Confidentiality violation error how to fix. Chrome privacy violation error: how to disable. What to do if the cause cannot be eliminated

While actively surfing the Internet through the web browser Google Chrome or its "brothers" on the platform (Yandex.browser, Opera), you may suddenly encounter the fact that the browser says "Your connection is not secure." In the English version, the message will be "Your connection is not private".
There can be several reasons for this error. To get started, just try to open the same site with another browser - Firefox or Internet Explorer, for example. If the problem is repeated there, then Chrome most likely has nothing to do with it and the "root of evil" must be looked for either on the computer, or the site itself is to blame.
By the way! Be sure to pay attention to the error code. It is displayed in the lower left corner of the window. Very often in this way, Chrome tells you where to "dig".


This privacy violation error code is the most common one. Usually occurs for one of the following reasons:

1) The site uses self-signed certificatewhich is not registered with any registrar. The default browser considers it not safe and swears:

If you trust this web resource, click on the "Advanced" button:

2) This the page was created by hackers... Sometimes it happens. Outwardly, quite a decent Internet resource may turn out to be a lure for you to accept the "left certificate". Such negligence can cost you stolen social media accounts and even information about your payment details.

3) The site does not use an SSL certificateThat is, you mistakenly specified the secure version of the https protocol instead of the usual http in the address bar.

Chrome did not find the required certificate and started cursing with the error "ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" that the connection is not secure. In this case, just re-write the site address in the line, without using https: //.


Here Chrome says “Your connection is not secure”, usually because the system time on the computer is set incorrectly. Owners of old computers and laptops usually face this, where the system battery on the motherboard dies and the time gets lost every time the computer turns off. When checking the certificate, the time is checked and, since it does not match, the browser writes "ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID". It is solved as follows - click on the clock in the Windows system tray and select the menu item "Date and time settings":

In the window that appears, you need to click on the "Change date and time" button and set everything correctly. True, if you have a dead battery, then all this until the next shutdown of the PC. So do not delay and change it all the same!


The appearance of this error usually means that the site name specified in the certificate and the real domain name do not match! As a rule, it is she who can usually indicate the malicious nature of the site. If the site is 100% normal, then the following will help - you need to delete its old certificate in the browser and try to accept the new one.
The second possible reason is that the certificate is outdated or invalid. In this case, if you are sure of the reliability of the web resource (for example, it is YouTube, classmates or B), you can safely ignore the warning!
The third reason for the appearance of "ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" is again inattention. The site does not use SSL, and you entered https in the address bar. Try to remove the secure protocol from the address bar.

I did everything - nothing helps! How to be ?!

If none of the tips helped and Chrome writes a privacy violation error and says that "Your connection is not secure", then you should try to do the following:

We clear the browser cache. If you have never deleted history or cleaned the information saved by the browser, then do not be surprised that one day it will start to glitch.

We are trying to disable the antivirus. Often, a firewall or antivirus program blocks the site's security certificate for only one known reason.

If after disabling the security system, the privacy error disappears - try adding the site address to the list of exclusions. But I repeat - you must be completely sure of him. By the way, browser extensions can also block the certificate. So try to go to the Chrome menu, select the "Additional Tools" \u003e\u003e "Extensions" section and deactivate each one in turn, checking if the problem is fixed.
Well, if nothing helps at all, try doing it. Right-click on the Chrome shortcut and select Properties. We find the path to the executable file and at the very end add the parameter
We save the changes and try to launch the browser. Now it will completely ignore ssl errors related to certificates.

