similar Products". It is important that similar entities are automatically selected in the best possible way.
  • Contextual links. It is necessary to offer the user a link where it is appropriate and interesting to him. Subject anchors within the same material help the visitor to quickly go to similar articles in order to expand on the topic and find more answers to questions of interest. Also, links allow you to navigate the site without wasting time. This is good for behavioral factors, increasing the time the user spends on the site and increasing his activity.
  • At the end of the article, you can add in text "We also recommend reading:" and a link to a similar article.

The concept of internal linking means not only the work of linking html documents with links, but also the redistribution of the link mass across landing pages in order to give them more weight. That is, the goal may not be to increase traffic in general, but to increase traffic to individual pages.

Look at the click map to see which end-to-end blocks on your site are not clicked at all. Replace them with others to increase your browsing depth and time on the site.

Competent construction of internal page linking affects ranking and behavioral factors. Here is a video description of this concept from SiteClinic:

When should you link?

No need to figure it out right away when just rolled out new design or styled pages. Re-linking is “finishing off” a site / requests to the top. That is, when it became clear that some of the requests could not be brought to the top by titles, texts, design and functionality, then we finish them off with the help of linking. Those requests that are already in the top do not make sense to finish off.

The general point is that the more links from the page, the less the weight of each of them.

What are the links?

All links are technically divided into two parts: anchor and non-anchor. Anchor links are such links:, and anchor links are like this:. You can do the placement manually, although, for example, wordpress has many convenient functional plugins for this, which greatly simplify the work.

Correct linking also implies 3 types of links:

  1. contextual;
  2. navigational;
  3. bread.

Each type represents a specific scheme oriented towards certain results. Now let's look at each option in more detail.


Such links are placed along the "body" of the text in the context of the topic covered in the article. They have to be installed mostly by hand, but this is perhaps their only drawback. There are special plugins for WordPress that allow you to automatically place contextual links, but the quality is poor.

Here you need to observe moderation, not make too many contextual links within one text. You should also distribute them evenly across the page. It is this type of links that most of all affects the depth of user browsing. You can check their effectiveness by the time the user spends on the resource. Next, I'll tell you about the old-fashioned way of putting them down.


You can arrange such blocks using scripts or widgets. The disadvantage of this type of links is that they have less weight in comparison with contextual ones.

"Bread crumbs"

Breadcrumbs refer to the navigation structure of a resource. They help the user not to get lost on the site and always see their location. Using breadcrumbs, you can go back to the url from which the transition to the next began.

Such an unusual name in the terminology of site building comes from the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm "Gretel and Hansel", who were able to find their way back home through the bread crumbs that had been scattered earlier.

Breadcrumbs "take" the page weight into categories, if anything. If articles or product cards are being promoted, then it is better to remove the bread crumbs and make a link between these cards (for example, at the expense of the block “they also buy with this product”). If the categories are promoting, then it is better to make bread crumbs.

Such links are located mainly between the header and the article. This has a beneficial effect on usability. For WordPress there is a BreadcrumbNavXT plugin that allows you to automatically generate navigation links.

PageRank and other technologies you need to know about

PageRank is Google's technology that calculates page rank. But more often PageRank means "page weight". This has been the case since the days when Google assigned each page definite meaning PageRank from 1 to 9. Each page of a web resource carries different weightwhich can be divided into static and dynamic. If it is important for you to promote some a specific page site, you "pump" it with weight - put as many links on it as possible.

  • Static weight - calculated based on query-independent factors. Doesn't depend on search queries, meta tags and text contained in the html document. The only thing that matters is the number of links going to this address. Even if the document is empty, but several links are directed to it, it will already have statistical weight.
  • Dynamic weight - depends on the text content, namely on anchors, titles, headings, key phrases.

But besides PageRank there is no less important technologies TrustRank and BrowseRank, which many SEOs don't know about.
PageRank calculates the likelihood of a user being on a page. That is, the PR of a page depends not only on the number of links, but also on the probability of clicking on them. And the weight transmitted by a link is, from the point of view of a search engine, the probability of clicking on it.

TrustRank measures how quality resources are linking to a site, and which resources that site is linking to. Trust Rank affects the weight transmitted by the PageRank algorithm.

These are all so complex and advanced technologies that link manipulation today has a minimal effect.

The pages are ranked, not the site. Thus, if requests from all pages have dropped, then it's not the pages, but the host factors.

