MTS telephone operator. How to contact MTS operator - step-by-step instructions. How to connect with reference mts from mobile

Each self-respecting and customer company has its own 24-hour help center. Of course, the MTS company is no exception. Each subscriber of this operator may be free at any time to contact the customer support service specialist. By calling the help center you can get a response to almost any question. The problem is that many simply do not know how to call the MTS operator. There are several numbers that allow you to contact the support service specialist. All of them are free and available around the clock.
Call the MTS operator using one of the following numbers:

  • 0890
  • 8 800 250 08 90
  • +7 495 766 01 66 - a room for communication with the MTS operator in international roaming;
  • 8 800 250 09 90 - Support service number for corporate clients;
  • 0 800 400 000 - (Free call from any numbers) or 111 (only inside the MTS network) - MTS Ukraine Contact Center;
  • +375 17 237 98 98 - Operator number MTS Belarus.

As you can see, the MTS support service provides for quite a large number of rooms. Before you call the MTS operator, we recommend reading this article completely. The fact is that when a call to any of the above methods, you will not hear the answer of the specialist. Initially, you will fall into the automatic voice menu, then you need to enter a specific combination of numbers and only after that you can ask your question. It is worth noting that often the response of a specialist has to wait long. We will tell you how to contact the operator faster, as well as consider alternative ways to communicate with the support service.

How to call operator MTS Russia

MTS provides its services in several countries, for example, in Belarus and Ukraine, but the greatest number of customers is located in Russia. That is why the Russians most often think about how to call the operator on MTS. If you purchased the MTS SIM card in any region of Russia, the rooms below will help you get advice from a specialist MTS Reference Center. A single number that will allow contact with the operator for free from any room and any point of the planet, unfortunately, does not exist. Therefore, you need to know all the numbers of the reference center and their purpose.
Before you contact the operator, you should try to solve the problem yourself, of course, if possible. For example, if you need to know, you can read our separate overview. Also on our website presented many other useful articles that will help you avoid the need to spend time waiting for the operator's answer. Also, you should not forget that the management of the number can be carried out through the personal account, by the way, we will return to this question, but for now let's go to the main topic of the article.

Operator numbers MTS Russia:

  • 0890 - only for calls from MTS of Russia;
  • 8 800 250 08 90 - multichannel federal number (you can call from numbers of any operators and home phone);
  • +7 495 766 01 66 - Room for communication with the MTS operator in international roaming.

That is, if you are calling from MTS number, you can use a short number 0890 to communicate with the operator If you need to contact a specialist with a city or mobile other operator, then the number must be appropriate (see the number above). If you are abroad, then you need to call by number +7 495 766 01 66 , just so you can talk with a specialist of the reference center and not pay for the call.

It is worth noting that despite the difference between the numbers, they all allow you to get through into a single voice menu, that is, the direct connection with the specialist will not immediately happen. To hear the voice of a living person will have to listen to the autoinformer, which will say which numbers need to be pressed to contact the operator. In addition, you will have to spend time he expects a consultant response. That is why we recommend, before calling the MTS operator to try to solve the problem yourself. If without the help of a specialist can not do, then use the instruction below to at least reduce the timeout time of the answer.

To communicate with the MTS operator, follow these steps:

  1. Call 0890 , 8 800 250 08 90 or +7 495 766 01 66 (when and which number should be used above);
  2. After you hear the voice of the autoinformer, press the number 1, then 0;
  3. Select whether you want to evaluate the quality of the operator's performance by clicking on the appropriate figure;
  4. Wait for the operator's response. Approximate waiting time will be reported to you.

If the operator does not respond for a long time, you can try to call back later, or use alternative ways to contact the Contact Center. Information on topical alternative methods is given at the end of the article.

MTS operator number in Belarus and Ukraine

MTS mobile operator has a huge client base. MTS has subscribers not only in Russia, but also in other countries, for example, such a sufficient amount in Belarus and Ukraine, therefore, should be told how to call the MTS operator in these countries.

Numbers operator MTS Belarus:

  • 0880 - Free room for communication with the operator while in the MTS network;
  • +375 17 237 98 98 - A complimentary room that allows you to call the help center from any room, including from the city phone.

By calling the specified numbers you can manage the services, find out the balance and, of course, get a consultation of a specialist. The operator's response time depends on the network load.

Operator numbers MTS Ukraine:

  • 111 - short number for calls from MTS numbers;
  • 0 800 400 000 - the number for communication with the operator from any phone;
  • +38 050 508 11 11 - number of the reference center in roaming abroad;
  • 555 - Number for quick connection with the operator (cost - 0.47 UAH per call).

As you can see, the subscribers of MTS Ukraine is available to not waste time waiting for the operator's response, and get advice immediately, however, the service is paid. Some time ago, something similar was also in Russia. There was no separate room, however, the Customer's time to the subscriber has offered a consultation outside the queue for a fee.

Alternative Methods Communication with the Operator

How to call the MTS operator we told. Now you know all the relevant numbers today. It would seem that this can be finished on this, but there is some problem - the waiting for an expert answer. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get through to the MTS operator quickly. Sometimes waiting is delayed more than 10 minutes. Not everyone has enough patience to wait. If you do not want to wait, then try to solve the problem with one of the following methods. In addition, you can always solve the problem yourself through my personal account MTS.

Contact the MTS operator in one of the following ways:

  1. Use the "My MTS" application to ask a question in a reference center in chat mode;
  2. Ask your question by email [Email Protected] You can ask to answer you by mail or call back;
  3. Use the callback service. The service does not connect and is not controlled. Usually, the autoinformer offers her, when all experts are busy.

The most attractive is the first way that implies the use of the "My MTS" application. You can correspond with a consultant through this application completely free.

Each subscriber is sooner or later there is a need to contact its mobile operator. Most often - for information on some question. MTS network users have the possibility of round-the-clock and free calls to the Technical Support Service.

Contact support can any subscriber of the company, regardless of the current tariff plan and the availability of additional services and options.

In which cases there may be a hotline with MTS operator:

  1. You want to connect or disable a specific service (with the exception of the "detailed account", "account delivery", "Additional data / fax number").
  2. Change the tariff plan while maintaining the current number.
  3. Technical support when activating certain products.
  4. Changing the phone number.
  5. Blocking the phone for a certain time (not available on all tariff plans).
  6. Getting PIN and PUK codes.
  7. Getting information about a specific service or service.
  8. Consulting on financial issues (methods and rules of payment).
  9. Deciphering accounts.
  10. Order conversations.
  11. Operations with facial accounts.
  12. Actions in the event of theft or loss of the phone and much more.

Support service mode

You can seek help at any time convenient for you, the center works around the clock.

How to contact MTS Support

Location of the subscribertype of numberPhone numberCall cost
Territory of the whole country, within the network in Ukraine, in Belarus0890 is free
On the territory of all RussiaFrom the city number, from mobile numbers registered in other networks8 800 250 0890 is free
International and National RoamingFrom a mobile phone registered in the MTS network+7 495 766 0166 (Be sure to dial with +7)is free

Phone 0890.

To contact a specialist, you need to wait for a voice welcome the autoinformer and then sequentially press the "1" and "0" or "2" and "0" keys. After a short musical pause, you will be connected to the operator.

If you want to get full information about the service features, listen to the autoinformer to the end.

It is necessary to prepare passport data or code word in advance. Specify, at what phone number you want to get information. In addition, we recommend that you formulate a question in advance. To avoid misunderstandings, remember that the conversation with the operator is most likely written.

Evaluation of the quality of service provision

If you want to evaluate the work of a specialist, after talking to him, press "0", if not - "1". If you agreed to evaluate the conversation, you will be called from the number +7 800 250 0890 for the survey in automatic mode. You will need to answer just two questions:

  1. Whether it was possible to solve the problem (if so, then press "1", if not - "0").
  2. Estimate the work of a specialist in a five-point scale (dial the corresponding numbers on a mobile device).

Phone 8 800 250 0890

You need to dial the free phone number 8 800 250 0890 to communicate with the MTS operator from your mobile device, then wait for the voice message and then sequentially press the "1" and "0" keys.

Phone +7 495 766 0166

If you are outside our country, contact a specialist can be absolutely free at +7 495 766 0166.

Appeal to the MTS office

To see where the nearest office is located:

  • go to the MTS website (;
  • specify your region of living;
  • follow the link "MTS shopping salons", which is located in the central part of the page.

