Flexible display phone from samsung. Flexible displays. Additional features of flexible smartphones

Samsung patents foldable flexible screen smartphone November 16th, 2016

Well, after a record and brutal fall with self-igniting NOTE Samsung can still get ahead! Although, if you remember, then this feature is discussed, demonstrated at exhibitions for an indecent long time. And on store shelves, we see something different, but still ...

The recently registered patent for an invention granted to Samsung indicates that the Korean corporation from Suwon has ambitious plans for the development and, logically, the subsequent launch of an unusual smartphone on the market (at least after its engineers manage to find out that caused numerous fires Galaxy Note 7).

Are they hatching good plans? What gives us reason to think so? The fact is that in April of this year, an electronics manufacturer applied for a patent with the Korean Intellectual Property Office in order to “stake out” the “exclusive right, authorship and priority of invention” for a fresh vision of an old idea.

Soon the details of this document, including the "photos" of the concept, became known to the general public due to the fact that all the "information" was "leaked" to the Danish site Galaxy Club - a web resource for fans of the brand.

The patent also mentions an "additional display" located on the outside of the mobile gadget. Apparently, he should display any useful information when the smartphone is folded.

The leaked patent definitely adds weight to rumors that the company plans to announce new smartphones and tablets with flexible OLED screens soon.

So, in the spring of 2015, it became known that Samsung was developing a smartphone with a bending screen matrix. The project is "sawn" under the internal code "Project Valley".

Then there was information that this kind of smartphone could be presented at the beginning of this year, but, alas, the presentation never took place.

In addition, Samsung has filed several patent applications this summer for foldable smartphones and tablets with flexible displays.

Recent patents contain images that may indirectly indicate the appearance of the smartphone that Project Valley is working on. Again, according to rumors, the smartphone may well appear on the market under a commercial name Samsung Galaxy X.

Output: the promising concept looks like a folding smartphone. In fact, this is a clamshell familiar to all the "Pepsi generation", the flexible screen of which is placed in a "bending" case. In a word, the shell of the device, and at the same time the matrix of the screen, fold in half, that is, when closed, both parts of the "smart phone" are located in parallel.

In this regard, the question arises: when did it all start, where did it come from? Probably, "flexible screens" finally captured the minds of developers when the era of "smart watches" began. Agree, the idea of \u200b\u200bwearing something like an OLED bracelet on your wrist is seductively beautiful!

Here's another thing: in fact, the "flexible smartphone" itself can be transformed into a bracelet. For example, Lenovo thinks so: in June at Tech World 2016, the company demonstrated its prototype smartphone, which is so flexible that it can become a bracelet.


Samsung today announced a tablet with an iris scanner for India and showcased its latest version flexible OLED display for smartphones. Keep in mind that the screen doesn't look like the Galaxy S7 edge - it's a flexible OLED panel encased in hard curved glass. Technologies for the manufacture of fully flexible, bendable, twisting mobile screens are steadily progressing, perhaps in 2017 there will be a smartphone that folds in half, like a wallet.

In addition to the patent blueprints for the said device, ostensibly named "Galaxy X", Samsung has already unveiled prototypes of its flexible screen technology, like the one in its YOUM concept, which later evolved into the Galaxy Note Edge and other curved smartphones after it.

At SID 2016 in San Francisco, a prestigious event in the display industry, the company unveiled a 5.7-inch 1080p OLED panel that is 0.3mm thick (although the touch layer is not counted here) and is fully flexible. Samsung is expected to take more out of OLED factories (they've gotten a lot of investment lately) to make a smartphone that truly stands out from everything there is.

While the competition in flexible displays is awake, the efforts of other companies have not been as convincing as Samsung's large OLED screen. Recently, a Chinese manufacturer unveiled a foldable graphene display complete with a touch layer and hideous colors. Earlier this year saw ReFlex, a prototype flexible smartphone with a 6-inch 720 x 1280 OLED screen presented by LG Display. While Samsung may be the first to make a fully flexible smartphone aimed at the masses, it won't take too long for competitors to catch up. Hopefully flexible smartphones will steer!

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Samsung according to some reports, he is working on another device with a flexible display. It is a kind of "smart" bracelet that can turn into a hybrid of a smartphone and a tablet. The novelty promises to be released next year.

In the South Korean company Samsung, there was a new "leak" of information. Thanks to her, it became known about another, very curious project, in which the manufacturer's engineers promise to create a fundamentally new communication device for personal use. The data obtained is semi-official, but with them conceptual sketches of a possible device were leaked to the network. It will be called Galaxy Wings.

In essence, the Galaxy Wings will be a smart bracelet that, thanks to flexible screen technology, will unfold into a full mobile device, a cross between a tablet and a smartphone. Galaxy Wings can be worn on the wrist, however, as can be seen from the concepts, the bracelet can be folded in several configurations.

