Why did the laptop stop seeing the USB flash drive? Why can't my computer see my phone via USB. The phone does not connect via USB to the computer, but it charges

What if my computer can't see USB? First of all, you need to make sure that the device itself that you need to connect is not damaged. You can check this very simply: if everything is normal when you connect it to another computer, then the device itself is working properly. Also, when connecting it to your PC, pay attention to whether the light (LED) comes on. If the USB ports and cable may be completely functional, but you need to check the settings of the device itself and confirm the possibility of data exchange between it and the computer (if this option is disabled, the device will not appear on your computer). This also applies to tablet PCs, smartphones, MP3 players and similar gadgets.

Many people plug new devices into the front USB ports system unit... However, very often the front ports do not have a connection to the power supply, or there is power, but it is not enough to correct work... What if the computer does not see this situation? Simply reconnect the device to one of the ports on the back.

Sometimes the system immediately detects a new data storage device, but displays a message stating that the device is not recognized and refuses to read the information. Most often, the problem lies, again, in insufficient power supply and is solved by connecting the media to another port. However, in some cases, there is a need for an easier and most convenient way to do this using specialized programs (say, Everest). It will help you find out the name of your board, and then download the corresponding drivers from the manufacturers' official websites.

It is also possible that the problem occurred due to the fact that Windows assigned the new device an already used volume label (letter). This is corrected using the control panel tools (right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut, in the menu that appears, select the "Control" item). On the right you will see the "Storage devices" tab, and in it - It remains only to find the label of our device, click right button mouse and select the item "Path to disk" ("Change drive letter"). In the window that opens, enter a new symbol. The problem can then be fixed.

What if my computer can't see USB? Although it is very rare, it still happens that the ability to read data from USB devices is disabled in the BIOS. Most often, this is done in Internet shops and similar establishments so that people, using their media, do not infect computers with viruses. If we are talking about a home PC, you should go to BIOS, and then check the box that allows motherboard enable USB devices.

If the computer does not see the information on your drive via USB, this may be due to the presence of malicious virus programs on the PC itself or attached device. Here the solution is obvious: you should download a reliable powerful antivirus and conduct a full scan of both the computer itself and the drive.

This advice, rather, concerns those who cannot connect a USB flash drive. What if you have already done everything described above? You need to be aware that sometimes there is a conflict between the file systems of USB devices and PCs. As a rule, on flash drives this is - fAT systems and FAT32. Modern hard drives support nTFS system... With the help of the "Disk Management" already familiar to us, you can change the type file system flash drives on FAT32 or NTFS.

Finally, you might just want to format the drive. This can be done if it is displayed in the list of connected devices. However, if you format it, all data saved on it will be permanently deleted.

A broken USB port on a laptop is limiting it functionality... It becomes impossible to connect equipment such as a scanner or printer, read information from a flash card. In many cases, you can restore the port's working capacity with your own hands, without the help of specialists.

What to do if the laptop does not see USB devicesand? What measures can I take to remove the fault myself? Let's consider the most common reasons for not recognizing USB and how to solve them.

Driver problem

When you connect a device via USB, the operating system cannot find a driver for it. Typically, the OS will automatically search for the driver for the connected hardware or download it from the Update Center.

After this procedure, the user is shown a message on the screen that the connected device is ready for operation. If the standard procedure is not possible, Windows displays a message asking you to install a driver disk for this device.

It is often impossible to install drivers from a disc due to the lack of the disc itself. In this case, you can use the web resource of the equipment manufacturer, with which the difficulties of connecting via USB are caused. Find the driver on the customer support website. It is important that it is compatible with the current (installed on the laptop) OS version.

Problem with the connected device

When connecting faulty equipment, the appearance of a system error message is inevitable. To check if the device is working properly, you can connect it to a PC or tablet. If a similar warning appears again, then it is necessary to repair the broken equipment.

Port congestion

If a large number of devices and equipment are connected via USB hubs at the same time, this may cause a power shortage. In this case, you need to reduce the load and connect the devices directly to the port.

Broken USB port

If uSB port defective, none of the integrated devices will be recognized and, accordingly, will not be able to work. You can find out about the breakdown by going to Device Manager / USB Bus Controllers. In case of malfunction, the device will be exclamation mark yellow color. Details of the fault will appear on the screen after clicking on the exclamation mark. In case of a serious breakdown, the service center masters can fix it.