The cause of problems in this group is the disruption of the movement of information flows or errors in the access system. Due to the fact that these types of violations do not affect the state of the system in any way, it is very difficult to identify their fact. Only a small number of them can be calculated purely as a result of the analysis of the files of the access protocol to individual objects of the system.
To illustrate, let us consider the most common examples of violations of access to information.
Administration errors:
incorrect formation of user groups and determination of their access rights;
lack of a policy for generating user passwords. At the same time, up to 50% of users use simple, easy-to-guess passwords, such as "123456", "qwerty" or their own name; errors in the formation of final and aggregated reports and access to them. An example can be a report on bank statements or a consolidated accounting journal, which store all information on the operations of a credit institution and are generated in the accounting department, where access to these reports is often not controlled; availability of open access for representatives of a third-party organization performing any contract work.
Errors in designing an information system using an insufficiently secure environment for developing an information system Very often, especially for systems located on local computers, access to information can be obtained not through the program interface, which requires a password, but directly by reading from the database tables,
errors in data access algorithms. Especially when it comes to the development of crypto protection systems. where very often, instead of expensive systems, in order to save money, their own developments are used, only imitating the protection system.
negligence in the design of the security system One example is a forgotten by developers access point to the system, such as a universal password
Negligence of users in matters of information security
violation of storage of passwords for access to the information system. Often users simply write the password on paper and leave it! her near the computer. This is especially common in organizations where the system administrator requires complex passwords that are easy to forget. There is also an absolutely unacceptable practice of passing passwords between employees to each other; keeping a closed connection after finishing work. When leaving for lunch or home, some users do not turn off their computer and do not leave the banking system.If it does not have a mechanism for temporarily disconnecting inactive users, such a violation makes most other security requirements meaningless.
ad-hoc discussion of classified information When dealing with this violation, special attention should be paid to the information services personnel.
Intentional system hacking
through external access points to the information system (for example, via the Internet) P is the most dangerous type of hacking, since the offender is inaccessible or almost inaccessible to the security service and, feeling his impunity, can cause maximum harm to the organization;
unregulated connection to the bank's own network (information communications). With the development of network technologies, this type of violation is quite rare, but it remains possible, especially if the bank has a developed system of communications that go beyond one building;
analysis of non-destroyed draft documents of the system. This type of information leakage is practically not considered by the security services, but it is the easiest method of obtaining information for attackers First of all, this applies to draft printouts from the information technology department

When you go to some pages on the Internet, the Yandex browser displays a warning about the absence of authentic certificates on the site. The program also warns that working with this website may be dangerous, as its owners may try to steal your personal information. This article describes what to do if, when you go to the page you need, a window pops up with the text "Your connection is not secure".

This error means that the site is protected with a certificate that has not been registered with a certification authority. Having a verified certificate implies that Google and Yandex robots have checked the content of the site for dangerous vulnerabilities. In the case of legal entities, this will also mean that all the documentation of the company that owns the site is in perfect order.

If you trust this website and believe that it does not belong to scammers, you can ignore the warning "Your connection is not secure" and continue your work. To do this, you need to click on the "More" hyperlink at the bottom of the page. After that, the Yandex browser will give you the opportunity to follow the link to the desired site.

It should be noted that unverified certificates have the same high-quality protection as licensed ones. There are a huge number of reasons why the check could not pass. Very often, problems arise on your personal computer.

Regardless, it is recommended that you take some care when working on the site. It is better not to leave your credit card numbers on it, and also use logins and passwords similar to those you use on other services.

Lack of latest updates

Certification verification is carried out using special services built into the operating system. Since technology is constantly and rapidly developing, there is a possibility that the SSL certificate on this site contains elements that your version of Windows simply does not know about.

Now all updates released by Microsoft will be independently installed on your computer without you having to control it.

Date setting

Very often, the Yandex browser warns that your connection is not secure when the time and date settings are lost. As a result of such failures, your computer may think that the SSL certificate has expired and the site you are interested in could pose a security risk to your personal data.

In order to correct this misunderstanding, you need to correctly set the system clock:

Incognito mode

If none of the above has had an effect, you can try running your Yandex browser in incognito mode. This is a special mode that anonymizes your online presence, making it impossible for search engines to analyze your actions, save the sites you visit in history, and so on.

Usually the error "Your connection is not secure" appears in browsers built on the Chromium engine. That is, you can try the methods listed below not only in Chrome, but also in Opera, Vivaldi, Yandex Browser, Amigo, Sputnik and some others.

How to identify and eliminate the cause

1. Check which side the problem is on

First of all, you need to check the availability of the site, upon entering which an error appears. This will make sure that the problem is really on your side. To do this, you can try to access this resource from another device or through another connection.

You can also use whois services (for example,, which allow you to check the availability of any site in your country for free. If the resource is blocked in Russia, then to access it you will need to resort to using VPN services, special extensions, or.

