Recipes for musical works in the treatment of diseases. Treatment with music - myth or reality? Treatment with classical music for various diseases. Soothing music. The healing properties of music. For heart and respiratory diseases

Life would be boring if music didn't exist in it. Being in silence is sometimes very useful, but more often we still escape from silence with the help of music. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? Have you ever thought about the fact that you are not just listening to music, but allowing it to influence your body? Scientists have long proven that sounds have great power. For example, mentally ill people recovered faster when listening to special music, cheerful music increased milk production in cows, and flowers on the windowsill grew better while listening to classical music.

This influence of sounds has led to the emergence of special directions in treatment: sound therapy and music therapy. Treatment with classical music and sounds of nature was first used by psychiatrists, who attributed going to the opera and listening to certain music and sounds of nature as treatments. Nowadays, teachers and pediatricians have also become interested in the influence of music. In some children's clinics you can already visit rooms where music therapy sessions are conducted for restless children. For mothers and babies, they listen to works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi, the sound of the surf and the cries of seagulls, which helps to relax and calm down, and relieve anxiety.

What sounds are healing? For sounds to have a healing effect, they must first of all be pleasant, i.e. evoke positive emotions. Only in this case will they be able to have a relaxing effect on the psyche, tone the nervous system, relieve stress and its consequences, strengthen the nerves, reduce pain, relieve insomnia, headaches, and irritability.

Music from nature sounds is recommended for residents of large cities. The sounds of the sea surf, birdsong, the murmur of a stream and the sound of rain help to calm down and recharge with positive energy, relieve fears and stress. After exercise, the sounds of nature help athletes relax and relieve them of muscle pain the next day.

Treatment with classical music:

to gain energy and physical strength listen to “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky, “Morning” by E. Grieg, “Dawn over the Moscow River” by M. Mussorgsky;
for irritability and neuroses include works by Tchaikovsky and Pakhmutova;
in stressful situations the works of Tchaikovsky and Schubert help to calm down;
for rest and relaxation Recommended music by Sviridov or “Waltz” by Shostakovich;
to normalize blood pressure Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" is effective. However, unmarried girls should not listen to it often, as it awakens the desire to get married;
to improve mood listen to the immortal works of Mozart, Haydn, Rossini;
d to improve well-being For any disease, it is useful to listen to classical music by Mozart. It is also useful for children to listen to it, as it improves mental abilities;
for problems with the spine “Ave Maria” by Schubert will help;
to relieve stomach pain listen to Beethoven's Sonata No. 7;
to combat insomnia turn on Grieg's Peer Gynt before bed;
- if necessary improve potency for men, listen to Wagner’s “Bride of Veniceberg”;
to get rid of headaches “Masquerade” by Khachaturian, “Spring Song” by Mendelssohn and melodic works of oriental music will help;
to relieve swelling you can listen to Beethoven’s “Keitzer Sonata”;
to reduce menstrual pain listen to Bach's violin concerto in E major.

Treatment with classical music: features.

To get a healing effect from the use of classical music, you should remember some rules:
- listen only to music that you enjoy;
- take a comfortable position, you can sit, but it’s better to lie down;
- try to make sure that nothing distracts you;
- listen to the music and imagine how it gives you healing and gives you strength. Direct the energy of the music to the part of the body that needs healing.

As you can see, being treated with classical music is not at all difficult. Therefore, he recommends everyone to use this pleasant remedy for treating diseases.

- What diseases does homeopathy treat?

Classical homeopathy can treat everything except acute surgical pathology. In fact, this method is not for treating diseases, it is a way to cure a specific person with all his characteristics, including illness, and to launch self-healing processes. And the time it takes to treat depends on how long the disease has existed. If the disease has lasted a long time, then the treatment will be longer. If the condition is acute, then treatment will take less time.

- That is, all medicine can be limited to homeopathy and surgery?

Not really, because there are people who have been taking traditional chemical drugs for many years. As a rule, these people’s bodies are already weakened, and they live on the support of these medications and can no longer cope without these “crutches.” In this situation, it is not always possible to cure them using classical homeopathy, but it is possible to reduce the doses of traditional medicines by combining them with an individually selected homeopathic medicine. The fact is that homeopathic medicines increase the sensitivity of the human body to the effects of traditional allopathic remedies. This is the so-called palliative treatment. Traditional chemical medicines are toxic, and in older people, all the excretory organs: both the liver and the kidneys, due to age, are no longer able to work as before. And therefore, when the doses of such drugs are reduced due to the help of homeopathy, the load on the body decreases and strength becomes greater.

- Has homeopathy as a field of medicine existed for a long time?

There are definitely 250 years already. But it is based on very old findings; another story is that the person who tested all this experimentally, systematized it and laid the foundation for the method of treatment with classical homeopathy is the German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. In Hahnemann's time, treatment was carried out with large, very large doses of drugs, and this led to a large number of side effects, and he began to look for other possibilities for treatment. Since he needed to feed his family, he left medical practice for some time and began translating: he knew seven languages! By that time he already had several children, and they needed to not only be fed, but also treated from time to time. While translating medical literature (Gullenna's medicine), he came across a description of how cinchona bark works. This description was very similar to the fever of malaria: the cinchona preparation gave the same symptoms as those of fever. I tried it on myself - it works, stopped taking it - the effect stopped. And so repeatedly. He continued to try at lower concentrations - the effect was the same! This happened in 1790.
Thus, the basic principle of classical homeopathy was established - to treat like with like, i.e. Only a drug that causes a very similar set of symptoms in healthy test subjects can cure.
All drugs used in classical homeopathy have been tested “from head to toe,” from all functional changes in the physical body to psycho-emotional changes. There is a Materia Medica - a reference book with a clear description of the effect of each homeopathic medicine on the human body. Therefore, according to the classical method, a medicine is selected whose effect is very similar to the complaints of this particular patient. And when we give it to a person who already has a disease with such complaints, we thus, with the help of medicine, stimulate his own defenses.

- Does the drug have to be of natural origin or can it be a chemical drug?

Initially, homeopathy used all known toxic drugs - that is, those that themselves can have some pronounced effect on a person - plant, mineral, animal poisons. Now, after 250 years, the list of drugs has expanded significantly, although not all of them have been tested as fully and thoroughly as the old drugs.