Rough handling can cause damage. For example, a sharp withdrawal external storage or frequent careless use of the drive or pressure on it will loosen the USB connector, resulting in serious malfunction and a complete replacement.

Disabled USB port

Sometimes the port may not function because the USB controller function is disabled on the motherboard. Disconnection can occur when system failure... To resume the controller, you can do the following:

1. When booting the laptop, press F2 (sometimes the Delete button is used) and enter the BIOS.

2. Find Award BIOS / Integrated Peripherals and Ami BIOS / Advanced, then press Enter.

3. Select USB Configuration and enable it (Enabled state).

If happened system error, an option for self-"reanimating" the USB port can be complete removal of all uSB controllers... After rebooting, the operating system will reinstall them and will probably return to their previous good state.

Sometimes the settings set the power saving options, in which the Windows OS can independently turn off the power to certain nodes. To prevent this from happening, you need:

1. Open the Device Manager and select the Universal Serial Bus Controllers tab.

2. Select USB Root Hub / Power Management.

3. If the checkbox is selected for the "Allow shutdown" item, it must be cleared for all root hubs.

The problem should be fixed.

When do I need to contact the service center?

If the port entry has visible damage.

If a burning smell appears during operation.

If the laptop fell, was flooded with water, or suffered mechanical damage before the problem occurred.

If none of the USB ports work, then the south bridge is out of order.

Remember, if you are not a master and do not have experience in removing faults in the operating system, settings or electronics, do not repair your laptop yourself, but entrust it to the professionals of "Device Service".

Experts will diagnose the laptop, identify the cause and quickly fix the USB port. Inexpensively and with high quality, depending on the causes of the malfunction, the port can be replaced, the south bridge is repaired or replaced.

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OS windows familyproducts from Microsoft often do not see USB devices, and there can be many reasons for this.
How this manifests itself and is there a way out of the situation - the topic of our article. We will dwell on the reasons in more detail and try to consider each case separately. If your laptop or personal Computer does not see the USB flash drive, it appears as follows:

  • You have connected a USB flash drive, but the computer displays the message "insert USB device".
  • The flash drive is connected, as evidenced by the icon and sound, but in file manager she's gone.
  • The USB formatting warning appears.
  • A data error warning appears.
Before you try different ways eliminate the problem of invisibility of the flash drive, make sure that the drive is not physically damaged, and also use one of the special applications that diagnose and fix errors of USB devices. For example, special utilities developed by Kingston, Sandisk corporations.

Check if the computer sees the connected USB flash drive in "Disk Management"

To run the dedicated utility for managing USB devices, do the following:

Click the Disk Management tab and turn the flash drive on and off several times. If a connected USB device appears, the computer will notify that each of its sections (there is only one in the flash drive) is working properly. In this situation, the easiest way to fix the error is that the PC does not see the USB flash drive. Click on a section with the right key, making this section active. You can also assign the letter E or D to the flash drive. After that, you will see that the computer saw the USB device.

And if, after reconnecting the device, in "Disk Management" the partition status is displayed as "Not allocated", then it either does not exist, or it works with errors. Right click and create a section. But this can only be used if the menu contains the item "Create a simple volume". If you create a partition, the flash drive will be formatted, albeit with the loss of all data stored on it.

If in the utility you find the label “uninitialized” USB device, then it is damaged. You can try to restore the storage memory. We'll tell you how to do this later. If you have previously created partitions on a USB device that are not supported by the Microsoft operating system, then you need to delete them. How to do this, will tell you step by step instructions.

Further simple steps

Using the OS Device Manager, you can view all installed USB devices and check their correct operation. See how your USB stick is displayed in the manager. A flash drive connected to your computer may not be known, identified by its own name, or a USB storage device.

This flash drive must be removed. Then "update the USB storage configuration".

Very often, after these actions, an updated USB device is displayed in the OS file manager.

There are also other situations that lead to an error in which the computer does not see the USB flash drive. Are you connecting your USB device with an extension cable or USB hub? Then try directly plugging the device into each of the USB ports in turn. Perhaps one of the ports is inoperative, and you do not know about it.

Try another option. Disconnect your computer and remove everything connected to it (printers, cameras, external media, card readers, and other devices connected to the via USB), leaving only the required minimum and storage. Then turn on your computer. If the PC sees the connected storage device, you have found the problem. It consists in the fact that little power is supplied to the USB ports of the computer. In this case, replacing the power supply or buying a USB hub will help you.

Windows 10 does not see a USB flash drive after updating or installing (also suitable for Windows 7, 8)

If you have updated your operating system, you will most likely face such a problem. In this case, the problem lies either in the absence of a fresh version of USB drivers, or in the fact that the registry entries about USB devices are outdated.

If this is the second option, you can use the USBOblivion program. You can download it for free on the author and delete all obsolete entries. Be careful! Before deleting, it is better to create a restore point so that if USBOblivion does not work correctly, you can undo the erroneous actions by returning to the previous parameters.

Before running the utility, disconnect all flash drives connected to USB ports. Only then run it and clean the registry, after saving the old entries to the file.

After clearing the registry, reboot and reconnect the drive. If the computer does not see it again, follow step by step all the steps that we wrote about above: delete it, update the configuration and reconnect.

If your operating system is version 10, then the error can occur if the drivers are incompatible. If so, there will be an exclamation mark next to the driver. In this case, download the updated versions on the official developer pages. Do not use third-party sites to search for drivers, especially if you need to update them for your mobile computer. In some cases, it is recommended that you update the Basic Input / Output System (BIOS).

If the flash drive does not see Windows XP

Owners of Windows XP, especially SP2 builds, often encounter the problem that the computer does not see the flash media. This problem is caused by the lack of updates in the operating system that would allow working with USB devices.

If you have this operating system and you are facing a problem, follow these steps:

  1. Update your build to SP3 and uninstall IE browser.
  2. Upgrade your operating system even if you have a new build.
  3. If the problem occurs on Win Vista, also update the software first.
Windows XP new build came out with updates that allowed USB-drives to work correctly. The following errors in the new windows versions XP has been patched by Microsoft:
  • KB967132 - in old version it was impossible to connect multiple flash drives or other devices. When interacting with each other, they caused crashes, freezes and critical system reboots.
  • KB898962 - when the printer is turned off, the flash media also stops working correctly.
  • KB315634 - It is impossible to connect new USB flash drives, although the old ones that were previously used work without problems.
  • KB924196 - This error indicated that personal / mobile computer did not see a connected flash drive or portable media player.
  • KB88840 - when connecting / disconnecting a USB device, a computer or laptop displays a warning about the common error Rundll32.exe.
  • KB362370 - the new build of Windows XP now supports the second version of the USB port.
  • KB881233 - after the computer wakes up from sleep mode, the flash drive is not displayed in the device manager. A similar problem as in the previous case arises after the computer wakes up from hibernation.
  • KB857900 - after re-enabling / disabling flash devices, the port did not work correctly.

Remove old USB drivers completely

You connect a flash drive, but the computer does not see it and issues a warning about its absence. The problem may be that your old drivers are not working correctly and, therefore, a letter cannot be assigned to the USB device. Also, old drivers can cause problems with rebooting, freezing or incorrect operation of the computer at the time of connecting a flash device.

Drivers operating system Microsoft is installed by default, right after the first external drive is connected. Then this installed driver it remains in the OS. But when you connect another device, the driver may not work, causing crashes and other problems. In a word, to solve all sorts of problems associated with incorrect work drivers, they must be removed and new ones reinstalled.

How to remove drivers for all USB devices

Step One After disconnecting your computer, remove everything: printers, cameras, external media, card readers and other USB devices.

Step two Boot the operating system.

Step three Download from the author's official page free program DriveCleanup compatible with all versions of Windows.

Step Four The drivecleanup.exe file must be copied to

C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\
Step five B command line write drivecleanup.exe.

Step Six The program will clear all drivers and entries.

After restarting your computer, insert the flash drive and wait for the utility to install the updated drivers.

Reinstalling USB devices in Windows Device Manager

If you have tried all the methods discussed and none of them helped, follow these four steps:
  1. In Device Manager, enter devmgmt.msc.
  2. From Device Manager, open the USB Controllers tab.
  3. Delete everything where the names will be USB hub, Hub, Host Controller.
  4. Update the USB device configuration from the manager.
After completing all these four steps, reconnect the flash drive. Perhaps the problem will be solved, and your personal or mobile computer can already see all external devices.

