Director of the Chelyabinsk branch of FGUP "RTRS" came under preliminary investigation

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Director of the Chelyabinsk branch of FSUE "RTRS" came under preliminary investigation

The police of the Central District of Chelyabinsk began a pre-investigation check against the director of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS) Andrei Medvedev. The siloviki believe that Medvedev may be involved in receiving kickbacks from a commercial structure for helping to implement the federal program.

On March 28, I was questioned, I gave explanations. Nobody initiated any case, and, contrary to rumors circulating among colleagues, no one detained me. As you can see, I am at the workplace and continue to fulfill my duties. Hope it will be cleared up soon. "

We add that the office of the RTRS branch headed by Medvedev is located on Ordzhonikidze Street in the Soviet district of Chelyabinsk. For some reason, the police of the Central District started checking. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chelyabinsk has not yet been able to comment on the situation.

However, as employees of the Chelyabinsk TV channels, who are aware of what is happening, told the correspondent, the security officials believe that the director could receive money, more than half a million rubles, from a representative of a commercial structure for helping to participate in the federal target program for the development of radio broadcasting in 2009-2018. “Probably, we are talking about some kind of contractor performing technical work on radio towers“ in the field ”, - suggested the source of "But what is happening there in reality, nobody knows."

Andrei Medvedev, who recently appeared in relation to the executive director of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS), Andrei Medvedev, is still not commented on either in the TFR or in the company itself. Meanwhile, as it became known, the investigating authorities could be interested in the uneasy relationship between the main Moscow manager of funds for the modernization of equipment with local contractors.

General contractor of RTRS for the implementation design work and the construction of digital terrestrial broadcasting networks in the DVB-T2 standard for the first multiplex in 17 regions of Russia is a Moscow company STC "Cosmos"... It was she who got the construction contracts from RTRS tV towers in 17 regions of the country, including the Chelyabinsk region.

To date, as follows from the report of the "Cosmos" company on its own website, 862 objects have been commissioned in different regions. Obviously, not everywhere such a colossal amount of work was completed without delays and on time, an example of which is the Chelyabinsk region and the branch of the RTRS - "Chelyabinsk Regional Broadcasting Center".

As we were able to establish, until 2015 the subcontractor of the Moscow company "Cosmos" for the design and construction of telecommunication towers in the South Urals was the company SMK-Link... Some amount of work was successfully completed, something remained uncompleted. And according to one of the versions, the director of the Chelyabinsk Regional TV and Radio Broadcasting Center, Andrei Medvedev, is allegedly charged with a bribe for the acceptance of works.

One way or another, by the fall of 2015, the Moscow contractor, Kosmos, began to look for other subcontractors in the Chelyabinsk Region, apparently having quarreled with the management of SMK-Link. The task for the subcontractors was still the same - installation and installation of radio and television broadcasting stations, the same towers, with a height of 50 to 75 m.

Our interlocutor, the owner of a small construction company in Chelyabinsk, asks not to identify himself, but a trial soon begins in the Moscow Arbitration Court, where he acts as a defendant, and the plaintiff is the very same company "Cosmos", which received the right and money for the construction of telecommunications facilities in 17 regions. In the fall of 2015, Chelyabinsk residents signed a small contract with Kosmos for the installation of five towers worth 1.8 million rubles, started work, mounted and installed two TV towers.

Further, according to the interlocutor, events took an unexpected turn: according to our source, the cost of the work in the contract was initially underestimated, when Moscow customers were told this, they initially agreed to compensate for the necessary costs of the Chelyabinsk residents. They agreed in words. However, in the contract they had a clearly spelled out price, which later gave a reason to abandon all oral agreements.

"When they signed a contract, they described one situation to me. Okay, I come to the place with my team, I order equipment for installation, these are huge heavy cranes, tractors, but the situation on the spot is completely different. And it turns out that initially they showed me one front of work and I counted on the same costs, but in fact and in fact it turned out that the work was twice as large, the costs were higher, and the agreements were all- down the drain. In general, now we are going to litigate, and it seems that I will have to involve experts - let them honestly calculate all the necessary costs and show the court that the cost of contracts was initially greatly underestimated. It is not surprising that part of the work on putting the TV towers into operation was disrupted. ", - he declares his position.

Earlier, we recall, the same disagreements between the contractor, the Moscow STC "Cosmos", and the Chelyabinsk subcontractor, SMK-Link, led to a halt in work in the Chelyabinsk region and apparently resulted in a "criminal case", which may be related to Medvedev ... Actually, part of the contract work that was not performed by SMK-Link was "inherited" by our interlocutor, who, like the previous subcontractors, was unable to complete the work under the "bonded" contract, as he believes.

Our source explained the very conclusion of such a contract by a difficult financial situation. "If you remember the fall of 2015, you will understand for yourself. There are no orders, there are no jobs, workers have to be paid. And here they offer small, but real money, they promise to figure it out, if necessary, pay extra. So at first, it seemed, everything looked good, the advance was transferred on time, we proceeded to the installation. And only faced with a disproportionate increase in costs and a clear underestimation of the cost of work, I tried to settle the matter in negotiations. - says the Chelyabinsk builder.

