Leonid Grokhovsky - promotion of portals and online stores. Leonid Grokhovsky - promotion of portals and online stores The master class is adapted to the needs of the participants

When professionals leave any field, the question inevitably arises: “Why?” And the constantly developing field is no exception: the demand for consulting and promotion is growing, tasks and technical solutions are constantly changing, while renowned specialists are in demand more than ever. However, Leonid Grokhovsky announced his resignation from SEO in favor of managing the consulting agency and training center TopExpert. He talks about the prospects for education in the field of SEO, about consulting and the situation on the labor market, about salaries and a free lifestyle. Leonid Grokhovsky.

Leonid, you announced your resignation fromSEOand announced "LastSEOseminar" . What is the reason for your decision?

I've been doing SEO for over eight years. Over the past years, I have gone from creating web pages and writing SEO texts for 400 types of tires to creating and promoting large-scale projects with more than 500,000 visitors a day. A few years ago, I noticed that no matter what project I was working on at the moment, I kept coming back to teaching. This process gives me a lot of positive emotions and forces me to constantly develop, without stopping there.

At the same time, we have to admit the fact that today there is a huge shortage of specialists in the SEO field. On the one hand, we are observing an amazing phenomenon - the salary offer for SEO exceeds the level of applicants’ requests. On the other hand, people who come for interviews today often cannot work effectively. The market is rapidly developing, tasks are becoming more complex every day, and there are practically no specialized institutions capable of training specialists. That's why I'm leaving my job as a technologist and analyst to get more involved in running my consulting agency and training center.

In your opinion, why has there been a discrepancy between the expectations of employers and the skills of specialists?

This is primarily due to the fact that SEO is rapidly moving from banal spam to consulting. Just ten years ago, only a few dozen people knew how to promote websites. For $100, they could bring the company to the Top for search queries and provide a large influx of clients to the companies, as well as good income for themselves. Grateful company owners shared their “find” with their colleagues, thereby increasing demand for services. Further, individual promotion work turned into a business, and individual organizations began to actively capture the SEO market.

A little time passed and the situation changed dramatically. Initially, a simple and understandable model worked: specialists literally in a month with a 100% guarantee brought the company to the Top of search engines and supported it there. But as soon as Yandex changed its algorithm, most SEO organizations were unable to fulfill their obligations. But the requests remained, clients believed in this tool, and there was a need for competent analysts, specialists who are able to work despite the changed rules of the game.

Leonid, what should a specialist’s education be like in order for it to correspond to a dynamically developing field? SEO?

In SEO, as in any other specialty, there is basic fundamental knowledge, with the mastery of which the training of specialists begins. Three aspects are extremely important: fundamental knowledge, understanding of basic algorithms, and search engine design. The skill of self-learning, searching for new information, and the ability to analyze are important. Existing universities cope with these tasks more or less normally, however, they could use some reorganization.

However, the current education system does not take into account the relevance of knowledge, which is especially important for specialists already working in the field of SEO. Therefore, the TopExpert training center provides almost weekly seminars, round tables, and master classes. We invite recognized experts in the field of SEO to participate in them. The team of experts I have assembled allows you not only to increase your level of knowledge by listening to seminars, but also to be aware of upcoming changes in SEO and be prepared for them.

As a result, competent specialists must be able to do quality work, and not just act according to outdated instructions. These are the kind of personnel we want to see in the labor market. We try to prepare such people in our courses, answering for them with our name and reputation.

What did you mean when you spoke about the reorganization of existing education?

For example, new professions have appeared in SEO: analyst and marketer. They didn’t exist before, but technologies have changed, new needs have emerged, and this is the answer to them. In general, in the field of high technology, new specialties may appear every six months. A good specialist is simply obliged to constantly study, and basic programs cannot be “mothballed.” I believe that after receiving fundamental knowledge and a bachelor’s degree, a person must determine for himself which blocks and subjects are most important to study in his future specialization. If we talk about education in the field of high technologies globally, then I see four main points of development.

Speaking about changing the existing system, I meant the approach to higher education itself. First, you need to learn from practitioners. If a teacher is exclusively engaged in teaching, then in an actively changing environment, his knowledge quickly becomes outdated and its effectiveness decreases. Lack of integration between education and business is one of the huge problems that exists today.

Secondly, the teacher should not be tied to a specific educational institution. Distance learning technologies make it possible to effectively learn from a person, regardless of his geographic location. Thirdly, the age of entry into a teaching position should be significantly reduced. Even at a young age, despite the lack of an academic degree, a specialist in his field can teach his own courses. Finally, the validity of the diploma must be limited. Within six months, a graduate must find a job: otherwise, his knowledge will become outdated and he will need to take advanced training courses to confirm his diploma. Ideally, potential employers should be present at the graduation ceremony to evaluate the graduate and immediately hire him.

Leonid, TopExpert corresponds to the scheme you proposed?

We have created a training center that provides a real opportunity, regardless of the geographical location of students, to obtain a very high level of knowledge and get a job in the company they dreamed of. Moreover, the salary level is significantly higher than the market one. Our mission is to give people the opportunity to do what they are truly interested in and make great money at the same time.

For example, in the fall we are planning to launch a three-month course, following which students will be able to reorganize their own lives in such a way as not to be tied to the office and the city, but at the same time not to lose at all financially. This will be one of our New Year's gifts, because the course will be completely free. In winter, I plan to take my office to Bali and show by my own example how to work effectively remotely. All students who have completed the course will be able to join us. Moreover, the status of the student is not at all important - they can be students without work experience, experienced specialists, or business owners.

Too often people create boundaries and restrictions. We want to show that you can learn to do things differently. SEO today is closely related to other activities and cannot exist without good texts, layout, programming, user interface, marketing, and web analytics. We can say that we want to change the lifestyle of many people working in various fields. Teach them not only to realize themselves at work, but also to allow them to lead the lifestyle they dreamed of.

Leonid, during our conversation you mentioned more than onceSEO-consulting. This is a promising direction inSEO?

As for consulting, most companies cannot provide high-quality services in this area, because they are designed for conveyor work. SEO has changed a lot, and today, in order to produce high-quality results, it is necessary to involve thinking specialists, and not work according to the standard scheme. A specialist who promotes 30 sites can afford to spend a maximum of four hours a month on the project. During this time, you can correct a simple error in a semi-automatic mode, and this directly affects the quality of the service. And the goal of SEO consulting is maximum quality, high returns and a personalized approach.

And, of course, it is important for me not only to pass on the accumulated knowledge and experience within the TopExpert training center through courses, but also to prepare worthy recipients. Strictly speaking, for six months now I have been training people who will do high-quality work promoting large portals. The work will be carried out using my technology, and until I see that there is a person who can completely replace me, I will supervise these projects myself.

My name is Konstantin.. The rating is based on an algorithm that evaluates the influence of each specialist on the development of the Russian Digital market, through his event activity (speaking at events), publications on various platforms, and the creation of useful tools for other market specialists. All these components form the final rating of a specialist.

In simple words: more speeches and articles, more influence on the market and, accordingly, a higher place in our ranking.

  1. Register and log in to the site
  2. Indicate a real photo
  3. Add information about your participation in the event or a link to a publication this year. Wait for this information to be verified by the rating administration
  4. Once your rating is greater than zero, you will be assigned a place and will begin to appear on the main page.

How to add information about speaking at an event

  1. Go to the “Performances” tab and click “Add a performance”;
  2. Fill out information about performances. Click "Save". After this, speeches will be sent for moderation;
  3. After approval of information about performances, you will be awarded a rating corresponding to their level, and the performances themselves will be visible to all site visitors on the corresponding profile page.


  1. The number of points awarded for each performance depends on the number of its listeners and the type of event itself.
  2. Points are awarded only for events of the current year.

How to add information about your publications

  1. Register and log in to the site;
  2. Go to profile settings in your personal account;
  3. Go to the “Publications” tab and click “Add publication”;
  4. Fill in information about publications. Click "Save". After this, publications will be sent for moderation;
  5. After your publications are approved, you will be awarded a rating corresponding to their level, and the speeches themselves will be visible to all site visitors on the corresponding profile page.


  1. The number of points awarded for a publication depends on the number of views;
  2. Points are awarded only for articles posted on sites in the current year.

How to add information about the reports you are ready to give at events

  1. Register and log in to the site;
  2. Go to profile settings in your personal account;
  3. Go to the “Report Collections” tab and click “Add Report”;
  4. Fill out information about reports. Click "Save". After this, the reports will be sent for moderation;
  5. After your reports are approved, they will be visible to all site visitors on the “Search for a speaker for an event” page.

St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. - ISBN 978-5-496-00736-8. This book is about how to promote large complex projects. SEO in its broadest sense is discussed here, including not only information retrieval, but also PR, marketing and working with content in general. Technologies and approaches that are unpopular in the market are described in detail. It is about how to promote a website as a team, conduct research, develop a strategy and implement the developed technologies into work.
The book will be of interest to current and future owners or managers of large online stores and portals, heads of promotion departments, specialists, as well as anyone interested in SEO. From the author.
Portals and their promotion.
Russian portal promotion market.
How do portals differ from regular websites?
A question of trust.
The issue of trust: the other side of the coin.
Simple tips for effective promotion.
About purchasing links.
Competitor analysis.
Whom to analyze?
Tools for identifying leaders.
Comparing the authority of resources.
General analysis of the competitor portal.
Site structure.
Index comparison.
HTML code of different types of pages.
Types and sources of content.
Link mass.
Which sections should you pay special attention to?
Once again about the structure of the portal.
Summing up.
Design of portals and large online stores.
Automation of collection of positions and dynamics of tops.
Yandex Market as a source of information for online stores.
Own development or ready-made solution?
Drawing up a semantic core.
Cleaning the semantic core.
Assessing the competitiveness of requests.
Creating request groups.
Why is it so important to cover the entire core.
Replenishment and update of the core after the portal launch.
An alternative way to create a kernel.
Internal optimization.
Internal ranking factors.
Title tag.
Headings H1, H2 and the like.
Description and Keywords meta tags.
Page text. About optimal density.
Micro markup.
Gluing duplicates.
Creating an anchor list for linking.
The impact of linking on indexing.
The influence of linking on ranking.
Increasing the mass of content and expectations from search engine promotion.
Content sources.
Creating content by employees: about copywriters and copywriting.
Automatic content creation.
Filling large catalogs.
User Content.
External links.
Link building and expectations from search engine promotion.
Link promotion of the new portal.
Getting natural links.
Registration in link directories and company directories.
Link exchange.
Buying links.
Automation of purchasing links.
Some recommendations for selecting sites and placing links.
Using Yandex.Metrica. Behavioral ranking factors.
Basic user metrics.
Evaluating behavioral factors for ranking.
Cheating of user factors.
Follow links.
Transitions based on requests.
Security issues.
Risks associated with domain administration.
Risks associated with hosting and data loss.
Risks associated with attempts of unauthorized access to data.
Risks associated with the work of developers. Test automation.
Risks associated with the work of designers.
Risks associated with the work of copywriters.
Risks associated with the work of moderators.
Risks associated with the work of content managers.
Optimizers as a threat to website security.
Protection against optimization threats.
Portal management.
Organizational structure.
General staff of the portal.
Interaction between specialists.
Cyclic control.
How to determine priorities.
If the optimizer did not participate in the creation of the project.
Organization of industrial production of content.
Content Creation - Freelance or Full-time Employees?
Selection, training and certification of content specialists.
Why do we need optimizers?
The role of a PR specialist.
Traffic funnel.
Traffic quality metrics, traffic management.
Site audit.
General analysis of the site.
Site matrix.
Studying the topic.
Host factors.
Duplication, affiliates, errors.
Spam and vulnerabilities.
Authority factors.
URL factors.
Semantic core.
Internal links.
Static weight.
Natural links.
Text factors (important areas of the document).
Analysis of promotion effectiveness.
Business analytics.
Pivot table.
Gifts and bonuses.
Appendix 1 List of programs and services used in the audit process.
Application 2,100 SEO modules.
Appendix 3 Terms of reference for writing texts.
Information about the authors.

  • The ability to download this file is blocked at the request of the copyright holder.
  • The terms and conditions for purchasing these materials can be found here.

Leonid Grokhovsky

Ivan Sevostyanov, Dmitry Ivanov, Fedor Fironov

Promotion of portals and online stores

A practical guide for marketers and business leaders

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

The cover design uses illustrations from shutterstock.com.

My name is Leonid Grokhovsky, I am the head of the consulting agency “Promotion of Portals”.

Our project is focused on large web portals, where SEO brings maximum benefits. I have been promoting websites for more than eight years, have worked with 500 projects and opened the TopExpert training center. For the last few years I have been working on portals: woman.ru, komandirovka.ru, cian.ru, etc. have become my clients.

It wasn't always like this. I once worked alone and did everything myself. I missed the team and the scale. The result is missed deadlines, customer disappointment, and money back. One day I decided to take a break to change things up. This is how a training center, team and laboratory of new technologies appeared. Later, the consulting agency “Promotion of Portals” grew on their basis. I was lucky enough to fail and change in time. This is how the understanding emerged that quality is necessary in everything we do today.

This book is about how to promote large complex projects. We tried to consider SEO in the broadest sense, including not only information search, but also PR, marketing and working with content in general. It describes technologies and approaches that are unpopular in the market. It’s about how to promote a website with a team of two, three, five or even 15 people (this is a new practice for Runet - usually one specialist promotes 10, 15, 30, 50 sites). Only using this approach can you make a project a leader in search traffic.

What is this book for? In order to, using modern promotion technologies, qualitatively promote the site and become a leader in traffic. If you don't aspire to be a leader, this book won't do you any good.

Who needs this book? With its help, current and future owners or managers of large online stores and portals will be able to choose the right promotion strategy, evaluate the resources needed for promotion and predict the result. Heads of promotion departments will learn a lot of useful information about organizing processes and developing automation tools. Specialists will be able to understand what a high-quality approach to website promotion is.

Structure of the book. Since experience in such a complex and dynamic field consists of many very small “I know where” and “I know how”, they also have to be presented in small theses. So don't be surprised if some subsections only have a few sentences.

Portals and their promotion

A portal is a large Internet project that is visited daily by thousands and sometimes millions of users. According to Wikipedia (ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web portal), portals are conditionally divided into:

□ on vertical portals(Vertical portal), niche portals (Niche portal) – portals with a narrow thematic focus, providing various services for Network users based on specific interests and focused on full coverage of topics or areas of activity;

horizontal portals(or universal portals, general-purpose portals (General portal)) - portals covering many topics, providing a set of services (serving, if possible, all topics) and aimed at the widest possible audience and the maximum coverage of its interests. The most famous horizontal portals (by Internet sectors) are Yahoo! (English), Mail.ru (Russian), Yandex, Ukr.net (Russian and Ukrainian).

Let's look at how things are going with the promotion of such sites in Russia.

Russian portal promotion market

At the moment, there is practically no market for promoting portals in Russia. Large and small SEO companies successfully promote small and medium-sized sites, but none of them specialize in promoting portals specifically and creating real leaders from portals. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the very approach to promoting portals is fundamentally wrong - it is simply entrusted to an optimizer who can simultaneously manage five, ten or more projects. This approach, quite justified for business card websites, becomes simply fatal when applied to large web projects.

Will the situation ever change? Definitely yes, but this service will be very expensive. The fact is that to promote each portal, a whole team of specialists is needed - in fact, a small SEO company. A company that has entered into an agreement to promote a portal must, as soon as possible:

□ create a new department;

□ find a manager who will be both a good manager, an optimizer and, if possible, an expert on the portal’s subject matter (such people are extremely rare);

□ with its help, find and invite ordinary performers to work, some of whom - at least specialists in content creation - must be familiar with the topic.

Upon completion of cooperation, it is necessary to either quickly transfer all employees of this department to other projects (and there may not be projects of similar or similar topics), or fire them. The first is difficult, the second is even worse.

Thus, a company specializing in working with large sites will be forced to either include large risks in the cost of promotion or suffer losses.

An alternative to this approach is to create a promotion department internal to the portal, outsource a number of processes and regularly contact consultants. We will return to organizing the work of internal departments and the possibility of improving the qualifications of managers.


“The Russian Internet audience and its purchasing power continue to grow rapidly. Competition is also growing, including for positions in search results. Search technologies are becoming more complex, search engines are evolving from link and text algorithms to assessing user behavior.

New search technologies require the use of new promotion strategies. Unfortunately, many agencies providing SEO services continue to follow the path of cutting costs. Quality issues fade into the background. As a rule, one specialist promotes 20-30 projects. With this approach, it is impossible to effectively promote medium-sized and especially large sites.

Today, most successful portals are promoted through internal resources. In particularly difficult cases, a team of 15 people can promote one portal. In an agency, on the contrary, the site goes on a standard conveyor belt, where 5-10 hours a month are allocated for “assembly”. The result is the lack of an acceptable result, delays, unfulfilled promises and financial losses, often amounting to millions of rubles.”

How do portals differ from regular websites?

The main distinguishing feature of portals is the large number of pages – up to several million. Several consequences follow from this.

1. The need for automation. Everything that can be automated should be automated. Manual work when promoting a portal is only the most complex and intellectual. Collecting semantics, creating content, linking, analyzing effectiveness, generating anchors, placing links - all this can and should work automatically.

2. The need for standardization. You need standard page templates, a unified standard for constructing diagrams, a unified standard for placing graphics, media materials, etc. All standards must be represented by templates and scripts, by editing which you will automatically edit tens of thousands of pages.

3. Large amount of content. The volume is really huge - a good portal contains tens and even hundreds of thousands of informative and useful texts for the user. Investments in content and its protection are the most profitable from the point of view of portal promotion. It is necessary to constantly work on improving and increasing the mass of content.

4. Large semantic core. The core can include several hundred thousand queries, and therefore the selection of semantics should be taken with all possible seriousness.

5. High traffic and significant load on the server. The portal must work quickly and without failures even during peak load. This is important for search engine promotion, it is important for visitors, and ultimately for automation.

We're all lucky. One of the best specialists in promoting online stores and portals in Russia and the CIS is coming to Yekaterinburg . Leonid Grokhovsky will give maximum knowledge about website promotion in search engines. It will show you opportunities that most SEO studios cannot offer you.

We don’t know anyone in Russia who can give more specific, practical knowledge, techniques, methods and tricks in SEO at their seminars.

Leonid Grokhovsky

Head of the TopExpert training center
Founder of the analytical service SiteReport.RF

Has been involved in promotion since 2005. In the role of an implementer, consultant or strategic manager, he worked on the following projects:

Master class program:

Traffic analysis and promotion effectiveness assessment

  1. Traffic analysis.
  2. Evaluation of promotion effectiveness.
  3. Generation of a semantic core.
  4. Generating the site structure.
  5. Automatic expansion of the semantic core through Yandex.Metrica.
  6. Use of morphological dictionaries and keyword databases.
  7. Forming a queue of anchors.
  8. Forming a queue of static links.
  9. Calculation of reference weights.
  10. Visualization of the linking module.
  11. Automation of link purchases.
  12. Automation of checking purchased links.

Page analysis, header and page generation

  1. Technical analysis of pages.
  2. Analysis of logs and search for pages with errors.
  3. Content analysis, uniqueness check, compliance check.
  4. Parsing protection.
  5. Recognition of camouflaged robots.
  6. Text generation.
  7. Automatic translation.
  8. Heading generation.
  9. Page generation.
  10. Statistics.

Relationships between processes inSEO and other tools

  1. The relationship between position collection and linking.
  2. The relationship between indexing and linking.
  3. The relationship between SEO and contextual advertising.
  4. Promotion management module.

SEO and business tasks

  1. Systematization and automation of business processes.

The master class is adapted to the needs of the participants:

  1. Register for the master class.
  2. Send in advance questions you are interested in regarding promotion to sveta@site
  3. Leonid Grokhovsky will adjust the program to suit your needs.
  4. Come to the master class and get the maximum knowledge you need.
  5. Ask your questions to an expert personally.


Leonid Grokhovsky is perhaps the most effective SEO analyst on the Runet. Promoting large projects is a very complex process and the people who understand something about this can be counted on one hand. Leonid has extensive experience in working with large websites, this allows him to find non-standard and effective solutions for any problem.

Oleg Prolubshchikov, technical director,
RDV-Media (rabota.ru, vashdosug.ru, ucheba.ru)

All the things that Leonid tells have been tested and perfected on many projects (from small to very large). Therefore, the approaches and knowledge obtained from this seminar are certainly of great practical value.

Stanislav Polomar, head of SEO department,

"Leonid Grokhovsky prepared, perhaps, the most useful material that Netpeak top management has reviewed recently."

Artem Borodatyuk, General Director,

Participation fee:

When you pay now On the day of the master class
Participation in a master class + +
Full video recording of the master class + +
Personal certificate of participant + +
Full lunch and coffee breaks + +
Workbook and teaching materials + +
Answers to your questions and personal communication with an expert + +
8900 rub. 10000 rub

* - After registration, you can immediately pay online using Visa and MasterCard, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI cards or issue an invoice for payment from a legal entity. You can also pay in cash at the Web2Win office.