Apple hardware test el capitan does not start. How to use Apple Diagnostics on Mac. MacBook Repair Tools

The easiest way to avoid the help of service centers when looking for hardware problems (not all of them can boast a good reputation) is to use the built-in Mac diagnostics. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to run and use the Apple Hardware Functional Test and Apple Diagnostics.

With help staff resources diagnostics, you can effectively detect hardware malfunctions (problems with the hard disk, solid state drive, RAM, gPU, motherboard and other corners of iron). How can this be done?

Which Macs which utility

Regardless of the Mac model (MacBook, iMac, Mac mini or Mac Pro) and year of manufacture, the operating system includes a hardware self-diagnosis utility. In computers that were manufactured before June 2013, it is called the Apple Hardware Test (AHT), and after - Apple Diagnostics.

Before running any of the utilities, be sure to disable all peripherals (including optical drivesif there is such antiquity) except for the keyboard, mouse, display and Ethernet adapter. Some versions of OS X Lion and later may need Ethernet or Wi-Fi to run the internet version of AHT. It is no different from its offline brother.

To use AHT, be sure to connect your MacBook to a power source.

List of keyboard shortcuts

If you don't have a mouse, the following shortcuts will come in handy:

  • Option (⌥) + D: run diagnostics with internet;
  • Command (⌘) + G: start operation;
  • Command (⌘) + L: Display a list of languages;
  • Command (⌘) + R: restart the test;

How do I use Apple Hardware Function Test or Apple Diagnostics?

Note: Apple Hardware Function Test and Apple Diagnostics work in the same way. The only caveat is that an active Internet connection is required to run Apple Diagnostics, and the interface will be much nicer.

1. Turn on or restart your Mac if it is turned on.

2. During power up, press and hold the "D" key until the gray boot screen appears, then wait a few minutes for the AHT configuration to complete. During loading, the following icon will be displayed:

3. Now select the language and press the button to the right (if the mouse is not connected to the computer, then select the language using the arrows, and enter by pressing the Enter key).

4. After the ANT console is loaded, select one of the tests that you want to conduct.

Main test - press the "Test" button, or the Т or "Enter" key.

Complete test - under the button "Test" the checkbox "Run extended test".

After the check is completed, the results will be displayed in a window located in the lower right corner of the console.

To exit the ANT utility, click the "Restart" or "Shutdown" button at the bottom of the window.

What do the results indicate?

If, during the test, problems with the hardware are found, then get ready to contemplate the error and some explanatory details.

You can decipher AHT errors on the Apple technical forum, and in general I recommend that you first of all, when looking for solutions to problems with apple gadgets, go there. True, you need knowledge of English at least with a dictionary.

Codes apple mistakes Diagnostics and their decoding can be viewed.

In any case, if it was not possible to avoid repair at the service center, we strongly recommend that you contact only certified specialists who specialize exclusively in Apple technology. It will not be cheap, but it will buy new gadget much more expensive. It's better to forget about the basement workshops "at Uncle Vasya's". Apple device repair requires a very meticulous approach and advanced skills.

Based on materials from yablyk

Today there are quite a few utilities for testing and diagnostics. personal computers... And not all of them are designed only for troubleshooting. Some of the existing applications help to identify weak points and can even give a number of useful tips... A utility called TechTool Pro is one of those.

TechTool Pro is a fairly popular utility for testing an apple computer, which differs ample opportunities and a nice interface. Thanks to this, it can be used by both beginners and advanced users.

One of the main tasks of TechTool Pro is testing hard disk Mac. The utility allows you to scan drives for bad partitions, restore access rights, perform SMART tests, and clone volumes.

However, TechTool Pro's capabilities do not end with monitoring the health of the hard drive. This application also allows you to test other components of the apple computer. For example, check the operation of coolers, random access memory, monitor, etc.

To summarize, TechTool Pro is a powerful application that can replace a whole arsenal of diagnostic programs. But this utility has one significant drawback - the price. Latest version the program will cost $ 99.99. You can purchase TechTool at.

One of the most simple ways find out if your Mac is having hardware problems - run Apple Hardware Functional Test or Apple Diagnostics. Yes, most Apple technology users do not experience any malfunctions, but problems sometimes arise: drive damage, memory failure, unstable graphics or motherboard. There are many different defects hardware.

The good news is that Apple Hardware Functional Test allows you to easily determine if there is a hardware failure. Keep in mind that Apple Hardware Functional Test can only be run on devices manufactured before June 2013. Newer models will load Apple Diagnostics.

The programs are somewhat different, but they have the same functionality. Hardware testing is the same on all Apple computers, be it iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini or Mac Pro, version operating system also doesn't matter.

How to diagnose Mac hardware:

Step 1: Connect your Mac to a power source.

Step 2: Disable all external devices excluding display, keyboard and mouse.

Step 3: Shut down your Mac and press the power button again to turn on your computer.

Step 4: Press and hold the "D" key on the keyboard until the gray boot screen * appears.

Continue holding "D" until you see a progress bar instead of the normal loading screen.

  • If your Mac boots up in Apple Hardware Functional Test mode, an icon appears on the screen.
  • If the Mac is loading Apple Diagnostics, you will see a progress bar or language selection screen.

Step 5: For "Functional Hardware Test", check the "Perform Extended Test" checkbox and click "Test". For Apple Diagnostics, wait for the Mac check to complete.

The diagnostic tool will notify you of any faults found.

  • If any error is found, then your Mac has a hardware problem.
  • If no errors are found, the computer hardware is working properly and there is likely a problem in software... In this case, you should do backup data and reinstall Mac OS X.

* If you are having trouble downloading Apple Diagnostics, press Option + D to download the test over the Internet.

If a malfunction is found during the test, the error code and other details shown on the monitor should be noted. This will help you when contacting technical support. For mac computers Apple Diagnostics at has help codes for errors.

The example below shows that the Apple Hardware Functional Test found a problem with sATA interface and issued an error code: "4HDD / 11/40000000: SATA (0,0)". This means that the hard drive is defective.

If you are having problems with your Mac and are still under warranty, you should contact an Apple Authorized Representative. Some errors can be eliminated by yourself by replacing the RAM or hard drive, but if the case is under warranty, you should not worry, since the certified service center Apple is required to perform free computer repairs.

If the warranty has expired, you can try to fix the problem yourself, but this method is only suitable for tech-savvy users.

Distinguishing a hardware fault from a software fault is very simple. The damaged hardware problem cannot be fixed by reinstalling the operating system, while the software problem will likely go away. It is also worth keeping in mind that some software itself does not work correctly and such problems appear only when using a specific application.

Fair, not overpriced or understated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", it is clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The website lists the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and liability

Any repairs must be guaranteed. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in apple repair - this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts of current models so that you do not have to waste time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a good form for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you shouldn't pay a dime for it, even if you don't repair the device as a result.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time and therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and according to technology, it can only be done at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient so that you can be in time before and after work. Good service works both on weekends and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers trust us and transfer complex cases.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken over immediately.
2. You are handing over your Macbook to a Mac repair expert. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, the description tells you what happened and how to fix the problem.

Used to diagnose hardware problems on Macs manufactured before June 2013. But if your device is younger, ANT on it will no longer start: instead, the computer will use the Apple Diagnostics program.

In fact, both programs differ little from each other. Unless Apple Hardware Test has a simpler and older interface, while Apple Diagnostics has everything done in a new “flat” stylish design. In addition, the latter is adapted for latest computers Apple both diagnoses and diagnoses problems with internal computer hardware components such as motherboard, memory and devices wireless.

If you think your Mac is having a hardware problem, there is convenient way check it out.

First, turn off your computer and turn it on while holding down the D key until the Apple Diagnostics boot screen appears.

Then select the language - this will make it easier to work with the program.

The basic test takes two to three minutes. If no problems are found, you will see a corresponding message. But if there are problems, the system will not only find them, but also describe in detail what could be the matter, and for some problems it will offer solutions before contacting the service center.

Under each error, you will find its unique code - if the problem is serious, it is better not to self-medicate. For warranty computers, you need to contact, tell her the error code, after which the specialists will tell you what to do next. Don't despair if your Mac is no longer under warranty - as a rule, they know all the error codes and will be able to immediately tell you how much the repair might cost.

Turn off your computer to exit Apple Diagnostics. If you want to immediately contact the company's support, click "Get started".