Installing add-on html5 player youtube switch appeared. How to set up and where to download the HTML5 player. Disable html5 for firefox

Adobe Flash Player is living out its last years. This platform is outdated, and developers will no longer support it by 2020. Many companies, programmers and enthusiasts have already begun to abandon the proven format in favor of progressive, but still "raw" technologies. One such innovation is the HTML5 video player, which could potentially replace the good old Flash Player.

Not all users can boast of powerful and modern personal computers with all the updates. operating system (drivers, codecs). Not everyone has it installed (the higher the version, the fewer errors during work). But everyone is interested in the life boiling in global network The Internet. Thousands of movies and TV series, tens of thousands of clips, hundreds of thousands of funny amateur videos can be found and watched through world wide web anywhere on the planet Earth.

If graphic distortions occur when watching a video on a computer, the user should not be upset and look for an alternative for viewing. The first thing to do is to check the performance of your PC, whether all updates, drivers and codecs are in working order. The second nuance is checking the video player built into the Mozila Internet browser itself. Developers from the Mozilla Corporation try to please all their fans and users search engine... Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to view video images through different players: Flash Player or HTML5. To check which player is enabled in the browser firefox, just right-click on the screen with the footage.

How to disable HTML5 in Firefox

If custom personal Computer inferior in technical specifications to your modern counterparts, you can try changing the player from HTML5 to Adobe Flash Player. To do this, go to hidden settings browser by typing in the search bar " about: config". The developers kindly warn about the risks associated with changes in the "fine" settings. We take responsibility for ourselves.

In the "Search:" window, for ease of finding to change the parameters, you need to type the English word "media".

The four parameters that can be enabled by default must be changed from "true" to "false". That is, turn them off by double-clicking the left mouse button.

  • media.ogg.enabled
  • media.wave.enabled
  • media.webm.enabled

After reboot mozilla browser Firefox settings will take effect and the new HTML5 player will change to Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable HTML5 in Firefox

If it is necessary to perform the reverse manipulation and change the old player from Adobe to a progressive analogue, the user needs to perform the same manipulations with the above parameters from "false" to "true". After restarting the Internet browser, the video should show without interference and failures.

The most popular browser Mozilla Firefox is distinguished by good support for HTML5 standards, but at the same time it is impossible not to notice that it does not cope with some tasks related to this technology in the best way.

How to enable html 5 in firefox

So, despite the HTML5 support, some YouTube videos in Firefox stubbornly refuse to play. Fortunately, there is an easy way to quickly fix this problem.

Mozilla Firefox has extended support for HTML5 technology, but it is disabled by default. To enable this setting, start by typing about: config in the browser bar and navigate.

This will take you to a page with browser configuration settings. To go directly to the list of parameters, click the "I promise I'll be careful" button. In the list that opens, find the parameter


The easiest way to do this is by pasting its name into the search field located just below the address bar. By default, the value of this parameter is set to false, that is, disabled.

Replace it with true by double-clicking the parameter name with the mouse. That's all. Now close the configuration settings tab and restart your browser. Check it out - HTML5 YouTube videos should now play without any problems.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to one detail. For this setting to work, you need to have the appropriate plug-in Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer, otherwise the opposite may happen and some videos will stop playing.

HTML 5 video playback issues in Firefox

Also for Windows 7, installing the following updates can help:\u003d16546

And also set these parameters to default in about: config.

Firefox Quantum has the same problem.

Many users, when trying to launch a video on Youtube, receive the following message - “Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats”. Most often, Windows XP owners encounter a playback error with a browser Mozilla firefox... The problem is also observed in other popular browsers: Google chrome, Yandex, Opera and, of course, Internet Explorer... Today we will tell you about all the possible causes of the failure and their elimination.

Reasons for playback failure

The bug itself appeared relatively recently. It is connected with the active transition of the YouTube service to support for HTML5 technology, which is not supported in browsers with outdated versions... The error also appears in updated versions on Windows 7 and 10. Here it is worth talking about extensions that block access to displaying video in HTML5 format. The third reason is that the new video did not have time to download. Let's go over all the solutions to fix the crash.

Correcting the error

Let's check all the above points one by one. I will note right away that I will not paint all the half-measures (reboot, new Flash Player, erasing cache / cookies), because there will be no sense from them. You will need to check the following.

# 1 Check for updates

First thing you need to do is update your browser to the latest version. The updating principle is the same in all applications. But still, here short instruction:

The current versions of these programs include most of the required video codecs for YouTube. You can check which ones are supported at this address - ... Perhaps some codecs will be with exclamation mark, but be sure to check that there is a checkmark in front of the first codec HTMLVideoElement... The problem should go away.