Additional actions

It will also be useful to perform the following four steps in sequence:
  1. A possible reason why a computer or laptop does not see flash media is the presence of viruses. Download if you don't have it and check all disks.
  2. A possible reason may also be an incorrect entry in the registry. HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\ Explorer... You need to uninstall NoDrives and then restart your PC or laptop.
  3. In registry entries HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control you also need to remove StorageDevicePolicies.
  4. If all else fails, power off the computer completely. Unplug the cable from the outlet, after disconnecting the PC, or the battery from the laptop, and hold the power button for a while. After that, you can turn on the computer and try the flash drive.

Recovering data from a flash drive that the computer does not see

If the computer sees your flash drive, but it appears as "uninitialized" with an "unallocated" partition, then the device memory is corrupted. Do not despair prematurely: all stored on removable storage information in some cases can be restored.

When using flash drives, remember two simple things that, in the event of unforeseen situations, will help you restore everything that was stored on them:

First, if you want to recover your flash drive, do not copy additional information to it.

Second, if you restore the device's memory, save the information from it to another flash drive.

We recommend that you use the best utility -. The program is free, effective, has a clear Russian-language interface and two versions - installation and portable - therefore it is very popular among different categories of users. With the help of this software, you can recover absolutely all information from all media, not just flash devices.

The utility works both in manual and automatic mode, and it can be used even by beginners who have never dealt with such software... Recuva herself will suggest the best way recovery of all information from a damaged flash drive, you just have to agree by clicking the confirm button.

If, after all the manipulations, you still cannot connect the USB device to a computer or laptop, the recovery program cannot be used, and the information stored in its memory is very important, we recommend the professional help of specialists dealing with these problems. They will restore both files and all content stored on the damaged device.

Usually, the suspects in this case are software malfunctions, incorrect operating system settings, outdated drivers, malfunctions of the computer's USB ports, adapters or the drives themselves.

Depending on the reasons, in each case the problem manifests itself in a different way. It happens that the computer does not react at all to the USB flash drive or hDD... In other situations, the sound of connecting a new device is heard, but the drive icon does not appear in the explorer. And sometimes the computer just freezes right after contact with the USB device.

What to do if a Windows computer does not see a USB flash drive or external hard drive

First, figure out what exactly the problem is: with a computer, an adapter (if connected via a cable) or a drive. Try connecting your USB device through different ports. If it does not help and you are using the cable, try replacing it with a spare one. If unsuccessful, check if the drive opens on other computers.

If the device works on another PC or you have no way to check it

Connect a hard drive or USB flash drive to your computer and follow these steps in order. If the first does not help, move on to the next and so on.

If the other PC does not see the drive either or all of the above tips did not help

In this case, the problem is most likely in the drive itself.

If you have a flash drive, not a hard drive, you can use special utilities to fix software errors. Such software can usually be found on the manufacturer's website. For example, JetFlash Online Recovery is for Transcend drives. And USB Flash Drive Online Recovery is for ADATA flash drives. But keep in mind that during the recovery process, these utilities erase all data from the flash drives.

If none of the above helps, then it's probably a physical malfunction. hard disk or a flash drive. Then it is better to show the device to a specialist or return it to the store under warranty.

What to do if Mac does not see a USB flash drive or external hard drive

On Apple computers, the verification procedure is somewhat different, but it follows approximately the same algorithm. We will assume that you have already tried restarting your computer, disconnecting and connecting a USB flash drive, and also made sure that the connection is reliable. If this does not help, you need to do the following:

Open the built-in disk tool (Programs → Utilities → Disk utility») And check if the problematic flash drive is displayed there. If the drive is still visible, try it by pressing the "Erase" button and reconnect it. Keep in mind that all data from the flash drive will be permanently deleted.

Special program for mac diagnostics provides detailed information on all software and hardware components of your computer, including USB devices. Open the Apple menu, then hold option key, click "System Information" and go to the USB section in the menu that opens.

If the flash drive is there, then the problem lies in the software and you can try to restore the disk by referring to the manufacturer's recommendations. If there is no information about the flash drive, then the matter is in a physical malfunction, and you should contact the store or service centerif the repair makes sense.