Forgot windows 7 password what to do. How to easily reset a forgotten password in any version of Windows. Password reset via bootable CD or USB stick

Resetting a forgotten password in windows is not that difficult. There are several ways. Two of the least difficult ones will be described here.

The first way

You will need a Windows 7 operating system installation disc.
You need to boot from disk. (When booting the computer, immediately after turning it on, you need to go to the boot menu. To do this, press F8 or F12).
As the Windows installation screen booted, click next in the language selection menu, then the system restore button located at the bottom left of the screen with the Windows logo. In the window that appears, select use recovery tools and click next. Various recovery tools will be offered, you need to select "command line".
You need to replace the Sticky Keys utility with the command line.
To do this, enter the following on the command line one by one:

1) copy c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ sethc.exe c: \\
(you create a backup copy of the utility)
2) copy c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ cmd.exe c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ sethc.exe
(replace the utility with the command line)

A confirmation request will be issued, write Y and hit enter.
Reboot your computer, boot from your hard drive.
At the user selection screen, press the shift key five times. A command prompt will open, in which you need to enter the following:

net user user password

Where user is the name of your user (if it is an administrator, then write admin. If the username is in Russian letters, then write it. If it consists of two words, then you need to put them in quotes)
Password - choose your new password. (don't forget the main thing :))
After you've entered everything, press enter and reboot.
Now you need to return the utility file to its place.
Boot from the installation disk, start the command line and enter:

(return the executable to its place)
Enter Y to confirm, press enter again.
That's it, enter your new password and you're signed in.

Second way

This method assumes that you have another computer from which you can create a bootable USB flash drive with a password reset utility.
Creating a bootable USB flash drive with the utility:
Download a utility called (flash card version).

Unpack the utility archive you downloaded to the root of the flash drive. Run the command line with administrator rights with the Win + R key combination and enter cmd, or find the command line in the start menu, right-click on it and select run with administrator rights.
Enter the following at the command line:

E is the letter of your flash card, if it is different, replace it with the desired one.
(if it gives an error, remove the letters -ma from the command)
Password reset:
Boot the computer from a USB flash drive (F8 or F12 at boot - select the media from which to boot).
The utility will start, it does not have a graphical interface, all information is displayed as text.
Press enter to run it.
Next, you need to select the section in which your operating system is located. Enter the appropriate number and press enter (usually 1). Then the program will find the path to the Windows system folder, confirm your choice by pressing enter. (must be Windows / System32 / Config)
Among the options offered by the utility, select password reset - enter the number 1 and press enter.
Then choose - number 1 and enter.

The utility will list all users. Find the user you want to reset the password for. If the username is in Russian, it will be displayed in incomprehensible characters.
You need to enter the username (if it is in English) or the RID of this user (if the name is in Russian).
The user's RID is displayed opposite each user, in a separate column to the left of the name.

Username - admin
RID - 0x03e8

(the administrator account, in the Russian version of windows, has the name 4<[email protected]\u003e @; \u003e ABL is a guest)
It would be better to enter exactly the RID, since this will eliminate errors.
Enter what you need, press enter.
The utility will display 4 options for actions:
1) reset user password.
2) change user password (doesn't work on Win7).
3) increase user rights to administrator.
4) unblock the user.
need the first one - clear user password.
Again, enter the number 1 and press enter.
The program will display the message password cleared, which means the password has been cleared.
Now enter an exclamation mark on your keyboard! and hit enter.
Next, to exit the program, you need to enter the letter q
Enter again
Save changes by entering the letter Y
Enter again.
Finally, enter the letter N
Then enter
Restart the computer with the keys ctrl + alt + del.
The password for your account has been reset.

Today, dear readers, we will talk with you about how to recover your Windows 7 password. Losing or forgetting your password is undoubtedly an unpleasant situation, but you can fight it. Many ordinary users think that the harder they set the password, the better their computer will be protected. In principle, this is true, but, as a rule, it is very quickly forgotten. And then questions arise: "What to do?", "How to reset the password?" etc. Due to ignorance, many reinstall Windows, but this should not be done, as you can lose valuable files that are located on the C drive.