According to some reports, a patent has already been received for the "smart" bracelet Galaxy Wings, moreover, the device is almost ready.

Samsung informants said that if successful, the new product will appear on the wide market in the next 2017. Almost nothing is known about its cost, as well as about the functionality. However, Samsung's release could usher in an era of flexible devices.

Finally, we add that today Samsung has several such ambitious projects behind it. Among them is a smartphone with a flexible 4K format screen, which is also due to enter the market in 2017.

For those who are interested in this topic, a presentation of flexible screen technology from Samsung.

It will be interesting to look at any person.

The whole planet is waiting for the first truly flexible display to enter the world, and the paintings come to life,
newspapers, smartphones will be lightweight and durable, and screens will be finely customizable. However, while
this is not the case, although development in this area is in full swing. Sony and Samsung are leading experimenters in
flexible displays, and, perhaps, we should expect that it is in their design that the first flexible
device. However, one flexible display will be difficult to do: you need flexible batteries, boards
and microcircuits, and this is more difficult

In 2019, the world was shown two unusual smartphone with flexible displays - they are the Samsung Galaxy Fold and Huawei mate X. Despite the fact that users find them extremely unreliable and inconvenient, other companies continue to develop similar devices. So, at the Accelerate conference in Florida, a prototype of the world's first computer with a folding in half display, Lenovo X, was presented. Final version the device will be released only in 2020, but some details about the new product are already known.

The company first glimpsed a prototype of a flexible tablet last year. Now, at Tech World 2017, the device was shown to the press in all its glory and is as close as possible to the final user version. The video demonstrates what to expect from the future. And they, without a doubt, will certainly appear on the market sooner or later, no matter how strange they may look at first glance.

Samsung is yet another flexible OLED display gg

In the wake of frequent demonstrations of real working prototypes of flexible screens, smartphones and tablets, it is becoming clear that the future is really about to come. It's a pity that so far only in the field of consumer electronics, with flights to Mars and beyond, the situation is more complicated. Anyway, Lenovo has already shown prototypes of a flexible smartphone and tablet, Samsung is another flexible OLED display (and is probably working on something like that), and LG will sell OLED TVs in rolls. It remains for manufacturers to solve a number of problems, in particular, the rapid failure of such displays and the appearance dead pixels... While engineers are actively working on this, we will remember the concepts of flexible smartphones of the past years, and there were a lot of them. We cannot list all of them, but we will try to mention some of the most interesting ones. Editorial staff gg He loves interesting concepts very much and we have already written about many of those listed below.

Most of the concepts remain concepts, only in isolated cases it comes to some kind of real device. The very concept of a concept presupposes, first of all, the idea and own vision of future devices, often without reference to technological realities. Flexible smartphone concepts began to appear more than 10 years ago with the development of OLED and the development of new batteries.

Nokia 888

Perhaps one of the most famous is the concept Nokia 888. It was developed by a Turkish designer Tamer Nakiski (Tamer Nakisci) in 2005 and won one of the competitions The Nokia Europe Benelux Awards 2005. According to his idea, the smartphone was supposed to receive a flexible OLED display, a flexible body with a thickness of 5 mm and be powered by special liquid batteries.

The smartphone could be bent in different directions and made of ita bracelet, a clamshell and more intricate shapes, right down to the heart. Moreover, thanks to the built-in drive system, the smartphone could bend itself, for example, with incoming calls or messages. Unfortunately, the smartphone has remained exclusively a concept, but there are a lot of spectacular renders and videos.

Nokia E10

Let's continue with Nokia concepts, and there used to be an incredible amount of them due to their former popularity. The Nokia E10 concept was developed by the designer Wang Yifei. He came up with the idea of \u200b\u200ba fold-out phone that could be converted into a tablet by means of a fold-out slide-out screen. At the top are located headphone jack, camera lens and power button. The tray for the SIM card and miniUSB is on the bottom, and the speaker and volume buttons are placed on the left side.

If necessary, the large screen slides out of the case and the user gets something like a tablet on the MeeGo OS. On the back of the smartphone and the retractable segments on which the display is mounted, it was planned to place solar panels.

Mobile Script

Back in 2009 a concept called Mobile Script was invented. The author is the designer Alexander Mukomelov from Simferopol. Paccording to the designer's idea, a flexible OLED display is rolled up inside a rather thin oblong smartphone with a touch screen in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe front panel. Of course, depending on the functions used, the virtual controls on the screen change to the appropriate ones.

Placed above the screen front-camera and speakers, power button on top. On the right side there are volume control buttons, and on the left there is a flexible screen eject button. Another designer's idea is some kind of screen cover that should work like a solar panel for charging a smartphone.