The weight transmitted by the link is equal to the weight of the donor divided by all links outgoing from it.
The weight of a page is equal to the sum of the weights transmitted by links from its donors.
Search engines do not count chain weight from page to page. Search engines first calculate the weight transmitted by links from donors to acceptors throughout the network at once, and only then substitute the result.

The more pages on the site, the more static weight we can catch up on the promoted pages due to linking.

The dynamic weight transmitted by the link is inversely proportional to the "popularity" of the word and is directly proportional to the static weight transmitted by the link. The more popular the word, the less influence of the anchor with it on the ranking. And the more static weight is transferred via the link, the more dynamic weight is transferred according to the anchor words.

How to relink

We decided on the goal at the beginning of the article - to increase site traffic. Then we start preparing:

  1. We decide on the promoted pages and the keys that lead to them.
  2. We select the most important pages from them.
  3. We note which pages are not interesting in terms of promotion. If there are no such pages, then we take the pages that hang in the top for low-competitive queries without any effort.

As one of the ideas - in each heading you can display a separate sidebar with the most popular articles from this particular heading, since they are thematic and the weight distribution will be normal.

Random linking (that is, so that after the article a block of similar articles is randomly generated, always a new one) is not worth doing, since due to the fact that the pages in the blocks will be constantly new, the search engine will constantly recalculate and the traffic will jump.

The grandfather's way of putting a link

The easiest way to describe it was the late ZenPR. In short, it is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to promote the site on the request "plastic windows"
  2. Enter a request in Yandex
  3. The most relevant page is in the first position. On the next - slightly less relevant ("how to choose plastic windows", "Rehau windows", "installation of plastic windows", etc.)
  4. On these slightly less relevant pages, we put links to the main one. Links should be placed at the beginning of the article and in the middle. It is also advisable to motivate users to click on this link.

In this case, you can make words from snippets anchors - in general, it will be strong.

You can do something similar with the Key Collector:

By the way, KeyCollector can find lists of pages relevant to requests.

Linking schemes

There are several old schemes for linking pages that apply depending on the purpose. Personally, it was not clear to me what the principle of their operation was, before watching this video:

HF advance

The main page of the site - "muzzle" is often optimized for high-frequency keys. For promotion, you need to transfer the weight of the remaining documents to it. Here it is recommended to put (preferably contextual) links from all pages to the main page.

From the "muzzle" there should be links to html documents second level. The second level refers to the third and so on.

Midrange advancement

An especially relevant type of promotion for online stores, catalogs. The main weight on such resources should fall on the pages of the second level. The third level refers to the second, the fourth to the third, the fifth to the fourth.

LF advance

To optimize low-frequency keys, the weight from the first and second levels is given to html-documents of the third level. All third level URLs are also linked by links.

How to check internal links on a website

The most professional tool for this is Google and Yandex webmaster panels. But the most sophisticated use them in conjunction with the Screaming Frog SEO Spider.

Internal Anchor List Analysis with Screaming Frog

I don't know if anyone else is doing this kind of idiocy, but if you only need to download contextual anchor links, you can do it like this:

  1. First unload all anchors from Screaming Frog
  2. Then in the column on the right we write a formula of the form \u003d COUNTIF ($ E $ 4: $ E $ 1975; E4) and stretch it to cut off the most common anchors later
  3. We only have contextual linking.
  • The main rule: there should be no duplicate links. There should be only one link from one donor to one acceptor. Search engines take into account only one link, usually the first by code.
  • Context link anchors must also be unique.
  • The main weight should be on the pages being promoted. The number of incoming links to the promoted document should be greater than the number of outgoing ones.
  • It is not recommended to add more than 3-4 contextual links from one document.
  • It is better not to close links through nofollow, as they still participate in the weight calculation and take away the weight from other outbound links.
  • The site's menu structure should consist of text links, not buttons or images.
  • Link only thematic posts that are similar in meaning. The link must match the context.
  • Apply the related posts plugin.
  • Distribute all links evenly throughout your content, without accumulating them in one place.
  • For volumetric portals, “bread crumbs” will help the user to save landmarks.
  • Creating a tag cloud helps to reduce for quite large number pages nesting level.
  • From contact pages, driving directions, and so on, you can and should put links to promoted pages. These pages cost nothing to promote, but they can bring static weight and conversions.

