Is youtube a social network. Automatic repost from YouTube to social networks

Would you like to automatically post all published videos to your groups on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, LJ), to your website, blogs (such as Blogger) and other media services? This is possible and quite simple. Now I'll tell you how to set up an automatic repost.

How does automatic repost work?

All auto-posting services and plugins work on the principle of a trigger event. For example, you publish a video on your Youtube channel and this event is a trigger for launching a script or for triggering an auto-posting service. The service or plugin takes a video, copies the title, description and tags, posts it to social networks (what exactly will be posted depends on the specific social network and the capabilities of the selected plugin or service)

For example, the title of the video and a link to it will be automatically posted on Twitter, in VKontakte you can immediately embed a video or place a title, a picture from the video's cover and a link, in LJ you can embed the video itself, add its title, description and tags, etc.

What is an automatic repost for?

Auto posting of any content saves you time, because you do not need to manually post videos to all your social media. networks and thus allows you to expand your audience, attract new people. For example, you manually and carefully maintain a group in contact, but you do not have enough time for Facebook and LiveJournal. Then you set up an autorepost for these groups and they will be updated automatically.

You will collect additional views, and if monetization is enabled, additional money.

In addition, autorepost is convenient not only for a channel on Youtube: it can be used for websites. For example, you have a website on wordPress system... You connect the autorepost plugin and all articles to it, all posts will be automatically posted on connected social networks and blog pages. This will positively affect the promotion of your site. You can post article announcements with a link to the full text, very convenient.

How to enable automatic repost? What services to use?

This is probably the most important question for you. Well, I will answer it:

I will tell you how to properly configure and use these services and plugins in mine.

Hello dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. There is probably no point in talking about the advantages and disadvantages of social networks. Everyone has at least a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it is and why they exist.

Nevertheless, I like to summarize information. This is useful for me too, and similar articles on my blog are very popular. Apparently, there is always something new that a person has not thought about before.

Today I will tell you where you can register on social networks, in a nutshell I will explain what it is, offer a list of the most popular projects and certainly mention their focus, target audience and I will try to highlight the features of each of them.

Let's start?

What are these networks

Social Networking is a free electronic project that helps bring people together. Someone was already familiar in real life, and thanks to social networks, it becomes much easier for these people to communicate with each other. Others make new connections: make friends, find work or maintain relationships with colleagues, and some also have love relationships thanks to the same Vkontakte.

However, there is another category of people who use social networks, although not for their intended purpose, but with benefit. On many resources, you can play simple games with friends and strangers, sell some unnecessary things, receive and share interesting information. Even I have group Start-Luck Vkontakte that anyone can subscribe to.

By the way, this is another way to use social media. If you have your own. You tell the world about yourself and get clients.

There is or. So the advantage for some is also getting additional income. Everything that I have just listed is relevant for all social networks present on the Internet.

So it's time to find out what they are and who needs them. Is it obligatory to register everywhere or is it enough to choose one single project.

What are they

As a rule, the average user is registered in three or four social networks, but regularly visits only one that turned out to be closer to him in spirit: he is satisfied with the interface, his main friends, acquaintances and colleagues also follow the updates of the same social network, he likes information , which he receives and the functions that it helps to carry out.

Registration in all social networks is impossible without a phone number or email. This is done in your best interest. It becomes impossible to lose or forget your username and password. By the way, read about that in one of my previous publications.

Another reason for multiple registrations is free. All social networks offer to join them without paying a dime. Sooner or later, you may be found by some distant friend by name and surname, and you will immediately find out about it. The contact will be established even if you almost never go to your profile. You receive a notification on emailand you are always up to date.


The older generation is closer social network Classmates. Frankly speaking, I do not quite understand what this might be connected with. Why it so happened that the sites were distributed among the audience. Probably the point is some secret manipulation of marketers. Or maybe it's just herd instinct - one friend told the other, she invited her friend to communicate through Odnoklassniki and away we go.

In contact with

The social network Vkontakte is more suitable for children, adolescents and a young Russian-speaking audience. People spend their time here for hours. An abundance of groups, funny and unobtrusive information, a large number of friends who also spend their time on Vkontakte are doing their job. Teenagers even verbally share the information they received, send each other simple pictures, and follow trends - discussing what is now on the crest of the wave.


Facebook is the first foreign social network to appear. People from all over the world can be found here. It is the most numerous and popular. Somewhere in Australia, indigenous people do not know about the existence of Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, they communicate via Facebook.


Instagram is a somewhat unusual social network. It is slightly different from the three that I have already listed. The main bargaining chip here is photographs. People talk about themselves and follow the lives of others through pictures. Of course, descriptions are added to the photo, you can comment on them so that the communication is complete.


Surprisingly, there is still controversy over whether YouTube is a social network or video hosting. For some reason, they don't ask such questions about Instagram. It is for this reason that I classify YouTube as a social media.

Here people post not photos, but videos. True, videos from their lives are left by a small part of the audience. More and more often they publish some kind of instructions, reviews, stories on how to cook borscht or grow a hydrangea. Probably, that is why there is a feeling that the personality of the person himself is poorly revealed here.


A special feature of Twitter is that only text can be published here. Its length must not exceed 150 characters. This is how, briefly, succinctly and to the point, people share their thoughts, news, find like-minded people or have disputes with those who disagree.

Many people want to get as many followers as possible so that their social media experience is more enjoyable. You share some information and get thousands of questions, comments, approvals, and so on.

If you also have such a desire, then I can offer you my article "" or recommend the service ... Spend some money and real professionals will be engaged in the promotion of your page, who will definitely bring you new users.

That's all for me. Until next time and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. Until next time.

In most countries of the world, YouTube is known as the largest video hosting service, providing users with various services for downloading and accessing video materials. But this resource also has a number of features that allow it to be classified as social networks.

Not the most trivial, but an important first such feature is user registration. That is, to feel like full-fledged users, you need to register on the portal, having come up with a name and password for access. In addition, registration gives access to creating your own video channel.

The use of the video channel is completely free, which attracts a huge number of users from all over the world. The user has administrative functions in relation to his video channel, that is, he has the ability to view, add, comment and delete videos. Thus, one of the main features of any social network is realized - communication.

But besides this, YouTube users can exchange various links to the videos they like, which can be taken for some form of communication. If the site is classified as a social network, then among all networks it will be in the first place in any list in any country in terms of traffic, therefore the most effective (especially in Google).

This is a well-known brand, loved by many hosting and a well-promoted site. In addition, according to the latest data, video hosting is the third most visited among all Internet resources in the world. The boundaries of the prospects for its development are also difficult to imagine, because in fact they do not exist, the site can develop for an infinitely long time. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that hosting has been a way for many to make money for some time now.

Of course, advertising is the most effective and most widespread. Often offers from advertisers come to the owners of video channels if they are in unprecedented demand in this area, but it happens that the users themselves have to deal with the search for advertisers. It is no coincidence that the usual creation of a blog in the context of YouTube is, in fact, the creation of a video channel.

The basic principles related to the creation and placement of advertisements on the site are as follows:

  • - first of all, a competent choice of the advertised service or product;
  • - then it is necessary to determine the main advantages of the promoted product, or focus on positive reviews, or large sales, or on the need for a product;
  • - you need to create a video that will talk about the product itself and its selected advantages, and, if possible, this should be presented in an interesting manner;
  • - followed by video posting with some SEO optimization and securing feedback, that is, the coordinates and contact Information;
  • - finally, the subsequent partnership with YouTube, if the video does not violate any laws and regulations, and video material in other social networks, which have direct access from the site.

By the way, such earnings bring YouTube even closer to a social network. It turns out that in addition to the educational and entertainment function, this hosting can be an excellent base for communication and earnings. This is exactly what a large number of users do by registering on the site.

After all, a huge user base, millions of videos and billions of views, attracts many people with such sky-high rates. And, being here and staying at least a few minutes, the minimum percentage refuses to visit this resource again, which says youTube performanceas a resource of mass propaganda and advertising.

In this case, we parse two search engines - Google and YouTube

  1. Before uploading video give it the correct name, which will be spelled out keywords... Write the name in Latin letters in Russian, this action is called transliteration. Example: "The fastest plane" is samyj-bystryj-samolet. Transliteration can be done, for example, on the website.
  2. Video title (the name of the video in the channel itself when you upload it to YouTube). This is the name that viewers of your channel see. Try to make a catchy headline, but do not forget about keywords that accurately characterize your video.
  3. Keywords. I recommend making a list of 5 to 10 keywords or phrases. It is important! Don't put in keywords that don't match your video.
  4. YouTube ratings. These are the well-known up and down thumbs that indicate whether users liked the video or not. The more plus signs, i.e. Thumb up, the higher the video rises in the YouTube search results. Do not disable ratings! Let people express their opinion, but strive to ensure that there are significantly more advantages. By the way, you can do it for a fee.
  5. Description of the video. Remember the top ways to optimize your web pages? Title, discription and keywords, i.e. title, description and keywords. So, this principle works here as well. The title (title), keywords (keywords), and the description is the description of the video on YouTube. Only unlike web site optimization, more than 160 printable characters are allowed here. How many? Do as much as you need. In this description you can and should publish search queries more than 1 time, but you should not be too zealous, because sooner or later YouTube will also introduce the principle of over-optimization of the description, but so far it is not. Professionals recommend giving a detailed account of what is shown in the video in the description.

