Mythic Keys Preview. How to get into a dungeon in WoW? What are Mythic Keystone Dungeons?

Mythic+ dungeons are Mythic dungeons that have certain features:

  1. Various difficulty levels, resulting in increased damage and health of enemies and bosses.
  2. Additional Features, serving to complicate the passage.
  3. Increased rewards - the higher the level of a Mythic dungeon completed, the higher the level of items at the end of the dungeon.
  4. To complete the passage you need to meet the allotted time, different for each dungeon.

Now we will talk in more detail about what Mythic+ dungeons are and what they are used for.

  • Mythic Keys
  • Modifiers
  • Awards
  • Tips for passing

Mythic Keys

Mythic Keys are items that can be obtained:

  • From the last boss of a regular Mythic dungeon (in pre-assembled groups these are called +0).
  • From a chest at the end of a Mythic+ dungeon.
  • From a chest in a class hall for completing a Mythic+ dungeon last week (we'll tell you what kind of chest this is in the "Rewards" section).

The Mythic Key allows you to complicate the dungeon, thereby increasing the rewards for completing it. In the item description, you will see which specific dungeon you need to go to using your key, what difficulty level it will open, and what affixes (modifiers) will appear in the dungeon.

  • The dungeon you will have to complete using your key does not depend in any way on where you received it.
  • The key level is calculated based on which dungeons you completed in the previous week, and will be approximately 1 lower. That is, if the week before last you didn’t go to Mythic+, but last week you went to +12, then this week you will get the key to the +11 dungeon.
  • You can only get one Mythic Key per week!
  • By completing a Mythic+ dungeon using your key and within the allotted time, you strengthen it and get the opportunity to use it to go to another, randomly selected, dungeon with a higher level.
  • If you fail to complete the dungeon within the timer, you will not receive an additional reward and the key will not be strengthened. But it won’t break and you can go through the dungeon again on it, meeting the deadline, and thereby “fixing the key” and gaining access to the next dungeon, only on the second run you, of course, will not receive any loot.

In order to use the key, you need to go into a dungeon with a Mythic difficulty level; in front of the entrance you will see a sphere on a pedestal. You need to click on it and drag the key into the window that appears. After which you will see how much the opponents will be strengthened, what modifiers will appear, and you will be able to activate the enhancement. After this, the dungeon will be updated, a timer will appear and you can begin the passage.

The key can be strengthened by several levels, depending on how quickly you completed the dungeon. So, if more than 40% of the time remains, the key level will increase by 3, if more than 20% of the time - by 2, if less - by 1.


Modifiers, that is, additional enhancements, appear in the dungeon at difficulty levels 4, 7 and 10. That is, it looks like this:

  • Dungeons 1-3 difficulties - without modifiers;
  • Dungeons 4-6 difficulty - one modifier;
  • Dungeons 7-9 difficulty - two modifiers;
  • Dungeons 10+ difficulty - three modifiers.

Modifiers largely determine what tactics to follow when passing a dungeon; they are used as a guide when selecting a group and choosing talents.

Level 4 modifiers:

  • Enraged - All non-boss enemies deal 100% more damage when they have 30% health remaining. Depending on the complexity of the dungeon and other modifiers, you need to either distribute massive stuns when the pack drops to 30% HP, or vice versa - carefully kill the mobs one by one, placing controls on the rest.
  • Infested - there are additional mobs in the dungeon. High AOE damage and mass control are very important here. On high difficulties, it is important to keep an eye on some mobs that can one-shot players, for example, panthers in the Dark Heart Thicket, and control them/knock down castes.
  • Buff - When mobs die, they buff nearby allies, increasing their maximum health and damage by 20%. With this modifier, it is better not to collect large packs and try to kill them at the same time.
  • Bloody - a void zone remains at the site of the mob’s death, which heals enemies and deals damage to players. In this case, it is also not recommended to collect large packs, and you also need to kite enemies.
  • Explosive - when a mob dies, it places a debuff on all group members, regardless of their location, which will deal 10% of the mob's maximum health over 4 seconds. And this debuff is cumulative. That is, if you kill 5 strong opponents at the same time, then most likely it will be a wipe. With this modifier, you need to use your own saves in particularly hot situations or kill opponents gradually.