When I worked in one SEO office, they also advised to indicate the path from the root in the href, and not the full address of the link. That is, it is correct to write not href \u003d ”” but href \u003d ”/ category / seo”. But I don’t know if it’s any good.

CTR is really important. Achieve it at any cost - advise be sure to read the article by the link, you can even add some icon to the anchor, maybe even a Unicode one.

For small sites with no more than 100-120 pages, it's best to stick to the three-click rule. This means that the nesting of documents should not exceed 3 levels and the user can get to the "deepest" page in no more than 3 clicks.

Linking sanctions

For excessive diligence in placing links (especially anchor ones, and especially if your site is young), you can catch a filter on the site called "Internal nepot filter". It is very difficult to get out of it. Do not put a huge number of contextual links, 3-4 from the article will be enough. The same Arbeiten gave the following example from practice:

Having found out in this way that such sanctions are imposed for links, I continued to test with links further. I began to test all this on those sites that contain links within the texts. It turned out that if you remove links from the text, after 1-2 months the site's trust rises and the traffic increases by 15-20%. And it was then one of the new ways to raise traffic on the site (and it still works), since almost everywhere there was such spam.

Refinement after the fact

When the linking is done, it should be finalized. First, watch non-clickable blocks. Secondly, single links that are not clicked on. It is necessary to analyze the click-through rate as statistics accumulate. Unclickable links should be replaced.

We analyze the click-through rate in Metrica through the "Map of links", we take the maximum period.

Perhaps you need to look in the Metric for the number of internal transitions per document in order to identify the weakest in this regard. I don't remember if there is such a thing. I write down here so that I don't forget to look later myself.

It is also necessary to cut off the contextual linking that did not work. This is done like this: you need to unload all anchors, check the positions on them, remove those that are not in the top.

WordPress plugins

Perhaps the most popular and simplest solution is YARPP:

In general, if there are no really similar and thematic articles in the block "similar articles", you need to add general articles. YARPP does not implement this.

There are also the following, but I do not use them:

Cross-Linke. The program automates the addition of contextual anchors. All you have to do is enter keywords, and the plugin will automatically link them if it finds them in the text.

WordPress Related Posts. Used to link similar posts. Based on the analysis of tags, categories, content, it creates linking posts offering the user to go to them. A great wordPress pluginwhich can significantly improve behavioral factors.

Breadcrumb Navigation XT... Helps to create breadcrumb navigation. Also influences behavioral factors.

Smart Linker. Allows you to make internal and end-to-end linking. Anchors are also selected manually, and the program looks for them in the content.

Today I propose to talk about such an important process as internal linking of site pages, what it is and why it is so important.To begin with, it involves placing links on pages within the site, which users will follow from one page to another. Correctly thought out and implemented linking of pages will evenly distribute the link mass within the site.All this will make the site more authoritative in the eyes. search robots... Thanks to this, the resource will take place in the first positions of the search results.Note! The link weight of a page or Pagerank depends on how many links to a particular page are placed on other pages of the site.It is relatively easy to achieve a good result in website promotion due to the correct placement of internal links. The main thing is to know the basic principles of linking, which I will discuss below.

Re-linking the pages of the site what it is - I have already briefly told above. But let's take a closer look at what it is for and what results it will achieve.

  • Improving the usability of the site - that is, usability. The presence of internal links allows the user to better navigate the resource, see articles and materials that are similar in subject matter.

Note! The presence of links motivates the user to click on them. He embarks on a kind of journey around the site. As a result, the visitor "hangs" on it and spends a lot of time. What the search engines appreciate.

  • Re-linking of pages can significantly improve the structure of the site, which will be positively appreciated by search robots. I note that when evaluating a resource, search robots necessarily evaluate the Nesting Level (HC). That is, how many clicks you need to make to get to a specific page. For the main page, this indicator is 1. If you need to make one click to go to a specific page, the HC is 2. The higher the HC, the longer page robots will index. Competent linking will allow you to lower the HC.
  • Rational distribution of dynamic and static page weight. I think you understand that each page of the site has its own static weight. If there is a link to another page, it transfers part of its static weight. It also allows some of the dynamic weight to be transferred. All this has a direct impact on the final position of the page in search engines.

Note! Thus, you can bring to the TOP of the search a specific page that is most important to you.

  • Fast indexing. Internal linking of site pages speeds up the work of search robots. That has a positive effect on the speed of getting your resource pages into the index of search engines.
  • Reduced promotion costs. Linking is free and enough effective method significantly increase the position of the site in search engines. That will make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of promotion.

Correct and Incorrect Linking: Examples

When creating an internal link, the main thing is to do everything right. Especially in terms of site navigation. In particular, the main page must contain links to all available sections of the second and third level. But don't link to regular pages.

An example of competent placement of links

  1. Links to all sections of the site are available on the home page.
  2. Each individual section has links to other sections.
  3. Each page within a section is linked to other pages in the same section.

Examples of illiterate linking

  1. There are no links to all created sections on the main page.
  2. The correct structure is not provided.
  3. No section cohesion.
  4. In a separate section, there are links to pages that are not related to it.
  5. There is no connection between the materials within the section.
  6. Some pages have no links at all.

Some points to be mentioned: unique linking features

  1. Directly from the main page, you can put links to regular pages with articles, materials.
  2. Inside the section, it is allowed to put links to those materials that are not included in this section. For example, in one section you have recipes for cooking food, but you want to put a link in the article to a specific dish that is used in cooking and which is written about in the thematic section.
  3. From the second point it follows - it is allowed to link articles from different sections.

Note! It should be understood that these nuances are relevant only for certain cases.

Re-linking of pages and its types

There are several types of linking. I will describe each type in more detail below - they all have their own characteristics and certain advantages.

However, for successful website promotion, I recommend using not any specific variety, but all of the methods described.

1) Through view

We are talking about a specific block with links installed on all pages of the site. The most striking example is the menu - it may contain the following sections:

  • Home;
  • Articles;
  • About us;
  • Contacts, etc.

Also, as an example, you can cite blocks in which are presented:

  • related materials;
  • most read articles;
  • the most commented articles.

Make given view pretty simple. You need to install a special extension that will generate blocks.

Plus, the weight transferred to other pages will be quite significant. However, if you need to achieve a more tangible weight for a specific page in order to bring it to the TOP, you should use the type of linking presented in the next section.

2) Context view

It is about placing links within an article. They should go well and directly into the text so as not to spoil it with incorrect declensions.

Note! Links should be evenly distributed throughout the text of the article, and not collected in one part of the material. This will significantly increase the transmitted weight. In addition, it will have a positive effect on the behavioral factor.

Naturally, it is not possible to automate this process. All links need to be added only manually, which takes a relatively long time.

Of course, there are special plugins that can do this for you, but their link quality is poor. You will immediately see the incorrect entry of links into the text of the article.

3) Variable through view

This method is similar in principle to the first described. The essence goes about using a special block, but each page uses unique links. That is, the links on the pages are not repeated.

4) "Bread crumbs"

This view can be used as additional navigation. Links are placed:

  • above the title of the article;
  • above the page title;
  • etc.

In fact, moving through such "crumbs", the user can go from the main page of the site to the one on which he ended up.

It is interesting! The method got its name by analogy with the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm. Remember how Hansel and Gretel walked out of the forest looking for their way through the scattered crumbs?

This method improves usability and makes it easier for users to navigate your site.

How page linking helps promote specific search queries

Properly using the principles of internal linking, you can ensure effective promotion of search queries, regardless of the level of their frequency.

Low frequency queries

Pages with the third level of nesting are ideal for them. The features of internal linking in this case will be as follows:

  • the home page of the site will contain links to some of the others;
  • there is necessarily a link between internal pages;
  • the focus of linking is on the internal pages.

Mid-frequency queries

  • headings;
  • categories.

Naturally, the emphasis is on them - links from ordinary pages will lead to these pages, and you can also add external links when posting materials on third-party resources.

Note! There is no need to put links on the main page, which will lead to regular ones. As this will result in spraying. Better to use the weight of your homepage to promote more meaningful ones.

High-frequency queries

To promote requests with high level competition, it is recommended to use the pages with the highest CV. The home page of the site is best suited for this.

Effective page linking schemes

Using linking schemes will allow you to get unique links. And link all pages with links.

The work is painstaking, but it is worth it - the usability of your site will increase significantly. That will be appreciated not only by the user, but also by the search robots.


It can be called the main method among all existing ones. Using it will allow you to ensure that all pages will link to each other.

This method will be appreciated by those who do not promote any specific page of their resource or promote all pages at once (the latter option is relevant for online stores), and therefore there is no need to transfer the weight to one specific page.

In addition, the Asterisk will allow you to achieve page independence, which will greatly simplify the overall indexing of your resource. Of course, if only high-quality and unique content is posted on it.