In an oral conversation, the press service of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation does not deny, but does not confirm the existence of a criminal case against Medvedev. This is surprising, but despite the officially posted writingrequest (the deadline for a response has not yet come), the investigating authorities cannot say the obvious - there is a case or not, and they are waiting for something. In the RTRS - both in the Moscow office and in the South Ural branch - they do not comment on the information on the alleged criminal case, nor on the statements of the Chelyabinsk builder. It was not possible to get an operative comment in STC "Cosmos". In the file of the Moscow Arbitration Tribunals there are several claims from STC "Cosmos" to various contractors in various cases, but there are also cases where the company acts as a defendant, including the claims of FSUE "RTRS".

Against the background of this silence, the following picture emerges. The Moscow contractor of RTRS - STC "Cosmos" - continues to work in the Chelyabinsk region, accompanied by a number of local scandals. So far, the case has not taken a very scandalous turn, but everything may change in the near future. At a minimum, industry professionals have questions about the schemes used, whether investigators have them - we will find out soon.

In the South Urals begins to actively develop digital television: specialists of the TV and radio broadcasting center assemble equipment, lay cable, using a professional term, are engaged in the construction of digital television facilities. Andrei Medvedev, director of the branch of the Chelyabinsk Regional Broadcasting and Radio Broadcasting Center, Andrei Medvedev, told BFM74 about the stage at which the work is being carried out now, and which cities of our region have already arrived at.

Andrey Pavlovich, since May a series of blackouts at radio stations and TV channels began in our region. Experts say that digital television equipment is being installed. Is it really?

The blackouts began not even in May, but from the beginning of last year. Then the design was completed, and we started the construction of digital television facilities, on January 14, we turned on the first digital transmitter in Miass, and it is already on the air. The turn came to Chelyabinsk - we started installation work. The transmitter is mounted - it is in operation. All residents were affected and they saw it.

You said building. It is is it about the installation of new equipment or is something actually being built?

In general, the project is called "construction". Some of the facilities are reconstruction (like in Chelyabinsk) - installation of an antenna transmitter at existing facilities. A tower, a container is placed in the field, power lines are supplied, that is, the entire infrastructure.

If we are talking about analog TV broadcasting that we are used to, then we understand that there are several transmitting stations in the region that provide the region with TV and radio broadcasting. And on what basis are radio and television broadcasting points selected?

In the same way - to the maximum coverage. Our program stipulates that at least 95% of the region's population should be able to receive digital and terrestrial television... With the construction of 66 facilities, we will receive 98% coverage and, accordingly, will exceed this task.

Tell us in more detail what is in itself digital broadcasting? What is the advantage for the viewer?

First of all, it is saving the frequency resource. Today, like any resource, it is not unlimited and has its limits. In fact, we have already achieved them. In order to develop cellular communication, broadband access, frequencies are needed, but unfortunately they are not. In addition, there are a lot of TV and radio companies that would like to broadcast on the air, but do not have this opportunity. The transition to digital will save this resource, because at least 10 programs will be broadcast on one channel. In order to receive them, you need a special set-top box or TV.

What about picture and sound quality?

We say about analog television that it is cloudy, with interference or noise. In "digital" there is no such concept: either the ideal quality, or it does not exist in principle.

Let's talk in more detail about those devices that TV viewers should have, or about such TVs that can receive this signal.

Standard digital signal - DVB-T2. Now such TVs are on sale, RTRS has signed an agreement with many manufacturers. All TVs that are produced in Russia are already produced by T2. But then again, there are tons of transmitting devices that cannot even receive a digital signal, let alone T2. But there is a way out here too - digital set-top boxes, thanks to which it is possible to receive "numbers" on any TV set.

Can we then talk about free digital TV if we have to buy these set-top boxes?

If you want to watch digital TV, then buy a TV, antenna, cable. These are also costs. So in this situation.

In Chelyabinsk, is it already possible to receive signals in test mode, or is the equipment being installed only?

At the moment, construction work is still underway. If we have time (weather and many other conditions allow) to complete this in the near future, then we will obviously carry out a test switch-on - check the transmitter on the air.

Andrey Pavlovich, what are the plans for 2013, what will need to be built, what will be introduced?

This year - 38 objects in the region. Large settlements include Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Kyshtym, Zlatoust, Kartaly, Stepnoye. These are our powerful stations, where transmitting antennas are installed, which ensure coverage of the population of about 65%.

Question about the second multiplex. When will he come? Who will enter it?

We already know everything about the second multiplex. The competition took place, the winners were determined (Ren-TV, TV-Center, STS, Domashny, NTV + Sport, Zvezda, Mir, TNT and Muz-TV - editor's note). This year we will start building it.

Will regional channels start entering the system?

We hoped that in accordance with the presidential decree, the regional channel will be included in the first multiplex. This idea was announced and actively discussed. But it was decided that the regional channels will enter the third multiplex. The competition for it has not yet been held, the conditions and order of organization are only discussed by the government commission.