And so, I will not torment you for a long time, but rather get down to business right away. In order to recover Windows 7 password, we need:

  1. An installation disc or an image on a Windows 7 flash drive. If you still do not know how to create a bootable Windows 7 USB flash drive, read our articles and.
  2. Five minutes of your time.

To recover your password, absolutely any Windows 7 operating system will suit us: using the OS that you installed before is absolutely not necessary. Next, turn on ATTENTION and do everything ONLY as we tell you. Otherwise, you risk Losing your data.

First, we need to set the boot from a USB flash drive or disk in BIOS (depending on what you use for recovery). In our case, password recovery, or rather its reset, will be carried out through the installation disk. To do this, go into BIOS by pressing the F10 or F12 button during the computer restart. In BIOS, select our floppy drive or USB flash drive (CD-Rom or USB, respectively) in the "Boot Devices" section opposite "First boot Devices".

After that, we restart the computer and boot (in our case) from the disk. If you did everything correctly, a window will appear in front of you.

After loading you will see a window for selecting initial parameters. Here we just press the "Next" button.

In order to recover or reset (as you like) the password, we need to edit some registry file that is responsible for accessing the account. We will bypass forgotten password by creating a new account with access rights "Administrator"... This will allow us, Firstly, to enter the system, and secondly, to reset and change the old password to a new one. The next window will open in front of us, in which we select.

Then from the available list of operating systems, select the one on which you need to recover the password. If you have several operating systems, then they will all be in the list below. We select the one where we recover the password. In my case, only one OS. Click "Next".

Then we choose.

Then we enter the "regedit" command.

After entering the command, a registry editor window appears in front of us. From this stage be careful... Next, do everything ONLY as we tell you. First, select the section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".

Then go to the "File" menu and select "Load bush".

In order to create an administrator account from under the system, we need to edit the SAM file, which is located in the following path. After opening the hive, open the drive on which our Windows 7 is installed (as a rule, this is drive C), and then follow this path: "C-\u003e Windows-\u003e System32-\u003e Config"... It is in this folder that the SAM file we need lies.

We double click on this file. After that we will be asked to enter a name in the "Section name" field. You can enter completely arbitrary. For example, we will enter the name PASS


Follow the following path (and only along it): "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -\u003e pass -\u003e SAM -\u003e Domains -\u003e Account -\u003e Users -\u003e 000001F4" and select the file "F". We open it.

In the file that opens, we find the line "0038" and in the first column change the number 11 to 10. Look, don't confuse anything. If everything is not done the way we tell you, you can lose data. In the worst case, the system may stop starting altogether.

Just in case, I will drop the edited file (the one that you should get). After that we save the file by pressing the "Ok" button.

After that, select the folder with the name that we specified at the beginning of editing (the "pass" folder). You may call it differently. go to the menu "File -\u003e Unload Hive".

After that, we confirm the unloading of the bush, close everything and restart the computer. Do not forget to remove the disk or flash drive, otherwise after the reboot, it will boot from the media again. After the reboot, we see that another one has been added to our main account - the Administrator account. Come into it.

After you are logged in, go to the following address "Control Panel - User Accounts - Managing Another Account - Selecting the Main Account - Removing Password".

Then we just delete the password. After which we reboot and log into our main account without any problems. In order to disable the administrator account, you can do everything in the same way as described above and return the number 11 to 10.

Finally, dear readers, we suggest watching a video on this topic, which may be useful for you.

Summing up: Today, dear readers, we have reviewed one of the possible and most reliable ways to recover a password in Windows 7. After reading our article, you will understand how you can reset your password without difficulty and special effort. The most important thing that is required of you is attentiveness and a little of your time.

Do not forget to comment on the articles of our site. Your opinion is important to us!

