Phone or smartphone: what is the difference, which is better to choose. What is the difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone? How phones differ from each other

The large number of mobile devices on the market allows everyone to choose the device that will best suit their needs. However, diversity also has a negative trait: it is sometimes very difficult for an unprepared buyer who is not familiar with the world of high technologies to find the optimal solution.

For example, smartphones popular today used to belong to the category of flagships and mid-range devices, while now even a budget device can be a smartphone.

What is the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Smartphone is translated from English as "smart phone". The “cleverness” of the device lies in the fact that such devices operate under the control of a widespread operating system, being, in fact, pocket computers. In addition to standard applications, the user can install software from third-party developers, which significantly expands the capabilities of the device. The most popular operating systems today are Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry OS. Previously, Symbian and Windows Mobile systems were also common, but today smartphones under their control are no longer produced.

Traditional mobile phones are devoid of such functions and the maximum that a user can expect is the installation of simple games and programs written in Java.

Thus, the presence of an OS is the main criterion for distinguishing a smartphone from a phone.

Samsung Corby touchscreen phone. Works on the proprietary Samsung TouchWiz 1.0 shell. The phone does not have the ability to install third-party applications, there is no full-fledged operating system, but there is a touch screen. It cannot be called a smartphone.

Smartphone Nokia 6630. Does not have a touch screen, but runs on the Symbian 8.0a operating system, which is no longer relevant in our time. However, because of this OS and the ability to install applications, this device can be called a smartphone.

Form factor

The first smartphones looked no different from ordinary mobile phones. They had a traditional "tube" look with a hardware numeric keypad with 12 buttons. This state of affairs could be observed until about 2012, already in the heyday of the era of touchscreens.

A modern smartphone usually has a large screen (more than 4 inches diagonally) with a high resolution and almost (or completely) no hardware keys. In some cases, a sliding QWERTY keyboard can be used as an addition.

At the same time, a mobile phone can be both in the form of a traditional "dialer" and with a touch screen. However, the display resolution of such devices is usually lower, and the diagonal is smaller.

The touchscreen with full input support is the second major difference.

Hardware platform

Smartphones are usually based on high-performance chipsets, which include multi-core processors above 1 GHz, gigabytes of RAM and special graphics accelerators - analogs of computer video cards.

Mobile phones cannot boast of such potential; as a rule, single-core processors with a frequency of several hundred megahertz and a couple of tens of megabytes of RAM are installed in their "heart".

The third difference is the powerful hardware platform.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we can highlight the main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone:

  • the presence of a full-fledged operating system;
  • the ability to install third-party programs;
  • large high-resolution touchscreen;
  • powerful hardware.

If in terms of traditional telephone communication smartphones cannot boast of anything special, then in terms of additional capabilities even the most powerful “dialer” can hardly compare in capabilities with a budget smartphone. The only thing that phones are confidently leading is battery life. While a smartphone can work in standby mode for a maximum of several days, many inexpensive mobile phones can hold a charge for more than 10 days.

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Recently, people have ceased to understand how a smartphone differs from a regular mobile phone. This is due to the fact that smartphones have become the most popular product for a long time. They are the ones selling the best now. And people began to forget about ordinary cell phones. They began to believe that they simply do not exist now, that smartphones have replaced mobile phones. But this is absolutely not the case!

To begin with, no smartphones existed before. Suffice it to recall 1987, when it released a simple phone called Mobira Cityman 900... It was a real brick - heavy and large. And there was nothing better on the market at that moment. It's hard to believe, but the phones of those years did not even know how to send and receive SMS! Moreover, they did not even acquire a contact book right away!

In the 90s, only desktops and laptops could be called smart. All sorts of smartphones and tablets could only dream of, or watch their use in the Trek series - its creators literally predicted the future.

The breakthrough happened only in 2001 when it was released Nokia 9210 Communicator... It was one of the first smartphones. Symbian OS 6.0 was installed on it as an operating system, and the device could also please with a full-fledged QWERTY keyboard. The popularity of the model was such that in the future almost all portable devices equipped with smart functionality and a SIM card slot began to be called communicators. In particular, the so-called devices with Windows Mobile on board.

Operating system

As you already started to understand, a cell phone differs from a smartphone in the absence of a real operating system. Instead, the simplest firmware is used on mobile phones, the functionality of which cannot be seriously expanded. Such software only supports the installation of Java applications, the functionality of which is severely limited in many aspects. But there are also exceptions. For example, mobile phones were popular in the mid-2000s Siemens, on which with the help of a computer it was possible to install certain plugins developed by third parties. Such extensions provided the owner of the phone with new functions, and sometimes even increased the amount of memory.

Modern and operate under the following operating systems:

There are some other mobile operating systems, but they are much less common. For example, the operating system was never able to gain popularity. Firefox OS... Well, a regular phone differs in that its manufacturer does not emphasize the name of the firmware - only its version can be viewed on the device itself.

Device design

In fact, the differences lie not only in the software, but also in the design of the gadgets. Previously, all mobile phones had a mechanical keyboard - most often digital, but sometimes QWERTY. But now you can also find mobile phones with a touch screen - in particular, this applies to devices based on firmware Bada, whose support was recently closed. That is, we can say that the lines between mobile phones and smartphones have blurred in this regard. But it is not so.

Go to the official website of the manufacturer and check out the technical specifications of the device. If this is a mobile phone, then you will not be told about the amount of RAM or the processor used. The fact is that for a smartphone these are very important values, because the speed of its operation depends on them. And simple mobile phones function stably even on the weakest components.

Other differences

Let's go back to the software. As we have already mentioned, traditional cell phones, if they support the installation of additional programs, then only in the form of strictly limited Java applications... And if you have a smartphone in your hands, then you can install more advanced programs and games written in completely different code. For example, for hundreds of applications have been developed with the extension .sys or .sysx... Well, Android is rich in tens and even hundreds of thousands of very good programs with the extension .apk - you can download them in the corporate online store Google play.

Also, smartphones and phones differ in cost. Back in the early 2010s, the former were much more expensive than the latter. But gradually the price of components began to fall, and therefore smartphones began to cost less. But the difference can still be felt. While the cheapest are push-button devices. Touchscreen mobile phones are already a little more expensive, in terms of cost they are close to Android... Because of this, they are becoming less and less popular and it is becoming more difficult to find them on store shelves every day.


These are the most notable differences between smartphones and mobile phones. Due to the decrease in the cost of production of components, the latter are gradually losing their popularity. It is not excluded that in the future only "androids" and other smart devices will remain in stores, since the point of acquiring a low-functionality cell phone will simply disappear.

And what is the difference between. Today we will tell you about the differences between a phone and a smartphone.

First, you need to give definitions for each of the terms.

  • Mobile (cell) phone Is a phone that is designed to work in cellular networks.
  • Smartphone Is a mobile phone supplemented with the functionality of a mobile computer.

Do you feel the difference? Now let's dive into the comparison.

What's the difference between a phone and a smartphone?

  • The first major difference is size. While the phone is usually a small device that fits easily in the hand, the smartphone is often twice as large. But this has its plus - a large screen diagonal. So, if the phone is content with a display with a diagonal of 1.5-2 inches, then a smartphone can have a display with a diagonal of 3.5 inches to 7 inches! Of course, on such a screen you can watch movies, play games, read e-books, etc. In the case of a telephone, this is at least inconvenient to do.
  • Smartphones have virtually no physical buttons on their bodies. If on the phone we dial the number using physical buttons, then on the smartphone we do it by touching the touch screen with our fingers. The number of physical buttons on a smartphone body rarely exceeds 2-3.
  • Smartphones are based on an operating system. The most popular system is Android, on which most smartphones are based. Another popular OS is iOS, which is used by Apple technology. The operating system supports many different functions, so the smartphone can be safely called a real computer - only compact.
  • Operating systems support an incredible number of applications - their number is in the tens and hundreds of millions. Applications are very different: for work, for reading, for watching videos, for a pleasant pastime ... In general, the choice is huge. A pleasant plus is the fact that many applications are free.

  • The smartphone can be used as a full-fledged navigator. To do this, you need to get an application with maps and turn on GPS or. The location accuracy of the device is very high, so maps are used for getting around, including by car.
  • Many smartphones have long since replaced cameras. So, if you are going somewhere on vacation and do not plan to take professional shots, a smartphone will be enough. Moreover, devices that shoot no worse than semi-professional cameras have begun to appear on the market. The same applies to video recording. Of course, there are cameras in phones, but often the quality of photos is quite mediocre.
  • It is very convenient to use the Internet on a smartphone - no wonder with a screen of such a diagonal. All actions are performed by tapping the screen. And some sites have a mobile or adaptive version that adjusts to the size of the smartphone screen - it is very convenient to use such a site even with one hand. All this cannot be said about the phone.

  • But as for the operation, it is easier to drop a smartphone due to its dimensions. In addition, if you fall, the probability of breaking the screen is much higher than that of a phone with a small display.
  • The cost of smartphones is, of course, higher. But if before the difference was huge, today the cheapest smartphone can be bought for about 2 thousand rubles. In some countries, smartphones are offered, the prices of which do not even reach the thousand rubles mark. These are simple devices, but already for 10 thousand rubles you can buy a mid-budget device. Flagships are much more expensive and whether it is worth overpaying for them is up to the buyer. Phones cost from about 500 rubles.

What to choose: smartphone or phone?

If you need a device exclusively for making calls, buy a cell phone. If you need a mobile computer with which you will use social networks, watch videos, play games, etc., the choice should be in favor of a smartphone.

Articles and Life Hacks

Surely many who wish to purchase a new mobile device are concerned about how a smartphone differs from a phone.

Of course, today the situation is such that the boundaries between an ordinary phone and a smartphone are erased, and new phones (not counting the most inexpensive models) are becoming more and more functional.

However, certain differences still exist, and to name them, the concept of a smartphone should be defined.

"Smart phone"

The word "smartphone" is translated from English as "smart phone". In terms of its functionality, this device can be compared to a pocket computer (PDA). The word "smartphone" is synonymous with a communicator.

Differences between devices

  • First of all, it should be noted that the smartphone has an operating system that is open to third-party mobile phone developers (as opposed to a conventional mobile device).
  • You can improve the functionality of your smartphone by installing additional programs and applications.
  • So, the main difference between a smartphone and any other mobile device lies precisely in the fact that it is an advanced and fully functional communicator with an excellent "stuffing", which makes this gadget really "smart".
  • The operating system of a regular mobile phone is usually closed to third-party developers. Because of this, the cost of a smartphone is usually much higher.
  • The most common operating systems for smartphones are platforms such as Android, Windows CE, iOS, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry OS.
  • The functionality of the phone is enhanced by Java-based software, but these applications are not as attractive as those designed for the smartphone, and they are much more difficult to install.
  • In a smartphone, all this is implemented quite simply and reasonably, not to mention the entire stores for free and paid applications (Android, iOS), for which it is enough to press 2-3 buttons to install.
The main thing that the owner of a smartphone should remember is that his pocket computer, like a regular personal computer, is susceptible to viruses and other malicious applications, and therefore must be protected with special antivirus programs for the corresponding mobile operating system.

Articles and Life Hacks

Today, few people are already asking the question of what is the difference between a smartphone and a phone, and yet not so long ago it was more than relevant.

How it all started

The very concept of "smartphone" appeared a long time ago. In 2000, she decided that to highlight the merits of her R380s model, she needed more than the banal name “phone”.

The gadget was small, lightweight, but had a touch screen. Unfortunately, from the modern point of view, it had a significant drawback - closed.

This meant that it was impossible to install applications on it other than those provided by the manufacturer. Subsequently, this flaw was corrected, and the new models received the first open operating system Symbian 6.0.

In those days, there were two more classes of gadgets: personal digital assistants (PDAs), which played the role of an electronic organizer, which were already giving way to communicators, which were essentially the same thing, but with the ability to make calls and access the Internet.

When they were "crossed" with a touchscreen phone, the concept of what we understand today as a smartphone appeared.

So what's the difference

The main differences between a smartphone and a phone can be considered the presence of the functionality of a pocket computer and a touchscreen. However, modern phones are also very "smart", although they are much inferior in capabilities to their older brothers.

In addition, although they have access to the Internet, it is limited by GPRS / EDGE technology, at which the cost of a megabyte of transmitted data is prohibitively high.

Smartphones, on the other hand, have 3G, and many also have a 4G module, which makes mobile Internet quite affordable and affordable in terms of speed.

It should also be borne in mind that this type of device is characterized by one of the powerful operating systems:

  • Google Android.
  • Apple iOS.
  • Windows Mobile.
Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, each has its own adherents, but they are all united by a common feature: in terms of functionality, they are not much inferior to a desktop computer or laptop.

As for the operating systems of push-button phones, no one would even think of comparing it with a netbook.

If both classes of mobile devices still exist, then each of them has its own advantages.

Pros of smartphones:

  • the functionality of a pocket computer, allowing it to be used for a wide variety of tasks;
  • touch display for convenient gadget control;
  • high-speed Internet access;
  • the presence of additional features, such as GPS navigation, TV tuner, built-in audio system, etc.;
  • a huge amount of built-in memory in comparison with the phone, which allows you to store a lot of various information;
  • status of top models of smartphones.
Pros of push-button phones:
  • very low cost of the gadget;
  • small dimensions compared to most smartphone models;
  • design and management familiar to older people.
Over time, "tubes" are increasingly turning into niche devices, the main advantage of which is precisely the price.

If a person needs absolutely nothing but the ability to make calls, then it makes no sense for him to buy even a super-cheap ultra-budget smartphone.

Not to mention the fact that such tempting offers of "exact copies of an iPhone for only 2,000 rubles" usually end up in wasted money, and such problems usually do not happen with push-button models for the same price.

On the other hand, for most of us today, life is unthinkable without at least occasional access to the Internet. The World Wide Web is increasingly pulling earthlings into its digital networks.

In this respect, push-button "tubes" are not able to offer the user practically anything, which sharply narrows the audience of such devices.

It is impossible not to mention a variety of entertainment content: in this respect, smartphones are again at an unattainable height: books, films, more than high-quality - except that in terms of music, the "pipe" is somehow able to compete with sensory colleagues, and even then only when using headphones.

Thus, the smartphone today is the main means of communication used by the overwhelming majority of people, and the phone is a super-cheap surrogate intended only for making calls, the popularity of which decreases from year to year.