- Who is doing the testing?

Old drugs have been tested many times and in different potencies (concentrations). Currently, trials are being carried out mainly in India, where the oldest schools of homeopathic homeopathy exist. In our country, unfortunately, this is not developed.

- So, any substance that a person takes must be tested and described?

Yes. And this is about the question of how we are prescribed conventional pharmaceuticals when it is not entirely clear how they will act. And when using a homeopathic medicine, everything is known exactly how it should act, in what severity this or that symptom manifests itself. Moreover, there are certain laws by which you can track whether the drug is working correctly - whether it was chosen correctly, or something went wrong, whether it has completed its effect, whether the next dose should be given or whether the previous one is still working.

- What kind of education do you need to get to become a homeopathic doctor?

In our country, in order to work as a homeopath, you first need to receive a classical medical education. There are various schools of classical homeopathy. I graduated from a Greek school, the George Vithoulkas International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. There is a London faculty, schools in India.

- In which country is homeopathy especially popular?

In India. The population has little money, and homeopathic medicines are cheap. There are a lot of schools there that do this. Many of our compatriots go there to receive education in classical homeopathy. And in our country, complex homeopathy has become most widespread, when several homeopathic medicines are prescribed at the same time in order to eliminate a specific complaint. As a rule, with this method, drugs are prescribed in low potencies. The fact is that Hahnemann, when creating his method, began with low potencies, and as the technique developed, he began to use higher potencies. But this was already at the end of his life, when he lived in France, and only a small part of his German followers accepted these changes in the method. And mother was traditionally sent to Russia by doctors from Germany. So it turned out that we mainly use low potency homeopathy and complexes.

- What are high potencies?

The more we dilute the drug, the more we shake it, the higher the potency. There is a special scale of potencies, the main one being hundreds, although there are others. The first level is 1 part of the active substance to ninety-nine parts of a neutral solution (usually water with alcohol), the resulting solution is shaken 100 times. Then take 1 part of the resulting solution and mix it with ninety-nine parts of the solution, shake again 100 times. Each subsequent level increases the amount of solvent by an order of magnitude and reduces the volume of the material substance. The further we move, the more active the drug becomes and the less material dose it contains.

- Why is it that if the dose of a substance is smaller, the drug is more active?

This pattern was discovered by Hahnemann and confirmed many times through experiments. The larger the material dose, the less active the drug and the shorter its effect, and the more its action is aimed primarily at physical layer. Hahnemann in his experiments reached the twelfth hundredth dilution, and found that the medicine still worked. There is a theory that water can remember information, it remembers the electromagnetic structures of the drug, and no longer having a material component, the resulting drug gives the body a command of what to do. And the higher the potency, the more active he is as a team, the longer and deeper he works, correcting not only physical, but psycho-emotional problems.

-How long do you need to take this drug to have an effect?

It all depends on the situation. If it is an acute cold, you can give the drug and everything will go away in a day or two, but if it is a disease that lasts for many years, then the treatment will take a long time. Every chronic disease does not grow out of nowhere; its development requires certain conditions, time passes and the disease takes root. And in addition to the fact that you need to remove the symptoms of this disease, you also need to remove the body’s tendency to produce this type of reaction, a predisposition to the disease. Only then can we say that the disease is cured. Therefore, in fact, classical homeopathy does not use complex preparations in which many homeopathic preparations are mixed. Such drugs can only remove local symptoms. For example, a person has diarrhea, a homeopathic complex removes this diarrhea, but the body is cleansed from diarrhea and intoxication goes away. That is, this diarrhea did not arise out of nowhere, the body needed it to solve some problem. By removing this symptom of discharge, we did not improve the health of the body as a whole, but, on the contrary, worsened it: the pathology goes deeper. If we find a drug that is similar to all manifestations of the patient’s diseases from head to toe, then we thus set an algorithm - where the body should move, what to do to become healthier.
Each of us is born in a state similar to the symptoms of a certain homeopathic remedy, but life affects us with various stress factors, and in order to survive them, the body needs to somehow adapt and change. If a person is very strong, he calmly compensates for all this without losing his health. If he is weaker, an acute situation arises, and then he returns to his original healthy state, but if a person is already weak, then he no longer has the strength to remain healthy, and he accepts a sick, stable state. Here a different medicine is needed, specifically for this situation. Then some other stress factor acts, and the body is again forced to adapt, and a new painful condition arises. Let’s say there was a skin allergy, it was treated with hormones, and it turned into either asthma or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. That is, the body, trying to protect itself, tries to push the disease to the periphery - to the organs that least limit our existence. There are symptoms that need to be treated and there are symptoms that need to be left alone because they help us stay healthy. Unfortunately, our medicine is now designed for the lazy person - a person who does not want to give his body a chance to get sick or cope with something.

- Have we moved on to allergies?

An allergy is a disorder of the immune system. There are two approaches to treatment using classical homeopathy. If a person comes with a full-blown allergy attack, let’s say he has seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis or urticaria, then he needs to be given an “acute” drug that will relieve this condition now, alleviate the condition, but this drug, as a rule, will not remove the body’s tendency to produce this type of reaction. Its effect is similar to an antihistamine, and then you need to look at what chronic medicine to give the patient in order to remove this background. This, of course, is not quick - only an acute condition can be quickly removed - but to remove a predisposition, it takes time.

- If a person suffers from an allergy that has already turned into bronchial asthma, he has attacks and he always carries an emergency first aid kit with him, does such a person need to refuse this ambulance if he has started being treated with homeopathic medicines?

You should absolutely not do this, as you could kill the patient. A drug is selected that strengthens the patient’s immunity; it works slowly, little by little, but this is not an immediate effect. The body is gradually becoming stronger, but until this happens, we do not cancel any traditional medicines prescribed for regular use, but simply select the dosage regimen for the potency of homeopathic medicines so that they do not interfere with each other. We can reduce the doses of common traditional medications only when the allergy sufferer feels better. The same is with hypertension, depression and other diseases that require constant drug support. No one refuses good modern medicine, but it does not eliminate the tendency to certain diseases, especially chronic ones. It allows you to quickly suppress the symptoms of the disease, but at the same time the predisposition, readiness to develop this disease does not go away, and under a certain stress factor this can happen again.