Any user of a personal computer will not hurt to know how to unlock a computer if he has forgotten access passwords.

No special knowledge is required. After completing a simple algorithm of actions, in a few minutes you will be able to work on your PC.

How to restore access in windows 7 and windows 8?

The password is required to protect private information from unauthorized persons. It does not allow you to log in by simply turning it on. However, if the code is lost or the system has been updated, then access to the data becomes impossible. For each version of windows OS, the operation occurs in a different way.

The windows 7 operating system is the most popular among the rest. It is very easy to use. And the process of gaining access to your account is pretty simple too.

But if the user is unable to log in to his account, then a series of steps should be taken as follows:

  1. You need to restart the PC, then hold down the F8 key to bring up the menu.
  2. Use the navigation keys to go to the “Safe Mode” line and press Enter.
  3. Wait for the operating system to load. Then select an account under the name "Administrator" to log in (standard profile, free from password).
  4. The next step is to close the Safe Mode Help window and go to Control Panel through the Start Menu or in another way.
  5. Open "User accounts", enter your personal profile and click on the item "Change password".
  6. Enter a new combination of numbers and numbers in the field, and then save by pressing the desired keys.
  7. After that, you need to restart the computer again and enter the new code in the appropriate field.

The G8 is just gaining its popularity. First, it is important to make sure that the computer is connected to the network, and it is not recommended to unplug the plug from the outlet during the entire process.

To resume working on it with a lost password, you need to do the following.

  • when entering, you need to click on the power icon, which is on the right;
  • hold down the Shift key;
  • then - "Action selection" in the menu that appears;
  • go to "Diagnostics" by clicking on it with the mouse;
  • then click "Return to its original state" and go to the "Next" button;
  • wait until the reboot is complete, the presence of a disk is mandatory, without it the action will not complete;
  • at the end, you must select "Just delete my files".

Recovery with Flash Card

A flash drive will help you quickly access your computer. The main thing is to pre-write the file to the memory card and do several tasks:

  • turn off the computer and insert a USB stick, turn on the computer;
  • click on the account;
  • type any combination of numbers and letters, and press Enter, when the "Invalid username or password" window appears, you will be prompted to restore it;
  • by clicking on the inscription, you will open the "Password Recovery Wizard";
  • then click on the "Next" button, point to the required flash drive;
  • again click on "Next", enter a new password and select "Finish".

Then you can log in with the new password.

To have such a USB flash drive at hand, you need:

  1. Click on "Start", go to "Control Panel".
  2. Select the "User Accounts" tab.
  3. Click on "Create a password reset disk".
  4. Press the Ctrl, Alt, Del keys at the same time.
  5. Select the "Change password" section.
  6. Click on the required account and select "Create a password recovery diskette".
  7. Insert the USB flash drive and in the "Wizard" click "Next".
  8. In the window that appears, select a USB flash drive, then click "Next".
  9. Psw file will appear on the USB device after recording. At the end of the operation, click "Next" and "Finish".
  10. Resume the system.

A flash card isn't the only way to fix problems. The file can be copied to your hard drive.

It is important to be especially careful when performing these steps.

By following these instructions, it is easy to achieve the desired result.

How to unlock your computer if you forgot your password

Admin 08/26/2014 - 16:09 Workshop

Sometimes a situation arises when the computer is locked, and the user cannot find a password for the account. This state of affairs is rare, but memory is unpredictable, and the operating system cannot directly tell us (except for a user prompt, if one was created in advance).

Naturally, to enter the system, you will need to reset or change the account password, since it is not possible to remember! For the description, let's take the average case when actions are not hindered by other reasons, and the standard installation of windows favors a successful outcome.

Unlock your computer

An account password or simply a "account" is quite a useful thing, but having forgotten or lost the coveted combination, it is impossible to enter the system, both for outsiders and for you personally. Well, if no changes were made to the accounts, then it will take a few minutes to restore the login.

  • We reboot the computer, and after the BIOS picture (BIOS) press the "F8" key to bring up the boot menu.
  • Use the navigation keys to move to the line "Safe Mode" and press "Enter".
  • We are waiting for the operating system to load. We choose to enter the "account" under the name "Administrator" (standard profile free from a password).
  • Close the safe mode help window and go to the "Control Panel" through the "Start menu" or in a way convenient for you.
  • Open the "User Accounts" section. Go to your personal profile and click on "change password".
  • Enter a new combination of symbols in the field and save it by pressing the corresponding button (if the input field is left blank, the password will be reset).
  • After manipulating the password, we reboot. Now it remains to enter a new password (if one has been set) and log in to windows.

Note! If your profile is the only account, then the above actions will be powerless. But there is always another solution, for example, try to restore access through the command line, this method was considered earlier and will require a windows boot disk.


As you understand, a trivial case will require a minimum investment of time, but there is also a way out for solving non-standard situations. So don't go to extremes and try to avoid making changes to the accounts section.

What to do if forgot windows 7 password?

There are situations when, thinking about protecting your computer, and along with it and the information on the hard disk, a person comes up with a complex and at the same time reliable password to enter windows. All this is of course good, but a complex password can be forgotten in a completely random way.

What to do if you forgot your windows 7 password?

Especially often, such a negative situation can develop at a time when access to a computer is very needed and the question immediately arises: what to do if you forgot your windows 7 password? Although this is not a pleasant situation, there is a way to solve it and consider it using windows 7 as an example.

To solve the problem, you need to be a bit of a hacker, although you don't have to do anything special, and to reset the password, we need a bootable or differently installation disk for windows 7, a bootable USB flash drive is also suitable.

Using a windows 7 boot disk

The media from which you can install windows will be required to try to recover your password to log in. Further, it will be necessary to boot the computer from the boot disk through the boot menu - usually, when starting the computer, the keys are used: or, or, or, different manufacturers of computer components use different versions for the bootloader, and in our example, this is the key. You can also boot from the disk, of course, in a slightly more complex way, by performing the setting in the BIOS.

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The next window, just the one that is needed to recover a forgotten password in windows 7, is selected and here the fun begins.

The next window will display the System Recovery Options, where we look at the letter of the system drive, which will be very useful further.

We also press on the display of the monitor or laptop, which does not matter at all, the System Recovery Options window appears, and there will already be quite a few options, but from all the variety you need to choose exactly.

Using command line to recover forgotten windows password

The windows command line is required to make some adjustments to the operating system. A problem may immediately arise, although by default on most computers windows is installed on the disk, here your system disk will have a completely different partition letter, here you have to work a little if you did not remember the partition letter specified earlier in the System Recovery Options and find the correct letter disk.

To find the drive letter we need for password recovery, enter the command into the command line:

Bcdedit | find "osdevice"

To which an answer will be immediately received:

Partition \u003d D

In the example, it was the drive that was the system drive, but you may have a different letter, usually this. In the next steps, you will need to use the resulting partition letter. Proceeding to the next step of recovering a forgotten password, you need to enter in the command line:

Copy d: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ sethc.exe d: \\

Where is the letter of your drive, and after pressing the key, confirmation of copying the file will be received, then you need to enter in the line:

Copy d: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ cmd.exe d: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ sethc.exe

Click again and you will be prompted to enter YES (yes) or NO (no), enter and a new confirmation of copying the file appears. For your information: a backup copy of the Sticky Keys utility was made, and then it was replaced with the command line.

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Forgotten password recovery turns into its replacement

Now we remove the bootable DVD, possibly USB, depending on what was used and restart the computer. After the password entry screen appears, you need to press the key 5 times in quick succession - this will bring up the command line. In the hint field, enter Net User, followed by the previously used username and desired password. You can remind yourself of the username on the windows login screen.