The main distinguishing feature of this scheme is that it allows you to direct weight to a specific page.

It turns out that all the pages are linking to each other, which increases the overall weight. In addition, all pages link to the selected one for promotion, which allows it to receive the maximum possible weight. After all, she gets a lot of links with the keywords necessary for promotion.

This scheme also has certain disadvantages:

  • when one of the pages falls out of the search engine index (or even the banal inaccessibility of the page for any reason), the whole scheme is immediately broken and it stops working;
  • the scheme raises the SV too much, which will negatively affect the weight of pages that are at a low level.


This scheme is used on the vast majority of sites. Its popularity is well founded.

The essence of the scheme is that one page links to two, each of those pages links to two more, and the last four to the one that is used at the beginning of the diagram. Thus, you can achieve the highest possible weight for the page you are going to promote.

The Hierarchy scheme has shown itself to be excellent and works with the maximum possible effect. But, of course, it is also not ideal. Since one of the pages dropped from the index will entail a noticeable decrease in overall efficiency.

Re-linking pages in WordPress using plugins

Above, I wrote that the use of special plugins will automate the creation of links. In particular, such extensions and add-ons generate blocks at the bottom or side of the page, depending on where you place them in the settings.

Smart Linker

One of best extensions of this type... The plugin works on the principle of the end-to-end linking variable described above. But it is an optimized version.

If most extensions use the name of the material as the anchor of the link, then in this plugin the user can set the name of the link he needs. This allows you to significantly increase the effect and achieve better result when promoting a website.

WordPress Related Posts

The extension creates end-to-end linking within the site. The plugin automatically analyzes the material on the page, taking into account factors such as:

  • topic of the article;
  • the category in which the article is located;
  • tags.

As a result of the received data, the plugin selects articles that are similar in topic and displays them in a block at the bottom of the page.

The site visitor will see articles that correspond to the topic of interest to him, which significantly optimizes behavioral factors - the user spends more time on the site, and the total number of refusals is reduced.


This plugin is designed to create contextual linking - it conducts it automatically. If you remember, it is contextual linking that takes a lot of time and effort - the extension can reduce your labor costs.

In the plugin settings, you need to register certain keywords, and the extension, when viewing pages, will analyze the text of the article. If the specified keywords are found in it, the plugin will link to them.

Breadcrumb Navigation XT

Re-linking site pages - this is an important element of internal optimization of any web resource and for a better understanding of the principle of weight flow, we will use a special model. In this part, I have divided my story into two special sections, theory and practice.

In the first section we will consider examples that will clearly show you how you can distribute weights to target documents (entry points), which will give us various schemes of their interaction at the output. For the calculation, I used the model of interlinking site pages, which was made by the famous optimizer Alexander Sadovsky.

In the second section I will tell you about the experimental one, and also I will reveal the nuances of CMS WordPress that are absolutely not noticeable by the usual eye when calculating the conditional weight. This is where we exploit opportunities.

Working with the model

As I said above, for a convenient consideration of the process of internal linking of site pages, we will use the model. On it you can arrange links in the order you need. And for clarity, I took an example of the structure of a typical blog.

Scheme # 1. The initial version of the linking.

This structure consists of a main page, 3 additional pages, 2 headings (categories) and 6 records. For simplicity, we do not include fresh entries in the linking, which are at the beginning on the main page. Let's say that the main page describes the purpose of the blog and there is a description of the categories. Each section has 3 entries.
A table is attached next to the figure, which contains information about the total weight of the site (the so-called conditional weight in the model), the strength of the most pumped page (heading or entry) is shown. In this case, it is considered target and it is recommended to promote the web resource for specific keywords using it. This example shows that almost all documents have minimum strength, minimum weight. This is due to the fact that no feedback and all voices have a loss due to the attenuation coefficient, as they flock in records and other sections of the web resource.
This table also contains information about the number of outbound links going from this document to another. For example, the home page includes 5 links that go into categories and other sections. Now let's add feedback: headings and other sections of the site are linked from the main page, and posts with categories. First, we will do it using a model (the picture is clickable !!!).

Template. Model for calculating the weight of web resource pages.

The body of the model consists of two parts. One contains a linking map with all links, and incoming links to the document. In another part, there is the calculation of the specific gravity according to certain formulas. The rendering result is visible in two lines: “ Site PageRank "And" PageRank of pages ”.
Each position in the cell of the first part is the presence of a link on the page. If there is a number 1, then there is a link, if 0 - no. A horizontal line indicates the direction of outbound links. The vertical column with the same number reflects backlinks. Let's take a look at the linking scheme # 2 as an example of the interaction between the main one and other parts of the site.

Scheme number 2. Initial version with feedback.

The main page (row 1 in the table) has 5 links with pages 1,2,3 and with headings 1 and 2. Categories 1 and 2, as well as pages 1,2,3, refer to it (in the table column 1). Similarly, if we take row 9. It shows that record 6 refers to its own category 2. And column 9 says that a link from category 2 is suitable for this record.

Internal page linking schemes

Diagram # 2 shows a variant of a young blog, the owner of which has just started keeping it. Here, in contrast to the first standard scheme, a feedback appeared. As you can see, the PageRank of the entire site has increased dramatically. This is due to the fact that the weight from the sections of the web resource, as in the first example, does not go anywhere, but remains on them.

Moreover, just one action (creating a backlink from each page, except for the main one) leads to an increase in the conditional weight several times. Therefore, we immediately conclude - do not leave the sections of the site without a backlink, let them give their strength to the entire web resource (when calculating, the initial weight, excluding the attenuation coefficient, is equal to one).
According to this scheme, the entry points in this scheme will be the main and the headings. In this case, it is worth promoting the main one for HF requests, and the categories for MF requests. But you shouldn't count on the big influence of the weights of these pages on their ranking in the search engines - the power is not very large, compared to the following schemes.

Scheme number 3. Option of linking with the target master at the output.

This scheme will be useful for a site owner, whose main one has an RF request and several MF requests. Here we see that the main one has half the weight of the entire web resource, which will help with a lot of competition. in promotion. In this case, external links should be placed specifically on this document. Headings and other sections of the web resource also have little effect. You can use them for LF requests. This is a good option to promote your site on the same topic, where HF and MF requests will be supplemented by LF requests, which in their phrases have keyword (or word form) HF and MF queries.

Scheme No. 4. Linking option to strengthen headings.

In this case, the stake is placed on the rubric. Note that in this scheme the maximum site weight is greater than in the previous ones. This is usually done to promote a midrange request with entries on one topic. The records themselves have good strength to compete in the search results with other sites for low-frequency requests. This option is convenient for online stores that include a number of products of the same specification. But for other cases, this scheme is not so useful.

Scheme No. 5. The first option for interlinking for low-frequency requests.

So we got to the schemes that allow sites to compete for a large number of low-frequency queries. In diagram # 4, it can be seen that the entire weight, to the last drop, flows down to all records of various categories. To improve the linking on records, the basic structures of page weight distribution are used - a circular structure or extensive linking. In either case, the force on the records will be the same. But it is better to use the second basic structure. This is due to the fact that if, for some reason, one page with a record disappears from the structure, the weight of all the others will not be lost. If one entry falls out, then the rest will lose some share of the total weight of the web resource.

Scheme # 6. The second option for interlinking for low-frequency requests.

And the last linking scheme, which is remarkable in that it allows the site owner to loudly declare himself on a number of key MF or LF queries of a particular subject. There are times when a web resource is deliberately aimed at high positions in search engines only in certain areas. He doesn't care about others, he needs to get to the top as quickly as possible. Here it is possible to enter a leading position by mid-frequency request, which can go through itself after all low-frequency requests reach high positions in the issuance zone. A page with a heading is being prepared under the midrange request. Please note that the more pages on your site that link to this category, the more weight in the ranking calculation.

So the first section of the practical part is coming to an end. It remains for us to summarize the above.

Correct internal linking of pages - conclusions

  1. By increasing the number of pages, you increase the internal weight of the site and thereby be able to transfer even more weight to the entry points by which you move in the search engines.
  2. Don't forget about feedback from new pages to entry points. The more links come to them, the more weighty they will be when calculating the ranking by a search engine.
  3. Select specific schemes for your specific purposes correct linking site pages. To do this, you must know your semantic core, thereby you will see your promoted to high positions in the zone of HF, MF and LF requests.
  4. Monitor the structure of your site for errors, as well as giving their strength. They should not be allowed to fall out of the general scheme (they will not be able to give up their weight, which can reduce the voice of entry points when ranking, which will immediately affect the positions in the search results).
  5. Do not forget about the optimization of the pages of your web resource, and also close unnecessary links.