The operator offers a range of available services:

  • conclusion of a contract for the provision of communication services;
  • termination of an agreement;
  • sIM card operations (replacement, recovery, blocking / unlock);
  • issuing PIN-, PUK codes;
  • getting another phone number;
  • order account or detail;
  • obtaining a code word;
  • consultations at various communication services;
  • consultations on financial issues (state of mobile account, remittances, payment with a credit card);
  • getting an order from the MTS online store and much more.

How to call the MTS operator is the question that at a certain point in time is given almost any subscriber of the Federal Mobile Company. Like any global scale organization, MTS has its own certificate and user support center, working around the clock and without days off. A person, including the company who is not a client can call in this center and get help absolutely free. What are there any ways to communicate with employees of the support center?

To call the MTS operator, you need to call the number selected according to where you call:

  • From urban.
  • With SIM cards another company.
  • With MTS on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • With MTS in overseas roaming outside of Russia.
  • To answer questions from representatives of Jurlitz subscribers, as well as private entrepreneurs who have entered into a contract with MTS, there is a separate allocated number.

You can learn more about the options in the following sections of the article, but the most frequently used number is 0890. Unfortunately, taking advantage of them, you will not contact a person directly with a person, ready to help you. First you have to go through the debris of the autoinformer menu, press a specific key combination, and only then it will be possible to get into the waiting list.

With superficial consideration, this is uncomfortable from the user's point of view, but if we consider the situation in another key, it is the convenience of the subscriber and the reason for the appearance of such a system.

The operator has to wait regularly for a very long time, and with the help of an autoinformer you can find out the necessary information, activate or disable the services. If the "Menu" does not contain the necessary items, you will have to wait for the liberated "living" operator.

How to call the MTS operator directly free from mobile

If you are interested in how to call the MTS operator for free from mobile, know: without using the voice menu, it will not be possible to do. But if you know in advance which keys to click, then listening to it completely do not have to shorten the access time.

Here is a clear instruction for MTS subscribers located in the Russian Federation:

  1. Contact support by number 0890.
  2. You will hear a story about special offers and news news, then you will get into the menu of the autoinformer. If you are interested only in a conversation directly without an answering machine, do not wait for the end. Click the numbers in such a sequence: first "2", after it "0".
  3. Next will be the story of the program of assessing the quality of the work of support specialists. You can participate in the program, you can refuse - the influence on the call it will not.
  4. Everything, now you are on a waiting list. An electronic voice will tell you that happiness in the form of an operator's response is left for a short time - a few minutes. The reality is more severe, during the periods of the highest workload "a few minutes" can be stretched for half an hour.

You are a corporate client

Represent an enterprise or organization, are an individual entrepreneur? For corporate clients, there is a separate federal line. Call 8-800-250-0990 from a mobile phone or from a fixed connection number of any region of the Russian Federation. By the way, when you call it a live operator, the operator will respond more quickly.

You are in National Harming

In case of departure of the subscriber outside the home region with the MTS SIM card, the conditions do not change, 0890 is available for free.

How to get through to the MTS operator from the mobile phone quickly

Do you think how to get through to MTS operator without waiting? To defeat the dragon, you must become a dragon yourself: Fill out the MTS profile, go through the interview and go to the training of support operators. Soon in the telephone directory of your smartphone, the numbers of familiar Call Center employees will appear - call them at least at least in 6 am on January 1.

To speak seriously, there is no magic ways of instant communication with the operator. Contracts for the provision of services with Red-White concluded millions of subscribers in the Russian Federation and neighboring states. In any minute, a call center attack thousands and thousands of people, and everyone believes that it is precisely the most important problem that exciting his problem is the most important, urgent and does not tolerate deposits. Decided to call 0890 - get ready to wait. Do not want to waste time waiting? We recommend to try all the options for self-eliminating problems.

What to do to quickly resolve the question:

  • It is required to know where the funds from the account have been debited, change the tariff, activate or deactivate additional services, monitor the remains of the packages? On the official website in the "Personal Account" section, you can implement any of these operations.
  • All these useful steps can be performed through a smartphone: My MTS application is offered for downloading in Google PlayMarket for Android and in the iOS AppStore.
  • Another option is to use the services of the autoinformer. Yes, you have to listen to all the necessary menus, but usually it is faster than to expect a specialist response.
  • On the company's website in the Help Help section there is a section with a list of frequently asked questions, check if there is no solution to your problem there. View every answer in the hope of finding the need does not have to: by section there is a convenient search.

Call from another operator

Not a subscriber of MTS or temporarily do not have access to this SIM card? For consultations, a separate call center is available: 8-800-250-0890. Call this line both from the "mobile phone" and from the city phone. The algorithm is almost similar to the call with SIM MTS:

  1. Dial 8-800-250-0890. The connection to this line is not charged (no penny will cost).
  2. When the voice sounds, you can immediately press "1". After switching to the next section, press "0".
  3. Next, the voice will tell about the ability to participate in assessing the quality of the work of the call center operators. Nothing depends on the consent or failure (the choice of the option you need occurs with the "1" and "0" buttons).
  4. Now it remains only to wait until the turn comes to you and finally talk to the call center representative.

Important! Call to the federal line 8-800-250-0890 follows only subscribers of other companies, with the "red-white" SIM call 0890.

How to call from abroad for free

You are far from your native edges in foreign roaming, and you have unexpectedly disappearing the Internet or a large amount from the personal account is unknown for what? You can express everything you think about the quality of MTS services, according to the free number + 7-495-766-0166 dedicated to such situations.

What to take into account, calling to a call center from outside the RF:

  • The phone must be dialed with the country code. If within the Russian Federation you can call, gaining the "eight" at the beginning, the international format provides for the Code of Russia "+7" instead of it.
  • Free will only be a call to this line from the cell phone, which is installed by the MTS SIM card. For any other operators, the call is paid in accordance with the tariffs.

Do you need to contact the MTS Support Specialist? In this section you will find the contact details of the cellular operator for subscribers of all service regions.

Unified Free Service Support Service "MTS":

8800 250 0890 /

Call MTS for free from any mobile and urban telephone of Russia. Short number 0890 - for free calls from MTS.

How to call the MTS hotline?

To directly phoned with mTS support service operatorCall the free number 8800 250 0890, stay on the line and listen to the end of the automatic voice system. You will be transferred to the first liberated employee of the hotline mobile operator.

Note that in the peak clock when mTS reference service At the same time, a significant number of subscribers are called, the operator's response is possible. For your convenience, the system will announce an approximate time waiting for an employee's response.

For free calls to MTS Reference Service, you can use either the operator's service intranet number - 0890 (Calls to which are completely free from mobile in the MTS network zone) or a single free number 8800 250 0890, to which you can no doubt call from any urban or mobile phone of another operator. At the same time, the call will be free for you, even from mobile phone operators - MegaFon, Beeline or Tele2.

Other reference numbers MTS

MTS Group of Companies, unites not only a cellular operator, but also a financial organization and an Internet provider and offers its customers an additional federal number for communicating with the staff of the help desk and technical support of all units. Use the phone number below if you are a client of one or more divisions of the MTS Group of Companies.

The challenges to the single phone help reference service 88002508250 are not charged by subscribers of any Russian telecom operator (including MTS, Rostelecom, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2). For calls from MTS, use a short hotline number 0890 (free of charge).

Call number in MTS from abroad

When finding outside the Russian Federation, the number above the phone numbers will not act, because They are intended for calls from numbers registered in Russia. Use the phone number below to get through into MTS from roaming or from a telephone registered in another state.

+7 495 766 0166

When finding in international and national roaming MTS, calls to the number +7 495 766 0166 are not charged. If you call the MTS contact center from the phone of another telecom operator (both mobile and stationary), payment will be made in accordance with the tariffs for international relations. We recommend to clarify how much a minute of conversation will cost, especially if you are calling from a hotel phone.

Technical support specialists work for customers in all popular social networks and respond to questions by email. Additional information can be found in the main section.

Geography of MTS

The Contact Center of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC and the technical support service subscribers work for operator clients in the following regions of Russia:

Moscow and St. Petersburg , Republic of Adygea (Maykop), Altai Territory (Barnaul), Amur region (Blagoveshchensk), Arkhangelsk region (Arkhangelsk), Astrakhan region (Astrakhan), Belgorod region (Belgorod), Bryansk region (Bryansk), Republic of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude) , Vladimir Oblast (Vladimir), Volgograd Oblast (Volgograd), Vologda Oblast (Vologda and Cherepovets), Voronezh Oblast (Voronezh), Republic of Dagestan (Makhachkala), Jewish JSC (Birobidzhan), Zabaykali (Chita), Ivanovo region (Ivanovo) , Republic of Ingushetia (Magas), Irkutsk Oblast (IRKUTSK), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Nalchik), Kaliningrad region (Kaliningrad), Republic of Kalmykia (Elista), Kaluga region (Kaluga), Kamchatka (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), Karachay-Circassian Republic (Cherkessk), Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk), Kemerovo region (Kemerovo), Kirov region (Kirov), Republic of Komi (Syktyvkar), Kostroma region (Kostroma), Krasnodar Territory (Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiy K, Anapa), Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krasnoyarsk), Kurgan region (Kurgan), Kursk region (Kursk), Leningrad region (Vyborg, Luga), Lipetsk region (Lipetsk), Magadan region (Magadan), Republic of Mari El (Yoshkar-Ola ), Republic of Mordovia (Saransk), Moscow Oblast (Odintsovo, Sergiev Posad, Ramenskoye, Lyubertsy, Krasnogorsk, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo), Murmansk region (Murmansk), Nenets JSC (Naryan-Mar), Nizhny Novgorod region (Nizhny Novgorod), Novgorod region (Velikiy Novgorod), Novosibirsk Oblast (Novosibirsk), Omsk Region (Omsk), Orenburg Oblast (Orenburg), Oryol region (Oryol), Penza region (Penza), Perm region (Perm), Primorsky Krai (Vladivostok), Pskov region ( Pskov), Republic of Altai (Gorno-Altaisk), Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa), Rostov region (Rostov-on-Don), Ryazan region (Ryazan), Samara region (Samara), Saratov region (Saratov), \u200b\u200bSakhalin region (South Sakhalinsk), Sverdlovsk region (Yekaterinburg), Republic of North Row Ossetia - Alania (Vladikavkaz), Smolensk region (Smolensk), Stavropol Territory (Stavropol), Tambov region (Tambov), Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan), Tver region (Tver), Tomsk region (Tomsk, former "Tomsk cellular communication") , Tula region (Tula), Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl), Tyumen region (Tyumen), Ulmurt Republic (Izhevsk), Ulyanovsk region (Ulyanovsk), Khabarovsk region (Khabarovsk), Republic of Khakassia (Abakan), Khanty-Mansiysk AO - Ugra ( Khanty-Mansiysk), Chelyabinsk Region (Chelyabinsk), Chechen Republic (Grozny), Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary), Chukotka AO (Anadyr), Republic of Sakha (Yakutsk), Yamalo-Nenets JSC (Salekhard) and Yaroslavl region (Yaroslavl).

We ask you to note that communication with the MTS Help Line Employees is recorded. It is necessary solely for the purpose of improving the convenience of the company's customers. In the event of such a need, the service quality control service will be able to listen to the conversation and evaluate the competence and politeness of the employee of the hotline operator.

All phone numbers that are listed in this section are given as of August 2018. Additional information can be found on the official website of the telecommunications operator In addition to customers operator MTS, support for subscribers "A-Mobile" and "Allo" is supported.

Many do certain efforts in this direction, but the result is far from all. This is due to the fact that the operators deliberately avoid solutions to user problems, believing that their service is perfect. However, it is often not so. Therefore, even if the user is a client of the MTS leading operator, how to call the MTS operator, he still needs to know.

Understand the providers, of course, you can: dozens of thousands of unlucky users are addressed daily for the resolution of their questions. All specialists are not attacked, and the problem itself sometimes is solved in two bills. You only need to listen to the information menu or stroll through the official site. However, not everyone is so involved in the world of digital technologies to do without the help of a "living" person. The autoinformer may be an unbearable task for older people, and access to the Internet may simply be absent. That is why I will later tell you how to call the MTS operator from mobile to more not to torment themselves with urgent issues.

How to contact this consultant

Here, perhaps, it is necessary to immediately warn that there is no instant variant. One way or another will have to be patient. In some cases, the client will have to expect a cherished joint. I do not want to scare, but sometimes the voice of the MTS operator takes place such temporary intervals that you can have time to see the football match. But it is not worth a despair, the knowledge of the fast set of combinations from the MTS operator can at least help. So, there are the following ways:

Method 1. How to call your favorite MTS operator for free. This provides a short number. To activate it, you will need to dial 0890, and then speed up the automatic menu transitions slightly. For example, press the number 2, and immediately after clicking on the zero. Or, instead of a button 2, try click 5 and finish 0 again. One of the two options should help contact a free consultant. That is, the user does not at all be carefully listening to what the robot misses there: it is enough to restrict ourselves to a short set. We will specify that this service is available to citizens of Russia, Uzbekistan and Belarus.

Method 2 How to contact MTS operators through the city number. Here is the scheme, in fact, the same. There is a number 88002500890 of the federal value, access to which is possible from mobile and stationary phones. To connect, you will need to produce similar actions: to dial the number 2, and then the nolik. Perhaps the answering machine in the menu will want to ask about the possibility of evaluating the services provided. That is, it will have to answer him positively (0) or negatively (1). And then you can already boldly count on the phenomenon of consultants in the handset. This multichannel number often functions faster than its short fellow. Here the operation may take just a few minutes.

Very important. However, it was not without a trick. This option is available to absolutely anyone except the user of MTS itself. Here is such a bona. MTS subscribers are forced to use an exceptionally short number. The federal is available to all other providers (you can even get through from MegaFon, MTS competitor) and stationary networks, except the television system itself.

Method 3. How to contact MTS employees to corporate clients. And everything happens in the same way as in the previous paragraph, only for the connection will function a multiple modified number of the federal value - 88002500990. How to call to MTS, to paint here further without need.

Method 4. How to call the operator to MTS if Russia remained somewhere at home. We are talking about roaming, which is necessary for those who drove abroad. To contact the operator, in order to hear the native voice, the number is required 84957660166. Brings joy the fact that the call refers to free. No matter where the challenge comes from, the main thing is to follow the international format rule: in front of the number to specify +7.

Method 5. Other options. If the previous items did not justify themselves, then why not pay your look at the MTS website. There, too, you can ask questions that are interested in. This provides for feedback, which can be found by reference For the sake of reducing the waiting time, it is recommended to first decide on the subject matter. Possible options will be presented in the list. Moreover, there you can even find cognitive videos, where the mechanism is explained, how to call the real operator MTS.

Method 6. How to contact the MTS operator directly. Since the client needs a live embodiment of the representative of MTS, so why not visit him personally? In the department will always be happy to look at the photo in the customer's passport to make sure the authenticity of the SIM card. And the office operator MTS will tell you how to call the operator, already in place.

Method 7. The advantage of the LC. The same guys who do not want to waste time with a reference consultant can independently get most of the answers thanks to authorization in a convenient personal account. It is enough to dial in the address bar, and who knows it, maybe the MTS client will call the operator more ever wanted.

How to call from the Crimea Peninsula

This item must be considered separately, since many puts a complex political collision in a standstill and the head of the Peninsula as part of Russia. Some subscribers are probably in confusion, from which only a living representative can save, and therefore, the number of the MTS operator needs. In order to help the user, to deal with how to contact domestic MTS operators, it will first need to decide on the region where its SIM card was registered.

For example, owners of numbers that have been acquired on site, in the most of the Crimea or any other region of Russia, there is nothing to worry about: since communication will be carried out by the same methods that were listed above. The same short number, the same federal (if the user is a client of another mobile company). And yes, the call here will be free.

But if the user relates to the "happy" owners of the Ukrainian issue of the provider, then the rules of international roaming are distributed. To contact the MTS operator, a paid number is required + 38-050-508-1111. In addition, MTS customers of the neighboring country can try to call the MTS operator by 111. This room is available exclusively to mobile owners. In this case, the connection from the Crimea Peninsula will be paid.


Obviously, ways to deal with how to contact the MTS operator, there are many. The only question is how much the subscriber is ready to wait for the connection and what is its possibility. For example, mobile owners cannot hope for a federal number, but they have an excellent opportunity to call the MTS operator for free to a short number. But users of MTS once friendly country free connection from the territory of the Crimea will not be available. All nuances, how to call MTS, were outlined in detail above.

We thank you for your attention! If you need additional information, just contact us!