For example, your login name is Cyber, and the desired password is Engine, you must enter:

Net User Cyber \u200b\u200bEngine

After clicking, the name of your account will remain the same, and the password is changed to the recently entered one, and now you can safely log into windows 7.

Previously, the operation that was performed on the command line was needed to get a backup copy of the sticky keys utility sethc.exe and replace it with cmd.exe, and now, after entering windows and further rebooting it, again using the command line, you need to return the file back. To do this, we boot from the boot disk again and repeat our actions up to the command line, into which you need to enter:

Copy c: \\ sethc.exe c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ sethc.exe

You can check the effectiveness of the operation on the log and password input screen by pressing 5 times, instead of the command line, we will get sticky keys.

In fact, this step is optional and you can skip it.

This command was the last and now you can help not only yourself, but also a friend who accidentally forgot the windows 7 password and does not know what to do now.

What to do if you forgot your user login password

I am often asked with such questions: “what to do if I forgot the windows password”, “how to unlock the password”, “how to reset the windows password”, etc. Today I will tell you how to get out of the situation if one of the computer users has forgotten the password to enter the system. And also what to do if the computer administrator forgot the password.

In the event that one of the computer users has forgotten the password, the administrator can reset it without any problems and recreate it. But what if the administrator forgot the password? Let's consider all cases in order.

Situation one: At least two accounts are set up on one of the computers in the network: this is a user account and your administrator account.

If the user has forgotten the password, then you log in to the system using your account. Then on the desktop, right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Manage": Next, open the "Utilities" section and select "Local users and groups". Click here on the Users folder and the right window will display all existing accounts on the computer. Right click on your forgotten username and select “Set Password”:
A warning window will appear - click "Continue":
You can then set a new password for the user. If you leave the fields here empty and click “OK”, the password will be empty: After that, you can restart the computer and the user will be logged in with the new password.


Situation two: You do not remember your administrator password, or you are the only user of the computer (but again, do not remember the password).

In this case, we need to log into the system through the Administrator account built into windows. Most ordinary users are not even aware of the existence of such. This account is not password protected by default.

You can log in as Administrator either through the classic login window or in Safe Mode.

The classic window is invoked in the following way: after turning on the computer, while on the welcome page, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination twice. In the classic login window, manually enter the name Administrator (in some cases Administrator) - click "OK".

To enter Safe Mode: after turning on the computer, press and hold the F8 key on your keyboard. Then select "Safe Mode" and press Enter. In the next window, in addition to your account (or accounts), the Administrator account will be displayed - go to the system under it.

Personally, I prefer to enter through the classic login window: it is more convenient and faster. In addition, on some computers, the keyboard and mouse refuse to work in Safe Mode, so even after entering this mode, nothing can be done there.

Regardless of the way in which you entered the Administrator account, then we do the same thing that I already described above. Namely: find the icon "My Computer" on the desktop and right-click on it - select the item "Management".

Next, open the "Utilities" section and select "Local users and groups". Click here on the Users folder and in the right window all existing accounts on the computer will be displayed.

Right click on your account name and select “Set Password”. A warning window will appear - click "Continue". You can then set a new password for the user. If you leave the fields here empty and click "OK" - the password will be empty. After that, you can restart your computer and log in with the new password.


Situation three: But what to do if the built-in Administrator account turned out to be under a password and we do not know it? Really reinstall windows? Of course not! We can solve this problem if we use the ERD Commander bootable rescue disk.

You can download the archive with the image of this disk intended for Windows XP recovery here. After that, burn the image to a CD or DVD (for example, through Alcohol 120%). Then insert the burned disc into the computer drive and configure the BIOS to boot from it.

During the boot, you will see the following on the screen: Then, when you start ERD Commander will try to detect and configure network cards - skip this operation by clicking the “Skip Network Configuration” button: Next, you need to connect to your operating system. To do this, select the windows system folder and click "OK":
We are waiting for the end of the download (from a CD, it is naturally slower than from a hard drive). After a while, we will see a desktop on the screen, which almost does not differ from the usual windows XP desktop:
Go to “Start” - select the “System Tools” - “Locksmith” section: The Locksmith utility (Change Password Wizard) allows you to change passwords for administrator and user accounts.