- It’s probably much more difficult to select homeopathic remedies than chemical ones?

To use homeopathic medicines, you need to study long and hard, and - after receiving a classical medical education - not only for four years at School, but then constantly do it. It’s easier with traditional medicines - there are standard treatment regimens for all patients with the same diagnosis. But classical homeopathy has many more tools at its disposal, and they need to be selected individually for each patient. Only with this approach does the homeopathic method work effectively.

- Why is it not possible to cure a disease with homeopathic remedies in all cases?

For example, a neglected patient comes in, he is 50 years old. At first, he was heroically treated from early childhood for atopic allergic dermatitis with hormonal ointments, then, when the skin manifestations passed, he began to experience seasonal allergic manifestations in the nose and eyes, and later asthmatic manifestations. And for this reason he has been taking hormones for a long time. And now, in order to cure it now, it is necessary to remove not only asthma, but then we need to treat these same manifestations in the eyes, nose, and then also the skin. And only when the skin rashes go away, only then can we say that this patient is cured. That is, according to the law of homeopathy, symptoms should go away in the reverse order of their occurrence - like a movie rewinding.

- For you, ideal patients are children?

Children, of course, are ideal patients, but children receive everything from their parents. That is, they receive many burdens already at birth. And the ideal patients are the children of those couples who, even before their pregnancy, were treated with homeopathic medicines, and many of their tendencies to develop diseases were compensated. Such children get sick less often and are easier to treat.
The ideal patient for a classical homeopath is not one who comes for a miracle, an instant effect. In the presence of chronic pathology, this is unrealistic. Treatment of diseases using the method of classical homeopathy is a process of self-healing of the body, which is only triggered by individually selected homeopathic medicines. And the patient’s body does all the work on healing itself. And the speed of this process depends on the capabilities of this particular organism and the duration of the disease. This is not a quick fix. Those who come for a miracle simply do not have the patience for this. The ideal patient for a classical homeopath is one who is willing to be patient and work for his health together with his doctor. This is exceptional teamwork. And a lot depends on the patient! As a rule, patients who are ready for such long-term treatment are friends or relatives of people who have already received results from treatment using classical homeopathy. Those who have seen with their own eyes that it takes time, it requires effort and agree to do it, ultimately get the desired result.

- How often do you need to visit you in order to control your illness and reverse the disease?

Typically, patients first appear at intervals of 1.5-2 months, then it happens once every 3-4 months, then once every six months. That is, towards the end of treatment the interval becomes longer. At the same time, a person is not left alone during treatment; he can always call or write to the doctor - he is not abandoned.

- A patient came to see you for the first time. How do you work with him?

My initial appointment with a patient takes 1.5-2 hours. I ask him to look at the homeopathic questionnaire in advance, so that before coming to me he will think through everything thoroughly and remember. A classical homeopath is interested in many things that no one finds out in traditional medicine, but for a homeopath this information is worth its weight in gold. For an effective prescription, I need not just an established diagnosis, I need an individualization of his illness. If it is an allergy, then when does it appear, what kind of rashes do they itch or not, what causes the itching, does it change during the day, that is, you need to find out a lot of nuances. To individually select a homeopathic medicine, you need his temperature sensitivity, food preferences, and a bunch of other things. We need not only the characteristics of his illness, but also the characteristics of the patient himself. You need to know what has changed in a person from the moment when this allergy arose, after which he developed it, that is, whether there is any causative factor. In classical homeopathy this is a very important and helpful information, which allows you to find the drug. At the end of the appointment, I find the medicine and explain to the patient how to take it. I definitely ask you to read the memo in front of me about what may arise during treatment, what you can and cannot do. Then we meet with him after about 1.5-2 months, and if any “adventures” suddenly arise, we agree that he will call immediately.

-Who do you consult if problems arise?

There is a head doctor at the clinic where I work, a homeopathic doctor with very extensive experience. The good thing about our clinic is that there is always someone you can turn to for advice and hold a consultation. We work for the health of patients.

- How complex is your medication regimen?

In normal situations, this is simply taking dry peas. If the patient is weakened, it happens that it is necessary to prescribe drugs in solution, either daily, or taken every few days. In principle, there is nothing complicated there.

- Do you need some kind of organization?

Not always. If a person is not organized, I see this and will give a treatment regimen that will not be difficult for him to adhere to. What's the point of giving a disorganized person a complex scheme if he won't do it anyway? It won't do any good.

- Are there special pharmacies?

Yes, there are specialized homeopathic pharmacies. In a regular pharmacy you will never buy a homeopathic single drug, you can only buy a complex. But the complex is, as I already said, not the best option.

- Are there cases that the drug was chosen incorrectly?

You don’t always come across patients who know how to monitor themselves. There are situations when a person cannot tell everything and it turns out that the doctor is rushing between several drugs. There are cases, rare, but there are times when it is not possible to choose the right drug at the first appointment. Then we give the drug that is closest to his symptoms in low potency, so as not to cause harm, the patient takes it for several weeks, and we see how the situation changes, because usually the body begins to show symptoms of that drug when it is not very correct, but close to it. medicine that the patient currently needs. For a homeopathic doctor, symptoms are the language that the patient's body uses to tell what medicine is needed. At the second appointment it will be more clear what to do and what drug to give.

- How quickly do changes appear?

The first changes can appear within a few minutes or an hour. If you have a panic attack, then the attack may go away in half an hour, but this does not mean that it will go away immediately and for the rest of your life. While using the drug, panic attacks will recur, but they will become less intense, shorter, more easily controlled, and eventually stop.

- Are people coming to you with psychological trauma?

Yes, with depression, neuroses, panic attacks. If you manage to get a patient when he has not yet been treated with psychotropic drugs, it is easier and shorter to treat him. These drugs do not act selectively, they simply suppress the activity of the nervous system, and the person gradually becomes weaker. Therefore, pulling him out of this energy hole is much longer and more difficult. Although such patients can be treated using classical homeopathy.

- How much does the reception cost?

The initial appointment costs 4.5 thousand, repeated 3.5 thousand.

- Your oldest patient?

- Has there been any improvement in this patient?

