How to like all posts in a group at once. Automatic liking of new posts in the group. How to see what I liked from the mobile application on Android

The ability to "Like" has become very popular among users of social networks and VKontakte is no exception. Evaluating photos and recordings has become an integral part of communication, and by marking a photo or post as liked, you can support the author of the post and thus give a positive assessment of his opinion or actions. Now viewing photos of friends, acquaintances or new users social network VKontakte can be marked as liked any photo open for viewing. And in this step-by-step guide with photos, we will show you two ways to “like” your favorite photo on the VKontakte social network.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

This step will be the same for the first and second ways to mark a photo as a favorite. To do this, go to the user page and click the field with user photos.

Step 2

How to rate a photo on VKontakte (first method)

In the first method, you can “like” the photo by clicking the “Like” line under the name of the author of the photo.

Step 3

Having checked the photo, you will see that the line "I like" has changed its shade, and the number of hearts has increased.

Step 4

How to rate a photo on VKontakte (second method)

IN this wayWhile browsing the photos, move the mouse cursor up the photo and click the appearing heart. The photo has been marked as liked. If the information helped you - click Thank you!

The first option: you write an iframe (console, or windows form - no difference), put it on the Dedicated Server, and forget about it.
The second option: using hosting (betting on crowns, and forgetting about it altogether).
The third option: use the repository (, and don’t worry about hosting and other things, you just put it on the Dedicated Server and forget about it.

The first and second options are solved using VK api, as well as the first and third options are solved using negezor / vk-io.

VK api option, scheduled using hosting:
1. Get yours access token... To do this, create an application here:\u003dmanage
You specify any name, and the type is standalone.
Then a code comes to your phone, you insert it, and the application is created.

2. After creation, open it, go to the "Settings" item:
You only need the application ID, copy it:

3. You form a request:

Where THAT_MOST_ID - the same application ID.
After in address bar you will see the access token. Copy it from the equal sign (\u003d) to the ampersand sign (&), and save it somewhere in your notebook, or better, the request itself, so that if you change the password on the page, create a new token.

4. You get all the posts of the group in json format.
Where GROUP_ID - this is the ID of the group you need.
Where ACCESS_TOKEN is the token that you receive in the 3rd paragraph.
If the hosting does not support the interaction of file_get_contents with https, then you are in the direction of curl, it's just too lazy to write now.

5. Make a link for the subsequent request:\u003dpost&owner_id\u003d GROUP_ID& access_token \u003d ACCESS_TOKEN& v \u003d 5.60 & item_id \u003d ..

In total, you should get something like this:

$ group_id \u003d "GROUP_ID"; // where you plan to like posts $ token \u003d "ACCESS_TOKEN"; // which received in the 3rd paragraph $ posts \u003d json_decode (file_get_contents ("\u003dpost&owner_id\u003d". $ group_id. "& access_token \u003d". $ token. "& v \u003d 5.60")); $ length \u003d 20; for ($ i \u003d 0; $ i< $length; $i++) { if ($posts->response-\u003e items [$ i] -\u003e likes-\u003e can_like \u003d\u003d 1) ($ item \u003d $ posts-\u003e response-\u003e items [$ i] -\u003e id; $ post \u003d json_decode (file_get_contents ("https: //\u003dpost&owner_id\u003d".$group_id."&access_token\u003d".$token."&v\u003d5.60&item_id\u003d".$item)); if ($ post-\u003e error) (echo $ item. ": error [". $ post-\u003e error-\u003e error_id. ",". $ post-\u003e error-\u003e error_description. "]
";) else (echo $ item.": Like was successful! Total liked: ". $ post-\u003e response."
"; } } }

6. You bet on crowns with a repetition per minute (why less?), And you enjoy life.
He wrote "from the knee", and spent 20 minutes of his worthless personal life, so that's it.

If I don't understand anything, then I can write for 200-300 rubles (the money will go to the chrome extension).

Wrong summation.
You write @
Then nick
Gradually gives out the nickname of the person you want to summarize:

Click to Expand ...

He most likely did not know how to write your nickname correctly, because only ilite knows about it.
And on account of the fact that I have painted thanks, I will delve into it because it is most interesting \u003d)

Most users of the social network Vkontakte do not just use this service as a means of correspondence with friends, but also read some groups, view photos of other users, etc. Naturally, some records may be liked and others not.

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t provide you with some theory before we started to practice something. So let’s do it a little bit this time too)

If we really liked some photo or recording, then we click on the heart-shaped icon under it and put, thus, LIKE.

Sometimes there are so many of these likes that it becomes interesting for some users to see which posts they liked a month or a year ago (find out their entire history of likes). There is such a function in the social network, and it is very simple to use it.

But what a sin to hide, I myself once became interested in what I liked there in my entire history of being on the Vkontakte social network. I took advantage of this function and plunged into memories for half an hour. I have studied such a dossier on myself over the past few years. Well, okay, stop pouring water, let's get down to business ...

How to see what you like in the full version

We launch the browser and go to our Vkontakte page. In the left menu, click on the item "My Settings":

At the next stage, immediately in the "General" tab, check that there is a bird near the item "My Bookmarks". If not, then put it:

Now in the left menu we should have a new link called "My bookmarks". Click on it:

In the window that opens in the "Photos" tab, you can see the photos that you like:

To see the posts that you liked on Vkontakte, you need to go to the "Posts" section, respectively:

All in front of us appeared all the posts that we have ever liked in groups or on the walls of users.

How to see what I liked from the mobile application on Android

It's still much easier here. We take our phones or tablets in hand and launch the Vkontakte mobile application.

In the left menu we find the star icon, which means the item "My bookmarks". Click on it. We see a list of all the photos we liked in the corresponding tab. If we go to the "Posts" section, we will see all the posts we liked for all the time.