How do you make money on YouTube?

There are several main ways to make money:

  1. Affiliate program of the service itself
  2. Selling advertising from a video channel
  3. Selling piece ads for impressions or clicks

Consider, for example, only the first type of income, although the other types can significantly exceed income from affiliate program service.

Considering the income from the YouTube affiliate program, we are, of course, talking primarily about Google Adsense contextual advertising, i.e. takes into account the average cost per click, which in turn depends directly on the subject of the video.

Business theme: $ 2-5 per 1000 impressions.
Entertainment topics: $ 0.5 - $ 1.5 per 1000 impressions.
If your YouTube channel is viewed 10 thousand times per day, then in the business topic, income is from 20 to 50 dollars per day, and in the entertainment topic from 5 to 15 dollars. That at the end of the month gives from 600 to 1500 dollars, and from 150 to 450 dollars, respectively.

How much and how do they earn on social networks?

We are considering the income of the Runet. Perhaps we would have talked about income in the bourgeoisie, but I have nothing to do with them, and probably primarily because of the lack of knowledge of foreign languages.

YouTube is also a social network. Average income from contextual advertising - from 500 to 3000 dollars per month. Youtuber can use these incomes in the first month of promotion of his channel.
Income in the social network VKontakte... In previous articles I have already talked about making money on this social network, but now I will just recall the numbers and methods. Earn on advertising. Usually advertising is placed as an ordinary post, which is fixed in the first place in the "Group" or " Public page”, After an hour or two, the post goes down and remains on the page for 24 hours. The cost of one such placement is from 50 rubles to 7000 rubles. On popular "Publics" the owners earn over 10 thousand dollars a month. But the average income is from $ 300 to $ 2,000 per month.
Income from the social network Facebook. An order of magnitude lower than from the social network VKontakte.
Income from the social network Odnoklassniki - even lower than from Facebook.
Income from Twitter - insignificant (up to $ 300 per month).
Professional bloggers who have promoted their sites more than 3-5 thousand visitors a day are increasingly asking what is better to develop now? New sites, social networks, or delving deeper into video marketing on YouTube?

I also face similar questions.

I would like to cover everything at once, but this is impossible. If you make equal efforts on both VKontakte and YouTube, and even develop several sites, then in the end you can't really do anything anywhere.

The option to hire employees is possible only after the process is fully automated, and it is possible only on a well-promoted resource, otherwise there is a great risk of ruining what they have already untwisted.

What to choose YouTube or vKontakte?

I would advise you to choose one thing, or give priority to one, and devote less effort to the second. For example, one should give 80% of the time, and the second only 20%.

Why does contact bother me?

Today, this social network provides opportunities for both promoting your site and making money, but its main disadvantage is its Russian origin. And in the realities of our business, there is a habit of ruining everything as soon as there is demand. Therefore, investing money and time in social networks is very “stressful”.

How to promote a video on YouTube

To promote your video, you need to know about special ratings, filters, and coefficients of the service itself. You are given 48 hours to make the most of your video promotion. The more actions happen to your video during these 48 hours, the easier your video will be promoted on YouTube, i.e. the video service itself helps you, provided that you are trying to promote your video.

Why would YouTube help you promote your video?

The answer is very simple. YouTube is a commercial Google campaign site. I still remember the time when Youtube was an independent project, but after its acquisition by Google, it certainly changed a lot. How does this service earn? Through advertising that is shown on its pages. The more visitors to the site, the more Google will earn. Therefore, if you promote their site, attracting visitors to your video, Youtube will help you gain views. A kind of loyalty and reward program for its users.

So what can you do in these 48 hours?

Inform your friends, acquaintances, visitors and clients about the new video. How? Place a link to the video on social networks, on your website, on other people's sites and forums, and of course use an email newsletter for this if you are already implementing email marketing in promoting your business. What we

should get it in the end? Quite a large number of views for a new video. How many should there be? It all depends on the subject matter and competition. How many people today are trying to drive traffic to videos of this kind. Sometimes 20-30 views is enough to get bonuses from Youtube, and sometimes 10 thousand is not enough.

YouTube pays special attention to the internal rating system. Remember there are up and down thumbs under each video. The service looks at the ratio. There should be much more pluses than minuses. Therefore, you can ask your friends to press "thumbs up"
Youtube tracks the number and quality of comments. Therefore, start dialogues and discussions with your friends in the comments under your video.
Make calls to actions when creating videos. Ask those who watch the video to put pluses, write comments and subscribe to your channel.
Make footnotes and reminders. The same as in point 4, only do it not with your voice, but with footnotes that the service allows you to do in the videos themselves.
As you can see, the algorithm is simple and easy to implement.


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