Andrei Medvedev, who recently appeared in relation to the executive director of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS), Andrei Medvedev, is still not commented on either in the TFR or in the company itself. Meanwhile, as it became known, the investigating authorities could be interested in the uneasy relationship between the main Moscow manager of funds for the modernization of equipment with local contractors.

The general contractor of RTRS for the design and construction of digital terrestrial broadcasting networks in the DVB-T2 standard for the first multiplex in 17 regions of Russia is a Moscow company STC "Cosmos"... It was she who got the construction contracts from RTRS tV towers in 17 regions of the country, including the Chelyabinsk region.

To date, as follows from the report of the "Cosmos" company on its own website, 862 objects have been commissioned in different regions. Obviously, not everywhere such a colossal amount of work was completed without delays and on time, an example of which is the Chelyabinsk region and the branch of the RTRS - "Chelyabinsk Regional Broadcasting Center".

As we were able to establish, until 2015 the subcontractor of the Moscow company "Cosmos" for the design and construction of telecommunication towers in the South Urals was the company SMK-Link... Some amount of work was successfully completed, something remained uncompleted. And according to one of the versions, the director of the Chelyabinsk Regional TV and Radio Broadcasting Center, Andrei Medvedev, is allegedly charged with a bribe for the acceptance of works.

One way or another, by the fall of 2015, the Moscow contractor, Kosmos, began to look for other subcontractors in the Chelyabinsk Region, apparently having quarreled with the management of SMK-Link. The task for the subcontractors was still the same - installation and installation of radio and television broadcasting stations, the same towers, with a height of 50 to 75 m.

Our interlocutor, the owner of a small construction company in Chelyabinsk, asks not to identify himself, but a trial soon begins in the Moscow Arbitration Court, where he acts as a defendant, and the plaintiff is the very same company "Cosmos", which received the right and money for the construction of telecommunications facilities in 17 regions. In the fall of 2015, Chelyabinsk residents signed a small contract with Kosmos for the installation of five towers worth 1.8 million rubles, started work, mounted and installed two TV towers.

Further, according to the interlocutor, events took an unexpected turn: according to our source, the cost of the work in the contract was initially underestimated, when Moscow customers were told this, they initially agreed to compensate for the necessary costs of the Chelyabinsk residents. They agreed in words. However, in the contract they had a clearly spelled out price, which later gave a reason to abandon all oral agreements.

"When they signed a contract, they described one situation to me. Okay, I come to the place with my team, I order equipment for installation, these are huge heavy cranes, tractors, but the situation on the spot is completely different. And it turns out that initially they showed me one front of work and I counted on the same costs, but in fact and in fact it turned out that the work was twice as large, the costs were higher, and the agreements were all- down the drain. In general, now we are going to litigate, and it seems that I will have to involve experts - let them honestly calculate all the necessary costs and show the court that the cost of contracts was initially greatly underestimated. It is not surprising that part of the work on putting the TV towers into operation was disrupted. ", - he declares his position.

Earlier, we recall, the same disagreements between the contractor, the Moscow STC "Cosmos", and the Chelyabinsk subcontractor, SMK-Link, led to a halt in work in the Chelyabinsk region and apparently resulted in a "criminal case", which may be related to Medvedev ... Actually, part of the contract work that was not performed by SMK-Link was "inherited" by our interlocutor, who, like the previous subcontractors, was unable to complete the work under the "bonded" contract, as he believes.

Our source explained the very conclusion of such a contract by a difficult financial situation. "If you remember the fall of 2015, you will understand for yourself. There are no orders, there are no jobs, workers have to be paid. And here they offer small, but real money, they promise to figure it out, if necessary, pay extra. So at first, it seemed, everything looked good, the advance was transferred on time, we proceeded to the installation. And only faced with a disproportionate increase in costs and a clear underestimation of the cost of work, I tried to settle the matter in negotiations. - says the Chelyabinsk builder.

In an oral conversation, the press service of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation does not deny, but does not confirm the existence of a criminal case against Medvedev. This is surprising, but despite the officially posted writingrequest (the deadline for a response has not yet come), the investigating authorities cannot say the obvious - there is a case or not, and they are waiting for something. In the RTRS - both in the Moscow office and in the South Ural branch - they do not comment on the information on the alleged criminal case, nor on the statements of the Chelyabinsk builder. It was not possible to get an operative comment in STC "Cosmos". In the file of the Moscow Arbitration Tribunals there are several claims from STC "Cosmos" to various contractors in various cases, but there are also cases where the company acts as a defendant, including the claims of FSUE "RTRS".

Against the background of this silence, the following picture emerges. The Moscow contractor of RTRS - STC "Cosmos" - continues to work in the Chelyabinsk region, accompanied by a number of local scandals. So far, the case has not taken a very scandalous turn, but everything may change in the near future. At a minimum, industry professionals have questions about the schemes used, whether investigators have them - we will find out soon.