Level 7 modifiers:

  • Volcanic - small volcanoes periodically appear under the RDD and healers, which after a few seconds will cause damage if you do not escape from them. Quite a nasty debuff for casters.
  • Explosive - Sometimes enemies will summon orbs that will explode and damage the entire group if they are not broken in time. The modifier requires good reaction and the ability to jump from target to target.
  • Painful is a difficult modifier for healers. If the player's health drops below 90%, they will begin to receive damage over time until their health level is above 90%. This modifier is very demanding on the attentiveness and accuracy of the group, and together with Explosive, for example, it is truly deadly.
  • Stubborn - all opponents can drop aggro from the tank and attack the DD. For RDD it is almost not dangerous if the tank knows its business. One of the easiest affixes.
  • Concussive - from time to time a debuff is applied to all players, which after a few seconds will cause damage and interrupt the casting of spells. Not a very difficult affix, but unpleasant for casters. At the moment the debuff appears, you need to not stand in a crowd and stop casting closer to its end, so as not to be silent.
  • Necrotic - all auto-attacks of enemies in melee apply a debuff to the target, which causes damage and reduces the healing received. The debuff is cumulative and lasts for 8 seconds; it is not applied when parrying or dodging. How to deal with it depends on the other affixes and the specific dungeon, but without control or very strong AOE damage it will be difficult.

Level 10 modifiers:

  • Tyrannical - Bosses have 40% more health and deal 15% more damage. This affix is ​​objectively weaker than the next one; there is no specific advice other than studying tactics and being attentive.
  • Fortified - Non-boss mobs have 20% more health and deal 30% more damage. Heavy affix, you need to deal a lot of AoE damage with it.

Modifier Appearance Schedule

  • 10.1.18 - Swarming, Shaking, Fortified
  • 17.1.18 - Enraged, Necrotic, Tyrannical
  • 24.1.18 - Strengthening, Stubborn, Fortified
  • 31.1.18 - Swarming, Necrotic, Tyrannical
  • 7.2.18 - Bloody, Tormenting, Fortified
  • 14.2.18 - Enhance, Explosive, Tyrannical
  • 21.2.18 - Explosive, Concussive, Fortified
  • 28.2.18 - Enraged, Volcanic, Tyrannical
  • 7.3.18 - Swarming, Explosive, Fortified
  • 14.3.18 - Strengthening, Tormenting, Tyrannical
  • 21.3.18 - Bloody, Volcanic, Fortified
  • 29.3.18 - Explosive, Stubborn, Tyrannical


Well, how can we not talk about the awards!

In Mythic+ dungeons, the rewards do not drop from each boss, but appear in the chest at the end of the dungeon upon complete completion. Please note that in order for the chest to appear, you need to kill the required number of mobs, so you cannot skip half an instance.

Rewards for Mythic+ dungeons are divided into those that we receive at the end of the instalment and those that we receive at the beginning of the next week, both types of rewards depend on the difficulty of the dungeon. If everything is clear with the first, then the second needs to be explained. Depending on what maximum difficulty dungeon you completed, next week, on Wednesday after the worlds restart, a reward will appear in the chest in your stronghold. And well-dressed players complete Mythic stages mainly for this reward, and now you will understand why.

Inst rewards by item levels:

  • 2-3 - 890
  • 4 - 895
  • 5 - 900
  • 6-7 - 905
  • 8-9 - 910
  • 10 - 915
  • 11 - 920
  • 12 - 925
  • 13 - 930
  • 14 - 935
  • 15 - 940

Rewards from the weekly chest in the stronghold:

  • 2 - 905
  • 3 - 910
  • 4 - 915
  • 5-6 - 920
  • 7-8 - 925
  • 9 - 930
  • 10 - 935
  • 11 - 940
  • 12 - 945
  • 13 - 950
  • 14 - 955
  • 15 - 960

Rewards for dungeons above level 15 do not improve.

