Algorithmization of search for legal information. An algorithm, on behalf of the scientist al-Khwarizmi, is an exact set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem. Algorithm, types of algorithms. Algorithmization of legal search

Algorithm, on behalf of the scientist al-Khorezmi - an exact set of instructions describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving the problem in end time.

Algorithmization- the process of developing an algorithm (action plan) to solve a problem.

Algorithms are:

1. Linear - do not contain logical conditions, have one processing branch and are represented by a linear sequence of blocks connected to each other.

2. Branched - contains one or more conditions and has several processing branches.

3. Cyclic - contains one or more cycles.

Algorithmization of search for legal information.

Maintaining information banks of reference and legal systems in current state consists of three closed technological processes, namely:

Introduction of new documents to the information bank;

Creation and introduction of new editions of documents into the information bank;

Introducing changes and additions to documents into the information bank.

Each of these processes consists of sequentially performed stages:

1.1.Registration of a received document

1.2. View periodicals

2. Processing of the document by lawyers

3. Preparation of document text

3.1 Creating an electronic image of a document

3.2 Design, spell checking

3.3.Text proofreading by a proofreader

4. Identification hypertext links

5. Filling out the document search card

6. Preparing the document for downloading in its original format

7. Final check using automated error detection tools

8. Entering into the information bank

9. What is the architecture and structure of a computer. Describe the principle of "open architecture".

Computer architecture this is its description at some general level, including a description of user programming capabilities, command systems,

Computer structure- this is the totality of it functional elements and connections between them.

The principle of open architecture is as follows:

Only the description of the operating principle of the computer and its configuration are regulated and standardized.

The computer is easily expanded and upgraded due to the presence of internal expansion slots.

To connect with each other various devices computer they must have the same interface.

To coordinate interfaces, peripheral devices are connected to the bus not directly, but through their controllers (adapters) and ports approximately according to the following scheme:

Controllers and adapters are sets of electronic circuits that are supplied to computer devices for the purpose of compatibility of their interfaces.

10. Units of measurement of information in computer systems: binary system calculus, bits and bytes. Methods of presenting information.

Notation is a way of writing numbers using a given set of characters (digits).

binary number system - positional number system with base 2. The symbols 0 and 1 are used to represent numbers.

Bit - min unit of information.

Byte is a unit of measurement of the amount of information equal to 8 bits.

Methods of presenting information

1. continuous method, all vector coordinates can take any value on the numerical axis.

2. discrete method, each vector coordinate can take only a fixed number of values.

Related information:

  1. A. Yes, they are legal, since this is the basis for collecting a debt, that is, civil liability. 1 page

January 15, 2016

GLOSSARY. GLOSSARY. An algorithm is a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem. An algorithm is a set of instructions that describe a course of action.

performer to achieve the result of solving the problem in the final

number. An algorithm is a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of a performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions (Wikipedia).

Algorithmization. Combinatorics. Algorithmization is the process of compiling algorithms for solving assigned applied problems.

*Algorithm is a precise set of instructions that describe the procedure for achieving a result, solving a problem in a finite time. Algorithm – a set of instructions describing the order of actions of the performer

to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite time.

An algorithm is a precise set of instructions that describe the order of actions of some executor to achieve a result, solve a certain problem in a finite number of steps. Basic properties of algorithms: Understandability for the performer - the performer of the algorithm must understand how to execute it. In other words, having an algorithm and an arbitrary version of the initial data, the performer must know how to act to execute this algorithm. Discreteness (discontinuity, separateness) - the algorithm must represent the process of solving a problem as a sequential execution of simple (or previously defined) steps (stages). Certainty - each rule of the algorithm must be clear, unambiguous and leave no room for arbitrariness. Due to this property, the execution of the algorithm is mechanical in nature and does not require any additional instructions or information about the problem being solved.

An algorithm, on behalf of the scientist al-Khorezmi, is an exact set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite time. Algorithm definitions. There is no single “true” definition of the concept “algorithm”. An algorithm is a precise set of instructions that describe the order of actions of some executor to achieve a result. Currently, the term “algorithm” means a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions.

An algorithm is a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions. In the old interpretation, instead of the word “order,” the word “sequence” was used. An algorithm is a precise set of instructions that describe the order of actions of some executor to achieve a result.

Effectiveness (or finiteness) is that in a finite number of steps the algorithm either must lead to a solution to the problem, or after a finite number of steps it must stop due to the impossibility of obtaining a solution with the issuance of the corresponding message, or it must continue indefinitely during the time allotted for the execution of the algorithm , with the output of intermediate results. Massiveness means that the algorithm for solving a problem is developed in a general form, i.e., in this case, the initial data can be selected from a certain area, which is called the domain of applicability of the algorithm. To record an algorithm for solving a problem, the following methods are used: verbal and formulaic description; algorithm diagram compiled using graphic blocks ( block diagram); algorithmic languages programming; pseudocode.

Алгоритм — Р'РекипедияМатериал РёР· Р'Рекипедии — SЃРІРѕР±РѕРґРЅР ѕР№ СЌРЅС†РеклопедРеиАлгори́тм — набор инструкций ... S‚ижения результата решения Р·Р° дачи Р·Р° конечное S‡РёСЃР»Рѕ действий, РїСЂРё R»СЋР±РѕРј набосе РїСЃС…Р ѕРґРЅС‹С… данных. Р' старой трактовке RІРјРµСЃС‚Рѕ SЃР»РѕРІР° «порядок» пппльзовалось SЃР»РѕРІРѕ «последовательност СЊВ", РЅРѕ РїРѕ мере развития параллельности РІ работе РєРѕРјРїСЊS ЋС‚еров слово «последовател ьность» стали заменять R±РѕР»РµРµ РѕР±С‰РеРј SЃР»РѕРІРѕРј «порядоРєВ". RS‚Рѕ связано СЃ тем, что работа RєР°РєРєРє…- то РёРЅСструкций алгоритма РјРѕР¶ ет быть зависРеРјР° РѕС‚ РґСЂСѓРіРёС… Ренструкций или результат РѕРІ РёС… работы. Таким образом, некоторые инструкции должны выпол няться строго после завершення работы онструкций, РѕС‚ которых РѕРЅРё заввисят. Независимые Ренструкции или инструкции, ставшие незаввисимыми РёР·- Р·Р° завершения СЂР °Р±РѕС‚С‹ онструкций, РѕС‚ которых РѕРЅРё R·Р°РІРІРєСЃСЏS‚, РјРѕРіСѓС‚ РІС ‹РїРѕР»РЅСЏС‚СЊСЃСЏ РІ произвольном RїРѕСЂСЏРґРєРµ, параллельно или одновременно, если это RїРѕР·РІРѕР»СЏСЋС‚ РёСЃРїРѕР»С ЊР·СѓРµРјС‹Рµ процессор Рё операционная SЃРёСЃС‚ема. R анее часто писали «ал горифм», сейчас такое написание использует SЃСЏ SЂРµРґРєРѕ, РЅРѕ, тем РЅРµ RјРµРЅРµРµ, имеет место (например, RќРѕS ЂРјР°Р»СЊРЅС‹Р№ алгорифмМаркова). Часто РІ качестве исполнителя выступает РЅРµРєРѕС‚РѕС ЂС‹Р№ механизм (компьютер, С‚ окарный станок, швейная машина), РЅРѕ понятие алгоритма необязательно RѕS‚носится Rє RєРѕРјРїСЊСЋС‚ерным RїSЂРѕРіСЂР°РјРјР°Рј, так, например, С‡С'тко описанный рецепт RїСЂРёРіРѕС‚овления R ±Р»СЋРґР° также SЏРІР»СЏРµС‚СЃСЏ алгоритмом, РІ таком случае РёСЃРїР ѕР»РЅРёС‚елем SЏРІР»СЏРµС‚СЃСЏ S‡РµР»РѕРІРµРє.

Понятие алгоритма относится Рє RїРµСЂРІРѕРЅР°С‡Р°Р»СЊРЅС‹Рј, РѕС ЃРЅРѕРІРЅС‹Рј, базисным RїРѕРЅСЏС‚РёСЏРј RјР°С‚ематики. R'S‹S‡РЃР»РёС‚ельные процессы алгоритмического S…араРєС‚ера (арифметические дей ствия над целыми числами, нахождение наибольшего РѕР±С ‰РµРіРѕ делителя РґРІСѓС … S‡РЃРµР» Рё Рґ.) известны S‡РµР»РѕРІРµС‡РµСЃС‚РІСѓ SЃ RіР»СѓР±РѕРєРѕР№ древности.

RћРґРЅР°РєРѕ РІ ССІРІРЅРѕРј РІРІРґРµ RїРѕРЅСЏС‚РёРµ R°Р»РіРѕСЂРёС‚РјР° SЃС„ормировалРѕСЃСЊ лишь РІ начале XX века. Частичная формализация RїРѕРЅСЏС‚РёСЏ алгоритма РЅР°С‡Р°Р»Р°СЃС Њ Ѓ RїRѕRїS‹S ‚РѕРє решения проблемы разрешения (нем. Entscheidungsproblem), которую S I .

RіРѕРґСѓ. СледующРеРµ этапы формализацРеРё были необходимы для їСЂРµРґРµР»РµРЅРёСЏ SЌС„С„РµРєС‚РёРІРЅС ‹С… вычислений или «эффективного RјРµС‚ода»; SЃСЂРµРґРё таких формализаций — SЂРµРєСѓСЂСЃРІРІРЅС‹Рµ S„ункции Геделя — Ѐбрана — Клини 1 . Рё 1. 93. 5 РіРі., О» - исчислениеАлонзо Р§С'рча1. Рі., «Формул Поста 1. В» Рмиля Поста1.

РіРѕРґР° машина РўССЊСЋСЂРёРЅРіР°. Р' методологии алгоритм SЏРІР»СЏРµС‚СЃСЏ базисным RїРѕРЅСЏС‚иеРј Рё получает качественно РЅРѕРІРѕРµ РїРѕРЅСЏС‚ РёРµ как РѕРїС‚Ремальности РїРѕ RјРµСЂРµ РїСЂРеближения Рє РїСЂРѕРіРЅРѕР·РёС ЂСѓРµРјРѕРјСѓ абсолюту. R' SЃРѕРІСЂРµРјРµРЅРЅРѕРј RјРёСЂРµ R°Р»РіРѕСЂРёС‚Рј RІ S„ормализованном °Р¶РµРЅРёРё SЃРѕСЃС‚авляет РѕСЃРЅРѕРІСГ RѕР±СЂР°Р·РѕРІР°РЅРёСЏ РЅР° RїSЂРёРјРµСЂР°С..., RїРѕ RїРѕРґРѕР±РёСЋ.

Современное S„ормальное RѕРїСЂРµРґРµР»РµРЅРёРµ алгоритма Р±С‹ ло дано РІ 3. Рµ РіРѕРґС‹ XX века РІ работах РўСЊСЋСЂРёРЅРіР °, Поста, Р§С'рча (тезис Р§С'рча — РўСЊСЋСЂРёРЅРіР°), Рќ. Р'инера, Рђ. Rђ. RњР°СЂРєРѕРІР°.

Само слово «алгоритм» РїСЂРѕРјСЃС…РѕРґРѕ‚ РѕС‚ имени S…орезмскРѕРіРѕ СѓС‡С'РЅРѕРіРѕ РђР±Сѓ Абдуллах РњСѓС…Р° ммеда РёР±РЅ РњСѓСЃР° аль- Хорезми (алгоритм — аль- Хорезми). Около 8. 25 РіРѕРґР° РѕРЅ напоЃР°Р» СЃРѕС‡Ренение, РІ котором РІРїРµСЂРІС ‹Рµ дал описание придуманной РІ РРЅРґРёРё позиционной РґРµСЃСЏС ‚РёС ‡РЅРѕР№ снстемы счисленмя. Rљ SЃРѕР¶Р°Р»РµРЅРёСЋ, персидский орггинал RєРЅРіРіРё РЅРµ SЃРѕС…ранился.

Аль- Хорезми сформулировал праввла вычислений РІ РЅРѕРІР ѕР№ системе Рё, вероятно, впервые использова Р» цифру 0 для обозначения РїСЂРѕРїСѓS‰РµРЅРЅРѕР№ позиции РІ Р·Р°РїРёС ЃРё числа (РµС' РеРЅРґРёР№СЃРєРѕРµ РСазвание арабы перевели как as- sifr или просто sifr, отсюда такие С ЃР»РѕРІР°, как «ц ифра» Рё “шифр”). Приблизительно РІ это же время РёРЅРґРёР№СЃРєРёРµ S†РёС„СЂС‹ начал Рё применять Рё РґСЂСѓРіРёРµ арабские SѓS ‡С'Рые. P' їРµСЂРµРІРѕРґРµ проникла РІ Р ІСЂРѕРїСѓ. ПереводчРеРє, РєРјСЏ которого РґРѕ нас дошло, дал ей назваРSРёРµ Algoritmi de numero Indorum («Алгоритмы Рѕ СЃС‡С' S‚Рµ РеРЅРґРёР№СЃРєРѕРјВ”). РџРѕ- арабски же РєРЅРёРіР° именовалась RљРёС‚аб R°Р»СЊ- джебр валь- РјС ѓРєР°Р±Р° ла («Книга Рѕ сложении Рё вычитании”). РР· РѕСЂРегинального названния RєРЅРёРіРіРїСЂРѕРіСЃС…РѕРґРѕ‚ слово «алгебра» (аль- джебр ※ восполнение).

RўР°РєРёРј образом, РјС‹ RІРЅРёРј, что R»Р°С‚инизированное РјСЂРµ днеазРеатского SѓС‡С'РЅРѕРіРѕ Р±С‹ R»Рѕ вынесено РІ заглавие RєРЅРёРіРё, Рё SЃРµРіРѕРґРЅСЏ SЃС‡РёС‚ается, ‚Рѕ слово «ал горитм» РїРѕРїР° ло РІ европейские SЏР·С‹РєРё именно благодаря SЌS‚РѕРјСѓ SЃРѕС‡РёР Sению. Однако РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃ Рѕ его смысле длительное RІСЂРµРјСЏ вызывал ожесточённые СЃРїРѕСЂС‹.

РќР° протяжении многгввеков провЁхожденнслова RґР°РІР °Р»РёСЃСЊ SЃР°РјС‹Рµ разные объяснения. РћРЅРё выводили algorism РёР· греческих algiros (больной) Рё arithmos (число). РР· такого объяснения РЅРµ очень СЏСЃРЅРѕ, почему числа енно “боДьные”. Рли же лингвистам больными казались люди, имеющие РЅРµСЃС ‡Р°СЃС‚СЊРµ заниматься вычислениями? RЎРІРѕС' объяснение предлагал Рё SЌРЅС†РёРєР»РѕРїРµРґРёС‡РµСЃРєРёР№ слов арь Брокгауза Рё Рфрона. R' РЅС'Рј алгорифм (кстати, РґРѕ революции использовалось аписание алгориѳм, череР· тпроизводится «от арабского SЃР»РѕРІР° Аль- Горетм, S‚Рѕ есть корень”.

Разумеется, эти объяснения РІСЂСЏРґ ли RјРѕР¶РЅРѕ SЃС‡РµСЃС‚СЊ SѓР±Р µРґРёС‚ельными. Упомянутй выше перевод SЃРѕС‡РёРЅРµРЅРёСЏ аль- Хорезми СЃС ‚ал первой ласточкой, Рё РІ течение нескольких следующих столетий появилось RјРЅРѕР¶РµСЃС‚Р ІРѕ РґСЂСѓРіРѕРІ… трудов, посвящђнных РІСЃС’ тому R¶Рµ RІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃСѓ in Ђ ” обучению пкусству СЃС‡С'та СЃ помощью цифр. Р РІСЃРµ РѕРЅРё РІ названии имели слово algoritmi или algorismi.

РџСЂРѕ аль- Хорезми позднейшие авторы ничего РЅРµ знално RїРѕСЃРєРѕР»СЊРєСѓ RїРµСЂРІС‹Р№ перевод RєРЅРёРіРё начРеРЅР °РµС‚СЃСЏ SЃР»РѕРІР°РјРё: В«Dixit algorizmi: …» («Аль- Хорезми РіРѕРІРѕСЂРёР»: …В"), РІСЃС' РµС ‰С' связыва R»Рё это слово СЃ Ременем RєРѕРЅРєСЂРµС‚РЅРѕРіРѕ S‡РµР»РѕРІРµРєР°. Очень SЂР°СЃРїСЂРѕСЃС‚ранённой была версоЏ Рѕ греческом ЂРѕРёСЃС…ождении РєРЅРёРіРё. R' R°РЅРіР»Рѕ- норманнской СЂСѓРєРѕРїРёСЃРё XIII века, напканной РІ ЃС‚РёС… Р°С..., читаем: Алгоризм Р±С‹ Р» придуман РІ РІ Греции. RS‚Рѕ S‡Р°СЃС‚СЊ арифметики. RџСЂРёРґСѓРјР°РЅ РѕРЅ был RјР°СЃС‚ером RїРѕ RіРјРµРЅРё RђР»РіРѕСЂРёР·Рј, RєРѕС‚орый дал ему SЃРІРѕС‘ РёРјСЏ. Рпоскольку его звали Алгоризм.

RћРЅ назвал SЃРІРѕСЋ РєРЅРёРіСѓ «Ал РіРѕСЂРёР·РјВ». Около 1. 25.

Algorithm An algorithm, on behalf of the scientist al-Khorezmi, is a precise set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite time. In the old interpretation, instead of the word “order,” the word “sequence” was used, but as parallelism in computer operation developed, the word “sequence” began to be replaced by the more general word “order.” This is due to the fact that the operation of some instructions of the algorithm may be dependent on other instructions or the results of their work.

Thus, some instructions must be executed strictly after the instructions on which they depend have completed. Independent instructions, or instructions made independent by the completion of the instructions on which they depend, can be executed in random order, in parallel, or simultaneously, if the processor and operating system used allow it.

Often some mechanism (computer, lathe, sewing machine) acts as a performer, but the concept of an algorithm does not necessarily refer to computer programs, for example, a clearly described recipe for preparing a dish is also an algorithm, in which case the performer is a person. Algorithm definitions. There is no single “true” definition of the concept “algorithm”. An algorithm is a finite set of rules that defines a sequence of operations to solve a specific set of problems and has five important features: finiteness, certainty, input, output, efficiency.” An algorithm is any system of calculations performed according to strictly defined rules, which after a certain number of steps obviously leads to the solution of the problem.” An algorithm is a precise prescription that defines a computational process that goes from varying initial data to the desired result."

Algorithm is a precise prescription for performing in a certain order a certain system of operations leading to the solution of all problems of this type". An algorithm is a strictly deterministic sequence of actions that describes the process of transforming an object from the initial state to the final state, written down using commands understandable to the performer." An algorithm is a sequence of actions aimed at obtaining a certain result in a finite number of steps.” Algorithm is an unambiguous, accessible and brief (conventional concepts - names of the stage) described sequence of procedures for reproducing a process with a result determined by the task of the algorithm under given initial conditions. The universality (or specialization) of an algorithm is determined by the applicability and reliability of this algorithm for solving non-standard tasks» .

An algorithm is clear and precise instructions for the performer to take a finite number of steps aimed at solving a given problem.” An algorithm is a certain finite set of operations designed for a specific performer, as a result of which, after a certain number of steps, a goal can be achieved or a problem of a certain type can be solved.” An algorithm is a sequence of actions that either leads to a solution to a problem or explains why this solution cannot be obtained.” An algorithm is an exact, unambiguous, final sequence of actions that a user must perform to achieve a specific goal or to solve specific task or groups of tasks." An algorithm is a precise prescription that specifies a computational (algorithmic) process, starting from an arbitrary initial data and aimed at obtaining a result completely determined by this initial data.” An algorithm is a sequence of actions that leads to the final result."

Pay attention to the bold line. In short, if they want to fail you in the exam, they will ask you to tell the definition of the Algorithm.

Algorithm, on behalf of the scientist al-Khwarizmi (pers. خوارزمی‎) - an exact set of instructions describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite time. In the old interpretation, instead of the word “order,” the word “sequence” was used, but as parallelism in computer operation developed, the word “sequence” began to be replaced by the more general word “order.” This is due to the fact that the operation of some instructions of the algorithm may be dependent on other instructions or the results of their work. Thus, some instructions must be executed strictly after the instructions on which they depend have completed. Independent instructions, or instructions made independent by the completion of the instructions on which they depend, can be executed in random order, in parallel, or simultaneously, if the processor and operating system used allow it.

There is no single “true” definition of the concept “algorithm”.

“An algorithm is a finite set of rules that defines a sequence of operations to solve a specific set of problems and has five important features: finiteness, certainty, input, output, efficiency.” (D. E. Knuth)

“An algorithm is any system of calculations performed according to strictly defined rules, which after a certain number of steps obviously leads to the solution of the problem.” (A. Kolmogorov)

“An algorithm is a precise prescription that defines a computational process that goes from varying initial data to the desired result.” (A. Markov)

“An algorithm is a precise prescription for performing in a certain order a certain system of operations leading to the solution of all problems of a given type.” (Philosophical Dictionary / Edited by M. M. Rosenthal)

“An algorithm is a strictly deterministic sequence of actions that describes the process of transforming an object from the initial state to the final state, written down using commands understandable to the performer.” (Nikolai Dmitrievich Ugrinovich, textbook “Computer Science and Information Technologies”)

Types of algorithms

A special role is played by applied algorithms designed to solve certain applied problems. An algorithm is considered correct if it meets the requirements of the problem (for example, it gives a physically plausible result). An algorithm (program) contains errors if for some initial data it gives incorrect results, failures, failures, or does not produce any results at all. The last thesis is used in algorithmic programming competitions to evaluate the programs compiled by the participants.

Recursive algorithms (algorithms that call themselves until some return condition is met) play an important role. Since the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, parallel algorithms designed for computers capable of performing several operations simultaneously have been actively developed.

Depending on the task and the sequence of steps performed, the following types of algorithms are distinguished:

1. Linear - steps of the algorithm follow one after another without repeating, actions occur only in one pre-planned sequence.

Algorithm blocks 1, 2, 3 are executed in exactly this sequence, after which the algorithm reaches the goal and ends.

2. Algorithm with branching - depending on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the condition, either one or the other branch of the algorithm is executed.

In this algorithm, a condition is checked, and if it is satisfied, that is, the question can be answered “Yes,” block of algorithm 1 is executed (or one or more actions), and if it is not satisfied, the answer to the question is negative, then block 2 is executed.

Note: one of the blocks: 1 or 2 may not exist at all. Then in one of the cases some actions will be performed, and in the other - nothing will be performed.

Algorithm 1 block will be executed one or more times until the condition is met.

The algorithm is executed as follows: block 1 is executed, the condition is checked, if it is not satisfied, then block 1 is executed again and the condition is checked again. When the condition is met, the algorithm ends.

Note: in the general scheme of the algorithm, “Yes” and “No” can be swapped, then the algorithm will be executed as long as the condition is met. As soon as the condition is not met, the algorithm ends.

Formal properties of algorithms

Various definitions of an algorithm, either explicitly or implicitly, contain the following series general requirements:

§ Discreteness - the algorithm must represent the process of solving a problem as the sequential execution of some simple steps. Moreover, each step of the algorithm requires a finite period of time to complete, that is, the transformation of the source data into the result is carried out discretely in time.

§ Determinism (certainty). At each moment in time, the next step of work is uniquely determined by the state of the system. Thus, the algorithm produces the same result (answer) for the same initial data. In the modern interpretation, different implementations of the same algorithm must have an isomorphic graph. On the other hand, there are probabilistic algorithms in which the next step of work depends on current state system and the generated random number. However, when you enable the generation method random numbers into the list of “initial data”, the probabilistic algorithm becomes a subtype of the conventional one.

§ Understandability - the algorithm for the performer should include only those commands that are available to him (the performer), which are included in his command system.

§ Completeness (finiteness) - with correctly specified initial data, the algorithm must complete its work and produce a result in a finite number of steps. [ source not specified 320 days] On the other hand, a probabilistic algorithm may never produce a result, but the probability of this is 0.

§ Mass character (universality). The algorithm must be applicable to different sets of input data.

§ Effectiveness - completion of the algorithm with certain results.

§ An algorithm contains errors if it leads to incorrect results or does not produce results at all.

§ An algorithm is error-free if it produces correct results for any valid input data.

Maintaining information banks of reference and legal systems up to date consists of three closed technological processes, namely:
-introduction of new documents into the information bank;
-creation and introduction of new editions of documents into the information bank;
- introducing changes and additions to documents into the information bank.
Each of these processes consists of sequentially performed stages:
1.1.Registration of a received document
1.2. View periodicals
2. Processing of the document by lawyers
3. Preparation of document text
3.1 Creating an electronic image of a document
3.2 Design, spell checking
3.3.Text proofreading by a proofreader
4. Placing hypertext links
5. Filling out the document search card
6. Preparing the document for downloading in its original format
7. Final check using automated error detection tools
8. Entering into the information bank

9. What is the architecture and structure of a computer. Describe the principle of "open architecture".

Computer architecture (Computer architecture, English Computer architecture) - the conceptual structure of a computer that determines the processing of information and includes methods for converting information into data and principles of interaction technical means and software.

Currently, 2 types of architecture are most widespread in computers: Princeton (Neyman) And Harvard. Both of them highlight 2 main computer nodes: the central processor and computer memory. The difference lies in the memory structure: in the Princeton architecture, programs and data are stored in a single memory array and transferred to the processor over a single channel, while the Harvard architecture provides separate storage and transmission streams for instructions and data.

In more detailed description, which defines a specific architecture, also includes: a computer block diagram, means and methods of accessing the elements of this block diagram, the organization and capacity of computer interfaces, the set and availability of registers, the organization of memory and methods for addressing it, the set and format of processor machine instructions, methods of presentation and data formats, interrupt handling rules.

Based on the listed characteristics and their combinations, the following architectures are distinguished:

§ According to the bit depth of interfaces and machine words: 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, 128-bit (a number of computers have other bit depths);

§ According to the features of the set of registers, command and data format: CISC, RISC, VLIW;

§ In count central processing units: uniprocessor, multiprocessor, superscalar;

§ multiprocessor based on the principle of interaction with memory: symmetric multiprocessor (SMP), massively parallel (MPP), distributed.

The architecture of a computer is its description at some general level, including a description of user programming capabilities, command systems, addressing systems, memory organization, etc. The architecture determines the principles of operation, information connections and mutual connection of the main logical nodes of the computer: processor, RAM, external storage and peripheral devices. Commonality of architecture different computers ensures their compatibility from the user's point of view.

The structure of a computer is the totality of its functional elements and the connections between them. The elements can be a wide variety of devices - from the main logical nodes of a computer to the simplest circuits. The structure of a computer is graphically represented in the form of block diagrams, with the help of which you can describe the computer at any level of detail.