When the welcome window appears, click “Next”.

In the next window, in the “Account” field, select the account from which you forgot the password. In the “New Password” and “Confirm Password” fields, enter a new password.
Click the “Next” button. In the last window, click the “Finish” button and restart your computer. Do not forget to return the boot from the hard disk in BIOS. That's all! Now you can log in to the system using your account with a new password.

ATTENTION: If none of the suggested methods helped you, then read my new article “How to easily reset a forgotten password in any version of windows”. There I described in detail how you can remove a user password in windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and XP.

What can you do if you forgot your password on your computer?

Everyone can forget the password for windows 7 or windows 8. Fortunately, it does not require specific skills and abilities to restore it. With due care, within a few minutes you will be able to unlock your computer.

All modern operating systems have password protection, no matter what kind of computer you have. It is necessary to prevent unauthorized people from using your personal device. The password does not allow opening the system by simply turning on the PC. But you may have forgotten this password and do not know what to do. This may happen unconsciously, or perhaps you recently installed a new OS and did not have time to remember the password before automatism. How do I remove the lock that prevents me from logging in?

If you have a computer running windows 7 or windows 8, the password recovery process will not take you much time. Sometimes, in order to unlock your computer, you may need the installation disc from which you installed the operating system. It is often impossible to do password recovery without such a disk. So what if you forgot your computer password?

Password recovery on windows 8

You don't need to reinstall the operating system to log into a computer running windows 8. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the PC is connected to the network, it cannot be turned off while you are resetting the password;
  2. When entering windows 8, click on the power icon (located in the lower right corner);
  3. Press the "Shift" key and do not release;
  4. From the menu that opens, select the "Restart" item, the "Select action" window will open;
  5. It is necessary to enter the "Diagnostics" by clicking on it with the mouse;
  6. Click on the line "Return to its original state";
  7. Click Next;
  8. Wait for the system to recover on Windows 8. If there is no installation disk in the device, the system will ask you to insert it, otherwise the recovery will not complete;
  9. Then "Just delete my files" appears. You need to select this item.

If everything is done correctly, then the computer on Windows 8 will return to its original state and it will be possible to create a new user. However, it should be borne in mind that all data from your PC will be deleted, without the possibility of recovery. Therefore, you first need to back up your files to an external storage medium.

Password recovery on windows 7

The user, if he forgot the password on the computer, can log into the computer on windows 7 in two ways: unlock the system using the windows 7 installation disk and save the password on a USB flash drive (or any other external media).

Using the windows 7 installation disc

Follow these steps:

  1. You must turn on the computer;
  2. Then insert the disc;
  3. When it boots, click on "System Restore", a new window will open;
  4. Select the OS for which you forgot the password (if more than one OS is installed);
  5. Click "Next", the following window will open;
  6. Select the "Command line" item;
  7. Type "regedit" and click Enter to go to the registry;
  8. In the editor, highlight "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE";
  9. Open the "File" menu;
  10. Click "Load bush ...", a new window will appear;
  11. Go to C: windowssystem32config and left-click on "system" twice;
  12. Come up with a name for the new branch;
  13. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, open this branch;
  14. Highlight "setup";
  15. Right-click on the item "SetupType", then "Change ...", the following window will appear;
  16. In the line "Value" press 2, then "OK";
  17. In the registry, right-click on "CmdLine", then "Change ...";
  18. In the line "Value" enter "cmd.exe", then "OK";
  19. Exit the registry editor, start it again;
  21. Select the created branch, then "File" - "Unload bush ...";
  22. After closing all windows, restart the system. When rebooting, remove the installation disc;
  23. When the computer turns on, a command prompt appears. Write in it "net user name of the created branch password" (for example, "net user Vasily Administrator 2222");
  24. Then click Enter;
  25. Close the window, when Windows 7 starts, enter the password. You should now be able to log in.

USB flash drive for password

If Windows 7 users have forgotten the password, it is possible to log in and unlock the password using a special function for creating a USB flash drive. To create such a USB stick.

The Windows 7 operating system can be protected with a password, which must be entered on the computer before booting. If the user has forgotten the coveted combination, then he will not log into the OS. We will figure out how to reset a password on Windows 7 (Home, Professional, Ultimate) if it is forgotten or lost, and the given hint does not help. Consider two options: when you have access to the OS and you just want to remove protection during authorization, and when it is impossible to log into your account.

Do not rush to reinstall the system or send your PC for repair! You can fix this problem yourself! Each instruction meets security requirements: your data, names and passwords will not get to third parties.

If you have access to the system

So, the first scenario: you remember perfectly well: the password is from the account and you can get access to Windows. In this case, you can use standard tools to remove login protection and use an open system. If you are using an administrator account, you can change passwords and data of any accounts on this Windows.

Through the command line

To remove or change the password through the command line, use the following guide:

  1. In the "Start" menu in the search bar, enter the query "cmd", then right-click on the application and run it as administrator.
  1. A black screen with an input line will appear in front of you. If you do not remember the name of the account, then enter the command.
  1. A list of all profiles created on this system appears. Remember the name and enter the command net user homepc ‘’ ’’, where homepc is the name of the account, as shown in the screenshot.
  1. Now you can close the command line and check if the password has been successfully removed.

To, on the contrary, set a password and protect the system, use the command net user administrator password.

Through "User Accounts"

The second universal method works through the Windows interface. Change of protective combinations is carried out through the window "User accounts". You can do it like this:

  1. First you need to open the Start menu and click on the profile icon at the top.
  1. The settings wizard will open, in which you can create, disable a profile, or cancel protection. Click on the marked button.
  1. Now you need to enter the current combination in the corresponding field with circles or asterisks. Click on "Remove Password".
  1. Done! The password has been removed, which can be checked if you turn off the account and log in again.

Password Reset Wizard

Separately, it is worth noting the option with the creation of an auxiliary floppy disk or flash drive. All data for authorization is stored on it. If you lose your password, you can automatically cancel it using this medium:

  1. You need to open the account settings window again.
  1. Here select "Create a password reset disk" in the left column.
  1. On the first screen, click Next.
  1. Next, you need to select a password storage.
  1. Now enter the current password and click "Next".
  1. The creation procedure will take 1-2 minutes.
  1. Click Finish to finish.
  1. Now you need to log out. When you see the password activation screen, click on the marked button. The flash drive or floppy disk must be connected to the PC!
  1. The already familiar wizard will appear. Click "Next".
  1. Now we need to find out which external drive is the recovery flash drive.
  1. In the next step, you can enter new passwords or leave the default fields empty if you do not want to make a password-protected profile again.
  1. At the last stage, the program accepts the data change after clicking on the "Finish" button.

If you used the utility to remove protection, then in the future you will log in to Windows by simply pressing the login button.

Third party program

There is a software called Ophcrack that allows you to hack an account or change the administrator password from under a working OS, but with network access. You can also restore shared access to the computer without starting the OS. To do this, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive with the Ophcrack utility.

You can download and install the program for free from the official link. Unlocking occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Run the application as administrator.
  1. In the "Load" menu, click on the marked item.
  1. All found accounts will appear in the table - administrator, guest, profiles from the home group, and so on. The "NT Pwd" column displays passwords.
  1. To start the hacking procedure, select your account and click on "Crack".
  1. The “NT Pwd” column will display the password for the required profile. The term of the hacking procedure can be from 1 minute to several hours, depending on the complexity of the combination.

The same procedure can be done via the Ophcrack LiveCD if you don't have access to Windows 7 itself.

