Search in the browser hotkeys yandex. How to quickly open the last closed browser tab. Working with the address bar

The "+" sign means that you must press the indicated keys at the same time. For example, Ctrl + D, first you need to hold down "Ctrl" and, without releasing it, press the "D" key.

Hotkeys are configured the same for Google Chrome and Yandex browsers.

Windows and tabs


A new tab opens with a description of the main questions about the Yandex browser.


The view mode changes, switches to full-screen view (all borders and menus are removed), if you press F11 again, the previous view will return.

Ctrl + T

A new tab opens with a quick access panel.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Open the last closed tab, very useful when you accidentally close desired page site. Thus, you can open the last one first, then press again and the penultimate one will open, etc.

Ctrl + W

Close the active tab, that is, close the page that is currently open.

Ctrl + click with the mouse on the active link, or drag the link with the mouse to an empty space for the tab

Open new tab with the page to which the link leads. If you drag the link to an existing tab, the page will open in the specified tab.

Ctrl + F4

Close active tab or pop-up window.

Ctrl + N

Open a new browser window (not to be confused with a tab).

Shift + click on the active link

Open a new browser window with the page to which the link leads.

Alt + F4

Alt + Shift + I

Technical support service.

Alt + Tab

Does not apply specifically to browsers, but a very useful keyboard shortcut is switching between open windows (any programs, folders and full-screen applications). Hold Alt, and once pressing Tab, a menu appears for switching between open windows and the desktop. Each press of the Tab key moves the cursor to the next window to the right.

Alt + Shift + Tab

The same as the previous combination, only the cursor moves not to the right, but to the left.

Windows + M

Minimize Opera Browser (windows - Windows logo key, between Ctrl and Alt).

It doesn't matter if you are working or relaxing on the Internet, but one way or another, several tabs are open in your browser. Sometimes there are situations when open windows with necessary information disappeared or they were closed by accident. Of course, no one remembers the direct address of the link and many, quite possibly, begin to look for information that has disappeared, anew. Modern Internet browsers (in particular, such well-known ones as Google Chrome and Yandex) for such cases have one very necessary option - you can open one or more accidentally closed tabs or visited pages. There are several ways to do this.

Recover pages

AT latest versions Yandex browser option implemented automatic recovery pages after a restart or when the browser is disconnected. If the computer turns off or hangs and the browser was turned off incorrectly, after restarting the program, a dialog box will appear asking you to restore all closed tabs. By agreeing with the proposed option, the browser will automatically load all previously opened sites.

To exclude the possibility of losing information when closing the browser, you can configure automatic download last viewed pages. For this:

  1. Open the Internet browser menu;
  2. Select the item "Settings";
  3. Find the section "Open on startup" in the window that opens
  4. Check the box next to Previously Opened.

If after these steps the pages still do not open, go to the next recovery options.

Keyboard shortcut (hotkeys)

Convenient and in a simple way to open closed tabs in Yandex browser is pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T.

Important! It should be remembered that all such combinations work with Latin letters in any language keyboard layout.

When pressed, this combination will open the last closed page in the active browser window (regardless of the time it was closed). Pressing it again will open the penultimate one and so on in descending order. Thus, using the brute-force method, we can return the information we need, which was accidentally or on purpose. However, this is also a disadvantage of this method, you cannot directly specify a specific link, you can only iterate over.

Using the context menu

Some do not like or do not know how to use hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts), but prefer working with the mouse. In this case, in order to restore the tabs in the Yandex browser, you can hover over the tab bar and call context menu right-click. In the window that opens, select the item "Open just closed":

Unfortunately, the disadvantage of this method is that you can only work with the last actions. If we need to open information from an earlier period, this method is not effective.

Recover using "Scoreboard"

In order to return a recently closed page, you can use a special button on the Yandex browser panel.

1.Launch the browser or open a new window;

2. Press the button "Recently closed";

Back button

If the user just went to another site in the same window, you can return to the previous pages using special buttons program control:

This method eliminates the disadvantages of the above. When you hover the cursor over the "Back" button (left arrow), an auxiliary window appears with a list of all page transitions (in some versions of browsers, you must hold down to drop the list). Click on any item in the list and go to the desired resource.

This method also has a minus - the list of transitions is shown only for this particular tab, it will not be possible to restore data if this window was closed.

Visit history

This recovery method is more cumbersome, but it has some advantages over the two described above.

As you know, any browser, including the Yandex browser, keeps constant statistics of all user actions. All these statistics are available and with its help you can easily open a closed tab, for this you need to:

  1. Open the browser menu;
  2. Hover over the item "History";
  3. In the pop-up window, click on the desired link;
  4. A window with the previously visited page will open.

The full list of visited pages can be seen using another keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H, or accessed through the browser menu:

  1. Click on the browser menu icon;
  2. Select and click on the "History" section;
  3. In the pop-up window, also click on "History";
  4. A window will open in front of the user with all the pages visited for the entire time of using the Internet browser.

If you actively use the Internet, then the list can be quite extensive. The developers have foreseen this and all hyperlinks are conveniently sorted not only by days of the week, but also by the time of visiting a particular site. In addition, you can go to this section using a direct link: browser: // history /.


Not to lose important information or just an interesting site, accidentally found on the network, the functionality of the Yandex browser allows you to save links to these resources in a special section "Bookmarks".

By adding a link to a bookmark, you can easily and without unnecessary movements go to the desired page, even if you accidentally closed the tab with it. This is easy to do. There are two types of bookmarks: text and visual (Scoreboard), and, accordingly, two ways to add the desired page.

To add a text bookmark, just click on the star on the right in the address bar:

For adding visual bookmarks In principle, nothing needs to be done on the scoreboard; if you visit one site multiple times, a link to it will automatically appear on the Scoreboard. However, you can also do this manually.

1. It is enough to open a new window and select the "Add" button below the visual tiles.

2.In the window that opens, enter the link in a special line.

3. Click "Finish".

As you can see, there are many ways to restore closed windows with information in the browser. Each user will choose the option that is most convenient for him in implementation.

Finally, a few more useful browser features.

To open a new tab in the Yandex browser, you just need to click on the "+" next to the already open one. For hotkey lovers - Ctrl + T shortcut.

To switch between tabs can be used like a normal mouse, or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Tab. This combination will switch open pages alternately from left to right. To switch in reverse order, you can use the combination Ctrl + Shift + Tab.

Using the context menu:

  • hover the cursor over the desired hyperlink,
  • right-click the menu,
  • select the item "open link in a new tab",
  • the "Open in New Window" menu item opens new windows instead of tabs.

The second option is convenient for those who are "friendly" with keyboard shortcuts. Hover the cursor over the link, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and just click on the link. It will automatically open in a new tab. To open a new window, you need to hold down the Shift key instead of Ctrl.

There is also a third option - move the cursor over the link and click on the wheel on the mouse. Simple and convenient.

Grouping tabs

For convenience, the developers have provided the ability to group information. To do this, you can simply hold left button mouse, drag the page to the desired location. In addition, pages can be grouped in different windows, for this, holding the page with the left button, drag it to an empty space on the desktop. This will automatically open a second browser window. Then you can drag the rest one by one to group them.

Pin tabs

It so happens that one or several tabs are open all the time. This can be social media, mail, or other necessary material that needs to be saved. In order to prevent accidental closing, as well as to save space in the browser window, it is possible to pin open page... To do this, call the context menu with the right mouse button on the active window and select the item "Pin tab". These sites will now be grouped separately on the left side of the browser window until you force them to close.

Close tabs

There are also several options here.

On the active tab, click on the X on the right.

On the active page, right-click and select "Close".

On the active tab, apply the keyboard shortcuts that close it Alt + F4 or Ctrl + W.

In addition, you can close all pages except the active one, or close all tabs to the right of the active one. This can be done using the same context menu with the selection of the appropriate items:

Working with a group of tabs

All of the above actions can be performed not with one tab, but with a group. To do this, we need to select a group of tabs. Clamp ctrl key on the keyboard and without releasing click on the ones we need. Further, by analogy, we can close, move, group the selected tabs.

Bottom tabs

Perhaps someone will find it convenient to display pages at the bottom of the browser window. For this option, you need to call the context menu on the line of browser tabs using the right mouse button and select "Show tabs below":

By doing the opposite, we will move the tabs up, respectively.

When you open a large number of tabs, each tab grows smaller to fit on your screen. Using the program menu, you can reduce or increase the size of the tab display:

Go to Menu -\u003e Settings -\u003e Minimum tab size -\u003e "select the desired item."

So, we see that Yandex has made a lot of efforts to make it easier to use its program and with each new version increases the number useful functions your product. Each user can choose the settings he needs. Take advantage of convenient options in your daily work or use data recovery and retrieval mechanisms.

Hot keys are keyboard shortcuts that allow you to get fast access to a particular function. Almost every program and operating systems themselves support specific hotkeys. Yandex Browser, like all other web browsers, also has its own set of hot keys. He has a pretty impressive list of keyboard shortcuts, some of which are recommended for all users to know.

You do not need to memorize the entire list of hotkeys, especially since it is rather big. It is enough to learn the basic combinations that will be useful for you in your work.

Working with tabs

Working with bookmarks

Working with browser history

Working with windows

Navigation on the page

Working with the current page



Working with the address bar

For developers


In addition, Yandex itself constantly prompts which of the functions have their own keyboard shortcuts... For example, you can find these tips in "Settings":

Or in the context menu:

Editing hotkeys in Yandex Browser

Unfortunately, you cannot change the keyboard shortcut using the browser settings. But since the basic combinations are universal and applicable to many other programs, we hope you won't have a hard time remembering them. In the future, this knowledge will save time not only in Yandex Browser, but also in other programs for Windows.

But if you still want to change the keyboard shortcuts, we can recommend installing a browser extension, for example, Shortkeys or any other, but we will consider the principle of operation using its example. Please note that he does not have a translation into Russian, but even with minimal knowledge of English it will not be difficult to understand his capabilities. In addition, you can always select an incomprehensible text, right-click on it and get a translation of incomprehensible words / sentences in the context menu.

  1. Through the menu go to "Supplements".
  2. In chapter "From other sources" find just now installed extension, click on More details and click on the button that appears "Settings".
  3. In field "Keyboard shortcut" enter (do not press, but write their names in letters) the key combination that you want to use. Click on the field "Behavior"to open a list of options. Here you can select the required action or, conversely, block the operation of this hotkey (item "Do nothing"). The third field is optional, it is used to enter short nameallowing you to navigate the created hotkeys in the future.
  4. Note: be sure to look into the description of how the extension works by clicking on the links "Help" next to the blocks.
  5. There you will find the rules for creating hotkeys, for example, the format for writing a shortcut key, which determines how these keys will be pressed ( ctrl + r - the keys are pressed simultaneously, ctrl r - the keys are pressed sequentially, etc.).

  6. If you click on the line "Activation Settings ...", will unfold additional blockwhere you can configure how the hotkey works. Field "Websites" allows you to make it active on all sites ( "All sites"), on all sites except certain ones ( "All sites expect ...") or on one or more sites ( "Only on specific sites"). "URLs" - here you will need to enter those sites where the hotkey will or will not work (depends on the selection of the item in the previous block). It is enough to enter the site in the format, separating one from the other with the key Enter (one site per line).
  7. When finished, click "Add"to add a new one hotkey or "Save"to save your changes. The current tabs will need to be restarted for the new hotkeys to work.
  8. Please note that depending on the type of action selected, additional fields for customization will be different. For example, in the screenshot below, we have created a hotkey that opens a site added to the bookmark list at the moment when the site is open.
  9. And in this screenshot we checked the work of the created hotkeys: the first fixed the site, the second opened the specified site from bookmarks.

Using hotkeys makes it easier to use Yandex Browser. Many actions can be performed much faster by pressing certain keyboard shortcuts. This saves you time and makes your browsing experience more productive.

Sometimes it happens that you accidentally close a tab that you suddenly need it again. Of course, you can open your entire browsing history and find it there, but that requires a lot of unnecessary body widgets.

Modern browsers are able to open the last tab that was closed with a simple keyboard shortcut. And given that they are the same in almost all browsers, it is worth remembering them. In this short tutorial, we'll show you how to open the last recently closed tab that you accidentally closed in all modern browsers.

In order to open a closed tab, the keys you need to press are the same in most browsers. Keyboard shortcuts in major browsers are presented below.

Google chrome

To open a closed tab in chrome use the keyboard shortcut

On computers with operating system Mac OS use keys


If you need to open a tab you just closed in Opera, use the same keys

Accordingly, on Macs, the keyboard shortcut looks like this

Mozilla Firefox

This browser also does not differ in originality from the previous ones. You can open an accidentally closed tab in Firefox with the same keyboard shortcut as in previous browsers, namely

or similar keyboard buttons on MacBook

Internet Explorer

Let's not forget about those who still, for some reason, use the standard Microsoft browser. You can open only a recently closed tab in Explorer, just like in other browsers, with a keyboard shortcut

On a Mac, thank God Internet Explorer does not exist.

Yandex browser

Fortunately for those few who use the browser from this search engine, opening a closed tab in Yandex is no more difficult than in other browsers, using all the same keyboard shortcuts. Yandex browser is built on Chromium and is analogous to Chrome with small add-ons, so nothing surprising.

and a similar keyboard shortcut for Mac OS


The browser from the apple firm is perhaps the only popular one that distinguished itself. A tab that I recently accidentally closed will not work in Safari using combinations that work in all other browsers. To open a closed tab in safari, you will have to remember another key combination

On Mac OS, closed tabs open the same way, only with cmd instead of Ctrl

Only a small hint can be added to everything written above: in all of the above browsers, using the presented key combinations you can open not only one last tab that was closed, but as many as you closed, i.e. everything that is stored in the browser history. The more times you press the hotkey combination, the more recently closed history tabs will be opened.

Hotkeys are designed to speed up and simplify the user's work on a PC or laptop. They will replace distracting mouse movements.
Hot keys are pressed simultaneously (all at once). One combination can contain from 2 to 4 keys.
This list contains a lot of hotkeys. It will be very difficult to remember everything. Just choose for yourself a few combinations that you need the most and remember them. The rest can be seen later. To do this, add this page to your browser bookmarks using the combination Ctrl + D πŸ™‚

Key combinations usually use modifier keys - Alt, ⇧ Shift, Ctrl, Tabβ†Ή, sometimes the ⊞ Win key

Common Windows keyboard shortcuts for working with text, windows and other elements

Hotkeys for working with the clipboard

Ctrl + A - select all elements in a window or document, for example, to select all text in the editor;
Ctrl + X - cut elements or text (to the clipboard *) (or ⇧ Shift + DELETE);
Ctrl + C - copy elements or text (to the clipboard) (or Ctrl + Insert);
Ctrl + V - paste text or an element from the clipboard (or ⇧ Shift + Insert);
Ctrl + Z - undo the last action (can be used several times);
Ctrl + Y - redo the last action (or undo the undo action).

* The clipboard is an intermediate (temporary) storage of data (text, files, folders, images, etc.) for transferring or copying to different programs, or within one program. AT Windows data are stored in the clipboard until the next copying or turning off the PC (if you copied one element and did not paste it anywhere, and then copied another element, the first one will no longer be available in the clipboard). There are programs that extend the capabilities of the clipboard.

* RMB - right button mice (respectively, LMB - left);

Hot keys for moving through text, selecting text

Ctrl + ← - move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word;
Ctrl + β†’ - move the cursor to the beginning of the next word;
Ctrl + - move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph;
Ctrl + ↓ - move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph;
⇧ Shift + Any arrow + Space - select several words or elements in the direction you need;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Any arrow - select a piece of text in the desired direction;
Ctrl + B - switch to bold text / and back to normal text;
Ctrl + I - switch to italics / and back to normal text;
Ctrl + Home - go to the beginning of the edited document;
Ctrl + End - go to the end of the edited document.

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

The vast majority of the combinations presented will work in previous versions MS Windows including XP and Windows 7.

⊞ Win - open / close the "Start" menu;
⊞ Win + ← - move the program window to the left edge of the screen;
⊞ Win + β†’ - place the program window to the right edge of the screen;
⊞ Win + - maximize the program window to full screen. If the window was placed to one of the edges, then it will occupy 1/4 of the screen at the top;
⊞ Win + ↓ - minimize the active window. If the window was placed on one of the edges, it will occupy 1/4 of the bottom of the screen;
⊞ Win + D - show / hide the desktop (instantly minimize all open windows);
⊞ Win + M - minimize all windows;
⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M - maximize all minimized windows;
⊞ Win + TABβ†Ή - switch between open source programs on the taskbar (Aero Flip 3-D);
⊞ Win + Home - minimize all windows except active / restore all windows;
⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + ← / β†’ - move the window to another monitor;
⊞ Win + T - flip through icons on the taskbar. Key ↡ Enter - select the desired icon;
⊞ Win + a number from 0 to 9 - Launch the application, the icon of which is fixed at the position corresponding to the number;
⊞ Win + A - open the Notification Center;
⊞ Win + B - select the first icon in the notification area (you can navigate to others using the arrows);
⊞ Win + L - change user or lock the workstation;
⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M - global search;
⊞ Win + U - open the Ease of Access Center;
⊞ Win + W - open Windows Inc Workspace (sticky notes, screenshot);
⊞ Win + Pause - open system properties (the same as the properties of the "My Computer" icon);
⊞ Win + + - turn on magnifier / enlarge the image by 100%;
⊞ Win + - - when the magnifier is active, reduce the image by 100%;
⊞ Win + Esc - disable screen magnifier.

Hot combinations for working in Windows, Explorer and other programs

Explorer is windows programin which you are viewing windows folders... Hotkeys and shortcuts will greatly simplify your work in File Explorer.

F1 - call help for almost any program;
F2 - rename a folder, file;
F3 - activate search;
F4 - display the list of the address bar in the explorer;
F5 (or Ctrl + R) - refresh the active window;
⊞ Win + E - open the explorer;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + N - create a new folder;
End - go to the most recent file in the folder;
Home - go to the very first file in the folder;
← Backspace - go back through folders;
Alt + ↡ Enter - show properties of the selected item (or full screen mode for a player or command line window);
F11 - full screen window;
Alt + F4 - close the current element, window, program;
Alt + Space - show the context menu of the active window (the same as RMB * on the window);
Alt + TAB↹ - Switch between open windows, programs;
Ctrl + TAB↹ - flip through the tabs in the program;
Ctrl + a number from 1 to 9 - will move to the tab by number;
TAB↹ - navigate through the parameters in the program (menus, lines, flags, links);
⇧ Shift + TABβ†Ή - go back by parameters;
Space (space) - check / uncheck the box;
Any arrow - select a button;
Ctrl + Alt + TAB↹ - Move between open elements (you can use the mouse or arrows);
Ctrl + F4 - close the currently open document or tab in the program;
Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - change the scale or size of icons;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Esc - start the task manager;
⊞ Win + R - open the Run dialog box;
⊞ Win + F1 - Windows Help;
Ctrl + O - open a document, file, page in the program;
Ctrl + S - save document, file, page;
Ctrl + P - print the document;
Dragging with the mouse + Ctrl copying an object;
Dragging with the mouse + ⇧ Shift - move the object;
Mouse drag + Ctrl + ⇧ Shift create an object shortcut.
Holding Ctrl + mouse clicks - select several objects (for example, to copy several files or folders);
Holding ⇧ Shift - select several adjacent objects;
Esc - cancel (for example, close the drop-down menu);
Alt + letter - call a menu command (usually this letter is underlined in the menu, or becomes underlined after pressing Alt (see the picture below);

Screenshots, games, and other useful combinations

PrtScr - take a screenshot (screenshot) and place it on the clipboard;
Alt + PrtScr - take a screenshot active window and put it on the clipboard
(to insert into the program (Paint or Word, or another, use the above-mentioned combination of Ctrl + V);
⊞ Win + PrtScr - take a screenshot and save it in the folder with images;
⊞ Win + Alt + PrtScr - take a screenshot of the game;
⊞ Win + G - open the game panel to record the progress of the passage;
⊞ Win + Alt + G - record the last 30 seconds in the active window;
⊞ Win + Alt + R - start or stop recording;
⊞ Win + P - switch between display modes (if there is a second display).

Hotkeys in Internet browsers

Hotkey combinations work in almost any browser, such as: Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Intertet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Yandex Browser and others.

Working with tabs and windows

Ctrl + T - new tab;
Ctrl + N - open a new window;
Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 - close the tab;
Ctrl + TAB↹ - flip through tabs;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + TABβ†Ή - flip through tabs to the left;
Ctrl + a number from 1 to 9 - go to the tab by number;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + N - create a window in incognito mode (there will be no history or other traces of your stay after you);
Ctrl + LMB (by link) - open the link in a new tab;
⇧ Shift + LMB - open the link in a new window;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + T - open the last closed tab. You can open all the last closed tabs;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Q - close the browser (works in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser);

Working with the current page and navigation

F11 - enable / disable full screen mode;
F5 or Ctrl + R - refresh the page;
F6 - moving between panels - the action is like the TAB↹ button, but F6 does not follow the links, you can quickly go to the address bar or to the bookmarks bar, for example;
Ctrl + F5 - refresh ignoring the cache (load the page on a new one);
Alt + Home - open the home page;
Ctrl + P - print the current page;
Esc - cancel page loading;
Ctrl + S - save the page;
Ctrl + O - open a file;
Alt + ← or ← Backspace - back;
Alt + β†’ or ⇧ Shift + ← Backspace - forward;
Space or Page Down - One screen down;
⇧ Shift + Space or Page Up - one screen up;
Home - to the top of the page;
End - to the end of the page;
⇧ Shift + Esc - open the browser's task manager (when tabs and windows hang);
Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - zoom in / out the page;
Ctrl + 0 - restore the original page scale;

Working with bookmarks

Ctrl + D - add a page to bookmarks;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + O - open the bookmark manager;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + B - enable or disable the bookmark bar (under address bar);


Ctrl + F - search the page by words (to find the required text);
Ctrl + G - search further;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift, F3 - find the next value when searching the page;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ⇧ Shift, ⇧ Shift + F3 - find the previous value when searching within the page;

Development tools

Ctrl + U - watch source pages;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + J - open the JavaScript console;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + I - open developer tools;

Address bar

Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6 - select the address of the current page in the address bar (it is convenient to write new address, or copy the current one);
Ctrl + L ← Backspace - delete the word before the cursor;
Alt + ↡ Enter - open the dialed address in a new tab;
Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E - go to the search bar (Google or other PS);
Ctrl + ↡ Enter - add www elements. to the address and open the resulting URL;
Alt + ← - move the cursor to the previous word;
Alt + β†’ move cursor to next word;

History and downloads

Ctrl + H - watch history;
Ctrl + J - watch downloads;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Delete - clears history, cache, and other data (you can choose what you want to delete);