Tips for passing

This section is aimed at beginners, since the “old people” already know all this very well :)

  1. Each difficulty level has its own AC. That is, after completing Level 2 Kazenaki Guardians, you can complete the same instance of a different level and also get loot.
  2. Up to about level 7 of the dungeon, depending on your skill and item level, completing it will not be difficult, so you don’t have to worry too much about the composition of the group.
  3. If you decide to follow someone else's key with strangers, through pre-assembled groups, critically evaluate the leader. It often happens that this player just wants to be driven away and will bring very little benefit himself.
  4. With each specific set of affixes, different classes and specs feel differently. For example, those that work now (Swarming, Concussive, Fortified) are very good for melee AoE players, a little worse for casters and not at all easy for damage dealers who deal damage to one target.
  5. Gathering a group in big key, pay attention not only to the level of the players’ items, but also to their class and specialization for the reason stated above. For example, if you go to the Maw of Souls and you need control, and a shaman and a hunter are asked to join the group, you should give preference to the hunter because the mobs in the Maw are undead and the shaman’s hex does not affect them, but the hunter’s trap does.
  6. LEARN TACTICS! Many newcomers, accustomed to the fact that in random heroics and zero-era epics everything rushes by unnoticed, have no idea what to do on certain bosses, which leads to sad consequences.
  7. Once the passage has already begun, the group cannot be changed! Therefore, if you are not sure that you will be able to complete the dungeon to the end, do not spoil the game for others and it is better to just wait for a more convenient moment.
  8. As mentioned above, for each specific instance and each specific set of affixes you should select your own set of talents and legendaries, if any.
  9. Don't forget about control, knocking down spells and positioning! And not only in battles with bosses, but also with trash! Even mostly with trash, I would say :)
  10. You don't have to complete all the dungeons. Let's say I can't stand Kazenaki Guardians, both Karazhan and the Quarter of Stars, so I don't go there!
  11. Prepare in advance - buy food, infusions, potions, runes. Remember that the Mythic+ dungeon format requires even more commitment from each player than raids.

Perhaps this is all the advice that I can give you, dear subscribers, I hope this article will be useful to you :) Good luck and good loot!

What are Mythic Keystone Dungeons?

Main features of dungeons using keys:

  • The reward is an improved item for ilvl 5+, depending on the difficulty of the key.
  • Mythics have levels that become more difficult each time.
  • Enemies in dungeons at each level deal more damage and acquire additional abilities, for example, on 4+, all mobs with HP less than 30% deal 100% more damage.
  • Every week, players are guaranteed to receive a key to a random dungeon. The key is valid for one CD.

How to enter Mythic + in Legion?

To open dungeons with a key in Mythic Legion, it is necessary for 1 player to have the key:

Set Mythic difficulty.

The player with the key must go to the Bowl and place the key in it. As soon as she presses “Activate” the countdown will begin.

The preparation phase is 10 seconds, after which the countdown to completion will begin.

Composition and preparation

As in the case of a regular dungeon, the group should consist of 3 DD, 1 tank and 1 Heal. It is worth considering that it is impossible to replace a player if you started Mythic+. As soon as one player disconnects or leaves the group, the dungeon is overloaded and will not activate until you find a replacement.

On at the moment 10 difficulty levels available:

The most useful players on the team will be:

  • Shaman or magician thanks to BL
  • Druid or DK with resurrector
  • Good AoE damage dealer
  • Classes with interrupt or mass stun, such as Shaman via Capacitor Totem
  • Mass dispersion

The Challenger's Burden

Inside mythics with keys, the Challenger's Burden buff is applied to all players. Whenever a player dies, 5 seconds are taken off the timer. Therefore, the tank needs to carefully select packs of mobs so that none of the players die prematurely from strong damage, especially on mythics, where the damage of mobs after 30% of health doubles. If the number of random deaths is too frequent, the group will lose additional rewards in the form of chests.

Legion Mythic Dungeon Keys

Keys allow you to unlock Mythic levels. The screenshot below shows examples of keys that differ in difficulty level. The tooltips list important information:

  • A dungeon for which the key is suitable.
  • Key level
  • Key expiration date.

A player can only have one Mythic key, and every week they can receive a random dungeon key from regular level Mythic instances. If you accidentally delete a key, you can restore it using the service or by requesting support.

Improvements for Mythic Keys (Mythic Dungeons) in Legion

If you successfully complete a mythical dungeon in key mode, the key will be updated. The level of upgrade depends on the speed of completion, for example, you can judge by the chests - if there are three chests at once, then +3 to the key level. If the dungeon is not completed on time, the key will not be upgraded.

Mythic dungeon key affixes in Legion

Afix is ​​an additional property that affects enemies inside the dungeon at a certain level. There are no afixes on low-level Legion keys and they appear only from level 4.

At level four, players will receive the first afix, which is described on the tooltip next to the timeline, and information about it appears on hover. At level 7, a second buff appears for enemies, and at level 10, a third. Below is information with recommendations for afixes that are randomly procured every week.