With the practical part, now everything. See you, friends!

What do I mean when I say "Correct linking of site pages"? Of course, I mean only manual work on the human and competent distribution of page weight to achieve the set goals. Forget all the nonsense you might have heard before and accept the current information.

You've probably already heard about such types of linking as: ring, cube, etc. All this is mechanics and it is good only where there is no way to do it by hand. For example, on portals, online stores, etc. There can be tens or hundreds of thousands of pages. We're not masochists, are we? 🙂

Let's look at everything in more detail and I'll show you how I link pages myself.

How to make the correct linking of site pages

First, we need to decide what we want to do the linking for. The option "Everybody does and I do" will not work here. There are times when it is worse with a grief-link than without it at all.

Why linking may be needed:

  1. For user convenience... This option must always be present - otherwise our idea loses all meaning.
  2. Promotion of the main page for RF requests.It is clear that the main one in the standard structure of the site will always have more weight even without working as a "file". We also pump it up with internal links.
  3. Promotion of categories or midrange queries.In the standard midrange structure, requests go to categories in most cases.
  4. Promotion of LF queries or pages of 3 nesting levels.We move our articles.
  5. Improving site indexing and comprehensive promotion.If the structure of the site is complex and there are many pages on the site, there are many keywords that are promoted from different pages.
  6. Raise the PR of the page.If you need to increase the PR of specific pages.

Now we will analyze these points in more detail and start with the convenience of users.

What is the initial meaning of linking? Everything is very simple - we tell the user what else he might be interested in. For example, I got to the site on the request "how to make a site on Joomla". Your article answers my request, everything is cool. The article contains specials. terms or subtopics. If the terms can still be chewed up in 1 article, then to reveal many subtopics - no. Accordingly, you put a link to an article in which the subtopic is disclosed in detail. Conveniently? Of course!

Further, I read the article - everything is clear to me. But it turns out that I don't know HTML and PHP well, and in the same article you give me an announcement that you have an article “How to make a website”. Oops! I also need it, but I did not realize it until I read your 1st article. Accordingly, I went to the page about layout, etc.

So we keep the user and give him maximum information on his request and related. He is happy and now he knows exactly which site to go to + you have improved behavioral factors + you have raised the authority of the site in the eyes of the visitor.

Do not forget this point ever. Without it, linking simply loses its meaning. Now in more detail.

Linking types

Here are some abbreviations and terms, you can familiarize yourself with them in my article -.

Re-linking for RF requests

You decided to pull out RF requests for which the main page of the site is optimized. Then you should overtake the weight from all pages to the main page. So you need to take and put a link to the main page from each page and that's all. If the category (section) contains inner pagesthen the category links to them and to the main one. Below is a diagram of the site linking for RF requests:

Relinking for midrange requests

It is also a fairly popular type of linking, perfect for online stores and other sites where people often search for a product group like "Samsung Refrigerators". In addition, the interlinking of midrange queries is quite easy and straightforward to implement. You just need to link the sections of the site with each other, the rest of the pages link in 2 directions (from category to page and from page to category). You can see the scheme of this type of linking below:

One of the most difficult types is the interlinking of LF queries. But the result is good. Ideal for sites that are planning. You need to link all pages of the site of the 3rd level (if you have a standard 3-level structure like site / category / page) with each other. It can be either rings within each category, or one large ring). Moreover, pages of the “page” type should not contain links to the main page or to categories. Only to another "page"! Internal linking for LF requests is implemented according to the following scheme:

Internal linking to raise PR

As you know, PR is the weight of a particular page. It depends on a combination of internal and external factors, in contrast to. Although we can already get PR growth due to the correct linking of pages, we can also contribute to it somewhat. After the linking is ready for the pages on which we want to raise PR, we need to add several satellite pages. Those. in this page all links will be closed and there will be only 1 link leading to the acceptor page. We create 3-5 such pages (they should more fully disclose the topic and are written for low and ultra low frequency requests so that there is minimal traffic to the donor page).

My version of the correct linking of pages

I mostly use an integrated approach to linking. Although, of course, a lot depends on the type of site and the specific situation. Those. somewhere I close all links except 1, somewhere I add satellite pages, etc.

You need to combine all the linking options and not leave the pages in the air. Yes, if some pages hang without links - it's not fatal, but they could be useful.

P.S. tried to write an article for 1 person. Is it more convenient to read or worse?