Yes. Elderly people are also different, some in old age, despite a bunch of illnesses, jump at a terrible speed, and there are people who no longer live without medicine, that is, until he has taken all his pills in the morning, afternoon and evening, he “doesn’t Human".

- When such patients come, do they tell you everything they take?

Certainly. And they bring all possible types of instrumental studies and analyses. In our country, according to the law, only a doctor who is certified in his main specialty can work as a homeopath.

- What brings you the greatest satisfaction in your work with patients?

Result. This treatment method really works. I am shocked every time the hives go away. You are always happy when, during treatment, attacks of the disease become easier, less severe, or even stop altogether. And, if the drug works correctly, then those traditional drugs that did not work before begin to work. Classical homeopathy in combination with the rational use of traditional medicines can significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

Medvedeva Tatyana Yurievna,

classical homeopath, candidate of medical sciences.

Moscow, 2012

Music has been used to treat depression since ancient times. Thus, King David not only cured King Saul by playing the harp for him with his own hands, but also cast out evil spirits from his soul.

Interesting information about musical instruments

Already in the 3rd century BC, the beneficial effects of music on the human body were noticed. In the Parthian kingdom, in a special temple of music and healing, people were forced to listen to music to get out of depression.

The Egyptian priest Shebut-m-Mut, the great physician Avicenna and the musician Imhotep, famous from the Old Testament, already knew that melody has the ability to influence mood. And in the 18th century, it was already scientifically established that sounds of various tones and frequencies can influence blood pressure and heart pulsation not only in humans, but also in animals.

It has been scientifically established that the rhythm of therapeutic music for depression should be with heartbeats or be slightly slower. In this case, the sound intensity should not exceed 100 decibels, which corresponds to moderate volume.

Interestingly, according to the theory of music therapy, each instrument is responsible for its own organ.

So, which tool is “responsible for” what?

  • the organ is responsible for the musculoskeletal system in general and specifically for the spine;
  • the violin heals the soul;
  • to the rhythm of the drum, the heart rate normalizes, the vessels begin to pump blood evenly, distributing oxygen throughout the body;
  • the piano helps restore thyroid function;
  • accordion is responsible for intestinal metabolism;
  • the flute reduces the risk of bronchial asthma;
  • cello – inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

The saxophone is considered the sexiest instrument - it increases libido.

And when combined into an ensemble or orchestra, instruments work wonders. They make it possible to feel the power of music, which has a beneficial effect on depression and neurosis.

Classical music is a cure for depression

The therapeutic effect of music against depression is equivalent in its relaxing effect to the effects of a sauna or electric sleep. Classic works have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, have sedative properties, relieve depression, and improve lung function.

How healing music works is not fully understood. It is only known that sound vibrations affect certain organs, resonate with their own vibrations and affect their functioning. It has been noted that classical music has a beneficial effect, and listening to famous works helps to cope with unpleasant emotions.

The most commonly used music for the effects of stress and depression are the works of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Part 2 of the V symphony has the most effective effect on the body. It can stop an attack of arrhythmia caused by a stressful condition.

It is better to get rid of melancholy with the help of another immortal work - the oratorios of Johann Sebastian Bach.

The best music for overcoming long-term depression that makes you think about suicide is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony No. 1 in D major. It was experimentally found that the most effective effect is provided by a combination of symphony and massage procedures in a room with high humidity - in a bathhouse or sauna. After the first session, the mood improves and emotional stress recedes.

Musicologists believe that the works of composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky help find a way out of the most difficult situations.

It is clear that this music is suitable for treating stress, but this one, on the contrary, introduces stress, it cannot be said. Everyone has their own favorite works that they try to listen to in difficult or pleasant moments of life.

Different people's bodies may react to different pieces of music differently. But the fact that there are general trends has been proven empirically and confirmed by scientific research.

Harmful effects of music

Music can improve well-being and normalize the functioning of organic systems. But it can also cause pathological changes.

Works with intermittent rhythm, which do not take into account the laws of musical harmony, have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system.

Even generally accepted music for depression can cause serious damage to the body if it is listened to at a volume of more than 120 decibels.

If the healing power of classical works is still debated, the harm from loud cacophony has been proven in numerous examples. Many famous rock musicians have problems with the hearing aid and central nervous system.

Kurt Cobain, one of the most successful rockers of his time, committed suicide. Fans of his works systematically fell into a trance while listening to his compositions. For him, constant exposure to deafening sounds and an aggressive rhythm caused a disruption in the functioning of the central nervous system.

And this is not the only famous rock musician who committed suicide. Russian rockers who repeated this sad path are Alexander Bashlachov and Dmitry Selivanov. And this is only a small part of the list.

Listeners of rock concerts have slower reactions. The body begins to produce stress hormones that erase information and impair memory.

Under the influence of low-frequency vibrations of the bass guitar, insulin levels rise, moral standards drop below the threshold of tolerance. Even if rock is your favorite music, listening to it should be limited.

Psychologist D. Azarov identified a combination of notes that is similar for all cases of suicide of rock musicians - it has been experimentally proven that such a combination stimulates depressive thoughts. Doctors sometimes call rock music “sound poison”.

Music therapy

Sessions of listening to music that relieves depression are as follows.

The patient is asked to sit comfortably on a couch or in a soft chair, relax, put on headphones and attach sensors, thanks to which you can track the body's reactions to listening to a melody.

They empirically determine which works have a beneficial effect on the body and evoke pleasant emotions. Sometimes a paradoxical situation arises: the patient does not like anti-depression music, but the body gives positive reactions. In this case, you have to look for an alternative option - otherwise dual perception will arise.

Many people love music, but not everyone knows about its healing properties. Even in ancient times, it was used to get rid of various ailments, as it causes a special vibration in the body, which creates a biofield that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Each piece radiates its own energy, so it is important to choose the right melody.

Treatment with music - myth or reality?

Scientists have been arguing for quite some time about how sounds can help and how they affect the human brain. Most often, sessions even use a special therapy that has not yet been fully researched.

Scientists have been developing this project for a long time. Initially, the test subjects were rats. The animals were put into a maze and the doctors watched how long it took them to find the exit. After that, they were divided into several groups, placed in separate cells and music was turned on. For some, classics were played, and for others, a variety of loud sounds were played. After several weeks had passed, the rodents were put back on the treadmills. The rats who were turned on to Mozart found the exit much faster than the first time, while others searched for the coveted white light a third longer. From this we can conclude that pleasant sounds affect the parts of the brain that are responsible for intelligence.

Further experiments showed that various compositions also affect people, and even more strongly. At the moment of listening, the auditory center is initially excited, then the impulses move to the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions. After this, if the work is to your liking, the nervous system is excited, and if not, it is blocked.

Scientists have studied different genres. It has been revealed that the subconscious mind perceives classical and soothing music much better than thunderous music. It has been stated that positive and light melodies are beneficial for both pregnant women and young children to listen to.

There is a statement: if two children with the same intelligence are given the same problem to solve, and at this moment the first sits in silence and the second listens to a calm composition, then the “music lover” will cope much faster.

Therefore, nowadays the treatment of various diseases with classical music is increasingly used by doctors. Completely healthy people must listen to pleasant sounds if they want to remain the same.


Music therapy can be passive or active. In the first, the patient listens to compositions, and in the second, he himself participates in the performance. If the patient has a severe degree of illness, then he begins the session as a listener. After all, you must initially learn to correctly distinguish sounds. Exercises that allow you to feel the vibration can be a great help with this. For example, a doctor touches a guitar string and presses it against the patient's back.

During active therapy, a person always uses his voice, performs various compositions to relax and obtain the desired effect, and music treatment is based on this. Sound therapy helps you concentrate and eliminate spasms.

Individual and group approaches are also used. Initially, a person attends the procedures exclusively by himself, and after positive dynamics, the classes begin to be held collectively.

Methods of influence

The healing properties of music have been known for a long time. The main idea of ​​this therapy is the effect of sound on the thalamic area of ​​the brain, which is responsible for emotional and sensory perception. Smooth instrumental vibrations pass through the nerve endings and provide a powerful impulse for the entire body and system in general.

Such a wave awakens the production of a variety of biologically active elements that help regulate the functioning of all internal organs. Soothing music unconsciously turns on intuition and performs a kind of reboot of consciousness. Smooth melodies direct a person to a refined perception of the world around him and light thoughts.

The rhythmic and loud composition actively stimulates physical features. The effect is felt as a surge of strength, vigor, joy, and also allows you to cope with severe physical exertion. Such constant artificial stimulation quickly depletes the body.

Disharmonious and intrusive sounds, as well as noise, can, on the contrary, lead to mental instability, irritability, aggression and depression. It is no secret that people who constantly live in such an environment often exhibit suicidal or antisocial behavior. We do not recommend listening to bands playing heavy metal and hard rock for a long time, as they generate negative emotions. Therefore, this influence changes the qualitative characteristics of the individual.

Impact on alcoholism

Treatment of such an illness with music has shown positive results. To do this, a person must listen to certain compositions. Most often, either songs with a motivating character. Good results were obtained through the perception of organ sounds, as well as singing to them. The patient should listen to the game in a calm environment, with complete abstraction from external stimuli and thoughts. It is best if this room is also completely empty.

In order to cure alcoholism, you need to use complex therapy. Naturally, songs alone cannot do this, but thanks to them you can achieve a more lasting and faster result. In modern clinics, such therapy is often combined with medication and other procedures.

For an alcoholic, the healing properties of music act as a calming force, but they also elevate the mood and direct it into positive side. Thanks to the procedure, the patient becomes more balanced and his appetite increases, as a result of which he begins to recover. The mood created by the compositions helps not to resist treatment and accept it with enthusiasm.

At the same time, this therapy creates certain vibration waves that have a positive effect on the internal organs. Thanks to this, those parts of the body that have been damaged by constant alcohol consumption will be healed. The immune system becomes stronger and resistance to a variety of diseases increases. Therefore, the treatment of such an illness with music is completely justified and proven.

Classic for strengthening memory

Traditional melodies have a beneficial effect on a person’s ability to remember. Scientists from the Italian city of Chieti came to these conclusions. They developed the so-called Vivaldi effect and proved that by constantly listening to his famous composition “The Seasons”, memory improved in older people.

During the study, 24 volunteers were required to remember a certain series of numbers. The group that spent a lot of time listening to this piece completed their task much more easily than their competitors. This phenomenon can be explained by increased attention, as well as tension. Classics undoubtedly stimulate the improvement of physiological capabilities, therefore such procedures are justified. Science already knows how to treat the brain with Mozart's music, as well as the influence of his works on young children, who, when listening to the great composer, begin to develop faster intellectually. And now a new term will be introduced into scientific circulation - the “Vivaldi effect”.

Effect of soothing music

The classics have the most beneficial effect on the body. Research conducted by scientists at the University of Florence has shown that if hypertensive patients listen to calm and light melodies every day for at least half an hour, their health will become noticeably better. And at the initial stage, music treatment can even replace the use of medications. In order to stabilize blood pressure, listening to quiet sounds that evoke a feeling of serenity is recommended. If you breathe calmly and sit silently during therapy, the result will be significantly enhanced. Thanks to this approach, physical relaxation occurs, and the resulting positive emotions help relieve mental stress.

For headaches and heart pain, listening to Oginsky's polonaise, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody and Beethoven's Fidelio is perfect.
A universal remedy is soothing melodies. They help with various pains, hypertension, mental stress and insomnia. In order to increase your heart rate, fast-tempo music with high volume is suitable.

Music for treating the heart should give a person pleasure, increase myocardial contractions and help achieve good physical well-being. Annoying sounds have the exact opposite effect and, more often than not, can cause harm.

Ancient times

History has cases when the right melody worked wonders. For example, in the 16th century in Italy, an extraordinary mental epidemic swept through the inhabitants of several settlements. A large number of people froze immobile, fell into a deep stupor, and stopped drinking and eating. All victims were sure that they had been bitten by a rare species of tarantula. Only a special dance melody could bring me out of this state, which began with a very slow rhythm and gradually turned into a frantic dance. This is where the tarantella known today came from.

Music healing also took place in the 14th century in Western Europe. Then a huge epidemic of the dance of St. Vitus took over the country. Crowds of possessed and twitchy people moved through the cities and villages, uttering inarticulate sounds, blasphemy and curses, and also falling foaming at the mouth. This problem stopped only where the authorities managed to call in instrumentalists in time, who played a slow, soothing melody.

The use of the healing properties of music in ancient times did not bypass the plague. In cities with such a misfortune, bells did not stop ringing. Scientists have proven that microbial activity dropped by 40%.

The idea of ​​healing with sounds was born long before the advent of civilization. You can read about this in the Old Testament. One of the biblical parables told how David cured the Israeli king Saul from brimstone melancholy by playing the harp. Aesculapians of Ancient Egypt recommended listening to the singing of a choir for insomnia. Scientists such as Pythagoras and Aristotle argued that it was melody that could establish balance and order throughout the Universe, as well as recreate harmony in the physical body. Music to treat nerves was used by the Arab philosopher Avicenna 1000 years ago.

Impact on children

Babies react positively to everything related to sounds and singing. Therefore, there are certain recommendations for them:

For the restless and excitable, classical music at a slow tempo is useful;

Melodies with words (arias, songs) have a much stronger impact than without them.

Treatment with music is prohibited:

Infants who are prone to seizures;

Children with a serious condition accompanied by intoxication of the body;

Patients with otitis;

Patients with rapidly increasing blood pressure.

Scientists have proven that playing music at the age of 5-15 years will help significantly improve the development of analytical abilities, memory and orientation. This therapy also has a positive effect on the nervous system. In many European countries, receiving singing or music lessons or playing instruments is a mandatory element of education, since this is what has the strongest emotional impact.

There is certain music for treating illnesses that can be used independently at home. In such therapy, you need to adhere to certain recommendations.

1. It should be powerful, inviting and leading to positive experiences.

2. It is best not to use anxiety-inducing or dissonant pieces.

3. You need to avoid songs that could convey specific message, or provide incorrect information.

4. When compositions with vocals are used, they should be in foreign languages ​​so that the person’s voice is perceived as another instrument and does not interfere with the integrity of the process.

5. For the same reason, you should avoid melodies that evoke specific associations, say, Mendelssohn's wedding march.

Music therapy for children can be divided into two types, used both separately and together:

1. Active form is playing various instruments. Each child has their own song to sing. One gets the best effect in front of an audience, while the other definitely needs privacy.

2. Singing is most often used as an addition, since it has a small therapeutic effect, because the sound is born inside the body and does not go through all the stages of penetration.

Musical recipes

Scientists have conducted a huge number of tests and studies, after which they came to the conclusion that some melodies actually have strong therapeutic effects.

For the treatment of smoking and alcoholism, in combination with acupuncture and hypnosis, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, Schubert’s “Ave Maria”, Sviridov’s “Blizzard” and Saint-Saëns’ “Swan” can help.

There is also music for treating nerves, namely works by Pakhmutova, Tchaikovsky and Tariverdiev. In order to remove the effects of stress and concentrate on a specific task, retire and create a feeling free space, masterpieces by composers such as Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt and Schubert are suitable. Stomach ulcers can be overcome by “Waltz of the Flowers.” In order to overcome fatigue, it is recommended to listen to “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky and “Morning” by Green. To get rid of irritation and lift your spirits, blues, reggae and calypso will help; all these genres originate from the temperamental African melody.

There is also music in the treatment system for mentally ill people, it helps to completely relax and arrange all thoughts correctly, namely “Waltz” from Shostakovich from the movie “Gadfly”, a romance from harmonious pictures to Pushkin’s story “Blizzard” by Sviridov and the creation “Man and Woman” » Leia. Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” restores heart activity and blood pressure. To prevent gastritis, Beethoven’s “Sonata No. 7” is suitable. Grieg's Peer Gynt and Oginsky's polonaise will relieve your headaches.

Japanese doctors claim that there is music for treating joints, to which they include Dvorak’s “Humoresques” and Mendelssohn’s “Spring Song.”
Listening to Mozart helps children develop their intelligence.

Harmful effects

Various melodies can improve well-being and help the functioning of all body systems, but they also sometimes cause certain changes, which in the future are quite difficult to return to the original state.

Works that have intermittent rhythms and do not take into account the laws of harmony have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system. Even special music for depression can have a negative impact on the body when it is listened to at a volume of more than 120 decibels.

If today debates about the power of classics still continue, the harm of deafening cacophony has long been proven through numerous negative examples. Famous rock musicians have problems with the central nervous system and hearing aid.

One of the most famous rockers of his time, Kurt Cobain, committed suicide. Fans of his work systematically fell into a trance while listening to his works. Regularly playing aggressive rhythms and deafening sounds disrupted the functioning of his subconscious, which could be one of the reasons for suicide.

This knowledge has found application in raising young children, since brain cells develop 80% before the age of 3. There are many opinions about the “Mozart Effect”: some people, trusting this statement, bought discs with the composer’s music for their newborn children, others tested it in reality.

Studying the effect of Mozart's music

Today, the theory about the influence of music on the brain is again popular. This topic was first raised in California by scientist Gordon Shaw and his assistant Lang. Their experience with computer-simulated brain cells showed that nerve cells in the brain emit signals that are similar to the rhythm of music. Scientists asked the question: “can classical music stimulate brain activity?”

Gord Shaw decided to organize an experiment in which students took part. They were divided into 3 groups, only 1 of which listened to Mozart's music. As a result of the math test, the group that listened to Wolfgang gave the most correct answers. The scientist chose this particular composer because Mozart himself began writing music at the age of 4. This experiment caused a storm of doubts among skeptics. Scientist Christopher Chabris repeated this experiment. More than 100 people took part in his test, and the result did not live up to expectations, since the indicators in the groups did not differ significantly from each other. He explained the result of Gordrn's experiment by saying that those listening to Mozart enjoyed the sound of music, and it was not the music that stimulated the brain to work productively.

Some skeptics, after several years, changed their view of the “Mozart effect.” Thus, one teacher from the Harvard Institute conducted an analysis of student performance. He came to the conclusion that students who listened to the composer had high grades in their disciplines and completed assigned tasks faster.

Many scientists are concerned with the question, why Mozart? As mentioned earlier, the composer began writing music at an early age, and it is these rhythms that are closer to the chains of formation of nerve cells in the brain in a child’s body. To get a clearer picture, studies were carried out on this issue using musical works by composers such as Chopin, Bach, Vivaldi and Salieri. But the desired effect was achieved only with music composed by Mozart, because the works of other authors stimulated either the area responsible for hearing or emotions, while Wolfgang’s works activated almost the ENTIRE cerebral cortex.

In order to understand the reason for this effect on the brain, scientists performed an analysis that showed that sound waves in Mozart's music is higher than that of others. The repetition cycle of these waves is 30 seconds, which is characteristic of the human nervous system. It turns out that these rhythms are related to each other.

The benefits of Mozart's music

  • improves digestion,
  • calms and relaxes,
  • relieves stress,
  • helps with depression,
  • activates brain function,
  • improves concentration and attention,
  • improves hearing and speech,
  • activates creative thinking,
  • promotes learning foreign languages(for babies).

Mozart effect for kids

Among the abundance of early childhood development methods, it is impossible to find even one that does not emphasize the importance of the first 3 years in a child’s life. Young children are more susceptible to musical influence, which certainly has a positive effect. When observing the abilities of children who listened to Mozart's music, it was revealed that their ability to think in space increased, they were more capable than their peers.

Nowadays, many mothers play soothing music for their babies to sleep. It has a very positive effect on babies: their sleep is more restful and longer.

A separate issue can be considered learning languages ​​at an early age. Many scientists argue that if a child under 3 years of age listens to both native and foreign speech, then the key to speaking and understanding a foreign language is stored in the brain. Subsequently, it will not be difficult for the child to master it perfectly. Young children are able to absorb up to several dozen foreign languages. This is explained by the fact that the brain cells responsible for speech are formed in children under one year of age.

Mozart effect - Music for children

The healing effect of Mozart in medicine

Music therapy has long been used to treat many diseases, calm and improve vitality. Mozart's compositions are most often used for this purpose. His melodies are neither fast nor slow, neither quiet nor loud, smooth nor monotonous. “Effect” is recommended to be used to relieve headaches, emotional distress, depression and stress. For example, “Piano Sonata No. 11 in A Major” tones you up, improves your mood and relieves headaches. And according to a neurologist from the US state of Wisconsin, Fran Roche, “Sonata for Two Pianos in C Major” improves students’ abilities and helps them pass exams well. Songs are best listened to in quiet mode.

Data on the influence of Mozart’s music on the brain have found application in medicine, including in patients with epilepsy. When monitoring their health, it turned out that epileptic attacks became weaker immediately after the music was turned on. Some time after daily listening, the number of epileptic attacks completely decreased.

In the USA, patients suffering from serious neurological diseases were played Wolfgang's works for 10 minutes. The result was amazing: people were able to perform slight hand movements.

Doctors at Swedish clinics are confident that Mozart’s compositions reduce the infant mortality rate, so newborn babies are allowed to listen to this magical music.

Mozart effect “Zero stress” listen:

Whether or not to believe the “Mozart Effect” is up to each of you. But there is no doubt that slight changes in consciousness occur while listening to Wolfgang’s melodies. You can verify this by listening to the author’s compositions and observing your state and feelings.

The influence of classical music on humans part 3

Healing music that heals

It's no longer a secret that music can heal. Knowing certain rules for treatment with classical music, you can get rid of cancer and develop your creative and intellectual abilities. Even the character, which can also be easily changed, depends on what kind of music a person listens to.

Recent experiments in the field of music therapy conducted in the United States of America have shown that listening to classical works in certain keys significantly (manifold) speeds up the healing process of diseases of individual (corresponding tonality) organs:

Heals eye diseases and migraines

D flat major (“Nocturne” by F. Chopin). Listen to music:

Music for ear diseases

Treats ear diseases (otitis media), helps with diseases of the cervical vertebrae and throat (tonsillitis). Listen to music to heal ear diseases. E flat major (e.g. piano concerto by Franz Liszt)

For heart and respiratory diseases

Accelerates recovery from diseases of the heart and respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma). Listen or download music for healing the heart and respiratory organs: F sharp minor (an example is J.S. Bach Preludes and Fugues, Volume 1 HTC)

Music for gallstones, gastrointestinal diseases

Helps get rid of gallstones, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (diseases such as ulcers and indigestion) and cures inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). G sharp minor (J. S. Bach Preludes and Fugues, Volume I, HTC)

To improve blood composition

It has a positive effect on blood composition and improves the condition of the spine. Below are several versions of Schubert's healing music, listen to whichever you like best. A sharp minor (“Ave Maria” by F. Schubert)

For diseases of the intestines, liver, appendix

Helps in the treatment of intestinal diseases, including colitis, liver diseases (hepatitis), as well as inflammation of the appendix (the appendix of the cecum). C major (F. Mendelssohn “Wedding March” from the 5th symphony)

Heals the bladder and kidneys

D major (Johann Strauss waltz “Blue Danube”)

For sinusitis, diseases of the genital organs

Treats diseases of the nasal cavity (sinusitis, rhinitis) and diseases of the genital organs (prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages, irregular painful menstruation). E major (an example is Johann Sebastian Bach and his E major Violin Concerto)

For rheumatism

When listening to music in the key of F major, by Johann Sebastian Bach, rheumatism is less bothersome. F major (Bach's Toccata)

For skin diseases

This classical music cures skin diseases. G major (from the film “The Fragrance of a Woman” by A. Piazzolla “Tango”)

For joint diseases

Helps with joint diseases (arthritis) and foot diseases. B major (preludes and fugues, volume I, J. S. Bach's HTK)

For varicose veins and edema

The sound of this healing classical music reduces swelling and varicose veins. A major (Kreutzer Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven)

Treatment with classical music, as we see, is much more effective, more pleasant and painless than surgical interventions. Happy listening.

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It’s a pity that the video “Positively affects blood composition and improves the condition of the spine” does not work. It would be nice to restore it.

For me, and probably for others, a melody on this issue would be interesting...

Alexander, we will try to restore the video.

I usually listen to Mozart.

Interesting. But I don’t like music that cures tonsillitis. What other music do you recommend that is calmer?