# 2 Blocking additions

If the previous point did not help you, try disabling unnecessary extensions. The fact is that various plugins and extensions can block the display of video in HTML 5 format. For example, these plugins most often cause the problem - "Flash Player for YouTube ™" and “Disable Youtube ™ HTML5 Player”... Also, direct download extensions, ad blockers, etc. are crashing.

  1. Open the listing page installed extensions... For example, in Chrome, she is here chrome: // extensions /, and in Mozile here - about: addons.
  2. Disable all active plugins one by one and check the playback. Should help.

I will separately mention Flash Player, which conflicts with newer versions of Chrome. You need to try to disable it too. If you still have old version, then go here - chrome: // plugins,in the list of plugins, select the flash and disable it. AT new version let's go here - chrome: // settings / content / flash. In step "Block" there is an option "Add", I recommend adding YouTube there. For other browsers on the network there is a lot of information on disabling Flash Player - try it.

# 3 New video

Check the video release time. If it is several hours, then the problem may be from the server side. Many users note that after waiting a little time, they start the video without any problems. Perhaps you have just such a case.


If you did everything correctly, then the error “Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats” should disappear. Finally, it's worth mentioning that Mozilla and Chrome recently dropped support for their application on Windows XP. In this case, to solve the error, you will need to separately install the codec support plugins. Here is a visual instruction video using Mozila as an example.

If suddenly the videos on Youtube started to display incorrectly: slow down, freeze, distort by artifacts - check which player is playing this video. If it turns out that this is HTML5, then in this article we will tell you how to disable it and return the usual Flash Player for the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The reason lies in the fact that recently the YouTube development team began to transfer the default video display program from the obsolete Flash Player to the new HTML5 video player. In addition to advantages, it still has a number of disadvantages: it is more "heavy" (on aging computers, the image will "glitch"), it has problems with full screen mode (buttons disappear), compatibility problems with some video card drivers, codecs, etc.

Checking the player version is very easy - just right-click on the video and read the information about the player in the drop-down menu:

In order to disable it and bring back Adobe Flash Player:

1. Dial in address bar browser about: config

2. Promise you will be careful:

3. Here you will see the various values \u200b\u200bfor the browser settings. To make it easier for yourself to find what you need, type in the "Search:" the word media. Find and change the values \u200b\u200bof the named fields media.ogg.enabled, media.wave.enabled, media.webm.enabled, from "true" to "false" for each of them. To do this, double-click on each line found:

After changing these settings, Firefox will no longer play online videos in the new HTML5 player, and accordingly will open it with adobe plugin Flash, as it did before.

4. Restart your browser, or clear its cache and try to reopen any video. Check the player version with the right mouse button:

If you want to return HTML5 video player support to your browser, simply set back the changed values \u200b\u200bto "true".

PS. If possible, first try to update the drivers for the video card. After this, the image quality may stabilize and you will not need to change the player for online video.

Flash player is a special library that allows you to work with those applications that are based on flash technology... By default, Adobe Flash Player is already installed in Yandex Browser and enabled in browser modules, but if there are problems with displaying flash content, it is likely that it has been disabled or the player has crashed.

If necessary, you can disable or enable Flash Player. This can be done on the page for working with modules. Next, we will tell you how to get to the modules menu, enable, disable the flash player.

If there are any problems with the operation of the flash player, then first of all you will need latest version abode flash player for Yandex browser, and only then, if problems recur, you can try to disable it. You can do it like this:

We write in the browser line browser: // plugins, press Enter and go to the page with modules;
looking for the Adobe Flash Player module and clicking on “ Disable».

You can turn on the player in the same way. By the way, turning off the flash player can eliminate the frequently occurring errors of this player. Since the importance of this player fades into the background over time, some users may not turn it on at all. For example, YouTube player switched to HTML5 a long time ago, and he no longer needs a flash player.

Enable / disable automatic Flash Player updates

Usually automatic update Flash Player is enabled, and if you want to check or disable it (which is not recommended), here's how you can do it: Windows 7: Start > Control Panel
on Windows 8/10: Right button mouse on Start > Control Panel;

2. put the view " Small icons"And looking for" Flash Player (32 bit)»;

3. switch to the " Updates"And click on the button" Change update settings»;

4. select the desired item and close this window.

Adobe Flash Player is currently a popular module that is actively used by many sites. Although there is a partial transition to HTML5, Flash Player continues to be an up-to-date plug-in and needs to be constantly updated for new features and security reasons.