2. Adjust the system time

The latest versions of the modern ones have already learned to recognize the failure of the system time, informing the user that the clock is behind or in a hurry. And nevertheless, in cases with old PCs, it is a significant difference between the system and real time that can cause an error about the insecurity of your connection.

In such a situation, the browser runs into the validity period of the SSL certificate, which, if the time is wrong, can be mistaken for invalid. Accordingly, the connection via the HTTPS protocol is not protected, and it is recommended to block it, protecting the user from possible risk. The solution is to simply adjust the date and time on your device.

3. Eliminate browser problems

Before you start looking for problems in Chrome, update your operating system and the browser itself to the latest version. Only then can you proceed to the following actions.

Check the impact of extensions

Disable all extensions to see if they are the cause. You can access extensions in Chrome through the "More Tools" in Settings. Disconnection is done by simply flipping the toggle switches.

If the error stops appearing, all that remains is to find the culprit. In turn, enable the installed extensions and after each check the availability of the problem site.

Clear cache and cookies

If disabling extensions did not help, you need to clear the browser as well. To do this, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + Del combination, which brings up the cache and temporary files menu, or go to the same options through the settings.

To do this, in Chrome, in the drop-down menu on the right, you need to go to the "Additional tools" section and click on "Delete browsed data". In the window that opens, select "Cookies and other site data" and "Images and other files stored in the cache". Delete data.

Restore browser settings

A simple reset of browser settings to standard can also help. In desktop Chrome, this can be done in the advanced settings section by selecting "Restore default settings" at the very bottom of the page.

Reinstall your browser

Reinstalling the web browser and first uninstalling the old version may also solve the problem. In order not to start from scratch, do not forget to save the pages you need in bookmarks.

4. Check the influence of antivirus or firewall

Some antiviruses and firewalls have a built-in function for protecting network connections using the HTTPS protocol. It may interfere with an identical browser function, resulting in an error. To test the influence of such programs, simply disable them and try to open the problem site again. If you succeed, then already in the anti-virus software you can add the desired site to the list of exclusions.

Disabling or limiting antivirus activity for the sake of one site is only worthwhile when you are completely sure that there are no risks.

What to do if the cause cannot be eliminated

If none of the ways to solve the problem helped, you can enter the site by stepping over the message about an unsecured connection. To do this, in the window with an error, you need to click on "Advanced" and then "Go to the site (unsafe)", if there is such a link.

In this article I will tell you how to fix a privacy violation error in Google Chrome. Many who actively use the Internet and do so through the Google Chrome browser, when visiting some sites, may see a red screen that reports a privacy violation. This can often be an indication that the resource is unsafe (for example, it transmits confidential information, for example, in the payment data entered by the user, over an encrypted connection, for which the certificate has expired). However, in some cases, this error can occur on normal sites. If you have a privacy violation error in Chrome, here's how to disable it.

The easiest way to turn off the privacy breach error is to launch the Chrome browser with a custom option. To do this, you need to do the following:

If the browser is open, then close it and start again by clicking on the icon for which the specified settings have been applied. Now the browser will never say that a site is unsafe.

How to access a site that reports a privacy violation error

The above method is quite radical, and therefore not suitable for everyone. Most users do not need to enable ignore certificate errors, they just need to open the site.

To visit a resource that displays a privacy violation error in Chrome, you will need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Once in front of the warning screen, click on "Advanced";
  2. After clicking on the corresponding link, some text will unfold, among which there will be a link “ Go to website (insecure)"- you need to click on it.

After that, the requested page will be loaded. However, only do this if you are confident about the site.

Other causes of the privacy violation error in Chrome

There are several other reasons why a privacy breach error might appear. So, for example, it almost always occurs on resources operating over an encrypted channel if the user has the wrong time.

If a person's clock is behind (or in a hurry) by one or several days, then when entering protected sites, he will see a corresponding warning screen. To fix the error in this case, you just need to set the correct time.

Another cause of privacy breaches is antivirus software. Try to disable anti-spyware software and go to the resource. However, if this helped, then you should think about the advisability of visiting the relevant sites, because the antivirus is not just complaining about it - perhaps there is some malicious code on the resource.

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