Basil! The idea, of course, is correct and relevant. But...There are too many absurdities in your examples. For example, the key of A sharp minor does not exist at all (in practice). Speaking about the key of D flat major, you give an example from E flat major nocturne by Chopin, etc.

You should at least talk to some musician before publishing this information...

In any case, it is useful to listen to the classics, but research of this kind is not simple and requires a professional approach.

Thank you Tatyana for the addition.

I can’t find the source, but the data was taken from the experiment.

Thank you. I very rarely listened to classical music. And lately I've been wanting to. Age (60 years) draws on the present. Thank you. I will try to listen more often.

Thank you for your kind words!

I will be glad to see you more often, Tatyana :)

Basil! Thank you very much for the pleasure and wellness that I received listening to your music selection. I was treated for depression by listening to works performed by Andrea Bocelli.

There is one very unpleasant mistake in your article.

In place of F major you put Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor.

Thanks to Roman for the correction.

I have a request for you, could you pick up an F Major video?

Classical music is the closest and most useful to people. Thank you for the opportunity to listen to Ave Maria!

I have already heard about the influence of classical music on human health. But without specifics. And here - choose and be treated. Great!

Lately I can’t listen to anything but classics, now at least I’ll know what to listen to more often!

Thank you Irina for your review, come and listen)

Wedding waltz for intestinal diseases...? We need to get married more often... 😈

As soon as C major, then immediately Mendelssohn. Apart from Mendelssohn, is there nothing else? Everyone who writes on this topic has learned one composer.

Marfa, we are waiting for your list!

I have long known that classical music heals. However, I had no idea that it had such a wide range of influences.

I myself love the classics, especially Vivaldi's Seasons. This symphony just relaxes me.

I love the classics, you know, lately I’ve been in love with Farinenelli, what a power it is! It gives me goosebumps. I adore Bach.

Very interesting. I watched a film about water and its healing power, I was very interested in the influence of music on the structure of water and it is classical music that brings the maximum positive effect


Victor, this is one of the tools for defeating gastritis, you need to follow the rules of nutrition, lead an appropriate lifestyle and faith in healing. All this will give a positive result.

Vasily, thank you for “Firebird” and “music therapy”. My son now fell asleep listening to “Tango”... All the best to you!

Lena, thank you for your kind words.

Vasily, I am very grateful to you for the wonderful musical “first aid kit”! I hope it helps many. As a journalist, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. If you can spare a few minutes of your time, please write to me!

Thank you Oksana for your kind words and feedback. Wrote)

Thank you very much Vasily. 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎

Dear Vasily! You can’t even imagine what a gift you are giving to all of us.))) From such music you can not only get rid of illnesses, but also... return to LIFE. Thank you very much.

Julia, thank you for such touching words for me.

I'm very glad you liked it.

Dear Vasily! I was very interested in this topic. What primary sources do you rely on? What authoritative specialists do you communicate with? Maybe there are organizations, institutes, departments somewhere? I really want to “get into the topic.” There is simply a huge need. In any case, thank you very much for the wonderful selection. You have excellent taste and high culture. I wish you health, happiness and success!

Thank you for your kind words and questions. There are many sources, I haven’t met with institutes, all the information is from books, from people who have gone through certain stages in life and restored their health...

Vasily, thank you! I love classical music very much, and at one time I dreamed of doing music therapy.

A dream can come true)

Thank you, Vasily, for your educational activities! I received a huge charge of positive energy from listening to classical healing music!

Thank you, Claudia, for your kind words and feedback.

Dear Vasily! A wonderful selection of healing music. It restores the vibration of all chakras. Thank you! And.. I ask you and your wife to include music for ladies of the Nth age who have given birth to their last son. When a woman gives birth to a boy, the body produces male hormones throughout the pregnancy. And if such a woman has a weak husband or no husband as such, her body continues to produce male hormones. Hence the hairiness in women and the terrible menopause. I am not a musician, but I think that there is such music for correction. That would be nice. Thank you.

Love, thank you for your feedback and for your question.

And I like works where the main instrument is the violin! And I don’t know how beneficial this music influences me, but I listen to it often!

I listen to the violin often, my wife is a violinist)

Vasily, I came to your page right away, I am a musician myself, so I was curious to know your opinion on this matter.

I don’t know, it’s difficult for me to comment, to be very honest...I would say this, probably, good music helps us to be filled spiritually and mentally, helps us in very difficult moments in life, both in joy and in sorrow, as they say.

But with the fact that this or that work heals the eyes, the ears, and the third and all the others something else - I wouldn’t say that... Everyone has their own...

Thank you Irina for your thoughts. Music really helps us fill ourselves spiritually and mentally.

But I think that music heals various organs. After all, we know that a healthy organ vibrates at one frequency, and a sick one at another. So, this or that work helps a sick organ tune in to healthy vibrations... and thereby cure it.

But this is not a magic pill, music will help set the organ to healthy vibrations, but we ourselves need to understand the reason for the “disorder” of a healthy organ, and we need to restore healthy vibrations in a comprehensive manner, using not only musical works alone, but also eliminating the causes of the disease.

thanks for good music! I was pleasantly surprised that after listening to “G major (from the film “The Fragrance of a Woman” by A. Piazzolla “Tango”)” the eczema began to bother me less

Mikhail, I'm glad you liked it.

And thanks for sharing the results of listening to classical music. This once again proves that music affects human health.

Friends, please share your experience of listening to these melodies.

Music evokes positive emotions and a good mood. And this is wonderful.

Yes, music, like the ringing of bells, like everything that has sound, can, to one degree or another, influence the state of the body. but you shouldn’t just hope purely for a miracle... everything requires reasoning and moderation.

Alenka, thank you for your comment. I agree that we shouldn’t rely on just one use of (let’s say) bell ringing, but we need a set of health-improving measures.

Vasily, good evening. My name is Dmitry. I am a musician, I play the balalaika. I was very pleased with this topic!! Can you give me your email? mail or other type of communication, I would like to develop it in a personal conversation. I'm very interested this topic. and from the point of view of the influence of this or that instrument on a person (folk, classical, etc.) can you tell me whether there are any serious scientific works that have studied the nature of the influence of a particular tonality, genre, composer on a person. and when you yourself turned to this interesting topic.