Htc flex

In 2011, designer Kareem Pownall made a similar, more compact (by design) concept called the HTC Flex. Like other similar concepts, it has nothing to do with HTC other than the personal sympathy of the author. The smartphone is a very oblong candy bar with a main touchscreen display.

The second display is a flexible OLED-matrix with a diagonal of 6-inches, which is hidden in the body, and, if necessary, removed and fixed, representing an additional screen. It was supposed to display an image on it, and use the main screen as a QWERTY keyboard.

Lg auki

Originally from the same 2011, there is another interesting concept, which in its essence is a bit like the Nokia 888. This is a flexible LG Auki. The work of Gwen Frederic (Gwen Frederic) is a flexible elongated smartphone that can take the usual "straight" shape, and curl up into a bracelet or take on a wave-like design. A touchscreen display should be located almost over the entire area, and the smartphone should be powered mainly from solar panels.

Even then, engineers and designers thought about such a widespread and popular thing now as a fitness tracker. As planned by G veins Frederick, LG Auki should be equipped with such familiar now pedometer, calorie counter, heart rate monitor and related software to be used as an activity tracking bracelet during sports.

Samsung Flip

Since we have already mentioned the South Korean manufacturers, we should not forget about Samsung. There are constant rumors on the Internet about the so-called Samsung Project Valley, a flexible smartphone that the company is actively working on. But now I would like to recall the older Samsung Flip concept by designer Nick Trumbo, which, of course, remained a concept.

Samsung Flip has the shape of a kind of folding wallet, on the inside of which there is the largest, flexible OLED screen, another smaller one is located on one of the outer halves and the third, the smallest one, on one of the ends, to display the charge, hours, notifications, and so on. Further. The smartphone can be hung on a pocket or carrying strap, or placed on a table for video calling.

Kyocera EOS

Another concept that resembles a triple folding wallet was shown in 2009 by Kyocera. The EOS smartphone should be equipped with a flexible OLED screen and can fold up to three times. One of the outer "sections" will house a hardware QWERTY keyboard, which will "hide" if not needed. By the way, Tactus is a similar technology for touch screens already showed.

Another interesting idea that should have been used in the Kyocera EOS is charging the smartphone from the kinetic energy that is generated during the folding and unfolding of the smartphone.

Nokia Human Form

Another incredibly beautiful and futuristic concept - Nokia Human Form, which was developed by the research division of Nokia itself. Nokia Human Form - completely transparent smartphone from flexible material with flexible touch transparent screens ... To control the smartphone, you need to bend in different directions

Of the most interesting ideas: a smartphone should convey the features and roughness of the objects depicted and recognize the mood of the caller via video communication of the subscriber.


Designer Jeabyun Yeon made a concept of the Limbo smartphone that was closer to reality. The gadget can be used as usual, or bend it, attach it to a special bracelet and wear it in the form of a "smart" watch. Judging by the images, the smartphone will be attached to the bracelet using magnets.

In the "classic" state, the smartphone has a rather familiar shape: a camera with a flash on the back, hardware buttons on the sides. The only non-standard solution is a compartment on the back panel, in which the SIM card will be installed.

Leather Phone

User under nickname PhoneDesigner has been creating a variety of interesting smartphone concepts for a long time. One of his creations is Leather Phone. The name fully reflects the idea: the smartphone has a flexible screen and a flexible body made of genuine leather. It looks quite unusual and stylish.

All functional organs are standard: three physical buttons under the screen, a front camera and an earpiece - above the screen. As conceived PhoneDesigner, the smartphone must run on Windows Phone.

And as a bonus - a couple of working prototypes of flexible smartphones.

Nokia Kinetic

Another option belongs to Nokia itself. The prototype of the flexible Nokia Kinetic was shown at Nokia World 2011. It didn't go further than the prototype, but the prototype itself was quite working and interesting. In this case, a slightly different idea is used: the manufacturer offers to control the interface by bending the smartphone.

The smartphone was made of elastomer and carbon nanotubes, the resistance of which changes when the screen is bent. due to this, the control of the device is realized, including increase, decrease, control of the functions of the media player, and so on.


Continuing the theme of interface control by bending a smartphone, let's remember the recent prototype Human Media Lab researchers showed a prototype of a bending ReFlex smartphone similar to Nokia Kinetic. You can flip through the pages of a book, play games. For example, in Angry Birds bending can be used to appreciate and launch birds.

All electronics are located on the sides of the screen. A flexible touch panel manufactured by LG Display with a resolution of 1280x720 is used (apparently the same as in the LG Flex POLED panel). At the back is a set of sensors that record the degree and direction of the bend.

And here's another interesting video for you, visualizing how flexible displays can be used in the phones of the future: