Where to advertise the affiliate program. How and where is it better to advertise affiliate links. How to effectively advertise affiliate links

Affiliate program - it is also an affiliate program or PP, it is a platform for cooperation between partners (webmasters) and suppliers of goods or services. For example, Travelpayouts is a travel affiliate program where you can find various travel products: flights, hotels, tours, insurance and others, for the sale of which you will receive a reward.

Affiliates pay for an impression, click, sale, or targeted action after a click. If you look at the topic of making money on the Internet broadly, then the ideas of Internet business go far beyond the scope of affiliate programs, so in 2020 the following types of earnings are popular:

  1. Paid clicks;
  2. Writing comments for money;
  3. Creation and maintenance of groups in social networks;
  4. Creation and content of your own blog (site);
  5. Traffic arbitration;
  6. Other.

Earnings from paid clicks can be compared to low-paying jobs - there is a lot of work, but they pay little. To simply pay for the Internet using clicks for money, you need to spend several days at the computer.

This option is one of the lowest paid, but popular with newbies. To make money on clicks for money, you need to connect to the CAP exchanges, which are sometimes called buks:

You can make money on comments. To do this, register on specialized exchanges:

Webmasters place a job on the exchanges and pay 5-30 rubles for a comment.

It's like copywriting (writing articles), but you need to write short texts and post them on other people's sites. The work is monotonous and quickly becomes boring, but here, with due diligence, you can earn your first good money.

Of the above, copywriting deserves special attention, since writing texts can make good money, and even live from it.

Look for orders on specialized forums, for example Searchengines, Maultalk, Webmasters, or on specialized exchanges - Text.ru, Advego.ru and others. Explore our material - and improve your writing skills in practice.

Having your own website (blog) is already a full-fledged business on the Internet, ideas for which we are considering in this article.

A site is an Internet platform where you post information that people need. People are your audience and various advertisers are interested in it. There are 4 main methods of traffic monetization:

  • Sale of advertising space (fixed payment);
  • Pay per view (usually the rate is calculated for every 1000 views);
  • Pay per click (cost per click varies depending on the quality of your audience);
  • Payment for the sale of a product or service.

The last method is called CPA, which stands for Cost Per Action. An action is understood as the sale of a product or service, as well as something else, for example, registering on the site, filling out a form, etc.

Creating a website is not difficult, in 2020 there are free website builders and hundreds of guides on how to create a website. It is much more difficult to bring people to the site and then monetize the traffic. It will already require building business processes, building a team and delegating tasks, for example, ordering content, working with social networks, etc.

To help you, we have prepared several materials for you:

Traffic arbitrage is a way to make money on advertising without a website. Arbitrage means buying traffic and redirecting it to your chosen affiliate program.

Earnings will depend on how well the affiliate segment segments the traffic received. Be prepared to experiment, this is the only way to identify working methods.

Ideas of platforms for making money on affiliate programs in 2020

As mentioned earlier, an affiliate program without a website is a completely viable way to generate income, since it does not drive a person into the framework of one site or a group on a social network, but offers various options for getting traffic.

Most affiliates accept various types of traffic, including:

  • Social networks;
  • Sites;
  • Mobile applications;
  • Contextual advertising;
  • Teaser advertising;
  • Email newsletter;
  • And other sources.

These are the most common types of traffic getting at the moment. When connecting with an affiliate program, always check the permitted and prohibited types of traffic, since violation of the rules entails blocking the account without the possibility of withdrawing money.

You can familiarize yourself with the allowed types of traffic in the Travelpayouts affiliate network in the knowledge base.

What will I receive a reward for

In the case of highly specialized methods, for example, earnings on clicks, earnings on viewing ads, etc., the process of receiving a reward is immediately clear. In the case of working with affiliate networks, the question arises - how will I earn money.

Affiliate programs pay for the following actions:

  1. Displaying an ad;
  2. Follow the link to the seller's website (click);
  3. Performing some action on the site;
  4. Purchase of goods.

As we wrote above, buying a product is not always the only paid action, some affiliate networks pay for other actions, for example, for leaving a phone number.

Below is a table that shows the approximate rates that affiliate programs in various niches are willing to pay.

These are the approximate rates that show that 10,000 people in entertainment are not equal in profitability to 10,000 people in the financial or travel niche.

When choosing an affiliate program, you should focus on what kind of traffic you have. You can't offer the most profitable and expensive product if your audience doesn't need it.

Within each niche, you can find products that will sell you better than the rest. In tourism, the main products are:

  • Air tickets: 1.3-1.8% of the air ticket price;
  • Hotels: 4-6% of the room rate;
  • Tours: 3-4% of the cost of the tour;
  • Insurance: 10-25% of the cost of the insurance policy.

Try different products to find out which ones bring you the most income. To make money on all of the above, connect to the Travelpayouts network, it's free.

Don't just focus on the bet. For example, 10 sales with a reward of 100 rubles \u003d 1000 rubles, and this is better than 1 sale with a commission in percentage 5 times higher, but which did not take place at all. Look at what works for you.

As for the column - the commission of a certain action, then as an example we can cite any legal affiliate program that pays for the contact information left.

Making money on affiliate networks is not the easiest, and certainly not the fastest way to get rich. But this is a way of how to make money, and if you do your job conscientiously, then the amount of income may exceed the average salary in your region.

The most important thing is traffic and its quality. The first option that comes to mind is your own website, for example, a travel blog for selling air tickets. But this is not the only way to make money. Moreover, in 2020 you can make money online without your own website.

Social network

If you have your own group, then you are free to decide for yourself when and what to advertise to your audience. Be careful, as both Facebook and VK block for certain types of advertising, so check the requirements of social networks before starting.

Email newsletter

Sending email messages with an advertising offer is another way to make money on an affiliate program if you don't have your own website. Naturally, mailings require their own database of email addresses. It can be collected or bought from other people.

Hello, friends! The question of where to advertise affiliate links is interesting to many, especially to those people who are engaged in affiliate Internet marketing. Today, an interesting service has appeared that will help in promoting affiliate links for free. The service is called Lookatlink, and we will talk about it in today's article. By the way, on my blog "", you will find materials not only on making money in affiliate marketing, but you can find a lot of useful information on the topic of Infobusiness - see through the Blog Search.

How to make money on affiliate programs without investment

For those who are engaged in making money in affiliate marketing, let me remind you that there are two types of traffic - paid and free. Free traffic is the best option, but there are not many free traffic sources. First of all, this is a blog, your subscription base, social networks. For those who do not know what affiliate marketing is, let me remind you that affiliate marketing is the same as earning on affiliate programs.

You can, of course, use free message boards, forums, but these tools work hard. If you are a beginner, then you yourself understand that it is not so easy to advertise affiliate links for free. A little later, we will consider another option where to advertise affiliate links for free. So, if the question arises of how to make money on affiliate programs without investments, then you need to choose free ways to promote affiliate links.

There are a lot of paid methods, there would be money. But you need to understand that not all paid methods will work equally well, everything needs to be tested on the Internet. And although today we will not analyze the cost of advertising, the effectiveness of various advertising channels, I will list the main types of advertising:

  • promotion of partner products in someone else's mailing list, for example, it is the most effective (I work in it myself);
  • promotion of affiliate links in social networks, meaning targeted advertising (retargeting);
  • promotion of affiliate links in Yandex direct;
  • , use of other paid resources.

The blog has several articles on organizing targeted advertising on Vkontakte, you can see them:

  • and other articles.

Where to advertise affiliate links for free? ServiceLookatlink

So, we have decided where to advertise affiliate links for beginners - these are your resources. Just a few days ago, a new Lookatlink service appeared, which allows you to advertise affiliate links for free. The service will be useful for those who want to do affiliate marketing step by step because the whole process of promoting affiliate links will take place gradually.

The main task of the service is to mask your affiliate links and redirect them through the secure HTTPS protocol. First, a person cannot clip your referral tail. Secondly, you get a link already protected by the https protocol. Thirdly, you can also make money on this. The service now has referral programBy inviting people there, you get the opportunity to advertise for free.

If you are engaged in the promotion of affiliate links, and if your link is very visited, then the Lookatlink service makes it so that the promotion of your affiliate links will be free.

This service has a free feature - the top 10 most visited links. If your link is in the top 10, then everyone who visits the service will see it, and it will be completely free.

That is, you will receive a double benefit from the service - you will be able to advertise affiliate links (programs), and at the same time you will be able to earn from displaying advertisements on the service. You need to recruit as many partners (referrals) as possible, you will earn points (points), and on them you can order advertising of affiliate links. For all the details about the Lookatlink service capabilities, see the videos attached below:

There will be statistics on the links, which tracks how many clicks on the link, unique conversions, from which browsers, there will be deep analytics, but this will be in the next updates. Now the service shows that people need it, but the main thing is that you can also earn money on it. The service is unique, there has never been anything like it There are reduction services and there are many of them, but to make money on this, this has not happened yet.


So, we learned how and where to advertise affiliate links for free, and on someone else's resource. Moreover, it will be possible to earn money on this, earnings will depend on your activity, just like in any other affiliate program.

Below is a video showing how to register and use the Lookatlink service. Now that you know how to promote affiliate links for free and still earn money, make a decision. Follow the link and register. I will say right away that I suggest you register using my affiliate link.

Why not use good tools and build your earnings on affiliate programs without a website and investments? Good luck to you!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

Later, information appeared from the author of the service, Evgeny Vanin, about the solution of one important problem. The created links were not accepted by social networks. To solve this problem, you need to make sure that the link contains the domain of your site (blog). In the video below, the author shows how this is done. Use for health, may this news be useful to you!

Receive new blog articles directly to your inbox. Fill out the form, click the "Subscribe" button

One of the most popular ways to generate income over the Internet is to make money on affiliate programs. There is an opinion that this method is the easiest for beginners.

This is not entirely true. If you have no experience in this business, you will have to figure it out a lot in order to get your first income from an affiliate program.

A huge plus of this method is that at any time you can stop promoting a product or service and switch to another, more profitable affiliate program or promote several affiliate programs at the same time, which will significantly increase your income. The first question for newbies is where to start.

Let's take a look at everything in order. First of all, you will have to delve into many technical points. These skills will come in handy not only for working with affiliate programs, but in general if you want to receive a permanent income through the Internet. Understand what hosting, ftp, html is. In fact, it is not that difficult, basic knowledge in this area is enough.

What affiliate programs are

Product affiliate programs

A very popular destination among webmasters. You've probably seen an advertisement for some branded watches for little money with a huge discount of 75% or a miracle tea that “cures all diseases” or a weight loss remedy that will immediately lose 10 kg ... All these products are promoted by webmasters through affiliate programs.

In this niche, it is customary to pay for a confirmed order. This is how it works. The client places an order using your affiliate link. This order is immediately displayed in the statistics of the affiliate program. It is assigned the status “order in processing”.

The advertiser also sees this order. His task is to call the client and clarify the details of the order. If it is confirmed, then the statistics will display the confirmed order and the amount of your monetary reward, this is approximately from 400 to 1000 rubles.

An example of products that can be sold through an affiliate program

Gaming affiliate programs

Did you know that you can earn decent money on online games? No, not to play games, but also to promote them through an affiliate program. Online games to promote hundreds, millions of gamers! Games have been and will always be played. Gaming affiliates pay for certain actions.

A beginner should not immediately choose a game with a high payout, but rather start with a payment for registration of 5-10 rubles. Here money is made on volumes.

Nobody bothers you to make 1000 registrations per day. The task is simple, you need to get a lot of cheap traffic!

Games that you can earn. Affiliate payments can be both in rubles and in foreign currency

Affiliate programs for mobile applications

Smartphones and tablets began to replace computers. There are more and more mobile users. Affiliate programs for mobile traffic began to appear in this young and promising market.

Such affiliate programs make payments in dollars and euros. This is another plus in favor of making money on affiliate programs, you yourself can choose in what currency you earn!

In most cases, the user is only required to install a free application on his smartphone or tablet using your affiliate link.

Mobile applications

Infocourses affiliate programs

There are very few decent affiliate programs in this niche. The point is simple. There is a certain expert in their field, for example, in losing weight without dieting and training. This expert has created his own methodology and sells it to other people in the form of webinars or video tutorials.

The price of such info-courses is not cheap, from 6,000 rubles and can reach 90,000 rubles and more. The authors of such courses share an affiliate program from 10% to 50% of their income! This percentage depends on the "greed" of the author.

Some affiliate programs give 100% of their income for inexpensive courses from 300 to 1,000 rubles. Such affiliate programs can be completely different topics. Learning foreign languages, business, relationships, health, etc.

Online English course

Almost every major online store has its own affiliate program. Eldorado, M Video, AliExpress, Lamoda, etc. You recommend the products of these stores, and they pay you a percentage of the sale.

Each online store has its own from 2% and higher. It will be most difficult for beginners to make money on such affiliate programs.

Of course there are many other affiliate programs such as casinos, SMS subscriptions, essays, hosting, etc. I have given only the most popular of them.

If you want to master earnings on affiliate programs, then any affiliate programs can be easily found on the Internet or on specialized forums for webmasters.

How and where to get an affiliate link

What are the affiliate programs, we figured it out, now we need to get a special link through which orders will be sent to the affiliate program's admin panel.

Click add ad platform and select the one from where you will attract traffic. If you don't have anything from the list, place arbitration.

After you have created a platform, you can go to the “offers” menu (goods or services). Select a category and see everything. The stake is how much the affiliate program will pay you for an action, for example, for a confirmed application.

Click “add”. Read and accept the terms of the affiliate program, click “add” again. Next, click “create stream” and go to the settings menu. Coming up with a name, choose it if there are several of them in the list.

5 Ways to Promote Affiliate Programs

If you have your own website, then choose an offer that suits your topic and place on it advertising materials that are provided by the affiliate program in the "promo" section.

If you don't have your own site, then there are two ways to promote: paid and free. The free method is spam. It makes no sense to consider it. You can't make a lot of it. The paid method is the so-called traffic arbitration. We buy traffic and send it to an affiliate program.

You can buy traffic in all popular social networks, in contextual advertising Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. IN .

Method number 1. Targeted advertising on VKontakte

I recommend for beginners to start with social networks, as there is an opportunity to more accurately adjust their advertising to the target audience. Consider an example on the social network VKontakte and create our first advertising campaign for a physical product. The VK advertising account is located at this link.

We select "External site".

We write an attractive headline so that the user would like to click on our ad and do not forget about the high-quality product image. Use a close-up, it always works well.

We select a topic and subsection, set an age limit, if required. I put +18.

The correct title is 80% success!

You can select only the country you need, and leave the city and regions field empty, then we can sell goods to the entire country.

On the right, you can see how the audience changes depending on the settings. We expose gender and age. A solvent audience starts at the age of 24. Don't bet on students. They have no money.

You can experiment with the “interests” and “advanced options” settings, but this will narrow your audience considerably.

Eliminate ad impressions on weekends and holidays

We select “pay for impressions”, set the cost of impressions to 2-3 times less than the proposed one, put a tick “limit impressions”.

This will allow you not to spend money on those who are not interested in this offer. Select “create a new campaign”, name it and click “create ad”.

Once again we check all the settings, if we find an error, then edit it, if everything is fine - click on the left on the name of your advertising campaign.

Check all settings

Important! Set a limit of 100 rubles, this will help you not to waste money. Then click “run”. It remains to wait for the ad to be moderated and the first clicks on the ad go.

But, you should not expect earnings from one such ad. They need to be made different and a lot. Change titles, pictures, display format, audience. I will explain in more detail how to work with these traffic sources in the following articles.

I think the principle of the approach is clear to you. It is also worth testing one product on different affiliate programs. Some may have a confirmed order percentage of 30%, while others may have 70%. Test it!

Method number 2. Advertising in groups and publics

Let's look at the extraction of cheap traffic from the social network VKontakte, for example, for a free online game. This time we will buy sponsored posts in groups and publics. This is what an advertisement for an online game in a public looks like.

First of all, we need to gather as many groups as possible with an audience under 18. Such an audience willingly plays games and it is easier to make money on it in this niche. The site allsocial.ru will help us with this. All communities with detailed statistics are collected here. Let's choose the category “humor” and start looking from top to bottom.

Let's analyze the public "KEKS", it has 386 thousand subscribers. Let's study this group in detail. Click on the number in the "visitors" column and go to statistics.

Pay attention to the scale of “unique visitors”. We see that the graph is uneven. This means that the host of this group is actively attracting new subscribers. There are about 10-15 thousand visitors here. 400 thousand subscribers - this does not mean anything, active users are ten times less.

Geography. 72% Russia. Many game offers can be advertised on a wide GEO, and not only on one Russia, see the terms and conditions for each offer in the affiliate program.

And the last indicator worth paying attention to is the devices from which users log in. It can be seen that as many as 83% of mobile users. Now we need to find out how much advertising will cost in this community.

We go to the group we need and look for the administrator's contacts. Go to your personal page and study the wall. Most have already posted a price list with prices.

We see that this person has several groups and when ordering advertising in bulk, he makes a discount. If the price suits us, then we write to him in a personal note and agree on a certain time.

Study each group carefully and write them down to you in a separate file. In the future, you will have a decent base. You will know exactly in which publics to advertise product affiliate programs, and in which online games or mobile applications!

Promotion of affiliate programs in our time is called "affiliate marketing". According to Wikipedia, "Affiliate marketing is one of the tools of internet marketing." It can be defined as a method of promoting and promoting a business on the Web, in which the partner receives a reward for each visitor, subscriber or sale made thanks to his efforts.

Successful participation in an affiliate program is a very laborious process that requires certain knowledge and strength. For many people interested in the possibility of creating a source of permanent income on the Internet, earning money from promoting affiliate products and services often becomes a trial step towards creating a profitable business on the Internet and opens the way to other opportunities.

If you are planning to start earning (and possibly long-term success) from promoting affiliate programs, then building your own website is the best way to lay a solid foundation for an affiliate marketing business.

Nevertheless, if you are still new to the world of web design, or are simply not yet interested in creating your own website, there are other ways to generate good income from affiliate marketing without having your own web resource.

When deciding to start making money with affiliate marketing, remember: your affiliate link plays a key role in the success of promoting any affiliate offer. Your first priority is to convey your affiliate link to your target audience.

Moreover, in what way you will achieve your goal - it does not matter (provided that you use permitted methods!) - it completely depends on your choice. With the above in mind, here are some proven techniques you can try in your marketing strategy.

Below are examples of the most effective ways to promote and promote affiliate products or services:

1. Publish blog posts and post comments on forums

This is probably the easiest way to get a feel for and get hands-on experience in affiliate marketing - all you have to do is find a product that you would like to promote, and then start posting on blogs and themed posts and comments from your affiliate. link in the signature, for example.

Below is a screenshot from a forum discussing affiliate marketing: you can see that there is an affiliate link in the signature. In addition, this partner, actively participating in various discussions, has earned the respect of other members of the forum, which attracts the attention of a large number of people to him and his posts, who may well become clients of the affiliate program he is promoting.

Of course, you should only post your posts and comments on blogs and forums where people interested in the product you are promoting communicate - you cannot expect to get many clicks on an affiliate link leading to knitting courses if you post it in a forum post. , say, motorists.

You will soon notice that your results improve as you regularly post useful and interesting posts and comments. By gaining a reputation for being competent, people will start to respect your opinion and be more likely to follow your advice and click on your affiliate link.

If you just want to spam a blog or forum with posts and comments that are not related to the topic under discussion or do not carry any value to the audience, then you can most likely be banned and your posts will be deleted.

2. Make extensive use of the power of social networks

It is no secret that social networks, such as, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc., are widely used by webmasters to promote and promote their web resources. With equal success, you can do the same by promoting affiliate products or services.

If you write a review or message about a promoted product, then let all your friends and subscribers know about it. If your article is really interesting, then there is a good chance that those who read it will already inform their friends about it, who may be interested in your product.

Another option is to create a page of your site in different social networks, where you can talk about the promoted goods and services. To create such pages, you do not need any special knowledge, just registering on the network.

3. Build your own website

And, of course, one of the best ways to promote affiliate offers that opens up wide opportunities is through your own website. Using the opportunities provided by the presence of your site, you can advertise products or services by placing affiliate banners and links on it, for example.

One of the most powerful affiliate marketing techniques is to publish reviews and reviews of the products and services you are promoting. By focusing on the quality of the information that tells about the promoted products, the site will begin to grow in the rankings of search results, increasing both traffic and your commissions.

It is clear that not everyone has the knowledge necessary to build a functional site or does not have enough funds to order someone to make the latter.

However, having learned the basics of working with one of the engines with the help of a high-quality one, you can easily start creating, if not full-fledged, then at least mini-sites and landing pages that will perfectly cope with your tasks.

4. Useviral marketing

According to Wikipedia, “viral marketing is the general name for various methods of advertising distribution, characterized by distribution in a progression close to geometric, where the main disseminator of information is the recipients of the information themselves, by creating content that can attract new recipients of information through a bright, creative, unusual idea or using a natural or trusting message. "

Due to the fact that the majority of the population has a low level of trust in advertising in general, and even more so from the manufacturing company, the main principle of viral marketing is that the person receiving the information message must be sure that it comes from the person of an uninterested person. and, thus, has nothing to do with the advertising campaign.

Viral marketing is a strategy in which a product, service or their advertising influence a person in such a way that he becomes infected with the idea of \u200b\u200bdistributing this product and himself becomes an active distributor of it. Very often e-books are used in viral marketing. Suppose that you are well versed in, say, the Nero program, moreover, you know some secrets of working with this program.

When you sit down at your computer, you create a small e-book, describe your methods of working with Nero in it, place links to your site in the book, and then offer it for free download on the Internet.

You can create a short 30-page book or special instruction on a specific topic by including links to an affiliate product or service in your content, and then distribute, for example, your e-book over the Internet. Having especially noted, at the same time, the book is free and anyone can post it on their website.

If your book carries useful information, and does not just look like an advertising text overloaded with affiliate links, then it is quite possible that it will spread well enough.

Another pleasant news for you will be that the traffic to your site should also increase, because webmasters who receive income from file hosting will offer your book for download to their visitors, while links placed in the book will direct some of these visitors to yours. site, increasing its ranking.

5. Post your videos to YouTube

YouTube has taken the world by storm, attracting a multi-billion audience of unique visitors. You can use this to your advantage. To upload a video to YouTube, you need to register with the service, which is quite easy and simple: you can do this directly on their website or log in through your Google account, if you have one, of course.

After that, you can start uploading your videos to your personal channel. In the videos you create, you can add affiliate links, insert an advertisement, and thus convert some of the fans of your YouTube video into the corresponding affiliate commission.

Don't know how to create videos? This art, as well as promotion, is easy to learn. Take advantage, for example, of the excellent educational, with the help of which you will master this science in the shortest possible time. I have no doubt that you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of useful information that you can get.

Working in this segment of promotion, you should clearly understand that there are two basic rules that you must always follow:

  1. The content should carry valuable information for the viewer. At the same time, the financial benefit should be in second place, not first. If your video is hosted on YouTube just to make money with an affiliate link, you will quickly become a spammer and your video creation efforts will be wasted. When you create something worthwhile, you will achieve much more success through the attention and respect of potential customers.
  2. Do not mislead people!If the link posted is not related to what the video is about, or your title (or description) does not match the content of the video, then you are in breach of your obligations to YouTube. This should be avoided in every possible way. Just put one link in the description, and possibly one in the video itself, if it's extremely relevant (for example, when a video review of a product). If your video really carries valuable information, then users will definitely “like” on it and repost.

6. Promote affiliate product or service directly throughPay- Per- Click (PPC) advertising

I left this method for last because, frankly, this is not what I would recommend doing. Let me explain why. This method involves placing advertisements (with an included affiliate link) with pay per click (PPC) leading to the landing (landing) pages of the Advertiser.

These ads are distributed on the Internet using search engines such as, say, Google and Yandex. The use of this method is advisable in the event that the income from the affiliate program exceeds the advertising costs.

I am skeptical about this affiliate marketing method because by doing this, instead of using PPC ads to promote your own site, you are directing traffic directly to the advertiser. In addition, this method has a number of significant disadvantages.

Let's take Google AdWords as an example. In particular, no more than one paid advertisement pertaining to a particular site is permitted there at any given time. This means that instead of competing with other advertisers for any of the eight available spots on the page, you are only competing for one spot.

Moreover, you have a chance to get one place, only if you offer a high CPC and create an attractive ad, otherwise your ad has no chance of being selected for display.

Further, you do not have the ability to control the quality of the landing page of your partner - advertiser. Search engines carefully analyze all pages for compliance with certain standards, so that the user receives only truly valuable information. If the advertiser's site is filled with low quality content and not enough content, then you will end up paying a higher CPC.

Many newbies see this type of promotion as a quick and easy way to get started in affiliate marketing, but I would still recommend trying the methods listed earlier first.

10 rules to follow when conducting affiliate marketing

As you already know, affiliate marketing is arguably one of the most popular and affordable ways to make money online. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

One of the hallmarks of a good partner (affiliate marketer) is that he understands why he should promote quality products and services to the very people who are interested in them.

If you want to really start making good money by promoting affiliate products and services, then you should always follow the rules below:

  1. Take a close look at the products and services you recommend.
  2. Write and post reviews and reviews of your partners' products or services, including both the pros and cons of the product, to help you build a good reputation as an affiliate marketer.
  3. Do not send your readers directly to the advertiser's site (unless their addresses are already on your mailing list).
  4. Recommend only quality products and services, preferably those you have used yourself. Plus, try to offer products in different price points and keep an eye out for special offers (promotions, discount bonuses, etc.) that will benefit your readers.
  5. Research and analyze good affiliate programs that offer various products. Pay attention to the commission rate, payment methods and timing, return policy and customer reviews.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask for higher commissions (if you have good results, of course!). The more customers you refer the advertiser, the easier it will be for you to get a higher commission percentage.
  7. Take the time to create your own website or blog. This will help you establish yourself as a marketer and give you a platform to post your reviews, posting information and other content on the products or services you are promoting.
  8. Don't try to create multiple sites in different niches. You will soon realize that you do not have time to manage all of them. It is best to start with one site and start earning stable affiliate income from it before building the next one.
  9. Once you create your own website and build a subscriber base, offer your subscribers, along with the site news, free reports and reviews containing valuable information on your topic. It will not be superfluous to add your affiliate links inside the report or review.
  10. Research and analyze the products you are promoting to clearly represent the demographics of your potential buyers. That is, you must know, for example, what they are looking for, where they live, what are their incomes, educational level, etc. This will allow you to “directly” communicate the information you need to them through your web resource and other tools used.

Use the techniques above to form the backbone of your affiliate marketing business, while remembering that everyone was a beginner at some point.


Let's try to summarize. So, is it true or not that:

  • you can make a lot of money through affiliate programs.

Truth. All over the world, partners of promoted product owners earn billions of dollars every year. Moreover, some partners manage to earn millions of dollars a year (in RuNet - millions of rubles), while others are happy, having earned even $ 50 a month.

  • the promotion and promotion of affiliate programs is not associated with the need for sales in the real world (offline).
  • i will need to create my own product.

Lying. Although, at some point in your webmaster career, you may decide to create your own product. However, it should be borne in mind that the development of your​​ own product is associated with an abundance of risks and responsibilities, including those associated with customer service, organizing storage, packaging and transportation of products and processing payments. Your job, as a partner, is simply about finding and sending potential customers to the business you are promoting - a less risky and responsible task.

  • i can create my own site, fill it with advertising and money will flow like a river to me.

Lying. A site full of a mountain of banners will not work. You will lose your visitors forever. Instead, you should have no more than three banners on a page that have a good conversion rate - a much more efficient use of space than placing 20 advertisements scattered across the site. You can also use the banner rotation system to increase the number of ads shown on your site.

  • control and analysis of statistics data can triple my ​​ income.

Truth. You need to monitor referral and affiliate links to make sure they are relevant to the day, but you can also improve your conversion rate (the ratio of visitors to sales) by experimenting with your site elements and analyzing the results. For example, you can change the color of the button or text in the header, place your referral and affiliate links elsewhere, etc.

After at least 1000 different visitors have seen the change, check to see if your commissions have gone up or down. If earlier, say, 1% of visitors bought the product you are promoting, and now 3% of visitors become buyers, then you have tripled your profit.

  • i will have to spam people.

Lying. There is a category of people who develop and launch tons of spam on the Internet. And, unfortunately, they manage to deceive people from time to time. However, this is not a tactic to be used. Affiliate marketing is a legal business and you can earn money online without cheating.

To gain more confidence in you, you can create an option to opt out of receiving RSS or e-mail newsletters from you. Don't forget that people who are actually interested in your posts have high conversion rates.

  • there is no magic formula for success.

Truth. There are successful people in every industry - in the real world and on the Internet - but 99% of their success comes from long hours of hard work, dedication and commitment to learning. It will take you time to understand the basics first, then to expand your knowledge and implement one of the tactics we discussed here. You need to learn from your failures and successes and understand that there is no magic "system" that will do the job for you.

Earlier articles on "Affiliate Programs"

One of the main questions after creating a website is how can I make money on it? If you don't have your own product yet or you want to have additional ad income, then affiliate programs will be appropriate here. But what should be an affiliate program for webmasters? Where to look for partners and how to choose the right strategies in order to get your profit? Let's understand the details!

The main rule that you need to remember is to take into account the topic of the article where the advertisement will be displayed, or the topic of the site in general, in order to select thematic affiliate programs.

For example, if a user visits a website about culinary tips and sees an advertisement for the sale of car parts, at least he will not pay attention to it, and for you it will be almost no income. In the worst case, the user may find the ads inappropriate and leave the site altogether.

What happens if your language learning resource advertises an English school? Of course, this will be a topic in tune with the interests of your audience, and your chances of viewing ads will increase dramatically, and, consequently, your affiliate income will also.

I divide affiliate programs into 3 types:

  1. Shops, goods, CPA networks
  2. Services and services
  3. Training and information business

Descriptions and examples of affiliate programs

Affiliate network of stores or goods

AliExpress - The most popular online store. There is a huge amount of goods here, which means that the field of activity is almost unlimited! For example, on your culinary site, you can recommend appliances and utensils. At the end of the article on a delicious kebab recipe, place an ad for a portable BBQ grill.

How much does AliExpress pay?

If you connect to the AliExpress affiliate program, the amount of your reward will be 8.5% of the amount of the paid order. You can connect at ePN website

ePN is the official AliExpress agent. This site has all the tools for working with AliExpress. Also, you yourself can return a percentage of the purchase if you buy on Aliexpress. To do this, you need to register at ePN Cashback.

How does the affiliate program work?

According to the information from the cookies, the number of your referrals will turn into your income. Even if a person, having followed your link, did not make an order, but then returned, after a few days or weeks, he is still considered your referral, and paying for his purchase in this online store will bring you profit.

What is CPA? CPA is a pay-per-action affiliate program. This could be:

  • Payment for goods
  • Approval of the application (for example, in the online bank)
  • Registration on the site or game
  • And maybe something else))

What is a CPA network? This is an intermediary site with a directory of affiliate programs that unites the Seller, who has a product, and you - the Webmaster, who brings traffic and leads.

Popular CPA networks

KMA.biz is well known to many webmasters. It's great for women-themed sites, there are many different products here.

Admitad.com is a broader network. There are already not only physical goods, but also virtual ones, which means that Admitad is suitable for more various site topics.

  1. Online Stores
  2. Online Games
  3. Mobile offers
  4. Internet services
  5. Financial offers
  6. Tourism, travel
  7. For adults

Of course, if the topic allows, you can also advertise large stores, for example Mvideo (from each order the income will be up to 4%), Wildberries (here earnings depend on the category of the product, but you can get up to 10% of its value from a paid order), and others. For example, in a seasonal fashion trend review, you can use advertisements for new products from popular brands that are sold by Bonprix or Lamoda.

Affiliate programs of services and services

Now on the Internet there are sooo many services and services that can be advertised. And smart service owners make an affiliate program and pay up to 90% of their earnings.

Why give so much you ask? The answer is simple, most electronic goods do not have a prime cost (manufacturing costs), so it's not a pity to pay so much for an attracted client.

Service examples


I advertise Timeweb, and this recommendation is directly related to the theme of my site. Earnings on it will be from 20% to 40%, depending on which hosting a person chooses. If your topic is not related to IT, then you can simply indicate in the basement of the site "The site is hosted by Timeweb" and that's it. Whoever needs it will follow the link.

Chat or callback widget

Now it is very convenient to put such a widget on the site, the conversion to the application rises by at least 10%.

Service JivoSite... Every time a referral you refer pays for a license, you get from 25% to 35% of the payment.

Email service

MailerLite.com... If you plan to offer your visitors a newsletter, take advantage of this idea and advertise the convenient and modern mailing service MailerLite.

Services for travel sites

The most popular affiliate program is buying air tickets and booking hotels. Place a banner of a travel agency or a hotel search form in an article or sidebar, and your visitors will appreciate it, and referrals will express their gratitude in monetary terms.

A popular network for monetizing travel traffic is a website travelpayouts.com.

It brings together popular sites:

  1. Aviasales
  2. Booking.com
  3. Hotellook
  4. Airbnb
  5. Rentalcars.com

For example, you can create a module aviasales.ru and install it to independently search for cheap air tickets directly on your website, and you can earn from 2.2% of the ticket price on ticket sales. Consider the seasonality when choosing such a program, the relevance of the direction for your target audience, the proximity of holiday dates and vacation periods.

Templates, graphics, video, audio

For example site market.envato.com, which includes the following sections:

  1. Themeforest.net - templates for sites
  2. Codecanyon.net - plugins and codes
  3. Videohive.net - video and video effects
  4. Audiojungle.net - music and audio
  5. Graphicriver.net - backgrounds, logos, icons
  6. Photodune.net - photos
  7. 3docean.net - 3D elements

For each, you can start a separate blog and advertise)) I often recommend templates for wordpress from the site Themeforest.net

Everywhere the affiliate percentage is different, but as an example, from the sale of one template using my link, I get 13 dollars \u003d 780 rubles approximately.

Training and information business

Any person who strives for something in any area, seeks information and collects it from various sources. In today's society, recommendations matter even more than advertising. Indeed, in fact, a recommendation is an advertisement, but, as they say, with a soul. That is, from the person whom a person trusts, he learns something good about a product or an object that interests him. Advertise training or courses and receive gratitude and monetary rewards.

Affiliate training in English

Puzzle-english.com - I study English on this site and recommend it to everyone.

Skyeng.ru - and here is the English language school, where you have a mentor and you personally 1-on-1 learn from him via Skype.

Affiliate programs of professions (freelance and not only)

There are many websites that teach different professions like coding, photography, design, advertising, etc.

As an example site Geekbrains - a training portal for programmers. Recommend courses and earn 1000 rubles. from every sale of the course.

Courses (infobusiness)

I often recommend Evgeny Popov's courses. If you came to my site in search of answers to your questions, and they relate to the creation, promotion of the site, earnings on the site - you need to come here too. It will come in handy. The achievements of this person will in many ways tell you the right ways, help you become a professional in this area, because among his courses (paid and free) you will certainly find something useful for yourself.

By the way, this affiliate program is an example of a multilevel one, where you get 30-45% not only from each attracted referral, but also 5% from the orders of those who will be attracted by your referral, and so on up to the fourth level.

How to advertise affiliate programs correctly?

You can either devote an article to a specific affiliate program, for example, "Review of the MailerLite email marketing service", you tell the whole article about this service and put an affiliate link everywhere. Again, within the meaning of several times in the text, and not for each MailerLite word.

The second option, you can make a small digression and recommend something. For example, your article is called "How to cook delicious borscht" and somewhere in the article you make a digression "By the way, for this recipe I first used a new set of knives that I ordered here (and a link to an AliExpress store for example)" + you can praise them a little or give some kind of assessment and continue to talk about borscht.

What to do next?

  1. Make a list of affiliate programs that you want to advertise on your site
  2. Research good sites of your competitors, see what they advertise
  3. Sign up to them and write out affiliate links so you can use them quickly
  4. Study the admin panel of your personal account (where to get the link, how to view statistics and withdraw money)
  5. If this is a CPA network, see what products are there, choose the most relevant ones
  6. When writing new articles, use the links that you have saved for yourself
  7. You can also edit old posts and add links. After all, they are also used by visitors to your site.

The directory of affiliate programs that I use can also help you. You can watch it here.

Write in the comments what you are planning or already advertising on your site?