Support – when one enemy dies, all the others are strengthened. The effect is cumulative, so we recommend not taking several packs of mobs at once, DPS evenly (if possible), the healer saves cooldowns for the moment when there are a lot of Support buffs on the opponents.

Necrotic Rot – a debuff is applied to players that deals damage every 2 seconds, the debuff stacks. Do not pull several packs of mobs at once, use maximum AoE damage, as well as mass stuns with slowdown to kite large packs. On too high levels key, it is possible to use two tanks.

Overflow – refers to the healing of players. When a player is healed, an effect is applied to him that absorbs healing. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for the moment to heal and not heal the target’s health, which exceeds 70-80%. Tanks use dodge, parry, and block abilities.

Enrage - when the enemies' health drops below 30%, a buff appears at the bottom, doubling the damage. Use stuns by 30% whenever possible.

Bloody Pus - Whenever a non-boss mob dies, a pus effect appears that heals by 5% every second and deals damage equal to 15% of health per second. Tanks should move mobs away from the puddle, and melee units should not fall into it. Afix becomes especially difficult when there are large packs of mobs.

Dungeons are given new life in Legion. With Mythic+ dungeons, the developers manage to keep players interested by constantly presenting new challenges and offering relevant loot. Overview of Mythic+ dungeons and their affixes.

Features at a glance

  • For completing Mythic+ dungeons, players are rewarded with loot of a level equal to the raid level
  • Mythic+ dungeons are divided into tiers; a level 3 dungeon will be harder than a level 2 dungeon, but easier than a level 5 dungeon.
  • The higher the level, the more damage the monsters deal, and the more health they have in reserve.
  • The higher the dungeon level, the higher the level of loot received
  • At high levels, dungeons have affixes that make them more difficult to complete.
  • Once a week, players get access to a chest with loot that corresponds to the level of the most difficult dungeon completed

How to get into a Mythic+ dungeon

To enter a Mythic+ dungeon, at least one party member must bring a Mythic Key with them. Instructions:
  • Set the difficulty to Mythic before entering the dungeon.
  • Inside there will be a Font of Power waiting for you, the same as in the test mode
  • The owner of the key must click on the Font and in the window that appears, insert his key from the bag into the slot
  • After this, the player will be shown the details of the dungeon, and a button to start the passage will also appear
  • To start passing, you need to click the red button at the bottom of the window
After this, the dungeon will be updated, and a green wall will appear in front of the players. After the 10-second countdown, the dungeon timer will start.

Mythic+ Dungeon Completion

As in Challenge Mode, the goal of the players is to defeat all bosses in the dungeon and a certain number of trash items before the timer runs out.
  • For “victory” over the timer, you are rewarded with a key improved by 2 levels and a Challenger’s Cache, in which everyone will receive 2 items from the loot list
  • For completing the dungeon after the timer expires, the key will not be upgraded, but you will still be given access to the chest
After completing the dungeon, the owner of the key will be shown the statistics and level of improvement of his key.

Mythic+ dungeon saves

There are no saves in the Mythic+ dungeon system. You can enter and complete as many eras+ dungeons as you want in a week, as long as at least one person in your group has the key to start the passage.

For completing each dungeon, you will gain access to a chest of loot until the key is depleted. Even if you go to the same dungeon level a second time, if the key is working, the loot will be available to you.

Mythic+ dungeons do not share saves with "regular" Mythic dungeons - they are different systems. You can complete all Mythic dungeons in a week and still receive loot from Mythic+ dungeons, and vice versa.

Group composition and preparation

For a comfortable and effective completion of Mythic+, the group must have:
  • One tank
  • One healer
  • Three DD

You cannot change the composition of the group after the start of the game. If the group leaves the dungeon, it will reset. In this case, the key will deteriorate and it will no longer be possible to obtain mining using it.

Mythic+ dungeons, at least up to level 10, are balanced so that a coherent teamwork will be a more significant factor, regardless of the abilities of group members.

However, it will be useful to have at least one of the following features:

  • Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
  • AoE stun
  • SS, for example Transformation
  • Interrupts
  • Dispelling Spells
Both AoE and single target damage are important in Mythic+ dungeons. While the vast majority of monsters are trash internally, the bosses are also a threat.

You cannot change your specialization or talents during playthrough. Even with the Tome of the Tranquil Mind. Make sure everything is in order before you enter the dungeon!

The Challenger's Burden

Inside a Mythic+ dungeon, all players are placed under the Challenger's Burden, penalizing the group by decreasing the timer for the deaths of participants.

If the group dies frequently, this is an indicator that they are unprepared for the dungeon level. Frequent deaths cause the timer to expire long before you reach the end of the dungeon. Next time in this case, it is recommended to change tactics, equipment or players in the group.

Mythic Key

Mythic Keys are special items that allow the player to start a Mythic+ dungeon. The key description contains useful information:
  • Name of the dungeon the key belongs to
  • Key level
  • Key affixes
  • Remaining time until the key fails

You can only have one key at a time. You can only get the key for the first dungeon. If you delete a key, you can only get it again next week. If a key is accidentally deleted, it can be restored via battlenet.

Obtaining a Mythic Key

To get the key, players have 3 ways:
  • Completing a regular Mythic dungeon; the key will be level 2.
  • Completing a Mythic+ dungeon using someone else's key; the key will be level 2
  • Next week after completing a Mythic+ dungeon from the chest in class stronghold; the key will be 1-2 levels lower than the maximum level of the completed dungeon, but not lower than level 2
Usually they go to the Violet Fortress for the first key, but this is not very important. You can get the key by completing any Mythic dungeon. And it doesn’t matter how much time you spend on passing.

Remember that only one player in a group must have the key to begin a Mythic+ dungeon. However, if you successfully complete the game with a random group, you will most likely be called further and the players will use their keys in turn.

Mythic Key Upgrade

If you successfully complete a Mythic+ dungeon, the key used to start it will improve by at least 1 level. The faster you complete the dungeon, the more levels the key will receive (maximum 3).
  • If, upon completion of the passage, there is less than 20% time left on the timer (for example, less than 6 minutes out of 30 remain), the key will improve by 1 level
  • If, upon completion of the passage, the time on the timer remained more than 20%, but less than 40% (for example, less than 12 but more than 6 minutes out of 30 remained), the key will improve by 2 levels
  • If, upon completion of the passage, more than 40% of the time remained on the timer (for example, more than 12 minutes out of 30 remained), the key will improve by 3 levels
After completing the dungeon, the upgraded key will be placed in the player's inventory. Each time a key is upgraded, the dungeon it belongs to will randomly change. If you don’t have enough reputation to enter the Suramar dungeons, the key will not be rolled there.

For upgrading the key by more than 1 level, the group also gets access to additional chests.

Whenever the healer grants excess healing to the target, the target gains a healing absorb effect that ignores subsequent healing. To remove this effect, for each unit of excess healing, you will need to give 3 times more healing points. For example, if you gave the target 10,000 points of excess healing, the Overflow will absorb 30,000 points of healing.

The debuff lasts for 1 minute or until the required amount of healing is absorbed. The healer must give warning when he wants to use mass healing. He should also avoid casting large amounts of Overflow on party members:

  • Always look at whether treatment is really needed, and don’t just monotonously use it.
  • Be prepared to quickly cancel the cast if the target uses their own healing ability
  • Practice damaging enemies if they are vulnerable to light
In high level Mythic+ dungeons, tanks will benefit from having macros to cancel HoT effects to prevent overcrowding.

The Enraged affix puts enemies into a state of Enrage when their health drops below 30%, causing them to deal 100% more damage until they die.

When this affix is ​​active, enemy damage transmitted between allies becomes much more painful. Always identify enemies that pose a particular threat, and as soon as they enter the Enrage state, try to focus the attacks of the entire group on them as quickly as possible for a quick kill. Stun and other types of CC will help minimize the damage done to the group by mobs with Enrage.

Every time after the death of an enemy (except bosses), a “puddle” of Bloody Pus forms in its place, which has two effects:

  • Restores 5% health to enemies within it every second
  • Reduces 15% health from players in it every second
Tanks must pull the remaining mobs away from the resulting “puddle” of Bloody Pus, and melee units must be on alert so as not to end up in the middle of Bloody Pus after killing an enemy. The appearance of the “puddle” takes a few seconds, so you have enough time to react and avoid damage.

Sometimes it can be difficult to notice such “puddles” in locations with red floors.

The Stubborn affix allows mobs to react less to the threat posed by the tank. This means that mobs will constantly over-aggro on players’ damage control, which can cause difficulties. Tanks should mark priority targets, taking their damage while damage dealers take out weaker enemies.

The Infested affix adds additional mobs to some areas of the dungeon. The effect does not apply to all clusters of mobs, but only to those that pose a particular danger. List of the most difficult zones with the Swarming effect:

  • The Great Hall in the Black Rook Fortress.
  • Almost the entire Midnight Quarter is in the Quarter of Stars.
  • Rotting Grotto in Darkheart Thicket
  • A hotbed of revelry in the Halls of Valor
  • Valley of Nal'tira in the Catacombs of Suramar
Enemies in a dungeon with the Volcanic affix can spawn a Volcanic Surge under the feet of players at a distance, taking away 50% of the health of a player standing within 2 meters of the eruption. Each enemy can trigger a Volcanic Eruption approximately every 10 seconds.

Please note that Volcanic Eruptions only appear when the player is at a distance from the mob. Usually, melee soldiers and tanks have nothing to worry about. Healers and ranged damage dealers should stay close to enemies to avoid the negative effect. Volcanic emissions can sometimes be difficult to see due to bright ground effects. Try to get out of the Volcanic Outburst zone as soon as you notice it. You can also constantly move, and the release simply will not have time to work on you.

The affix only appears with a level 10+ Mythic Key. It gives all mobs in the dungeon an additional 20% health and 40% damage. We recommend following these general guidelines:

  • Do not pull several packs of mobs at the same time.
  • Use AoE stun and other CC to reduce incoming damage.
  • Focus on priority goals.
The size of the bonus to health and damage depends on the level of the dungeon. For example, at level 10, mobs will have 140% additional health and 180% additional damage.

Like the previous one, this affix only appears with a level 10+ Mythic Key. In dungeons with this affix, all bosses have 40% more health and deal 20% more damage.

  • The bosses' abilities will pose a greater threat, especially if the party members' health levels are quite low.
  • Tanks will have to kite bosses more often.
  • Tanks need to kite opponents more often.
  • For some dungeons, it makes sense to bring multiple tanks with you.
Similar to the Fortified affix, the size of the bonus to health and damage depends on the level of the dungeon. For example, at level 10 bosses will have 140% extra health and 180% extra damage. Based on this, some bosses will become much more dangerous in tyrannical dungeons:

It’s always great if a character doesn’t stand in one place, but continues to develop and eventually moves from ordinary dungeons to heroic ones. As soon as a sufficient level of things is obtained, you will be able to go to more serious ones, which will further strengthen your character. But to get into these heroic dungeons, you need to dress up well, and where to do this? Couple useful tips for beginners:

Reputation with factions

A good reputation with various factions of Outland, Northrend or Cataclysm (depending on which one you play) will provide you with more or less decent equipment with purple and blue items. You can fully outfit your character this way, reaching the minimum level of items required for heroic dungeons. The items you wear, at the appropriate level, will raise not only your characteristics, but also your reputation, which your guildmates and random players will use in the future, knowing that you are ready to complete subsequent ones. It is worth knowing that each faction is not able to completely dress up your character, but only gives certain things in specific cell, so get ready to meet many representatives of distant lands.

Dungeons are awesome!

Of course, the preparation for heroic dungeons are low difficulty dungeons, which will give you equipment even higher than that needed for heroics. It's absolutely fine to go a long way toward achieving your goal if you're only collecting stuff through easy difficulty dungeons. Before entering a dungeon, make sure it contains the items your character needs. Please also take into account that the thing can be played not only between you, but also among your classmates for their own purposes. For example, a paladin can pick up cloth shoulders to disenchant them. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, but if the paladin is normal and sees that you need shoulders more, then he will not fight for the thing. Be polite in this process and don't take gear you don't need, it's not cool.


Some equipment can also be obtained from various professions; for example, in blacksmithing, dozens of plate items are made in a variety of cells. Of course, this can cost you a pretty penny or a huge investment of time - the choice is yours.


A huge number of things are included in the auction. This method is as effective as with professions. If you are unable to agree with a person to purchase an item directly, you can use an auction. This is the fastest, but also the most expensive way, because here players can set the most unimaginable prices. Be that as it may, both this method and the previous one will significantly increase the overall level of things.

Improve your progress!

Finally, I just want to say that if you want to level up your character to the desired level and put on the appropriate equipment, then continue playing! Work on your reputation, go through dungeons and upgrade your professions. Golden rule fast pumping any hero - continue to work.