If there is no access to the system

The second option is more sad: the user cannot remove the password, because he does not remember it. As a result, it is impossible to enter the "Seven", which immediately limits our capabilities.

Boot disk

Let's try to remove protection through a USB flash drive or installation disk with the operating system. Along with the installer, the Windows image contains a special recovery utility. It includes the command line, return to checkpoint, and more. Instead of the installer, you can use a USB flash drive or disk with the LiveCD utility.

First you need to plug your devices into a USB port and restart your computer. On the first screen, when turning on, you need to press the F2 key or the one that is intended for your motherboard. The BIOS menu will then appear. The appearance of "BIOS" may slightly differ from that shown in the screenshots. However, the Boot menu is everywhere.

Using the arrows on the keyboard, move to the "Boot" tab:

Here we go to the "Hard Drive" section and using the key - set the port with the connected flash drive to the first place. To save the changes and exit, you need to press F10.

As a result, after booting, the LiveCD menu or installation disc will appear. In the case of the second, you need to click on "System Restore". The next menu contains tools for restoring access to the OS and the health of the PC as a whole. We are interested in the last item - this is the "Command line".

The essence of the method is to open the account using the command line on the initial splash screen (when Windows is locked at startup).

  1. Enter the command to start the registry.
  1. Now you need to select the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" branch and select "Load Hive" from the "File" menu.

Setting a password on a computer is designed to ensure a more reliable security of information on it. But sometimes, after installing code protection, the need for it disappears. For example, this can happen for a reason if the user managed to ensure the physical inaccessibility of the PC for unauthorized persons. Of course, then the user may decide that it is not very convenient to always enter a key expression when starting the computer, especially since the need for such protection has actually disappeared. Or there are situations when the administrator deliberately decides to provide access to the PC to a wide range of users. In these cases, the question of how to remove the password becomes an edge. Consider the algorithm of actions for solving the question posed on Windows 7.

Resetting the password, like setting it, is done in two ways, depending on whose account you are going to open for free access: the current profile or the profile of another user. In addition, there is an additional method that does not completely remove the code expression, but you do not need to enter it on entry. Let's study each of the named options in detail.

Method 1: Removing the password from the current profile

First, consider the option to remove the password from the current account, that is, the profile under whose name you are currently logged into the system. The user does not need to be an administrator to perform this task.

Method 2: Remove password from another profile

Now let's move on to the issue of removing the password from another user, that is, from the wrong profile under which you are currently performing manipulations in the system. To perform this operation, you must have administrative rights.

  1. Go to the section "Control panels"which is called User Accounts and Security... How to accomplish this task was discussed in the first method. Click on the name "User accounts".
  2. In the window that opens, click on the item "Manage another account".
  3. A window opens with a list of all profiles that are registered on this PC, with their logos. Click on the name of the one from which you want to remove the code protection.
  4. In the list of actions that opens in a new window, click on the item "Remove password".
  5. The password deletion window opens. The key expression itself does not need to be entered here, as we did in the first method. This is because only the administrator can perform any action on another account. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether he knows the key that another user has set for his profile, or not, since he has the right to carry out any actions on the computer. Therefore, to remove the need to enter a key expression when starting the system for the selected user, the administrator just needs to press the button "Remove password".
  6. After performing this manipulation, the code word will be reset, which is indicated by the absence of a status about its presence under the icon of the corresponding user.

Method 3: Disable the need to enter a key expression at login

In addition to the two methods discussed above, there is an option to disable the need to enter a codeword when logging into the system without completely deleting it. To implement this option, you must have administrator rights.

Windows 7 provides two methods for removing a password: for your own account and for another user's account. In the first case, it is not necessary to own administrative powers, and in the second, it is necessary. Moreover, the algorithm of actions for these two methods is very similar. In addition, there is an additional method that does not completely delete the key, but allows you to automatically log in to the system without having to enter it. To use the latter method, you also need to have administrative rights on the PC.

Authors of the article: Gvindzhilia Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey